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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]





  1. 判断K线为红色或绿色,以确定是上涨K线还是下跌K线
  2. 判断当前K线是否突破前一根K线的高点或低点
  3. 使用快速移动平均线和慢速移动平均线来判断趋势方向
  4. 当上涨K线突破前一根下跌K线的高点时,做多;当下跌K线突破前一根上涨K线的低点时,做空
  5. 平仓条件为止损或追踪止损触发;也可以设置反向K线出现则立即止损



  • 策略定位清晰,突破操作容易掌握
  • 结合双移动平均确保大趋势判断正确
  • 追踪止损机制帮助锁定更多利润
  • 反向K线机制有助于避免追高杀跌


  • 突破失败可能造成超短线操作亏损
  • 震荡行情中假突破风险较大
  • 双移动平均可能滞后,导致判断失误


  1. 选择指数或主力大盘标的,避免个股的高风险
  2. 优化移动平均参数,提高判断准确率
  3. 适当放大止损幅度,确保单笔亏损控制



  1. 测试不同的移动平均参数组合
  2. 测试加入其他指标进行组合判断
  3. 优化开仓和止损点位的参数
  4. 增加量化筛选规则,选取优质标的
  5. 结合机器学习算法进行参数自适应优化





The Broken High/Low strategy is a trend-following strategy that tracks price breakouts beyond the high or low of the previous candlestick. It uses moving averages to determine the trend direction and enters on breakout points, with stop loss or trailing stop loss to lock in profits.

Strategy Logic

The key conditions for entry and exit determined by this strategy are:

  1. Identify if the candlestick is green or red to determine if it is an up candle or down candle
  2. Check if the current candle breaks the high or low of the previous candle
  3. Use fast and slow moving averages to define the trend direction
  4. Go long when an up candle breaks above the high of a previous down candle, go short when a down candle breaks below the low of a previous up candle
  5. Exit conditions are triggered by stop loss or trailing stop; can also exit immediately if a reversal candle appears

The strategy also uses filters based on the second reversal candle to avoid false breakouts and ensure signal reliability.

Advantage Analysis

  • Clear strategy orientation, easy to grasp breakout operations
  • Ensures correct trend judgment by combining dual moving averages
  • Trailing stop helps lock in more profits
  • Reversal candle filters help avoid chasing highs and killing lows

Risk Analysis

  • Failed breakout can cause loss from ultra short-term operations
  • Larger risk of false breakout in range-bound markets
  • Dual moving averages may lag, leading to judgment errors

Risk Control Measures:

  1. Select indexes or major benchmarks to avoid high risk of individual stocks
  2. Optimize moving average parameters to improve judgment accuracy
  3. Reasonably expand stop loss range to control single trade loss

Optimization Directions

This strategy can be optimized in the following aspects:

  1. Test different combinations of moving average parameters
  2. Test incorporating other technical indicators for combo judgment
  3. Optimize parameters of entry and stop loss levels
  4. Add quantitative filtering rules to select high quality underlying
  5. Incorporate machine learning algorithms for adaptive parameter optimization


The Broken High/Low strategy is overall a mature trend-following strategy. With the help of moving averages for auxiliary judgment, it can capture certain degree of trends. The stop loss and trailing stop mechanisms also help lock in profits. Through continuous testing and optimization, the parameters and performance of this strategy can become more outstanding.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_bool_1 false (?Exit strategy)Use trail stop EMA
v_input_1 8 Trail stop EMA length
v_input_bool_5 false Using opposing bar as exit
v_input_2 5 (?Trend strength)Fast MA length
v_input_bool_2 false Fast EMA enabled (default is SMA)
v_input_3 10 Slow MA length
v_input_bool_3 false Slow EMA enabled (default is SMA)
v_input_bool_4 false Use fast MA for trend ignoring slow MA
v_input_bool_6 false Second bar that eliminates opposing bar for entry
v_input_bool_7 true (?Trade settings)Enable longs
v_input_bool_8 true Enable shorts
v_input_int_1 true (?Time filters)FromMonth
v_input_int_2 true FromDay
v_input_int_3 1990 FromYear
v_input_int_4 true ToMonth
v_input_int_5 true ToDay
v_input_int_6 9999 ToYear
v_input_bool_9 false Close trades end of day

