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f(model) - Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling with Java

When you’re developing an information system to automate the activities of the business, you are modeling the business. The abstractions that you design, the behaviors that you implement, and the UI interactions that you build all reflect the business — together, they constitute the model of the domain.

IOR<Library, Inspiration>

This project can be used as a library, or as an inspiration, or both. It provides just enough tactical Domain-Driven Design patterns, optimised for Event Sourcing and CQRS.

  • The domain module/package is fully isolated from the application layer and API-related concerns. It represents a pure declaration of the program logic. It is written in Java programming language, without additional dependencies.
  • The application module/package orchestrates the execution of the logic by loading state, executing domain components and storing new state. It is written in Java programming language.

onion architecture image


This project is in experimental phase, and it is not published to Maven Central.

It is using Amber productivity-oriented features to accelerate development of applications:

  • records
  • sealed hierarchy
  • exhaustive pattern matching for Switch expressions

We plan to use Project Loom within the Application module/package to enable high-throughput lightweight concurrency and new programming models on the Java platform.

Please refer to kotlin or typescript or rust production ready versions of the libraries.


Decider is a datatype that represents the main decision-making algorithm. It belongs to the Domain layer. It has three generic parameters C, S, E , representing the type of the values that Decider may contain or use. Decider can be specialized for any type C or S or E because these types do not affect its behavior. Decider behaves the same for C=Int or C=YourCustomType, for example.

Decider is a pure domain component.

  • C - Command
  • S - State
  • E - Event
public record Decider<C, S, E>(BiFunction<C, S, Stream<E>> decide,
                               BiFunction<S, E, S> evolve,
                               Supplier<S> initialState

) implements IDecider<C, S, E> {

decider image

Additionally, initialState of the Decider is introduced to gain more control over the initial state of the Decider. Notice that Decider implements an interface IDecider to communicate the contract.

Example / Test
class DeciderTest {
  void deciderTest() {
    var addOddNumberCommand = new AddOddNumberCommand(1);
    var oddNumberAddedEvent = new OddNumberAddedEvent(1);
    var addEvenNumberCommand = new AddEvenNumberCommand(2);
    var evenNumberAddedEvent = new EvenNumberAddedEvent(2);
    var oddState = new OddNumberState(0);
    var evenState = new EvenNumberState(0);
    var state = new NumberState(evenState, oddState);

    Decider<? super OddCommand, OddNumberState, OddEvent> oddDecider = new Decider<>(
            (c, s) -> switch (c) {
              case AddOddNumberCommand cmd -> Stream.of(new OddNumberAddedEvent(s.value() + cmd.value()));
              case MultiplyOddNumberCommand cmd -> Stream.of(new OddNumberMultipliedEvent(s.value() * cmd.value()));
              case null -> Stream.empty();
            (s, e) -> switch (e) {
              case OddNumberAddedEvent evt -> new OddNumberState(evt.value());
              case OddNumberMultipliedEvent evt -> new OddNumberState(evt.value());
              case null -> s;
            () -> oddState

    Decider<? super EvenCommand, EvenNumberState, EvenEvent> evenDecider = new Decider<>(
            (c, s) -> switch (c) {
              case AddEvenNumberCommand cmd -> Stream.of(new EvenNumberAddedEvent(s.value() + cmd.value()));
              case MultiplyEvenNumberCommand cmd -> Stream.of(new EvenNumberMultipliedEvent(s.value() * cmd.value()));
              case null -> Stream.empty();
            (s, e) -> switch (e) {
              case EvenNumberAddedEvent evt -> new EvenNumberState(evt.value());
              case EvenNumberMultipliedEvent evt -> new EvenNumberState(evt.value());
              case null -> s;
            () -> evenState

    // Combining two deciders into one
    Decider<Command, Pair<EvenNumberState, OddNumberState>, Event> _decider = Decider.combine(
            evenDecider, EvenCommand.class, EvenEvent.class,
            oddDecider, OddCommand.class, OddEvent.class
    // Combining two deciders into one, plus mapping inconvenient `Pair` into a domain specific `NumberState`
    Decider<Command, NumberState, Event> decider = Decider
                    evenDecider, EvenCommand.class, EvenEvent.class,
                    oddDecider, OddCommand.class, OddEvent.class)
                    (ns) -> new Pair<>(ns.evenNumber(), ns.oddNumber()),
                    (p) -> new NumberState(p.first(), p.second())

    assertIterableEquals(List.of(oddNumberAddedEvent), oddDecider.decide().apply(addOddNumberCommand, oddState).toList());
    assertIterableEquals(List.of(evenNumberAddedEvent), evenDecider.decide().apply(addEvenNumberCommand, evenState).toList());
    assertIterableEquals(List.of(oddNumberAddedEvent), decider.decide().apply(addOddNumberCommand, state).toList());

    assertEquals(new OddNumberState(1), oddDecider.evolve().apply(oddState, oddNumberAddedEvent));
    assertEquals(new EvenNumberState(2), evenDecider.evolve().apply(evenState, evenNumberAddedEvent));
    assertEquals(new NumberState(new EvenNumberState(0), new OddNumberState(1)), decider.evolve().apply(state, oddNumberAddedEvent));
    assertEquals(new NumberState(new EvenNumberState(2), new OddNumberState(0)), decider.evolve().apply(state, evenNumberAddedEvent));


View is a datatype that represents the event handling algorithm, responsible for translating the events into denormalized state, which is more adequate for querying. It belongs to the Domain layer. It is usually used to create the view/query side of the CQRS pattern.

