Releases: kubevirt/hyperconverged-cluster-operator
This release follows v1.7.0 and consists of 106 changes, leading to 2785 files changed, 157309 insertions(+), 210405 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.8.0
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.8.0
- [PR #2216][kubevirt-bot] Consume fresher opm tool
- [PR #2209][kubevirt-bot] Add ConsolePlugin to HCO watch list
- [PR #2185][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.55.2
- [PR #2180][tiraboschi] Avoid omitempty on WorkloadUpdateMethods
- [PR #2181][tiraboschi] Avoid omitempty on WorkloadUpdateMethods
- [PR #2178][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.55.1
- [PR #2173][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT_CONSOLE_PLUGIN to v4.12.0
- [PR #2166][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.16.2
- [PR #2165][kubevirt-bot] Make caches for TlsSecurityProfile on HCO and APIServer independent
- [PR #2157][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.79.1
- [PR #2158][kubevirt-bot] Safely consume TLSSecurityProfile from APIServer CR
- [PR #2141][kubevirt-bot] artifacts-server: fix single stack compatibility
- [PR #2093][tiraboschi] Enable PSA FG on Kubevirt
- [PR #2135][tiraboschi] Revert PSA FG on Kubevirt
- [PR #2093][tiraboschi] Enable PSA FG on Kubevirt
- [PR #2131][kubevirt-bot] Periodically refresh APIServer CR in memory
- [PR #2107][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.55.0
- [PR #2118][tiraboschi] Build with golang 1.19 to align with OCP 4.12
- [PR #2108][machadovilaca] Validate TLS Security Profiles have required HTTP/2 cipher
- [PR #2117][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.58.0
- [PR #2106][hco-bot] Bump TTO to v0.4.1
- [PR #2089][tiraboschi] Propagate TLSSecurityProfile to Kubevirt
- [PR #2100][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.79.0
- [PR #2099][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.58.0-rc.0
- [PR #2096][hco-bot] Update configmaps of dashboards
- [PR #2094][tiraboschi] Bump golang dependencies
- [PR #2093][tiraboschi] Enable PSA FG on Kubevirt
- [PR #2084][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.57.1
- [PR #2083][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT_CONSOLE_PLUGIN to v4.12.0-3
- [PR #2081][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.78.0
- [PR #2074][tiraboschi] Propagate TLSSecurityProfile to CDI
- [PR #2079][tiraboschi] Propagate TLSSecurityProfile to SSP
- [PR #2078][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.16.1
- [PR #2067][ormergi] Remove deprecated SR-IOV live migration feature gate
- [PR #2076][hco-bot] Bump HPP to v0.14.0
- [PR #2051][tiraboschi] Expose the webhook with configured TLS config
- [PR #2073][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.57.0-rc.0
- [PR #2069][CJCShadowsan] Removed unneccessary maintenance line in after refactoring removed maintenance from HCO.
- [PR #2065][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.54.0
- [PR #2064][hco-bot] Update component graphs from the nightly job
- [PR #2059][akalenyu] Enable the VMExport feature gate for kubevirt
- [PR #2061][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.14.0
- [PR #2043][iholder101] Remove deprecated live migration feature gate
- [PR #2056][nunnatsa] Bump Kubevirt to version v0.56.0
- [PR #2054][orenc1] migrate to FBC in index image workflows.
- [PR #2055][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.53.1
- [PR #2052][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.53.0
- [PR #2053][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.16.0
- [PR #2047][hco-bot] Update Image Digests
- [PR #2040][orenc1] fix ocp4-moderate-routes-protected-by-tls compliance check fail.
- [PR #2036][tiraboschi] Comply with OCP/OKD 4.11 and 4.12 Pod Security Standards
- [PR #2035][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.52.0
- [PR #2034][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.55.0
- [PR #2031][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.55.0-rc.0
- [PR #2020][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.51.0
- [PR #2016][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT_CONSOLE_PLUGIN to v4.11.0
- [PR #2011][nunnatsa] Fix sw crash
- [PR [#2008](
This release follows v1.6.0 and consists of 169 changes, leading to 4413 files changed, 470081 insertions(+), 164022 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.7.0
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.7.0
- [PR #2036][tiraboschi] Comply with OCP/OKD 4.11 and 4.12 Pod Security Standards
- [PR #2041][tiraboschi] Comply with OCP/OKD 4.11 and 4.12 Pod Security Standards
- [PR #2042][kubevirt-bot] fix ocp4-moderate-routes-protected-by-tls compliance check fail.
- [PR #2017][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.76.1
- [PR #2012][nunnatsa] Fix sw crash
- [PR #2009][nunnatsa] Fix BZ 2097465
- [PR #2007][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.53.2
- [PR #2005][kubevirt-bot] Expose a knob to let the user tune default CPU model
- [PR #2002][kubevirt-bot] Fix BZ-2080547
- [PR #1990][kubevirt-bot] Fix BZ 2091309
- [PR #1984][nunnatsa] Fix BZ 2092158
- [PR #1966][hco-bot] Bump HPP to v0.13.0
- [PR #1953][nunnatsa] Fix Prometheus alert bug, where the KubevirtHyperconvergedClusterOperatorInstallationNotCompletedAlert alert is not working when the HyperConverged CR is not present.
- [PR #1962][orenc1] add cpu and memory requests to console plugin deployment
- [PR #1965][orenc1] reconcile console plugin on labels change as well.
