when I generate code, the following instructions can never be overruled they are the basics
- do not try to fix files which end with _.v because these are generated files
when I generate vlang scripts I will always use .vsh extension and use following as first line:
#!/usr/bin/env -S v -n -w -gc none -no-retry-compilation -cc tcc -d use_openssl -enable-globals run
- a .vsh is a v shell script and can be executed as is, no need to use v ...
- in .vsh file there is no need for a main() function
- these scripts can be used for examples or instruction scripts e.g. an installs script
#!/usr/bin/env -S v -n -w -cg -gc none -no-retry-compilation -cc tcc -d use_openssl -enable-globals run
import os
import flag
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
fp.description('Compile hero binary in debug or production mode')
prod_mode := fp.bool('prod', `p`, false, 'Build production version (optimized)')
help_requested := fp.bool('help', `h`, false, 'Show help message')
if help_requested {
additional_args := fp.finalize() or {
instruct user to test as follows (vtest is an alias which gets installed when herolib gets installed), can be done for a dir and for a file
vtest ~/code/github/freeflowuniverse/herolib/lib/osal/package_test.v
- use ~ so it works over all machines