USB to Serial (FT232RL based) Interface for the SHARP G800* line of Pocket Computers (G811, G850, G850V, G850S, G850VS)
NB1: the 11pin adapter is a 1x11 pin 2.54mm (100mil) male connector
NB2: Use VCC Connect if for some reason, you want to power the device from USB (use with EXTREME care!!)
NB3: Bridge the 5V VCCIO Solder Jumper to work with the G850*, this sets the I/O Level to 5V
The USB-B-micro Receptacle in this schema is a Molex 105017-0001 / 105017-1001, every diode / R / C is 0805, FT232RL is a SSOP28, the Polyfuse is a 1210 500mA or similar
As the Sharp Pocket computers use inverted Levels, you have to invert RXD, TXD, RTS# and CTS# on your FT232RL chip too.
You do this by downloading the program FTProg from the FTDI Site : Here.
You need also to configure CBUS0 as RXLED and CBUS1 as TXLED in order to gain LED Functionality.
AND FOR HEAVENS' SAKE: Never set the FT chip to External OSC (Escpecially on this board where it does not have an External Oscillator) lest you are self-destructive and want to brick your chip !