diff --git a/matter_server/server/device_controller.py b/matter_server/server/device_controller.py
index 7c019e00..643a1e0d 100644
--- a/matter_server/server/device_controller.py
+++ b/matter_server/server/device_controller.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """Controller that Manages Matter devices."""
 # pylint: disable=too-many-lines
 from __future__ import annotations
@@ -8,7 +9,6 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 from functools import partial
 import logging
-import random
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, Iterable, TypeVar, cast
 from chip.ChipDeviceCtrl import DeviceProxyWrapper
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 from chip.clusters.Attribute import ValueDecodeFailure
 from chip.clusters.ClusterObjects import ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_CLUSTERS, Cluster
 from chip.exceptions import ChipStackError
+from zeroconf import IPVersion, ServiceStateChange, Zeroconf
+from zeroconf.asyncio import AsyncServiceBrowser, AsyncServiceInfo, AsyncZeroconf
 from matter_server.common.helpers.util import convert_ip_address
 from matter_server.common.models import CommissionableNodeData, CommissioningParameters
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@
+    NodeNotReady,
 from ..common.helpers.api import api_command
@@ -61,6 +64,10 @@
+MDNS_TYPE_OPERATIONAL_NODE = "_matter._tcp.local."
+MDNS_TYPE_COMMISSIONABLE_NODE = "_matterc._udp.local."
 ROUTING_ROLE_ATTRIBUTE_PATH = create_attribute_path_from_attribute(
     0, Clusters.ThreadNetworkDiagnostics.Attributes.RoutingRole
@@ -114,6 +121,9 @@ def __init__(
         self.compressed_fabric_id: int | None = None
         self._node_lock: dict[int, asyncio.Lock] = {}
         self._resolve_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+        self._aiobrowser: AsyncServiceBrowser | None = None
+        self._aiozc: AsyncZeroconf | None = None
+        self._mdns_inprogress: set[int] = set()
     async def initialize(self) -> None:
         """Async initialize of controller."""
@@ -150,30 +160,33 @@ async def start(self) -> None:
             # always mark node as unavailable at startup until subscriptions are ready
             node.available = False
             self._nodes[node_id] = node
-            # setup subscription and (re)interview as task in the background
-            # as we do not want it to block our startup
-            if not node_dict.get("available"):
-                # if the node was not available last time we will delay
-                # the first attempt to initialize so that we prioritize nodes
-                # that are probably available so they are back online as soon as
-                # possible and we're not stuck trying to initialize nodes that are offline
-                self._schedule_interview(node_id, 30)
-            else:
-                asyncio.create_task(self._check_interview_and_subscription(node_id))
         # cleanup orhpaned nodes from storage
         for node_id_str in orphaned_nodes:
             self.server.storage.remove(DATA_KEY_NODES, node_id_str)
         LOGGER.info("Loaded %s nodes from stored configuration", len(self._nodes))
+        # set-up mdns browser
+        self._aiozc = AsyncZeroconf(ip_version=IPVersion.All)
+        self._aiobrowser = AsyncServiceBrowser(
+            self._aiozc.zeroconf,
+            services,
+            handlers=[self._on_mdns_service_state_change],
+        )
     async def stop(self) -> None:
         """Handle logic on server stop."""
         if self.chip_controller is None:
             raise RuntimeError("Device Controller not initialized.")
         # unsubscribe all node subscriptions
         for sub in self._subscriptions.values():
             await self._call_sdk(sub.Shutdown)
         self._subscriptions = {}
+        # shutdown mdns browser
+        if self._aiobrowser:
+            await self._aiobrowser.async_cancel()
+        if self._aiozc:
+            await self._aiozc.async_close()
+        # shutdown the sdk device controller
         await self._call_sdk(self.chip_controller.Shutdown)
@@ -246,7 +259,7 @@ async def commission_with_code(
         while retries:
                 await self.interview_node(node_id)
-            except NodeInterviewFailed as err:
+            except (NodeNotResolving, NodeInterviewFailed) as err:
                 if retries <= 0:
                     raise err
                 retries -= 1
@@ -469,16 +482,16 @@ async def interview_node(self, node_id: int) -> None:
-        except (ChipStackError, NodeNotResolving) as err:
+        except ChipStackError as err:
             raise NodeInterviewFailed(f"Failed to interview node {node_id}") from err
         is_new_node = node_id not in self._nodes
         existing_info = self._nodes.get(node_id)
         node = MatterNodeData(
-            date_commissioned=existing_info.date_commissioned
-            if existing_info
-            else datetime.utcnow(),
+            date_commissioned=(
+                existing_info.date_commissioned if existing_info else datetime.utcnow()
+            ),
@@ -519,7 +532,8 @@ async def send_device_command(
         """Send a command to a Matter node/device."""
         if self.chip_controller is None:
             raise RuntimeError("Device Controller not initialized.")
