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File metadata and controls

159 lines (122 loc) · 4.91 KB

Prophet Muhammad asked his companions, “Do you know who is the strongest person?” His companions replied, “The one who is able to wrestle others down.” The Prophet responded, “No, it is the one who is able to control their anger".


emath is library that provides functionality to parse/evaluate math experssions.


         parsing          evaluating          
string  ─────────►  AST ────────────►  number


the API functions should be used in this way:

echo "1 + sin(PI)".parse.eval

there is another form of eval function which also takes variable-lookup and function-lookup tables.


for more information see documentations here.


parsing the expression to the actual AST, gives you the power and flexibility to do whatever processings you want with that. for example you may want to remove unnecessary parentheses around the values.


I discovered tree-sitter some times ago, and I watched a video on youtube about it in which the author explained some form of LR parsers as the base of his library.

Honestly despite searching on the internet about it, I couldn't understand much, but I could guess what it's doing by the very simple example that he provided about LR parsers and the generated codes from tree-sitter library.


First, the lexer groups the raw exression (which is given as an string) to tokens. Tokens are one of these 6 types, either a number or an ident (like var) or operator or ( or ) or ,.

Then the lexer passes tokens one-by-one to the parser. The parser is the heart of the library, it first creates an AST with an empty parenthesis as its child, then it increamentally updates that. the generated AST could be consisted of some simple Nodes like literals (like 1.2) and variable names (like PI) or some compound nodes like parentheses () (which must contain only 1 sub node) or a function call which is consists of the caller name and its arguments, and prefix which has an operator and a node, and infix which has a operator and 2 sub nodes.

Time complexity

as parser increamentally iterates over tokens and updates the AST, it should have O(n) time complexity.



  • the nesting means it's inside of the upper node.
  • I keep track of focused nodes with #n in the codes. it's actually a stack that contains nodes with index of n-1.

Imagine you have 1 + 2 * 3 ^ 4 < 5 as the expression, your initial node is a parentheses.

Par # 1

The first token is number 1. we simply add the number to the upper parenthesis:

Par #1
    Lit 1 #2

Obviosly if you hit a number or a open/closed parentheses instead of an operator after a number, it would be an invalid token.

The next token is operator +. we are going to transfrom the tree:

Par #1
    Infix + #2
        Lit 1

Notice that a complete infix has 2 nodes, but here it has given one, we expect that it would be completed in next iteratations.

The next token is number 2. we add 2 to the infix + to have a complete infix.

Par #1
    Infix + #2
        Lit 1
        Lit 2 #3

The next token is operator *. which has higher priority over + operator and we should apply it to our tree:

Par #1
    Infix + #2
        Lit 1 
        Infix * #3
            Lit 2

The next token is number 3.

Par #1
    Infix + #2
        Lit 1 
        Infix * #3
            Lit 2 
            Lit 3 #4

The next token is operator ^. which has higher priority over *:

Par #1
    Infix + #2
        Lit 1 
        Infix * #3
            Lit 2 
            Infix ^ #4
                Lit 3

The next token is number 4.

Par #1
    Infix + #2
        Lit 1 
        Infix * #3
            Lit 2 
            Infix ^ #4
                Lit 3
                Lit 4 #5

The next token is operator <. which has lower priority than ^. we actually go up from the last node (literal 4) until we hit a lower priority operator or we hit a wrapper (parenthesis or a function call). so here we add the infix on top.

Par #1
    Infix < #2
        Infix +
            Lit 1 
            Infix *
                Lit 2 
                Infix ^
                    Lit 3
                    Lit 4

the next token is number 5.

Par #1
    Infix < #2
        Infix +
            Lit 1 
            Infix *
                Lit 2 
                Infix ^
                    Lit 3
                    Lit 4
        Lit 5 #3

We made our correct AST! I didn't convered a lot of things like prefixes and function calls, but they are not that much hard to think of.

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