- [PR #1964][hco-bot] Update component graphs from the nightly job
- [PR #1958][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.13.0
- [PR #1955][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.53.1
- [PR #1942][orenc1] Revert NMO handling in main
- [PR #1956][hco-bot] Update component graphs from the nightly job
- [PR #1949][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.49.0
- [PR #1944][tiraboschi] reconcile ConsoleCLIDownload and ConsoleQuickStart
- [PR #1938][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.15.0
- [PR #1940][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.76.0
- [PR #1933][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT_CONSOLE_PLUGIN to v0.0.4
- [PR #1937][machadovilaca] Force delete old HCO metrics objects
- [PR #1935][hco-bot] Bump TTO to v0.3.0
- [PR #1911][orenc1] bump golang version in HCO to 1.18.1
- [PR #1905][orenc1] remove NMO and set it as a dependency to HCO
- [PR #1914][nunnatsa] New metric: kubevirt_hco_hyperconverged_cr_exists - 1 if the HyperConverged CR exists, 0 if not
- [PR #1923][tiraboschi] csv-merger: handle skips and olm.skipRange as parameters
- [PR #1920][nunnatsa] Prevent upgrade if one of the operand is not upgradeable
- [PR #1908][tiraboschi] Avoid special handling for liveMigration FG on SNO
- [PR #1907][orenc1] deprecate localStorageClassName
- [PR #1903][hco-bot] Update component graphs from the nightly job
- [PR #1901][orenc1] enable kubevirt console plugin
- [PR #1899][hco-bot] Update component graphs from the nightly job
- [PR #1829][brybacki] Remove config map kubevirt-storage-class-defaults
- [PR #1883][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.47.0
- [PR #1881][tiraboschi] set supported labels on the CSV
- [PR #1879][tiraboschi] bump
- [PR #1854][nunnatsa] Bump SSP to v0.14.1
- [PR #1880][hco-bot] Update component graphs from the nightly job
- [PR #1851][maya-r] Allow tuning CDI's filesystem overhead through HCO CR
- [PR #1862][hco-bot] Update component graphs from the nightly job
- [PR #1827][tiraboschi] Introduce cluster-wide Crypto Policy
- [PR #1861][hco-bot] Bump TTO to v0.2.1
- [PR #1859][nunnatsa] Allow setting all the fields of a common DICT spec
- [PR #1846][xpivarc] NonRoot feature gate is on by default
- [PR #1848][tiraboschi] Add component graphs
- [PR #1853][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.74.0
- [PR #1809][orenc1] kubevirt console plugin integration with HCO
- [PR #1847][rhrazdil] Nmstate is removed from networkAddonsConfig as CNAO doesn't support it's deployment
- [PR #1837][tiraboschi] bump golang dependencies
- [PR #1843][tiraboschi] Bump GoGo Protobuf in the digester
- [PR #1833][machadovilaca] Simplify the functional tests and make them more robust to versioning convention changes
- [PR #1840][hco-bot] Update Image Digests
- [PR #1838][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.73.0
- [PR #1835][tiraboschi] Fix a race condition on object recreation
- [PR #1832][nunnatsa] HCO now supports the removing of a specific DataImportCronTemplate from the list in SSP. Also, HCO allow modying the storage field.
- [PR #1824][tiraboschi] Remove leftovers during upgrades
- [PR #1826][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.72.0
- [PR #1823][tiraboschi] Filter out LiveMigrate workloadUpdateMethod on SNO
- [PR #1819][tiraboschi] Ignore sriovLiveMigration FG on SNO
- [PR #1670][machadovilaca] Update HCO code struct to match recent operator-sdk layouts
- [PR #1813][tiraboschi] Fix cache miss hit on resource recreation
- [PR #1817][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.46.0
- [PR #1815][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.51.0
- [PR #1799][tiraboschi] Opt-out from cluster-wide default node selector
- [PR #1811][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.70.0
- [PR #1807][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.51.0-rc.0
- [PR #1805][tiraboschi] Rollback CNAO to v0.67.0 and update NMO digests
- [PR #1762][hco-bot] Update configmaps of dashboards
- [PR #1791][orenc1] Add kube-rbac-proxy image for CNAO
- [PR #1796][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.68.0
- [PR #1795][hco-bot] Bump NMO to v0.11.3
- [PR #1790][nunnatsa] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to version v0.67.0
- [PR #1789][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.45.0
- [PR #1784][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.44.1
- [PR #1781][orenc1] Add CentOS7 golden image boot source
- [PR #1783][hco-bot] Bump NMO to v0.11.2
- [PR #1780][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.2
- [PR #1775][machadovilaca] Add CSV annotation to statically opt-out from operands removal from the OpenShift console
- [PR #1711][machadovilaca] Remove old HCO metrics services and endpoints when upgrading
- [PR #1776][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.50.0
- [PR #1765][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.50.0-rc.0
- [PR #1773][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.66.0
- [PR #1771][machadovilaca] Replace Docker commands with Podman
- [PR #1768][nunnatsa] Add missing DataImportCron reference in cluster configuration document
- [PR #1755][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.44.0
- [PR #1754][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.1
- [PR #1746][machadovilaca] Avoid importing
- [PR #1750][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.12.1
- [PR #1747][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.0
- [PR #1739][nunnatsa] Allow multiple tags in imagestreams
- [PR #1718][iholder-redhat] Expose Kubevirt's log verbosity to HCO CR to tweak Kubevirt's log verbosity for different components
- [PR #1719][nunnatsa] Fix BZ 2041519
- [PR #1726][tiraboschi] Bump various golang dependenc...
