This is Part 2 of my OrientDB SQL collections and this will deal with more complex queries than on Part 1. I encourage you to read Part1 if you have not yet done so.
OrientDB (ODB) ships the DemoDB and usually it is installed out of the box. These examples are based on ODB 3.x. Many queries here will not work if you are using ODB 2.x.
The DemoDB contains a "Travel Industry" demo data where you can traverse a diversity of edges to discover a travellers path.
Should this have been a live real data and if you are a marketing consultant working the travel industry, we could use the OrientDB's Graph Query capabilities to find situations like.
- Where did Luca eat during his visit to Italy?
- List who visited
Castel Drena
and out of them which restaurant they visited. - List who are the friends and friends of someone and see where they have all visited.
Now imagine yourself as a travel agent marketer in Milan Italy and see how you can form your client's advertisement campaigns based on the data with the power of OrientDB SQL.
Be sure that the DemoDB is loaded. If you did not load it, you can load it again from the top right corner of the OrientDB studio login box.
Customer => HasProfile => Profiles
Customer is unique to a one person, a customer could have more than one profiles, though not normally.
Profile has the Email, name and Bio and Customer has a phone number only. The assumption is that an individual can only have one phone number that will uniquely identify as a person. Not quite true but for playing around, let's assume that is the case.
A profile links to the person's friends using the Edges labelled as "HasFriend". A customer links to a whole bunch of interesting records like places, restaurants, hotels where that customer has visited.
select expand(out("HasFriend")) from Profiles where Email = ""
Luca has 10 friends. But nobody considers Luca as friends :-( because there is no incoming "HasFriend" link to him.
To find that out just change expand(out("HasFriend")) to expand(in("HasFriend"))
We will come back to this as we traverse other stuff.
select expand(in("HasProfile")) from Profiles where Email = ""
On my install it is #194:0 If you need to just derive this records number as a subquery, you would:
select in("HasProfile") from Profiles where Email = ""
In the following examples, I will just use the record ID.
So the strategy is to find the customer's ID and if needed be, we can traverse over to Profile to see who the person really is.
select expand(out("HasVisited")) from #194:0
Locate Luca's profile
Locate Luca's friend
Traverse over to their Customer record via HasProfile
Traverse through each of the Customer's HasVisited
select expand(out("HasFriend").in("HasProfile").out("HasVisited")) from Profiles where Email = ""
Note that from here we can find where Luca's friends has stayed and eaten at restaurant. Simply swap "HasVisited" to "HasStayed" or "HasEaten"
Or you cal pull all of them by just out(), which is the same as out("HasVisited", "HasStayed", "HasEaten")
It's time to send Luca and his friends 2 for 1 campaign coupons if you run the restaurants or a points of interest based on these query results.
We already know that Luca's record ID is #62:0 so we will start from there. Please note that where it says #62:0 can be a subquery returning many profile records.
(Traverse out("HasFriend") from #62:0 MAXDEPTH 10)
However, based on this query, we know Luca's friends are 1 level deep. It's a tight knit set of people. Luca won't be a good candidate to spend a lot of Lira to send a shiny brochure of travel deals.
We now even understand Luca's social style. He will not likely be a target of our travel agent marketing. Let's see who has lots of friends.
SELECT FROM (Traverse out("HasFriend") from Profiles) where $depth > 18
This resulted in only two people, and These two people could bring in a lot of revenue by sending all of them a short Italian coast cruise package.
- Solve and share more SQLs and edit this file and send me a PR. Please create some good and funny examples where a "profit minded greedy travel agency" maraketer would love to see.
- Request a query in the form of how the marketing head of a travel agency (without SQL skills) might ask and put that in the "Bug" report on this Git Repo.