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File metadata and controls

170 lines (148 loc) · 5.92 KB

API Reference

Data structures


data Key {
    -- base58-encoded sha256(concat(label, owner_peer_id))
    id: string,
    -- any unique string defined by the owner
    label: string,
    -- peer id in base58
    owner_peer_id: string,
    -- timestamp of creation in seconds
    timestamp_created: u64,
    -- challenge in bytes, will be used for permissions
    challenge: []u8,
    -- challenge type, will be used for permissions
    challenge_type: string,
    -- encoded and hashed previous fields signed by `owner_peer_id`
    signature: []u8,

This data structure can be created via get_key_bytes and register_key, and replicated via republish_key. For now, there is no way to remove this structure, it can only be automatically garbage-collected via clear_expired. In the future updates, key tombstones will be implemented and it would be possible to remove key by an owner.

In terms of Resources API Keys are Resources.


data RecordMetadata {
    -- base58-encoded key id
    key_id: string,
    -- peer id of the issuer in base58
    issued_by: string,
    -- peer_id of hoster
    peer_id: string,
    -- timestamp in seconds
    timestamp_issued: u64,
    -- will be used for permissions
    solution: []u8,
    -- any user-defined string
    value: string,
    -- optional (length is 0 or 1), base58 relay id
    relay_id: []string,
    -- optional (length is 0 or 1), advertising service id
    service_id: []string,
    -- encoded and hashed previous fields signed by `issued_by`
    issuer_signature: []u8,

Metadata is the main part of the Record created by issuer that contains routing information, such as optional relay id, peer id and optional service id. Key identifier is a deterministic hash of the label and the owner_peer_id.


data Record {
    -- record metadata
    metadata: RecordMetadata,
    -- timestamp in seconds
    timestamp_created: u64,
    -- encoded and hashed previous fields signed by `metadata.peer_id`
    signature: []u8,

Record is maintained by metadata.peer_id via renewing of timestamp_created field automatically with scheduled scripts for full-featured peers and manually for other peers (Note: here and below we mean Rust peers as full-featured and JS/TS as others). Record can be removed by issuing a tombstone or become expired and then garbage-collected. Record owner is metadata.issued_by.


data Tombstone {
    -- base58-encoded key id
    key_id: string,
    -- peer id of the issuer in base58
    issued_by: string,
    -- peer_id of hoster
    peer_id: string,
    -- timestamp in seconds
    timestamp_issued: u64,
    -- will be used for permissions
    solution: []u8,
    -- encoded and hashed previous fields signed by `issued_by`
    issuer_signature: []u8,

Tombstone is a special type of record that can be issued by record owner which eventually will substitute record with lower timestamp_issued. Tombstones replicated alongside with keys and records and live long enough to be sure that certain records will be deleted. Tombstones are garbage-collected automatically.

In Resources API unregisterService method creates Tombstone.

Resources API


Resources API is a high-level API for Registry network protocol. It uses Kademlia for the discovery of resources and service records. Resource and corresponding service Records are identified by Resource ID, and can be found in Registry services on peers in the Kademlia neighborhood of this Resource ID.

Return types

alias ResourceId: string
alias Resource: Key
alias Error: string


  • ResourceId is also an alias for key id in Resources API terminology.
  • Every method (except getResourceId) returns a stream of errors from different peers but success of execution is defined by first part of returned values. Optional types should be checked against nil to determine success of execution.



func createResource(label: string) -> ?ResourceId, *Error:

Creates Resource with label and INIT_PEER_ID as owner.


func getResource(resource_id: ResourceId) -> ?Resource, *Error:

Returns resource by corresponding resource_id.


func getResourceId(label: string, peer_id: string) -> ResourceId:

Returns a deterministic hash of the label and the peer_id.


func registerService(
    resource_id: ResourceId,
    value: string,
    peer_id: PeerId,
    service_id: ?string
) -> bool, *Error:

Registers Record issued by INIT_PEER_ID for service on peer_id. value is any user-defined string.


func unregisterService(resource_id: ResourceId, peer_id: PeerId) -> bool, *Error:

Prevents the record issued by INIT_PEER_ID from being renewed and eventually removed.


func resolveResource(resource_id: ResourceId, ack: i16) -> ?[]Record, *Error:

Returns all records registered by this resource_id. ack is a minimal number of polled peers.


func executeOnResource(resource_id: ResourceId, ack: i16, call: Record -> ()) -> bool, *Error:

Resolves all records by given resource_id and execites in parallel given callback.