A transaction that updates the properties of an existing topic. This includes the topic memo, admin key, submit key, auto renew account, and auto renew period.
Field | Description |
Topic ID | Update the topic ID |
Admin Key | Set a new admin key that authorizes update topic and delete topic transactions. |
Submit Key | Set a new submit key for a topic that authorizes sending messages to this topic. |
Topic Memo | Set a new short publicly visible memo on the new topic and is stored with the topic. (100 bytes) |
Auto Renew Account | Set a new auto-renew account ID for this topic (once autoRenew functionality is supported by HAPI). |
Auto Renew Period | Set a new auto -enew period for this topic (once autoRenew functionality is supported by HAPI). |
Transaction Signing Requirements
- If an admin key is updated, the transaction must be signed by the pre-update admin key and post-update admin key.
- If the admin key was set during the creation of the topic, the admin key must sign the transaction to update any of the topic's properties
- If no adminKey was defined during the creation of the topic, you can only extend the expirationTime.
Transaction Fees
- Please see the transaction and query fees table for base transaction fee
- Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your transaction fee cost
{% tabs %} {% tab title="V1" %}
Constructor | Description |
new ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction() |
Initializes the ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction object |
new ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction()
Method | Type | Requirements |
setTopicId(<topicId>) |
TopicId | Required |
setAdminKey(<adminKey>) |
Key | Optional |
setSubmitKey(<submitKey>) |
Key | Optional |
setExpirationTime(<expirationTime>) |
Instant | Optional |
setTopicMemo(<memo>) |
String | Optional |
setAutoRenewAccountId(<accountId>) |
AccountId | Optional |
setAutoRenewPeriod(<autoRenewAccountId>) |
Duration | Optional |
clearAdminKey() |
Optional | |
clearSubmitKey() |
Optional | |
clearTopicMemo() |
Optional | |
clearAutoRenewAccountId() |
Optional |
{% code title="Java" %}
//Create a transaction to add a submit key
ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction transaction = new ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction()
//Sign the transaction with the admin key to authorize the update
ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction signTx = transaction.build(client).sign(adminKey);
//Sign the transaction with the client operator, submit to a Hedera network, get the transaction ID
TransactionId txId = signTx.execute(client);
//Request the receipt of the transaction
TransactionReceipt receipt = txId.getReceipt(client);
//Get the transaction consensus status
Status transactionStatus = receipt.status;
System.out.println("The transaction consensus status is " +transactionStatus);
{% endcode %}
{% code title="JavaScript" %}
//Create a transaction to add a submit key
const transaction = await new ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction()
//Sign the transaction with the admin key to authorize the update
const signTx = await transaction.sign(adminKey);
//Sign the transaction with the client operator, submit to a Hedera network, get the transaction ID
const txId = await signTx.execute(client);
//Request the receipt of the transaction
const receipt = await txId.getReceipt(client);
//Get the transaction consensus status
const transactionStatus = receipt.status;
console.log("The transaction consensus status is " +transactionStatus);
{% endcode %} {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="V2" %}
Method | Type | Requirements |
getTopicId() |
TopicId | Optional |
getAdminKey() |
Key | Optional |
getSubmitKey() |
Key | Optional |
getTopicMemo() |
String | Optional |
getAutoRenewAccountId() |
AccountId | Disabled |
getAutoRenewPeriod() |
Duration | Disabled |
{% code title="Java" %}
//Create a transaction to add a submit key
TopicUpdateTransaction transaction = new TopicUpdateTransaction()
//Get submit key
{% endcode %}
{% code title="JavaScript" %}
//Create a transaction to add a submit key
const transaction = new TopicUpdateTransaction()
//Get submit key
{% endcode %}
{% code title="Go" %}
//Create the transaction
transaction := hedera.NewTopicUpdateTransaction()
transaction := transaction.GetSubmitKey()
{% endcode %} {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}