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Example: Install {fleet}-managed {agent} on {k8s} using Helm


This example demonstrates how to install {fleet}-managed {agent} on a {k8s} system using a Helm chart, gather {k8s} metrics and send them to an {es} cluster in {ecloud}, and then view visualizations of those metrics in {kib}.

For an overview of the {agent} Helm chart and its benefits, refer to [install-on-kubernetes-using-helm].

This guide takes you through these steps:


To get started, you need:

  • A local install of the Helm {k8s} package manager.

  • An {ecloud} hosted {es} cluster on version 8.16 or higher.

  • An active {k8s} cluster.

  • A local clone of the elastic/elastic-agent GitHub repository. Make sure to use the 8.16 branch to ensure that {agent} has full compatibility with the Helm chart.

Install {agent}

  1. Open your {ecloud} deployment, and from the navigation menu select Fleet.

  2. From the Agents tab, select Add agent.

  3. In the Add agent UI, specify a policy name and select Create policy. Leave the Collect system logs and metrics option selected.

  4. Scroll down in the Add agent flyout to the Install Elastic Agent on your host section.

  5. Select the Linux TAR tab and copy the values for url and enrollment-token. You’ll use these when you run the helm install command.

  6. Open a terminal shell and change into a directory in your local clone of the elastic-agent repo.

  7. Copy this command.

    helm install demo ./deploy/helm/elastic-agent \
    --set agent.fleet.enabled=true \
    --set agent.fleet.url=<Fleet-URL> \
    --set agent.fleet.token=<Fleet-token> \
    --set agent.fleet.preset=perNode

    Note that the command has these properties:

    • helm install runs the Helm CLI install tool.

    • demo gives a name to the installed chart. You can choose any name.

    • ./deploy/helm/elastic-agent is a local path to the Helm chart to install (in time it’s planned to have a public URL for the chart).

    • --set agent.fleet.enabled=true enables {fleet}-managed {agent}. The CLI parameter overrides the default false value for agent.fleet.enabled in the {agent} values.yaml file.

    • --set agent.fleet.url=<Fleet-URL> sets the address where {agent} will connect to {fleet} in your {ecloud} deployment, over port 443 (again, overriding the value set by default in the {agent} values.yaml file).

    • --set agent.fleet.token=<Fleet-token> sets the enrollment token that {agent} uses to authenticate with {fleet}.

    • --set agent.fleet.preset=perNode enables {k8s} metrics on per node basis. You can alternatively set cluster wide metrics (clusterWide) or kube-state-metrics (ksmSharded).

      For a full list of all available YAML settings and descriptions, refer to the {agent} Helm Chart Readme.
  8. Update the command to replace:

    1. <Fleet-URL> with the URL that you copied earlier.

    2. <Fleet-token> with the enrollment token that you copied earlier.

      After your updates, the command should look something like this:

      helm install demo ./deploy/helm/elastic-agent \
      --set agent.fleet.enabled=true \
      --set agent.fleet.url= \
      --set agent.fleet.token=eSVvFDUvSUNPFldFdhhZNFwvS5xxxxxxxxxxxxFEWB1eFF1YedUQ1NWFXwr== \
      --set agent.fleet.preset=perNode
  9. Run the command.

    The command output should confirm that {agent} has been installed:

    Installed agent:
      - perNode [daemonset - managed mode]
  10. Run the kubectl get pods -n default command to confirm that the {agent} pod is running:

    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    agent-pernode-demo-86mst   1/1     Running   0          12s
  11. In the Add agent flyout, wait a minute or so for confirmation that {agent} has successfully enrolled with {fleet} and that data is flowing:

    Screen capture of Add Agent UI showing that the agent has enrolled in Fleet
  12. In {fleet}, open the Agents tab and see that an Agent-pernode-demo-# agent is running.

  13. Select the agent to view its details.

  14. On the Agent details tab, on the Integrations pane, expand system-1 to confirm that logs and metrics are incoming. You can click either the Logs or Metrics link to view details.

    Screen capture of the Logs and Metrics view on the Integrations pane

Install the Kubernetes integration

Now that you’ve {agent} and data is flowing, you can set up the {k8s} integration.

  1. In your {ecloud} deployment, from the {kib} menu open the Integrations page.

  2. Run a search for Kubernetes and then select the {k8s} integration card.

  3. On the {k8s} integration page, click Add Kubernetes to add the integration to your {agent} policy.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of Add Kubernetes integration page. Under Where to add this integration? select the Existing hosts tab. On the Agent policies menu, select the agent policy that you created previously in the Install {agent} steps.

    You can leave all of the other integration settings at their default values.

  5. Click Save and continue. When prompted, select to Add Elastic Agent later since you’ve already added it using Helm.

  6. On the {k8s} integration page, open the Assets tab and select the [Metrics Kubernetes] Pods dashboard.

    On the dashboard, you can view the status of your {k8s} pods, including metrics on memory usage, CPU usage, and network throughput.

    Screen capture of the Metrics Kubernetes pods dashboard

You’ve successfully installed {agent} using Helm, and your {k8s} metrics data is available for viewing in {kib}.

Tidy up

After you’ve run through this example, run the helm uninstall command to uninstall {agent}.

helm uninstall demo

The uninstall should be confirmed as shown:

release "demo" uninstalled

As a reminder, for full details about using the {agent} Helm chart refer to the {agent} Helm Chart Readme.