Source (PineScript)

start: 2022-12-15 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-21 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Broken High/Low Strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital = 5000, default_qty_value = 25, pyramiding = 10, default_qty_type= strategy.percent_of_equity)

useEMAForStop = input.bool(false, 'Use trail stop EMA', group = 'Exit strategy')
trailStopMALength = input(8, 'Trail stop EMA length', group = 'Exit strategy')

fastMALength = input(5 , 'Fast MA length', group = 'Trend strength')
fastEMAEnabled = input.bool(false, 'Fast EMA enabled (default is SMA)', group = 'Trend strength')

slowMALength = input(10, 'Slow MA length', group = 'Trend strength')
slowEMAEnabled = input.bool(false, 'Slow EMA enabled (default is SMA)', group = 'Trend strength')

ignoreSlowMA = input.bool(false, 'Use fast MA for trend ignoring slow MA', group = 'Trend strength')

useOpposingBarAsExit = input.bool(false, 'Using opposing bar as exit', group = 'Exit strategy')
secondEntryEnabled = input.bool(false, 'Second bar that eliminates opposing bar for entry', group = 'Trend strength')

longsEnabled = input.bool(true, 'Enable longs', group = 'Trade settings')
shortsEnabled = input.bool(true, 'Enable shorts', group = 'Trade settings')

fastMA = fastEMAEnabled ? ta.ema(close, fastMALength) : ta.sma(close, fastMALength)
slowMA = slowEMAEnabled ? ta.ema(close, slowMALength) : ta.sma(close, slowMALength),title="FromMonth",minval=1,maxval=12, group = 'Time filters'),title="FromDay",minval=1,maxval=31, group = 'Time filters'),title="FromYear",minval=1900, group = 'Time filters'),title="ToMonth",minval=1,maxval=12, group = 'Time filters'),title="ToDay",minval=1,maxval=31, group = 'Time filters'),title="ToYear",minval=2017, group = 'Time filters')
window()=>time>=start and time<=finish?true:false
afterStartDate = time >= start and time<=finish?true:false
closeTradesEOD = input.bool(false, 'Close trades end of day', group = 'Time filters')

trailStopMA = ta.ema(close, trailStopMALength)

isGreenCandle = close > open
isRedCandle = close < open
isBrokenHigh = close > open[1]
isPriorCandleRed = close[1] < open[1]
isPriorPriorCandleRed = close[2] < open[2]
isPriorPriorCandleGreen = close[2] > open[2]
isPriorCandleGreen = close[1] > open[1]
isBrokenLow = close < open[1]

isPriorRedCandleBroken = isGreenCandle and isPriorCandleRed and isBrokenHigh
isPriorGreenCandleBroken = isRedCandle and isPriorCandleGreen and isBrokenLow

isPriorPriorRedCandleBroken = secondEntryEnabled and not isPriorRedCandleBroken and isGreenCandle and isPriorPriorCandleRed ? close > open[2] : false
isPriorPriorGreenCandleBroken = secondEntryEnabled and not isPriorGreenCandleBroken and isRedCandle and isPriorPriorCandleGreen ? close < open[2] : false

longOpenCondition = (isPriorRedCandleBroken or isPriorPriorRedCandleBroken) and afterStartDate and (ignoreSlowMA ? close > fastMA : fastMA > slowMA) and longsEnabled
longCloseCondition = useOpposingBarAsExit ? isRedCandle : ta.crossunder(close, fastMA)
longCloseCondition := useEMAForStop ? ta.crossunder(close, trailStopMA) : longCloseCondition

shortOpenCondition = (isPriorGreenCandleBroken or isPriorPriorGreenCandleBroken) and afterStartDate and (ignoreSlowMA ? close < fastMA : fastMA < slowMA) and shortsEnabled
shortCloseCondition = useOpposingBarAsExit ? isGreenCandle : ta.crossover(close, fastMA)
shortCloseCondition := useEMAForStop ? ta.crossover(close, trailStopMA) : shortCloseCondition

if (longOpenCondition)
    strategy.entry("Long Entry", strategy.long)

if (longCloseCondition)
    strategy.close('Long Entry', 'Long Exit')

if (shortOpenCondition)
    strategy.entry("Short Entry", strategy.long)

if (shortCloseCondition)
    strategy.close('Short Entry', 'Short Exit')

if (closeTradesEOD and hour >= 14 and minute >= 30)

plot(useEMAForStop ? trailStopMA : na, linewidth = 2, color =
plot(ignoreSlowMA ? na : slowMA, linewidth = 4)


Last Modified

2023-12-22 12:59:43