fea: add support for env var CLIDRIVER_VERSION for autodownload (Bimal Jha)
update README file for SQL0805N error, #996 (Bimal Jha)
Update Installation Instructions for Python ibm_db on z/OS (#995) (bchoudhary6415)
Update .gitattributes file to fix unicode decode error on z/OS (bchoudhary6415)
Fix for memory leak issue (#991) (bchoudhary6415)
fix formatting and indentation issues (Bimal Jha)
Fix Polaris code scan issues (#990) (bchoudhary6415)
add support for column_name in ibm_db_column_privileges & issue #988 (Bimal Jha)
fix high severity code scan issues (Bimal Jha)
Add polaris.yml file for code scan (Bimal Jha)
Return error from fetchall() if any fetch get error (#987) (bchoudhary6415)
Polaris scan fix (#985) (bchoudhary6415)
update workflow file to fix macarm64 install issue (Bimal Jha)
Fix for issue#981 Django showing all migrations as unaplied (#982) (bchoudhary6415)
doc update for macos arm64 support (Bimal Jha)
update ibm_db_dbi logging and fix LogMag error issue #978 (bchoudhary6415)
Support python-ibm_db driver for MACOS ARM64 platform (#972) (Earammak)
Support Python 3.13 and add fetch APIs (fetchone, fetchmany, fetchall) (#971) (bchoudhary6415)
Added check to pass compilation issue for zos (#968) (Earammak)
New API to return SQLCODE (#966) (Earammak)
Added SQL_ATTR_CALL_RETURN attribute to return from stored procdure (#965) (Earammak)
Support for logging in ibm_db module (#964) (bchoudhary6415)
Fix Buffer Overflow Warning in sprintf and remove unused variables (#961) (Earammak)
Context manager support with connection object (#947) (Earammak)
doc: update readme file #955 (Bimal Jha)
Support for logging in ibm_db_dbi module (#954) (bchoudhary6415)
Fix for libdb2 for createdb and dropdb (#953) (Earammak)
change Beta relese to Production (Bimal Jha)
Adding .gitattributes file (#940) (bchoudhary6415)
Update bld_wheels_and_upload.yml (Earammak)
doc update for license error, issue #933 (Bimal Jha)
Added isolation level attribute support (#932) (Earammak)
doc update to addess issues #907, #926 (Bimal Jha)
Update INSTALL.md (#921) (Ankit Kumar)
Downgrade upload-artifact on 64 bit Windows (#919) (Bradley Reynolds)
Upgrade cibuildwheel on Linux & Mac OS job (#920) (Bradley Reynolds)
Support for python3.12 (#913) (bchoudhary6415)
fixed Typo on clidriver (#905) (Manoj K Jadwani)
doc: update readme file (Bimal Jha)
Updated readme.md with Note regarding ibm_db installation. (#896) (bchoudhary6415)
Enhance ibm_db driver to read Db2 credential from Env var for testing (#894) (bchoudhary6415)
Updated INSTALL.md (#889) (Earammak)
Fix typo in
(#884) (Nikita Sobolev)
Update setup.py to Honor GCC environment variables
Support for Python Wheels in ibm_db (Earammak)
Fix for exception thrown by read_sql_query() from pandas while invoking a stored-procedure
move files from IBM_DB/ibm_db to root directory
Support for Null value for an array (Earammak)
ibm_db_execute: arrays of PYTHON_DECIMAL fails for FLOAT and DOUBLE datatypes
Fix: uninitialized variable in _python_ibm_db_execute_helper1
Optimize _checkGcc in setup.py (pschoen-itsc)
Support for additional connect options - connection attributes
Fix: ibm_db.execute_many returns bind error with numpy.int64 values #828
Fix for issues #796, #764 and added python 3.11 support (#809) (Earammak)
Fix for issue #795 (#798) (Earammak)
Fix for issue #792 (#794) (Earammak)
Fix for pyhon issue #779 and #778 (#788) (Earammak)
Add more explicit mention for Apple Silicon users (#780) (Jonathan Herdt)
Added Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS for the API's (#781) (Earammak)
Commit for version change 3.1.3 (#776) (Earammak)
fix for install UnicodeDecodeError #772 (Bimal Jha)