+        if (node := self._nodes.get(node_id)) is None or not node.available:
+            raise NodeNotReady(f"Node {node_id} is not (yet) available.")
         cluster_cls: Cluster = ALL_CLUSTERS[cluster_id]
         command_cls = getattr(cluster_cls.Commands, command_name)
         command = dataclass_from_dict(command_cls, payload)
@@ -541,6 +555,8 @@ async def read_attribute(
         """Read a single attribute (or Cluster) on a node."""
         if self.chip_controller is None:
             raise RuntimeError("Device Controller not initialized.")
+        if (node := self._nodes.get(node_id)) is None or not node.available:
+            raise NodeNotReady(f"Node {node_id} is not (yet) available.")
         endpoint_id, cluster_id, attribute_id = parse_attribute_path(attribute_path)
         assert self.server.loop is not None
         future = self.server.loop.create_future()
@@ -580,6 +596,8 @@ async def write_attribute(
         """Write an attribute(value) on a target node."""
         if self.chip_controller is None:
             raise RuntimeError("Device Controller not initialized.")
+        if (node := self._nodes.get(node_id)) is None or not node.available:
+            raise NodeNotReady(f"Node {node_id} is not (yet) available.")
         endpoint_id, cluster_id, attribute_id = parse_attribute_path(attribute_path)
         attribute = ALL_ATTRIBUTES[cluster_id][attribute_id]()
         attribute.value = Clusters.NullValue if value is None else value
@@ -803,7 +821,10 @@ async def _subscribe_node(self, node_id: int) -> None:
         # if so, we need to unsubscribe first unless nothing changed
         # in the attribute paths we want to subscribe.
         if prev_sub := self._subscriptions.get(node_id, None):
-            if self._attr_subscriptions.get(node_id) == attr_subscriptions:
+            if (
+                node.available
+                and self._attr_subscriptions.get(node_id) == attr_subscriptions
+            ):
                 # the current subscription already matches, no need to re-setup
                 node_logger.debug("Re-using existing subscription.")
@@ -937,8 +958,9 @@ def resubscription_attempted(
             # we debounce it a bit so we only mark the node unavailable
             # at the second resubscription attempt
             if node.available and self._last_subscription_attempt[node_id] >= 1:
-                node.available = False
-                self.server.signal_event(EventType.NODE_UPDATED, node)
+                # NOTE: if the node is (re)discovered by mdns, that callback will
+                # take care of resubscribing to the node
+                asyncio.create_task(self._node_offline(node_id))
             self._last_subscription_attempt[node_id] += 1
         def resubscription_succeeded(
@@ -954,9 +976,7 @@ def resubscription_succeeded(
         node_logger.info("Setting up attributes and events subscription.")
         interval_floor = 0
-        interval_ceiling = (
-            random.randint(60, 300) if battery_powered else random.randint(30, 120)
-        )
+        interval_ceiling = 300 if battery_powered else 30
         self._last_subscription_attempt[node_id] = 0
         future = loop.create_future()
         device = await self._resolve_node(node_id)
@@ -1037,6 +1057,13 @@ async def _check_interview_and_subscription(
                 await self.interview_node(node_id)
+            except NodeNotResolving:
+                LOGGER.warning(
+                    "Unable to interview Node %s as it is unavailable",
+                    node_id,
+                )
+            # NOTE: the node will be picked up by mdns discovery automatically
+            # when it becomes available again.
             except NodeInterviewFailed:
                     "Unable to interview Node %s, will retry later in the background.",
@@ -1059,16 +1086,11 @@ async def _check_interview_and_subscription(
             await self._subscribe_node(node_id)
         except NodeNotResolving:
-                "Unable to subscribe to Node %s as it is unavailable, "
-                "will retry later in the background.",
-                node_id,
-            )
-            # TODO: fix this once OperationalNodeDiscovery is available:
-            # https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/pull/26718
-            self._schedule_interview(
+                "Unable to subscribe to Node %s as it is unavailable",
-                min(reschedule_interval + 10, MAX_POLL_INTERVAL),
+            # NOTE: the node will be picked up by mdns discovery automatically
+            # when it becomes available again.
     def _schedule_interview(self, node_id: int, delay: int) -> None:
         """(Re)Schedule interview and/or initial subscription for a node."""
