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File metadata and controls

313 lines (259 loc) · 9.55 KB

Extracting Metadata

Before a file is uploaded, Shrine automatically extracts metadata from it, and stores them in the Shrine::UploadedFile object. By default it extracts size, filename and mime_type.

uploaded_file = uploader.upload(file)
uploaded_file.metadata #=>
# {
#   "size" => 345993,
#   "filename" => "matrix.mp4",
#   "mime_type" => "video/mp4",
# }

Under the hood Shrine#extract_metadata is called, which you can also use directly to extract metadata from any IO object.

uploader.extract_metadata(io) #=>
# {
#   "size" => 345993,
#   "filename" => "matrix.mp4",
#   "mime_type" => "video/mp4",
# }

By default these values are determined from the following attributes on the IO object:

  • filenameio.original_filename or io.path
  • mime_typeio.content_type
  • sizeio.size

Note that you can also manually add or override metadata on upload by passing the :metadata option to Shrine#upload:

uploaded_file = uploader.upload(file, metadata: { "filename" => "Matrix[1999].mp4", "foo" => "bar" })
uploaded_file.original_filename #=> "Matrix[1999].mp4"
uploaded_file.metadata["foo"]   #=> "bar"

MIME type

By default, the mime_type metadata will be copied over from the #content_type attribute of the input file, if present. However, since #content_type value comes from the Content-Type header of the upload request, it's not guaranteed to hold the actual MIME type of the file (browser determines this header based on file extension). Moreover, only ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile and Shrine::Plugins::RackFile::UploadedFile objects have #content_type defined, so when uploading simple file objects mime_type will be nil. That makes relying on #content_type both a security risk and limiting.

To remedy that, Shrine comes with a determine_mime_type plugin which is able to extract the MIME type from IO content. When you load it, the mime_type plugin will now be determined using the UNIX file command.

Shrine.plugin :determine_mime_type
uploaded_file = uploader.upload"<?php ... ?>")
uploaded_file.mime_type #=> "text/x-php"

The file command won't correctly determine the MIME type in all cases, that's why the determine_mime_type plugin comes with different MIME type analyzers. So, instead of the file command you can use gems like MimeMagic or Marcel, as well as mix-and-match the analyzers to suit your needs. See the plugin documentation for more details.

Image Dimensions

Shrine comes with a store_dimensions plugin for extracting image dimensions. It adds width and height metadata values, and also adds #width, #height, and #dimensions methods to the Shrine::UploadedFile object. By default, the plugin uses FastImage to analyze dimensions, but you can also have it use MiniMagick or ruby-vips:

Shrine.plugin :store_dimensions, analyzer: :mini_magick
uploaded_file = uploader.upload(image)
uploaded_file.metadata["width"]  #=> 1600
uploaded_file.metadata["height"] #=> 900

# convenience methods
uploaded_file.width      #=> 1600
uploaded_file.height     #=> 900
uploaded_file.dimensions #=> [1600, 900]

Custom metadata

In addition to the built-in metadata, Shrine allows you to extract and store any custom metadata, using the add_metadata plugin (which extends Shrine#extract_metadata). For example, you might want to extract EXIF data from images:

require "mini_magick"

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  plugin :add_metadata

  add_metadata :exif do |io|
    Shrine.with_file(io) do |file|
      rescue MiniMagick::Error
        # not a valid image
uploaded_file = uploader.upload(image)
uploaded_file.metadata["exif"] #=> {...}
uploaded_file.exif             #=> {...}

Or, if you're uploading videos, you might want to extract some video-specific meatadata:

require "streamio-ffmpeg"

class VideoUploader < Shrine
  plugin :add_metadata

  add_metadata do |io, context|
    movie = Shrine.with_file(io) { |file| }

    { "duration"   => movie.duration,
      "bitrate"    => movie.bitrate,
      "resolution" => movie.resolution,
      "frame_rate" => movie.frame_rate }
uploaded_file = uploader.upload(video)
uploaded_file.metadata #=>
# {
#   ...
#   "duration" => 7.5,
#   "bitrate" => 481,
#   "resolution" => "640x480",
#   "frame_rate" => 16.72
# }

The yielded io object will not always be an object that responds to #path. If you're using the data_uri plugin, the io will be a StringIO wrapper. When the restore_cached_data plugin is loaded, any assigned cached file will get their metadata extracted, and io will be a Shrine::UploadedFile object. If you're using a metadata analyzer that requires the source file to be on disk, you can use Shrine.with_file to ensure you have a file object.

