Use environment variables to configure {agent} when running in a containerized environment. Variables on this page are grouped by action type:
Configure {kib}: prepare the {fleet} plugin in {kib}
Configure {fleet-server}: bootstrap {fleet-server} on an {agent}
Configure {agent} and {fleet}: enroll an {agent}
To limit the number of environment variables that need to be set, the following common variables are available. These variables can be used across all {agent} actions, but have a lower precedence than action-specific environment variables.
These common variables are useful, for example, when using the same {es} and {kib} credentials to prepare the {fleet} plugin in {kib}, configure {fleet-server}, and enroll an {agent}.
Settings |
Settings used to prepare the {fleet} plugin in {kib}.
Settings |
Settings used to bootstrap {fleet-server} on this {agent}. At least one {fleet-server} is required in a deployment.
Settings |
Description |
Settings used to enroll an {agent} into a {fleet-server}.
Settings |
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