Tuesday, 2021/07/20
10:00 am ET
Terrell Russell, Dave Fellinger, Alan King, Kory Draughn, Daniel Moore, Simona Stoica (Groningen), Mike Conway (NIEHS), Deep Patel (NIEHS), Andrey Tsyganov (Groningen)
- Subject areas should drive this work
- Server can only react to specific requests
- Consider recasting this group to be 'Metadata' rather than about Templates
- iRODS can't/shouldn't be defining the templates for anyone?
- Site-specific knowledge and interfaces are too diverse
- PEPs / microservices / functions to validate, but not manage the templates themselves
- Template management is too big a task for the server/policy
- Metadata for search is very different than metadata for validation/orchestration/policy
- Optimizations for retrieving metadata for orchestration and/or policy
- Investigate unused description column in the AVU table
- Instructions for the human creation
- Possible type system on AVU
- Behavioural types for AVUS
- Permissions, to allow non-owners to annotate / use AVUs
- Consider breaking apart the functionality of what a template does
- Annotation
- Validation
- External references
- Define parent/child relationships between metadata elements
- Recursive query syntax of SQL
- These parts together could be stitched together on a per site/application
- Provide 70-80% of the original intent of metadata templates
- Goal: iRODS metadata to become a first class citizen
- Indexing and templates and policy are downstream from the 'truth'
- Next meeting:
- Work on a whitepaper / lessons learned / goals
- August 2021