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File metadata and controls

134 lines (116 loc) · 7.65 KB

Example Service Implementation using WSS 2.x

WSS can be used to create REST-like web service for delivering data to an HTTP client. This procedure highlights the steps needed to install a WSS service given the following:

  • A command-line script called - see listing below.
  • That Tomcat is installed.
  • A folder is available for storing files, in this example the folder is called /WSSHOME

This procedure's objective is to:

  • create a web service called mysrv/sample/1, accessible at http://localhost:8080/mysrv/sample/1
  • have the web service deliver random numbers using parameter num_values
  • deliver xml, text, or zip using parameter format
  • returns error 3 and error message if the value of num_values is not between 1 and 100

Setup Tomcat Environment for WSS

Step Action
if not installed, install Apache Tomcat see Installation instructions
create WSS configuration folder: /WSSHOME/config for this example:
mkdir /WSSHOME/config
specify the configure folder path Add to, or edit file /WSSHOME/tomcat/bin/ with this content:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512m -DwssConfigDir='/WSSHOME/config'"
as described in Installation Instructions

Configure WSS

Step Action
choose service name for this example: mysrv/sample/1
deploy script - The script must be executable
- for this example, copy to /WSSHOME/config/
deploy WSS config files - copy WSS cfg Files to folder /WSSHOME/config -- with the names, respectively: mysrv.sample.1-service.cfg, mysrv.sample.1-param.cfg, and
- for naming rules see WSS Operation and Configuration
- for parameter definitions, see WSS Configuration Reference
edit file mysrv.sample.1-service.cfg - set parameter appName: appName=mysrv-sample-1
- set parameter version: version=1.0.0
- set parameter query.handlerProgram: query.handlerProgram=/WSSHOME/config/
- set parameter query.formatTypes: query.formatTypes = \
xml: application/xml, \
text: text/plain, \
zip: application/zip
- set parameter query.formatDispositions: query.formatDispositions= \
zip: attachment; filename=""
edit file mysrv.sample.1-param.cfg - replace line query.type=TEXT with query.num_values=NUMBER
- remove lines with query.minlongitude, query.maxlongitude, query.minlatitude, and query.maxlatitude
- add lines: query.aliases = \
num_values: num
edit file - set parameter log4j.appender.ShellAppender.File: log4j.appender.ShellAppender.File=${catalina.home}/logs/sample.log
- set parameter log4j.appender.UsageAppender.File: log4j.appender.UsageAppender.File=${catalina.home}/logs/sample_usage.log
download and rename WSS war file - download the WSS war file from releases page
- copy the WSS war to the desired service name i.e. mysrv#sample#1.war
cp webserviceshell_2.2.2.war /WSSHOME/tomcat/mysrv#sample#1.war

Startup and deploy WSS

Step Action
start tomcat run
then check that tomcat started,
tail -f tomcat/logs/catalina.out
deploy WSS for mysrv/sample/1 mv /WSSHOME/tomcat/mysrv#sample#1.war tomcat/webapps
note that catalina.out shows that the service started
check operation with browser or curl example URLs for testing,
# check for plain text output
#check for error handling
check for xml output
check for zip output of multiple files
check for "num" alias

Handler File

    A sample web handler for the IRIS Web Service Shell.

    The program produces a set of random values in a specified
    format type of either text, xml, or a zip of text files with
    up to 10 random values in each file. The number of values
    returned is defined by the num_values parameter.

    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
    from cStringIO import StringIO
    import random
    import sys
    import zipfile

    def parse_arguments():
        # define command line arguments
        parser = ArgumentParser(description='Command line parser for sample Web Service Shell handler.')
        parser.add_argument('--format', help="Type of data requested. Choose from 'text', 'xml', and 'zip'")
        parser.add_argument('--num_values', help="The number of random values that the program should return. Max of 10.")
        args = parser.parse_args()
        return args

    def get_text(num):
        '''Return a list of random numbers between 0 and 99.
           @param num integer: the number of random values
           to produce
        return ", ".join([str(random.randint(0, 100)) for x in xrange(num)])

    def get_xml(num):
        '''Return a XML structure of random numbers between 0 and 99.
           @param num integer: the number of random values
           to produce
        root = ET.Element("root")
        values = ET.SubElement(root, "values")
        for i in xrange(num):
            rand_val = str(random.randint(0, 100))
            ET.SubElement(values, "field_{0}".format(i), name="value_{0}".format(rand_val)).text = rand_val
        tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
        st = StringIO()
        return st.getvalue() #return the XML file as a string

    def get_zip(num):
        '''Return a zip file archive containing files with
           up to 10 comma separated random numbers in each file
           between 0 and 99. Files will be created as needed depending
           on the number of values requested.
           @param num integer: the number of random values
           to produce
        stio = StringIO()
        idx = 0
        with zipfile.ZipFile(stio, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED,allowZip64=True) as z:
            while num > 0:
                if num >= 10:
                    z.writestr('file_{0}'.format(idx), get_text(10))
                    num = num - 10
                    z.writestr('file_{0}'.format(idx), get_text(num))
                    num = 0
                idx = idx + 1
        return stio.getvalue()

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        args = parse_arguments()
        num_values = int(args.num_values)
        if (num_values < 1) or (num_values > 100):
            #Throw an exception if the requested number of values exceeds 100
            sys.stderr.write("The requested number of values must be between 1 and 100")
        #Handle the request for the requested format type
        if args.format.lower() == "text":
        elif args.format.lower() == "xml":
        elif args.format.lower() == "zip":