Tuesday, 2020/07/21
10:00 am ET
Terrell Russell, Jason Coposky, Kory Draughn, Alan King, Dave Fellinger, Daniel Moore, Mike Conway (NIEHS), Deep Patel (NIEHS), Ilari Korhonen (SNIC)
TODO: Update the jargon docker-test-framework to 4.2.8 - which has the atomic metadata API endpoint. Then Jargon can learn to talk to this endpoint. Will install the logical quotas into the docker test framework as well. (NIEHS and RENCI)
QUESTION: Has new JSON<->AVU codebase been updated to talk to the atomic metadata API JSON format? (Maastricht)
QUESTION: Does CEDAR allow for publishing json schemas to public - without requiring authentication/login at CEDAR proper? Consider manual export to another server/service for now… CEDAR would then be relegated to only being the 'editor' of a schema… and not the publishing service. (? SILS?)
TODO: change $id to attribute: irods::metadata_template::schema (Maastricht)
TODO: investigate schemas/JSON to XML/HTML/forms (many others have done this)
TODO: merging schemas (part of swagger API or microservice/policy on server)
Use Cases:
Draw it for the user:
- Resolve schemas
- Request presentation given schema data
- Fetch metadata
- Deserialize
- Map to schema
- Draw it for user
Send/Save to iRODS:
- Reverse order of above
- Serialize
- Push through atomic metadata api