fix install issue #761, #765, #770 (Bimal Jha)
Fix for path update and installation failure issue when IBM site down (#771) (Earammak)
release changes for 3.1.2 (amukherjee)
setup.py upgrade : better error handling while installation (Arnab Mukherjee)
Code fix for issue #413 (Arnab Mukherjee)
Code fix for issue #468 (Arnab Mukherjee)
Code change for issue #720 (Arnab Mukherjee)
documentation updates (Arnab Mukherjee)
add custom clidriver bin path to ibm_db.py file (Alexandre Duverger)
doc: update for issue #733 (Bimal Jha)
fix: for issue #708 (Bimal Jha)
doc: update about MacOS M1 Chip system (Bimal Jha)
Add issue template (Bimal Jha)
Add support for installing clidriver using another URL or artifactory URL. (#727) (MarcinMaciaszek)
updating the CHANGES.md file (Arnab Mukherjee)
Post release correction (Arnab Mukherjee)
fixing the NULL initialization (Arnab Mukherjee)
Changes for build fix with visual studio 2010 for python 3.4 and 2.7 (Arnab Mukherjee)
fix for #427 adding readme for pypi site (Arnab Mukherjee)
fix for #671 and restore python2 support (Arnab Mukherjee)
Changes in Documentation (Arnab Mukherjee)
Modification in readme--1 (Arnab Mukherjee)
test case changes for ZOS (Arnab Mukherjee)
correction in expectation (Arnab Mukherjee)
correction in test case 2 (Arnab Mukherjee)
correction in test case (Arnab Mukherjee)
adding test cases as part of the PR #418 (Arnab Mukherjee)
Changes from PR #689 and #407 (Arnab Mukherjee)
adding test case for unicode (Arnab Mukherjee)
Fixing the issue for fetch assoc (Arnab Mukherjee)
Adding the logic for fixing unicode values in windows (Arnab Mukherjee)
Fix for Unicode character (Arnab Mukherjee)
Test case modification (Arnab Mukherjee)
Support for arrays in python ibm_db driver (#698) (Praveen Narayanappa)
changes for new release 3.1.0 (Arnab Mukherjee)
Remove dependency on 2to3 and unpin Setuptools. (Jason R. Coombs)
Restore Python 2 compatibility. (Jason R. Coombs)
Apply lib2to3 to the python code (Jason R. Coombs)
fix for #641 (Arnab Mukherjee)
Pin to Setuptools < 58 to support builds until use_2to3 can be removed. (Jason R. Coombs)
update readme.md for known installation issues (Arnab Mukherjee)
updating: NOTES.md for more api (Arnab Mukherjee)
Update: documentation update in NOTES.md (Arnab Mukherjee)
Update README with new release version (Bimal Kumar Jha)
typo correction in README.md (Bimal Kumar Jha)
testcase change for ZOS platform and zos server (Arnab Mukherjee)
changing the release tag (Arnab Mukherjee)
Add comments (kotofos)
Fix error message formatting on python3 (kotofos)
Dev release304 (#621) (arnab mukherjee)
Update README.md (#617) (Alexander Manley)
Code fix in SQL_BOOLEAN (Arnab Mukherjee)
update install.md file with the latest information on ZOS platform documentation (Arnab Mukherjee)
Fix for #612 (Arnab Mukherjee)
Boolean support for django issue (Arnab Mukherjee)
Adding changes to handle env variable DB2_IBC and DB2_MACS in case user wants to define their own dataset names (Arnab Mukherjee)
Support ODBC keyword CURRENTSCHEMA (#581) (Ke Zhu)
Update Install.md (#605) (kparihar7)
Update setup.py file (#606) (kparihar7)
Get execute_many test running clean in CI (#524) (davidmmooney)
Update README.md (Bimal Kumar Jha)
Update file name in setup.py (Bimal Kumar Jha)
Update MANIFEST.in (arnab mukherjee)
Update notifications and add python 3.9 test (Bimal Kumar Jha)
Change in install.md as per input from IBM as the ++APAR is now available as PTF. (#597) (Binit Kumar)
fix: correct changes file (Bimal Jha)
upd: CHANGES (Bimal Jha)
deleting Install_z_ibm_db file (amukherjee)
Changes for Z/os support along with python 3.9 (amukherjee)
