'\n networks.append(html)\n }\n\n var moreTxt = translate('MORE')\n var button = '' + moreTxt + ''\n if (recs.length > 4) {\n networks.append(button)\n }\n}\n\nfunction setUpDirectionElement (element, direction) {\n if (direction === 'cashOut') {\n element.removeClass('cash-in-color')\n element.addClass('cash-out-color')\n } else {\n element.addClass('cash-in-color')\n element.removeClass('cash-out-color')\n }\n}\n\nfunction setOperatorInfo (operator) {\n if (!operator || !operator.active) {\n $('.contacts, .contacts-compact').addClass('hide')\n } else {\n $('.contacts, .contacts-compact').removeClass('hide')\n $('.operator-name').text(operator.name)\n $('.operator-email').text(operator.email)\n $('.operator-phone').text(operator.phone)\n }\n}\n\nfunction setHardLimit (limits) {\n const component = $('#hard-limit-hours')\n if (limits.hardLimitWeeks >= 1) {\n return component.text(translate('Please come back in %s weeks', [limits.hardLimitWeeks]))\n }\n\n if (limits.hardLimitDays >= 1) {\n return component.text(translate('Please come back in %s days and %s hours', [limits.hardLimitDays, limits.hardLimitHours]))\n }\n\n component.text(translate('Please come back in %s hours', [limits.hardLimitHours]))\n}\n\nfunction setCryptomatModel (model) {\n cryptomatModel = model\n const versions = ['sintra', 'douro', 'gaia', 'tejo']\n const body = $('body')\n\n versions.forEach(it => body.removeClass(it))\n $('body').addClass(model.startsWith('douro') ? 'douro' : model)\n}\n\nfunction setDirection (direction) {\n let states = [\n $('.scan_id_photo_state'),\n $('.scan_manual_id_photo_state'),\n $('.scan_id_data_state'),\n $('.security_code_state'),\n $('.register_us_ssn_state'),\n $('.us_ssn_permission_state'),\n $('.register_phone_state'),\n $('.terms_screen_state'),\n $('.verifying_id_photo_state'),\n $('.verifying_face_photo_state'),\n $('.verifying_id_data_state'),\n $('.permission_id_state'),\n $('.sms_verification_state'),\n $('.bad_phone_number_state'),\n $('.bad_security_code_state'),\n $('.max_phone_retries_state'),\n $('.failed_permission_id_state'),\n $('.failed_verifying_id_photo_state'),\n $('.blocked_customer_state'),\n $('.fiat_error_state'),\n $('.fiat_transaction_error_state'),\n $('.failed_scan_id_data_state'),\n $('.sanctions_failure_state'),\n $('.error_permission_id_state'),\n $('.scan_face_photo_state'),\n $('.retry_scan_face_photo_state'),\n $('.permission_face_photo_state'),\n $('.failed_scan_face_photo_state'),\n $('.hard_limit_reached_state'),\n $('.failed_scan_id_photo_state'),\n $('.retry_permission_id_state'),\n $('.waiting_state'),\n $('.insert_promo_code_state'),\n $('.promo_code_not_found_state'),\n $('.custom_permission_state'),\n $('.custom_permission_screen2_numerical_state'),\n $('.custom_permission_screen2_text_state'),\n $('.custom_permission_screen2_choiceList_state')\n ]\n states.forEach(it => {\n setUpDirectionElement(it, direction)\n })\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * @param {Object} data\n * @param {boolean} data.active\n * @param {String} data.title\n * @param {String} data.text\n * @param {String} data.accept\n * @param {String} data.cancel\n */\nfunction setTermsScreen (data) {\n const $screen = $('.terms_screen_state')\n $screen.find('.js-terms-title').html(data.title)\n startPage(data.text)\n $screen.find('.js-terms-cancel-button').html(data.cancel)\n $screen.find('.js-terms-accept-button').html(data.accept)\n setTermsConditionsTimeout()\n setTermsConditionsAcceptanceDelay($screen, data)\n}\n\nfunction clearTermsConditionsTimeout () {\n clearTimeout(termsConditionsTimeout)\n}\n\nfunction setTermsConditionsTimeout () {\n termsConditionsTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n if (currentState === 'terms_screen') {\n buttonPressed('idle')\n }\n }, T_C_TIMEOUT)\n}\n\nfunction setTermsConditionsAcceptanceDelay (screen, data) {\n let acceptButton = screen.find('.js-terms-accept-button')\n acceptButton.css({ 'min-width': 0 })\n\n if (!data.delay) return\n\n let seconds = data.delayTimer / 1000\n acceptButton.prop('disabled', true)\n acceptButton.html(`${data.accept} (${seconds})`)\n\n var tmpbtn = acceptButton.clone().appendTo('body').css({ 'display': 'block', 'visibility': 'hidden' })\n var width = tmpbtn.outerWidth()\n tmpbtn.remove()\n acceptButton.css({ 'min-width': `${width}px` })\n termsConditionsAcceptanceInterval = setInterval(function () {\n seconds--\n if (currentState === 'terms_screen' && seconds > 0) {\n acceptButton.html(`${data.accept} (${seconds})`)\n }\n if (currentState === 'terms_screen' && seconds <= 0) {\n acceptButton.prop('disabled', false)\n acceptButton.html(`${data.accept}`)\n }\n if (seconds <= 0) {\n clearInterval(termsConditionsAcceptanceInterval)\n }\n }, 1000)\n}\n\nfunction clearTermsConditionsAcceptanceDelay () {\n clearInterval(termsConditionsAcceptanceInterval)\n clearTimeout(termsConditionsAcceptanceTimeout)\n}\n\nfunction resetTermsConditionsTimeout () {\n clearTermsConditionsTimeout()\n setTermsConditionsTimeout()\n}\n\n// click page up button\nfunction scrollUp () {\n resetTermsConditionsTimeout()\n const div = document.getElementById('js-terms-text-div')\n if (currentPage !== 0) {\n currentPage -= 1\n updateButtonStyles()\n updatePageCounter()\n div.scrollTo(0, currentPage * scrollSize)\n }\n}\n\n// start page\nfunction startPage (text) {\n const $screen = $('.terms_screen_state')\n $screen.find('.js-terms-text').html(text)\n currentPage = 0\n totalPages = 0\n setTimeout(function () {\n const div = document.getElementById('js-terms-text-div')\n textHeightQuantity = document.getElementById('js-terms-text').offsetHeight\n scrollSize = div.offsetHeight - 40\n updateButtonStyles()\n if (textHeightQuantity <= div.offsetHeight) {\n document.getElementById('actions-scroll').style.display = 'none'\n } else {\n div.scrollTo(0, 0)\n totalPages = Math.ceil(textHeightQuantity / scrollSize)\n updatePageCounter()\n }\n }, 100)\n}\n\nfunction updatePageCounter () {\n document.getElementById('terms-page-counter').textContent = `${currentPage + 1}/${totalPages}`\n}\n\n// click page up button\nfunction scrollDown () {\n resetTermsConditionsTimeout()\n const div = document.getElementById('js-terms-text-div')\n if (!(currentPage * scrollSize + scrollSize > textHeightQuantity && currentPage !== 0)) {\n currentPage += 1\n updateButtonStyles()\n updatePageCounter()\n div.scrollTo(0, currentPage * scrollSize)\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateButtonStyles () {\n textHeightQuantity = document.getElementById('js-terms-text').offsetHeight\n const buttonDown = document.getElementById('scroll-down')\n const buttonUp = document.getElementById('scroll-up')\n if (currentPage === 0) {\n buttonUp.disabled = true\n } else {\n buttonUp.disabled = false\n }\n\n if (currentPage * scrollSize + scrollSize > textHeightQuantity && currentPage !== 0) {\n buttonDown.disabled = true\n } else {\n buttonDown.disabled = false\n }\n}\n\nfunction moreNetworks () {\n var networks = $('#networks')\n var page = networks.data('page')\n setWifiList(null, page + 1)\n}\n\nfunction setWifiSsid (data) {\n $('#js-i18n-wifi-for-ssid').data('ssid', data.ssid)\n $('#js-i18n-wifi-for-ssid').data('raw-ssid', data.rawSsid)\n t('wifi-for-ssid', translate('for %s', ['' + data.ssid + '']))\n t('wifi-connect', translate(\"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s\", ['' + data.ssid + '']))\n}\n\nfunction setLocaleInfo (data) {\n phoneKeypad.setCountry(data.country)\n setPrimaryLocales(data.primaryLocales)\n setLocale(data.primaryLocale)\n}\n\nfunction otherLanguageName () {\n const lang = lookupLocaleNames(otherLocale())\n return lang && lang.nativeName\n}\n\nfunction otherLocale () {\n return _primaryLocales.find(c => c !== localeCode)\n}\n\nfunction setLocale (data) {\n if (!data || data === localeCode) return\n localeCode = data\n jsLocaleCode = data\n var lang = localeCode.split('-')[0]\n\n if (jsLocaleCode === 'fr-QC') jsLocaleCode = 'fr-CA'\n\n var isArabic = jsLocaleCode.indexOf('ar-') === 0\n var isHebrew = jsLocaleCode.indexOf('he-') === 0\n isRTL = isArabic || isHebrew\n\n setChooseCoinColors()\n // setupAnimation(isTwoWay, aspectRatio800)\n\n if (isRTL) {\n $('body').addClass('i18n-rtl')\n } else {\n $('body').removeClass('i18n-rtl')\n }\n\n if (isArabic) {\n $('body').addClass('i18n-ar')\n } else {\n $('body').removeClass('i18n-ar')\n }\n\n if (isHebrew) {\n $('body').addClass('i18n-he')\n } else {\n $('body').removeClass('i18n-he')\n }\n\n if (MUSEO.indexOf(lang) !== -1) $('body').addClass('museo')\n else $('body').removeClass('museo')\n\n locale = loadI18n(localeCode)\n try { translatePage() } catch (ex) {}\n\n $('.js-two-language').html(otherLanguageName())\n\n if (lastRates) setExchangeRate(lastRates)\n}\n\nfunction setChooseCoinColors () {\n var elem = $('#bg-to-show > img')\n let img = `images/background/${isTwoWay ? '2way' : '1way'}-${aspectRatio}${isRTL ? '-rtl' : ''}.svg`\n if (img !== elem.attr('src')) {\n elem.attr('src', img)\n }\n\n if (isTwoWay) {\n $('.choose_coin_state .change-language').removeClass('cash-in-color').addClass('cash-out-color')\n } else {\n $('.choose_coin_state .change-language').removeClass('cash-out-color').addClass('cash-in-color')\n }\n}\n\nfunction areArraysEqual (arr1, arr2) {\n if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) return false\n for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {\n if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) return false\n }\n return true\n}\n\nfunction lookupLocaleNames (locale) {\n if (!locale) return\n var langMap = window.languageMappingList\n var language = locale.split('-')[0]\n var localeNames = langMap[language]\n return localeNames || langMap[locale]\n}\n\nfunction setPrimaryLocales (primaryLocales) {\n if (areArraysEqual(primaryLocales, _primaryLocales)) return\n _primaryLocales = primaryLocales\n\n var languages = $('#languages')\n closeLanguageDropdown()\n languages.empty()\n var sortedPrimaryLocales = primaryLocales.filter(lookupLocaleNames).sort(function (a, b) {\n var langA = lookupLocaleNames(a)\n var langB = lookupLocaleNames(b)\n return langA.englishName.localeCompare(langB.englishName)\n })\n\n languages.append(``)\n for (var i = 0; i < sortedPrimaryLocales.length; i++) {\n var l = sortedPrimaryLocales[i]\n var lang = lookupLocaleNames(l)\n var name = lang.nativeName || lang.englishName\n var div = ``\n languages.append(div)\n }\n\n $('.js-two-language').html(otherLanguageName())\n\n $('.js-menu-language').toggleClass('hide', sortedPrimaryLocales.length <= 1)\n $('.js-multi-language').toggleClass('hide', sortedPrimaryLocales.length === 2)\n $('.js-two-language').toggleClass('hide', sortedPrimaryLocales.length > 2)\n}\n\nfunction setFiatCode (data) {\n fiatCode = data\n $('.js-currency').text(fiatCode)\n}\n\nfunction setFixedFee (_fee) {\n const fee = parseFloat(_fee)\n if (fee > 0) {\n const fixedFee = translate('Transaction Fee: %s', [formatFiat(fee, 2)])\n $('.js-i18n-fixed-fee').html(fixedFee)\n } else {\n $('.js-i18n-fixed-fee').html('')\n }\n}\n\nfunction setCredit (credit, lastBill) {\n const { fiat, cryptoAtoms, cryptoCode } = credit\n var coin = getCryptoCurrency(cryptoCode)\n\n var scale = new BigNumber(10).pow(coin.displayScale)\n var cryptoAmount = new BigNumber(cryptoAtoms).div(scale).toNumber()\n var cryptoDisplayCode = coin.displayCode\n updateCrypto('.total-crypto-rec', cryptoAmount, cryptoDisplayCode)\n $('.amount-deposited').html(translate('You deposited %s', [`${fiat} ${fiatCode}`]))\n $('.fiat .js-amount').html(fiat)\n\n var inserted = lastBill\n ? translate('You inserted a %s bill', [formatFiat(lastBill)])\n : translate('Lamassu Cryptomat')\n\n $('.js-processing-bill').html(inserted)\n\n $('.js-send-crypto-disable').hide()\n $('.js-send-crypto-enable').show()\n}\n\nfunction formatDenomination (denom) {\n return denom.toLocaleString(jsLocaleCode, {\n useGrouping: true,\n maximumFractionDigits: 0,\n minimumFractionDigits: 0\n })\n}\n\nfunction buildCassetteButtons (_cassettes, numberOfButtons) {\n cassettes = _cassettes\n var activeCassettes = _cassettes.filter(it => it.count === null || it.count > 0)\n var inactiveCassettes = _cassettes.filter(it => it.count === 0)\n\n var allCassettes = activeCassettes.concat(inactiveCassettes)\n var selectedCassettes = allCassettes.slice(0, numberOfButtons)\n var sortedCassettes = selectedCassettes.sort((a, b) => a.denomination - b.denomination)\n\n for (var i = 0; i < sortedCassettes.length; i++) {\n var denomination = formatDenomination(sortedCassettes[i].denomination || 0)\n $('.cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + '] .js-denomination').text(denomination)\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateCassetteButtons (activeDenoms, numberOfButtons) {\n for(var i = 0; i < numberOfButtons; i++) {\n var button = $('.choose_fiat_state .cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + ']')\n var denomination = button.children('.js-denomination').text()\n button.prop('disabled', !Boolean(activeDenoms[denomination]))\n }\n}\n\nfunction buildCassetteButtonEvents () {\n var fiatButtons = document.getElementById('js-fiat-buttons')\n var lastTouch = null\n\n touchImmediateEvent(fiatButtons, function (e) {\n var now = Date.now()\n if (lastTouch && now - lastTouch < 100) return\n lastTouch = now\n var cashButtonJ = $(e.target).closest('.cash-button')\n if (cashButtonJ.length === 0) return\n if (cashButtonJ.hasClass('disabled')) return\n if (cashButtonJ.hasClass('clear')) return buttonPressed('clearFiat')\n buttonPressed('fiatButton', { denomination: cashButtonJ.children('.js-denomination').text() })\n })\n}\n\nfunction updateCrypto (selector, cryptoAmount, cryptoDisplayCode) {\n $(selector).find('.crypto-amount').html(formatCrypto(cryptoAmount))\n $(selector).find('.crypto-units').html(cryptoDisplayCode)\n}\n\nfunction lookupDecimalChar (localeCode) {\n var num = 1.1\n var localized = num.toLocaleString(jsLocaleCode, {\n useGrouping: true,\n maximumFractionDigits: 1,\n minimumFractionDigits: 1\n })\n\n return localized[1]\n}\n\nfunction splitNumber (localize, localeCode) {\n var decimalChar = lookupDecimalChar(localeCode)\n var split = localize.split(decimalChar)\n\n if (split.length === 1) {\n return ['', split[0], ''].join('')\n }\n\n return [\n '', split[0], '',\n decimalChar, '', split[1], ''\n ].join('')\n}\n\nfunction formatNumber (num) {\n var localized = num.toLocaleString(jsLocaleCode, {\n useGrouping: true,\n maximumFractionDigits: 6,\n minimumFractionDigits: 3\n })\n\n return splitNumber(localized, jsLocaleCode)\n}\n\nfunction formatCrypto (amount) {\n return formatNumber(amount)\n}\n\nfunction formatFiat (amount, fractionDigits) {\n if (!fractionDigits) fractionDigits = 0\n\n const localized = amount.toLocaleString(jsLocaleCode, {\n useGrouping: true,\n maximumFractionDigits: fractionDigits,\n minimumFractionDigits: fractionDigits\n })\n return splitNumber(localized, jsLocaleCode) + ' ' + fiatCode\n}\n\nfunction setExchangeRate (_rates) {\n lastRates = _rates\n var cryptoCode = _rates.cryptoCode\n var rates = _rates.rates\n\n var coin = getCryptoCurrency(cryptoCode)\n var displayCode = coin.displayCode\n\n if (rates.cashIn) {\n var cryptoToFiat = new BigNumber(rates.cashIn)\n var rateStr = formatFiat(cryptoToFiat.round(2).toNumber(), 2)\n\n $('.crypto-rate-cash-in').html(`1 ${cryptoCode} = ${rateStr}`)\n }\n\n if (rates.cashOut) {\n var cashOut = new BigNumber(rates.cashOut)\n var cashOutCryptoToFiat = cashOut && formatFiat(cashOut.round(2).toNumber(), 2)\n\n $('.crypto-rate-cash-out').html(`1 ${cryptoCode} = ${cashOutCryptoToFiat}`)\n }\n\n $('.js-crypto-display-units').text(displayCode)\n}\n\nfunction qrize (text, target, color, lightning, size = 'normal') {\n const image = document.getElementById('bolt-img')\n // Hack for surf browser\n const _size = size === 'normal'\n ? document.body.clientHeight * 0.36\n : document.body.clientHeight * 0.25\n\n const opts = {\n crisp: true,\n fill: color || 'black',\n text,\n size: _size,\n render: 'canvas',\n rounded: 50,\n quiet: 2,\n mPosX: 50,\n mPosY: 50,\n mSize: 30,\n image\n }\n\n if (lightning) {\n opts.mode = 'image'\n }\n\n const el = kjua(opts)\n\n target.empty().append(el)\n}\n\nfunction setTx (tx) {\n const txId = tx.id\n const isPaperWallet = tx.isPaperWallet\n const hasBills = tx.bills && tx.bills.length > 0\n\n if (hasBills) {\n $('.js-inserted-notes').show()\n $('.js-no-inserted-notes').hide()\n } else {\n $('.js-inserted-notes').hide()\n $('.js-no-inserted-notes').show()\n }\n\n $('.js-paper-wallet').toggleClass('hide', !isPaperWallet)\n\n setCurrentDiscount(tx.discount, tx.promoCodeApplied)\n\n setTimeout(() => {\n qrize(txId, $('#cash-in-qr-code'), CASH_IN_QR_COLOR)\n qrize(txId, $('#cash-in-fail-qr-code'), CASH_IN_QR_COLOR)\n qrize(txId, $('#cash-in-no-funds-qr-code'), CASH_IN_QR_COLOR, null, 'small')\n qrize(txId, $('#qr-code-fiat-receipt'), CASH_OUT_QR_COLOR)\n qrize(txId, $('#qr-code-fiat-complete'), CASH_OUT_QR_COLOR)\n }, 1000)\n}\n\nfunction formatAddressNoBreakLines (address) {\n if (!address) return\n return address.replace(/(.{4})/g, '$1 ')\n}\n\nfunction formatAddress (address) {\n let toBr = formatAddressNoBreakLines(address)\n if (!toBr) return\n\n return toBr.replace(/((.{4} ){5})/g, '$1 ')\n}\n\nfunction setBuyerAddress (address) {\n $('.crypto-address-no-br').html(formatAddressNoBreakLines(address))\n $('.crypto-address').html(formatAddress(address))\n}\n\nfunction setAccepting (currentAccepting) {\n accepting = currentAccepting\n if (accepting) {\n $('.bill img').transition({ x: 0, y: -303 }, 1000, 'ease-in')\n } else {\n $('.bill img').transition({ x: 0, y: 0 }, 1000, 'ease-out')\n }\n}\n\nfunction highBill (highestBill, reason) {\n var reasonText = reason === 'transactionLimit'\n ? translate('Transaction limit reached.')\n : translate(\"We're a little low on crypto.\")\n\n t('high-bill-header', reasonText)\n t('highest-bill', translate('Please insert %s or less.', [formatFiat(highestBill)]))\n\n setScreen('high_bill')\n window.setTimeout(revertScreen, 3000)\n}\n\nfunction minimumTx (lowestBill) {\n t('lowest-bill', translate('Minimum first bill is %s.', [formatFiat(lowestBill)]))\n\n setScreen('minimum_tx')\n window.setTimeout(revertScreen, 3000)\n}\n\nfunction readingBill (bill) {\n $('.js-processing-bill').html(translate('Processing %s ...', [formatFiat(bill)]))\n $('.js-send-crypto-enable').hide()\n $('.js-send-crypto-disable').show()\n}\n\nfunction sendOnly (reason) {\n // TODO: sendOnly should be made into its own state on brain.js\n if (currentState === 'send_only') return\n\n const errorMessages = {\n transactionLimit: translate('Transaction limit reached'),\n validatorError: translate('Error in validation'),\n lowBalance: translate(\"We're out of coins!\"),\n blockedCustomer: translate('Transaction limit reached')\n }\n\n // If no reason provided defaults to lowBalance\n const reasonText = errorMessages[reason] || errorMessages.lowBalance\n $('#send-only-title').text(reasonText)\n\n if (reason === 'blockedCustomer') {\n $('.js-send-only-text').text(translate(\"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.\"))\n } else {\n $('.js-send-only-text').text('')\n }\n\n setState('send_only')\n}\n\nfunction setPartialSend (sent, total) {\n $('#already-sent').text(formatFiat(sent.fiat))\n $('#pending-sent').text(formatFiat(total.fiat - sent.fiat))\n}\n\nfunction t (id, str) {\n $('#js-i18n-' + id).html(str)\n}\n\nfunction translateCoin (cryptoCode) {\n $('.js-i18n-scan-your-address').html(translate('Scan your %s address', [cryptoCode]))\n $('.js-i18n-please-scan').html(translate('Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.', [cryptoCode]))\n $('.js-i18n-did-send-coins').html(translate('Have you sent the %s yet?', [cryptoCode]))\n $('.js-i18n-scan-address').html(translate('Scan your %s address', [cryptoCode]))\n $('.js-i18n-invalid-address').html(translate('Invalid %s address', [cryptoCode]))\n}\n\nfunction initTranslatePage () {\n $('.js-i18n').each(function () {\n var el = $(this)\n el.data('baseTranslation', el.html().trim())\n })\n $('input[placeholder]').each(function () {\n var el = $(this)\n el.data('baseTranslation', el.attr('placeholder'))\n })\n}\n\nfunction translatePage () {\n $('.js-i18n').each(function () {\n var el = $(this)\n var base = el.data('baseTranslation')\n el.html(translate(base))\n })\n $('input[placeholder]').each(function () {\n var el = $(this)\n var base = el.data('baseTranslation')\n el.attr('placeholder', translate(base))\n })\n\n // Adjust send coins button\n var length = $('#send-coins span').text().length\n if (length > 17) $('body').addClass('i18n-long-send-coins')\n else $('body').removeClass('i18n-long-send-coins')\n}\n\nfunction loadI18n (localeCode) {\n var messages = locales[localeCode] || locales['en-US']\n\n return new Jed({\n 'missing_key_callback': function () {},\n 'locale_data': {\n 'messages': messages\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction reachFiatLimit (rec) {\n var msg = null\n if (rec.isEmpty) msg = translate(`We're a little low, please cash out`)\n else if (rec.txLimitReached) msg = translate('Transaction limit reached, please cash out')\n\n var el = $('.choose_fiat_state .limit')\n if (msg) el.html(msg).show()\n else el.hide()\n}\n\nfunction chooseFiat (data) {\n fiatCredit(data)\n setState('choose_fiat')\n}\n\nfunction displayCrypto (cryptoAtoms, cryptoCode) {\n var coin = getCryptoCurrency(cryptoCode)\n var scale = new BigNumber(10).pow(coin.displayScale)\n // number of decimal places vary based on displayScale value\n var decimalPlaces = (coin.displayScale - coin.unitScale) + 6\n var cryptoAmount = new BigNumber(cryptoAtoms).div(scale).round(decimalPlaces).toNumber()\n var cryptoDisplay = formatCrypto(cryptoAmount)\n\n return cryptoDisplay\n}\n\nfunction BN (s) { return new BigNumber(s) }\n\nfunction fiatCredit (data) {\n var tx = data.tx\n var cryptoCode = tx.cryptoCode\n var activeDenominations = data.activeDenominations\n var coin = getCryptoCurrency(cryptoCode)\n const fiat = BN(tx.fiat)\n\n var fiatDisplay = BN(tx.fiat).toNumber().toLocaleString(jsLocaleCode, {\n useGrouping: true,\n maximumFractionDigits: 0,\n minimumFractionDigits: 0\n })\n\n var cryptoAtoms = BN(tx.cryptoAtoms)\n var cryptoDisplay = displayCrypto(cryptoAtoms, cryptoCode)\n\n var cryptoDisplayCode = coin.displayCode\n\n setCurrentDiscount(tx.discount, tx.promoCodeApplied)\n\n if (cryptoAtoms.eq(0) || cryptoAtoms.isNaN()) $('#js-i18n-choose-digital-amount').hide()\n else $('#js-i18n-choose-digital-amount').show()\n\n if (fiat.eq(0)) $('#cash-out-button').prop('disabled', true)\n else $('#cash-out-button').prop('disabled', false)\n\n updateCassetteButtons(activeDenominations.activeMap, NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS)\n $('.choose_fiat_state .fiat-amount').text(fiatDisplay)\n t('choose-digital-amount',\n translate(\"You'll be sending %s %s\", [cryptoDisplay, cryptoDisplayCode]))\n\n reachFiatLimit(activeDenominations)\n}\n\nfunction setDepositAddress (depositInfo) {\n $('.deposit_state .loading').hide()\n $('.deposit_state .send-notice .crypto-address').html(formatAddress(depositInfo.toAddress))\n $('.deposit_state .send-notice').show()\n\n qrize(depositInfo.depositUrl, $('#qr-code-deposit'), CASH_OUT_QR_COLOR)\n}\n\nfunction setVersion (version) {\n $('.version-number').html(`Version: ${version}`)\n}\n\nfunction deposit (tx) {\n var cryptoCode = tx.cryptoCode\n var display = displayCrypto(tx.cryptoAtoms, cryptoCode)\n\n $('.js-wallet-address').show()\n\n $('.deposit_state .digital .js-amount').html(display)\n $('.deposit_state .fiat .js-amount').text(tx.fiat)\n $('.deposit_state .send-notice').hide()\n $('#qr-code-deposit').empty()\n $('.deposit_state .loading').show()\n $('#qr-code-deposit').show()\n\n setState('deposit')\n}\n\nfunction fiatReceipt (tx) {\n var cryptoCode = tx.cryptoCode\n var display = displayCrypto(tx.cryptoAtoms, cryptoCode)\n\n $('.fiat_receipt_state .digital .js-amount').html(display)\n $('.fiat_receipt_state .fiat .js-amount').text(tx.fiat)\n $('.fiat_receipt_state .sent-coins .crypto-address').html(formatAddress(tx.toAddress))\n\n setState('fiat_receipt')\n}\n\nfunction fiatComplete (tx) {\n var cryptoCode = tx.cryptoCode\n var display = displayCrypto(tx.cryptoAtoms, cryptoCode)\n\n $('.fiat_complete_state .digital .js-amount').html(display)\n $('.fiat_complete_state .fiat .js-amount').text(tx.fiat)\n $('.fiat_complete_state .sent-coins .crypto-address').html(formatAddress(tx.toAddress))\n\n setState('fiat_complete')\n}\n\nfunction dispenseBatch (data) {\n $('.batch').css('visibility', data.of === 1 ? 'hidden' : 'visible')\n $('.batch').text(`${data.current}/${data.of}`)\n}\n\nfunction initDebug () {\n if (DEBUG_MODE === 'dev') {\n $('body').css('cursor', 'default')\n var style = document.createElement('style')\n style.type = 'text/css'\n style.innerHTML = 'button { cursor: default !important; }'\n document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style)\n\n return\n }\n\n if (DEBUG_MODE === 'demo') {\n setPrimaryLocales(['en-US'])\n setLocale('en-US')\n $('body').css('cursor', 'default')\n var style = document.createElement('style')\n style.type = 'text/css'\n style.innerHTML = 'button { cursor: default !important; }'\n document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style)\n\n if (!SCREEN) {\n return chooseCoin([\n { display: 'Bitcoin', cryptoCode: 'BTC' },\n { display: 'Ethereum', cryptoCode: 'ETH' },\n { display: 'ZCash', cryptoCode: 'ZEC' }\n ], true)\n }\n\n setState(SCREEN)\n }\n}\n\nfunction calculateAspectRatio () {\n const width = $('body').width()\n const height = $('body').height()\n\n function gcd (a, b) {\n return (b === 0) ? a : gcd(b, a % b)\n }\n\n const w = width\n const h = height\n const r = gcd(w, h)\n const aspectRatioPt1 = w / r\n const aspectRatioPt2 = h / r\n\n if (aspectRatioPt1 === 8 && aspectRatioPt2 === 5) {\n aspectRatio = '16:10'\n } else if (aspectRatioPt1 === 16 && aspectRatioPt2 === 9) {\n aspectRatio = '16:9'\n } else {\n aspectRatio = w < 1420 ? '16:10' : '16:9'\n }\n}\n\nlet background = null\n\nfunction doTransition (cb) {\n // TODO Disable animations for V1\n let toShow = null\n let toShowOver = null\n\n if (isTwoWay) {\n toShow = ['#bg-to-show']\n toShowOver = ['.crypto-buttons', '.cash-in-box-wrapper']\n } else {\n toShow = ['#bg-to-show']\n toShowOver = ['header', 'main']\n }\n\n two.start()\n var tl = new TimelineMax()\n tl.set('.fade-in-delay', { opacity: 0, y: +30 })\n .set('.fade-in', { opacity: 0, y: +30 })\n .set(toShow, { zIndex: 1 })\n .set(toShowOver, { zIndex: 2 })\n .to(background, 0.5, { scale: isTwoWay ? 3 : 2 })\n .to('.fade-in', 0.4, {\n opacity: 1,\n onStart: cb,\n y: 0\n }, '=-0.2')\n .to('.fade-in-delay', 0.4, { opacity: 1, y: 0 }, '=-0.2')\n .set(background, { scale: 1 })\n .set(toShow, { zIndex: -1 })\n .set(toShowOver, { zIndex: 0 })\n two.pause()\n}\n\nfunction setupAnimation (isTwoWay, isAr800) {\n var elem = document.getElementById('bg-to-show')\n while (elem.firstChild) {\n elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild)\n }\n two = new Two({ fullscreen: true, type: Two.Types.svg, autostart: true }).appendTo(elem)\n\n let elementId = `${isTwoWay ? 'two-way' : 'one-way'}-${isAr800 ? '800' : '1080'}${isRTL ? '-rtl' : ''}`\n background = two.interpret(document.getElementById(elementId))\n background.scale = 1\n}\n\nfunction shouldEnableTouch () {\n const ua = navigator.userAgent\n if (ua.match(/surf/ig)) return false\n\n // ACP has chromium 34 and upboard 73\n const chromiumVersion = ua.match(/chromium\\/(\\d+)/i)\n const chromeVersion = ua.match(/chrome\\/(\\d+)/i)\n const chromiumPlus73 = chromiumVersion && chromiumVersion[1] >= 73\n const chromePlus73 = chromeVersion && chromeVersion[1] >= 73\n\n return chromiumPlus73 || chromePlus73\n}\n\nfunction setAvailablePromoCodes (areThereAvailablePromoCodes) {\n if (areThereAvailablePromoCodes) {\n $('#insert-first-bill-promo-button').show()\n $('#choose-fiat-promo-button').show()\n } else {\n $('#insert-first-bill-promo-button').hide()\n $('#choose-fiat-promo-button').hide()\n }\n}\n\nfunction setCurrentDiscount (currentDiscount, promoCodeApplied) {\n if (promoCodeApplied) {\n $('#insert-first-bill-promo-button').hide()\n $('#choose-fiat-promo-button').hide()\n }\n\n if (!currentDiscount) {\n $('#insert-first-bill-code-added').hide()\n $('#choose-fiat-code-added').hide()\n } else if (currentDiscount > 0) {\n const successMessage = '✔ ' + translate('Discount added (%s off commissions)', [`${currentDiscount}%`])\n $('#insert-first-bill-code-added').html(successMessage)\n $('#choose-fiat-code-added').html(successMessage)\n $('#insert-first-bill-code-added').show()\n $('#choose-fiat-code-added').show()\n\n } else {\n $('#insert-first-bill-promo-button').show()\n $('#choose-fiat-promo-button').show()\n $('#insert-first-bill-code-added').hide()\n $('#choose-fiat-code-added').hide()\n }\n}\n\nfunction setReceiptPrint (receiptStatus, smsReceiptStatus) {\n let status = null\n if (receiptStatus) status = receiptStatus\n else status = smsReceiptStatus\n\n const className = receiptStatus ? 'print-receipt' : 'send-sms-receipt'\n const printing = receiptStatus ? 'Printing receipt...' : 'Sending receipt...'\n const success = receiptStatus ? 'Receipt printed successfully!' : 'Receipt sent successfully!'\n\n switch (status) {\n case 'disabled':\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-button`).addClass('hide')\n break\n case 'available':\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-button`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-button`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-button`).removeClass('hide')\n break\n case 'printing':\n const message = locale.translate(printing).fetch()\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).html(message)\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).html(message)\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).html(message)\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).removeClass('hide')\n break\n case 'success':\n const successMessage = '✔ ' + locale.translate(success).fetch()\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).html(successMessage)\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).html(successMessage)\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).html(successMessage)\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).removeClass('hide')\n break\n case 'failed':\n const failMessage = '✖ ' + locale.translate('An error occurred, try again.').fetch()\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).html(failMessage)\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-message`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).html(failMessage)\n $(`#${className}-cash-out-message`).removeClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-button`).addClass('hide')\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).html(failMessage)\n $(`#${className}-cash-in-fail-message`).removeClass('hide')\n break\n }\n}\n"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/js/locales.js b/ui/js/locales.js
index 49ffc692e..0649661bb 100644
--- a/ui/js/locales.js
+++ b/ui/js/locales.js
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-var locales = {"en-US":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"Cash-in temporarily unavailable"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline."],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Send SMS receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"Would you like to proceed?"],"Yes":[null,"Yes"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a bill"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another bill"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Don't worry!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins."],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Your receiving address:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"We're out of coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Send coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Sending your coins..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Verify phone to continue"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Yes, verify phone"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Suspicious address"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Scan QR code"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"We're having some difficulties."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Please contact the operator for more information."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Please snap a photo of your receipt."],"Show receipt":[null,"Show receipt"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We are unable to process your transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"It's us, not you."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Our system experienced an error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Your Receipt"],"pending confirmation":[null,"pending confirmation"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Your coins were sent to:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"This machine does not handle the currency you requested."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency."],"Network Down":[null,"Network Down"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we're down for the moment."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Please come back later."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"The code you entered did not match."],"Almost there":[null,"Almost there"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"This Machine Is Locked"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Please ask for assistance."],"What next?":[null,"What next?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi failed to connect..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Please try the password again."],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN required"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Type in SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Yes, type in"],"Social security number":[null,"Social security number"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"To proceed, please enter your social security number."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Our system indicated an identification problem."],"Please contact support":[null,"Please contact support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifying identity..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"This could take a few seconds."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifying photo card..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifying photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Select a WiFi network"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Only secured networks are shown."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Or connect Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"A wired connection is preferred for stability."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi password"],"Connect":[null,"Connect"],"We got this":[null,"We got this"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"This could take a few moments."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connected. Waiting for ticker."],"More":[null,"More"],"Less":[null,"Less"],"Buy %s":[null,"Buy %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Sell %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MORE"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Please come back in %s weeks"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Please come back in %s days and %s hours"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Please come back in %s hours"],"for %s":[null,"for %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transaction Fee: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"You deposited %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"You inserted a %s bill"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transaction limit reached."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"We're a little low on crypto."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Please insert %s or less."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimum first bill is %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processing %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Transaction limit reached"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error in validation"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Have you sent the %s yet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Invalid %s address"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaction limit reached, please cash out"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"You'll be sending %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Discount added (%s off commissions)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"An error occurred, try again."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"en-US"}},"en-AU":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"Cash-in temporarily unavailable"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline."],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Send SMS receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"Would you like to proceed?"],"Yes":[null,"Yes"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a note"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another note"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Don't worry!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins."],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Your receiving address:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"We're out of coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Send coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Sending your coins..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Verify phone to continue"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Yes, verify phone"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Suspicious address"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Scan QR code"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"We're having some difficulties."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Please contact the operator for more information."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Please snap a photo of your receipt."],"Show receipt":[null,"Show receipt"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We are unable to process your transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"It's us, not you."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Our system experienced an error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Your Receipt"],"pending confirmation":[null,"pending confirmation"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Your coins were sent to:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"This machine does not handle the currency you requested."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency."],"Network Down":[null,"Network Down"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we're down for the moment."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Please come back later."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"The code you entered did not match."],"Almost there":[null,"Almost there"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"This Machine Is Locked"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Please ask for assistance."],"What next?":[null,"What next?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi failed to connect..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Please try the password again."],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN required"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Type in SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Yes, type in"],"Social security number":[null,"Social security number"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"To proceed, please enter your social security number."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Our system indicated an identification problem."],"Please contact support":[null,"Please contact support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifying identity..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"This could take a few seconds."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifying photo card..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifying photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Select a WiFi network"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Only secured networks are shown."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Or connect Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"A wired connection is preferred for stability."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi password"],"Connect":[null,"Connect"],"We got this":[null,"We got this"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"This could take a few moments."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connected. Waiting for ticker."],"More":[null,"More"],"Less":[null,"Less"],"Buy %s":[null,"Buy %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Sell %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MORE"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Please come back in %s weeks"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Please come back in %s days and %s hours"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Please come back in %s hours"],"for %s":[null,"for %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transaction Fee: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"You deposited %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"You inserted a %s note"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transaction limit reached."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"We're a little low on crypto."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Please insert %s or less."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimum first bill is %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processing %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Transaction limit reached"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error in validation"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Have you sent the %s yet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Invalid %s address"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaction limit reached, please cash out"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"You'll be sending %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Discount added (%s off commissions)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"An error occurred, try again."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"en-AU"}},"hr-HR":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresa već korištena"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Izgleda da ste već koristili ovu adresu."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Zbog vaše privatnosti i sigurnosti od prevare, molimo vas da generirate novu adresu iz vašeg wallet-a i skenirate nju."],"Start over":[null,"Ponovno započni"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Jeste li sigurni?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Ako ste već poslali kriptovalutu i odustali bez potvrde telefonskog broja, morati ćete manualno dogovoriti transakciju sa operaterom."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Kliknite 'Nastavi transakciju' i pričekajte do 60 sekundi dok vaša uplata bude vidljiva."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ili kliknite 'Otkaži transakciju' za povratak na početni zaslon."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Nastavi transakciju"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Otkaži transakciju"],"Try again":[null,"Pokušaj ponovno"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Broj koji ste unijeli nije ispravan. Ako imate internacionalni broj, molimo da ispred broja stavite + i pozivni broj vaše države."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Na primjer, pozivni broj Belgije je +32, dakle belgijski broj bi izgledao ovako: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Kod koji ste unijeli je neispravan."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Molimo vas da unesete šesteroznamenkasti kod koji ste dobili od nas."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Trenutak molimo..."],"Languages":[null,"Jezici"],"Redeem":[null,"Preuzmi"],"How much?":[null,"Koliko?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Imate li promo kod?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Isplata"],"Clear":[null,"Očisti"],"Thank you!":[null,"Hvala!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Kupili ste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vaša kriptovaluta je na putu za:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Printaj račun"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Slikajte ovaj zaslon za vaš elektronski račun"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Kad ste gotovi, kliknite bilo gdje na zaslon."],"Network down":[null,"Nema mreže"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Još uvijek ništa."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Kriptovaluta se još nije pojavila."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Da, poslao sam"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ne, nisam poslao"],"Send Coins":[null,"Pošalji cryptovalutu"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Biti će vam isplaćeno."],"You will send us":[null,"Poslat ćete nam"],"to:":[null,"prema:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Isplata..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Molimo vas pričekajte dok isplatimo vaš novac."],"All set":[null,"Sve je spremno"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Molimo uklonite novčanice iz uloška za novčanice"],"Collect bills":[null,"Molimo uzmite račun"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Za nastavak isplate, molimo preuzmite novčanice iz uloška za novčanice"],"Look at the dot":[null,"Gledajte u točku"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Evvo bi trebalo potrajati vrlo kratko vrijeme"],"May we?":[null,"Možemo li ?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Ստուգվում է..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Ցանկանու՜մ եք կրկին փորձել։"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Հեռախոսահամար"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել ձեր բջջային հեռախոսահամարը, որպեսզի մենք կարողանանք տեղեկացնել ձեզ պատվերի հաստատման մասին․"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել բջջային հեռախոսահամարը, որը գրանցվել է պատվերը ձևակերպելիս։"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել Ձեր բջջային հեռախոսահամարը՝ անձի ինքնության հաստատումն իրականացնելու համար։"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Խնդրում ենք հաստատել ձեր ինքնությունը"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Անվտանգության ծածկագիր"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Բեռնվում է․․․"],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Սարքի նախապատրաստում:"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Միացում․․․"],"Pairing...":[null,"Զուգակցում…"],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Զուգակցել հեռակառավարվող սերվերի հետ:"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Զուգակցման փորձի ընթացքում համակարգում սխալ է գրանցվել:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք սկանավորել Ձեր հեռակառավարվող սերվերից ստացված զուգակցման QR ծածկագիրը:"],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք կապնվել օպերատորի հետ"],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Տվյալ հեռախոսահամարի հետ կապված որևէ բաց պատվեր գրանցված չէ: Եթե առկա է մեկ այլ հեռախոսահամար, որը հնարավոր է նախկինում կիրառվել է պատվեր գրանցելիս, ապա կարող եք կրկին փորձել՝ այդ հեռախոսահամարով։"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Եթե վստահ եք, որ տվյալ հեռախոսահամարի հետ կապված բաց պատվեր առկա է, խնդրում ենք կապնվել օպերատորի հետ:"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք դիմել օգնության համար։"],"What next?":[null,"Ին՞չ է հաջորդը "],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Մենք չկարողացանք հաստատել Ձեր հեռախոսահամարը, ուստի երբ գումարը պատրաստ լինի մենք չենք կարողա կապ հաստատել Ձեզ հետ։"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք լուսանկարել պատկերը, որը կհայտնվի էկրանին հաջորդիվ՝ Ձեր էլեկտրոնային ստացականի համար, ապա կապնվել օպերատորի հետ:"],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք մեկ անգամ ևս փորձել ծածկագիրը։ "],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Մեր համակարգում գրանցվեց անձի ինքնության հաստատման խնդիր։"],"Please contact support":[null,"Խնդրում ենք կապնվել օպերատորի հետ։"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք սպասել"],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Ցուցադրվում են միայն ապահովված ցանցերը․"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi-ի գաղտնաբառը"],"Connect":[null,"Կապվել"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք սպասել"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Դուք արդեն ուղարկե՞լ եք %s ֊ը։"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Սկանավորեք Ձեր %s հասցեն"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Դուք կուղարկեք %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"«Bitcoin»"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"hy-AM"}},"zh-HK":{"Address already used":[null,"地址已經使用過"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"看來你已經使用過這個地址"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"為了保護您的隱私和防止詐騙,請從您的錢包產生一個新二維碼,然後進行掃描。"],"Start over":[null,"重新開始"],"Are you sure?":[null,"你確定嗎?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"如果您已經發送了虛擬貨幣並在未確認電話號碼的情況下取消交易,請與服務人員進行手動結算交易。"],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"選擇「繼續交易」並等候60秒或更多時間,直到您發送的虛擬貨幣被確認"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"或選擇「取消交易」並回到主畫面"],"Continue transaction":[null,"繼續交易"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"取消交易"],"Try again":[null,"再試一次"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"您輸入的手機號碼不正確。 如果您使用非香港本地號碼,請記得在號碼前加+及國碼"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"例如:中國的國碼為+86, 那麼中國的電話號碼會像這樣:+86 18587755016"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"您輸入的代碼不正確。"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"請確認你所輸入的密碼是我們簡訊給你的六位數字。"],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"重試次數已達上限,請聯繫服務人員,或稍後再試"],"More, please":[null,"數額不夠"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"所有現鈔已用完"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"資金已收到!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"授權中..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"想要再試一次嗎?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"與您出示的文件不匹配。"],"QR scanning error":[null,"二維碼掃描錯誤"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"我們無法掃描您的紙錢包。請確保將其打印及正確放置在掃描窗口上。"],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"如果問題仍然存在,請嘗試再次打印。"],"Scan again":[null,"重新掃瞄"],"Print again":[null,"再次打印"],"Printing Failed":[null,"打印失敗"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"打印錢包時似乎出現了問題。