Surrogate: A 'quantum neural network' imitation of the Siemens reactor.
Quantum Reservoir Computing: A fixed quantum circuit and a trained classical linear layer.
Training (fitting) is done with a quadratic loss and ordinary least squares (OLS).
Contains three main QRC methods:
- QRewindingStatevectorRC (works well)
- QExtremeLearningMachine (works but no quantum advantage)
- QContinuousRC (not working yet)
And three main tasks:
- Surrogate from Siemens reactor data (QLindA)
- Nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA)
- Short term memory (STM)
How to use the code: ./notebooks/try_me.ipynb
Plots for the QLindA report: ./experiments/plotting/plot_rewinding_reactor.ipynb
examples for benchmark tasks and QRC methods
plot results from experiments
contains the QRC implementation
Open ./src/docs/build/html/index.html in your browser
or <your_code_folder>/quantum-reinforcement-learning/qrc_surrogate/src/docs/build/html/index.html
conda env create --name envrl --file=env_rl.yml
conda activate envrl
conda create --name "envrl" python=3.11
conda activate envrl
conda install jupyter==1.0.0 notebook=6.5.4 matplotlib=3.7.1 ipykernel=6.19.2 seaborn=0.12.2 -y
conda install -c anaconda ipython=8.12.0 statsmodels=0.13.5 scikit-learn=1.2.2 pytables=3.8.0 sphinx=5.0.2 -y
conda install -c conda-forge ipympl=0.9.3 gymnasium=0.26.3 tqdm=4.65.0 fastparquet=2023.4.0 sphinx-rtd-theme=1.2.2 readthedocs-sphinx-ext=2.2.1 sphinxcontrib-napoleon=0.7 -y
conda install -c pytorch pytorch=2.0.1 -y
conda install pip
python -m pip install qiskit==0.43.0 qiskit[providers]
python -m pip install qiskit==0.43.0 qiskit[visualization]
It may be the case that following the above instructions do not allow the code to run successfully; In this case,the recommended approach is to install Windows Subsystem for Linux and Ubuntu (via the Microsoft store). One can then use e.g. VSCode with the WSL extension.
Export the conda environment
conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > env_rl.yml
mkdir docs
cd docs
sphinx-quickstart --ext-autodoc
Separate source and build folders: yes
Edit and index.rst
Redo this if you change the comments in the code:
conda activate envrl
sphinx-apidoc -f -o ../docs/source/ ../src/
make clean
make html