Readme and install file releated changes (Arnab Mukherjee)
Z odbc support (#579) (Binit Kumar)
Update README.md (Saba Kauser)
Update README.md (#544) (Saba Kauser)
add v11.1 support for win32 and mac (Saba Kauser)
add v11.1 support for win32 and Mac (Saba Kauser)
Add dependent libraries for docker linux in README (Saba Kauser)
new test canse for bool (#527) (Saba Kauser)
Update CHANGES (Saba Kauser)
Update README.md (Saba Kauser)
Update CHANGES (Saba Kauser)
add add_dll_directory for python 3.8 (#523) (Saba Kauser)
Use v2.7-compatible syntax instead of super(). (#522) (davidmmooney)
Bool (#519) (Saba Kauser)
Update image files in ibm_db_tests/ (#514) (davidmmooney)
Fix Segfault in case of NULL value returned by getSQLWCharAsPyUnicodeObject (#479) (Théophile Chevalier)
Release (#509) (Saba Kauser)
honor IBM_DB_HOME setting while running install_name_tool (#508) (Saba Kauser)
Support bdist for MacOS (#466) (killuazhu)
docs: Fix Travis status badge in README (#493) (Kevin Adler)
ci: Fix Docker setup for Travis CI (#492) (Kevin Adler)
change copyright (Saba Kauser)
added new testcase #489 (Saba Kauser)
addresses #489 (#490) (Saba Kauser)
Fix Python 3 syntax errors in ibm_db_dbi.py (#448) (Christian Clauss)
Release GIL during SQLEndTran (#482) (Zach Hoggard)
Avoid binary install in MacOS pip install (#463) (killuazhu)
Context Management (#437) (Andrew Sheridan)
stmt_errormsg() to handle non-ascii and hours mod 24 for Db2 LUW (#430) (Saba Kauser)
421 and 429 (Saba Kauser)
ibm_db on Docker linux (#425) (Saba Kauser)
fix for Blob data not inserted from ibm_db_sa orm (#408) (abhi7436)
Add Trove classifiers for supported Python versions. (#395) (Jannis Leidel)
Simplify by defining "long" in Python 3 (#397) (cclauss)
Doc changes (#393) (Saba Kauser)
Fix issue #388 and update README (#391) (Saba Kauser)
Release 3.0.1 (#385) (Saba Kauser)
New test cases and copying README, LICENSE and CHANGES to ibm_db install location (#384) (Saba Kauser)
Fix whitespace issues (#344) (Kevin Adler)
Ensure generated tarballs include IBM certificates (#382) (Kevin Adler)
Remove ibm_db_django directory (#375) (Kevin Adler)
Run install_name_tool post installation on mac_os (#377) (Saba Kauser)
Remove unused tests_1 directory (#376) (Kevin Adler)
Fix unpredictable returning bytes instead string for multiple result sets (#374) (Kevin Adler)
Add certificates needed to verify downloads from IBM FTP site (#367) (Kevin Adler)
Update ibm_db.c (#364) (Saba Kauser)
Update ibm_db.h (Saba Kauser)
"Merge bug_fixes" (#360) (Saba Kauser)
fix UnicodeDecodeError with ibm_db.get_option (#357) (Saba Kauser)
Update README.md (Saba Kauser)
fixed typo in error message (#347) (Henrik Loeser)
Add Appveyor support for Windows CI (#346) (Kevin Adler)
add email address (Saba Kauser)
Update .travis.yml (Saba Kauser)
Changing email to true for travis (Bimal Kumar Jha)
Update CHANGES (Saba Kauser)
Add support for Travis CI (#343) (Kevin Adler)
MANIFEST.in should reference renamed README.md not README (#342) (Kevin Adler)
Update README.md (Saba Kauser)
Update README.md (#331) (Saba Kauser)
Fix bug in setup.py where wrong cli file could be downloaded (#325) (Kevin McKenzie)
Fix the broken links (#324) (Kevin McKenzie)
add correct length to TIMESTAMP bindin (SabaKauser)
process unique persistent connections (#278) (Robert Redburn)
added support for ppc64le (#311) (vibkulkarni)
Remove reused = 1 outside connection check (#316) (David Poggi)
Support for DBCLOB (#307) (hemlatabhatt)
Update setup.py (SabaKauser)
new release 2.0.8 for ibm_db (SabaKauser)
Update README.md (SabaKauser)
New contribution guidelines for python ibm_db (#275) (SabaKauser)
