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Using GUAC's GraphQL interface
Developing tools on top of GUAC

GraphQL API demo

This demo introduces the GUAC GraphQL API. It covers the basic node "noun" and "verb" types and what they contain. It also explores the server-side path query and demonstrates a client-side search program.

Background information

In this demo, we'll query the GUAC graph using GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

For some background reading, visit . Also, the full GUAC schema can be saved with this command:

gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query --print-schema > schema.graphql


Requirements Using Nix

If you are using the nix package manager, you may enter a nix shell with all the prerequisites installed using the following command after cloning the GUAC repository and changing into it:

nix-shell shell.nix

and continue from Step 2 below.

Step 1: Clone GUAC

  1. Clone GUAC to a local directory:

    git clone
  2. Clone GUAC data (this is used as test data for this demo):

    git clone

The rest of the demo will assume you are in the GUAC directory

cd guac

Step 2: Build the GUAC binaries

Build the GUAC binaries using the make command:


Step 3: Run the GUAC Server

For this demo, we will use the guacgql --gql-debug command, which sets up a GraphQL endpoint and playground, and runs an in-memory backend to store the GUAC graph. Run this command in a separate terminal (in the same path) and keep it running throughout the demo.

bin/guacgql --gql-debug

Note: As the data is stored in-memory, whenever you restart the server, the graph will be empty.

Step 4: Ingest the data

To ingest the data, we will use the guacone command, which is an all-in-one utility that can take a collection of files and ingest them into the GUAC graph.

In your original window, run:

bin/guacone collect --add-vuln-on-ingest --add-eol-on-ingest --add-license-on-ingest files ../guac-data/docs/

This can take up to several minutes.

{: .note }

The --add* flags above will cause GUAC to query external services for additional data while ingesting the files. Due to service rate limits and processing, this will slow down the ingestion time. Alternatively, you can leave off those flags and run each certifier individually (e.g. guacone certifier osv to get vulnerability data) as desired.

This dataset consists of a set of document types:

  • SLSA attestations for kubernetes
  • Scorecard data for kubernetes repos
  • SPDX SBOMs for kubernetes containers
  • CycloneDX SBOMs for some popular DockerHub images

Step 5: Run queries

The queries for this demo are stored in the demo/graphql/queries.gql file. Running the demo queries can be done graphically by opening the GraphQL Playground in a web browser, or using the command line. The remainder of the demo will have cli commands.

Option 1: Use the command line to run queries

You must use a bash or sh shell.

Install the gql-cli tool with pip:

pip install gql[all]

Note: If you are using python3 in your system, you may need to use the pip3 command instead.

Option 2: Use the GraphQL Playground to run queries

  1. Open the GraphQL Playground by visiting http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser.

  2. Open demo/graphql/queries.gql and copy the full contents.

  3. Paste the contents in the left pane of the Playground.

  4. The "Play" button in the top center of the Playground can be used to select which query to run.

Step 6: Run a simple query

A primary type of node in GUAC is a Package. Packages are stored in hierarchical nodes by Type -> Namespace -> Name -> Version. First we will run the below query:

  packages(pkgSpec: {}) {

This query has an empty pkgSpec, that means it will match and return all packages. However we are only requesting the type field, and not any nested nodes. Therefore, we will only receive the top-level Type nodes.

cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ1 | jq

If you are using the GraphQL playground for the rest of the demo, you would run the query with the name at the end of the command. In this case, it is "PkgQ1".

We receive:

  "packages": [
      "type": "alpine"
      "type": "golang"
      "type": "pypi"
      "type": "deb"
      "type": "maven"
      "type": "guac"

These are the top level Types of all the packages we ingested from the guac-data repository.

Query Namespaces

Going one level deeper, let us query for all the Namespaces under the "deb" Type. The query looks like this:

  packages(pkgSpec: { type: "deb" }) {
    namespaces {

Run it with:

cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ2 | jq


  "data": {
    "packages": [
        "type": "deb",
        "namespaces": [
            "namespace": "ubuntu"
            "namespace": "debian"

Full package data

Run PkgQ3 to get full package data on any package with name: "libp11-kit0":

cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ3 | jq
  "packages": [
      "id": "1785",
      "type": "deb",
      "namespaces": [
          "id": "1786",
          "namespace": "debian",
          "names": [
              "id": "1935",
              "name": "libp11-kit0",
              "versions": [
                  "id": "1936",
                  "version": "0.23.22-1",
                  "qualifiers": [
                      "key": "distro",
                      "value": "debian-11"
                      "key": "arch",
                      "value": "amd64"
                      "key": "upstream",
                      "value": "p11-kit"
                  "subpath": ""
                  "id": "12712",
                  "version": "0.23.22-1",
                  "qualifiers": [
                      "key": "arch",
                      "value": "arm64"
                      "key": "upstream",
                      "value": "p11-kit"
                      "key": "distro",
                      "value": "debian-11"
                  "subpath": ""
          "id": "4859",
          "namespace": "ubuntu",
          "names": [
              "id": "5124",
              "name": "libp11-kit0",
              "versions": [
                  "id": "5125",
                  "version": "0.23.20-1ubuntu0.1",
                  "qualifiers": [
                      "key": "arch",
                      "value": "amd64"
                      "key": "upstream",
                      "value": "p11-kit"
                      "key": "distro",
                      "value": "ubuntu-20.04"
                  "subpath": ""
                  "id": "5406",
                  "version": "0.24.0-6build1",
                  "qualifiers": [
                      "key": "arch",
                      "value": "amd64"
                      "key": "upstream",
                      "value": "p11-kit"
                      "key": "distro",
                      "value": "ubuntu-22.04"
                  "subpath": ""

