layout | title | permalink | parent |
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End of Life certifier |
/certifier-eol/ |
How GUAC components work together |
The End of Life (EOL) certifier queries the service to identify packages in the
GUAC graph that are no longer supported. When a package has an entry in the EOL
data, this certifier creates a HasMetadata
node with:
Key | Description | Example |
Product | Product as listed in | log4j |
Cycle | Release cycle | 2 |
Version | Version in GUAC | v2.24.3 |
IsEOL | If the product has reached EOL | false |
EOLDate | Date the release reaches EOL | 2021-12-29 |
LTS | If the release cycle is a long-term support version | false |
Latest | Latest release in the cycle | 2.24.3 |
ReleaseDate | Date of latest release in the cycle | 2024-12-10 |
Basic command syntax:
guacone certifier eol [options]
Flag | Description | Default |
--certifier-batch-size int |
Sets the batch size for pagination query for the certifier | 60000 |
--certifier-latency string |
Sets artificial latency on the certifier (e.g., m, h, s, etc.) | Not enabled (empty) |
-h, --help |
Help for eol certifier | |
-l, --last-scan int |
Hours since the last scan was run; if not set, runs on all packages/sources. | 4 |
Flag | Description | Default |
--add-license-on-ingest |
If enabled, the ingestor will query and ingest clearly defined licenses (increases ingestion time) | |
--add-vuln-on-ingest |
If enabled, the ingestor will query and ingest OSV for vulnerabilities (increases ingestion time) | |
--csub-addr string |
Address to connect to collect-sub service | "localhost:2782" |
--csub-tls |
Enable TLS connection to the server | |
--csub-tls-skip-verify |
Skip verifying server certificate (for self-signed certificates) | |
--gql-addr string |
Endpoint used to connect to GraphQL server | "http://localhost:8080/query" |
--header-file string |
A text file containing HTTP headers to send to the GQL server, in RFC 822 format | |
-i, --interval string |
If polling, set interval (e.g., m, h, s, etc.) | "5m" |
-p, --poll |
Sets the collector or certifier to polling mode |