You can find details for all available {fleet} API endpoints in our generated {api-kibana}[Kibana API docs].
In this section, we provide examples of some commonly used {fleet} APIs.
You can run {fleet} API requests through the {kib} Console.
Open the {kib} menu and go to Management → Dev Tools.
In your request, prepend your {fleet} API endpoint with
, for example:GET kbn:/api/fleet/agent_policies
For more detail about using the {kib} Console refer to {kibana-ref}/console-kibana.html[Run API requests].
Authentication is required to send {fleet} API requests. For more information, refer to {kibana-ref}/api.html#api-authentication[Authentication].
To create a new agent policy in {fleet}, call
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies
This cURL example creates an agent policy called Agent policy 1
the default namespace.
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://my-kibana-host:9243/api/fleet/agent_policies?sys_monitoring=true' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey yourbase64encodedkey' \
--header 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
--header 'Connection: keep-alive' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'kbn-xsrf: xxx' \
--data '{
"name": "Agent policy 1",
"description": "",
"namespace": "default",
"monitoring_enabled": [
To save time, you can use {kib} to generate the API request, then run it from the Dev Tools console.
Go to {fleet} → Agent policies.
Click Create agent policy and give the policy a name.
Click Preview API request.
Click Open in Console and run the request.
Example response:
"item": {
"id": "2b820230-4b54-11ed-b107-4bfe66d759e4", (1)
"name": "Agent policy 1",
"description": "",
"namespace": "default",
"monitoring_enabled": [
"status": "active",
"is_managed": false,
"revision": 1,
"updated_at": "2022-10-14T00:07:19.763Z",
"updated_by": "1282607447",
"schema_version": "1.0.0"
Make a note of the policy ID. You’ll need the policy ID to add integration policies.
To create an integration policy (also known as a package policy) and add it to an
existing agent policy, call POST /api/fleet/package_policies
You can use the {fleet} API to {security-guide}/create-defend-policy-api.html[Create and customize an {elastic-defend} policy]. |
This cURL example creates an integration policy for Nginx and adds it to the agent policy created in the previous example:
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://my-kibana-host:9243/api/fleet/package_policies' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey yourbase64encodedkey' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'kbn-xsrf: xx' \
--data '{
"name": "nginx-demo-123",
"policy_id": "2b820230-4b54-11ed-b107-4bfe66d759e4",
"package": {
"name": "nginx",
"version": "1.5.0"
"inputs": {
"nginx-logfile": {
"streams": {
"nginx.access": {
"vars": {
"tags": [
"nginx.error": {
"vars": {
"tags": [
To save time, you can use {kib} to generate the API call, then run it from the Dev Tools console.
Go to Integrations, select an {agent} integration, and click Add <Integration>.
Configure the integration settings and select which agent policy to use.
Click Preview API request.
If you’re creating the integration policy for a new agent policy, the preview shows two requests: one to create the agent policy, and another to create the integration policy.
Click Open in Console and run the request (or requests).
To find out which inputs, streams, and variables are available for an integration, go to Integrations, select an {agent} integration, and click API reference.
