Parole is a password manager using Python and Tkinter (GUI). It stores data in a single - crypted with a fernet key - file using a user-friendly interface.
This fernet key is hard-coded within Keep it secret, and maybe do not keep and .paz in the same place...
Extension of the data file(s) is .paz, on creation of a .paz file, you will be asked for a password.
On opening .paz file, you will be asked for the password.
A .paz file will contain all data, it is crypted (fernet-key) and protected by a password (crypted within the file).
Keep separated and .paz
site URL | Site name | User nickname(optionnal) | User connection | User password | Comment(optionnal)
Two buttons: Copy connection | Copy password, to quickly copy/paste these values
Search functionnality
pip install cryptography pyperclip
Will export all datas to .json file format