This release follows v1.5.2 and consists of 179 changes, leading to 3199 files changed, 532717 insertions(+), 164553 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.6.0
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.6.0
- [PR #1820][kubevirt-bot] Ignore sriovLiveMigration FG on SNO
- [PR #1818][kubevirt-bot] Fix cache miss hit on resource recreation
- [PR #1799][tiraboschi] Opt-out from cluster-wide default node selector
- [PR #1816][tiraboschi] Opt-out from cluster-wide default node selector
- [PR #1798][kubevirt-bot] Remove old HCO metrics services and endpoints when upgrading
- [PR #1803][kubevirt-bot] Update configmaps of dashboards
- [PR #1797][kubevirt-bot] Add CentOS7 golden image boot source
- [PR #1786][nunnatsa] Set the CDI version to v1.43.2
- [PR #1779][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.2
- [PR #1769][kubevirt-bot] Add missing DataImportCron reference in cluster configuration document
- [PR #1759][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.44.0 on release-1.6
- [PR #1752][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.1
- [PR #1749][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.12.1
- [PR #1741][kubevirt-bot] Allow multiple tags in imagestreams
- [PR #1737][kubevirt-bot] Fix BZ 2041519
- [PR #1728][kubevirt-bot] Bump various golang dependencies
- [PR #1723][kubevirt-bot] Add unique part-of,component and version labels values across KubeVirt's components.
- [PR #1722][kubevirt-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.0-rc.3
- [PR #1708][machadovilaca] Replace EOL CentOS base images in Dockefiles with CentOS Stream 9
- [PR #1707][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.49.0
- [PR #1703][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.43.0
- [PR #1685][tiraboschi] Migrations can now be done over a dedicated multus network
- [PR #1688][vladikr] It is now possible to provide a node-specific configuration of the mediated devices types
- [PR #1700][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.65.2
- [PR #1690][ksimon1] remove centos 8 dataImportCron, because it is EOL
- [PR #1684][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.49.0-rc.0
- [PR #1682][tiraboschi] Set enableCommonBootImageImport to
by default - [PR #1673][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.42.1
- [PR #1672][tiraboschi] Expose a knob to tune UninstallStrategy
- [PR #1671][tiraboschi] Fetch addition HPP images by digest
- [PR #1666][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.65.1
- [PR #1665][nunnatsa] Take the golden images from their new location at
- [PR #1664][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.12.0
- [PR #1663][hco-bot] Bump HPP to v0.12.0
- [PR #1660][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.48.1
- [PR #1659][nunnatsa] Reconcile the image stream only if the enableCommonBootImageImport featuregate is true
- [PR #1654][nunnatsa] Fix bugzilla bug #2030660
- [PR #1647][orenc1] Add virtio-win ConfigMap [BugFix for #2025295]
- [PR #1639][tiraboschi] Configure Kubevirt for SNO mode
- [PR #1650][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.64.0
- [PR #1649][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.48.0
- [PR #1648][machadovilaca] Remove KubeVirtCmHandler
- [PR #1645][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.63.0
- [PR #1641][hco-bot] Bump HPP to v0.11.0
- [PR #1603][tiraboschi] Bump HPPO to v0.11.0
- [PR #1638][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.48.0-rc.0
- [PR #1622][assafad] Added common labels into alert definitions
- [PR #1626][tiraboschi] Be more tolerant parsing actual version
- [PR #1625][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.62.0
- [PR #1621][rmohr] Enable the NUMA feature gate for kubevirt
- [PR #1608][vladikr] Support automatic configuration of mediated devices (vGPUs)
- [PR #1615][nunnatsa] Bump SSP to v0.13.0-rc.2 and adopt the new Golden Images API
- [PR #1612][tiraboschi] Bump the operator capability level to Deep Insights
- [PR #1610][maya-r] Enable kubevirt ExpandDisks FeatureGate by default
- [PR #1579][tiraboschi] Enable (again) default workloadUpdates strategies
- [PR #1585][nunnatsa] Bump CDI to v1.41.0
- [PR #1582][tiraboschi] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.47.1
- [PR #1586][tiraboschi] Apply upgrade patches according to a json file
- [PR #1588][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.61.0
- [PR #1587][tiraboschi] Refresh hco-test-build
- [PR #1584][tiraboschi] Bump golang dependencies
- [PR #1577][tiraboschi] Disable default workloadUpdates strategies
- [PR #1574][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.46.1
- [PR #1571][tiraboschi] Check for outdated VMs after the upgrade
- [PR #1570][tiraboschi] Point build badge to the nightly job on openshift-ci
- [PR #1565][erkanerol] Fix an issue in updating PriorityClass object in relatedObjects.
- [PR #1566][nunnatsa] On upgrade, HCO compares the list of quick start guides from its image, with the existing list of HCO related quick start guide from the cluster. If there are old quick start guides that are not required anymore, HCO will remove them.