Python 2.8 changes merge request (#274) (hemlatabhatt)
Python3 Support for ibm-db-django readme file Updated (#258) (hemlatabhatt)
Py3 Support for ibm_db_django (#257) (hemlatabhatt)
schema editor changes (hemlatabhatt)
changes in schemaeditor (hemlatabhatt)
change in schemaeditor file (hemlatabhatt)
change in schemaeditor (hemlatabhatt)
rel.through fixes in release (hemlatabhatt)
fixes in release (hemlatabhatt)
Updated release number to (hemlatabhatt)
changed a error file (hemlatabhatt)
Django 1.1.0 release (hemlatabhatt)
use correct metadata views for z/OS for inspectdb (SabaKauser)
Update ibm_db_dbi.py (SabaKauser)
added new test case test_spinout_timestamp.py (SabaKauser)
added missing variables for use_wchar (SabaKauser)
correct handling of TIMESTAMP OUTPUT paramters of SP call in ibm_db.callproc API (SabaKauser)
Update Contributions.md (SabaKauser)
Adding the CLA documents that need to be signed for contributions (SabaKauser)
Adding the CLA documents that need to be signed for making contributions to the repository (SabaKauser)
CLA Docs (SabaKauser)
Update README.md (SabaKauser)
Update ibm_db.c (SabaKauser)
add zlinux support (SabaKauser)
Performance Improvements (SabaKauser)
Update test_264_InsertRetrieveBIGINTTypeColumn.py (SabaKauser)
Update CHANGES for ibm_db_django 1.0.9 (Kevin Adler)
Update pybase.py (SabaKauser)
Update base.py (SabaKauser)
Fix typo in caching bound parameters test (Kevin Adler)
Add test for caching bound parameters (Kevin Adler)
inc/dec bound Python objects and ensure cache is cleared properly (Kevin Adler)
Update schemaEditor.py (SabaKauser)
ATTACH keyword is not supported. (IBMAmar)
ATTACH property is not supported for non_luw. (IBMAmar)
Update test_warn.py (SabaKauser)
Update setup.py (SabaKauser)
Update ibm_db.c (SabaKauser)
Update CHANGES (SabaKauser)
Update README.md (SabaKauser)
Update setup.py (IBMAmar)
Update init.py (jospaul1)
Update README.md (jospaul1)
IBM_DB/ibm_db/tests/test_warn.py (hemlatabhatt)
IBM_DB/ibm_db/ibm_db.c (hemlatabhatt)
Version check (jospaul1)
In Django 1.8 convert_binaryfield_value method expect 5 arguments.Added Version check. (jospaul1)
added condition djangoVersion[0:2] >= ( 1, 8 ) (jospaul1)
if getattr(self.connection.connection, dbms_name) != 'DB2': edited .dbms_name may be DB2/NT ,to include this scenario ,the above line is changed to if 'DB2' not in getattr(self.connection.connection, dbms_name): (jospaul1)
Deprecated methods are replaced (jospaul1)
Added a condition for 1.8 check (jospaul1)
impleented unimplemented method format_for_duration_arithmetic (jospaul1)
This change is done to support changed method signature in DJango 1.8 date_interval_sql signature got changed . Also if we are substracting hours ,days etc minus sign should be applied to all values . (jospaul1)
Update README.md (ibmdb)
'Latest2.6changes28oct' (hemlatabhatt)
changes2.6updated (hemlatabhatt)
from django.db.backends.util renamed (jospaul1)
from django.db.backends.util renamed (jospaul1)
value='blob( %s' %value + ')' to handle hex data as blob (jospaul1)
convert_empty_values commented (jospaul1)
Default value of '' is not allowed in DB2 ,changed to EMPTY_BLOB() (jospaul1)
Added self.data_type_check_constraints=self.creation.data_type_check_constraints (jospaul1)
New data type added 'UUIDField': 'VARCHAR(255)', (jospaul1)
Revert "added UUIDField': 'VARCHAR(255)'," (jospaul1)
added UUIDField': 'VARCHAR(255)', (jospaul1)
removed tests (jospaul1)
initialized data_types (jospaul1)
in class BigD() set max_digit to 31 and decimal_places to 28 (jospaul1)
get_table_list method changed (jospaul1)
Added keepdb=False and serialize=False to suit the change in Django latest (jospaul1)
