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Configure SSL/TLS for the {ls} output

To send data from {agent} to {ls} securely, you need to configure Transport Layer Security (TLS). Using TLS ensures that your {agent}s send encrypted data to trusted {ls} servers, and that your {ls} servers receive data from trusted {agent} clients.


  • Make sure your subscription level supports output to {ls}.

  • On Windows, add port 8220 for {fleet-server} and 5044 for {ls} to the inbound port rules in Windows Advanced Firewall.

  • If you are connecting to a self-managed {es} cluster, you need the CA certificate that was used to sign the certificates for the HTTP layer of {es} cluster. For more information, refer to the {ref}/configuring-stack-security.html[{es} security docs].

Generate custom certificates and private keys

You can use whatever process you typically use to generate PEM-formatted certificates. The examples shown here use the certutil tool provided by {es}.

The certutil tool is not available on {ecloud}, but you can still use it to generate certificates for {agent} to {ls} connections. Just download an {es} package, extract it to a local directory, and run the elasticsearch-certutil command. There’s no need to start {es}!
  1. Generate a certificate authority (CA). Skip this step if you want to use an existing CA.

    ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca --pem

    This command creates a zip file that contains the CA certificate and key you’ll use to sign the certificates. Extract the zip file:

    Screen capture of a folder called ca that contains two files: ca.crt and ca.key
  2. Generate a client SSL certificate signed by your CA. For example:

    ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert \
      --name client \
      --ca-cert /path/to/ca/ca.crt \
      --ca-key /path/to/ca/ca.key \

    Extract the zip file:

    Screen capture of a folder called client that contains two files: client.crt and client.key
  3. Generate a {ls} SSL certificate signed by your CA. For example:

    ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert \
      --name logstash \
      --ca-cert /path/to/ca/ca.crt \
      --ca-key /path/to/ca/ca.key \
      --dns \
      --ip \

    Extract the zip file:

    Screen capture of a folder called logstash that contains two files: logstash.crt and logstash.key
  4. Convert the {ls} key to pkcs8. For example, on Linux run:

    openssl pkcs8 -inform PEM -in logstash.key -topk8 -nocrypt -outform PEM -out logstash.pkcs8.key

Store these files in a secure location.

Configure the {ls} pipeline

If you’ve already created the {ls} elastic-agent-pipeline.conf pipeline and added it to pipelines.yml, skip to the example configurations and modify your pipeline configuration as needed.

In your {ls} configuration directory, open the pipelines.yml file and add the following configuration. Replace the path to your file.

- elastic-agent-pipeline
  path.config: "/etc/path/to/elastic-agent-pipeline.conf"

In the elastic-agent-pipeline.conf file, add the pipeline configuration. Note that the configuration needed for {ess} on {ecloud} is different from self-managed {es} clusters. If you copied the configuration shown in {fleet}, adjust it as needed.

{ess} example:

input {
  elastic_agent {
    port => 5044
    ssl_enabled => true
    ssl_certificate_authorities => ["/path/to/ca.crt"]
    ssl_certificate => "/path/to/logstash.crt"
    ssl_key => "/path/to/logstash.pkcs8.key"
    ssl_client_authentication => "required"

output {
  elasticsearch {
    cloud_id => "xxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=" (1)
    api_key => "xxxx:xxxx" (2)
    data_stream => true
    ssl => true (3)
  1. Use the cloud_id shown on your deployment page in {ecloud}.

  2. In {fleet}, you can generate this API key when you add a {ls} output.

  3. {ess} uses standard publicly trusted certificates, so there’s no need specify other SSL settings here.

Self-managed {es} cluster example:

input {
  elastic_agent {
    port => 5044
    ssl_enabled => true
    ssl_certificate_authorities => ["/path/to/ca.crt"]
    ssl_certificate => "/path/to/logstash.crt"
    ssl_key => "/path/to/logstash.pkcs8.key"
    ssl_client_authentication => "required"

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => "https://xxxx:9200"
    api_key => "xxxx:xxxx"
    data_stream => true
    ssl => true
    cacert => "/path/to/http_ca.crt" (1)
  1. Use the certificate that was generated for {es}.

To learn more about the {ls} configuration, refer to:

  • {logstash-ref}/plugins-inputs-elastic_agent.html[{agent} input plugin]

  • {logstash-ref}/plugins-outputs-elasticsearch.html[{es} output plugin]

  • {logstash-ref}/ls-security.html[Secure your connection to {es}]

When you’re done configuring the pipeline, restart {ls}:


Add a {ls} output to {fleet}

This section describes how to add a {ls} output and configure SSL settings in {fleet}. If you’re running {agent} standalone, refer to the {ls} output configuration docs.

  1. In {kib}, go to {fleet} > Settings.

  2. Under Outputs, click Add output. If you’ve been following the {ls} steps in {fleet}, you might already be on this page.

  3. Specify a name for the output.

  4. For Type, select Logstash.

  5. Under Logstash hosts, specify the host and port your agents will use to connect to {ls}. Use the format host:port.

  6. In the Server SSL certificate authorities field, paste in the entire contents of the ca.crt file you generated earlier.

  7. In the Client SSL certificate field, paste in the entire contents of the client.crt file you generated earlier.

  8. In the Client SSL certificate key field, paste in the entire contents of the client.key file you generated earlier.

Screen capture of a folder called `logstash` that contains two files: logstash.crt and logstash.key

When you’re done, save and apply the settings.

Select the {ls} output in an agent policy

{ls} is now listening for events from {agent}, but events are not streaming into {es} yet. You need to select the {ls} output in an agent policy. You can edit an existing policy or create a new one:

  1. In {kib}, go to {fleet} > Agent policies and either create a new agent policy or click an existing policy to edit it:

    • To change the output settings in a new policy, click Create agent policy and expand Advanced options.

    • To change the output settings in an existing policy, click the policy to edit it, then click Settings.

  2. Set Output for integrations and (optionally) Output for agent monitoring to use the {ls} output you created earlier. You might need to scroll down to see these options

    Screen capture showing the {ls} output policy selected in an agent policy
  3. Save your changes.

Any {agent}s enrolled in the agent policy will begin sending data to {es} via {ls}. If you don’t have any installed {agent}s enrolled in the agent policy, do that now.

There might be a slight delay while the {agent}s update to the new policy and connect to {ls} over a secure connection.

Test the connection

To make sure {ls} is sending data, run the following command from the host where {ls} is running:

curl -XGET localhost:9600/_node/stats/events

The request should return stats on the number of events in and out. If these values are 0, check the {agent} logs for problems.

When data is streaming to {es}, go to {observability} and click Metrics to view metrics about your system.