"componentsRootDirs": ["src/components"],
"componentAssetsDir": "assets",
"componentJSON": "component.json",
"staticRootDir": "static",
"destinationDir": "build",
"destinationComponentsDir": "components",
"temporaryDir": "__csstime-tmp",
"spritesDir": "sprites",
"imagesDir": "images",
"svgDir": "svg",
"svgSymbolsDir": "symbols",
"fontsDir": "fonts",
"lessDir": "less",
"sassDir": "sass",
"cssDir": "css",
"otherDir": "other",
"lessThemesDir": "themes",
"sassThemesDir": "themes",
"preprocessor": "less",
"preprocessorsConfig": {
"less": {
"ext": "less"
"sass": {
"ext": "scss"
"stylesFileName": "styles",
"spritesFileName": "sprites",
"svgSymbolsFileName": "symbols",
"themedStylesFileNames": [],
"indexComponentName": "document", // "document" styles will be above other components styles in styles.css
"useNotify": true, // show notifications in watch mode
"useImageSprites": true, // see gulp.spritesmith
"useImageOptimization": true, // see gulp-imagemin
"useSvgOptimization": true, // see gulp-imagemin (svgo)
"useSvgSymbols": false,
"svgSymbolsPrefix": "icon-",
"useNormalizeCss": false, // see normalize.css
"usePostCSS": true, // autoprefixer, opacity, filters
"enableCssStructureMinimization": false, // see gulp-csso
"shouldClearDestinationDuringRelease": false,
"watchInterval": 1000,
"banner": "/**\n * csstime\n * <%now%>\n */\n", // header in styles.css, see gulp-header
"cdnPath": "/components/", // used in urls for sprites in css
"imageminConfig": {}, // see ./configs files or read further
"postcssConfig": {},
"spritesmithConfig": {},
"csscombConfig": {}
You can pass custom configuration options in csstime.loadGulpTasks(gulp, config);
to override default options:
config = {
useNotify: false,
imageminConfig: {
optimizationLevel: 5
csstime.loadGulpTasks(gulp, config);
If you want to clear destination directory during release process to remove deprecated files,
you can set configuration option shouldClearDestinationDuringRelease
to true
To override use "imageminConfig" option.
"optimizationLevel": 3,
"svgoPlugins": [
"removeHiddenElems": false
To override use "postcssConfig" option.
"autoprefixer": {
"browsers": ["> 1%", "last 2 versions", "Firefox ESR", "Opera 12.1", "IE 9"],
"cascade": true
"filters": {
"oldIE": false
"opacity": false
To override use "spritesmithConfig" option.
"padding": 10,
"algorithm": "binary-tree",
"lessTemplatePath": "configs/.sprite.less.mustache",
"sassTemplatePath": "configs/.sprite.sass.mustache"
To override use "csscombConfig" option.
"sources": "src/components",
"excludes": [],
"configPath": "configs/.csscomb.json"
To override use "svgstoreConfig" option.
"inlineSvg": true