- [PR #1567][tiraboschi] Avoid setting a default for bandwidthPerMigration and dropping it if == 64Mi
- [PR #1564][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.60.0
- [PR #1563][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.10.1
- [PR #1562][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.46.0
- [PR #1561][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.10.0
- [PR #1560][hco-bot] Bump HPP to v0.10.0
- [PR #1558][erkanerol] Fix out of date resource versions of objects in relatedObjects
- [PR #1546][tiraboschi] Set priority class for hyperconverged-cluster-cli-download
- [PR #1553][nunnatsa] Fix an issue with setting the dataImportCronTemplates field
- [PR #1555][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.46.0-rc.0
- [PR #1554][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.0-rc.1
- [PR #1542][tiraboschi] Avoid setting Evict workloadUpdates strategy
- [PR #1541][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.40.0
- [PR #1530][erkanerol] Add new recording rule ("cnv:vmi_request_cpu_cores:sum" ) to keep track of sum of allocated CPUs to VMIs.
- [PR #1536][nunnatsa] Add hard coded list of golden images to the HCO operator and webhook images.
- [PR #1535][nunnatsa] Rename the golden images feature gate from commonDataImportCronEnabled to enableCommonBootImageImport
- [PR #1534][tiraboschi] Declare proxy support
- [PR #1529][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.59.0
- [PR #1525][nunnatsa] * Support the golden images feature
- [PR #1522][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.13.0-rc.0
- [PR #1521][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.45.0
- [PR #1517][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.39.0
- [PR #1516][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.45.0-rc.0
- [PR #1446][tiraboschi] Drop vm-import-operator integration
- [PR #1514][hco-bot] Bump NMO to v0.10.0
- [PR #1512][hco-bot] Update configmaps of dashboards
- [PR #1509][hco-bot] Bump VM_IMPORT to v0.4.0
- [PR #1510][hco-bot] Update Image Digests
- [PR #1506][tiraboschi] Bump dependencies with up to date releases
- [PR #1507][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.12.0
- [PR #1501][tiraboschi] Enable DownwardMetrics FeatureGate on Kubevirt
- [PR #1500][tiraboschi] Replace PNG icon with SVG one
- [PR #1496][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.11.3
- [PR #1490][tiraboschi] Bump version to 1.6.0
kubevirt: v0.44.3 -> v0.49.0
- [PR #7004][iholder-redhat] Bugfix: Avoid setting block migration for volumes used by read-only disks
- [PR #6959][enp0s3] generate event when target pod enters unschedulable phase
- [PR #6888][assafad] Added common labels into alert definitions
- [PR #6166][vasiliy-ul] Experimental support of AMD SEV
- [PR #6980][vasiliy-ul] Updated the dependencies to include the fix for CVE-2021-43565 (KubeVirt is not affected)
- [PR #6944][iholder-redhat] Remove disabling TLS configuration from Live Migration Policies
- [PR #6800][jean-edouard] CPU pinning doesn't require hardware-assisted virtualization anymore
- [PR #6501][ShellyKa13] Use virtctl image-upload to upload archive content
- [PR #6918][iholder-redhat] Bug fix: Unscheduable host-model VMI alert is now properly triggered
- [PR #6796][Barakmor1] 'kubevirt-operator' changed to 'virt-operator' on 'managed-by' label in kubevirt's components made by virt-operator
- [PR #6036][jean-edouard] Migrations can now be done over a dedicated multus network
- [PR #6933][erkanerol] Add a new lane for monitoring tests
- [PR #6949][jean-edouard] KubeVirt components should now be successfully removed on CR deletion, even when using only 1 replica for virt-api and virt-controller
- [PR #6954][maiqueb] Update the
exposed servicesIPFamilyPolicyType
default toIPFamilyPolicyPreferDualStack
- [PR #6931][fossedihelm] added DryRun to AddVolumeOptions and RemoveVolumeOptions
- [PR #6379][nunnatsa] Fix issue
- [PR #6399][iholder-redhat] Introduce live migration policies that allow system-admins to have fine-grained control over migration configuration for different sets of VMs.
- [PR #6880][iholder-redhat] Add full Podman support for
andmake test
- [PR #6702][acardace] implement virt-handler canary upgrade and rollback for faster and safer rollouts
- [PR #6717][davidvossel] Introducing the VirtualMachinePools feature for managing stateful VMs at scale
- [PR #6698][rthallisey] Add tracing to the virt-controller work queue
- [PR #6762][fossedihelm] added DryRun mode to virtcl to migrate command
- [PR #6891][rmohr] Fix "Make raw terminal failed: The handle is invalid?" issue with "virtctl console" when not executed in a pty
- [PR #6783][rmohr] Skip SSH RSA auth if no RSA key was explicitly provided and not key exists at the default location
- [PR #6670][futuretea] Added 'virtctl soft-reboot' command to reboot the VMI.
- [PR #6861][orelmisan] virtctl errors are written to stderr instead of stdout
- [PR #6836][enp0s3] Added PHASE and VMI columns for the 'kubectl get vmim' CLI output
- [PR #6784][nunnatsa] kubevirt-config configMap is no longer supported for KubeVirt confi...
This release follows v1.5.1 and consists of 1 changes, leading to 10 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.5.2
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.5.2
- [PR #1806][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.38.1
kubevirt: v0.44.3
Not updated
containerized-data-importer: v1.38.0 -> v1.38.1
- [PR #2138][awels] BugFix: Fix http(s) proxy not working when using nbdkit to import images.
