Built from jupyter/scipy-notebook, adding kqlmagic
Available on docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/jischellmsft/kqlmagic
A docker container for running Jupyter Lab with KqlMagic with the minimum necessary venv
Getting consistent exploratory data analysis and investigative environments created and running shouldn't be hard, this is an attempt to minimize setup and configuration hurdles.
docker pull jischellmsft/kqlmagic
Minimal invocation
docker run jischellmsft/kqlmagic
Use Jupyter Lab (rather than Notebook) instance
docker run -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes jischellmsft/kqlmagic
Specify different port (16384 rather than 8888)
docker run -p 16834:8888 jischellmsft/kqlmagic
Use a folder from the host system in docker instance (assumes default container name of 'jovyan')
docker run --mount 'type=bind, src="C:\users\public\myNotebooks", dst=/home/jovyan/work' jischellmsft/kqlmagic
docker run --rm -v 'C:\users\public\myNotebooks:/home/jovyan/work' -it jischellmsft/kqlmagic
Start container with all of the optional examples above
docker run --rm -p 16384:8888 -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes -v 'C:\users\public\myNotebooks:/home/jovyan/work' -it jischellmsft/kqlmagic -it jischellmsft/kqlmagic
Use the Start-DockerImage script
. .\Start-DockerImage.ps1 Start-DockerImage -ImageName jischellmsft/kqlmagic -FolderToMap C:\users\public\myNotebooks -LocalPort 16384