請與工作人員聯繫以獲取更多信息,或嘗試再次打印。"],"Back to Home":[null,"回到主頁"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"要進行驗證,請在掃描窗口中顯示紙錢包的正面。"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"重要說明:此紙張包含您的資金。一旦通過驗證,請勿向任何人顯示此密鑰,也不要將其隨意放置!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"找不到優惠代碼"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"很抱歉! 找不到我們的優惠代碼。"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"您可以嘗試使用其他代碼,或繼續進行交易。"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"如果您確定該代碼正確無誤,請與工作人員聯繫核對"],"Enter a different code":[null,"輸入其他代碼"],"Phone Number":[null,"手機電話號碼"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"請輸入您的手機號碼, 以便我們可以在您的訂單被確認時給您發送簡訊通知。"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"請輸入您在下單時所使用的手機電話號碼。"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"請輸入您用來進行身份驗證的手機電話號碼。"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"將你的二維碼對準掃瞄視窗以便繼續"],"Please verify your identity":[null,"請掃描您的身份證件"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"我們需要進一步驗證您的身份"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,"準備掃瞄"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"安全驗證碼"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"我們透過簡訊傳了安全驗證碼給您 請在這裡輸入:"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"加密貨幣已售完!"],"Send coins":[null,"發送加密貨幣"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"發送中..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"如果你想做更大額度的購買, 我們將需要透過您的手機號碼以驗證您就是您本人。我們將您發送簡訊認證碼。"],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"可疑的錢包地址"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"這個地址可能與欺騙性要約或被禁止的群組相關聯。請確保您使用自己錢包中的地址。"],"Booting up...":[null,"正在啟動中..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"正在初始化硬體。"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"初始化..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"生成加密身份。"],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"正在連接..."],"Pairing...":[null,"配對中..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"與遠端伺服器配對"],"Scan":[null,"掃瞄"],"Pairing failed":[null,"配對失敗"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"在嘗試配對時,我們遇到錯誤 ︰"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"請掃瞄您從遠端伺服器獲得的二維碼 (QR Code) 。"],"Maintenance Required":[null,"待維修"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"請與經營者聯繫。"],"I agree":[null,"我同意"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"很抱歉,目前服務無法使用"],"We're taking a look":[null,"我們正在檢查當中"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"我們有您的訂單,但尚未看到您的存款交易。檢查您的錢包交易是否發送了虛擬幣。"],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"如果您確定虛擬幣已經發送出,請與服務人員聯繫。"],"Oops!":[null,"有錯誤!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"我們遇到了一些困難。"],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"請向營運商尋求協助。"],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"請用相機拍下你的收據。"],"Show receipt":[null,"顯示收據"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"我們在等待區塊鏈確認您的交易,一但您的交易被確認,我們會馬上發送簡訊通知"],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"如果收到,請返回本機並按“兌換”按鈕。"],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"我們無法處理您的交易"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"我們暫時當機了!"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"我們的系統遇到錯誤。"],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"請再試一次,或與運營商聯繫。"],"Your Receipt":[null,"您的收據"],"pending confirmation":[null,"待確認"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"您的加密貨幣正被送往 ︰"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"這機器不支援你所要求的貨幣。"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"請使用支援你貨幣的機器來兌換現金。"],"Network Down":[null,"網路未連線"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"很抱歉,目前暫停服務。"],"Please come back later.":[null,"請稍後再回來。"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"您輸入的認證碼不吻合。"],"Almost there":[null,"很快可以確認您的交易"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"我們看到您的交易,但我們仍在等待確認。平均需要10分鐘,但也可能需要1至2個小時。"],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"我們沒有看到任何與您的手機相關的未結訂單。如果您有其他的手機號碼, 您可以嘗試再次使用該號碼進行兌換。"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"如果您確定您有與此手機關聯的未結訂單, 請與運營商聯繫。"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"這台機器已鎖"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"請尋求協助。"],"What next?":[null,"下一步"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"我們無法驗證您的電話號碼, 因此當您的現金準備就緒時, 我們可能無法與您聯繫。"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"請在 下一個螢幕 拍下你的電子收據,然後與運營商聯繫。"],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"無線網路連接失敗"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"請再次嘗試密碼。"],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"我們的系統顯示有識別上的問題。"],"Please contact support":[null,"請聯繫支援協助"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"為了處理您的交易,我們需要核實一些有關您帳戶的信息"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"正在驗證身份..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"請稍候幾秒鐘。"],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"正在驗證身份證件..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"正在驗證相片..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"選擇網絡"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"僅顯示安全網路。"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"或者連接以太網絡"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"為了穩定性,最好採用有線連接。"],"WiFi password":[null,"無線網路密碼"],"Connect":[null,"連接"],"We got this":[null,"我們得到這個"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"請稍候幾分鐘。"],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"連接成功。正在等待報價。"],"More":[null,"更多"],"Less":[null,"收起"],"Buy %s":[null,"購買 %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"出售 %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu 幣販機"],"MORE":[null,"更多"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"請%s週後回來"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"請%s天後回來"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"請%s小時後回來"],"for %s":[null,"為 %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"你正連接到 WiFi 網路 %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"交易費用:%s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"你存了%s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"您已放入了 %s 現鈔"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"已達交易上限"],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"我們只有少量加密貨幣。"],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"請放入%s或更少。"],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"第一張存入紙幣最少為%s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"處理中 %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"已達交易上限"],"Error in validation":[null,"驗證時出錯。"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"根據當地法規,您已達到交易限額。 如果您想提高限額,請與我們聯繫。"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"掃瞄您的 %s 地址"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"請掃瞄此二維碼 並傳送您的 %s 給我們"],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"您發送 %s 了嗎?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"掃瞄您的 %s 地址"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"%s地址無效"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"已達到交易限額,請兌現"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"您將傳送 %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"比特幣"],"Ethereum":[null,"以太幣"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"萊特幣"],"Dash":[null,"達世幣 (Dash)"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"比特幣現金 (Bitcoin Cash)"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"zh-HK"}},"tr-TR":{"Address already used":[null,"adres zaten kullanılmış"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Bu adresi daha önce zaten kullandınız."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Gizlilik ve Güvenliğinizin korunması açısından , bitcoin hesabınızla yapacağınız bu işlem için, lütfen bitcoin cüzdanınızdan yeni bir kod oluşturunuz ve bu kodu ekrana okutunuz."],"Start over":[null,"Yeniden başlayın"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Emin misiniz?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Şayet bitcoinlerinizi telefon numaranızla onay almadan gönderip iptal ettiyseniz, tüm işleme operatörle irtibat kurup ,manuel olarak baştan başlamanız gerekmektedir."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Hesabınızın görüntülenmesi için , lütfen \" işleme devam\" tuşuna basarak, 60 saniye bekleyin."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ana sayfaya dönmek için, lütfen \" işlemi iptal et \" tuşuna basınız. "],"Continue transaction":[null,"İşleme devam et"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"İşlemi iptal et"],"Try again":[null,"Tekrar deneyiniz"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Girmiş olduğunuz numara calışmamaktadır. Uluslararası bir telefon numaranız varsa, lütfen + (artı) tuşuna basarak ülke koduyla, numaranızı giriniz."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Mesela ;\n"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Girdiğiniz kod yanlıştır."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Lütfen, size gönderdiğimiz 6 haneli kod numarasını girdiğinizden emin olunuz. "],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Bir dakika lütfen..."],"Languages":[null,"Diller"],"Redeem":[null,"Nakite çevir"],"How much?":[null,"Ne kadar?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Nakit çek "],"Clear":[null,"Temizle"],"Thank you!":[null,"Teşekkür ederiz!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Alım işleminiz tamamlandı"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Coinleriniz ....... 'e gönderiliyor:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Lütfen elektronik fişinizin ,ekran görüntüsünü alın. "],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"İşleminiz bittiğinde , ekranın herhangibir yerine dokunun."],"Network down":[null,"Bağlantı yok"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Onayla"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Henüz hiçbirşey değişmedi"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Henüz görünen coin yok"],"Yes, I have":[null,"Evet, var"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Hayır, yok"],"Send Coins":[null,"Coin gönderin"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Ödemeniz yapılacaktır"],"You will send us":[null,"Lütfen bize gönderiniz"],"to:":[null,"Bu adrese:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Para veriliyor"],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Lütfen paranız hazırlanırken bekleyiniz."],"All set":[null,"İşlem bitti"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Lütfen paranızı alınız."],"Collect bills":[null,"Fişinizi alınız"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Paranızın geri kalanını almak için, önce makineden çıkan paranızı alınız."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Noktaya bakınız "],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Bu sadece bir saniye alacaktır"],"May we?":[null,"Yapabilir miyiz?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Kanuni olarak işleme devam etmek için , resminizi çekmemiz gerekiyor. Devam edebilir miyiz?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Evet, resim çek"],"No, finish up":[null,"Hayır, işlemi bitir"],"Try again?":[null,"Tekrar denemek ister misiniz?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"İyi bir resim olmadı"],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Bir resim daha çekebilir miyiz?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Evet, lütfen tekrar deneyelim "],"No, send coins":[null,"Hayır, coinleri gönder"],"No, cancel":[null,"Hayır, iptal"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Kameraya bakınız "],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Başarılı bir resim olmadı"],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Ekran üzerindeki kameraya bakınız "],"We dispensed":[null,"Ödeme yaptık"],"You sent us":[null,"Bize gönderdiniz"],"See you!":[null,"Görüşmek üzere!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Geçiçi olarak ,limite ulaşılmıştır"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Üzgünüz. Kişisel max.limite ulaştınız. "],"OK":[null,"Tamam"],"Sorry":[null,"Özür dileriz"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Kimliğiniz okunamıyor. "],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Bir daha denemek isteyebilirsiniz "],"Cancel":[null,"İptal "],"ID verification":[null,"Kimlik doğrulaması"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Daha fazla bir meblağ ile işlem yapmak isterseniz, kimliğinizi tekrar taratmanız gerekmektedir."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Daha fazla para girişi yapmak ister misiniz? "],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Evet, kimlik doğrula"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Cüzdanınız başarıyla tanımlandı"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Para girişi yapın"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Ilk para girişini yapın "],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Coinleriniz...... adresine gönderilecektir "],"Insert another bill":[null,"Diğer banknotları giriniz"],"deposited so far":[null,"Para girişi yapılmıştır"],"total purchased":[null,"Toplam alım"],"OR":[null,"Ya da"],"Finished?":[null,"Bitti mi?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Geçersiz adres"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Farklı bir coin cüzdanı kullanıyorsunuz ya da , adres formatınız desteklenmiyor. "],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Lütfen QR kodunuzu kontrol ediniz ve tekrar deneyiniz"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Coinler bitmiştir"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Sonra tekrar deneyiniz"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, bu çalışmıyor"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Maximum deneme yaptınız. Operatörle iletişime geçiniz ya da sonra tekrar deneyiniz."],"More, please":[null,"Daha fazla lütfen "],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Nakit kalmamıştır"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Coinleriniz ulaşmıştır"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Yetkilendiriliyor....."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Bir kez daha denemek ister misiniz?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Gösterdiğiniz dokümanlar eşleşmiyor"],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR tarama hatası "],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Kağıt cüzdanınızı düzgün tarayamıyoruz. Tarayıcıya düzgün yerleştirdiğinizden emin olunuz ki basılsın"],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Problem devam ederse, tekrar basmayı deneyin"],"Scan again":[null,"Tekrar tarayınız"],"Print again":[null,"Tekrar basınız"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Basım hatası"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Cüzdanınız basılırken bir problem oluştu.Lütfen operatörle irtibata geçiniz, ya da tekrar deneyiniz."],"Back to Home":[null,"Ana sayfaya dön"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Aktive etmek için , cüzdanınızın ön sayfasını tekrar tarayıcıya yerleştirin"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"ÖNEMLİ: Bu kağıt yatırımlarınızı içeriyor. Aktive edilir edilmez, bu anahtari kimseye göstermeyiniz ve kaybetmeyiniz. "],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefon numarası"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"İşleminizin onaylandığını size mesaj olarak iletmemiz için, lütfen telefon numaranızı giriniz."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Lütfen , istek yaptığınız telefon numaranızı giriniz."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Kimlik doğrulaması için, lutfen cep telefonu numaranızı giriniz."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Devam etmek için, QR kodunuzu ,açılan pencereye okutunuz."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Lütfen, kimlik bilgilerinizi onaylayınız"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Devam etmek için, kimliğinizi onaylamamız gerekiyor."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Güvenlik kodu"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Size bir güvenlik kodu gönderdik. Aldığınızda, buraya kodu giriniz."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Coinimiz kalmamıştır "],"Send coins":[null,"Coin gönderin"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Coinleriniz gönderiliyor..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Daha büyük ölçekli bir işlem yapmak istiyorsanız, telefon numaranıza ihtiyacımız olacak. Böylelikle, size bir SMS kodu göndereceğiz."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Şüpheli adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Bu adres daha önce şüpheli bir kişi veya grup tarafından denenmiştir. Lütfen kendi cüzdanınızdaki adresi kullandığınızdan emin olunuz."],"Booting up...":[null,"Başlatılıyor"],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Sistem başlatılıyor"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Başlatılıyor..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Kripto kimliğiniz / public key oluşturuluyor"],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Bağlanıyor..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Eşleştiriliyor..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Sistemle eşleştiriliyor"],"Scan":[null,"Taranıyor"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Eşleşme yapılamadı"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Eşleştirme yapılırken, bir hata oluştu:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Sistemden gelen QR kodu taratınız."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Teknik servis gerekli "],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Lütfen operatörle bağlantı kurunuz."],"I agree":[null,"Kabul ediyorum"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Özür dileriz, şu anda kullanım dışı."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Kontrol ediliyor"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Talebinizi aldık ancak isteğinizi gerçekleştiremiyoruz. Lütfen coinlerin kendi cüzdanınızdan gönderildiğine emin olunuz."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Şayet coinlerinizin gönderildiğinden eminseniz, operatörle bağlantı sağlayınız. "],"Oops!":[null,"Opps , birşeyler yanlış gitti!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Bir problem yaşıyoruz."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Daha fazla bilgi için, lütfen operatörle irtibat kurun."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Lütfen fişinizin resmini çekiniz."],"Show receipt":[null,"Fişinizi gösteriniz."],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"İşleminizin onaylanması için bekleniyor. Kısa bir süre içinde , işleminizin onaylandığına dair mesaj alacaksınız."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Bu işlem gerçekleştiğinde, lütfen makinaya geri dönerek, nakit çek tuşuna basınız."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"İşleminizi gerçekleştiremiyoruz"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Bizden kaynaklı, sizden değil."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Sistem arızası."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Tekrar deneyebilirsiniz veya operatörle bağlantı kurunuz."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Fişiniz"],"pending confirmation":[null,"Onay bekleniyor"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Coinleriniz...... adresine gönderildi"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Bu makina talep ettiğiniz para birimini karşılayamıyor"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Lütfen talep ettiğiniz para birimini karşılayan makinadan nakit çekim yapınız"],"Network Down":[null,"Sistem arızası"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Üzgünüz, şu anda servis veremiyoruz"],"Please come back later.":[null,"Lütfen sonra tekrar deneyiniz "],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Girdiğiniz kod uyumsuz"],"Almost there":[null,"Neredeyse bitmek üzere"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Işleminizi görüntülüyoruz ancak hala onay için bekliyoruz. Yaklaşık 10 dakika sürecek , ancak bazen 1 veya 2 saate kadar uzayabiliyor."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Bu telefonunuzdan açık talep görüntüleyemiyoruz. Daha önce kullandığınız başka bir telefonunuz varsa, nakit çekimi için o numaranızı kullanabilirsiniz."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Bu telefonunuzla bağlantılı açık bir talep oluşturduysanız , lütfen operatörle bağlantı kurunuz."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Bu makina kilitlenmiştir."],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Lütfen yardım talep ediniz"],"What next?":[null,"Bir sonraki? "],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Telefon numaranızı teyit edemedik. Bu yüzden ,nakitiniz hazırlandığında sizinle irtibat kuramayabiliriz."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Lütfen bir sonraki ekran resmini çekin ve ardından operatörle irtibat sağlayın."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WIFI bağlantısı yapılamadı"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Lütfen şifrenizi tekrar deneyin."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Sistemimiz bir kimlik hatası algıladı"],"Please contact support":[null,"Lütfen destek ile bağlantı sağlayınız"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"İşleminizi tamamlamak için, hesabınızla ilgili bazı bilgileri doğrulamamız gerekiyor."],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Kimlik bilgileri onaylanıyor...."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Bu birkaç saniye sürebilir..."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Resim kartı onaylanıyor "],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Resim onaylanıyor..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Bir WIFI bağlantısı seçin"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Sadece güvenli bağlantılar gösterilmektedir"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Veya Ethernet bağlantısı sağlayınız "],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Kesintisiz bağlantı için, kablolu bağlantı sağlayabilirsiniz."],"WiFi password":[null,"WIFI Şifresi"],"Connect":[null,"Bağlan"],"We got this":[null,"Tamamdır"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Bir kaç dakika alabilir"],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Bağlandı. Onaylayıcıyı bekliyor"],"More":[null,"Daha fazla"],"Less":[null,"Daha az"],"Buy %s":[null,"Coin satın al "],"Sell %s":[null,"Coin sat"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"Daha fazla"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Lütfen coin için birkaç saat sonra tekrar gelin"],"for %s":[null,"Coin için"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Coin için WIFI bağlantısı sağlanıyor"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Coin işlem bedeli "],"You deposited %s":[null,"Yapilan coin alımı"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Coin girdisi yaptınız"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Işlem tutarı limitine ulaşıldı"],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Crypto az kalmıştır"],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Lütfen coinleri yerleştiriniz "],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimum miktar % ..."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"İşlem yapılıyor %..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"İşlem limitine ulaşıldı."],"Error in validation":[null,"Bir hata oluştu"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Kurallar gereği, işlem limitinize ulaştınız. Limit artırmak isterseniz, bizimle irtibata geçiniz."],"Scan your %s address":[null," % adresini taratınız"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Lütfen QR kodunu tarayıp bize Coinlerinizi gönderiniz."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Coinlerinizi gönderdiniz mi?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"%s adresinizi tarayınız"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Geçersiz %s adres"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"İşlem limitinize ulaştınız. Lütfen paranızı alınız."],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"%s tarafınıza gönderilecektir."],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"tr-TR"}},"de-DE":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,"Noch einmal beginnen"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Bist Du sicher?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Wenn du die Coins bereits gesendet hast, ohne deine Telefonnummer einzugeben, solltest du die Transaktion manuell über den Anbieter abwickeln."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Wähle \"Mit der Transaktion fortfahren\", danach kann es bis zu 60 Sekunden dauern, bis dein gewünschter Betrag zu sehen ist."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Wähle \"Transaktion abbrechen\" um auf den Startbildschirm zurückzukehren."],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,"Erneut versuchen"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Die von dir eingegebene Telefonnummer konnte nicht gefunden werden. Wenn du eine internationale Rufnummer hast, gib bitte \"+\" und deine Landesvorwahl ein."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Belgiens Ländervorwahl zum Beispiel ist +32, eine belgische Telefonnummer würde also so aussehen: +32 455 12 24 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code ist nicht korrekt."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Überprüfe, dass du den korrekten 6-stelligen Code, den du von uns erhalten hast, eingibst."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Einen Moment bitte..."],"Languages":[null,"Sprachen"],"Redeem":[null,"Einlösen"],"How much?":[null,"Wie viel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Geldbetrag"],"Clear":[null,"Löschen"],"Thank you!":[null,"Danke!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Du hast gekauft"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Die Coins wurden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Für eine elektronische Kaufquittung, mache ein Foto des Bildschirms"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Berühre den Bildschirm, wenn du fertig bist."],"Network down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Bestätigen"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Noch nichts."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Noch keine Coins zu sehen."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, habe ich"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nein, habe ich nicht"],"Send Coins":[null,"Coins senden"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"wird an dich ausgezahlt."],"You will send us":[null,"Bitte sende an uns"],"to:":[null,"an folgende Adresse:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Geldausgabe..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Bitte warten, Geld wird herausgegeben."],"All set":[null,"Fertig"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Bitte nimm das Geld aus dem Ausgabefach."],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,"Dürfen wir?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Um fortzufahren, sind wir aus gesetzlichen Gründen dazu verpflichtet, ein Foto von dir zu machen. Ist das in Ordnung?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, macht ein Foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nein, aufhören"],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,"Nein, sende die Coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nein, abbrechen"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Schaue in die Kamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Leider konnten wir kein gutes Bild von dir machen."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Schaue bitte in die Kamera oberhalb des Bildschirms."],"We dispensed":[null,"Wir haben ausgezahlt"],"You sent us":[null,"Dein gesendeter Betrag"],"See you!":[null,"Bis bald!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Vorübergehendes Limit erreicht"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Es tut uns leid! Der erlaubte Maximalbetrag pro Person wurde erreicht."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Wir konnten deine ID-Karte nicht lesen."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Vielleicht solltest du es nochmals probieren."],"Cancel":[null,"Abbrechen"],"ID verification":[null,"Identitätsprüfung"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Möchtest du mehr Geldnoten einzahlen?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, verifiziere Identität"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Bitte führe eine Banknote ein"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Bitte führe den ersten Geldschein in den Automaten ein."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Führe eine weitere Banknote ein"],"deposited so far":[null,"Bisher eingeführt"],"total purchased":[null,"total gekauft"],"OR":[null,"oder"],"Finished?":[null,"Fertig?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Ungültige Adresse"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Es sieht so aus, dass du ein Wallet für einen anderen Coin benutzt oder dieses Adressformat nicht von uns unterstützt wird."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Bitte überprüfe deinen QR Code und versuche es erneut."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Wir haben keine Coins mehr!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Bitte versuche es später erneut."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Hoppla! etwas ist schief gelaufen"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Versuchen erreicht. Bitte kontaktiere den Anbieter oder versuche es später erneut."],"More, please":[null,"Bitte mehr"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Wir haben keine Geldscheine mehr!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Coins erhalten!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisierung..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Noch einmal versuchen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Das von dir gezeigte Dokument ist nicht übereinstimmend."],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Handynummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Bitte gib deine Telefonnummer ein damit wir dich benachrichtigen können, sobald dein Kauf bestätigt wurde."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Bitte gib die Handynummer ein, die du während deiner Bestellung verwendet hast."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Um deine Identität zu verifizieren, benötigen wir deine Telefonnummer."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Halte deinen QR Code vor den Scanner..."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bitte legitimiere dich"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Um fortzufahren, sind wir dazu verpflichtet, deine Identität zu verifizieren."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Sicherheitscode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Wir haben dir einen Code gesendet. Bitte gib ihn hier ein, sobald du ihn empfangen hast."],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Deine Coins werden gesendet..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Wenn du einen höheren Betrag kaufen möchtest, benötigen wir deine Telefonnummer. Im Anschluss wirst du einen Code per SMS erhalten."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Verdächtige Adresse"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Diese Adresse steht möglicherweise mit einem vorgetäuschten Angebot oder einer nicht erwünschten Gruppe in Verbindung. Bitte nutze eine Adresse aus deinem eigenen Wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Hochfahren..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisiere Hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialisierung..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Public Key wird erstellt."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Verbinde..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Kopplung..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Verbinde mit Remote Server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Paarung fehlgeschlagen"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Während des Paarungsversuches wurde ein Fehler entdeckt:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Bitte scanne den QR Code, welchen du vom Remote-Server erhalten hast."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Wartung erforderlich"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"I agree":[null,"Ich stimme zu"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Der Automat wird im Moment gewartet."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Wir werden es überprüfen"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Deine Order ist eingegangen, jedoch haben wir noch keine Transaktion von dir feststellen können. Bitte überprüfe ob die Transaktion von deinem Wallet ausgeführt wurde."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn du dir sicher bist, dass du die Coins gesendet hat, kontaktiere bitte den Betreiber."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber für mehr Informationen."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Zeige bitte ein Foto deines Beleges."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Wir warten auf die Bestätigung deiner Transaktion in der Blockchain. Sobald dies der Fall ist, wirst du eine SMS von uns erhalten."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wenn du dieses SMS erhalten hast, kannst du zum ATM zurückkehren und auf den Redeem Button tippen."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Wir können deine Transaktion nicht verarbeiten."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Es liegt an uns, nicht an dir."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Unser System hat einen Fehler festgestellt."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte versuch es noch einmal oder kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Ihre Quittung"],"pending confirmation":[null,"Bestätigung ausstehend"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Dieser ATM bietet den von dir gwünschten Coin nicht an."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Bitte besuche einen Automaten, welche deine gewünschte Währung anbietet."],"Network Down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Der Automat wir zurzeit gewartet."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Bitte komm später nochmals."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code stimmt nicht überein, bitte versuche es nochmal."],"Almost there":[null,"Fast geschafft"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Wir sehen Ihre Transaktion, warten aber noch auf Bestätigung. Dies dauert im Durchschnitt 15 Minuten, kann aber bis zu ein oder zwei Stunden dauern. Je nach dem wie das aktuelle Transaktionsvolumen auf der Blockchain ist."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Wir können keine Bestellungen mit deiner Telefonnummer finden. Hast du vielleicht eine andere Telefonnummer verwendet."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn Du sicher bist dass mit der angegebenen Telefonnummer eine Auszahlung bereitstehen sollte, melde Dich bitte beim Support."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Die Maschine ist gesperrt"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Bitte sprich den Betreiber an."],"What next?":[null,"Was passiert als nächstest?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine Telefonnummer nicht verifizieren, sodass Du möglicherweise von uns nicht kontaktiert werden kannst um mitzuteilen wann das Geld zur Auszahlung bereit ist."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte mach ein Foto des nächsten Bildschirms der als elektronischen Beleg dient und wende Dich an Support."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi Fehler in der Verbindung..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Bitte bestätige Dein Passwort."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Unser System hat ein Problem bei der Legitimierung festgestellt. Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"Please contact support":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere unseren Support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Zur Abwicklung Deiner Transaktion müssen wir einige Informationen zu Deinem Konto klären"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Identität wird überprüft..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Das kann ein paar Sekunden dauern."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Foto wird überprüft..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Wähle das WiFi Netzwerk"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Es werden nur verschlüsselte Netzwerke angezeigt."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WLAN Passwort"],"Connect":[null,"Verbinden"],"We got this":[null,"Wir haben das erhalten"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Das könnte einen Moment dauern."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbunden. Warte auf Antwort."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,"%s Kaufen"],"Sell %s":[null,"%s Verkaufen"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Krypto Automat"],"MORE":[null,"MEHR"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Bitte komm wieder in %s Stunden"],"for %s":[null,"Für %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Du verbindest dich mit dem WLAN %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transaktion Gebühr: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Bisher eingezahlt %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Du hast eine %s Banknote eingeführt"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transaktionslimit erreicht."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Aktuell besteht ein kleiner Krypto- Engpass."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Bitte führe %s oder weniger ein."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Mindest Betrag ist %s, bitte."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Verarbeite %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne Deine %s Adresse"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Bitte scanne nun den QR Code mit der Zieladresse und sende uns Deine %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Hast Du die %s bereits gesendet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne nun Deine %s Adresse"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Fehlerhafte %s Adresse"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaktionslimit ist erreicht, bitte lass Dich nun auszahlen"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Du sendest %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"de-DE"}},"fur-IT":{"Address already used":[null,"Indiriz bjelgià doprât"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Somê ca tu vèdis già doprât chist indiriz."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Par la tò sigurece e privacy cuintri lis trufis, par plasè gènere un gnûf indiriz dal tô wallet e scansiòne chèl investe."],"Start over":[null,"Torne tache"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Setu sigûr?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Tu âs bielgià mandâdis lis monedis e cancelât cence confermà il tô numar di telefono, bisugne ca tu sistêmis la transazion cun l'operadôr."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presse 'Continue la transazion' e spete fin a 60 seconds par viodi il tô depuêsit."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Opûr presse ' Cancele la transazion' par tornà a le schermade iniziâl."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue la transazion"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancêle la transazion"],"Try again":[null,"Prove di gnûf"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Il numar di telefono ca tu âs metût nol và. Sa tu âs un numar internazionâl, met il prefìs cun il + e il codiç di clamade dal to paîs."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Par esempli, il codiç di clamade dal Belgio somearà cussì: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Il codiç ca tu âs metût nol è corèt."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Par plasè contròle di vè metût il codiç di sîs cifris ca tu âs vût di nò."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Un moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Lengaçs"],"Redeem":[null,"Riscatte"],"How much?":[null,"Trop vegnal?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Ritire"],"Clear":[null,"Nete"],"Thank you!":[null,"Grassie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Tu âs comprât"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Li tôs monedis a son pa strade viârs:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Chjape une foto de schermade come ricevude eletroniche"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Presse el schermo là ca tu ûs quant ca tu âs fat."],"Network down":[null,"No è rêt"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Sotscrîf"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Anchjemò nue."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No si viôdin monedis."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lu aj"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No lu aj"],"Send Coins":[null,"Mande lis monedis"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ti vignarà erogât."],"You will send us":[null,"Tu nûs mandarâs"],"to:":[null,"a:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Erogazion..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Par plasè spiete tan che ti eroghìn i bêz."],"All set":[null,"Dut fat"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Par plasè ghiave i bêz dal dispensari."],"Collect bills":[null,"Ritire i bêz"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Par continuà l'erogazion, tire sù i bêz dal dispensari."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Chjale fìs el puntin"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Varès di stà nome qualchi secont."],"May we?":[null,"Podîno?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Par podè continuà chiste transazion, vìn bisugne di fati une foto seguìnt lis regulis dal puest. Vadie ben?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, fâs la foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finìsile"],"Try again?":[null,"Prove di gnûf?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Somê ca no vìn fat just."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Vino di provà un altre foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, prove di gnûf"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, mande lis monedis"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancèle"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Chiale l'obietîf"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"No sìn rivâts a fâti une buine foto."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Par plasè chiale l'obietîf parsore el schermo."],"We dispensed":[null,"Vìn distribuît"],"You sent us":[null,"Tu nûs âs mandât"],"See you!":[null,"Mandì!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Par cumô vonde, tu sês rivât al lìmit"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Nûs displâs, sîn rivâts al lìmit obligatori par omp."],"OK":[null,"Va bèn"],"Sorry":[null,"Scuse"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No rivìn a leî la tô chiarte di identitât."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Tu podarêssis vê voe di tornà a provà."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancêle"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifiche identitât"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Sa tu âs voe di comprà di plui, varìn bisùgne di verificà cûi ca tu sês domandanti di fà la scànsiòn dal to ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Vuèlitu inserì plui bêz?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Si, verifiche l'ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet validât cun sucès!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserìs une banconote"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Par plasè inserìs la prime banconote in te màchine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Lis tôs monedis saràn inviàdis a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserìs un altre banconote"],"deposited so far":[null,"Metûts jù fin cumò"],"total purchased":[null,"totâl comprât"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"Atu finît?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Address no valîd"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Someê come se tû stèssis doprànt un wallet pâr une monêde differènte opûr un formât di address che nô no doprîn."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Par plasè controle il tô QR code e prove di gnûf."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Vîn finîdis lis monêdis!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Par Plasè prove plui târd."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ochio, chêl chi nô funsiône"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Tu âs provât masse voltis. Par plasè contâte l'operadôr par risôlvi, o prove plui tard."],"More, please":[null,"Di plui, par plasè"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Vìn finît dut i bêz!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fònds ricevûts!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Stîn autorizant..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Ustu provà anchiemò?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Il document ca tu âs mostrât no cûrispuînt."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erôr di scansion dal QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No rivìn a fa le scansion juste dal to paper wallet. Posizionilu miôr ta areê di scansiòn, opûr contrôle cal sêdi stampât bèn."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se il problema al reste, prove a stampalu di gnûf."],"Scan again":[null,"Scansione di gnûf"],"Print again":[null,"Stampe di gnûf"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Stampe falîde"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Someê sedi stât un problema ta spampe dal tô wallet. Par plasè contâte l'operadôr par vE plui informazions opûr torne prove a stampà."],"Back to Home":[null,"Torne al Inîzi"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Par validalu, par plasè mostre la mûse dal tô paper wallet sul barcôn di scansion."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTÂNT: chiste chiarte â dentri i toi bêz. Une volte validade, no sta mostrà chiste clâf atôr a nissun e no sta piârdile!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numar di telefono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Par plasè inserîss il tô numâr di cellulâr cussì podìn mandati un Sms quant che il tô ordîn al'è confermât."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Par plasè inserîss il numar di cellulâr ca tu âs doprât quant tu âs fat l'ordin."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Par plasè inserîss il to numar di cellulâr par verificà l'ID."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tèn il to Qr code su la barconète di scansion par là indenant."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Par plasè verifiche la tò identitât"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Par là indenant, vìn bisugne di verificà la to identitât."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codiç di Sigurèce"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ti vîn mandât un codiç di sigurèce. Quant ca ti rive, scrivilu chi."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Sìn cence monedis!"],"Send coins":[null,"Mande lis monedis"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Stìn spedint lis tôs monedis..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Sa tu âs che di comprà di plui, vîn bisugne di domandati il tô numar di telefono. Cussì ti mandìn un codiç vie SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Address suspiet"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Chìst address podarês sedi associât cun une freadûre o cun grups di delinquènts. Par plasè sigûriti ca tu stâs doprant un address dal tô wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Scomencîn..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inizializin l'hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Inizializin..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generazion di identitât crittografiche."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connesion..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Parege cun il server lontàn"],"Scan":[null,"Scansione"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing falît"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Si è verificât un erôr tant che provàvin a paregià:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Par plasè scansione il QR code di paregio ca tu âs vût dal to server lontàn."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Richieste di manutenzion"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Par plasè contàte l'operatôr."],"I agree":[null,"Soj d'acordo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Scusajnus, sin fêrs pal momènt."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Stìn dànt une chialade"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Vìn el to ôrdin ma no vìn viodût anchjemò la tô transazion di depuesit. Controle se il to wallet al'â spedît lis monedis pe tô transazion."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se tu sês sigûr di vè mandât lis monedis, alore contate l'operadôr."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"And'ê qualchi dificoltât."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Par plasè contate l'operadôr par vê qualchi informazion di plui."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Par plasè scate une foto de tô ricevude."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostre la ricevude"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Stìn spètant che il tô depuesit sedi confermât su la blockchain. Prèst tu ricevarâs un messàç par notificati ca la tô transazion jè stade confermade."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quant ca sucêt, par plasè torne su chiste machine e presse il botòn Riscatte."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podìn mandà indenant la to transazion."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Jè colpe nestre, no tô."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Il nestri sistema al stà lant in erôr."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Prove di gnûf, o contàte l'operadôr."],"Your Receipt":[null,"La tô ricevude"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confèrme in sospês"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Lis tôs monedis son spedìdis a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Chiste machine no gestìs la valude ca tu domàndis."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Par plasè ritire i bêz di une machine ca gestìs la tô valùde."],"Network Down":[null,"No è rêt"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Scusajnûs, sin fêrs pal momènt."