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File metadata and controls

46 lines (38 loc) · 2.94 KB

MPS CLI Gradle Plugin

This project provides a Gradle plugin developed with Groovy which parses MPS files and builds the object model.

A demo about using the MPS CLI Gradle plugin is provided here.


This Gradle plugin contributes the following tasks:

  • buildModel builds the object model based on the MPS files from sourcesDir
    • sourcesDir is a list with directories containing solutions
  • printLanguageInfo prints the information about the languages in a file specified by destinationDir
  • buildModuleDependencies builds the dependencies between solutions (extracts solution "dependency" information and builds upstream/downstream dependencies graphs) based on the MPS files from sourcesDir
  • buildModelDependencies builds the dependencies between models (extracts model import information and builds upstream/downstream dependencies graphs) based on the MPS files from sourcesDir
  • computeConeOfInfluence computes the set of modules which are (directly and indirectly) affected by changes on the current branch
    • Inputs:
      • gitRepoRootLocation - working directory and the base for all paths
      • modifiedFiles - list of paths to modified files - models, modules, root nodes, etc. (either set this input or 'referenceBranchName')
      • referenceBranchName - the current git working tree and the commits since branching off this branch will be considered (either set this input or 'modifiedFiles')
    • Outputs:
      • affectedSolutions - list of modules affected by the modified files. This contains the modules of the modified models and the modules dependent on them
      • affectedSolutionsAndUpstreamDependencies - list of affected modules and all their dependencies


The following features are available:

  • load MPS files (*.mps, *.mpsr) including binary models as jars and expose their content as Groovy object model
    • solutions, models, root nodes, nodes, children, references, properties
  • extract the meta-information and expose it as Groovy object model
    • list of languages, their concepts with information about properties, references, children

The core of the Groovy object model is given by the following classes:

  • SNode - represents a node
  • SModel - represents a model
  • SSolution - represents a solution
  • SRepository - the repository containing the parsed model and meta-informations


The plugin has currently the following limitations:

  • the extracted meta-information is based solely on the information saved in the model files
    • e.g. if a concept is not instantiated at all in the set of loaded models, the meta-information will not contain it at all
    • e.g. if a link of a concept is not set in any of its instances, the meta-information will not contain it at all

Demo application

To quickly test the code, we packaged an application implemented in 'MpsCliDemo.groovy'. To start the application run gradlew run --args PATH_TO_MPS_SOLUTIONS