A package designed to make animations between different view controllers as simple as possible!
iOS is the only platform supported for now This package has only been tested for storyboard - SwiftUI has not been tested
- First open your project in Xcode and then for Xcode 12, navigate to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency... or for Xcode 13, navigate to Files → Add Package
- Paste the repository URL (https://github.com/SkiingIsFun123/Improved-Animations) and click the next button
- For version, verify it's up to next major version
- Click finish
- You're all set, and thank you for using ImprovedAnimations!
import ImprovedAnimations
ImprovedAnimations.slideAnimation(view: view, direction: "right", time: 0.3, destination: "ViewControllerToPresent")
- View: current view (don't change this value!)
- Direction: direction the animation comes from (values include "left", "right", "top", "bottom")
- Time: time the animation will take to complete (value is in a float form)
- Destination: the view controller to be presented (pass the view controller's storyboard identifier for this value)
import ImprovedAnimations
ImprovedAnimations.fadeAnimation(view: view, time: 0.3, destination: "ViewControllerToPresent")
- View: current view (don't change this value!)
- Time: time the animation will take to complete (value is in a float form)
- Destination: the view controller to be presented (pass the view controller's storyboard identifier for this value)