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File metadata and controls

130 lines (89 loc) · 4.37 KB

Closet Goodies(visit now)

made with reactmade with firebasemade with reduxlast-commitcode-size

An E-Commerce Website build in React

Peek a boo!


Component Tree


Wanna Clone it?

git clone {this repo}
firebase init (select firestore and hosting)and dont forget to set build folder public.
firebase deploy

Add data to firestore (Notes for Cloner)

uncomment out two lines in index.js and add data to
file like[le.js file inside firebase folder


  • Auth => GoogleOAuth, EmailandPasswordAuth
  • Firestore - for users and data storage


  • adding some demodata to firebase firestore:
    • use batch() to add multiple data at a time to firestore, so that we don't save partial data to firebase if some network error occurs and we end up some data in firestore and some don't.
    • Creates a write batch, used for performing multiple writes as a single atomic operation. The maximum number of writes allowed in a single WriteBatch is 500
    • used inside addShopDataToFirestore()

State Management - Redux

why am i using it?

  • Because I didn't like props drilling to pass data as for debugging I need to go all the way up to see from where it was coming

  • other Reasons:

    • Forgetting to pass props
    • Problem in manageing deeply nested state
    • Duplicate information in state
    • Not updating all dependent props
    • Components with large number of props
    • uncertanity where a piece if data is managed
  • 3 Principles of redux

    • Single Source of truth(store)
    • State is read only
    • changes are made using pure functions
  • Action -> Reducer -> Store -> Components

    • action

      • an action is a piece of data that contains the information required to make a state update.
      • a object with type:'some reducer action' and payload:'some update' passed to store.dispatch() to update certain property of store state. i.e. actions must be dispatched to make a state update.
      • functions that create the actions are action creators.
    • Reducer

      • A pure function which takes the previous state and an update and returns a new object(immutability) with updation applied to passed state.
    • store: (Internally implemented as a class)

      • Responsible for maintaining state
      • Exposes getter via store.getState()
      • can only be updated through reducers by calling store.dispatch({type:"", payload:""})
      • can add listeners that get invoked when state changes(Reconcilliation)
      • a place where all the dynamic data or the state is stored.


  • redux-thunk and logger

  • Async redux dispatching is done using middleware redux thunk, which is I guess is a smart way to alter the actions which are to take argument of type functions to take a dispatch as an argument and dispatching START, SUCCESS, FAILURE actions depending upon the asynchronous activites and time of it. Redux-thunk

Color Pallets

Thank you



  • Persist the cart in localstorage
  • Add Pagination to shop pages
  • store review system
  • day sell like monday sell , tuesday sell ... in left corner at fixed like sale.png
  • Add items listgroup at the men,women, girls,boys pages.
  • Change Avatar in the profile page
  • Add stripe charges as well at the backend then deploy backend as well



Deploy again (Notes for Shaurya)

make changes
yarn build
firebase deploy