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Par plasè torne plui tard."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Il codiç ca tû âs metût nol curispuint."],"Almost there":[null,"Quâsite fate"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vìn viodûde le tô transazion ma stîn anchiemò spetànt pâs confermis. I vuelin di medie 10 minûts ma puêdin sta fin a un ore o dôs."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No viodìn nissun ordin viart leât al to telefono. Sa tu âs un altri telefono ca tu puedis vê doprât, cîr di redîmi di gnûf cun chel numar."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Sa tu sês sigûr di vè un ordin viart leât cun chist telefono, par plasè contàte l'operadôr."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Le machine jè siarâde"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Par plasè domande asistence."],"What next?":[null,"E cumò?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No sîn stats boins di verificà il to numar di telefono, cussì podarêssin no sedi sigûrs di contatati quant i bêz son pronts."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Par plasè fâs una foto de prossime schermade come ricevude eletroniche, daspò contate l'operadôr."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Wifi no l'è rivât a tacàsi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Par plasè prove la password di gnûf."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Il nestri sistema al â chiatât un problema di identificazion."],"Please contact support":[null,"Par plasè contate il supuârt"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Par podè mandà indenant la to transazion, vîn bisugne di clarì qnalchi informazion sul tô cont"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifiche di identitât..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Chist podarês chiapà un moment di timp."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifiche de foto-tessare..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifiche de foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Scielç une rêt WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"A son mostradis nome lis rêts siguris"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O tachiti cul Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Une conesion vie cavo sarês miôr par stabilitât."],"WiFi password":[null,"password WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Colêghe"],"We got this":[null,"Vîn vût chist"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Chist podarès stà un pôc di timp."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Colegât. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Colpe dâs normis locâls tu sês rivât al tô limit di transazion. 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Ellenőrizd, hogy nem lehet-e, hogy másik telefonszámot használtál."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Ha biztos vagy benne, hogy a megadott mobilszámhoz tartozik befejezetlen tranzakció, kérjük hogy vedd fel a kapcsolatot ügyfélszolgálatunkkal."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"További információért keresd az operátort!"],"What next?":[null,"Mi a következő lépés?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nem tudtuk ellenőrizni a mobilszámodat, így nem fogunk tudni értesíteni arról, hogy felveheted a pénzed."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"A rendszer hibát észlelt."],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Ez eltarthat néhány másodpercig."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Csak a biztonságos hálózatok vannak megjelenítve."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi jelszó"],"Connect":[null,"Csatlakozás"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Ez eltarthat egy darabig."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"hu-HU"}},"es-CL":{"Address already used":[null,"La dirección ya ha sido utilizada"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que ya has usado esta dirección."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para su privacidad y seguridad contra estafas, genere una dirección nueva desde su monedero y escanee esa."],"Start over":[null,"Comenzar de nuevo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"¿Está seguro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si ya ha enviado monedas y cancela sin confirmar su número de teléfono, deberá liquidar manualmente la transacción con el operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presione 'Continuar transacción' y espere hasta 60 segundos para que se vea su depósito."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"O presione 'Cancelar transacción' para volver a la pantalla de inicio."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transacción"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transacción"],"Try again":[null,"Inténtelo de nuevo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono que ingresó no funcionó. Si tiene un número internacional, coloque el prefijo + y el código de su país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo, el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, por lo que un número belga se vería así: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código entrado fue incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Asegúrese de ingresar el código de seis dígitos que le hemos enviado."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"La opción de compra no está disponible en este momento"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Disculpenos, la opción de compra está temporalmente deshabilitada"],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Por favor contacte al operador o vuela a intentar en un rato"],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Retirar"],"Clear":[null,"Vaciar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ha comprado"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sus monedas están en camino a la siguiente dirección: "],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Envíar recibo por SMS"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"¿Desea continuar?"],"Yes":[null,"Sí"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aún no hemos recibido las monedas."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lo hice"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, no lo hice"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retire su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mire al punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos permite?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Para continuar con esta transacción, necesitamos tomarle una foto para cumplir con las leyes locales. ¿Está de acuerdo?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, de acuerdo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finalizar"],"Try again?":[null,"¿Inténtalo de nuevo?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que no obtuvimos una buena foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"¿Intentamos otra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Sí, intentar de nuevo"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, enviar monedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Mire a la cámara"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"La foto de usted no ha salido bién."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor, mire a la cámara situada en la pantalla."],"We dispensed":[null,"Entregado"],"You sent us":[null,"Usted lo envió"],"See you!":[null,"¡Hasta pronto!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Límite temporal alcanzado"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. Hemos alcanzado nuestro límite obligatorio por usuario."],"OK":[null,"VALE"],"Sorry":[null,"Lo siento"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No pudimos leer su DNI."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Podría intentarlo de nuevo."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificación de identidad"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra más grande, necesitaremos verificar su identidad escaneando su identificación."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Desea introducir más billetes?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sí, verificar ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"¡Billetera validada con éxito!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserte un billete"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor inserte su primer billete en la máquina"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Sus monedas serán enviadas a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserte otro billete"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado hasta este momento"],"total purchased":[null,"total comprado"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"¿Ha terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escriba su código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"La dirección es inválida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que estás usando una billetera para una moneda diferente o un formato de dirección que aún no admitimos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor, verifique su codigo QR e intentelo de nuevo."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nos hemos quedado sin monedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor, intentelo mas tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ups, esto no está funcionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"No te preocupes"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Sus fondos están a salvo, pero presentamos un inconveniente al enviarlos"],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Por favor tome una foto de esta pantalla y contacte al operador para completar la orden."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Su dirección de depósito:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente su billetera de papel. Asegúrase de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intente imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"La impresión ha fallido"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu billetera. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de su billetera de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie ni la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"\n"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Por favor verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Para continuar, verifique su teléfono"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Sí, verificar teléfono"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Escanear código QR"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"¡Uy!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos experimentando algunas dificultades."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor, contacte al operador para más información. "],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, tome una foto de su recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar su transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no usted."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimentó un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmación pendiente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina no maneja la moneda que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira a una máquina que maneje tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código ingresado no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi ahi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ningún pedido abierto asociado con tu teléfono. Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indica un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. 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Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya enviaste el %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s inválida"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Estarás enviando %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Descuento agregado (%s menos de comisión)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-CL"}},"ar-SA":{"Address already used":[null,"العنوان المستخدم بالفعل"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"يبدو أنك استخدمت هذا العنوان بالفعل."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"لكل من خصوصيتك وأمانك ضد عمليات الاحتيال ، يرجى إنشاء واحدة جديدة من محفظتك ومسحها بدلاً من ذلك."],"Start over":[null,"ابدأ من جديد"],"Are you sure?":[null,"هل أنت واثق؟"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"إذا كنت قد أرسلت بالفعل عملات معدنية وقمت بالإلغاء دون تأكيد رقم هاتفك ، فستحتاج إلى تسوية المعاملة يدويًا مع المشغل."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"اضغط على \"متابعة المعاملة\" وانتظر لمدة تصل إلى 60 ثانية حتى ترى إيداعك."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"أو اضغط على \"إلغاء المعاملة\" للعودة إلى الشاشة الرئيسية."],"Continue transaction":[null,"مواصلة الصفقة"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"إلغاء الصفقة"],"Try again":[null,"حاول مجددا"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"رقم الهاتف الذي أدخلته لا يعمل. إذا كان لديك رقم دولي ، فالرجاء بادئة الرقم + ورمز الاتصال في بلدك."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"على سبيل المثال ، رمز الاتصال في بلجيكا هو +32 ، لذلك سيبدو الرقم البلجيكي: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"الرمز الذي أدخلته غير صحيح."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"يرجى التأكد من إدخال الرمز المكون من ستة أرقام الذي تتلقاه منا."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"لحظة واحدة ..."],"Languages":[null,"اللغات"],"Redeem":[null,"خلص"],"How much?":[null,"كم الثمن؟"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"المصروفات"],"Clear":[null,"واضح"],"Thank you!":[null,"شكراً!"],"You Purchased":[null,"لقد اشتريت"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"عملاتك المعدنية في طريقها إلى:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"التقط صورة لهذه الشاشة لإيصالك الإلكتروني"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"اضغط في أي مكان على الشاشة عند الانتهاء."],"Network down":[null,"أسفل الشبكة"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"خضع"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"لا شيء حتى الان."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"لا توجد عملات معدنية تظهر."],"Yes, I have":[null,"نعم لدي"],"No, I haven't":[null,"لا ، ليس لدي"],"Send Coins":[null,"إرسال العملات"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"سيتم الاستغناء لك."],"You will send us":[null,"سوف ترسل لنا"],"to:":[null,"إلى:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"الاستغناء..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"يرجى الانتظار بينما نحن صرف أموالك."],"All set":[null,"كل مجموعة"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"يرجى إزالة أموالك من الدرج."],"Collect bills":[null,"جمع الفواتير"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"لمتابعة الاستغناء ، خذ أموالك من الدرج."],"Look at the dot":[null,"انظر إلى النقطة"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"هذا يجب أن تأخذ فقط ثانية."],"May we?":[null,"هل يمكننا؟"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"الاعتذار. لقد وصلنا إلى الحد المسموح به لكل مستخدم."],"OK":[null,"حسنا"],"Sorry":[null,"آسف"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"لم نتمكن من قراءة بطاقة الهوية الخاصة بك."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"قد ترغب في إعطائها طلقة أخرى."],"Cancel":[null,"إلغاء"],"ID verification":[null,"التحقق من الهوية"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"إذا كنت ترغب في إجراء عملية شراء أكبر ، فسنحتاج إلى التأكد من أنك عن طريق مطالبتك بمسح هويتك."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"هل ترغب في إدراج المزيد من الفواتير؟"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"نعم ، تحقق من الهوية"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"تم التحقق من المحفظة بنجاح!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"أدخل عملة ورقية"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"الرجاء إدخال فاتورتك الأولى في الجهاز."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"سيتم إرسال عملاتك المعدنية إلى:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"أدخل عملة ثانية"],"deposited so far":[null,"تم إدخال"],"total purchased":[null,"مجموع شراؤها"],"OR":[null,"أو"],"Finished?":[null,"تم الانتهاء من؟"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"عنوان خاطئ"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"يبدو أنك تستخدم محفظة لعملة مختلفة أو تنسيق عنوان لا ندعمه بعد."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"يرجى التحقق من رمز الاستجابة السريعة والمحاولة مرة أخرى."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"نحن جميعا من العملات المعدنية!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"الرجاء معاودة المحاولة في وقت لاحق."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"عفوًا ، هذا لا يعمل"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"لقد بلغت الحد الأقصى لعدد مرات إعادة المحاولة. يرجى الاتصال بالمشغل لفرز هذا ، أو أعد المحاولة لاحقًا."],"More, please":[null,"أكثر من فضلك"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"نحن جميعا نفاد النقدية!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"الأموال المستلمة!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"يجيز ..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"تريد المحاولة مرة أخرى؟"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"المستند الذي عرضته غير متطابق."],"QR scanning error":[null,"خطأ في مسح QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"لم نتمكن من مسح محفظتك الورقية بشكل صحيح. تأكد من وضعه بشكل صحيح على حاوية المسح الضوئي وأنه تمت طباعته بشكل صحيح."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"إذا استمرت المشكلة ، فحاول الطباعة مرة أخرى."],"Scan again":[null,"امسح مجددا"],"Print again":[null,"طباعة مرة أخرى"],"Printing Failed":[null,"فشل الطباعة"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"يبدو أن هناك مشكلة أثناء طباعة محفظتك. يرجى الاتصال بالمشغل لمزيد من المعلومات أو حاول الطباعة مرة أخرى."],"Back to Home":[null,"العودة إلى المنزل"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"للتحقق من الصحة ، يرجى تقديم مقدمة محفظتك الورقية إلى نافذة المسح."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. 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That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"رقم الهاتف"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"يرجى إدخال رقم هاتفك المحمول حتى نتمكن من إرسال الرسائل النصية إليك عند تأكيد طلبك."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"الرجاء إدخال رقم الهاتف المحمول الذي استخدمته عند تقديم طلبك."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"الرجاء إدخال رقم هاتفك المحمول للتحقق من الهوية."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"امسك رمز الاستجابة السريعة الخاص بك حتى نافذة المسح للمتابعة."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"يرجى التحقق من هويتك"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"للمتابعة ، نحن مطالبون بالتحقق من هويتك."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"رمز الحماية"],"We've texted you a security code. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"لا نرى أي طلبات مفتوحة مرتبطة بهاتفك. إذا كان لديك هاتف آخر ربما تكون قد استخدمته ، يمكنك محاولة استرداد هذا الرقم مرة أخرى."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"إذا كنت متأكدًا من وجود طلب مفتوح مرتبط بهذا الهاتف ، فيرجى الاتصال بالمشغل."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"هذا الجهاز مغلق"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"الرجاء طلب خدمة العملاء."],"What next?":[null,"ماذا بعد؟"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"لم نتمكن من التحقق من رقم هاتفك ، لذلك قد لا نتمكن من الاتصال بك عندما تكون أموالك جاهزة."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"يرجى التقاط صورة للشاشة التالية لإيصالك الإلكتروني ، ثم اتصل بالمشغل."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"فشل اتصال WiFi ..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"أشار نظامنا إلى مشكلة في تحديد الهوية."],"Please contact support":[null,"يرجى الاتصال بالدعم"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"من أجل معالجة معاملتك ، نحتاج إلى توضيح بعض المعلومات حول حسابك"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"التحقق من الهوية ..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"هذا قد يستغرق بضع ثوان."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"جارٍ التحقق من بطاقة الصور ..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"جارٍ التحقق من الصورة ..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"اختر شبكة WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"يتم إظهار شبكات مضمونة فقط."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"أو قم بتوصيل الإيثرنت"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"اتصال سلكي مفضل للاستقرار."],"WiFi password":[null,"كلمة المرور لالواي في"],"Connect":[null,"اشبك"],"We got this":[null,"لقد حصلنا على هذا"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"يرجى الإنتظار."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"وفقًا للوائح المحلية ، وصلت إلى حد معاملتك. يرجى الاتصال بنا إذا كنت ترغب في رفع الحد الأقصى."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"مسح عنوانك"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"يرجى مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة لإرسال لنا s%."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"هل أرسلت %s حتى الآن؟"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"مسح عنوان s% الخاص بك"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"عنوان s% غير صالح"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"تم بلوغ حد المعاملة ، يرجى صرف النقود"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"سوف ترسل s %s%"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"بيتكوين"],"Ethereum":[null,"إيثريوم"],"Zcash":[null,"زیکش"],"Litecoin":[null,"لايتكوين"],"Dash":[null,"داش"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"بيتكوين كاش"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ar-SA"}},"en-HK":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"Cash-in temporarily unavailable"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline."],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Send SMS receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"Would you like to proceed?"],"Yes":[null,"Yes"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a bill"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another bill"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Don't worry!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins."],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Your receiving address:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"We're out of coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Send coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Sending your coins..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Verify phone to continue"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Yes, verify phone"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Suspicious address"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Scan QR code"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"This Machine Is Locked"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Please ask for assistance."],"What next?":[null,"What next?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi failed to connect..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Please try the password again."],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN required"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Type in SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Yes, type in"],"Social security number":[null,"Social security number"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"To proceed, please enter your social security number."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Our system indicated an identification problem."],"Please contact support":[null,"Please contact support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifying identity..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"This could take a few seconds."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifying photo card..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifying photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Select a WiFi network"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Only secured networks are shown."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Or connect Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"A wired connection is preferred for stability."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi password"],"Connect":[null,"Connect"],"We got this":[null,"We got this"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"This could take a few moments."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Have you sent the %s yet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Invalid %s address"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaction limit reached, please cash out"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"You'll be sending %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Discount added (%s off commissions)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"An error occurred, try again."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"en-HK"}},"lt-LT":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,"Dėkojame!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,""],"No, cancel":[null,""],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,""],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Įdėkite banknotą"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,"Įdėkite dar vieną banknotą"],"deposited so far":[null,"įdėtų pinigų suma"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"ARBA"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,""],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Pabandykite susisiekti su operatoriumi."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,""],"It's us, not you.":[null,""],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,""],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,""],"Your Receipt":[null,""],"pending confirmation":[null,""],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,""],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,""],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,""],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,""],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Prašome kreiptis į operatorių."],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Rodomi tik saugūs belaidžiai tinklai."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi slaptažodis"],"Connect":[null,"Prisijungti"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Tai gali užtrukti kelias akimirkas."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Prisijungėme. Tikriname bitkoinų kursą."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,""],"Sell %s":[null,""],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,""],"MORE":[null,"DAUGIAU"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,""],"for %s":[null,"Jungiatės prie: %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"prie belaidžio tinklo: %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,""],"You deposited %s":[null,""],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Jūs įdėjote %s kupiūrą"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,""],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,""],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Įdėkite tik %s ar mažiau."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,""],"Processing %s ...":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"lt-LT"}},"sr-CS":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresa je već iskorišćena"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Izgleda da ste već koristili ovu adresu."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Zbog Vaše privatnosti i sigurnosti, molimo vas da generišete novu adresu i nju priložite umesto prethodne."],"Start over":[null,"Započni ponovo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Da li ste sigurni?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Ako ste već poslali novčiće i pritom prekinete transakciju bez potvrđivanja Vašeg broja telefona, moraćete da kontaktirate operatora da bi Vam novac bio isplaćen."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Pritisnite 'Nastavi transakciju' i sačekajte do 60 sekundi da bismo videli Vaš depozit."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ili pritisnite 'Prekini transakciju' da biste se vratili na početni ekran."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Nastavi transakciju"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Prekini transakciju"],"Try again":[null,"Pokušaj ponovo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Broj telefona koji ste uspeli nije dostupan. Ako posedujete inostrani broj, molimo Vas da unesete + i pozivni kod Vaše zemlje."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Na primer, pozivni kod Belgije je +32, pa bi jedan Belgijski broj izgledao ovako: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Kod koji ste uneli je netačan."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Molimo vas koristite šestocifreni broj koji smo vam poslali."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"Unos novčanica je trenutno nedostupno"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Izvinjavamo se. Opcije za kupovinu su trenutno nedostupne."],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Molimo vas kontaktirajte operatera da bi ste ov rešili, ili pokušajte ponovo kasnije."],"One moment...":[null,"Trenutak..."],"Languages":[null,"Jezici"],"Redeem":[null,"Isplati"],"How much?":[null,"Koliko?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Imate li promo kod?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Isplati"],"Clear":[null,"Obriši"],"Thank you!":[null,"Hvala!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Kupili ste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vaši novčići su poslati ka:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Štampaj račun"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Pošalji SMS račun"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Slikajte ekran da biste dobili elektronski račun"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Dodirnite bilo gde ekran kada završite"],"Network down":[null,"Mreža nedostupna"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"Da li želite da nastavite?"],"Yes":[null,"Da"],"No":[null,"Ne"],"Submit":[null,"Unesi"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Još ništa"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Novac se ne pojavljuje."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Da, jesam"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ne, nisam"],"Send Coins":[null,"Pošalji novac"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"biće vam isplaćeno."],"You will send us":[null,"Poslaćete nam"],"to:":[null,"na:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Isplaćujemo..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Molimo Vas sačekajte dok Vam isplatimo novčanice."],"All set":[null,"Sve je spremno"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Molimo Vas, preuzmite Vaše novčanice."],"Collect bills":[null,"Preuzmite novčanice"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Da bi isplata bila nastavljena, preuzmite Vaš novac iz pregrade."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Pogledajte ka tački"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Ovo će potrajati sekundu."],"May we?":[null,"Možemo li?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"U skladu sa lokalnim zakonima, za nastavak transakcije moramo Vas fotografisati. Da li pristajete na to?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Da, pristajem"],"No, finish up":[null,"Ne pristajem"],"Try again?":[null,"Pokušaj ponovo?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Izgleda da nismo dobro fotografisali."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Da li da ponovo fotografišemo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Da, pokušaj ponovo"],"No, send coins":[null,"Ne, pošalji novac"],"No, cancel":[null,"Ne, prekini"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Pogledajte ka kameri"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nismo uspeli da vas dobro fotografišemo."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Molimo vas pogledajte u kameru koja se nalazi iznad ekrana."],"We dispensed":[null,"Isplatili smo"],"You sent us":[null,"Poslali ste nam"],"See you!":[null,"Vidimo se!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Privremeni limit dostignut"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Žao nam je. Dostigli smo limit transakcija po korisniku."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Žao nam je"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Ne možemo da pročitamo vašu ličnu kartu."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Možda želite da ponovo pokušate."],"Cancel":[null,"Odustani"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifikacija identiteta"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Ako želite da obavite veću kupovinu, moramo da verifikujemo vaš identitet skeniranjem lične karte."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Da li želite da ubacite još novčanica?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Da, verifikuj identitetet"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Novčanik je uspešno validiran!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Unesite novčanicu"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Molimo Vas unesite prvu novčanicu u mašinu"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vaš novac će bit poslat ka:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Unesite narednu novčanicu"],"deposited so far":[null,"uplaćeno do sada"],"total purchased":[null,"ukupno kupljeno"],"OR":[null,"ILI"],"Finished?":[null,"Završili?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Upišite vaš promo kod"],"Invalid address":[null,"Nevažeća adresa"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Izgleda da koristite adresu ili novčanik koji još ne podržavamo "],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Proverite vaš QR kod i pokušajte ponovo"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Trenutno smo bez novca!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Molimo Vas pokušajte kasnije."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ups, ovo ne radi"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Dostigli ste maksimalan broj pokušaja. Molimo vas kontaktirajte operatora, ili pokušajte ponovo kasnije. "],"More, please":[null,"Molimo vas, još"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Trenutno smo bez keša!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Ne brinite!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Vaša sredstva su na sigurnom, ali smo imali problema pri slanju. "],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Miolimo vas uslikajte ekran i kontaktirajte operatera."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Vaša adresa za prijem:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Sredstva su primljena"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Odobravam..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Želite li da pokušate ponovo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Dokument koji ste pokazali ne odgovara"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Greška prilikom skeniranja QR koda"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nismo uspeli da skeniramo vaš papirni novčanik. Proverite da li je dobro postavljen na skeneru i proverite da je dobro odštampan."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Ako se problem ne reši, pukušajte da odštampate ponovo."],"Scan again":[null,"Skeniraj ponovo"],"Print again":[null,"Štampaj ponovo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Štampanje nije uspelo"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Izgleda da je nastao problem prilikom štampanja vašeg novčanika. Molimo Vas kontaktirajte operatera za više informacija ili pokušajte ponovo."],"Back to Home":[null,"Vrati se na početnu"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Da bi ste potvrdili, molimo Vas da prislonite Vaš papirni novčanik na prozor za skeniranje."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"VAŽNO: Ovaj papir nosi Vaša sredstva. Jednom kad ga potvrdite, nemojte nikom pokazivati ovaj papir i čuvajte ga na sigurnom."],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo kod nije pronađen"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Žao nam je! Ne možemo da pronađemo promo kod."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Možete pokušati sa nekim drugim kodom, ili nastaviti sa transakcijom."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Ako ste sigurni da ste uneli dobar kod, molimo Vas da kontaktirate operatera."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Unesi drugi kod"],"Phone Number":[null,"Broj telefona"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Molimo vas upišite broj telefona kako bismo vas obavestili kada se transakcija potvrdi."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Molimo vas unesite broj telefona koji ste koristili pri kreiranju porudžbine."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Molimo vas upišite vaš mobilni broj radi identifikacije identiteta. "],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Postavite Vaš QR kod na prozor skenera."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Molimo vas verifikujte vaš identitet"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Da bi ste nastavili, u obavezi smo da potvrdimo Vaš identitet. "],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Molimo vas prislonite prednju stranu vozačke dozvole na prozor za skeniranje."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Molimo vas prislonite prednju stranu lične karte na prozor za skeniranje, i držeći je u tom položaju, pritisnite 'Spremno za skeniranje'."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Spremno za skeniranje"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Molimo vas priložite prednju stranu lične karte na prozor za skeniranje."],"Security Code":[null,"Sigurnosni kod"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Poslali smo vam SMS sa sigurnosnim kodom. Kada ga dobijete, ukucate ga ovde."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Trenutno smo bez novca!"],"Send coins":[null,"Pošalji novac"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Šaljemo vam novac..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Verifikuj telefon za nastavak"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Ako želite da obavite veću kupovinu moramo Vam prvo zatražiti broj telefona. Zatim ćemo Vam poslati SMS kod."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Da, verifikuj telefon"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Sumnjiva adresa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Ova adresa je možda povezana sa prevarom ili zabranjenom grupom. Molimo vas da proverite da koristite adresu vašeg novčanika."],"Booting up...":[null,"Sistem se podiže..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Hardver se inicijalizuje."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Bićemo spremni za trenutak."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicijalizacija u toku..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Kriptografski identitet se generiše."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Molimo vas sačekajte par minuta."],"Connecting...":[null,"Povezivanje..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Uparivanje..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Upari sa serverom"],"Scan":[null,"Skeniraj"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Uparivanje nije uspelo"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Prilikom uparivanja, iskrsla je greška:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Skeniraj QR kod"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Molimo vas skenirajte QR kod koji ste dobili sa vašeg servera."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Neophodno je održavanje"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Molimo vas kontaktirajte operatora."],"I agree":[null,"Pristajem"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Izvinite, trenutno je servis nedostupan"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Pokušavamo da uočimo problem"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Mašina je zaključana"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Molim vas zatražite pomoć"],"What next?":[null,"Šta sada?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nismo uspeli da verifikujemo Vaš broj telefona, zbog čega nećemo moći da Vas obavestimo kad Vaš novac bude bio spreman."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Molimo vas uslikajte naredni ekran za vaš elektronski račun, a zatim kontaktirajte operatera."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi povezivanje nije uspelo..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Molimo vas upišite šifru ponovo. "],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN je neophodan"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Da bismo nastavili, moramo da zatražimo od vas da upišete vaš SSN"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Upiši SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Da, upiši"],"Social security number":[null,"Socialni sigurnosni broj"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Da bi nastavili, unesite vaš socijalni sigurnosni broj. "],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Naš sistem je uočio problem sa identifikacijom."],"Please contact support":[null,"Molimo vas kontaktirajte podršku."],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Da biste nastavili sa transakcijom, moramo Vas pitati neke informacije o Vašem nalogu."],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifikujem identitet..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Ovo bi moglo da potraje par sekundi..."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifikujemo fotografiju...."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifikujem fotografiju..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Odaberite WiFi mrežu"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Prikazane su samo sigurne mreže."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ili povežite internet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Žičana veza je preporučena zbog stabilnosti. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Zbog lokalnih regulativa, dostigli ste Vaš limit transakcija. Molimo Vas kontaktirajte nas ako želite da povećate Vaš limit. "],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skenirajte vašu %s adresu"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Molimo vas skenirajte QR kod da biste nam poslali %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Da li ste poslali %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skenirajte vašu %s adresu"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Nevažeća %s adresa"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limit za transakcije je dostignut, molimo vas odaberite isplatu"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Poslaćete %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Popust je dodat (%s od provizije)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Greška se desila, pokušajte ponovo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"sr-CS"}},"ps-AF":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,""],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,""],"No, cancel":[null,""],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,""],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ps-AF"}},"nl-NL":{"Address already used":[null,"Adres is reeds gebruikt"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat u dit adres al een keer heeft gebruikt."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"In verband met uw privacy en bescherming tegen scams kunt u het beste een nieuw adres generen vanuit uw wallet en deze scannen."],"Start over":[null,"Begin opnieuw"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Weet u het zeker?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Als u uw coins al gestuurd heeft en annuleert zonder dat u uw telefoonnummer bevestigd heeft, neem dan contact op met uw operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Druk op 'Doorgaan met transactie' en wacht ongeveer 60 seconden om uw storting te zien."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Of druk op 'Transactie annuleren' om terug te gaan naar het beginscherm."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Doorgaan met transactie"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Transactie annuleren"],"Try again":[null,"Probeer opnieuw"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. 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Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Een ogenblikje..."],"Languages":[null,"Taal"],"Redeem":[null,"Inwisselen"],"How much?":[null,"Hoeveel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Uitbetalen"],"Clear":[null,"Wis"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dank u!"],"You Purchased":[null,"U Kocht"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn onderweg naar:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Neem een foto van het scherm voor uw digitale bon"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Druk ergens op het scherm als u klaar bent."],"Network down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Verzend"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nog niets."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Nog geen coins ontvangen."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nee"],"Send Coins":[null,"Verstuur Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"wordt uitgegeven aan u."],"You will send us":[null,"U stuurt ons"],"to:":[null,"naar:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Uitgeven..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Geduld a.u.b. uw geld wordt uitgegeven."],"All set":[null,"Klaar"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade a.u.b."],"Collect bills":[null,"Verzamel biljetten"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade om door te gaan met uitgifte van biljetten."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Kijk naar de stip"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Een ogenblikje a.u.b."],"May we?":[null,"Mogen we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Om door te gaan met de transactie, hebben we een foto van u nodig om te voldoen aan de lokale wetgeving. Is dit goed?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, neem foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nee, rond af"],"Try again?":[null,"Opnieuw proberen?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat we geen goede foto hebben."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Zullen we een nieuwe foto maken?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, probeer opnieuw"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nee, stuur coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nee, annuleer"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Kijk in de camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We hebben geen goede foto van u."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Kijk in de camera boven het scherm."],"We dispensed":[null,"We hebben uitgegeven"],"You sent us":[null,"U heeft ons gestuurd"],"See you!":[null,"Tot ziens!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Tijdelijk limiet bereikt"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Excuses. We hebben het verplichte per gebruiker limiet bereikt."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Excuses"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We konden uw identiteitskaart niet lezen."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Wellicht wilt u het nog een keer proberen."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuleren"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verificatie"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Als u een groter aankoop wilt doen, moeten we zeker wie u bent door het scannen van uw ID kaart of paspoort."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Wilt u nog meer biljetten invoeren?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, controleer ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet succesvol gevalideerd!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Voer een bankbiljet in"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Voer uw eerste biljet in het apparaat in."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Uw coins worden verzonden naar:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Voer nog een bankbiljet in"],"deposited so far":[null,"tot nu toe gestort"],"total purchased":[null,"totaal gekocht"],"OR":[null,"OF"],"Finished?":[null,"Klaar?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Ongeldig adres"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat u een wallet gebruikt voor een andere coin of een adres dat we nog niet ondersteunen."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Controleer uw QR code en probeer opnieuw."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Onze coin voorraad is helemaal op!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Probeer later opnieuw."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oeps, dit werkt niet"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"U heeft het maximale aantal pogingen bereikt. Neem contact op met de operator, of probeer later opnieuw."],"More, please":[null,"Meer, Alstublieft"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We hebben geen geld meer!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Cryptos ontvangen!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Machtigen..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Wilt u opnieuw proberen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Het document dat u heeft getoond komt niet overeen."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanfout"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We konden uw paper wallet niet goed scannen. Zorg ervoor dat u het goed positioneert op de scanner en dat het goed geprint is."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Print het opnieuw als dit probleem zich blijft voordoen."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan opnieuw"],"Print again":[null,"Print opnieuw"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printen is mislukt"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat er een probleem was tijdens het printen van uw wallet. Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie of probeer het opnieuw te printen."],"Back to Home":[null,"Terug naar het Begin"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Om te valideren, toon de voorkant van uw paper wallet voor het scanraam."