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API and Use

Kyle Ferriter edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 7 revisions

A backend app will be able to retrieve tokens with a request like the one below. This should not be called via any client-side code due to the inclusion of secrets. Token values shown are not valid. verify=False is needed due to self-signed cert currently in use:

>>> r = requests.get('', 
        'Authorization':'Basic 6edb5d6cfe47e561ffde0d9f7edbe6e81f984327830eb56d0eed57669f718036'

If an application receives a url and redirect their user to it, then wants to wait until the user logs in, it can either poll with the above request, or add 'block':30 to the params. 30 is the value in seconds that the service will block, and can be any positive number up to the max configured in the service.

On success:

>>> r.status_code
>>> r.content
'{"access_token": "YjA0YmQyYWIxMjkyNzY2MTA3MDNkNDZiMDlmYTE4MmYwNTg5ZTk0YmZhOWZmMGUzODBkNzNmMzhiNzdkZTBiOAo="}'

On need to re-authenticate the user (either never logged in or could not refresh):

>>> r.status_code
>>> r.content
'{"authorization_url": "<omitted>&scope=openid&response_type=code&access_type=offline&login%20consent"}'

On failure due to invalid api-key:

>>> r.status_code

On a blocking request for a token which could not be met in the specified timeout:

>>> r.status_code

On failure for reason other than need to re-authenticate (malformed request, or internal error):

>>> r.status_code
500 (or anything else)
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