Software to compute the time-scale phase-weighted stack (ts-PWS), including the two-stage stack and the unbiased phase coherence strategies (Ventosa et al., GJI 2017).
The software packages of fast phase cross-correlation and ts-PWS stacking are basic building blocks in the design of efficient signal extraction methods from interstation correlations.
- Fast: The time-frequency expansion used in the ts-PWS is implemented using frames of wavelets (Morlet and Mexican hat wavelets are available). The most demanding operation is conventionally reading the data.
- Better filtering: The two-stage stacking and the unbiased phase coherence help to reduce signal attenuation and increase noise attenation.
- Simple setup: All parameters are automatically set, e.g., when w0, Q or number of cycles is changed the parameters describing the frame are adapted accordingly.
- Resampling techniques: The bootstrap and jackknife techniques can be applied to build a pull of stacked sequences for a subsequent error analysis.
To compile execute "make" in the src directory. Use "make clean" to remove any previouly compiled code.
- The Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) is used to read and write sac files.
- The SACHOME enviorment variable should provide the path to directory where sac is
installed. For example, in bash this can be defined as:
export SACHOME=/opt/sac
Change "/opt/sac" to your current sac directory if necessary. - OpenMP is used to speed up computations. When OpenMP is not available, use make -f makefile_NoOpenMP".
- Read ./examples/
- Execute it, e.g., bash
- Do ts-pws for the parameters usage.
Ventosa S., Schimmel M. & E. Stutzmann, 2017. Extracting surface waves, hum and normal modes: Time-scale phase-weighted stack and beyond, Geophysical Journal International, 211(1), 30-44, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx284
Schimmel M. & J. Gallart, 2007. Frequency-dependent phase coherence for noise suppression in seismic array data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, B04303, doi: 10.1029/2006JB004680
Schimmel M. & H. Paulssen, 1997. Noise reduction and detection of weak, coherent signals through phase weighted stacks, Geophysical Journal International, 130, 497-505, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1997.tb05664.x
2020/10/01 Sergi Ventosa Rahuet (sergiventosa(at)