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"BELANGRIJK: Deze paper wallet bevat uw crypto. Toon deze code aan niemand en raak het niet kwijt!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefoonnummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in zodat wij een SMS kunnen sturen zodra de transactie bevestigd is."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Voer het mobiele nummer in dat u heeft gebruikt tijdens de transactie."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in om uw ID te verifiëren."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Toon uw QR code voor het scanraam om door te gaan."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bevestig uw identiteit"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"We zijn verplicht om uw identiteit te controleren voordat we verder gaan."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Beveiligingscode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We hebben u een beveiligingscode gestuurd. U kunt het hier invoeren zodra u het ontvangen heeft."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Onze coin voorraad is helemaal op!"],"Send coins":[null,"Verstuur coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Uw coins aan het versturen..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Als u een grotere aankoop wilt doen dan willen wij graag uw mobiele nummer, vervolgens zullen we een SMS sturen."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Verdacht adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Dit adres kan geassocieerd zijn met een misleidend aanbod of van een verboden groep. Verzeker u ervan dat u een adres gebruikt van uw eigen wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Aan het opstarten..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Hardware aan het initialiseren."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialiseren..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Cryptografische identiteit aan het genereren."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Bezig met verbinden..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Aan het koppelen..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Koppel met externe server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Koppelen mislukt"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"We kregen een fout tijdens het koppelen:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Scan de QR koppel code die u kreeg van uw externe server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Onderhoud Vereist"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Neemt contact op met de eigenaar."],"I agree":[null,"I ga akkoord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We gaan er naar kijken"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We hebben uw order, maar we hebben uw stortingstransactie nog niet gezien. Controleer of uw wallet de coins heeft verstuurd."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker bent dat uw coins verstuurd zijn neem dan contact op met de operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oeps!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Er zijn wat problemen."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw bon."],"Show receipt":[null,"Toon bon"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We zijn aan het wachten totdat uw storting op de blockchain is bevestigd. U zult spoedig een SMS ontvangen waarin uw transactie bevestigd zal worden."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wanneer dit gebeurd, komt dan terug naar dit apparaat en druk op de Verzilver knop."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We kunnen uw transactie niet verwerken."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Het is een probleem aan onze kant."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een fout ervaren."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Probeer het opnieuw of neem contact op met de operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Uw Bon"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in afwachting van bevestiging"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn verzonden naar:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Deze machine ondersteund niet de valuta die u heeft aangevraagd."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Neem het geld op bij een machine die uw valuta ondersteund."],"Network Down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Kom later terug."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"De code die u hebt ingevoerd komt niet overeen."],"Almost there":[null,"Bijna klaar"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We zien je transactie maar we wachten nog steeds op een bevestiging. Dit kan gemiddeld 10 minuten duren, maar kan ook één of twee uur of langer duren."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We zien geen enkele transactie die is gekoppeld aan uw telefoon. Als u een ander nummer heeft gebruikt dan kunt u het opnieuw proberen met dat nummer."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker weet dat u een transactie gekoppeld heeft aan dit dit telefoonnummer, neem dan contact op met de operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Dit apparaat is vergrendeld"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Vraag alstublieft om assistentie."],"What next?":[null,"Wat nu?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We konden uw telefoonnummer niet controleren, als gevolg kunnen wij waarschijnlijk geen contact met u opnemen zodra uw geld klaar is om op te halen."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw digitale bon op het volgende scherm en neem dan contact op met de operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Het WiFi kon niet verbinden..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Probeer het wachtwoord opnieuw."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een identificatie probleem ontdekt."],"Please contact support":[null,"Contacteer support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Om uw transactie te verwerken, moeten we wat informatie over uw account nader toelichten"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Identiteit verifiëren..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Dit kan enkele seconden duren."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Fotokaart verifiëren..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Foto verifiëren..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Kies een WiFi netwerk"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Alleen beveiligde netwerken worden getoond."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Of verbindt Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Een bedraad netwerk heeft de voorkeur i.v.m. de stabiliteit."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi wachtwoord"],"Connect":[null,"Verbind"],"We got this":[null,"Komt goed"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Dit kan even duren."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbonden. Wachten op de index."],"More":[null,"Meer"],"Less":[null,"Minder"],"Buy %s":[null,"Koop %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Verkoop %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"Meer"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Kom terug in %s uur"],"for %s":[null,"voor %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"U maakt verbinding met het WiFi netwerk %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transactie Vergoeding: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"U heeft gestort %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"U heeft een bankbiljet van %s ingevoerd"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"We hebben een beetje weinig crypto."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Geef alstublieft %s of minder in."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Eerste minimale biljet is %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Verwerken %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt"],"Error in validation":[null,"Fout in validatie"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"U heeft uw transactie limiet bereikt door lokale regulatie. Neem contact met ons op als u uw limiet wilt verhogen."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Scan the QR code om uw %s te sturen."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Heeft u de %s al gestuurd?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Ongeldig %s adres"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt, betaal uit"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"U gaat %s %s overmaken"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"nl-NL"}},"it-IT":{"Address already used":[null,"Indirizzo già utilizzato"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Sembra che tu abbia già utilizzato questo indirizzo."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"A salvaguardia della tua sicurezza e privacy contro possibili truffe, generane uno nuovo dal tuo wallet e scansiona quello per cortesia."],"Start over":[null,"Ricominciare"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Sei sicuro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Se hai già inviato le monete e annullato senza confermare il tuo numero di telefono, dovrai gestire manualmente la transazione con l'operatore."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Premi \"Continua la transazione\" e attendi fino a 60 secondi affinché il tuo deposito venga visualizzato."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Oppure premere 'Annulla la transazione' per tornare alla schermata principale."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continua la transazione"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancella la transazione"],"Try again":[null,"Riprova"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Il numero di telefono immesso non ha funzionato. Se si dispone di un numero internazionale, si prega di usare il prefisso con + e il codice di chiamata del proprio paese."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Ad esempio, il prefisso telefonico dell'Italia è +39, quindi un numero italiano potrebbe essere: +39 321 12 34 567"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Il codice immesso non è corretto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Assicurati di inserire il codice a sei cifre che hai ricevuto da noi."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Un attimo..."],"Languages":[null,"Lingue"],"Redeem":[null,"Riscatta"],"How much?":[null,"Quanti soldi?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Incassa"],"Clear":[null,"Cancella"],"Thank you!":[null,"Grazie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Hai acquistato"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Le monete sono state inviate a:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Scatta una foto di questa schermata per la ricevuta elettronica"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tocca ovunque sullo schermo quando hai finito."],"Network down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Invia"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Ancora niente."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Non viene rilevata nessuna moneta."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sì, l'ho fatto"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, non l'ho fatto"],"Send Coins":[null,"Invia Monete"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ti saranno erogati."],"You will send us":[null,"Tu ci invierai"],"to:":[null,"a:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Erogazione..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Per favore attendi mentre eroghiamo i tuoi contanti."],"All set":[null,"Tutto pronto"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Si prega di rimuovere i contanti dal vassoio."],"Collect bills":[null,"Ritira le banconote"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Per continuare l'erogazione, prelevare i contanti dal vassoio."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Guarda il puntino"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Ci vorranno solo pochi istanti."],"May we?":[null,"Possiamo?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Per continuare questa transazione, abbiamo bisogno di scattare una foto di te per rispettare le leggi locali. Va bene?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Sì, scatta la foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finisci"],"Try again?":[null,"Vuoi ritentare?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Sembra che non abbiamo preso un buon scatto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Ritentiamo con un altra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, ritenta"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, invia monete"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, Annulla"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Guarda nella fotocamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Non ti abbiamo scattato una foto buona."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Si prega di guardare nella fotocamera posizionata sopra lo schermo."],"We dispensed":[null,"Abbiamo erogato"],"You sent us":[null,"Ci hai inviato"],"See you!":[null,"Arrivederci!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaneo raggiunto"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Ci scusiamo. Abbiamo raggiunto il nostro limite massimo per utente."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Spiacenti"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Non siamo riusciti a leggere la tua carta d'identità."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Potresti volerlo mostrare un'altra volta."],"Cancel":[null,"Annulla"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifica dell'identità"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Se desideri un acquisto maggiore, abbiamo necessità di essere sicuri della tua identità chiedendoti la scansione di un documento valido."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Vuoi inserire altre banconote?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sì, verifica l'identità"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet validato con successo!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserire una banconota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Si prega di inserire la prima banconota nella macchina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete saranno inviate a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserire un altra banconota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositato finora"],"total purchased":[null,"totale acquistato"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"Finito?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Indirizzo invalido"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Sembra che tu stia utilizzando un portafoglio per una moneta diversa o un formato di indirizzo che non supportiamo ancora."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Controlla il tuo QR code e riprova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito le monete!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, non sta funzionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di tentativi. Si prega di contattare l'operatore per risolvere il problema o riprovare più tardi."],"More, please":[null,"Di più, per favore"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i contanti!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondi ricevuti!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizzazione..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Vuoi riprovare?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Il documento che hai mostrato non corrisponde."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Errore nella scansione del QR-Code"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"La scansione del tuo paper wallet non è corretta. Assicurati di averlo posizionato nella giusta zona scansione e che sia stato stampato correttamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se il problema persiste prova a stamparlo di nuovo."],"Scan again":[null,"Scansiona di nuovo"],"Print again":[null,"Stampa di nuovo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Stampa fallita"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Sembra ci sia stato un problema nella stampa del tuo wallet. Per cortesia contatta l'operatore per maggiori informazioni o prova a stampare nuovamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Torna alla Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Per la validazione, cortesemente presenta il fronte del tuo paper wallet sulla finestra di scansione."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Questo foglio contiene i tuoi fondi. Una volta validato, non mostrare questa chiave a nessuno e non smarrirlo!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numero di telefono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Si prega di inserire il numero di cellulare così vi invieremo un messaggio quando il vostro ordine sarà confermato."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Inserisci il numero di cellulare che hai utilizzato quando hai effettuato l'ordine."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Inserisci il tuo numero di cellulare per la verifica dell'identità."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tenere il QR code davanti alla finestra di scansione per procedere."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Per favore verifica la tua identità"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Per poter procedere, siamo tenuti a verificare la tua identità."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codice di sicurezza"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ti abbiamo inviato un sms con un codice di sicurezza. Quando lo ricevi, inseriscilo qui."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Invia i coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Invio le monete..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Se desideri effettuare un acquisto più grande, dobbiamo chiedere il tuo numero di cellulare. Ti invieremo quindi un codice SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Indirizzo sospetto"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Questo indirizzo può essere associato a un'offerta ingannevole o a un gruppo vietato. Assicurati di utilizzare un indirizzo dal tuo portafoglio."],"Booting up...":[null,"Avvio..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inizializzazione dell'hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Inizializzazione..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generazione dell'identità crittografica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connessione..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Accoppiamento..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Accoppia con il server remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Scansiona"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Accoppiamento fallito"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Durante il tentativo di accoppiamento, abbiamo riscontrato un errore:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Si prega di scansionare il QR code di accoppiamento ottenuto dal server remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Richiesta manutenzione"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Si prega di contattare l'operatore."],"I agree":[null,"Accetto"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Stiamo controllando"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Abbiamo il tuo ordine, ma non abbiamo ancora visto la tua transazione di deposito. Controlla se il tuo portafoglio ha inviato le monete per la tua transazione."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro che le tue monete sono state inviate, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Stiamo avendo delle difficoltà."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Si prega di contattare l'operatore per maggiori informazioni."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della ricevuta."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostra la ricevuta"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Stiamo aspettando che il tuo deposito sia confermato sulla blockchain. Presto riceverai un sms che ti informa che la transazione è stata confermata."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quando succederà, torna su questa macchina e premi il tasto Riscatta."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Non siamo in grado di elaborare la tua transazione."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"È colpa nostra, non tua."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha riscontrato un errore."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Puoi riprovare o contattare l'operatore."],"Your Receipt":[null,"La tua ricevuta"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in attesa di conferma"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete sono state inviate a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Questa macchina non gestisce la valuta che hai richiesto."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Si prega di incassare presso una macchina che gestisce questa valuta."],"Network Down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Si prega di tornare più tardi."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Il codice immesso non corrisponde."],"Almost there":[null,"Ci siamo quasi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vediamo la tua transazione ma stiamo ancora aspettando una conferma. Questo richiede in media 10 minuti, ma può richiedere fino a un'ora o due."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Non vediamo alcun ordine aperto associato al tuo telefono. Se hai un altro telefono che potresti aver usato, puoi provare a riscattare di nuovo con quel numero."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro di avere un ordine aperto associato a questo telefono, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Questa macchina è bloccata"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Si prega di chiedere assistenza."],"What next?":[null,"E adesso?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Non siamo stati in grado di verificare il tuo numero di telefono, quindi potremmo non essere in grado di contattarti quando i tuoi contanti sono pronti."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della schermata successiva per la ricevuta elettronica, quindi contattare l'operatore."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi Impossibile connettersi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Per favore prova di nuovo la password."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha indicato un problema di identificazione."],"Please contact support":[null,"Si prega di contattare il supporto"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Per elaborare la tua transazione, dobbiamo chiarire alcune informazioni sul tuo account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifica identità..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni secondi."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifica della fototessera..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifica foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selezionare una rete WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Visalizzazione solo delle reti protette."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O connetti il cavo Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Una connessione via cavo è preferibile per la stabilità."],"WiFi password":[null,"Password WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connessione"],"We got this":[null,"Questo è ciò che abbiamo ricevuto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni istanti."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connesso. In attesa di ticker."],"More":[null,"Più"],"Less":[null,"Meno"],"Buy %s":[null,"Compra %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendi %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"PIÙ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Si prega di tornare tra %s ore"],"for %s":[null,"per %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Ti stai connettendo alla rete WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Costo transazione: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Hai depositato %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Inserita una banconota da %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Raggiunto il limite per la transazione."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Siamo a corto di criptovaluta."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Si prega di inserire %s o meno."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Il minimo per la prima banconota è %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Lavorazione %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limite di transazione raggiunto"],"Error in validation":[null,"Errore nella validazione"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"A causa delle norme locali, hai raggiunto i tuoi limiti di transazione. Contattaci se vuoi aumentare i tuoi limiti."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scansiona il tuo indirizzo %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Per favore scansiona il QR code per inviarci i tuoi %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Hai già inviato i %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scansiona il tuo indirizzo %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Indirizzo %s invalido"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite di transazione raggiunto, si prega di incassare"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Invierai %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"it-IT"}},"fr-QC":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresse déjà utilisée"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Il semble que vous ayez déjà utilisé cette adresse"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Pour votre confidentialité et votre sécurité contre les escroqueries, veuillez en générer un nouveau à partir de votre portefeuille et scanner celui-ci à la place."],"Start over":[null,"Recommancer"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Êtes-vous sûr?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si vous avez déjà envoyé des pièces et annulé sans confirmer votre numéro de téléphone, vous devrez régler manuellement la transaction avec l'opérateur."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Appuyez sur «Continuer la transaction» et attendez jusqu'à 60 secondes pour que votre dépôt soit vu."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ou appuyez sur «Annuler la transaction» pour revenir à l'écran d'accueil."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuer la transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Annuler la transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Réessayer"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Le numéro de téléphone que vous avez entré n'a pas fonctionné. Si vous avez un numéro international, veuillez le précéder avec + et le code indicatif de votre pays."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Par exemple, le code indicatif de la Belgique est +32, donc un numéro Belge sera: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré est incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Veuillez vous assurer que vous entrez le code à six chiffres que vous recevez de notre part."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Un moment"],"Languages":[null,"Langue"],"Redeem":[null,"Encaisser"],"How much?":[null,"Combien?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Vendre"],"Clear":[null,"Effacer"],"Thank you!":[null,"Merci!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Vous avez acheté"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vos pièces sont sur le point d'être envoyés à:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Prenez une photo de cet écran pour votre reçu électronique"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Appuyez n'importe où sur l'écran lorsque vous avez terminé."],"Network down":[null,"Problème de réseau -\n"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Soumettre"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Rien pour le moment."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aucune pièce reçue."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Oui, c'est fait"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Non, pas encore"],"Send Coins":[null,"Envoyer les pièces"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Vous sera dispensé."],"You will send us":[null,"Vous nous enverrez"],"to:":[null,"À:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Encaissement..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Veuillez patienter pendant que nous distribuons votre argent."],"All set":[null,"Tout est prêt"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Veuillez retirer votre argent du plateau."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collecter de l'argent"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Pour continuer la distribution, sortez votre argent du plateau."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Regarde le point"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Cela ne devrait prendre qu'une seconde."],"May we?":[null,"Pouvons-nous?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Afin de poursuivre cette transaction, nous devons prendre une photo de vous pour nous conformer aux lois locales. Est-ce correct?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Oui, prends une photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"Non, finis"],"Try again?":[null,"Réessayer"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"On dirait que nous n'avons pas eu une bonne photo."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Pouvons-nous essayer une autre photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Oui, essayer encore"],"No, send coins":[null,"Non, envoyer"],"No, cancel":[null,"Non, annuler"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Regarde la caméra"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"On dirait que nous n'avons pas eu une bonne photo."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Veuillez regarder dans la caméra située au-dessus de l'écran."],"We dispensed":[null,"Nous avons dispensé"],"You sent us":[null,"Tu nous as envoyé"],"See you!":[null,"Au revoir"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaire atteinte"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Toutes mes excuses. Nous avons atteint notre limite par utilisateur obligatoire."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Nous sommes désolés"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"On ne pourrait pas lire votre carte d’identité."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Veuillez essayer encore une fois."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuler"],"ID verification":[null,"Vérification d'identitée"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si vous souhaitez effectuer un achat plus important, nous devrons nous assurer que vous êtes bien en vous demandant de scanner votre identifiant."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Souhaitez vous insérer le plus de billets ?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Oui, vérifier ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Portefeuille validé avec succès!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Introduire un billet"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Veuillez insérer votre première billet de banque dans la machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vos pièces seront envoyés à cette adresse:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insérez un autre billet"],"deposited so far":[null,"Espèces déposées jusqu'à présent"],"total purchased":[null,"total de acheté"],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,"Fini?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Adresse invalide"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Il semble que vous utilisez un portefeuille pour une pièce différente ou un format d'adresse que nous ne prenons pas encore en charge."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Veuillez vérifier votre code QR et réessayer"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nous n'avons plus de coins disponible!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Veuillez réessayer plus tard."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oups, ça ne fonctionne pas"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de tentatives. Veuillez contacter l'opérateur pour régler ce problème ou réessayer plus tard."],"More, please":[null,"Plus, s’il vous plaît"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Nous sommes à court d'argent"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fonds reçus"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisation..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Voulez-vous essayer à nouveau ?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Le document que vous avez montré ne correspond pas."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erreur de numérisation QR Code"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nous n'avons pas pu scanner correctement votre portefeuille papier. Assurez-vous de le positionner correctement sur la baie de numérisation et qu'il a été correctement imprimé."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si le problème persiste, essayez à nouveau d'imprimer."],"Scan again":[null,"Numériser à nouveau"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimer à nouveau"],"Printing Failed":[null,"L'impression a échoué"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Il semble qu'il y ait eu un problème lors de l'impression de votre portefeuille. Veuillez contacter l'opérateur pour plus d'informations ou réessayer d'imprimer."],"Back to Home":[null,"Revenir au début"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Pour valider, veuillez présenter l'avant de votre portefeuille papier dans la fenêtre de numérisation."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: ce papier contient vos fonds. Une fois validée, ne montrez cette clé à personne et ne l'égarez pas! Votre reçu électronique"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numéro de téléphone"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de portable afin que nous puissions vous texter lorsque votre commande est confirmée."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Veuillez entrer le numéro du portable que vous avez utilisé lorsque vous avez placé votre commande."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de téléphone mobile pour la vérifier votre identitée."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Présenter votre code QR face à la fenêtre pour scanner et continuer."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"S'il vous plaît vérifiez votre identité"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Pour continuer, nous sommes tenus de vérifier votre identité."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Code de sécurité"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Nous vous avons envoyé un SMS avec votre code de sécurité. Quand vous l'obtenez, entrez-le ici."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Nous sommes à court de pièces!"],"Send coins":[null,"Envoyer des pièces"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Envoyer vos pièces"],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si vous souhaitez effectuer un achat plus important, nous devons vous demander votre numéro de téléphone portable. Nous vous enverrons ensuite un code SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Adresse suspecte"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Cette adresse peut être associée à une offre trompeuse ou à un groupe interdit. Veuillez vous assurer que vous utilisez une adresse de votre propre portefeuille."],"Booting up...":[null,"Démarrage ..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisation du système."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialisation ..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Générer une identité cryptographique."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connexion..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Connexion en cours..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Synchronisation avec le serveur distant"],"Scan":[null,"Scanner"],"Pairing failed":[null,"L'appairage a échoué"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Une erreur est survenue lors de la tentative de connexion :"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"SVP scanner le code QR d'appairage que vous avez reçu de votre serveur distant."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance requise"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Veuillez contacter l'opérateur."],"I agree":[null,"Je suis d'accord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"La machine n'est pas disponible pour le moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Nous jetons un coup d'oeil"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Nous avons votre commande, mais nous n'avons pas encore vu votre transaction de dépôt. Vérifiez si votre portefeuille a envoyé les pièces pour votre transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si vous êtes sûr que vos pièces ont été envoyées, veuillez contacter l'opérateur."],"Oops!":[null,"Oups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Nous avons quelques difficultés."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Pour plus d'informations, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de votre reçu."],"Show receipt":[null,"Afficher le reçu"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Nous attendons que votre dépôt soit confirmé sur la blockchain. Vous recevrez bientôt un SMS vous informant que votre transaction a été confirmée."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Lorsque cela se produit, revenez sur cette machine et appuyez sur le bouton Utiliser."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Nous sommes incapables de traiter votre transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"C'est nous, pas vous."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Notre système a rencontré une erreur."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à essayer de nouveau, ou contactez l'opérateur."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Votre reçu"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmation en attente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vos pièces ont été envoyés à :"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Cette machine ne gère pas la devise que vous avez demandée."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"S'il vous plaît encaisser à une machine qui gère votre devise."],"Network Down":[null,"Problème de réseau"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"La machine n'est pas disponible pour le moment."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Revenez plus tard S'il vous plaît"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré ne correspond pas."],"Almost there":[null,"Presque là"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Nous voyons votre transaction mais nous attendons toujours la confirmation. Cela prend en moyenne 10 minutes mais peut prendre jusqu'à une heure ou deux."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nous ne voyons pas les commandes en cours associées avec votre numéro de téléphone. Si vous avez un autre numéro que vous avez peut-être utilisé, vous pouvez réessayer à nouveau avec ce numéro."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si vous savez que vous avez une commande en cours associée avec ce téléphone, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Cette machine est fermé"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"S'il vous plaît, demander de l'aide."],"What next?":[null,"Quoi faire ensuite?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nous n'avons pas pu vérifier votre numéro de téléphone, alors nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous contacter lorsque votre argent est prêt."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de l'écran suivant pour votre reçu électronique, puis contactez l'opérateur."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Le wifi n'a pas pu se connecter"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"S'il vous plaît essayer à nouveau votre mot de passe."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Une erreur d'identification est survenue."],"Please contact support":[null,"Veuillez contacter le support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Afin de traiter votre transaction, nous devons clarifier certaines informations sur votre compte"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Vérification d'identité"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Cela peut prendre quelques secondes."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Vérification de l'identifiant de la photo"],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Vérification de la photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Se connecter à un réseau WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Seul les réseaux sécurisés sont affichés."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ou connectez ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Une connexion filaire est préférable"],"WiFi password":[null,"Mot de passe WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connexion"],"We got this":[null,"Ou connectez Etherneet"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Cela pourrait prendre quelques minutes."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connecté. En attente du flux."],"More":[null,"Plus"],"Less":[null,"Moin"],"Buy %s":[null,"Acheter %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendre %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VOIR PLUS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"\n"],"for %s":[null,"pour %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Vous êtes en connexion avec le réseau WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"\n"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Tu as déposé %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vous avez introduit un billet de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"\n"],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Veuillez introduire %s ou moins."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Première note minimale est %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"En traitement %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte"],"Error in validation":[null,"Erreur de validation"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"En raison de la réglementation locale, vous avez atteint votre limite de transaction. Veuillez nous contacter si vous souhaitez augmenter votre limite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scannez votre %s adresse"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"S'il vous plaît, scannez le QR code pour nous envoyer vos %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Avez-vous envoyé les %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanner votre adresse %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Adresse %s invalide"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte, veuillez encaisser"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Vous allez envoyer %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"fr-QC"}},"fi-FI":{"Address already used":[null,"Osoite on jo käytetty"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Näyttää siltä, että olet jo käyttänyt tämän osoitteen."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Sekä yksityisyytesi suojaksi että välttyäksesi huijauksilta, suosittelemme generoimaan uuden osoitteen lompakostasi ja skannaamaan sen."],"Start over":[null,"Aloita alusta"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Oletko varma?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Jos olet jo lähettänyt coinit ja peruutat vahvistamatta puhelinnumeroasi, joudut selvittämään siirron manuaalisesti ottamalla yhteyttä käyttäjätukeen."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Paina 'Jatka siirtoa' ja odota 60 sekuntia talletuksesi näkymiseen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Tai paina 'Peruuta siirto' ja palaa aloitussivulle."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Jatka siirtoa"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Peruuta siirto"],"Try again":[null,"Yritä uudestaan"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Syöttämäsi puhelinnumero ei toiminut. Jos sinulla on kansainvälinen numero, syötä '+' -merkki ja maakoodisi numeron eteen."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Esimerkiksi Suomen maatunnus on +385, joten suomalainen numero näyttää tältä: +358 40 123 4567"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Antamasi koodi on virheellinen."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Varmista että syötät kuusinumeroisen koodin jonka sait meiltä."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Hetkinen..."],"Languages":[null,"Kielet"],"Redeem":[null,"Lunasta"],"How much?":[null,"Kuinka paljon?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code? \n"],"Cash Out":[null,"Nosto"],"Clear":[null,"Tyhjennä"],"Thank you!":[null,"Kiitos!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ostit"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Coinisi ovat matkalla osoitteeseen:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Ota kuva tästä ruudusta mikäli haluat sähköisen kuitin"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Kosketa näyttöä mistä tahansa kun olet valmis."],"Network down":[null,"Verkkovirhe"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Lähetä"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Ei vielä mitään."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Coinit eivät vielä näy meillä."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Kyllä, olen"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ei, en ole"],"Send Coins":[null,"Lähetä coinit"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"tulossa sinulle."],"You will send us":[null,"Lähetät meille"],"to:":[null,"osoitteeseen:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Rahat tulossa..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Odota hetki kun syötämme rahojasi."],"All set":[null,"Kaikki valmiina"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Ota rahasi syöttöaukolta."],"Collect bills":[null,"Kerää setelisi"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Jatkaaksesi rahojen syöttöä, ota rahasi syöttöaukolta."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Katso pistettä"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Tämän pitäisi kestää vain hetki."],"May we?":[null,"Saisimmeko?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Jatkaaksemme siirtoa, meidän täytyy ottaa kuva sinusta noudattaaksemme lakia. Onko tämä ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Kyllä, ota kuva"],"No, finish up":[null,"Ei, lopeta"],"Try again?":[null,"Yritä uudelleen?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Näyttää siltä, ettemme saaneet hyvää kuvaa."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Yritämmekö ottaa uuden kuvan?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Kyllä, yritä uudelleen"],"No, send coins":[null,"Ei, lähetä coinit"],"No, cancel":[null,"Ei, peruuta"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Katso kameraa"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Emme saaneet kuvaa sinusta."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja katso kameraa näytön yläpuolella."],"We dispensed":[null,"Syötimme"],"You sent us":[null,"Lähetit meille"],"See you!":[null,"Nähdään!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Väliaikainen raja täynnä"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Pahoittelut, käyttäjäkohtainen raja ylittynyt."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Pahoittelemme"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Emme saaneet luettua henkilökorttiasi."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Halutko yrittää uudelleen?"],"Cancel":[null,"Peruuta"],"ID verification":[null,"Henkilöllisyyden vahvistus"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Mikäli haluat tehdä suuremman toimeksiannon, meidän täytyy varmistaa henkilöllisyytesi skannaamalla henkilöllisyystodistuksesi."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Haluatko syöttää lisää seteleitä?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Kyllä, varmista henkilöllisyys"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Lompakko varmistettu onnistuneesti!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Syötä seteli"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Syötä ensimmäinen seteli laitteeseen."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Coinisi lähetettiin osoiteeseen:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Syötä lisää seteleitä"],"deposited so far":[null,"syötetty tähän mennessä"],"total purchased":[null,"ostettu yhteensä"],"OR":[null,"TAI"],"Finished?":[null,"Valmis?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code\n"],"Invalid address":[null,"Virheellinen osoite"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Vaikuttaa siltä, että käytät väärää lompakkoa tai osoiteformaattia jota emme tue vielä."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Tarkista QR koodisi ja yritä uudelleen."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Coinimme ovat tilapaisesti loppu!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Hups, tämä ei nyt toimi"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Olet ylittänyt enimmäismäärän yrityksiä. Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen tai yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."],"More, please":[null,"Enemmän kiitos"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Käteinen on tilapäisesti loppu!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Varat vastaanotettu!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Tarkistetaan oikeuksia..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Haluatko yrittää uudestaan?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Näyttämäsi dokumentti oli virheellinen."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR skannausvirhe"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Emme voineet skannata paperilompakkoasi. Varmista, että olet asettanut sen skannerin päälle oikein ja että se on kunnolla tulostettu."