@@ -1151,6 +1173,65 @@ async def _handle_endpoints_added(
                 {"node_id": node_id, "endpoint_id": endpoint_id},
+    def _on_mdns_service_state_change(
+        self,
+        zeroconf: Zeroconf,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        service_type: str,
+        name: str,
+        state_change: ServiceStateChange,
+    ) -> None:
+        if state_change not in (ServiceStateChange.Added, ServiceStateChange.Removed):
+            # we're not interested in update messages so return early
+            return
+        if service_type == MDNS_TYPE_COMMISSIONABLE_NODE:
+            asyncio.create_task(
+                self._on_mdns_commissionable_node_state(name, state_change)
+            )
+            return
+        if service_type == MDNS_TYPE_OPERATIONAL_NODE:
+            asyncio.create_task(
+                self._on_mdns_operational_node_state(name, state_change)
+            )
+    async def _on_mdns_operational_node_state(
+        self, name: str, state_change: ServiceStateChange
+    ) -> None:
+        """Handle a (operational) Matter node MDNS state change."""
+        # the mdns name is constructed as [fabricid]-[nodeid]._matter._tcp.local.
+        # extract the node id from the name
+        node_id = int(name.split("-")[1].split(".")[0], 16)
+        if node_id not in self._nodes:
+            return  # should not happen, but just in case
+        if node_id in self._mdns_inprogress:
+            # mdns records can potentially arrive multiplied so debounce any duplicates
+            return
+        try:
+            self._mdns_inprogress.add(node_id)
+            node = self._nodes[node_id]
+            if state_change == ServiceStateChange.Added:
+                if node.available:
+                    return  # node is already set-up, no action needed
+                LOGGER.info("Node %s discovered on MDNS", node_id)
+                # setup the node
+                await self._check_interview_and_subscription(node_id)
+            elif state_change == ServiceStateChange.Removed:
+                if not node.available:
+                    return  # node is already offline, nothing to do
+                LOGGER.info("Node %s vanished according to MDNS", node_id)
+                await self._node_offline(node_id)
+        finally:
+            self._mdns_inprogress.remove(node_id)
+    async def _on_mdns_commissionable_node_state(
+        self, name: str, state_change: ServiceStateChange
+    ) -> None:
+        """Handle a (commissionable) Matter node MDNS state change."""
+        if state_change == ServiceStateChange.Added:
+            info = AsyncServiceInfo(MDNS_TYPE_COMMISSIONABLE_NODE, name)
+            assert self._aiozc is not None
+            await info.async_request(self._aiozc.zeroconf, 3000)
+            LOGGER.debug("Discovered commissionable Matter node using MDNS: %s", info)
     def _get_node_lock(self, node_id: int) -> asyncio.Lock:
         """Return lock for given node."""
         if node_id not in self._node_lock:
@@ -1166,3 +1247,19 @@ def _write_node_state(self, node_id: int, force: bool = False) -> None:
+    async def _node_offline(self, node_id: int) -> None:
+        """Mark node as offline."""
+        # Remove and cancel any existing interview/subscription reschedule timer
+        if existing := self._sub_retry_timer.pop(node_id, None):
+            existing.cancel()
+        # shutdown existing subscriptions
+        if sub := self._subscriptions.pop(node_id, None):
+            await self._call_sdk(sub.Shutdown)
+        # mark node as unavailable
+        node = self._nodes[node_id]
+        if not node.available:
+            return  # nothing to do to
+        node.available = False
+        self.server.signal_event(EventType.NODE_UPDATED, node)
+        LOGGER.info("Marked node %s as offline", node_id)
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 4dec48a5..ebe8eff9 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ dependencies = [
 server = [
-  "cryptography==42.0.2"
+  "cryptography==42.0.2",
+  "zeroconf==0.131.0"
 test = [