Here you can see the package is a deb type and found under both the debian and ubuntu namespaces. Of the two Name nodes found, there are two Version nodes underneath.

If you take a look at the query in the demo/graphql/queries.gql file, you will see that it uses the allPkgTree fragment. This fragment specifies all the possible fields in a GUAC package. Fragments can be used to avoid duplicating long lists of attributes.

Step 7: Explore dependencies

We have explored Package nodes, which are called "nouns" in GUAC. Now let's explore nodes that are called "verbs". IsDependency is a node that links two packages, signifying that one package depends on the other. First take look at the Package node for the consul container image:

cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ4 | jq
  "packages": [
      "id": "4",
      "type": "oci",
      "namespaces": [
          "id": "5",
          "namespace": "",
          "names": [
              "id": "6",
              "name": "consul",
              "versions": [
                  "id": "7",
                  "version": "sha256:22ab19cf1326abbfaafec6a14eb68f96e899e88ffe9ce26fa36affcf8ffb582c",
                  "qualifiers": [
                      "key": "tag",
                      "value": "latest"
                  "subpath": ""

Now we will use a query on IsDependency to find all the packages that the consul container image depends on. The query looks like this:

    isDependencySpec: {
      package: { type: "oci", namespace: "", name: "consul" }
  ) {
    dependencyPackage {
      namespaces {
        names {
cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o IsDependencyQ1 | jq
  "IsDependency": [
      "dependencyPackage": {
        "type": "golang",
        "namespaces": [
            "namespace": "",
            "names": [
                "name": "azure-sdk-for-go"
      "dependencyPackage": {
        "type": "alpine",
        "namespaces": [
            "namespace": "",
            "names": [
                "name": "libcurl"
      "dependencyPackage": {
        "type": "golang",
        "namespaces": [
            "namespace": "",
            "names": [
                "name": "logrus"
... many more

We see that the consul image depends on the logrus Go package. We can query the full details of that link as so:

    isDependencySpec: {
      package: { type: "oci", namespace: "", name: "consul" }
      dependencyPackage: {
        type: "golang"
        namespace: ""
        name: "logrus"
  ) {
cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o IsDependencyQ2 | jq
  "IsDependency": [
      "id": "903",
      "justification": "top-level package GUAC heuristic connecting to each file/package",
      "versionRange": "",
      "package": {
        "id": "4",
        "type": "oci",
        "namespaces": [
            "id": "5",
            "namespace": "",
            "names": [
                "id": "6",
                "name": "consul",
                "versions": [
                    "id": "7",
                    "version": "sha256:22ab19cf1326abbfaafec6a14eb68f96e899e88ffe9ce26fa36affcf8ffb582c",
                    "qualifiers": [
                        "key": "tag",
                        "value": "latest"
                    "subpath": ""
      "dependencyPackage": {
        "id": "11",
        "type": "golang",
        "namespaces": [
            "id": "900",
            "namespace": "",
            "names": [
                "id": "901",
                "name": "logrus",
                "versions": []
      "origin": "file:///../guac-data/docs/cyclonedx/",
      "collector": "FileCollector"

Here are the full details of the dependency link, including the SBOM that declared it.

Step 8: Find paths

GUAC has a path query to find the shortest path between any two nodes. To use this, we will need to pay attention to the id field of the nodes we want to query. For this example we will pick the consul/sdk and consul/api Go packages. Run these two queries to find the id of the packages:

cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ5 | jq
cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ6 | jq

Make a note the two ids printed. The path query will look like this:

  path(subject: 5809, target: 6721, maxPathLength: 10) {
    ... on Package {
    ... on IsDependency {

However, the query saved in demo/graphql/queries.gql is parameterized so you may pass in the two ids you found, which may be different. Replace 5809 and 6721 with the numbers you found:

cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PathQ1 -V subject:5809 target:6721 | jq

Note: In the "Playground" there is a section at the bottom to specify "Variables".

Here we see an output with a chain of nodes from the sdk package to api. First is the "PackageName" node for the sdk package. Next is the "PackageNamespace" node for the namespace. Last is the "PackageName" node for the api package.

What we have learned is that the shortest path between these two nodes is the namespace node that they both share. Likely, we were hoping to find an IsDependency path between the two, but didn't find such a path, as it would be longer.