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Mikäli ongelma toistuu, yritä tulostaa uusi."],"Scan again":[null,"Skannaa uudelleen"],"Print again":[null,"Tulosta uudelleen"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Tulostus epäonnistui"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Vaikuttaa siltä, että paperilompakon tulostamisessa tuli ongelma. Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen tai yritä uudelleen."],"Back to Home":[null,"Takaisin aloitusruutuun"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Validoidaksesi, aseta paperilompakon etuosa skannausikkunaan."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"TÄRKEÄÄ: Tämä paperi sisältää varasi. Älä näytä tätä avainta kenellekkään validoinnin jälkeen ja säilytä se huolellisesti!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found\n"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.\n"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.\n"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.\n"],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code\n"],"Phone Number":[null,"Puhelinnumero"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Syötä puhelinnumerosi, jotta voimme ilmoittaa, kun tilauksesi on valmis."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Ilmoita puhelinnumero, jota käytit tehdessäsi tilauksesi."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Syötä puhelinnumerosi henkilöllisyyden varmistamiseksi."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Jatkaaksesi näytä QR-koodi skannausikkunalle."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Varmenna henkilöllisyytesi"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Jatkaaksesi, meidän täytyy varmentaa henkilöllisyytesi."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Turvakoodi"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Olemme lähettäneet sinulle turvakoodin. Kun saat sen, syötä se tähän."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Coinimme ovat tilapaisesti loppu!"],"Send coins":[null,"Lähetä coinit"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Lähetetään coinejasi..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Mikäli haluat tehdä suuremman toimeksiannon, meidän on pyydettävä puhelinnumerosi. Lähetämme sinulle siihen SMS vahvistuksen."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Epäilyttävä osoite"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Tämä osoite näyttää olevan yhteyksissä huijaukseen tai sanktioituun järjestöön. Varmista että käytät osoitetta omasta lompakostasi."],"Booting up...":[null,"Laite boottaa..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Laitteistoa käynnistetään."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Käynnistetään..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generoidaan kryptograafista identiteettiä."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Yhdistämme..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Liitytään..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Liity etäpalvelimeen"],"Scan":[null,"Skannaa"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Paritus epäonnistui"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Liittymistä yrittäessä tapahtui virhe:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja skannaa etäpalvelimelta saamasi QR-laiteparikoodi."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Kaipaan huoltoa"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Ole yhteydessä ylläpitäjään."],"I agree":[null,"Hyväksyn"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Pahoittelut, palvelu on tällä hetkellä poissa käytöstä."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Tarkistamme"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Meillä on tilauksesti, mutta emme näe talletussiirtoasi vielä. Tarkista, että lompakkosi on lähettänyt coinit siirrossasi oikein."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Mikäli olet varma että coinit ovat lähteneet, ole hyvä ja ota yhteyttä käyttäjätukeen."],"Oops!":[null,"Hups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Näyttäisimme kokevan jotain vaikeuksia."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja ota yhteys ylläpitäjään saadaksesi lisätietoja."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja ota kuitistasi valokuva."],"Show receipt":[null,"Näytä kuitti"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Odotamme siirtosi varmistumista lohkoketjussa. Ilmoitamme pian tekstiviestillä kun siirtosi on varmistunut."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Kun tämä tapahtuu, tule takaisin tälle automaatille ja paina Lunasta -nappulaa."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Emme voi käsitellä siirtoasi."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Syy on meissä, ei sinussa."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Järjestelmämme kohtasi virheen."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Voit yrittää uudestaan tai ottaa yhteyttä ylläpitäjään."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Kuittisi"],"pending confirmation":[null,"odottaa vahvistusta"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Coinisi lähetettiin osoiteeseen:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Tämä laite ei tue pyytämääsi valuuttaa."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja nosta rahasi laitteelta, joka tukee valitsemaasi valuuttaa."],"Network Down":[null,"Verkkovirhe"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Pahoittelut, palvelu on tällä hetkellä poissa käytöstä."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Pyydämme, että tulet takaisin myöhemmin."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Syöttämäsi koodi ei ollut oikein."],"Almost there":[null,"Melkein valmista"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Näemme siirtosi, mutta odotamme vielä varmistusta. Tämä kestää keskimäärin 10 minuuttia, mutta voi kestää jopa tunnista kahteen."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Emme havaitse numerollasi olevia avoimia tilauksia. Jos sinulla on toinen puhelin, jota olet saattanut käyttää, voit yrittää lunastamista uudestaan sen puhelimen numerolla."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Jos olet varma, että sinulla on käynnissä tilaus tällä puhelinnumerolla, ole hyvä ja ota yhteys ylläpitäjään."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Tämä automaatti on lukittu"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Tilanne on väliaikainen. Palaa myöhemmin uudestaan."],"What next?":[null,"Mitä seuraavaksi?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Emme voineet vahvistaa puhelinnumeroasi, joten emme voi ilmoittaa sinulle, kun rahasi ovat valmiina."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Ota kuva seuraavasta ruudusta sähköistä kuittiasi varten ja ota sen jälkeen yhteys käyttäjätukeen."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Yhdistäminen WiFiin epäonnistui..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Ole hyvä, ja syötä salasana uudestaan."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Järjestelmämme ilmoitti tunnistautumisongelmasta."],"Please contact support":[null,"Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Käsitelläksemme siirtosi, meidän täytyy tarkistaa joitain tietoja käyttäjätilistäsi"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Varmistamme henkilöllisyyttä..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Tässä voi kestää muutama sekunti."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Varmistamme kuvakorttia..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Varmistamme kuvaa..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Valitse WiFi verkko"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Näytetään vain salasanasuojattuja verkkoja."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Tai yhdistä Ethernetiin"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Langallinen yhteys on vakaampi."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi-salasana"],"Connect":[null,"Yhdistä"],"We got this":[null,"Tilanne hallinnassa"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Tämä voi kestää hetken."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Paikallisen lainsäädännön asettama siirtoraja ylittynyt. Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen nostaaksesi rajaa."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skannaa %s osoitteesi"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Skannaa QR koodi lähettääksesi meille %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Oletko jo lähettänyt %s:t?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skannaa %s osoitteesi"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Virheellinen %s osoite"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Siirtoraja ylittynyt, tee nosto"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Olet lähettämässä %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"fi-FI"}},"ach-UG":{"Address already used":[null,"crwdns1120:0crwdne1120:0"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"crwdns1122:0crwdne1122:0"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"crwdns1148:0crwdne1148:0"],"Start over":[null,"crwdns1066:0crwdne1066:0"],"Are you sure?":[null,"crwdns800:0crwdne800:0"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"crwdns802:0crwdne802:0"],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"crwdns804:0crwdne804:0"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"crwdns806:0crwdne806:0"],"Continue transaction":[null,"crwdns1078:0crwdne1078:0"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"crwdns1080:0crwdne1080:0"],"Try again":[null,"crwdns812:0crwdne812:0"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"crwdns698:0crwdne698:0"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"crwdns624:0crwdne624:0"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"crwdns637:0crwdne637:0"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"crwdns818:0crwdne818:0"],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"crwdns1218:0crwdne1218:0"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"crwdns1220:0crwdne1220:0"],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"crwdns1222:0crwdne1222:0"],"One moment...":[null,"crwdns822:0crwdne822:0"],"Languages":[null,"crwdns1022:0crwdne1022:0"],"Redeem":[null,"crwdns615:0crwdne615:0"],"How much?":[null,"crwdns667:0crwdne667:0"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"crwdns1158:0crwdne1158:0"],"Cash Out":[null,"crwdns824:0crwdne824:0"],"Clear":[null,"crwdns621:0crwdne621:0"],"Thank you!":[null,"crwdns114:0crwdne114:0"],"You Purchased":[null,"crwdns826:0crwdne826:0"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"crwdns731:0crwdne731:0"],"Print receipt":[null,"crwdns1211:0crwdne1211:0"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"crwdns1226:0crwdne1226:0"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"crwdns1024:0crwdne1024:0"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"crwdns828:0crwdne828:0"],"Network down":[null,"crwdns934:0crwdne934:0"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"crwdns1228:0crwdne1228:0"],"Yes":[null,"crwdns1230:0crwdne1230:0"],"No":[null,"crwdns1232:0crwdne1232:0"],"Submit":[null,"crwdns1036:0crwdne1036:0"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"crwdns830:0crwdne830:0"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"crwdns764:0crwdne764:0"],"Yes, I have":[null,"crwdns681:0crwdne681:0"],"No, I haven't":[null,"crwdns682:0crwdne682:0"],"Send Coins":[null,"crwdns759:0crwdne759:0"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"crwdns1026:0crwdne1026:0"],"You will send us":[null,"crwdns834:0crwdne834:0"],"to:":[null,"crwdns836:0crwdne836:0"],"Dispensing...":[null,"crwdns683:0crwdne683:0"],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"crwdns838:0crwdne838:0"],"All set":[null,"crwdns625:0crwdne625:0"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"crwdns1028:0crwdne1028:0"],"Collect bills":[null,"crwdns1126:0crwdne1126:0"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"crwdns1128:0crwdne1128:0"],"Look at the dot":[null,"crwdns1130:0crwdne1130:0"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"crwdns1132:0crwdne1132:0"],"May we?":[null,"crwdns840:0crwdne840:0"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"crwdns1052:0crwdne1052:0"],"OK":[null,"crwdns174:0crwdne174:0"],"Sorry":[null,"crwdns942:0crwdne942:0"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"crwdns717:0crwdne717:0"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"crwdns713:0crwdne713:0"],"Cancel":[null,"crwdns658:0crwdne658:0"],"ID verification":[null,"crwdns910:0crwdne910:0"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"crwdns1142:0crwdne1142:0"],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"crwdns727:0crwdne727:0"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"crwdns728:0crwdne728:0"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"crwdns1082:0crwdne1082:0"],"Insert a bill":[null,"crwdns103:0crwdne103:0"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"crwdns1034:0crwdne1034:0"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"crwdns733:0crwdne733:0"],"Insert another bill":[null,"crwdns111:0crwdne111:0"],"deposited so far":[null,"crwdns112:0crwdne112:0"],"total purchased":[null,"crwdns866:0crwdne866:0"],"OR":[null,"crwdns160:0crwdne160:0"],"Finished?":[null,"crwdns868:0crwdne868:0"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"crwdns1162:0crwdne1162:0"],"Invalid address":[null,"crwdns872:0crwdne872:0"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"crwdns874:0crwdne874:0"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"crwdns876:0crwdne876:0"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"crwdns739:0crwdne739:0"],"Please try again later.":[null,"crwdns880:0crwdne880:0"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"crwdns640:0crwdne640:0"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"crwdns882:0crwdne882:0"],"More, please":[null,"crwdns884:0crwdne884:0"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"crwdns886:0crwdne886:0"],"Don't worry!":[null,"crwdns1234:0crwdne1234:0"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"crwdns1236:0crwdne1236:0"],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"crwdns1238:0crwdne1238:0"],"Your receiving address:":[null,"crwdns1240:0crwdne1240:0"],"Funds Received!":[null,"crwdns890:0crwdne890:0"],"Authorizing...":[null,"crwdns677:0crwdne677:0"],"Want to try again?":[null,"crwdns655:0crwdne655:0"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"crwdns892:0crwdne892:0"],"QR scanning error":[null,"crwdns1084:0crwdne1084:0"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"crwdns1086:0crwdne1086:0"],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"crwdns1088:0crwdne1088:0"],"Scan again":[null,"crwdns1090:0crwdne1090:0"],"Print again":[null,"crwdns1092:0crwdne1092:0"],"Printing Failed":[null,"crwdns1094:0crwdne1094:0"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"crwdns1144:0crwdne1144:0"],"Back to Home":[null,"crwdns1098:0crwdne1098:0"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"crwdns1100:0crwdne1100:0"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"crwdns1102:0crwdne1102:0"],"Promo code not found":[null,"crwdns1164:0crwdne1164:0"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"crwdns1166:0crwdne1166:0"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"crwdns1168:0crwdne1168:0"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"crwdns1170:0crwdne1170:0"],"Enter a different code":[null,"crwdns1172:0crwdne1172:0"],"Phone Number":[null,"crwdns618:0crwdne618:0"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"crwdns619:0crwdne619:0"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"crwdns620:0crwdne620:0"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"crwdns697:0crwdne697:0"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"crwdns1038:0crwdne1038:0"],"Please verify your identity":[null,"crwdns616:0crwdne616:0"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"crwdns898:0crwdne898:0"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"crwdns1200:0crwdne1200:0"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"crwdns1202:0crwdne1202:0"],"Ready to scan":[null,"crwdns1176:0crwdne1176:0"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"crwdns1204:0crwdne1204:0"],"Security Code":[null,"crwdns649:0crwdne649:0"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"crwdns650:0crwdne650:0"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"crwdns1104:0crwdne1104:0"],"Send coins":[null,"crwdns1106:0crwdne1106:0"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"crwdns1054:0crwdne1054:0"],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"crwdns1242:0crwdne1242:0"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"crwdns912:0crwdne912:0"],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"crwdns1244:0crwdne1244:0"],"Suspicious address":[null,"crwdns1062:0crwdne1062:0"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"crwdns1064:0crwdne1064:0"],"Booting up...":[null,"crwdns162:0crwdne162:0"],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"crwdns163:0crwdne163:0"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"crwdns1206:0crwdne1206:0"],"Initializing...":[null,"crwdns914:0crwdne914:0"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"crwdns916:0crwdne916:0"],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"crwdns1208:0crwdne1208:0"],"Connecting...":[null,"crwdns666:0crwdne666:0"],"Pairing...":[null,"crwdns172:0crwdne172:0"],"Pair with remote server":[null,"crwdns166:0crwdne166:0"],"Scan":[null,"crwdns920:0crwdne920:0"],"Pairing failed":[null,"crwdns922:0crwdne922:0"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"crwdns173:0crwdne173:0"],"Scan QR code":[null,"crwdns1246:0crwdne1246:0"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"crwdns170:0crwdne170:0"],"Maintenance Required":[null,"crwdns928:0crwdne928:0"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns122:0crwdne122:0"],"I agree":[null,"crwdns930:0crwdne930:0"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"crwdns936:0crwdne936:0"],"We're taking a look":[null,"crwdns1068:0crwdne1068:0"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"crwdns938:0crwdne938:0"],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"crwdns940:0crwdne940:0"],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"crwdns789:0crwdne789:0"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"crwdns662:0crwdne662:0"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"crwdns663:0crwdne663:0"],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns664:0crwdne664:0"],"Your Receipt":[null,"crwdns685:0crwdne685:0"],"pending confirmation":[null,"crwdns687:0crwdne687:0"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"crwdns768:0crwdne768:0"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"crwdns632:0crwdne632:0"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"crwdns633:0crwdne633:0"],"Network Down":[null,"crwdns765:0crwdne765:0"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"crwdns950:0crwdne950:0"],"Please come back later.":[null,"crwdns952:0crwdne952:0"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"crwdns656:0crwdne656:0"],"Almost there":[null,"crwdns1074:0crwdne1074:0"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"crwdns1056:0crwdne1056:0"],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"crwdns1210:0crwdne1210:0"],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"crwdns626:0crwdne626:0"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns627:0crwdne627:0"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"crwdns966:0crwdne966:0"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"crwdns126:0crwdne126:0"],"What next?":[null,"crwdns643:0crwdne643:0"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"crwdns644:0crwdne644:0"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns708:0crwdne708:0"],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"crwdns968:0crwdne968:0"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"crwdns748:0crwdne748:0"],"US SSN required":[null,"crwdns1182:0crwdne1182:0"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"crwdns1184:0crwdne1184:0"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"crwdns1186:0crwdne1186:0"],"Yes, type in":[null,"crwdns1188:0crwdne1188:0"],"Social security number":[null,"crwdns1190:0crwdne1190:0"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"crwdns1192:0crwdne1192:0"],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"crwdns660:0crwdne660:0"],"Please contact support":[null,"crwdns723:0crwdne723:0"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"crwdns982:0crwdne982:0"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"crwdns1058:0crwdne1058:0"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"crwdns654:0crwdne654:0"],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"crwdns1060:0crwdne1060:0"],"Verifying photo...":[null,"crwdns1146:0crwdne1146:0"],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"crwdns1040:0crwdne1040:0"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"crwdns92:0crwdne92:0"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"crwdns1110:0crwdne1110:0"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"crwdns1112:0crwdne1112:0"],"WiFi password":[null,"crwdns94:0crwdne94:0"],"Connect":[null,"crwdns95:0crwdne95:0"],"We got this":[null,"crwdns994:0crwdne994:0"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"crwdns129:0crwdne129:0"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"crwdns1118:0crwdne1118:0"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"crwdns1010:0%scrwdne1010:0"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"crwdns1012:0%scrwdne1012:0"],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"crwdns783:0%scrwdne783:0"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"crwdns784:0%scrwdne784:0"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"crwdns1014:0%scrwdne1014:0"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"crwdns1046:0crwdne1046:0"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"crwdns787:0%scrwdnd787:0%scrwdne787:0"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"crwdns1248:0%scrwdne1248:0"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"crwdns1217:0crwdne1217:0"],"Bitcoin":[null,"crwdns758:0crwdne758:0"],"Ethereum":[null,"crwdns795:0crwdne795:0"],"Zcash":[null,"crwdns796:0crwdne796:0"],"Litecoin":[null,"crwdns797:0crwdne797:0"],"Dash":[null,"crwdns798:0crwdne798:0"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"crwdns799:0crwdne799:0"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ach-UG"}},"fr-FR":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Le numéro de téléphone que vous avez entré n'a pas fonctionné. Si vous avez un numéro international, veuillez le précéder avec + et le code indicatif de votre pays."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Par exemple, le code indicatif de la Belgique est +32, donc un numéro Belge sera: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré est incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"Encaisser"],"How much?":[null,"Combien?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"Effacer"],"Thank you!":[null,"Merci!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vos bitcoins sont sur le point d'être envoyés à:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aucune pièce reçue."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Oui, c'est fait"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Non, pas encore"],"Send Coins":[null,"Envoyer les pièces"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Encaissement..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Tout est prêt"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,"Non, envoyer"],"No, cancel":[null,"Non, annuler"],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaire atteinte"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"On ne peut pas lire votre carte d’identité."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Veuillez essayer encore une fois."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuler"],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Souhaitez vous insérer le plus de billets ?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Oui, vérifier l'identitée"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Introduire un billet"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vos bitcoins seront envoyés à cette adresse:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insérez un autre billet"],"deposited so far":[null,"Espèces déposées jusqu'à présent"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nous n'avons plus de coins disponible!"],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oups, ça ne fonctionne pas"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisation..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Voulez-vous essayer à nouveau ?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numéro de téléphone"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de portable afin que nous puissions vous texter lorsque votre commande est confirmée."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Veuillez entrer le numéro du portable que vous avez utilisé lorsque vous avez placé votre commande."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de téléphone mobile pour la vérifier votre identitée."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"S'il vous plaît vérifiez votre identité"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Code de sécurité"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Nous vous avons envoyé un SMS avec votre code de sécurité. Quand vous l'obtenez, entrez-le ici."],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Démarrage..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisation du hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connexion..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Connexion en cours..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Synchronisation avec le serveur distant"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Une erreur est survenue lors de la tentative de connexion :"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"SVP scanner le code QR d'appairage que vous avez reçu de votre serveur distant."],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Veuillez contacter l'opérateur."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Oups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Nous éprouvons des difficultés."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Pour plus d'informations, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de votre reçu."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Nous sommes incapables de traiter votre transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"C'est nous, pas vous."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Notre système a rencontré une erreur."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à essayer de nouveau, ou contactez l'opérateur."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Votre reçu"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmation en attente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vos pièces ont été envoyés à :"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Cette machine ne gère pas la devise que vous avez demandée."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"S'il vous plaît encaisser à une machine qui gère votre devise."],"Network Down":[null,"Problème de réseau"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré ne correspond pas."],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nous ne voyons pas les commandes en cours associées avec votre numéro de téléphone. Si vous avez un autre numéro que vous avez peut-être utilisé, vous pouvez réessayer à nouveau avec ce numéro."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si vous savez que vous avez une commande en cours associée avec ce téléphone, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"S'il vous plaît, demander de l'aide."],"What next?":[null,"Quoi faire ensuite?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nous n'avons pas pu vérifier votre numéro de téléphone, alors nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous contacter lorsque votre argent est prêt."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de l'écran suivant pour votre reçu électronique, puis contactez l'opérateur."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,"S'il vous plaît essayer à nouveau votre mot de passe."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Une erreur d'identification est survenue."],"Please contact support":[null,"Veuillez contacter le support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Cela peut prendre quelques secondes."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Seul les réseaux sécurisés sont affichés."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"Mot de passe WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connexion"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Ceci devrait prendre quelques minutes."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connecté. En attente du cours."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,"Acheter %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendre %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VOIR PLUS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,""],"for %s":[null,"pour %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Vous êtes en connexion avec le réseau WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,""],"You deposited %s":[null,""],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vous avez introduit un billet de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,""],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Veuillez introduire %s ou moins."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,""],"Processing %s ...":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Avez-vous envoyé les %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanner votre adresse %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Vous allez envoyer %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"fr-FR"}},"it-CH":{"Address already used":[null,"Indirizzo già utilizzato"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Sembra che tu abbia già utilizzato questo indirizzo."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"A salvaguardia della tua sicurezza e privacy contro possibili truffe, generane uno nuovo dal tuo wallet e scansiona quello per cortesia."],"Start over":[null,"Ricominciare"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Sei sicuro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Se hai già inviato le monete e annullato senza confermare il tuo numero di telefono, dovrai gestire manualmente la transazione con l'operatore."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Premi \"Continua la transazione\" e attendi fino a 60 secondi affinché il tuo deposito venga visualizzato."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Oppure premere 'Annulla la transazione' per tornare alla schermata principale."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continua la transazione"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancella la transazione"],"Try again":[null,"Riprova"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Il numero di telefono immesso non ha funzionato. Se si dispone di un numero internazionale, si prega di usare il prefisso con + e il codice di chiamata del proprio paese."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Ad esempio, il prefisso telefonico dell'Italia è +39, quindi un numero italiano potrebbe essere: +39 321 12 34 567"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Il codice immesso non è corretto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Assicurati di inserire il codice a sei cifre che hai ricevuto da noi."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Un attimo..."],"Languages":[null,"Lingue"],"Redeem":[null,"Riscatta"],"How much?":[null,"Quanti soldi?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Incassa"],"Clear":[null,"Cancella"],"Thank you!":[null,"Grazie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Hai acquistato"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Le monete sono state inviate a:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Scatta una foto di questa schermata per la ricevuta elettronica"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tocca ovunque sullo schermo quando hai finito."],"Network down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Invia"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Ancora niente."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Non viene rilevata nessuna moneta."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sì, l'ho fatto"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, non l'ho fatto"],"Send Coins":[null,"Invia Monete"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ti saranno erogati."],"You will send us":[null,"Tu ci invierai"],"to:":[null,"a:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Erogazione..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Per favore attendi mentre eroghiamo i tuoi contanti."],"All set":[null,"Tutto pronto"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Si prega di rimuovere i contanti dal vassoio."],"Collect bills":[null,"Ritira le banconote"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Per continuare l'erogazione, prelevare i contanti dal vassoio."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Guarda il puntino"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Ci vorranno solo pochi istanti."],"May we?":[null,"Possiamo?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Per continuare questa transazione, abbiamo bisogno di scattare una foto di te per rispettare le leggi locali. Va bene?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Sì, scatta la foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finisci"],"Try again?":[null,"Vuoi ritentare?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Sembra che non abbiamo preso un buon scatto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Ritentiamo con un altra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, ritenta"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, invia monete"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, Annulla"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Guarda nella fotocamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Non ti abbiamo scattato una foto buona."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Si prega di guardare nella fotocamera posizionata sopra lo schermo."],"We dispensed":[null,"Abbiamo erogato"],"You sent us":[null,"Ci hai inviato"],"See you!":[null,"Arrivederci!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaneo raggiunto"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Ci scusiamo. Abbiamo raggiunto il nostro limite massimo per utente."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Spiacenti"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Non siamo riusciti a leggere la tua carta d'identità."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Potresti volerlo mostrare un'altra volta."],"Cancel":[null,"Annulla"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifica dell'identità"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Se desideri un acquisto maggiore, abbiamo necessità di essere sicuri della tua identità chiedendoti la scansione di un documento valido."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Vuoi inserire altre banconote?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sì, verifica l'identità"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet validato con successo!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserire una banconota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Si prega di inserire la prima banconota nella macchina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete saranno inviate a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserire un altra banconota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositato finora"],"total purchased":[null,"totale acquistato"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"Finito?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Indirizzo invalido"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Sembra che tu stia utilizzando un portafoglio per una moneta diversa o un formato di indirizzo che non supportiamo ancora."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Controlla il tuo QR code e riprova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito le monete!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, non sta funzionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di tentativi. Si prega di contattare l'operatore per risolvere il problema o riprovare più tardi."],"More, please":[null,"Di più, per favore"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i contanti!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondi ricevuti!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizzazione..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Vuoi riprovare?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Il documento che hai mostrato non corrisponde."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Errore nella scansione del QR-Code"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"La scansione del tuo paper wallet non è corretta. Assicurati di averlo posizionato nella giusta zona scansione e che sia stato stampato correttamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se il problema persiste prova a stamparlo di nuovo."],"Scan again":[null,"Scansiona di nuovo"],"Print again":[null,"Stampa di nuovo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Stampa fallita"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Sembra ci sia stato un problema nella stampa del tuo wallet. Per cortesia contatta l'operatore per maggiori informazioni o prova a stampare nuovamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Torna alla Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Per la validazione, cortesemente presenta il fronte del tuo paper wallet sulla finestra di scansione."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Questo foglio contiene i tuoi fondi. Una volta validato, non mostrare questa chiave a nessuno e non smarrirlo!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numero di telefono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Si prega di inserire il numero di cellulare così vi invieremo un messaggio quando il vostro ordine sarà confermato."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Inserisci il numero di cellulare che hai utilizzato quando hai effettuato l'ordine."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Inserisci il tuo numero di cellulare per la verifica dell'identità."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tenere il QR code davanti alla finestra di scansione per procedere."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Per favore verifica la tua identità"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Per poter procedere, siamo tenuti a verificare la tua identità."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codice di sicurezza"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ti abbiamo inviato un sms con un codice di sicurezza. Quando lo ricevi, inseriscilo qui."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Invia i coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Invio le monete..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Se desideri effettuare un acquisto più grande, dobbiamo chiedere il tuo numero di cellulare. Ti invieremo quindi un codice SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Indirizzo sospetto"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Questo indirizzo può essere associato a un'offerta ingannevole o a un gruppo vietato. Assicurati di utilizzare un indirizzo dal tuo portafoglio."],"Booting up...":[null,"Avvio..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inizializzazione hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Inizializzazione..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generazione dell'identità crittografica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connessione..."],"Pairing...":[null,"\"Accoppiamento\"?"],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Collegato con il sever remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Scansiona"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Accoppiamento fallito"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Mentre cercavamo di connetterci, abbiamo identificato un errore:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Vogliate scansionare il codice QR accoppiato che avete ricevuto dal vostro server remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Richiesta manutenzione"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Vi preghimo di contattate l'operatore."],"I agree":[null,"Accetto"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Stiamo controllando"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Abbiamo il tuo ordine, ma non abbiamo ancora visto la tua transazione di deposito. Controlla se il tuo portafoglio ha inviato le monete per la tua transazione."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro che le tue monete sono state inviate, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Stiamo avendo delle difficoltà."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Si prega di contattare l'operatore per maggiori informazioni."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della ricevuta."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostra la ricevuta"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Stiamo aspettando che il tuo deposito sia confermato sulla blockchain. Presto riceverai un sms che ti informa che la transazione è stata confermata."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quando succederà, torna su questa macchina e premi il tasto Riscatta."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Non siamo in grado di elaborare la tua transazione."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"È colpa nostra, non tua."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha riscontrato un errore."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Puoi riprovare o contattare l'operatore."],"Your Receipt":[null,"La tua ricevuta"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in attesa di conferma"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete sono state inviate a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Questa macchina non gestisce la valuta che hai richiesto."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Si prega di incassare presso una macchina che gestisce questa valuta."],"Network Down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Si prega di tornare più tardi."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Il codice immesso non corrisponde."],"Almost there":[null,"Ci siamo quasi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. 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Se hai un altro telefono che potresti aver usato, puoi provare a riscattare di nuovo con quel numero."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro di avere un ordine aperto associato a questo telefono, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Questa macchina è bloccata"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Vi preghiamo di chiedere assistenza."],"What next?":[null,"E adesso?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Non siamo stati in grado di verificare il tuo numero di telefono, quindi potremmo non essere in grado di contattarti quando i tuoi contanti sono pronti."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della schermata successiva per la ricevuta elettronica, quindi contattare l'operatore."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi Impossibile connettersi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Per favore prova di nuovo la password."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha indicato un problema di identificazione."],"Please contact support":[null,"Si prega di contattare il supporto"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Per elaborare la tua transazione, dobbiamo chiarire alcune informazioni sul tuo account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifica identità..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni secondi."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifica della fototessera..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifica foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selezionare una rete WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Visalizzazione solo delle reti protette."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O connetti il cavo Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Una connessione via cavo è preferibile per la stabilità."],"WiFi password":[null,"Password WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connessione"],"We got this":[null,"Questo è ciò che abbiamo ricevuto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni istanti."],"Connected. 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In attesa di ticker."],"More":[null,"Più"],"Less":[null,"Meno"],"Buy %s":[null,"Compra %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendi %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"PIÙ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Si prega di tornare tra %s ore"],"for %s":[null,"per %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Ti stai connettendo alla rete WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Costo transazione: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Hai depositato %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Inserita una banconota da %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite di transazione raggiunto."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Siamo a corto di criptovaluta."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Si prega di inserire %s o meno."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Il minimo per la prima banconota è %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Lavorazione %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limite di transazione raggiunto"],"Error in validation":[null,"Errore nella validazione"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"A causa delle norme locali, hai raggiunto i tuoi limiti di transazione. Contattaci se vuoi aumentare i tuoi limiti."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scansiona il tuo indirizzo %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Per favore scansiona il QR code per inviarci i tuoi %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Hai già inviato i %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scansiona il tuo indirizzo %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Indirizzo %s invalido"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite di transazione raggiunto, si prega di incassare"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Invierai %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"it-CH"}},"zh-TW":{"Address already used":[null,"地址已經使用過"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"看起來你已經使用過這個地址"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"為了您的安全以及隱私,請從您的錢包產生一個新的,並且掃描之"],"Start over":[null,"重新開始"],"Are you sure?":[null,"你確定嗎?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"如果您已經發送了虛擬貨幣並在未確認電話號碼的情況下取消,請與服務人員手動結算交易。"],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"選擇「繼續交易」並等候60秒或更多時間,直到您發送的虛擬貨幣被確認"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"或選擇「取消交易」並回到主畫面"],"Continue transaction":[null,"繼續交易"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"取消交易"],"Try again":[null,"再試一次"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"您輸入的手機號碼不正確. 如果您使用非臺灣本地號碼,請記得在號碼前加+及國碼"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"例如:中國的國碼為+86, 那麼中國的電話號碼會像這樣:+86 18587755016"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"你所輸入的手機號碼不正確。"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"請確認你所輸入的密碼是我們傳簡訊給你的六位數字。"],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"請稍候..."],"Languages":[null,"語言"],"Redeem":[null,"兌換"],"How much?":[null,"選擇兌換金額"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"您有促銷折扣碼?"],"Cash Out":[null,"兌現"],"Clear":[null,"清除"],"Thank you!":[null,"謝謝您!"],"You Purchased":[null,"您已購買"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"您的加密貨幣正在發送到下列地址:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"請拍下這個畫面做為您的電子收據"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"完成後請輕觸螢幕繼續"],"Network down":[null,"網路未連線"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"提交"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"還沒有收到喔。。。"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"還沒有收到加密貨幣"],"Yes, I have":[null,"發送了"],"No, I haven't":[null,"還未發送"],"Send Coins":[null,"發送加密貨幣"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"將會出鈔給您"],"You will send us":[null,"請發送"],"to:":[null,"到"],"Dispensing...":[null,"出鈔中..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"請等候出鈔"],"All set":[null,"已完成設定"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"請將現金從出鈔口取出"],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"要繼續取錢,請從托盤中取出現金。"],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,"這應該只需要一秒鐘"],"May we?":[null,"您是否同意?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"很抱歉,已達到每用戶的限制"],"OK":[null,"好的"],"Sorry":[null,"很抱歉!"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"無法讀取身份證"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"您也許想再試一次!"],"Cancel":[null,"取消"],"ID verification":[null,"驗證身份"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"還要連續放入更多紙鈔嗎?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"是,驗證身份"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"插入紙鈔"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"請依序放入紙鈔"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"你加密貨幣將發送到:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"繼續放入紙鈔"],"deposited so far":[null,"目前已投金額"],"total purchased":[null,"購買總額"],"OR":[null,"或"],"Finished?":[null,"完成?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"無效的錢包位址"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"您使用了錯誤的錢包位址,或您的錢包位址目前不支援"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"請確認您的QR碼再重試一次"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"我們的加密貨幣已售完!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"請稍後再試"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"噢歐,此號碼無效"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"重試次數已達上限,請聯繫服務人員,或稍後再試"],"More, please":[null,"請放入更多紙鈔"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"所有現鈔已用完"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"加密貨幣已收到"],"Authorizing...":[null,"授權中..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"想要再試一次嗎?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,"二維碼掃描錯誤"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,"重新掃描"],"Print again":[null,"再次打印"],"Printing Failed":[null,"打印失敗"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,"回到主頁"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"手機號碼"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"請輸入您的手機號碼, 以便我們可以在您的訂單被確認時給您發送簡訊通知。"