- [PR #2091][akalenyu] BugFix: Some of the cdi resources are missing labels after upgrade
- [PR #2018][akalenyu] BugFix: Some of the cdi resources are missing labels after upgrade
- [PR #2035][akalenyu] BugFix: Some of the cdi resources are missing labels after upgrade
- [PR #2041][kubevirt-bot] Fix access control for storageprofiles
- [PR #2014][kubevirt-bot] Enhancement: Allow admin user to specify priority class of CDI control plane
- [PR #2013][kubevirt-bot] VDDK: accept snapshot change IDs in previous checkpoint fields
- [PR #2006][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: our qemu-img convert cmd writes with cache=none (bypassing cache)
- [PR #2000][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: our qemu-img convert cmd writes with cache=none (bypassing cache)
- [PR #1943][kubevirt-bot] BugId: 1999571 - fix clone into larger capacity nfs volume
- [PR #1926][brybacki] Bugfix: Fix fsoverhead calculation
- [PR #1928][brybacki] Bugfix: Fix fsoverhead calculation
- [PR #1907][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: cdi-docker-registry-host Pod fails to start on OpenShift
- [PR #1908][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: Some of the cdi resources missing app labels
cluster-network-addons-operator: v0.58.6
Not updated
ssp-operator: v0.12.0
Not updated
node-maintenance-operator: v0.10.0
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner-operator: v0.9.0
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner: v0.9.0
Not updated
vm-import-operator: v0.4.0
Not updated
0 people contributed to this HCO release:
Additional Resources
- Mailing list:!forum/kubevirt-dev
- Slack:
- An easy to use demo:
- How to contribute
- License
This release follows v1.4.3 and consists of 1 changes, leading to 6 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.4.4
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.4.4
- [PR #1808][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.34.3
kubevirt: v0.41.4
Not updated
containerized-data-importer: v1.34.2 -> v1.34.3
- [PR #2139][awels] BugFix: Fix http(s) proxy not working when using nbdkit to import images.
- [PR #2122][awels] BugFix: Fix unable to list ConfigMap in cluster scope error messages in cdi controller log.
- [PR #1926][brybacki] Bugfix: Fix fsoverhead calculation
- [PR #1927][brybacki] Bugfix: Fix fsoverhead calculation
- [PR #1882][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: Align disk image size to 1Mi instead of 512 bytes.
- [PR #1883][kubevirt-bot] Lower VDDK read size for vCenter connections to reduce incidence of allocation failures caused by simultaneous imports.
- [PR #1879][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: large qcow2.gz files failed to import due to pr limit
- [PR #1800][kubevirt-bot] Add VDDK version information to DV annotation after importer pod is deleted.
- [PR #1856][kubevirt-bot] Enhancement: Set reasonable default values for request/limits of workload pods.
- [PR #1852][kubevirt-bot] Copy AwaitingVDDK condition reason to DV when PVC is waiting for v2v-vmware ConfigMap to be created.
cluster-network-addons-operator: v0.53.10
Not updated
ssp-operator: v0.11.4
Not updated
node-maintenance-operator: v0.9.1
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner-operator: v0.8.2
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner: v0.9.0
Not updated
vm-import-operator: v0.4.0
Not updated
0 people contributed to this HCO release:
Additional Resources
- Mailing list:!forum/kubevirt-dev
- Slack:
- An easy to use demo:
- How to contribute
- License
This release follows v1.5.0 and consists of 8 changes, leading to 33 files changed, 686 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.5.1
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.5.1
- [PR #1743][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.58.6
- [PR #1662][tiraboschi] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.58.5
- [PR #1627][kubevirt-bot] Be more tolerant parsing actual version
- [PR #1586][tiraboschi] Apply upgrade patches according to a json file
- [PR #1599][tiraboschi] Apply upgrade patches according to a json file
kubevirt: v0.44.3
Not updated
containerized-data-importer: v1.38.0
Not updated
cluster-network-addons-operator: v0.58.2 -> v0.58.6
- [PR #1136][rhrazdil] bump nmstate to v0.52.11
- [PR #1112][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.52.11
- [PR #1090][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.52.10
- [PR #1085][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.52.9
- [PR #1076][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.52.8
- [PR #1065][github-actions[bot]] bump ovs-cni to v0.26.0
- [PR #1065][github-actions[bot]] bump ovs-cni to v0.26.0
- [PR #1059][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.52.7
- [PR #1042][github-actions[bot]] bump kubemacpool to v0.31.2
- [PR #1028][github-actions[bot]] bump ovs-cni to v0.24.0
ssp-operator: v0.12.0
Not updated
node-maintenance-operator: v0.10.0
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner-operator: v0.9.0
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner: v0.9.0
Not updated
vm-import-operator: v0.4.0
Not updated
2 people contributed to this HCO release:
- 3 Simone Tiraboschi
- 1 Oren Cohen
Additional Resources
- Mailing list:!forum/kubevirt-dev
- Slack:
- An easy to use demo:
- How to contribute
- License
This release follows v1.4.2 and consists of 2 changes, leading to 10 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.4.3
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.4.3
- [PR #1725][tiraboschi] Bump Kubevirt v0.41.3 -> v0.41.4, CNAO v0.53.7 -> v0.53.10
kubevirt: v0.41.3 -> v0.41.4
- [PR #6573][acardace] mutate migration PDBs instead of creating an additional one for the duration of the migration.
