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Expected workflow and recommendations #4530

Closed Answered by matmair
loki42 asked this question in Q&A
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Thanks for following the format suggestion.

  1. Yes, 1 item per reel. If you bunch the order for them into the system, the items get automatically generated so not too much work

  2. You could but the question is how that would be communicated best from a UX standpoint.

  3. Yes

  4. I would start a build order (inventree) the moment you need to make something, then allocate to it all the parts you put on the line on setup. On destack start a new build output (inventree), allocate at appropriate points in the line from the BO to the build output and finish the build before being loaded into the unloader. That way you have an accurate understanding of your material flow and the current state of all b…

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setup Relates to the InvenTree setup / installation process
2 participants