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"請輸入您在下單時所使用的行動電話號碼。"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"請輸入您用來進行身份驗證的行動電話號碼。"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"將你的QR條碼對準掃描視窗以便作業"],"Please verify your identity":[null,"請掃描您的身份證件"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"我們需要進一步驗證您的身份"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"簡訊認證碼"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"我們透過簡訊傳了認證碼給您 請在這裡輸入:"],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,"發送中"],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"如果你想做更大額度的購買,我們將需要透過您的手機號碼驗證您的身份。我們將向您發送簡訊認證碼。"],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"可疑的錢包地址"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. 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This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"我們未搜尋任何和你手機號碼有連結的未結訂單。如果你有其他的手機號碼你可能有使用過,你可以用此號碼再試著兌換一次。"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"如果你確定此手機號碼有未結訂單,請聯絡經營者。"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"請尋求協助。"],"What next?":[null,"下一步"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"我們無法認證你的手機號碼,所以當現金準備好時我們可能無法聯繫你。"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"請在 下一個螢幕 拍下你的電子收據,然後與運營商聯繫。"],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"無線網路連接失敗"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"請再次嘗試密碼。"],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"我們的系統顯示有識別上的問題。"],"Please contact support":[null,"請聯繫支援協助"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,"正在驗證身份..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"請稍候幾秒鐘的時間。"],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"正在驗證身份證件..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"選擇一個 WiFi 網路"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"僅顯示安全的網路。"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"無線網路密碼"],"Connect":[null,"連接"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"請稍候幾分鐘。"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"您發送 %s 了嗎?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"掃描您的 %s 地址"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"您將傳送 %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"比特幣"],"Ethereum":[null,"以太幣"],"Zcash":[null,"零幣"],"Litecoin":[null,"萊特幣"],"Dash":[null,"達世幣"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"比特幣現金"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"zh-TW"}},"ro-RO":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresa existenta"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Adresa a mai fost folosita"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Pentru protejarea impotriva inselaciunii, genereaza alta adresa din walletul tau si scaneaz-o."],"Start over":[null,"De la inceput"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Esti sigur?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Dacă ati trimis deja monede si anulati fara a va confirma numarul de telefon, va trebui sa decontati manual tranzactia cu operatorul."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Apasa \"Continuare tranzactie\" si asteapta pana in 60 de secunde ca sa vedem depozitul."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Sau apasa \"Anuleaza tranzactia\" pentru a revenii la meniul anterior."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continua tranzactia"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Anuleaza tranzactia"],"Try again":[null,"Incearca din nou"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Numarul de telefon introdus nu a functionat. Daca aveti un numar international, va rugam sa il prefixati cu + și codul de apel al tarii dvs."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Incearca sa pui prefixul +4, de exemplu +40722 123 123"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Codul introdus nu este corect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Va rugam sa va asigurati ca introduceti codul din sase cifre pe care il primiti de la noi."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Un moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Limba"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"Ce suma ?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Aveti un cod promotional?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Eliberare Numerar"],"Clear":[null,"Sterge"],"Thank you!":[null,"Va Multumim!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ai cumparat"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Monedele tale sunt pe drum catre:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Fa o poza ecranului pentru chitanta electronica"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Apasa oriunde pe ecran cand esti gata."],"Network down":[null,"Retea deconectata"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Trimite"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nimic inca."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Nu apare nicio moneda"],"Yes, I have":[null,"Da, am trimis"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nu"],"Send Coins":[null,"Trimite Monede"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"va fi eliberata."],"You will send us":[null,"Ne vei trimite"],"to:":[null,"catre"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Eliberare Numerar..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Va rugam sa asteptati."],"All set":[null,"Totul Pregatit"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Ridicati banii "],"Collect bills":[null,"Ridicati banii"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Pentru continuare, ridicati banii"],"Look at the dot":[null,"Priviti punctul"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Va dura doar o secunda."],"May we?":[null,"Putem?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Pentru a continua tranzactia trebuie sa va facem o poza.Sunteti de acord?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Da, fa-mi poza"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nu, termina"],"Try again?":[null,"Incearca din nou"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Se pare ca nu ne-a iesit poza."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Incercam o sa facem o alta poza?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Da, incercam"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nu, trimite-mi monedele"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nu, anulare"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Priveste in camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nu a iesit bine poza."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Uita-te in camera de deasupra ecranului."],"We dispensed":[null,"Am eliberat"],"You sent us":[null,"Ne-ai trimis"],"See you!":[null,"La revedere!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limita temporara atinsa"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Ne pare rau!Ai atins limita admisa/utilizator"],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Scuze"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"\n"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Mai incearca sa-l scanezi o data."],"Cancel":[null,"Anulare"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificare Identitate"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Daca vreti sa faceti o tranzactie mare, trebuie sa ne asiguram ca sunteti dumneavoastra printr-o scanare a actului de identitate."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Doriti sa mai introduceti bani?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Da, verific"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Portofel validat cu succes"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Introdu o bancnota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Introdu o bancnota in aparat"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Monedele dvs. vor fi trimise catre:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Introdu alta bancnota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depozitat pana acum"],"total purchased":[null,"total cumparat"],"OR":[null,"SAU"],"Finished?":[null,"Gata?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Introduceti codul promotional"],"Invalid address":[null,"Adresa invalida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Se pare ca folosesti un portofel diferit pe care noi inca nu-l cunoastem"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Verifica codul QR si incearca din nou."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nu mai avem monede!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Incercati mai tarziu."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, nu functioneaza"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"\n"],"More, please":[null,"Mai mult"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Nu mai avem bani!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Founduri Primite!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizare..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Mai incercam o data?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Documentul nu corespunde."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Scanare QR eronata"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nu am putut scana corect . Asigurati-va ca ati pozitionat corect pe pozitia de scanare."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Daca problema persista incercati din nou."],"Scan again":[null,"Scaneaza din nou"],"Print again":[null,"Printeaza din nou"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printare esuata"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Se pare ca a aparut o problema la imprimarea portofelului. Va rugam sa contactati operatorul pentru mai multe informatii sau incercati din nou sa generati."],"Back to Home":[null,"Inapoi Acasa"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Pentru validare va rugam scanati adresa"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"\n"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Codul promotional neidentificat"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Ne pare rau!Nu am identificat acest cod promotional"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puteti incerca un alt cod sau puteti continua tranzactia"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Daca sunteti sigur ca l-ati introdus corect,va rugam conctactati operatorul."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Reintroduceti cod promotional"],"Phone Number":[null,"Numar telefon"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Va rugam sa introduceti numarul de telefon mobil, astfel incat sa va putem trimite mesaje atunci cand comanda dvs. este confirmata."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Va rugam sa introduceti numarul de telefon mobil pe care l-ati utilizat atunci cand ați plasat comanda"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tineti codul QR in dreptul ferestrei de scanare pentru a continua."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Va rugam sa va verificati identitatea"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"\n"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Gata de scanare"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codul de siguranta"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"\n"],"Booting up...":[null,"se porneste..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializarea hardware-ului"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Se initializeaza"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generarea identitatii criptografice."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Se conecteaza..."],"Pairing...":[null,"asociere..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Asociati cu serverul de la distanta"],"Scan":[null,"Scaneaza"],"Pairing failed":[null,"asociere esuata"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Cand incercam sa asociem, am intampinat o eroare:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Va rugam sa scanati codul QR de asociere pe care l-ati primit de pe serverul dvs. la distanta."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Necesita mentenanta"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Va rugam contactati operatorul."],"I agree":[null,"De acord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Ne pare rau, pentru moment suntem indisponibili."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Un moment"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Veti primi o notificare sms cand tranzactia a fost confirmata."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"\n"],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"\n"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"E de la noi"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Sistemul nostru a intampinat o eroare."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Chitanta dvs"],"pending confirmation":[null,"asteptand confirmarea"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Monedele dvs. vor fi trimise catre:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Acest aparat nu foloseste aceasta moneda"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Va rugam sa abandonati tranzactia"],"Network Down":[null,"Retea deconectata"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Ne pare rau,suntem indisponibili pentru moment"],"Please come back later.":[null,"Va rugam reveniti mai tarziu"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Codul pe care l-ati introdus nu se potriveste."],"Almost there":[null,"Inca putin"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nu vedem comenzi deschise asociate telefonului dvs. Daca aveti un alt telefon pe care probabil l-ati folosit, puteti încerca sa valorificati din nou cu acel numar."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"\n"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Va rugam să cereti asistenta."],"What next?":[null,"Ce urmeaza"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"\n"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Va rugam sa faceti o fotografie cu urmatorul ecran pentru chitanța dvs. electronica, apoi contactati operatorul."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Conectarea WiFi nu a reusit."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Va rugam sa incercati din nou parola."],"US SSN required":[null,"Este necesar SSN SUA"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Pentru a continua,avem nevoie de CNP-ul tau(Cod Numeric Personal)"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Introduceti SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"\n"],"Social security number":[null,"Cod numeric personal"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Pentru a continua, va rugam sa introduceti CNP -ul dvs."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"\n"],"Please contact support":[null,"Va rugam sa contactati asistenta"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"\n"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Se verifica identitatea"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Acest lucru ar putea dura cateva secunde."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"\n"],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Se verifica fotografia ..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"\n"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"\n"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Sau conectați Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"\n"],"WiFi password":[null,"parola Wifi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectati"],"We got this":[null,"\n"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Acest lucru ar putea dura cateva clipe."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Din cauza politicii locale, ai atins limita de tranzactionare. Contacteaza-ne pentru a marii limita."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"\n"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"\n"],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"\n"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"\n"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"\n"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limita de tranzactie a fost atinsa, va rugam sa incasati"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"\n"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ro-RO"}},"en-CA":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"Cash-in temporarily unavailable"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline."],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Send SMS receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"Would you like to proceed?"],"Yes":[null,"Yes"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a bill"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another bill"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Don't worry!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins."],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Your receiving address:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"We're out of coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Send coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Sending your coins..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Verify phone to continue"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Yes, verify phone"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Suspicious address"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Scan QR code"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"We're having some difficulties."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Please contact the operator for more information."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Please snap a photo of your receipt."],"Show receipt":[null,"Show receipt"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We are unable to process your transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"It's us, not you."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Our system experienced an error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Your Receipt"],"pending confirmation":[null,"pending confirmation"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Your coins were sent to:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"This machine does not handle the currency you requested."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency."],"Network Down":[null,"Network Down"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we're down for the moment."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Please come back later."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"The code you entered did not match."],"Almost there":[null,"Almost there"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"This Machine Is Locked"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Please ask for assistance."],"What next?":[null,"What next?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi failed to connect..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Please try the password again."],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN required"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Type in SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Yes, type in"],"Social security number":[null,"Social security number"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"To proceed, please enter your social security number."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Our system indicated an identification problem."],"Please contact support":[null,"Please contact support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifying identity..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"This could take a few seconds."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifying photo card..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifying photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Select a WiFi network"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Only secured networks are shown."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Or connect Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"A wired connection is preferred for stability."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi password"],"Connect":[null,"Connect"],"We got this":[null,"We got this"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"This could take a few moments."],"Connected. 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Waiting for ticker."],"More":[null,"More"],"Less":[null,"Less"],"Buy %s":[null,"Buy %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Sell %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MORE"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Please come back in %s weeks"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Please come back in %s days and %s hours"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Please come back in %s hours"],"for %s":[null,"for %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transaction Fee: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"You deposited %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"You inserted a %s bill"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transaction limit reached."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"We're a little low on crypto."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Please insert %s or less."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimum first bill is %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processing %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Transaction limit reached"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error in validation"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Have you sent the %s yet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Invalid %s address"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaction limit reached, please cash out"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"You'll be sending %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Discount added (%s off commissions)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"An error occurred, try again."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"en-CA"}},"et-EE":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Mobiilinumber, mille te sisestasite ei tööta. Kui teil on rahvusvaheline number, palun sisestage + ja riigi suunakood."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Näiteks, Eesti riigi suunakood on +372, ning Eesti mobiiltelefoni number näeb välja kujul +372 53 019 999"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Sisestatud kood ei ole õige."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"Saada sularaha (Redeem)"],"How much?":[null,"Valige summa."],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"Kustuta"],"Thank you!":[null,"Aitäh!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sinu Bitcoinid on teel:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Bitcoinid ei ole saabunud."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Jah, saatsin küll"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ei ole veel saatnud"],"Send Coins":[null,"Saada Bitcoinid"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Raha loetakse..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Tundmatu number"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,"Ei, saada mündid"],"No, cancel":[null,"Ei, loobu"],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Ajutine piirang on saavutatud"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"ID kaardi lugemine ebaõnnestus."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Palun proovige uuesti."],"Cancel":[null,"Tühista"],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Kas soovite sisestada rohkem arveid?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Jah, Kontrollige ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Sisesta paberraha"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Sinu Bitcoinid saadetakse:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Sisesta rohkem raha"],"deposited so far":[null,"Sissemakseid kokku"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"VÕI"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Bitcoinid on hetkel otsas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oih, kuskil on viga"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autoriseerimine..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Kas soovite uuesti proovida?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Mobiiltelefoni Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Sisestage mobiiltelefoni number, kuhu saadetakse SMS kinnitus tehingu kohta."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Sisestage sama mobiiltelefoni number, mille kasutasite sularaha tellimisel."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Palun sisestage oma mobiilinumber isiku tõestamiseks."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Palun tõestage enda identiteeti"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Turvakood"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Sisestage siia SMS-ga saadud turvakood."],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"ATM käivitub..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Tarkvara kontrollimine."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Ühendamine..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Ühendan..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Ühendan serveriga"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Ühenduse loomisel esines tõrge:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Palun skaneerige QR kood, mille leidsite oma serverist."],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Palun võta ühendust operaatoriga."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Oih!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"ATM töös võib esineda tõrkeid."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Abi saamiseks palun pöörduge Atmi hooldaja poole."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Palun tehke tšeki foto."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Tehingu töötlemine ebaõnnestus."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"See on meie viga."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Meie süsteemis ilmnes tõrge."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Palun proovige uuesti, või võtke ühendust Atmi hooldajaga."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Teie tšekk"],"pending confirmation":[null,"ootab kinnitamist"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Teie Bitcoinid on saadetud:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"ATM ei väljasta soovitud valuutat."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Palun sooritage sularaha lunastustehing ATMis, mis väljastab nimetatud valuutat."],"Network Down":[null,"Ühendus on häiritud"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Kood mille sisestasite ei sobinud."],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Sisestatud telefoni numbriga ei ole seotud ühtegi tellimust. Kui te kasutasite varem muud telefoni numbrit, palun alustage uuesti õige telefoni numbriga."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Juhul kui olete kindel, et teie tellimus on seotud sisestatud telefoninumbriga, palun pöörduge ATM hooldaja poole."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Palun küsi abi."],"What next?":[null,"Mis nüüd saab?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Kahjuks, meil ei õnnestunud verifitseerida teie telefoni numbrit ja seetõttu me ei saa teavitada teid, kui sularaha on valmis lunastamiseks."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Palun tehke foto järgevast ekraani kuvast ja seejärel võtke ühendust Atm hooldajaga."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Palun sisesta parool uuesti."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Meie süsteem tuvastas identiteedi probleemi."],"Please contact support":[null,"Palun võtke ühendust klienditoega"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Palun oodake, see võtab mõne hetke."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Kuvatakse ainult turvalised võrgud."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi parool"],"Connect":[null,"Ühenda"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Palun oota, see võtab mõne hetke."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Kas te olete Bitcoinid juba saatnud?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skaneerige oma Bitcoini aadress"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Te saadate %S %S"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Kriips"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"et-EE"}},"es-MX":{"Address already used":[null,"Dirección ya utilizada"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que ya has usado esta dirección."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para tu privacidad y seguridad contra estafas, genera una nueva dirección desde su monedero y escanea esa en su lugar."],"Start over":[null,"Comenzar de nuevo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"¿Estás seguro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si ya enviaste monedas y cancelas sin confirmar tu número de teléfono, deberás liquidar manualmente la transacción con el operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presione 'Continuar transacción' y espere hasta 60 segundos para que se vea su depósito."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"O presione 'Cancelar transacción' para volver a la pantalla de inicio."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transación"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transación"],"Try again":[null,"Vuelva a intentarlo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono ingresado no funcionó. Si tienes un número internacional, por favor coloca el prefijo con + y el código de llamada de tu país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, así que un numero de Bélgica se vería como: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código que escribiste era incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Favor de validar que estas ingresando el código de seis digitos que recibiste de nosotros."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"La opción de compra no está disponible en este momento"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Disculpenos, la opción de compra está temporalmente deshabilitada"],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Por favor contacte al operador o vuela a intentar en un rato"],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Venta"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Compraste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Tus monedas se estan enviando a:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Envíar recibo por SMS"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"¿Desea continuar?"],"Yes":[null,"Sí"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No aparecen los Bitcoins."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sí, ya los envié"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, aún no"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted nos enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Todo listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retiré su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mira el punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos da su permiso?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Para continuar con esta transacción, necesitamos tomar una foto de usted para cumplir con las leyes locales. ¿Esta de acuerdo?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, de acuerdo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finalizar"],"Try again?":[null,"¿Inténtalo de nuevo?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que no obtuvimos una buena foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"¿Intentamos otra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, intentar nuevamente"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, enviar monedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Mira a la cámara"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"La foto de usted no ha salido bién."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor, mire a la cámara situada en la pantalla."],"We dispensed":[null,"Entregado"],"You sent us":[null,"Usted lo envió"],"See you!":[null,"¡Hasta la próxima!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Se alcanzó el límite de tiempo"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. Hemos alcanzado nuestro límite obligatorio por usuario."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Lo sentimos"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No hemos podido leer su documento de identificación."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Tal vez quieras intentarlo nuevamente."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si deseas hacer una compra más grande, necesitaremos asegurarnos de que seas tú y te pediremos que escanees tu identificación."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"¿Quieres insertar más billetes?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sí, verificar ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"¡Monedero validada con éxito!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserte un billete"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor inserta tu primer billete en la máquina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas serán enviadas a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserte otro billete"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado hasta este momento"],"total purchased":[null,"total comprado"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"¿Terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escriba su código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"Dirección no válida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que estás usando una billetera para una moneda diferente o un formato de dirección que aún no admitimos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor, verifique su codigo QR e intentelo de nuevo."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"¡No tenemos monedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor, intentelo mas tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Lo sentimos, esto no funciona"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, por favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Se nos acabaron el efectivo!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"No te preocupes"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Sus fondos están a salvo, pero presentamos un inconveniente al enviarlos"],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Por favor tome una foto de esta pantalla y contacte al operador para completar la orden."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Su dirección de depósito:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"¡Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo otra vez?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"El documento que has mostrado no coincide."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente tu monedero de papel. Asegúrate de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intenta imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Impresión fallida"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu monedero. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de tu monedero de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie y no la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Ingresa tu número de móvil para que podamos enviarte un mensaje de texto cuando se confirme tu pedido."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Por favor ingresa tu número móvil para verificar tu identidad."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Te enviamos un código de seguridad, cuando lo recibas, ingrésalo aquí."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando tus monedas..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Para continuar, verifique su teléfono"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Sí, verificar teléfono"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Alistando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con el servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Escanear código QR"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanea el código QR de emparejamiento que recibiste de tu servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Mantenimiento requerido"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"De acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Lo sentimos!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos teniendo algunas dificultades."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador para obtener asistencia."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, toma una foto de tu recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar tu transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no tú."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimento un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Puedes intentarlo de nuevo, o contacta al operador."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"pendientes de confirmación"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta maquina no maneja la divisa que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira tu dinero en una maquina que soporte tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"No hay red"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo siento, estamos momentáneamente fuera de servicio."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código ingresado no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi listo"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ninguna orden abierta asociada a tu teléfono. Si utilizaste otro teléfono, intenta canjear otra vez con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Sí estas seguro de haber abierto una orden asociada con este teléfono, por favor contacto con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Continuar?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número teléfonico, asi que quizas no podamos contactarte cuando tu dinero este listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor coloque una foto de la siguiente pantalla de tu recibo electrónico, después contacte al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red inalámbrica..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intenta de nuevo la contraseña por favor."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indica un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Favor de contactar a soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar unos segundos."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selecciona una red inalámbrica"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Conectado. Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cajero de Criptomonedas"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya has enviado los %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanea tu dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s no válida"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Enviarás %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Descuento agregado (%s menos de comisión)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-MX"}},"pt-PT":{"Address already used":[null,"Endereço já utilizado"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que já utilizou este endereço."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para sua privacidade e proteção contra fraudes, por favor gere um novo endereço da sua carteira e digitalize em alternativa."],"Start over":[null,"Começar de novo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Tem a certeza?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Se já enviou as moedas e cancelou sem confirmar o seu número de telemóvel, terá de completar a transação com o operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Pressione 'Continuar transação' e aguarde até 60 segundos para que o seu depósito seja visto."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ou pressione 'Cancelar transação' e retorne ao ecrã inicial."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transação"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transação"],"Try again":[null,"Tente Novamente"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"O número de telemóvel que introduziu não funciona. Se tem um número internacional, por favor adicione antes o prefixo com + e o código telefónico do seu país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por exemplo, o código telefónico da Bélgica é +32, logo um número Belga deverá parecer-se com: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"O código que introduziu está incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Por favor, assegure-se que está a introduzir o código de seis dígitos que recebeu da nossa parte."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"Comprar moedas temporariamente indisponível"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Lamentamos. Operações de compra estão temporariamente desativadas."],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Por favor contacte o operador para resolver isto, ou tente novamente mais tarde."],"One moment...":[null,"Um momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Redimir"],"How much?":[null,"Quanto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Tem um código promocional?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Levantar Dinheiro"],"Clear":[null,"Apagar"],"Thank you!":[null,"Obrigado!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Você Comprou"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"As suas moedas estão no seu caminho para:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Enviar recibo por SMS"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tire uma foto ao ecrã para obter o seu recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque em qualquer lugar no ecrã quando tiver concluído."],"Network down":[null,"Rede desligada"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"Gostaria de prosseguir?"],"Yes":[null,"Sim"],"No":[null,"Não"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada por enquanto."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Ainda não apareceu qualquer moeda."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sim, enviei"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Não, não enviei"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar Moedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"será dispensado para si."],"You will send us":[null,"Você enviar-nos-há"],"to:":[null,"para:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor aguarde enquanto dispensamos o seu dinheiro."],"All set":[null,"Tudo pronto"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor remova o seu dinheiro da bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recolha notas"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar dispensando, retire o dinheiro da bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Olhe para o ponto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Isto deverá apenas demorar um segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Podemos?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"De forma a continuar esta transação, precisamos lhe fotografar para cumprir com regulamentos locais. Isto é ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Sim, tirar a foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Não, terminar"],"Try again?":[null,"Tentar novamente?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que não conseguimos uma boa foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Vamos tentar outra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Sim, tentar novamente"],"No, send coins":[null,"Não, enviar moedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"Não, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Olhe para a câmera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Não conseguímos uma boa imagem de si."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor olhe para a câmera localizada acima do ecrã."],"We dispensed":[null,"Dispensámos"],"You sent us":[null,"Você enviou"],"See you!":[null,"Até à próxima!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporário atingido"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Perdão. Atingimos o limite pré-definido por usuário."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Desculpe"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Não conseguímos ler o seu cartão de identificação."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Você poderá querer tentar novamente."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificação de Identificação"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Se quiser fazer uma compra maior, temos de verificar que é você digitlizando a sua identificação."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Pretende introduzir mais notas?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sim, verificar Identificação"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Carteira validada com sucesso!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insira uma nota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor, introduza a sua primeira nota na máquina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"As suas moedas serão enviadas para:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserir outra nota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado até agora"],"total purchased":[null,"total adquirido"],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,"Terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escreva o seu código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"Endereço inválido"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que está utilizando uma carteira para uma moeda diferente ou num formato diferente que ainda não suportamos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor verifique o seu código QR e tente novamente."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Estamos sem moedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor tente novamente mais tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, isto não está a funcionar"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Atingiu o número máximo de tentativas. Por favor contacte o operador para resolver isto, ou tente novamente mais tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Mais, por favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Estamos sem dinheiro!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Não se preocupe!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Os seus fundos estão seguros, mas tivemos um problema ao enviar as suas moedas."],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Por favor, tire uma foto a este ecrã e contacte o operador para finalizar o seu pedido."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Endereço de destinatário:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fundos Recebidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Quere tentar novamente?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"O documento que mostrou não correspondeu."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erro na leitura do código QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Não conseguimos ler a sua carteira em papel. Certifique-se que a posicionou corretamente no compartimento de digitalização e de que foi impressa corretamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se o problema persistir, experimente imprimir de novo."],"Scan again":[null,"Digitalize novamente"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir novamente"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Impressão falhou"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que houve um problema ao imprimir a sua carteira. Por favor contacte o operador para mais informação ou tente imprimir novamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Voltar ao Menu Principal"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, por favor apresente a frente da sua carteira em papel no digitalizador."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este papel contém os seus fundos. Assim que validado, não mostre esta chave a ninguém e não a perca!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional não encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Desculpe! Não encontrámos o código promocional."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Pode experimentar um código diferente, ou continuar com a sua transação."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Se tiver certeza do código, por favor entre em contato com o operador para esclarecimentos."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Introduza outro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de Telemóvel"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Por favor introduza o seu número de telemóvel para que lhe possamos enviar um SMS quando o seu pedido for confirmado."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Por favor introduza o número de telemóvel que utilizou quando efectuou o pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Por favor introduza o seu número para verificação de ID."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Segure o seu código QR na janela de digitalização para prosseguir."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Por favor verifique a sua identidade"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para prosseguir, somos obrigados a verificar a sua identidade."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor pressione o lado de trás do seu documento de identificação contra a janela de digitalização."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Por favor, encoste a frente do seu cartão de identificação contra o compartimento de digitalização, segure-o lá e carregue em \"Pronto para digitalizar\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pronto para digitalizar"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor encoste o lado da frente do seu documento de identificação contra a janela de digitalização."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Segurança"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Enviamos-lhe um código de segurança. Quando o receber, introduza-o aqui."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Estamos sem moedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar moedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"A enviar moedas..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Verifique o número para continuar"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Se pretender fazer uma compra maior, necessitaremos o seu número de telemóvel. Enviar-lhe-emos então um código por SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Sim, verificar número"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Endereço suspeito"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Este endereço pode estar associado a uma oferta enganosa ou grupo proibido. Por favor, certifique-se de que você está a usar um endereço da sua própria carteira."],"Booting up...