deleted (jospaul1)
Updated as per log file (jospaul1)
Signed-off-by: jospaul1 jospaul1@in.ibm.com (jospaul1)
Updated with change log (jospaul1)
'UpdatedChangesFor2.6' (HEMLATA)
'Updatedchanges' (HEMLATA)
'TestingChanges' (HEMLATA)
Update Contributions.md (SabaKauser)
Create Contributions.md (SabaKauser)
Update README.md (SabaKauser)
Update README.md (jospaul1)
Update README (jospaul1)
Update and rename README to README.md (SabaKauser)
deleting ibm_db_sa directory form ibm_db (anandakshay44)
header to ## from == (mariobriggs)
Update README (mariobriggs)
main Reade from https://code.google.com/p/ibm-db/ (mariobriggs)
user facing ibm_db_sa doc from https://code.google.com/p/ibm-db/wiki/README (mariobriggs)
user face doc from https://code.google.com/p/ibm-db/wiki/ibm_db_django_README (mariobriggs)
Updated read me from https://code.google.com/p/ibm-db/wiki/ibm_db_README (mariobriggs)
Django 1.8 compatibility fixes (webuser)
Django 1.8 support (mizi)
Rename config.py to config.py.sample (Kevin Adler)
Update .gitignore (Kevin Adler)
Add .gitignore (Kevin Adler)
issue:167, ibm_db should return relevant error message in case of closed connection. (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db- Release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db- Release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db_django-1.0.7 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
persistent connection usability check (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db_django-1.0.6 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db-2.0.5 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
LOB performance fix memory leak (Rahul Priyadarshi)
LOB performance issue (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db- release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
Fix ISO8601 datetime with 'T' delimiter for unicode datetime (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db-2.0.4 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
Fix for ISO8601 datetime with 'T' delimiter (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db-2.0.3 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db_django-1.0.5 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
ibm_db-2.0.2 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
memory leak in LONGVARCHAR (Rahul Priyadarshi)
- ibm_ibm-2.0.1 release (Rahul Priyadarshi)
- ibm_db-2.0.0 release (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@160 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@159 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@158 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@135 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
- git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@134 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@121 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@120 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@114 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@113 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@108 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@107 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
for ibm_db-1.0.2 release (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@102 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@99 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@98 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@97 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
- git-svn-id: https://ibm-db.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@96 1b047d87-d943-0410-8e89-5b5f2422cd04 (rahul.priyadarshi@in.ibm.com)
- First release!