Example response (truncated for readability):
"item" : {
"created_at" : "2022-10-15T00:41:28.594Z",
"created_by" : "1282607447",
"enabled" : true,
"id" : "92f33e57-3165-4dcd-a1d5-f01c8ffdcbcd",
"inputs" : [
"enabled" : true,
"policy_template" : "nginx",
"streams" : [
"compiled_stream" : {
"exclude_files" : [
"ignore_older" : "72h",
"paths" : [
"processors" : [
"add_locale" : null
"tags" : [
"data_stream" : {
"dataset" : "nginx.access",
"type" : "logs"
"enabled" : true,
"id" : "logfile-nginx.access-92f33e57-3165-4dcd-a1d5-f01c8ffdcbcd",
"release" : "ga",
"vars" : {
"ignore_older" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : "72h"
"paths" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : [
"preserve_original_event" : {
"type" : "bool",
"value" : false
"processors" : {
"type" : "yaml"
"tags" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : [
"compiled_stream" : {
"exclude_files" : [
"ignore_older" : "72h",
"multiline" : {
"match" : "after",
"negate" : true,
"pattern" : "^\\d{4}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{2} "
"paths" : [
"processors" : [
"add_locale" : null
"tags" : [
"data_stream" : {
"dataset" : "nginx.error",
"type" : "logs"
"enabled" : true,
"id" : "logfile-nginx.error-92f33e57-3165-4dcd-a1d5-f01c8ffdcbcd",
"release" : "ga",
"vars" : {
"ignore_older" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : "72h"
"paths" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : [
"preserve_original_event" : {
"type" : "bool",
"value" : false
"processors" : {
"type" : "yaml"
"tags" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : [
"type" : "logfile"
"enabled" : true,
"policy_template" : "nginx",
"streams" : [
"compiled_stream" : {
"hosts" : [
"metricsets" : [
"period" : "10s",
"server_status_path" : "/nginx_status"
"data_stream" : {
"dataset" : "nginx.stubstatus",
"type" : "metrics"
"enabled" : true,
"id" : "nginx/metrics-nginx.stubstatus-92f33e57-3165-4dcd-a1d5-f01c8ffdcbcd",
"release" : "ga",
"vars" : {
"period" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : "10s"
"server_status_path" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : "/nginx_status"
"type" : "nginx/metrics",
"vars" : {
"hosts" : {
"type" : "text",
"value" : [
"name" : "nginx-demo-123",
"namespace" : "default",
"package" : {
"name" : "nginx",
"title" : "Nginx",
"version" : "1.5.0"
"policy_id" : "d625b2e0-4c21-11ed-9426-31f0877749b7",
"revision" : 1,
"updated_at" : "2022-10-15T00:41:28.594Z",
"updated_by" : "1282607447",
"version" : "WzI5OTAsMV0="
To get a list of valid enrollment tokens from {fleet}, call
GET /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys
This cURL example returns a list of enrollment tokens.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://my-kibana-host:9243/api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey N2VLRDA0TUJIQ05MaGYydUZrN1Y6d2diMUdwSkRTWGFlSm1rSVZlc2JGQQ==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'kbn-xsrf: xx'
Example response (formatted for readability):
"items" : [
"active" : true,
"api_key" : "QlN2UaA0TUJlMGFGbF8IVkhJaHM6eGJjdGtyejJUUFM0a0dGSwlVSzdpdw==",
"api_key_id" : "BSvR04MBe0aFl_HVHIhs",
"created_at" : "2022-10-14T00:07:21.420Z",
"id" : "39703af4-5945-4232-90ae-3161214512fa",
"name" : "Default (39703af4-5945-4232-90ae-3161214512fa)",
"policy_id" : "2b820230-4b54-11ed-b107-4bfe66d759e4"
"active" : true,
"api_key" : "Yi1MSTA2TUJIQ05MaGYydV9kZXQ5U2dNWFkyX19sWEdSemFQOUfzSDRLZw==",
"api_key_id" : "b-LI04MBHCNLhf2u_det",
"created_at" : "2022-10-13T23:58:29.266Z",
"id" : "e4768bf2-55a6-433f-a540-51d4ca2d34be",
"name" : "Default (e4768bf2-55a6-433f-a540-51d4ca2d34be)",
"policy_id" : "ee37a8e0-4b52-11ed-b107-4bfe66d759e4"
"active" : true,
"api_key" : "b3VLbjA0TUJIQ04MaGYydUk1Z3Q6VzhMTTBITFRTmnktRU9IWDaXWnpMUQ==",
"api_key_id" : "luKn04MBHCNLhf2uI5d4",
"created_at" : "2022-10-13T23:21:30.707Z",
"id" : "d18d2918-bb10-44f2-9f98-df5543e21724",
"name" : "Default (d18d2918-bb10-44f2-9f98-df5543e21724)",
"policy_id" : "c3e31e80-4b4d-11ed-b107-4bfe66d759e4"
"active" : true,
"api_key" : "V3VLRTa0TUJIQ05MaGYydVMx4S06WjU5dsZ3YzVRSmFUc5xjSThImi1ydw==",
"api_key_id" : "WuKE04MBHCNLhf2uS1E-",
"created_at" : "2022-10-13T22:43:27.139Z",
"id" : "aad31121-df89-4f57-af84-7c43f72640ee",
"name" : "Default (aad31121-df89-4f57-af84-7c43f72640ee)",
"policy_id" : "72fcc4d0-4b48-11ed-b107-4bfe66d759e4"
"page" : 1,
"perPage" : 20,
"total" : 4