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicializando o hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Subiremos dentro de momentos."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Gerando identidade criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor, aguarde alguns minutos."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparelhando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparelhar com servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Digitalizar"],"Pairing failed":[null,"O Emparelhamento falhou"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Aquando tentando emparelhar, experienciámos um erro:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Digitalizar código QR"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor digitalize o código QR de emparelhamento que obteve do seu servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Manutenção Requerida"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor entre em contacto com o operador."],"I agree":[null,"Aceito"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Desculpe, de momento estamos em baixo."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos a olhar à procura"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Temos o seu pedido, mas ainda não vimos a sua transação de depósito. Verifique se a sua carteira enviou as moedas para a sua transação."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Caso não tenha a certeza se as suas moedas foram enviadas, por favor contacte o operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos a ter algumas dificuldades."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor contacte o operador para obter mais informação."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor tire uma foto do seu recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos a aguardar que o seu depósito seja confirmado na Blockchain. Receberá em breve uma mensagem de texto avisando que a sua transação foi confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quando isso acontecer, por favor volte a esta máquina e pressione o botão Redimir."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Somos incapazes de processar a sua transação."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nós, não você."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"O nosso sistema experienciou um erro."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor sinta-se livre para tentar novamente, ou contacte o operador."],"Your Receipt":[null,"O Seu Recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmação pendente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"As suas moedas foram enviadas para:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina não opera a moeda que solicitou."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor, levante o seu dinheiro numa máquina que opere a sua moeda."],"Network Down":[null,"Rede Desligada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Desculpe, de momento estamos em baixo."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor, volte mais tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"O código que introduziu não corresponde."],"Almost there":[null,"Quase lá"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Nós vemos sua transação, mas estamos esperando por confirmação. Isto leva em média 10 minutos, mas poderá demorar até uma hora ou duas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Para levantar o seu dinheiro, volte por favor e pressione Redimir quando receber a nossa mensagem de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Não vemos qualquer pedido associado ao seu telemóvel. Se tem outro telemóvel que talvez tenha usado, pode tentar redimir novamente com esse número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se tiver a certeza que tem um pedido associado com este telemóvel, por favor contacte o operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta Máquina está Bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor requisite ajuda."],"What next?":[null,"Que fazer agora?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Não conseguimos verificar o seu número de telemóvel, logo poderemos não ser capazes de entrar em contacto consigo quando o seu dinheiro estiver disponível."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor tire uma foto do próximo ecrã para obter o seu recibo eletrónico, e então contacte o operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falha ao ligar WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Por favor introduza a palavra-passe novamente."],"US SSN required":[null,"Necessário US SSN"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para continuar, necessitamos do seu número de Segurança Social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Digitar o NIS?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Sim, escreva"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de segurança social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para proceder, por favor introduza o seu número de segurança social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"O nosso sistema indicou um problema de identificação."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor contacte o suporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"De forma a processar a sua transação, precisaremos esclarecer algumas informações sobre a sua conta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando identidade..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Isto pode demorar alguns segundos."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando cartão com foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto.."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selecione uma rede Wi-Fi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Apenas redes seguras são apresentadas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ou ligue um cabo Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Uma ligação por cabo é preferível para estabilidade."],"WiFi password":[null,"Senha Wi-Fi"],"Connect":[null,"Ligar"],"We got this":[null,"Nós tomamos conta disto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"A ligação poderá demorar alguns momentos."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Ligação criada. A aguardar actualização da conversão."],"More":[null,"Mais"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MAIS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor, volte em %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor, volte em %s dias e %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor, volte em %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"A criar ligação com rede WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Taxa de transação: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Você depositou %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Inseriu uma nota de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite de transação alcançado."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Estamos com pouco saldo de criptomoeda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor insira %s ou menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"O Mínimo de primeira nota é %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limite de transação alcançado"],"Error in validation":[null,"Erro na validação"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Devido a regulações locais, atingiu o seu limite de transação. Por favor contacte-nos se desejar aumentar o seu limite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Digitalize o seu endereço %s "],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Por favor digitalize o código QR para nos enviar os seus %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Já enviou os %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Digitalize o seu endereço %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Endereço %s inválido"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite de transação atingido, por favor, levante o dinheiro"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Voce enviará %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Desconto adicionado (%s das comissões)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ocorreu um erro, tente novamente."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"pt-PT"}},"pl-PL":{"Address already used":[null,"Adres został już użyty"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Wygląda na to, że adres został już użyty."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Dla twojego bezpieczeństwa i ochrony przed oszustwem, proszę wygeneruj nowy z twojego portfela i go zeskanuj."],"Start over":[null,"Zacznij od nowa"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Jesteś pewny?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Jak już wysłałeś swoje monety i anulowałeś bez podania swojego numeru telefonu, będziesz musiał skontaktować się z operatorem w celu dokończenia transakcji. "],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Naciśnij 'Dokończ transakcje' i poczekaj do 60 sekund aby wpłata została wysłana. "],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Albo naciśnij 'Anuluj transakcje' aby przejść do ekranu głównego"],"Continue transaction":[null,"Dokończ transakcje"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Anuluj transakcje"],"Try again":[null,"Spróbuj ponownie"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Wprowadzony numer telefonu nie działa. Jeśli masz numer międzynarodowy, proszę wpisać prefiks z + i numerem kierunkowym kraju."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Na przykład, kod kierunkowy Belgii to + 32, więc belgijski numer będzie wyglądać tak: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Wprowadzony kod jest nieprawidłowy."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Upewnij się, że wprowadzasz sześciocyfrowy kod, który od nas otrzymałeś."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Chwileczkę..."],"Languages":[null,"Języki"],"Redeem":[null,"Odbierz"],"How much?":[null,"Ile?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Masz kod promocyjny?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Wypłać"],"Clear":[null,"Usuń"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dziękujemy!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Kupiłeś"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Twoje bitcoiny są w drodze do:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Zrób zdjęcie ekranu, to twój elektroniczny paragon"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Jak skończysz dotknij ekran."],"Network down":[null,"Awaria sieci"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Potwierdz"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Jeszcze nic."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Bitcoiny nie są wyświetlane."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Tak"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nie"],"Send Coins":[null,"Wyślij monety"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"będzie wydane dla ciebie."],"You will send us":[null,"Wyślesz nam"],"to:":[null,"do:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Wypłacanie..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Proszę poczekaj wypłacamy pieniądze."],"All set":[null,"Wszystko gotowe"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Proszę odebrać swoje pieniądze."],"Collect bills":[null,"Odbierz gotówkę"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Aby kontynuować wypłatę, odbierz gotówkę z tacki."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Patrz na kropkę"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Potrwa to tylko sekundę."],"May we?":[null,"Możemy?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"W celu kontynuowania transakcji, musimy zrobić ci zdjęcie, wymagają to dodatkowe przepisy. Czy będzie to ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Tak, zrób zdjęcie"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nie, zakończ"],"Try again?":[null,"Spróbuj ponownie?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Wygląda na to ze nie zrobiliśmy dobrego zdjęcia."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Możemy zrobić kolejne zdjęcie?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Tak, spróbuj ponownie"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nie, wyślij bitcoiny"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nie, anuluj"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Patrz na kamerę"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nie zrobiliśmy dobrego zdjęcia."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Patrz na kamerę umieszczoną na górze ekranu."],"We dispensed":[null,"Wypłaciliśmy "],"You sent us":[null,"Wysłałeś nam"],"See you!":[null,"Do zobaczenia!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Osiągnięto limit czasowy"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Przepraszam. Osiągnęliśmy narzucony limit na użytkownika."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Przepraszamy"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Nie mogliśmy odczytać twojego dowodu osobistego."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Może chcesz dać to jeszcze raz."],"Cancel":[null,"Anuluj"],"ID verification":[null,"Weryfikacja tożsamości"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Jeśli chcesz dokonać większego zakupu, musimy upewnić się, że to Ty, prosząc Cię o zeskanowanie dowodu tożsamości."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Czy chcesz dokonać większych zakupów?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Tak, zweryfikuj tożsamość"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Portfel pomyślnie zweryfikowany!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Włóż banknot"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Proszę włóż swój pierwszy banknot do urządzenia."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Twoje bitcoiny zostaną wysłane do:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Włóż inny banknot"],"deposited so far":[null,"dotychczas zdeponowano"],"total purchased":[null,"łączny zakup "],"OR":[null,"LUB"],"Finished?":[null,"Skończyłeś?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Wpisz swój kod promocyjny"],"Invalid address":[null,"Niepoprawny adres"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Wygląda na to, że używasz portfela na inną monetę lub inny format adresu, którego jeszcze nie obsługujemy."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Sprawdź kod QR i spróbuj ponownie."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Skończyły się nam wszystkie bitcoiny!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Spróbuj ponownie później."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, to nie działa."],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę ponownych prób. Skontaktuj się z operatorem, aby rozwiązać ten problem, lub spróbuj ponownie później."],"More, please":[null,"Więcej, proszę"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Skończyły się nam wszystkie bitcoiny!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fundusze otrzymane!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autoryzowanie..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Chcesz spróbować ponownie?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Pokazany dokument nie pasuje."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Błąd skanowania QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nie mogliśmy prawidłowo zeskanować Twojego papierowego portfela. Upewnij się, że umieściłeś go prawidłowo we wnęce skanowania i że został prawidłowo wydrukowany."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Jeśli problem nie ustąpi, spróbuj wydrukować ponownie."],"Scan again":[null,"Skanuj ponownie"],"Print again":[null,"Wydrukuj ponownie"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Wydruk się nie powiódł"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Wygląda na to, że wystąpił problem podczas drukowania portfela. Skontaktuj się z operatorem, aby uzyskać więcej informacji, lub spróbuj wydrukować ponownie."],"Back to Home":[null,"Wróć do ekranu głównego"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Aby potwierdzić, przyłóż przód swojego papierowego portfela do okienka skanowania."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"WAŻNE: Ten dokument zawiera twoje fundusze. Po zweryfikowaniu nie pokazuj nikomu tego klucza i nie zgub go!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Kod promocyjny nie znaleziony"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Przepraszam! To nie jest kod promocyjny, który mogliśmy znaleźć."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Możesz wypróbować inny kod lub kontynuować transakcję."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Jeśli jesteś pewien kodu, skontaktuj się z operatorem w celu uzyskania wyjaśnień."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Wprowadź inny kod"],"Phone Number":[null,"Numer Telefonu"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Proszę wpisać swój numer telefonu, abyśmy mogli przesłać wiadomość z kodem SMS."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Proszę podać numer telefonu, którego użyłeś składając zamówienie."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Proszę podać numer telefonu do weryfikacji tożsamości."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Przytrzymaj swój kod QR przy oknie skanowania, aby kontynuować."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Weryfikacja tożsamości"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Aby kontynuować, musimy zweryfikować Twoją tożsamość."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Proszę przytrzymać drugą stronę prawa jazdy do okienka skanowania."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Proszę przytrzymać przód dowodu osobistego do okienka skanowania, a następnie nacisnąć „Gotowy do skanowania”."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Skanowanie"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Proszę przytrzymać przód dowodu osobistego do okienka skanowania."],"Security Code":[null,"Kod bezpieczeństwa"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Wysłaliśmy Ci SMS-a z kodem bezpieczeństwa. Kiedy go otrzymasz, wpisz go tutaj."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Skończyły się nam bitcoiny!"],"Send coins":[null,"Wyślij monety"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Wysyłanie monet..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Jeśli chcesz dokonać większych zakupów, potrzebna będzie weryfikacja Twojego numeru telefonu. Wyślemy Ci SMS kod w celu autoryzacji."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Podejrzany adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Ten adres może być powiązany z oszustwem lub zakazaną grupą. Upewnij się, że używasz adresu z własnego portfela."],"Booting up...":[null,"Uruchamianie..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicjowanie sprzętu."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Za chwilę będziemy gotowi ponownie."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicjowanie"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generowanie tożsamości kryptograficznej."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Poczekaj kilka minut."],"Connecting...":[null,"Łączenie..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Parowanie..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Sparuj ze zdalnym serwerem"],"Scan":[null,"Skan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Parowanie nie powiodło się"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Podczas próby parowania wystąpił błąd:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Zeskanuj kod QR parowania, który otrzymałeś ze swojego zdalnego serwera."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Wymagana konserwacja"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Proszę skontaktować się z operatorem."],"I agree":[null,"Zgadzam się"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Jesteśmy w tej chwili niedostępni."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Przyglądamy się"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Mamy Twoje zamówienie, ale nie widzieliśmy jeszcze Twojej transakcji depozytowej. Sprawdź, czy Twój portfel wysłał monety."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Jeśli masz pewność, że Twoje monety zostały wysłane, skontaktuj się z operatorem."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Mamy problem."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się z operatorem."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Proszę zrób zdjęcie potwierdzenia."],"Show receipt":[null,"Pokaż pokwitowanie"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Czekamy na potwierdzenie wpłaty w łańcuchu bloków. 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This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Widzimy Twoją transakcję, ale wciąż czekamy na potwierdzenie. Zajmuje to średnio 10 minut, ale może potrwać nawet godzinę lub dwie."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Wróć po gotówkę i naciśnij Odbierz, gdy otrzymasz naszą wiadomość tekstową."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nie widzimy żadnych otwartych zamówień powiązanych z Twoim telefonem. Jeśli masz inny telefon, z którego być może korzystasz, możesz spróbować ponownie z tego numeru."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Jeśli masz pewność, że zamówienie związane z Twoim telefonem zostało otwarte, skontaktuj się z operatorem."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Ta maszyna została zablokowana."],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Proszę pytać o pomoc."],"What next?":[null,"Co dalej?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nie byliśmy w stanie zweryfikować Twojego telefonu, więc możemy nie być w stanie skontaktować się z Tobą, gdy gotówka będzie gotowa."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Zrób zdjęcie następnego ekranu będzie to twoje elektroniczne potwierdzenie, a następnie skontaktuj się z operatorem."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Nie udało połączyć się z siecią WiFi…..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Proszę ponownie wpisać hasło."],"US SSN required":[null,"wymagany US SSN"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Aby kontynuować, musimy poprosić Cię o wpisanie numeru ubezpieczenia społecznego"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Wpisz numer SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Tak, wpisz"],"Social security number":[null,"Numer ubezpieczenia społecznego"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Aby kontynuować, wprowadź swój numer ubezpieczenia społecznego."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nasz system wskazał problem z identyfikacją."],"Please contact support":[null,"Skontaktuj się z pomocą techniczną"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Aby kontynuować Twoją transakcję, musimy wyjaśnić niektóre informacje dotyczące Twojego konta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Weryfikowanie tożsamości..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"To może potrwać kilka chwil."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Weryfikuje zdjęcie..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Weryfikuje zdjęcie..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Wybierz sieć WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Wyświetlane są tylko zabezpieczone sieci."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Albo podłącz Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Dla stabilności preferowane jest połączenie przewodowe."],"WiFi password":[null,"Hasło WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Połącz"],"We got this":[null,"Mamy to"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"To może potrwać kilka chwil."],"Connected. 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Wczytywanie ceny."],"More":[null,"Więcej"],"Less":[null,"Mniej"],"Buy %s":[null,"Kup %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Sprzedaj %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"WIĘCEJ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Proszę wróć za %s tygodnie"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Proszę wróć za %s dni i %s godzin"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Proszę wróć za %s godzin"],"for %s":[null,"dla %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Łączysz się z siecią Wifi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Opłata transakcyjna: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Wpłaciłeś %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Włożyłeś banknot %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Osiągnięto limit transakcji."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Mamy trochę mało kryptowalut."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Proszę wpłacić %s lub mniej."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimalny pierwszy banknot to %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Przetwarzanie %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Osiągnięto limit transakcji"],"Error in validation":[null,"Błąd podczas sprawdzania poprawności"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Ze względu na lokalne przepisy osiągnąłeś limit transakcji. Skontaktuj się z nami, jeśli chcesz zwiększyć swój limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Zeskanuj swój %s adres"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Proszę przeskanować kod QR, aby wysłać do nas swoje %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Czy wysłałeś już %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Zeskanuj swój %s adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Niepoprawny %s adres"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Osiągnięto limit transakcji, proszę wypłacić"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Możesz wysyłać %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"pl-PL"}},"vi-VN":{"Address already used":[null,"Testshs"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,""],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"vi-VN"}},"fr-CH":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisation..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Voulez-vous essayer à nouveau ?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Het ingevoerde telefoonnummer werkt helaas niet. Als u een internationaal nummer heeft, gebruik dan de prefix + en uw landnummer."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Bijvoorbeeld, het landnummer van België is +32, dus een Belgisch nummer ziet er uit als volgt: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"U heeft een verkeerde code ingevoerd."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Zorg ervoor dat u de zes cijferige code invoert die u van ons ontvangen heeft."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Een ogenblikje..."],"Languages":[null,"Taal"],"Redeem":[null,"Inwisselen"],"How much?":[null,"Hoeveel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Uitbetalen"],"Clear":[null,"Wis"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dank u!"],"You Purchased":[null,"U Kocht"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn onderweg naar:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Neem een foto van het scherm voor uw digitale bon"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Druk ergens op het scherm als u klaar bent."],"Network down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Verzend"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nog niets."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Nog geen coins ontvangen."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nee"],"Send Coins":[null,"Verstuur Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"wordt uitgegeven aan u."],"You will send us":[null,"U stuurt ons"],"to:":[null,"naar:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Uitgeven..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Geduld a.u.b. uw geld wordt uitgegeven."],"All set":[null,"Klaar"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade a.u.b."],"Collect bills":[null,"Verzamel biljetten"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade om door te gaan met uitgifte van biljetten."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Kijk naar de stip"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Een ogenblikje a.u.b."],"May we?":[null,"Mogen we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Om door te gaan met de transactie, hebben we een foto van u nodig om te voldoen aan de lokale wetgeving. Is dit goed?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, neem foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nee, rond af"],"Try again?":[null,"Opnieuw proberen?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat we geen goede foto hebben."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Zullen we een nieuwe foto maken?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, probeer opnieuw"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nee, stuur coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nee, annuleer"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Kijk in de camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We hebben geen goede foto van u."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Kijk in de camera boven het scherm."],"We dispensed":[null,"We hebben uitgegeven"],"You sent us":[null,"U heeft ons gestuurd"],"See you!":[null,"Tot ziens!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Tijdelijk limiet bereikt"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Excuses. We hebben het verplichte per gebruiker limiet bereikt."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Excuses"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We konden uw identiteitskaart niet lezen."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Wellicht wilt u het nog een keer proberen."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuleren"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verificatie"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Als u een groter aankoop wilt doen, moeten we zeker wie u bent door het scannen van uw ID kaart of paspoort."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Wilt u nog meer biljetten invoeren?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, controleer ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet succesvol gevalideerd!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Breng een bankbriefje in"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Voer uw eerste biljet in het apparaat in."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Uw coins worden verzonden naar:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Breng nog een bankbriefje in"],"deposited so far":[null,"tot nu toe gestort"],"total purchased":[null,"totaal gekocht"],"OR":[null,"OF"],"Finished?":[null,"Klaar?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Ongeldig adres"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat u een wallet gebruikt voor een andere coin of een adres dat we nog niet ondersteunen."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Controleer uw QR code en probeer opnieuw."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Onze coin voorraad is helemaal op!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Probeer later opnieuw."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oeps, dit werkt niet"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"U heeft het maximale aantal pogingen bereikt. Neem contact op met de operator, of probeer later opnieuw."],"More, please":[null,"Meer, Alstublieft"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We hebben geen geld meer!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Cryptos ontvangen!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Machtigen..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Wilt u opnieuw proberen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Het document dat u heeft getoond komt niet overeen."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanfout"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We konden uw paper wallet niet goed scannen. Zorg ervoor dat u het goed positioneert op de scanner en dat het goed geprint is."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Print het opnieuw als dit probleem zich blijft voordoen."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan opnieuw"],"Print again":[null,"Print opnieuw"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printen is mislukt"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat er een probleem was tijdens het printen van uw wallet. Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie of probeer het opnieuw te printen."],"Back to Home":[null,"Terug naar het Begin"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Om te valideren, toon de voorkant van uw paper wallet voor het scanraam."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"BELANGRIJK: Deze paper wallet bevat uw crypto. Toon deze code aan niemand en raak het niet kwijt!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefoonnummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in zodat wij een SMS kunnen sturen zodra de transactie bevestigd is."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Voer het mobiele nummer in dat u heeft gebruikt tijdens de transactie."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in om uw ID te verifiëren."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Toon uw QR code voor het scanraam om door te gaan."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bevestig uw identiteit"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"We zijn verplicht om uw identiteit te controleren voordat we verder gaan."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Beveiligingscode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We hebben u een beveiligingscode gestuurd. U kunt het hier invoeren zodra u het ontvangen heeft."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Onze coin voorraad is helemaal op!"],"Send coins":[null,"Verstuur coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Uw coins aan het versturen..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Als u een grotere aankoop wilt doen dan willen wij graag uw mobiele nummer, vervolgens zullen we een SMS sturen."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Verdacht adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Dit adres kan geassocieerd zijn met een misleidend aanbod of van een verboden groep. Verzeker u ervan dat u een adres gebruikt van uw eigen wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Aan het opstarten..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Hardware aan het initialiseren."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialiseren..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Cryptografische identiteit aan het genereren."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Bezig met verbinden..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Aan het koppelen..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Koppel met externe server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Koppelen mislukt"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"We kregen een fout tijdens het koppelen:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Scan de QR koppel code die u kreeg van uw externe server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Onderhoud Vereist"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Gelieve de eigenaar te contacteren."],"I agree":[null,"I ga akkoord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We gaan er naar kijken"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We hebben uw order, maar we hebben uw stortingstransactie nog niet gezien. Controleer of uw wallet de coins heeft verstuurd."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker bent dat uw coins verstuurd zijn neem dan contact op met de operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oeps!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Er zijn wat problemen."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw bon."],"Show receipt":[null,"Toon bon"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We zijn aan het wachten totdat uw storting op de blockchain is bevestigd. U zult spoedig een SMS ontvangen waarin uw transactie bevestigd zal worden."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wanneer dit gebeurd, komt dan terug naar dit apparaat en druk op de Verzilver knop."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We kunnen uw transactie niet verwerken."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Het is een probleem aan onze kant."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een fout ervaren."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Probeer het opnieuw of neem contact op met de operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Uw Bon"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in afwachting van bevestiging"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn verzonden naar:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Deze machine ondersteund niet de valuta die u heeft aangevraagd."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Neem het geld op bij een machine die uw valuta ondersteund."],"Network Down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Kom later terug."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"De code die u hebt ingevoerd komt niet overeen."],"Almost there":[null,"Bijna klaar"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We zien je transactie maar we wachten nog steeds op een bevestiging. Dit kan gemiddeld 10 minuten duren, maar kan ook één of twee uur of langer duren."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We zien geen enkele transactie die is gekoppeld aan uw telefoon. Als u een ander nummer heeft gebruikt dan kunt u het opnieuw proberen met dat nummer."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker weet dat u een transactie gekoppeld heeft aan dit dit telefoonnummer, neem dan contact op met de operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Dit apparaat is vergrendeld"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Gelieve hulp te zoeken."],"What next?":[null,"Wat nu?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We konden uw telefoonnummer niet controleren, als gevolg kunnen wij waarschijnlijk geen contact met u opnemen zodra uw geld klaar is om op te halen."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw digitale bon op het volgende scherm en neem dan contact op met de operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Het WiFi kon niet verbinden..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Probeer het wachtwoord opnieuw."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een identificatie probleem ontdekt."],"Please contact support":[null,"Contacteer support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Om uw transactie te verwerken, moeten we wat informatie over uw account nader toelichten"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Identiteit verifiëren..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Dit kan enkele seconden duren."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Fotokaart verifiëren..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Foto verifiëren..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Kies een WiFi netwerk"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Enkel beveiligde netwerken worden getoond."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Of verbindt Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Een bedraad netwerk heeft de voorkeur i.v.m. de stabiliteit."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi wachtwoord"],"Connect":[null,"Verbinding maken met"],"We got this":[null,"Komt goed"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Dit kan even duren."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbonden. Wachten op de index."],"More":[null,"Meer"],"Less":[null,"Minder"],"Buy %s":[null,"Koop %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Verkoop %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"verder"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Kom terug in %s uur"],"for %s":[null,"voor %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"U maakt een verbinding met het WiFi netwerk %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transactie Vergoeding: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"U heeft gestort %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"U heeft een %s bankbriefje ingebracht"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"We hebben een beetje weinig crypto."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Gelieve %s of minder in te brengen."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Eerste minimale biljet is %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Verwerken %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt"],"Error in validation":[null,"Fout in validatie"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"U heeft uw transactie limiet bereikt door lokale regulatie. Neem contact met ons op als u uw limiet wilt verhogen."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Scan the QR code om uw %s te sturen."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Heeft u de %s al gestuurd?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Ongeldig %s adres"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt, betaal uit"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"U gaat %s %s overmaken"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"nl-BE"}},"sk-SK":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresa už bola použitá"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Zdá sa, že túto adresu ste už použili."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"V záujme ochrany súkromia a bezpečnosti pred podvodmi prosím vygenerujte vo Vašej peňaženke novú adresu, a použite tú."],"Start over":[null,"Začať znova"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Ste si istý?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Ak ste už poslali coiny a nepotvrdili Vaše telefónne číslo, budete musieť doriešiť túto transakciu manuálne s prevádzkovateľom."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Stlačte 'Pokračovat v transakcii' a počkajte 60 sekúnd, aby bol Váš vklad zaregistrovaný."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Alebo stlačte 'Zrušiť transakciu' pre návrat na úvodnú obrazovku."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Pokračovať v transakcii"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Zrušiť transakciu"],"Try again":[null,"Skúsiť znova"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Zadané telefónne číslo nefungovalo. Ak máte medzinárodné číslo, uveďte prosím predvoľbu s + a kódom krajiny."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Napríklad Česko kód + 420, takže české číslo bude vyzerať napr. takto: +420 608 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Zadaný kód je nesprávny."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Prosím, uistite sa, že zadávate šesť ciferný kód, ktorý ste dostali od nás."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Chvíľku strpenia..."],"Languages":[null,"Jazyky"],"Redeem":[null,"Výber"],"How much?":[null,"Koľko?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Máte promo kód?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Vyplatiť"],"Clear":[null,"Vymazať"],"Thank you!":[null,"Ďakujeme!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Nakúpili ste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vaše coiny sú na ceste do:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Odfoťte obrazovku s elektronickým potvrdením"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Ťuknite na obrazovku, keď budete hotový."],"Network down":[null,"Sieť nedostupná"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Odoslať"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Zatiaľ nič."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Žiadne coiny neprichádzajú."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Áno"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nie"],"Send Coins":[null,"Zaslať coiny"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Vám bude vydaných."],"You will send us":[null,"Pošlete nám"],"to:":[null,"na:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Výdaj..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Počkajte, kým vydáme Vašu hotovosť."],"All set":[null,"Hotovo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Prosím, odoberte hotovosť."],"Collect bills":[null,"Odoberte bankovky"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Odoberte hotovosť, aby sme mohli pokračovať vo výdaji."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Pozrite sa na bodku"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Toto by malo trvať len sekundu."],"May we?":[null,"Smieme?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Aby sme mohli pokračovať v transakcii, potrebujeme v súlade s miestnou legislatívou urobiť Vašu fotku. Je to v poriadku?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Áno, urobte fotku"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nie, ukončiť"],"Try again?":[null,"Skúsiť znova?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Zdá sa, že sa nám nepodarilo spraviť dobrý záber."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Skúsime ďalšiu fotku?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Áno, skúsiť znova"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nie, pošlite coiny"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nie, zrušiť"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Pozrite sa do kamery"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nepodarilo sa nám urobiť dobrú fotku Vašej tváre."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Prosím, pozrite sa do kamery umiestnenej nad obrazovkou."],"We dispensed":[null,"Vydali sme"],"You sent us":[null,"Poslali ste nám"],"See you!":[null,"Dovidenia!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Dočasný limit dosiahnutý"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Prepáčte. Dosiahli sme povolený limit na používateľa."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Prepáčte"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Nepodarilo sa načítať Váš identifikačný doklad."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Možno to budete chcieť skúsiť znova."],"Cancel":[null,"Zrušiť"],"ID verification":[null,"Overenie identity"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Ak by ste chceli spraviť väčší nákup, musíme sa uistiť, že Vy ste Vy, a preto Vás požiadame, aby ste oskenovali svoj občiansky preukaz."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Chcete vložiť viac bankoviek?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Áno, overte identifikáciu"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Peňaženka úspešne overená!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Vložte bankovku"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Prosím, vložte prvú bankovku do automatu."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vaše coiny budú zaslané na:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Vložte ďalšiu bankovku"],"deposited so far":[null,"doteraz vložených"],"total purchased":[null,"spolu nakúpených"],"OR":[null,"ALEBO"],"Finished?":[null,"Hotovo?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Zadajte Váš promo kód"],"Invalid address":[null,"Neplatná adresa"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Zdá sa, že používate peňaženku pre inú kryptomenu alebo formát adresy, ktorý ešte nepodporujeme."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Prosím, skontrolujte Váš QR kód a skúste znova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Coiny sa nám minuli!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Prosím, skúste neskôr."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Jejda, toto nefunguje"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Dosiahli ste maximum opravných pokusov. Prosím, kontaktujte prevádzkovateľa, aby to vyriešil, alebo skúste znova neskôr."],"More, please":[null,"Viac, prosím"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Hotovosť sa nám minula!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Prostriedky prijaté!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Prebieha autorizácia..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Skúsiť znova?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Dokument, ktorý ste ukázali, nevyhovuje."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Chyba skenovania QR kódu"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nepodarilo sa nám dobre oskenovať Vašu papierovú peňaženku. Uistite sa, že je správne umiestnená skenovacom paneli, a že bola správne vytlačená."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Ak problém pretrvá, skúste ju vytlačiť znova."],"Scan again":[null,"Oskenovať znova"],"Print again":[null,"Vytlačiť znova"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Tlač zlyhala"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Zdá sa, že sa objavil problém pri tlači Vašej peňaženky. Prosím, kontaktujte prevádzkovateľa, alebo skúste tlačiť znova."],"Back to Home":[null,"Späť na úvod"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Pre overenie ukážte prosím Vašu peňaženku na skenovacie okienko."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"DÔLEŽITÉ: Tento papier obsahuje Vaše prostriedky. Po overení neukazujte tento kľúč nikomu a nestraťte ho!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo kód nebol nájdený"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Prepáčte! Taký promo kód sa nám nepodarilo nájsť."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Môžte skúsiť iný kód alebo pokračovať vo Vašej transakcii."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Ak ste si istý správnosťou kódu, kontaktujte prosím prevádzkovateľa."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Zadať iný kód"],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefónne číslo"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Zadajte svoje mobilné číslo. Keď bude Vaša objednávka potvrdená, pošleme Vám SMS."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Zadajte mobilné číslo, ktoré ste použili pri Vašej objednávke."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Zadajte Vaše telefónne číslo pre overenie identifikácie."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Pre pokračovanie priložte Váš QR kód ku skenovaciemu okienku."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Overte Vašu identitu"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Pre pokračovanie sme nútení overiť Vašu identitu."