fed-to-brew is a multipurpose tool to help tracking, syncing, and building packages between fedora and brew.
fed-to-brew.conf has to be in the same directory as fed-to-brew, or in /etc/. This seperate configuration file allows you to customize variables so you do not have to keep setting them as options.
fed-to-brew can be set anywhere. If it is not in your path, you will need to specifically call it with ./fed-to-brew
fed-to-brew.conf needs to be either in /etc/ or in the same directory as fed-to-brew
- Where all the maps, results, logs, and general work gets done
- Example: ${HOME}/fedtobrew
- What to checkout of the fedora dist-git to sync to brew
- Can be a dist-git branch or a git hash
- Example1: master Example2: f26
- Example3: 082464dc0d06d48d2f9c4d2110e8aafe4ef1c957
- What is %dist set to in fedora
- Used when pulling sources for syncing
- Set to rawhide if using rawhide branch
- Example: f26
- What is URL to Brew Koji Web interface?
- Example: https://brewweb.example.com/brew
- What is URL to packages dis-git?
- Example: http://packages.example.com/cgit
- What branch in brew dist-git to sync into
- Examples: rhel-7.4
- What is %dist set to in brew
- Used for checking if a package is built in brew.
- Example: .el7
- Where to rsync maps and results
- Blank - No rsync, local only
- Example: SYNC_REMOTE="user@mymachine.mydomain:/home/user/fedtobrew/"
Usage fed-to-brew [command] <[package 1] ... [package n]>
Multipurpose tool to help tracking, syncing, building packages between fedora and brew.
Commands: (there must be one command, only one)
- --sync
- Sync package(s) from Fedora dist-git to Brew dist-git.
- Only syncs from one git commit, does not do entire history.
- Mandatory: --yaml OR --txt OR [package]
- --check
- Check the status of builds
- --double-check --dc --doublecheck
- Goes through an entire release and double checks all the builds
- --check-modules --checkmodules
- Check the modules to see if all their packages built.
- --build --rebuild
- Build package(s) in brew, if they have not already been built.
- Will sync packages Fedora dist-git to Brew dist-git if needed.
- Mandatory: --brew-branch
- Mandatory: --brew-dist
- Mandatory: --yaml OR --text OR [package]
- -c --checkout [branch or hash]
- What to checkout of the fedora dist-git, can be branch or hash
- Warning: If using hash, only use one package
- Default: master
- Example branch: f26
- Example hash: 082464dc0d06d48d2f9c4d2110e8aafe4ef1c957
- -bb --brew-branch [branch]
- What brew branch to sync to
- -fd --fed-dist [dist]
- What to dist to pull the fedora source from
- Should only be needed if using a hash for checkout
- Default: rawhide
- Example: f26
- -bd --brew-dist [dist]
- What dist tag to use when checking brew build status
- Example: .el7
- -m --message [message]
- Use a custom commit message for brew dist-git
- --text [file]
- Text file to use for list of packages
- Each package is on its own line in format .src
- Example:acl-2.2.52-15.fc27.src
- --yaml [file]
- yaml file to use for list of packages
- Should be in the standard fedora module yaml file format.
- --no-remote --noremote
- Do not sync map ore results remotely. Default: FALSE
- -v --verbose --debug
- Be verbose, for debugging
- -h, --help
- Show this options menu
- [package]
- If you want to do just a single file, list just the name
- Not applied if either --yaml or --text are used.