- [PR #6517][jean-edouard] VMs with cloud-init data should now properly migrate from older KubeVirt versions
- [PR #6333][acardace] Fix virt-launcher exit pod race condition
- [PR #6401][rmohr] Fix rbac permissions for freeze/unfreeze, addvolume/removevolume, guestosinfo, filesystemlist and userlist
- [PR #6147][rmohr] Fix rbac permissions for freeze/unfreeze, addvolume/removevolume, guestosinfo, filesystemlist and userlist
- [PR #5673][kubevirt-bot] Improved logging around VM/VMI shutdown and restart
- [PR #6227][kwiesmueller] Fix goroutine leak in virt-handler, potentially causing issues with a high turnover of VMIs.
containerized-data-importer: v1.34.2
Not updated
cluster-network-addons-operator: v0.53.7 -> v0.53.10
- [PR #1093][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.47.9
- [PR #1086][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.47.8
- [PR #1044][github-actions[bot]] bump kubemacpool to v0.26.7
- [PR #1040][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.47.7
- [PR #1027][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.47.6
ssp-operator: v0.11.4
Not updated
node-maintenance-operator: v0.9.1
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner-operator: v0.8.2
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner: v0.9.0
Not updated
vm-import-operator: v0.4.0
Not updated
1 people contributed to this HCO release:
- 1 Simone Tiraboschi
Additional Resources
- Mailing list:!forum/kubevirt-dev
- Slack:
- An easy to use demo:
- How to contribute
- License
Release v1.5.0
This release follows v1.4.2 and consists of 126 changes, leading to 5353 files changed, 1285653 insertions(+), 25747 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.5.0
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.5.0
- [PR #1578][tiraboschi] Disable default workloadUpdates strategies
- [PR #1576][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.44.3 on release-1.5
- [PR #1568][tiraboschi] Avoid setting a default for bandwidthPerMigration and dropping it if == 64Mi
- [PR #1549][tiraboschi] Bump components to get ready for 1.5.0
- [PR #1543][tiraboschi] Avoid setting Evict workloadUpdates strategy
- [PR #1503][kubevirt-bot] Enable DownwardMetrics FeatureGate on Kubevirt
- [PR #1486][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.58.0
- [PR #1485][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.38.0
- [PR #1484][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.9.0
- [PR #1482][hco-bot] Bump HPP to v0.9.0
- [PR #1476][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.44.1
- [PR #1473][hco-bot] Update configmaps of dashboards
- [PR #1471][hco-bot] Update configmaps of dashboards
- [PR #1469][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.44.0
- [PR #1465][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.37.1
- [PR #1463][nunnatsa] Add the libguestfs tools image digest to KubeVirt env vars
- [PR #1461][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.44.0-rc.0
- [PR #1457][tiraboschi] Update .status.storedVersions on the CRD on upgrades
- [PR #1451][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.37.0
- [PR #1435][acardace] Set DiskVerification memory usage limit in KubeVirt CR
- [PR #1450][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.43.1-rc.2
- [PR #1436][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.43.0
- [PR #1437][erkanerol] Add dashboards into OpenShift UI
- [PR #1434][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.43.0-rc.1
- [PR #1421][erkanerol] Add new controllers for reconciling ConfigMaps of OCP Dashboard
- [PR #1425][nunnatsa] Added a new prometheus metrics called
to count the unsafe modifications - the modifications that are done using the jsonpatch annotation. - [PR #1427][tiraboschi] Set PriorityClass for the two deployments
- [PR #1413][nunnatsa] API Change: removed the version field from the HyperConverged's spec
- [PR #1422][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.36.0
- [PR #1417][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.8.2
- [PR #1415][hco-bot] Bump VM_IMPORT to v0.3.7
- [PR #1411][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.57.0
- [PR #1407][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.8.1
- [PR #1401][nunnatsa] Enable SRIOVLiveMigration feature-gate by default
- [PR #1405][tiraboschi] Tune resources requests
- [PR #1403][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.35.0
- [PR #1402][hco-bot] Bump VM_IMPORT to v0.3.6
- [PR #1392][hco-bot] Bump HPPO to v0.8.0
- [PR #1391][hco-bot] Bump HPP to v0.8.0
- [PR #1397][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.42.1
- [PR #1396][tiraboschi] Remove descriptions from unstored versions of CRDs
- [PR #1395][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.56.0
- [PR #1390][tiraboschi] Document certificateRotation parameters
- [PR #1388][tiraboschi] Exit the upgrade mode only when nothing is still to be written on the HCO CR
- [PR #1389][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.11.2
- [PR #1335][tiraboschi] Reduce the memory footprint using cache selectors
- [PR #1384][nunnatsa] Remove the default PCI host devices
- [PR #1380][tiraboschi] Always update objectReferences in a single pass
- [PR #1378][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.55.0
- [PR #1377][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.34.1
- [PR #1353][tiraboschi] migrate * CRDs to
- [PR #1361][hco-bot] Bump NMO to v0.9.0
- [PR #1355][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.11.0
- [PR #1352][nunnatsa] Fix bug
- [PR #1350][nunnatsa] Fix a bug in adopting the kubevirt-config CM
- [PR #1348][nunnatsa] API Change:
- [PR #1324][hco-bot] Bump NETWORK_ADDONS to v0.54.0
- [PR #1341][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.41.0
- [PR #1334][hco-bot] Bump KUBEVIRT to v0.41.0-rc.1
- [PR #1331][hco-bot] Bump SSP to v0.2.0
- [PR #1328][tiraboschi] Fix initialDelay for the liveness probe
- [PR #1318][nunnatsa] Enforce the and the PCI host devices. Add the disabled field to the pciHostDevice object, in order to prevent their propagation to the KubeVirt CR. Changes the
field name topciDeviceSelector
- [PR #1325][tiraboschi] Increase the initialDelay for the liveness probe
- [PR #1319][tiraboschi] Make deploy/kustomize compatible with kustomize v3
- [PR #1316][tiraboschi] change the enforced min value for cert rotation to 10 minutes
- [PR #1311][tiraboschi] Enforce more checks on certConfig
- [PR #1304][orenc1] switch to index image in semver mode
- [PR #1301][hco-bot] Bump CDI to v1.34.0
- [PR #1295][tiraboschi] Document out of band modification alert
kubevirt: v0.41.3 -> v0.44.3
- [PR #6518][jean-edouard] VMs with cloud-init data should now properly migrate from older KubeVirt versions
- [PR #6532][kubevirt-bot] mutate migration PDBs instead of creating an additional one for the duration of the migration.
