var = 'string' # Simple string. var = 'string `expression`' # Interpolated string. var = ' miltiline string ' # Multiline string with ignored indentations and start and end line breaks. var = 'string\ncontent' # String with special character. var = @'string\ncontent' # Raw string. var = @' multiline string ' # Multiline string with included indentations. var = '\x12\u1234' # String with ASCII and Unicode characters.
— unsigned, 1 byte.1U8
— unsigned, 1 byte, explicit type declaration.1U16
— unsigned, 2 bytes.1U32
— unsigned, 4 bytes.1U64
— unsigned, 8 bytes.1U128
— unsigned, 16 bytes.1S8
— signed, 1 byte.1S16
— signed, 2 bytes.1S32
— signed, 4 bytes.1S64
— signed, 8 bytes.1S128
— signed, 16 bytes.1.0
— floating-point, 4 bytes, implicit type inference.1F32
— floating-point, 4 bytes, explicit type declaration.1F64
— floating-point, 8 bytes, explicit type declaration.1F128
— floating-point, 16 bytes, explicit type declaration.0h01
— unsigned, hexadecimal.0o01
— unsigned, octal.0b01
— unsigned, binary.0b10.01
— floating-point, binary.1e2
— unsigned, 1 byte, scientific notation.0h1.1e2U128
— hexadecimal, unsigned, 16 bytes, scientific notation.
Regular expressions:
— empty RegExp. -
— RegExp (matches a). -
— RegExp with flags (matches both'A'
). -
Multiline RegExp:
var = / a | b /i
Matches both
. All whitespaces, indents and line breaks are ignored in regular expressions. -
@/ a | b /
— matches' a '
or' b '
expression1, expression2
— list with two items. -
Multiline list literal:
var = expression1, expression2,
Please note, that ending comma, which are not required, but strongly recommended in multiline list literals.
expression1 expression2
— two-dimensional vector. -
Multiline two-dimensional vector:
var = expression1 expression2
Object literal:
var = field1 = expression1 field2 = expression2