Also, be aware that metadata is extracted before file validation, so you'll need to handle the cases where the file is not of expected type.

Metadata columns

If you want to write any of the metadata values into a separate database column on the record, you can use the metadata_attributes plugin.

Shrine.plugin :metadata_attributes, :mime_type => :type
photo = file)
photo.image_type #=> "image/jpeg"

Direct uploads

When attaching files that were uploaded directly to the cloud or a tus server, Shrine won't automatically extract metadata from them, instead it will copy any existing metadata that was set on the client side. The reason why this is the default behaviour is because extracting the metadata would require (at least partially) retrieving file content from the storage, which could potentially be expensive depending on the storage and the type of metadata being extracted.

There are two ways of extracting metadata from directly uploaded files. If you want metadata to be automatically extracted on assignment (which is useful if you want to validate the extracted metadata or have it immediately available for any other reason), you can load the restore_cached_data plugin:

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  plugin :restore_cached_data # automatically extract metadata from cached files on assignment
photo.image = '{"id":"ks9elsd.jpg","storage":"cache","metadata":{}}' # metadata is extracted
photo.image.metadata #=>
# {
#   "size" => 4593484,
#   "filename" => "nature.jpg",
#   "mime_type" => "image/jpeg"
# }

On the other hand, if you're using backgrounding, you can extract metadata during background promotion using the refresh_metadata plugin (which the restore_cached_data plugin uses internally):

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  plugin :refresh_metadata
  plugin :processing

  # this will be called in the background if using backgrounding plugin
  process(:store) do |io, context|
    io.refresh_metadata!(context) # extracts metadata and updates `io.metadata`

If you have metadata that is cheap to extract in the foreground, but also have additional metadata that can be extracted asynchronously, you can combine the two approaches. For example, if you're attaching video files, you might want to extract MIME type upfront and video-specific metadata in a background job, which can be done as follows (provided that backgrounding plugin is used):

class MyUploader < Shrine
  plugin :determine_mime_type # this will be called in the foreground
  plugin :restore_cached_data
  plugin :refresh_metadata
  plugin :add_metadata
  plugin :processing

  # this will be called in the background if using backgrounding plugin
  process(:store) do |io, context|

  add_metadata do |io, context|
    next unless context[:action] == :store # this will be the case during promotion

    Shrine.with_file(io) do |file|
      # example of metadata extraction
      movie = # uses the streamio-ffmpeg gem

      { "duration"   => movie.duration,
        "bitrate"    => movie.bitrate,
        "resolution" => movie.resolution,
        "frame_rate" => movie.frame_rate }

If you want to do both metadata extraction and file processing during promotion, you can wrap both in an UploadedFile#open block to make sure the file content is retrieved from the storage only once.

class MyUploader < Shrine
  plugin :refresh_metadata
  plugin :processing

  process(:store) do |io, context| do |io, context|

      original = # reuses already open uploaded file
      # ... processing ...

If you're dealing with large files, it's recommended to also use the tempfile plugin to make sure the same copy of the uploaded file is used for metadata extraction (Shrine.with_file) and processing (UploadedFile#tempfile).

Shrine.plugin :tempfile # load it globally so that it overrides `Shrine.with_file`
class MyUploader < Shrine
  plugin :refresh_metadata
  plugin :processing

  process(:store) do |io, context| do |io, context|

      original = io.tempfile # used the cached tempfile
      # ... processing ...