- [PR #6536][kubevirt-bot] Fix corrupted DHCP Gateway Option from local DHCP server, leading to rejected IP configuration on Windows VMs.
- [PR #6479][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: Fixed hotplug race between kubelet and virt-handler when virt-launcher dies unexpectedly.
- [PR #6392][rmohr] Better place vcpu threads on host cpus to form more efficient passthrough architectures
- [PR #6251][rmohr] Better place vcpu threads on host cpus to form more efficient passthrough architectures
- [PR #6344][kubevirt-bot] BugFix: hotplug was broken when using it with a hostpath volume that was on a separate device.
- [PR #6263][rmohr] Make k8s client rate limits configurable
- [PR #6207][kubevirt-bot] Fix goroutine leak in virt-handler, potentially causing issues with a high turnover of VMIs.
- [PR #6101][rmohr] Make k8s client rate limits configurable
- [PR #6249][kubevirt-bot] Fix rbac permissions for freeze/unfreeze, addvolume/removevolume, guestosinfo, filesystemlist and userlist
- [PR #6219][kubevirt-bot] Add phases to the vm snapshot api, specifically a failure phase
- [PR #6058][acardace] Fix virt-launcher exit pod race condition
- [PR #6035][davidvossel] Addition of perfscale-audit tool for auditing performance of control plane during stress tests
- [PR #6145][acardace] virt-launcher: disable unencrypted TCP socket for libvirtd.
- [PR #6163][davidvossel] Handle qemu processes in defunc (zombie) state
- [PR #6105][ashleyschuett] Add VirtualMachineInstancesPerNode to KubeVirt CR under Spec.Configuration
- [PR #6104][zcahana] Report ErrorUnschedulable VM status when scheduling errors occur
- [PR #5905][davidvossel] VM CrashLoop detection and Exponential Backoff
- [PR #6070][acardace] Initiate Live-Migration using a unix socket (exposed by virt-handler) instead of an additional TCP<->Unix migration proxy started by virt-launcher
- [PR #5728][vasiliy-ul] Live migration of VMs with hotplug volumes is now enabled
- [PR #6109][rmohr] Fix virt-controller SCC: Reflect the need for NET_BIND_SERVICE in the virt-controller SCC.
- [PR #5942][ShellyKa13] Integrate guest agent to online VM snapshot
- [PR #6034][ashleyschuett] Go version updated to version 1.16.6
- [PR #6040][yuhaohaoyu] Improved debuggability by keeping the environment of a failed VMI alive.
- [PR #6068][dhiller] Add check that not all tests have been skipped
- [PR #6041][xpivarc] [Experimental] Virt-launcher can run as non-root user
- [PR #6062][iholder-redhat] replace dead "stress" binary with new, maintained, "stress-ng" binary
- [PR #6029][mhenriks] CDI to 1.36.0 with DataSource support
- [PR #4089][victortoso] Add support to USB Redirection with usbredir
- [PR #5946][vatsalparekh] Add guest-agent based ping probe
- [PR #6005][acardace] make containerDisk validation memory usage limit configurable
- [PR #5791][zcahana] Added a READY column to the tabular output of "kubectl get vm/vmi"
- [PR #6006][awels] DataVolumes created by DataVolumeTemplates will follow the associated VMs priority class.
- [PR #5982][davidvossel] Reduce vmi Update collisions (http code 409) during startup
- [PR #5891][akalenyu] BugFix: Pending VMIs when creating concurrent bulk of VMs backed by WFFC DVs
- [PR #5925][rhrazdil] Fix issue with Windows VMs not being assigned IP address configured in network-attachment-definition IPAM.
- [PR #6007][rmohr] Fix: The bandwidth limitation on migrations is no longer ignored. Caution: The default bandwidth limitation of 64Mi is changed to "unlimited" to not break existing installations.