It has two generic parameters S, E, representing the type of the values that View may contain or use. View can be specialized for any type of S, E because these types do not affect its behavior. View behaves the same for E=Int or E=YourCustomType, for example.

View is a pure domain component.

  • S - State
  • E - Event
public record View<S, E>(BiFunction<S, E, S> evolveView,
                         Supplier<S> initialViewState

) implements IView<S, E> {

view image

Notice that View implements an interface IView to communicate the contract.

Example / Test
class ViewTest {
  void viewTest() {
    var oddNumberAddedEvent = new OddNumberAddedEvent(1);
    var evenNumberAddedEvent = new EvenNumberAddedEvent(2);
    var oddState = new OddNumberState(0);
    var evenState = new EvenNumberState(0);
    var state = new NumberState(evenState, oddState);

    View<OddNumberState, ? super OddEvent> oddView = new View<>(
            (s, e) -> switch (e) {
              case OddNumberAddedEvent evt -> new OddNumberState(evt.value());
              case OddNumberMultipliedEvent evt -> new OddNumberState(evt.value());
              case null -> s;
            () -> oddState

    View<EvenNumberState, ? super EvenEvent> evenView = new View<>(
            (s, e) -> switch (e) {
              case EvenNumberAddedEvent evt -> new EvenNumberState(evt.value());
              case EvenNumberMultipliedEvent evt -> new EvenNumberState(evt.value());
              case null -> s;
            () -> evenState

    // Combining two views into one
    View<Pair<EvenNumberState, OddNumberState>, ? super Event> _decider = View.combine(
            evenView, EvenEvent.class,
            oddView, OddEvent.class
    // Combining two views into one, plus mapping inconvenient `Pair` into more domain specific `NumberState`
    View<NumberState, ? super Event> decider = View
            .combine(evenView, EvenEvent.class, oddView, OddEvent.class)
                    (ns) -> new Pair<>(ns.evenNumber(), ns.oddNumber()),
                    (p) -> new NumberState(p.first(), p.second())

    assertEquals(new OddNumberState(1), oddView.evolveView().apply(oddState, oddNumberAddedEvent));
    assertEquals(new EvenNumberState(2), evenView.evolveView().apply(evenState, evenNumberAddedEvent));
    assertEquals(new NumberState(new EvenNumberState(0), new OddNumberState(1)), decider.evolveView().apply(state, oddNumberAddedEvent));
    assertEquals(new NumberState(new EvenNumberState(2), new OddNumberState(0)), decider.evolveView().apply(state, evenNumberAddedEvent));


Saga is a datatype that represents the central point of control, deciding what to execute next (A). It is responsible for mapping different events from many aggregates into action results AR that the Saga then can use to calculate the next actions A to be mapped to commands of other aggregates.

Saga is stateless, it does not maintain the state.

It has two generic parameters AR, A, representing the type of the values that Saga may contain or use. Saga can be specialized for any type of AR, A because these types do not affect its behavior. Saga behaves the same for AR=Int or AR=YourCustomType, for example.

Saga is a pure domain component.

  • AR - Action Result
  • A - Action
public record Saga<AR, A>(Function<AR, Stream<A>> react) implements ISaga<AR, A> {

saga image

Notice that Saga implements an interface ISaga to communicate the contract.

class SagaTest {
  void sagaTest() {
    var oddNumberAddedEvent = new OddNumberAddedEvent(1);
    var evenNumberAddedEvent = new EvenNumberAddedEvent(2);
    var addOddNumberCommand = new AddOddNumberCommand(3);
    var addEvenNumberCommand = new AddEvenNumberCommand(2);

    Saga<? super OddEvent, ? extends EvenCommand> oddSaga = new Saga<>(
            (ar) -> switch (ar) {
              case OddNumberAddedEvent evt -> Stream.of(new AddEvenNumberCommand(evt.value() + 1));
              case OddNumberMultipliedEvent evt -> Stream.of(new MultiplyEvenNumberCommand(evt.value() + 1));
              case null -> Stream.empty();

    Saga<? super EvenEvent, ? extends OddCommand> evenSaga = new Saga<>(
            (ar) -> switch (ar) {
              case EvenNumberAddedEvent evt -> Stream.of(new AddOddNumberCommand(evt.value() + 1));
              case EvenNumberMultipliedEvent evt -> Stream.of(new MultiplyOddNumberCommand(evt.value() + 1));
              case null -> Stream.empty();

    // Combining two sagas into one saga
    Saga<? super Event, ? extends Command> saga = Saga.combine(
            oddSaga, OddEvent.class,
            evenSaga, EvenEvent.class

    assertIterableEquals(List.of(addEvenNumberCommand), oddSaga.react().apply(oddNumberAddedEvent).toList());
    assertIterableEquals(List.of(addOddNumberCommand), evenSaga.react().apply(evenNumberAddedEvent).toList());

    assertIterableEquals(List.of(addEvenNumberCommand), saga.react().apply(oddNumberAddedEvent).toList());
    assertIterableEquals(List.of(addOddNumberCommand), saga.react().apply(evenNumberAddedEvent).toList());


  • Java 21

Driven by Maven

./mvnw clean verify


Check tests

FModel in other languages

FModel is ported to other programming languages. This section contains links to the documentation.

References and further reading


Special credits to Jérémie Chassaing for sharing his research and Adam Dymitruk for hosting the meetup.

Created with ❤️ by Fraktalio