It is important to understand the limitations of the path GraphQL query in isolation and understand how to use client-side processing to get the desired results. An example of how to do this is further below in this demo.

Step 9: Find vulnerabilities

The data we have ingested in GUAC is based on the SBOM files in the guac-data repo, but does not contain any vulnerability information. GUAC has built-in "certifiers" which can search the ingested data and attach vulnerability data to them. The OSV certifier will search for OSV vulnerability information. To run the OSV certifiers, run:

bin/guacone certifier osv

The certifier will take a few minutes to run. A vulnerability "noun" node may be queried with a query like this:

  osv(osvSpec: { osvId: "ghsa-jfh8-c2jp-5v3q" }) {
cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o OSVQ1 | jq
  "osv": [
      "id": "131666",
      "osvId": "ghsa-jfh8-c2jp-5v3q"

GUAC doesn't store a lot of information here, just the OSV ID which can be easily cross-referenced.

The "verb" node type that links packages to vulnerabilities is CertifyVuln. We can query to see all of these nodes that link packages to the above vulnerability like so:

    certifyVulnSpec: {
      vulnerability: { osv: { osvId: "ghsa-jfh8-c2jp-5v3q" } }
  ) {
cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o CertifyVulnQ1 | jq
  "CertifyVuln": [
      "id": "131684",
      "package": {
        "id": "3197",
        "type": "maven",
        "namespaces": [
            "id": "12486",
            "namespace": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
            "names": [
                "id": "12487",
                "name": "log4j-core",
                "versions": [
                    "id": "12488",
                    "version": "2.8.1",
                    "qualifiers": [],
                    "subpath": ""
      "vulnerability": {
        "__typename": "OSV",
        "id": "131666",
        "osvId": "ghsa-jfh8-c2jp-5v3q"
      "metadata": {
        "dbUri": "",
        "dbVersion": "",
        "scannerUri": "",
        "scannerVersion": "0.0.14",
        "timeScanned": "2023-04-03T16:28:44.835711634Z",
        "origin": "guac",
        "collector": "guac"

This node has the package and vulnerability nodes along with the metadata that records how this link was found.

Step 10: Perform a client-side search

All of the above examples use a single GraphQL query. However, the query results are all easily parsed json that can be interpreted to build powerful scripts. GUAC has a neighbors query that will return all the nodes with a relationship to the specified node. This can be used to search through relationships and find the specific type of path you are looking for. The neighbor query also takes in a set of edge filters of which to traverse. However, we are not using that field in this query.

The neighbors query looks like this:

  neighbors(node: $nodeId, usingOnly: []) {
    ... on Package {
    ... on IsDependency {

The demo/graphql/ file contains a simple Python program to do a breadth-first search of GUAC nodes, similar to the path server-side query. However, in we have defined a filter() function that filters the types and direction of links that are searched. This filter has been written in an attempt to find "downward" dependency relationships.

# filter is used by bfs to decide weather to search a node or not. In this
# implementation we try to find dependency links between packages
def filter(fromID, fromNode, neighbor):
    if neighbor['__typename'] == 'Package':
        # From Package -> Package, only search downwards
        if fromNode['__typename'] == 'Package':
            return containsID(neighbor, fromID)
        # From other node type -> Package is ok.
        return True
    # Only allow IsDependency where the fromID is in the subject package
    if neighbor['__typename'] == 'IsDependency':
        return containsID(neighbor['package'], fromID)
    # Otherwise don't follow path
    return False

Package->Package links are only followed downward: "PackageName" -> "PackageVersion". Package->IsDependency links are only followed if the Package is the "Subject" and not the "Object", ie: if the previous Package node is the one that depends on the newly found Package in the link.

First, run with the previous two ids from the consul/sdk and consul/api packages found above:

./demo/graphql/ 5809 6721

Nothing is found. Before, we saw the shared namespace path between those two packages, but now with the filter we have in place, we don't follow the link "up" to the "PackageNamespace" node. We would normally expect to find a dependency link between an API and a SDK of that API, but we simply haven't ingested an SBOM that contains that link.

Now let's explore two more packages: the python container image and the libsqlite3-dev debian package. Run these queries and node the ids:

cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ7 | jq
cat demo/graphql/queries.gql | gql-cli http://localhost:8080/query -o PkgQ8 | jq

Now find the path (your ids may be different):

./demo/graphql/ 3616 4422
['3616', '3617', '4424', '4422']
    "__typename": "Package",

A path is found. The program prints the ids of the path, then the nodes. The python "PackageName" is linked to the "PackageVersion", which is a specific tag of the image. An IsDependency link has the python "PackageVersion" as the "subject" of the link, and the "object" dependencyPackage is the "PackageName" node of the libsqlite3-dev package. The last node in the path is the "PackageName" node of libsqlite3-dev.

Explore on your own!

Now you have the knowledge and tools to import data, query nodes and relationships, and find interesting discoveries. Share your novel queries and use cases with the community!