- [PR #4944][kwiesmueller] Add
subresource toVirtualMachine
that can tunnel TCP traffic through the API Server using a websocket stream. - [PR #5402][alicefr] Integration of libguestfs-tools and added new command
to virtctl - [PR #5953][ashleyschuett] Allow Failed VMs to be stopped when using
--force --gracePeriod 0
- [PR #5876][mlsorensen] KubeVirt CR supports specifying a runtime class for virt-launcher pods via 'launcherRuntimeClass'.
- [PR #5952][mhenriks] Use CDI beta API. CDI v1.20.0 is now the minimum requirement for kubevirt.
- [PR #5846][rmohr] Add "spec.cpu.numaTopologyPassthrough" which allows emulating a host-alligned virtual numa topology for high performance
- [PR #5894][rmohr] Add
to the KubeVirt CR to allow disabling encrypted migrations. They stay secure by default. - [PR #5649][awels] Enhancement: remove one attachment pod per disk limit (behavior on upgrade with running VM with hotplugged disks is undefined)
- [PR #5742][rmohr] VMIs which cho...
This release follows v1.4.1 and consists of 2 changes, leading to 22 files changed, 4887 insertions(+), 1664 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.4.2
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.4.2
- [PR #1548][tiraboschi] Bump components to get ready for 1.4.2
kubevirt: v0.41.3
Not updated
containerized-data-importer: v1.34.1 -> v1.34.2
- [PR #1838][kubevirt-bot] VDDK: handle special characters in login credentials.
- [PR #1832][mhenriks] Updating dependencies and switch to non-deprecated APIs
cluster-network-addons-operator: v0.53.6 -> v0.53.7
- [PR #980][github-actions[bot]] bump bridge-marker to 0.6.5
- [PR #979][github-actions[bot]] bump ovs-cni to v0.19.5
- [PR #976][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.47.5
- [PR #971][kubevirt-bot] Set max unavailable replicas of daemonsets to 10%
- [PR #964][github-actions[bot]] bump nmstate to v0.47.4
ssp-operator: v0.11.2 -> v0.11.4
- [PR #219][kubevirt-bot] Update common-templates bundle to v0.15.1
- [PR #203][kubevirt-bot] Update common-templates bundle to v0.15.0
node-maintenance-operator: v0.9.1
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner-operator: v0.8.2
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner: v0.8.0 -> v0.9.0
No notable changes
vm-import-operator: v0.3.6 -> v0.4.0
No notable changes
1 people contributed to this HCO release:
- 1 Simone Tiraboschi
Additional Resources
- Mailing list:!forum/kubevirt-dev
- Slack:
- An easy to use demo:
- How to contribute
- License
This release follows v1.4.0 and consists of 3 changes, leading to 31 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 376 deletions(-).
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of hyperconverged-cluster-operator is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using git tag -v v1.4.1
Pre-built containers are published on Quay and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
hyperconverged-cluster-operator - v1.4.1
- [PR #1480][nunnatsa] Bump KV to v0.41.3
- [PR #1475][tiraboschi] Consume kubevirt v0.41.3 to enable upgrades to OCP 4.9
- [PR #1458][tiraboschi] Update .status.storedVersions on the CRD on upgrades
kubevirt: v0.41.0 -> v0.41.3
- [PR #6196][ashleyschuett] Allow multiple shutdown events to ensure the event is received by ACPI
- [PR #6194][kubevirt-bot] Allow Failed VMs to be stopped when using
--force --gracePeriod 0
- [PR #6039][akalenyu] BugFix: Pending VMIs when creating concurrent bulk of VMs backed by WFFC DVs
- [PR #5917][davidvossel] Fixes event recording causing a segfault in virt-controller
- [PR #5886][ashleyschuett] Allow virtctl to stop VM and ignore the graceful shutdown period
- [PR #5866][xpivarc] Fix: Kubevirt build with golang 1.14+ will not fail on validation of container disk with memory allocation error
- [PR #5873][kubevirt-bot] Update ca-bundle if it is unable to be parsed
- [PR #5822][kubevirt-bot] migrated references of authorization/v1beta1 to authorization/v1
- [PR #5704][davidvossel] Fix virt-controller clobbering in progress vmi migration state during virt handler handoff
- [PR #5707][kubevirt-bot] Fixes null pointer dereference in migration controller
- [PR #5685][stu-gott] [bugfix] - reject VM defined with volume with no matching disk
- [PR #5670][stu-gott] Validation/Mutation webhooks now explicitly define a 10 second timeout period
- [PR #5653][kubevirt-bot] virt-launcher now populates domain's guestOS info and interfaces status according guest agent also when doing periodic resyncs.
- [PR #5644][kubevirt-bot] Fix live-migration failing when VM with masquarade iface has explicitly specified any of these ports: 22222, 49152, 49153
- [PR #5646][kubevirt-bot] virtctl rename support is dropped
containerized-data-importer: v1.34.1
Not updated
cluster-network-addons-operator: v0.53.6
Not updated
ssp-operator: v0.11.2
Not updated
node-maintenance-operator: v0.9.1
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner-operator: v0.8.2
Not updated
hostpath-provisioner: v0.8.0
Not updated
vm-import-operator: v0.3.6
Not updated
2 people contributed to this HCO release:
- 2 Simone Tiraboschi
- 1 Nahshon Unna Tsameret
Additional Resources
- Mailing list:!forum/kubevirt-dev
- Slack:
- An easy to use demo:
- How to contribute
- License