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Selenide Testng empty template

Empty template for Test Automation project with Selenide


  1. Download template and unpack in appropriate folder

  2. Open project in IDE (for example IntelliJIdea)

  3. Reporting: Allure is enabled, after running tests just run allure:serve in maven plugins (allure should be installed locally)

  4. Parameters that can be changed placed in src/test/java/test/

  • baseUrl - base url of your site under tests
  • browser - chrome/edge/firefox etc.
  • pageLoadTimeout - timeout to wait page load
  • headless - to run tests in headless mode, so if you want to hide browser set true
  1. TestNg Retry and before after listeners: You can also modify rules of retry tests (now it is 1 retry for each test) and actions before/after all tests (now it prints test name and result) in testng folder

  2. pages generated by JDN should be places in src/main/java/pages package

  3. Each page object class must be inherited from BasePage, including one of the mandatory paremeters is PATH describing the URI of the page e.g. in PATH = "/login".