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Prosím, pritlačte zadnú stranu Vášho vodičského oprávnenia na skenovacie okienko."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Prosím, pritlačte prednú stranu Vášho občianskeho preukazu na skenovacie okienko, držte ho tam, a potom stlačte \"Pripravené na skenovanie\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pripravené na skenovanie"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Prosím, pritlačte prednú stranu Vášho občianskeho preukazu na skenovacie okienko."],"Security Code":[null,"Bezpečnostný kód"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Poslali sme Vám bezpečnostný kód. Keď ho dostanete, zadajte ho sem."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Coiny sa nám minuli!"],"Send coins":[null,"Poslať coiny"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Posielame Vaše coiny..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Ak chcete urobiť väčší nákup, budeme Vás musieť požiadať o Vaše číslo mobilného telefónu. Potom Vám pošleme SMS kód."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Podozrivá adresa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Táto adresa môže byť spájaná so zavádzajúcou ponukou alebo zakázanou skupinou. 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Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Máme Vašu objednávku, ale nezaznamenali sme Vašu vkladovú transakciu. Skontrolujte, či Vaša peňaženka poslala coiny pre Vašu transakciu."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Ak ste si istý, že Vaše coiny boli poslané, kontaktujte prosím prevádzkovateľa."],"Oops!":[null,"Hoplá!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Vyskytli sa určité ťažkosti."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Ďalšie informácie vám poskytne prevádzkovateľ."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Prosím urobte fotografiu potvrdenia transakcie."],"Show receipt":[null,"Zobraziť potvrdenie"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Čakáme na potvrdenie Vášho vkladu na blockchaine. Za chvíľu dostanete SMS s oznámením, že Vaša transakcia bola potvrdená."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Keď sa tak stane, príďte prosím späť k tomuto automatu a stlačte tlačidlo Výber."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Nie sme schopní sracovať vašu transakciu."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"To my, nie Vy."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Náš systém zaznamenal chybu."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Neváhajte to skústiť znova, alebo kontaktujte operátora."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Vaše potvrdenie"],"pending confirmation":[null,"čakajúce na potvrdenie"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vaše coiny boli zaslané na:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Tento automat nepracuje s požadovanou menou."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Hotovosť preberte v automate, ktorý pracuje s Vašou menou."],"Network Down":[null,"Sieť nedostupná"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Prepáčte, práve sme mimo prevádzky."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Prosím, príďte neskôr."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Zadaný kód je neplatný."],"Almost there":[null,"Skoro hotovo"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vidíme Vašu transakciu, ale stále čakáme na jej potvrdenie. Toto trvá v priemere 10 minút, ale môže to trvať aj hodinu alebo dve."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Keď dostanete našu SMS správu, príďte prosím späť pre Vašu hotovosť a stlačte Výber."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nevidíme žiadne otvorené objednávky priradené Vášmu telefónu. 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Čakanie na údaje z burzy."],"More":[null,"Viac"],"Less":[null,"Menej"],"Buy %s":[null,"Kúpiť %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Predať %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VIAC"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Prosím, vráťte sa o %s týždňov"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Prosím, vráťte sa o %s dní a %s hodín"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Prosím, vráťte sa o %s hodín"],"for %s":[null,"pre %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Pripájate sa k WiFi sieti %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transakčný poplatok: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Vložili ste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vložili ste %s bankovku"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Bol dosiahnutý limit transakcie."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Kryptomena nám dochádza."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Prosím, vložte %s alebo menej."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimálna prvá bankovka je %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Spracovanie %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Bol dosiahnutý limit transakcie"],"Error in validation":[null,"Chyba pri overení"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Podľa miestnej legislatívy ste dosiahli limit na transakciu. Prosím, kontaktujte nás, ak si želáte, aby sme zvýšili Váš limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Oskenujte Vašu %s adresu"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Prosím oskenujte QR kód a pošlite nám Vaše %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Poslali ste už %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Oskenujte svoju %s adresu"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Neplatná %s adresa"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Bol dosiahnutý limit transakcie. Vyberte prosím hotovosť."],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Budete posielať %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"sk-SK"}},"ko-KR":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,"감사합니다!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,""],"No, cancel":[null,""],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,""],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"금액을 집어넣습니다"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,"추가로 지폐를 더 넣습니다"],"deposited so far":[null,"입금된 금액"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"또는"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,""],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"관계자에게 문의 하시길 바랍니다."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,""],"It's us, not you.":[null,""],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,""],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,""],"Your Receipt":[null,""],"pending confirmation":[null,""],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,""],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,""],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,""],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,""],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"도움을 요청 하시기 바랍니다."],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"보안된 네트워크만 보여집니다."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi 비밀번호 "],"Connect":[null,"연결"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"시간이 약간 걸립니다"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ko-KR"}},"es-ES":{"Address already used":[null,"La dirección ya ha sido utilizada"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que ya has usado esta dirección."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para su privacidad y seguridad contra estafas, genere una dirección nueva desde su monedero y escanee esa."],"Start over":[null,"Comenzar de nuevo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"¿Está seguro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si ya ha enviado monedas y cancela sin confirmar su número de teléfono, deberá liquidar manualmente la transacción con el operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presione 'Continuar transacción' y espere hasta 60 segundos para que se vea su depósito."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"O presione 'Cancelar transacción' para volver a la pantalla de inicio."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transacción"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transacción"],"Try again":[null,"Inténtelo de nuevo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono que ingresó no funcionó. Si tiene un número internacional, coloque el prefijo + y el código de su país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo, el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, por lo que un número belga se vería así: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código que ha introducido es incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Asegúrese de ingresar el código de seis dígitos que le hemos enviado."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"La opción de compra no está disponible en este momento"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Disculpenos, la opción de compra está temporalmente deshabilitada"],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Por favor contacte al operador o vuela a intentar en un rato"],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Retirar"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ha comprado"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sus monedas están en camino a la siguiente dirección: "],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Envíar recibo por SMS"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"¿Desea continuar?"],"Yes":[null,"Sí"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aún no hemos recibido las monedas."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lo hice"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, no lo hice"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retire su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mire al punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos permite?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Para continuar con esta transacción, necesitamos tomarle una foto para cumplir con las leyes locales. ¿Está de acuerdo?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, de acuerdo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finalizar"],"Try again?":[null,"¿Inténtalo de nuevo?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que no obtuvimos una buena foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"¿Intentamos otra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Sí, intentar de nuevo"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, enviar monedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Mire a la cámara"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"La foto de usted no ha salido bién."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor, mire a la cámara situada en la pantalla."],"We dispensed":[null,"Entregado"],"You sent us":[null,"Usted lo envió"],"See you!":[null,"¡Hasta pronto!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Límite temporal alcanzado"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. Hemos alcanzado nuestro límite obligatorio por usuario."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Lo siento"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No pudimos leer su DNI."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Podría intentarlo de nuevo."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificación de identidad"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra más grande, necesitaremos verificar su identidad escaneando su identificación."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Desea introducir más billetes?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sí, verificar ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"¡Billetera validada con éxito!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserte un billete"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor inserte su primer billete en la máquina"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Sus monedas serán enviadas a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserte otro billete"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado hasta este momento"],"total purchased":[null,"total comprado"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"¿Ha terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escriba su código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"La dirección es inválida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que estás usando una billetera para una moneda diferente o un formato de dirección que aún no admitimos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor, verifique su codigo QR e intentelo de nuevo."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nos hemos quedado sin monedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor, intentelo mas tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ups, esto no está funcionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"No te preocupes"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Sus fondos están a salvo, pero presentamos un inconveniente al enviarlos"],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Por favor tome una foto de esta pantalla y contacte al operador para completar la orden."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Su dirección de depósito:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente su billetera de papel. Asegúrase de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intente imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"La impresión ha fallido"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu billetera. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de su billetera de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie ni la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"\n"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Para continuar, verifique su teléfono"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Sí, verificar teléfono"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Escanear código QR"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ningún pedido abierto asociado con tu teléfono. Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indicó un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. 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Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya enviaste el %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s inválida"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Estarás enviando %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Descuento agregado (%s menos de comisión)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-ES"}},"ky-KG":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"重试次数已达上限,请联系服务人员,或稍后再试"],"More, please":[null,"数额不够"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"现金已发送完了!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"收到虚拟币!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"授权中..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"再试一次?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"与您出示的文件不匹配。"],"QR scanning error":[null,"二维码扫描错误"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,""],"It's us, not you.":[null,""],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,""],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,""],"Your Receipt":[null,""],"pending confirmation":[null,""],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,""],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,""],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,""],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,""],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,""],"Connect":[null,""],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,""],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"nb-NO"}},"es-CO":{"Address already used":[null,"La dirección ya ha sido utilizada"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que ya has usado esta dirección."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para su privacidad y seguridad contra estafas, genere una dirección nueva desde su monedero y escanee esa."],"Start over":[null,"Comenzar de nuevo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"¿Está seguro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si ya ha enviado monedas y cancela sin confirmar su número de teléfono, deberá liquidar manualmente la transacción con el operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presione 'Continuar transacción' y espere hasta 60 segundos para que se vea su depósito."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"O presione 'Cancelar transacción' para volver a la pantalla de inicio."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transacción"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transacción"],"Try again":[null,"Inténtelo de nuevo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono que ingresó no funcionó. Si tiene un número internacional, coloque el prefijo + y el código de su país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo, el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, por lo que un número belga se vería así: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código que ha introducido es incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Asegúrese de ingresar el código de seis dígitos que le hemos enviado."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"La opción de compra no está disponible en este momento"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Disculpenos, la opción de compra está temporalmente deshabilitada"],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Por favor contacte al operador o vuela a intentar en un rato"],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Retirar"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ha comprado"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sus monedas están en camino a la siguiente dirección: "],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Envíar recibo por SMS"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"¿Desea continuar?"],"Yes":[null,"Sí"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aún no hemos recibido las monedas."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lo hice"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, no lo hice"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retire su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mire al punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos permite?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Para continuar con esta transacción, necesitamos tomarle una foto para cumplir con las leyes locales. ¿Está de acuerdo?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, de acuerdo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finalizar"],"Try again?":[null,"¿Inténtalo de nuevo?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que no obtuvimos una buena foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"¿Intentamos otra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Sí, intentar de nuevo"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, enviar monedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Mire a la cámara"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"La foto de usted no ha salido bién."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor, mire a la cámara situada en la pantalla."],"We dispensed":[null,"Entregado"],"You sent us":[null,"Usted lo envió"],"See you!":[null,"¡Hasta pronto!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Límite temporal alcanzado"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. Hemos alcanzado nuestro límite obligatorio por usuario."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Lo siento"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No pudimos leer su DNI."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Podría intentarlo de nuevo."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificación de identidad"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra más grande, necesitaremos verificar su identidad escaneando su identificación."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Desea introducir más billetes?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sí, verificar ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"¡Billetera validada con éxito!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserte un billete"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor inserte su primer billete en la máquina"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Sus monedas serán enviadas a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserte otro billete"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado hasta este momento"],"total purchased":[null,"total comprado"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"¿Ha terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escriba su código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"La dirección es inválida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que estás usando una billetera para una moneda diferente o un formato de dirección que aún no admitimos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor, verifique su codigo QR e intentelo de nuevo."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nos hemos quedado sin monedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor, intentelo mas tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ups, esto no está funcionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"No te preocupes"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Sus fondos están a salvo, pero presentamos un inconveniente al enviarlos"],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Por favor tome una foto de esta pantalla y contacte al operador para completar la orden."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Su dirección de depósito:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente su billetera de papel. Asegúrase de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intente imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"La impresión ha fallido"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu billetera. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de su billetera de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie ni la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"\n"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Para continuar, verifique su teléfono"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Sí, verificar teléfono"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Escanear código QR"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Ups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos teniendo algunos problemas."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor, contacte al operador para más información. "],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, tome una foto de su recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar su transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no usted."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimentó un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmación pendiente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina no maneja la moneda que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira a una máquina que maneje tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código que ingresaste no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi ahi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ningún pedido abierto asociado con tu teléfono. Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indicó un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Você atingiu o número máximo de tentativas. Por favor contacte o operador para resolver isso, ou tente novamente mais tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Mais, por favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Estamos sem dinheiro!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Não se preocupe!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Os seus fundos estão seguros, mas tivemos um problema ao enviar as suas moedas."],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Por favor, tire uma foto a este ecrã e contacte o operador para finalizar o seu pedido."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Endereço de destinatário:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fundos Recebidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Quer tentar novamente?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"O documento que você mostrou não correspondeu."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erro de leitura do código QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. 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Entre em contato com o operador para obter mais informações ou tente imprimir novamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Voltar à tela inicial"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, por favor apresente a frente de sua carteira de papel no compartimento de digitalização."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este papel contém seus fundos. Depois de validada, não mostre esta chave a ninguém e não a perca!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional não encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Desculpe! Este não foi um código promocional que pudemos encontrar."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Você pode tentar um código diferente ou continuar com a sua transação."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Se você tiver certeza do código, por favor entre em contato com o operador para esclarecimentos."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Insira um código diferente"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de Celular"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Por favor introduza seu número de celular para que lhe possamos enviar um SMS quando seu pedido for confirmado."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Por favor, insira o número de celular que você usou quando você fez seu pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Por favor, digite seu número de celular para verificação de ID."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Segure o seu código QR na janela de digitalização para prosseguir."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Por favor verifique sua identidade"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para prosseguir, somos obrigados a verificar sua identidade."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor pressione o lado de trás do seu documento de identificação contra a janela de escaneamento."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Por favor, pressione a frente do seu cartão de identificação contra o compartimento de digitalização, segure-o lá e pressione \"Pronto para digitalizar\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pronto para escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor, pressione a frente do seu cartão de identificação contra o compartimento de digitalização."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Segurança"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Enviamos-lhe um código de segurança. Quando o receber, introduza-o aqui."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Estamos sem moedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar Moedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando suas moedas..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Verifique o número para continuar"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Se você pretender fazer uma compra maior, precisamos pedir seu número de celular. Em seguida enviaremos um código SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Sim, verificar número"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Endereço suspeito"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Este endereço pode estar associado a uma oferta enganosa ou grupo proibido. Por favor, se certifique de que você está usando um endereço da sua própria carteira."],"Booting up...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicializando o hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Subiremos dentro de momentos."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Gerando identidade criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor, aguarde alguns minutos."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparelhando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparelhar com servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparelhamento falhou"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Tentando emparelhar, experienciámos um erro:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Digitalizar código QR"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escaneie o código QR de emparelhamento que obteve do seu servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Manutenção Necessário"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor entre em contato com o operador."],"I agree":[null,"Eu aceito"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Desculpe, de momento estamos em baixo."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos olhando à procura"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Você receberá em breve um Sms avisando que sua transação se encontra confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quando isso acontecer, por favor volte a esta máquina e pressione o botão Redimir."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Somos incapazes de processar a sua transação."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nós, não você."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nosso sistema experienciou um erro."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor, sinta-se livre para tentar novamente, ou entre em contato com o operador."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Seu recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmação pendente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Suas moedas foram enviadas para:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina não opera a moeda que você solicitou."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor, levante seu dinheiro numa máquina que opere sua moeda."],"Network Down":[null,"Rede Desligada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Desculpe, de momento estamos em baixo."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor, volte mais tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"O código que introduziu não corresponde."],"Almost there":[null,"Quase lá"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Nós vemos sua transação, mas estamos esperando por confirmação. Isto leva em média 10 minutos, mas poderá demorar até uma hora ou duas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor, volte para retirar seu dinheiro e pressione Redimir quando receber nossa mensagem de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Não vemos qualquer pedido associado ao seu celular. Se tem outro celular que talvez tenha usado, pode tentar redimir novamente com esse número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se tiver a certeza que tem um pedido associado com este celular, por favor contacte o operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta Máquina está Bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor, peça ajuda."],"What next?":[null,"Que fazer agora?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Não conseguimos verificar seu número de celular, então poderemos não ser capazes de entrar em contacto consigo quando seu dinheiro estiver pronto."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor tire uma foto do próximo ecrã para obter seu recibo eletrónico, e então contacte o operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falha ao ligar WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Por favor, tente a senha novamente."],"US SSN required":[null,"Necessário US SSN"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para continuar, somos obrigados a pedir que você digite seu número de CPF"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Digitar número de CPF?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Sim, digitar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de CPF"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor digite o seu número de CPF."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"O nosso sistema indicou um problema de identificação."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor contacte o suporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para processar sua transação, precisamos esclarecer algumas informações sobre sua conta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando identidade..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Isto pode demorar alguns segundos."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando cartão com foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selecione uma rede Wi-Fi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Apenas redes seguras são mostradas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ou conecte um cabo de rede Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Uma conexão com cabo de rede é preferível para estabilidade."],"WiFi password":[null,"Senha da rede WIFI"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Nós damos conta"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Isto poderá demorar alguns minutos."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Devido aos regulamentos locais, você atingiu seu limite de transação. Entre em contato conosco se desejar aumentar seu limite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escaneie seu %s endereço"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Por favor escaneie o código QR para envair seus %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Já enviou os %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escaneie seu endereço %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Endereço %s inválido"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite de transação atingido, por favor, retire o dinheiro"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Voce enviará %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Desconto adicionado (%s das comissões)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ocorreu um erro, tente novamente."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"pt-BR"}},"kk-KZ":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,""],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,""],"No, cancel":[null,""],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,""],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,""],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. 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This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,""],"Connect":[null,""],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,""],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"kk-KZ"}},"bg-BG":{"Address already used":[null,"Адресът вече е бил използван"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Изглежда вече сте използвали този адрес."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"За по-голяма сигурност и защита на личните данни, моля създайте нов адрес във вашия портфейл и го сканирайте."],"Start over":[null,"Започни отначало"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Сигурни ли сте?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Ако вече сте изпратили криптовалута и откажете без да потвърдите вашия телефонен номер, ще трябва лично да уредите сделката с оператора."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Натиснете \"Продължи трансакцията\" и изчакайте до 60 секунди да се регистрира Вашия превод."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Или натиснете \"Откажи трансакцията\", за да се върнете към началния екран."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Продължи трансакцията"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Откажи трансакцията"],"Try again":[null,"Опитай отново"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Въведеният телефонен номер е невалиден. Ако имате международен номер, моля добавете пред него + и кода на вашата държава."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Например, международният телефонен код на Белгия е +32 и белгийски номер би изглеждал така: + 32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Въведеният код е неправилен."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Моля уверете се че въвеждате шестцифрения код, който получихте от нас."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,"Въвежданито на банкноти е временно недостъпно"],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Опцията за купуване е временно недостъпна. Моля да ни извините."],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Моля, свържете се с оператора за съдействие или опитайте пак по-късно."],"One moment...":[null,"Един момент..."],"Languages":[null,"Езици"],"Redeem":[null,"Изплащане"],"How much?":[null,"Каква сума?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Имате промо код?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Изплащане"],"Clear":[null,"Изчисти"],"Thank you!":[null,"Благодарим!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Вие купихте"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Вашата криптовалута се превежда на:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Принтиране на бележка"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Изпращане на бележка по SMS"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Направете снимка на този екран за вашата електронна разписка"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Натиснете някъде върху екрана, когато сте готови."],"Network down":[null,"Няма връзка с мрежата"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"Искате ли да продължите?"],"Yes":[null,"Да"],"No":[null,"Не"],"Submit":[null,"Изпращане"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Все още нищо."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Не регистрираме изпратена криптивалута."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Да, пратил съм"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Не, още не съм"],"Send Coins":[null,"Изпратете криптовалута"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ще Ви бъдат предоставени."],"You will send us":[null,"Ще ни изпратите"],"to:":[null,"на:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Предоставяне..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Моля, изчакайте докато отброяваме вашите банкноти."],"All set":[null,"Всичко е приключено"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Моля, вземете вашите банкноти от устройството."],"Collect bills":[null,"Вземете банкнотите"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"За да продължим с изплащането, моля приберете банкнотите от устройството."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Погледнете към точката"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Ще отнеме само секунда."],"May we?":[null,"Разрешавате ли?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"За да продължим с тази трансакция, според изискванията на закона, трябва да ви снимаме. Разрешавате ли?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Да, снимайте"],"No, finish up":[null,"Не, отказвам"],"Try again?":[null,"Да опитаме отново?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Изглежда снимката е с лошо качество."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Да опитаме ли нова снимка?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Да, опитайте отново"],"No, send coins":[null,"Не, изпрати криптовалута"],"No, cancel":[null,"Не, откажи"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Погледнете към камерата"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Не се получи добра снимка."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Моля погледнете към камерата над екрана."],"We dispensed":[null,"Ние изплатихме"],"You sent us":[null,"Изпратихте ни"],"See you!":[null,"Довиждане!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Достигнат е временен лимит"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Извиняваме се. Достигнат е дневният лимит за потребител."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Съжаляваме"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Не успяхме да прочетем вашата лична карта."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Може би желаете да опитате отново."],"Cancel":[null,"Отказ"],"ID verification":[null,"Проверка на самоличност"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Ако желаете да направите по-голяма покупка, трябва да проверим вашата самоличност чрез сканиране на личната ви карта."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Желаете ли да вкарате още банкноти?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Да, провери самоличност"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Портфейлът е успешно валидиран!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Вкарайте банкнота"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Моля вкарайте първата банкнота в машината."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Вашата криптовалута ще бъде изпратена на:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Вкарайте друга банкнота"],"deposited so far":[null,"вкарани досега"],"total purchased":[null,"общо закупени"],"OR":[null,"ИЛИ"],"Finished?":[null,"Приключихте ли?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Впишете Вашия промо код"],"Invalid address":[null,"Невалиден адрес"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Изглежда използвате портфейл за друга криптовалута или формат на адрес, който все още не поддържаме."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Моля, проверете вашия QR код и опитайте отново."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Няма наличност на криптовалута!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Моля, опитайте отново по-късно."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Не се получава"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Направихте максимално разрешения брой опити. Моля, свържете се с оператора за указания или опитайте отново по-късно."],"More, please":[null,"Повече, моля"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Няма наличност на банкноти!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"Не се тревожете!"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Вашите средства са в безопасност, но срещнахме проблем с изпращането им."],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Моля, направете снимка на този екран и се свържете с оператора, за да завърши поръчката Ви."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Адрес за получаване:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Сумата е получена!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Одобряване..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Желаете ли да опитате отново?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Има несъответствие на показания документ."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Грешка при сканиране на QR кода"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Не успяхме да сканираме хартиения ви портфейл. Уверете се, че е правилно разпечатан и е правилно поставен пред сканиращия прозорец."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Ако проблемът продължава, опитайте нова разпечатка."],"Scan again":[null,"Сканирай отново"],"Print again":[null,"Разпечатай отново"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Разпечатването е неуспешно"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Има проблем при разпечатването на вашия портфейл. Моля, свържете се с оператора за информация или опитайте нова разпечатка."],"Back to Home":[null,"Обратно към началния екран"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"За валидиране, моля поставете лицевата страна на вашия хартиен портфейл върху сканиращия прозорец."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"ВАЖНО! Тази бележка съхранява вашите пари. След удостоверяването, не я показвайте на никого и не я губете!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Невалиден промо код"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Този код не е валиден."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Моля, опитайте друг промо код или продължете транзакзията стандартно."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Ако сте сигурни, че промо кодът Ви е валиден, свържете се с оператора за пояснение."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Въведете друг код"],"Phone Number":[null,"Телефонен номер"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Моля, въведете номера на мобилния си телефон за да изпратим съобщение, когато поръчката ви е потвърдена."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Моля, въведете номера на мобилния си телефон, който сте използвали при задаване на поръчката."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Моля, въведете номер на мобилен телефон за проверка на самоличност."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Поставете вашия QR код срещу прозореца за сканиране."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"удостоверете самоличност"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"За да продължим, сме длъжни да проверим Вашата самоличност."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Моля, поставете гъбра на шофорската си книжка върху прозореца за сканиране."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Моля, поставете и задръжте предната част на личната си карта върхе прозореца за сканиране и натиснете бутона \"Сканиране\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Сканиране"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Моля, поставете предната част на личната си карта върхе прозореца за сканиране."],"Security Code":[null,"Код за сигурност"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Изпратихме текстово съобщение с код за сигурност. Въведете го тук, когато го получите."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Няма наличност на криптовалута!"],"Send coins":[null,"Изпрати"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Изпращаме вашата криптовалута..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Потвърдете телефонен номер."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Ако желаете да направите по-голяма покупка, ще трябва да поискаме вашия мобилен телефонен номер. След това ще ви изпратим SMS код."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Да, потвърди номер"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Съмнителен адрес"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Този адрес може да е свързан с измама или незаконна групировка. 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Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Поръчката ви е регистрирана, но все още не сме получили вашата трансакция. Моля, проверете дали портфейлът ви е изпратил трансакцията."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Ако сте сигурни, че криптовалутата ви е изпратена, моля, свържете се с оператора."],"Oops!":[null,"Грешка!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Изпитваме временно затруднение."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Моля, свържете се с оператора за допълнителна информация."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Моля, направете снимка на вашата разписка."],"Show receipt":[null,"Покажи разписката"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Очакваме потвърждение на вашата трансакция в блокчейна. Ще получите текстово съобщение, когато тя бъде потвърдена."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Когато това се случи, моля върнете се при машината и натиснете бутона за изплащане."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Не можем да обработим вашата трансакция."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Причината е при нас, не при вас."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"В системата ни има грешка."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Моля, не се колебайте да опитате отново или се свържете с оператора."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Вашата разписка"],"pending confirmation":[null,"очаква се потвърждение"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Вашата криптовалута е изпратена на:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Тази машина не поддържа валутата, която поискахте."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Моля, изтеглете банкноти от машина, която поддържа вашата валута."],"Network Down":[null,"Няма връзка"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Съжаляваме, услугата е временно недостъпна."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Моля, елате по-късно."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Въведеният код не съвпада."],"Almost there":[null,"Почти приключихме"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Виждаме вашата трансакция, но все още чакаме потвърждение. Това отнема около 10 минути, но понякога може да отнеме до няколко часа."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Моля, върнете се, след като получите SMS то нас и изберете бутона Изплащане."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Не виждаме неприключени поръчки свързани с вашия телефон. 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"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"ან დააჭირეთ \"ტრანზაქციის გაუქმება\"-ს, თუ გსურთ მთავარ მენიუში დაბრუნება."],"Continue transaction":[null,"გაგრძელება"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"გაუქმება"],"Try again":[null,"ახლიდან"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null," ტელეფონის ნომერი არასწორია. საერთაშორისო ნომრის შემთხვევაში აკრიფეთ + და ქვეყნის კოდი."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"მაგ: ბელგიის სატელეფონო კოდია +32. ბელგიური ნომერი ჩაიწერება ასე: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"შეყვანილი კოდი არასწორია."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"დარწმუნდით, რომ შეგყავთ ჩვენ მიერ გამოგზავნილი ექვსნიშნა კოდი."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. 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Is this ok?":[null,"ტრანზაქციის გასაგრძელებლად თქვენთვის ფოტოს გადაღებაა საჭირო. შეიძლება გადავიღოთ ფოტო?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"დიახ"],"No, finish up":[null,"არა"],"Try again?":[null,"კიდევ ვცადოთ?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"კარგი კადრი არ გამოვიდა."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"კიდევ ვცადოთ?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"დიახ"],"No, send coins":[null,"არა, გააგზავნეთ ქოინები"],"No, cancel":[null,"არა, გააუქმეთ"],"Look into the camera":[null,"შეხედეთ კამერას"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"კარგი კადრი არ გამოვიდა."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"შეხედეთ კამერას ეკრანის ზედა ნაწილში."],"We dispensed":[null,"გაცემულია"],"You sent us":[null,"მიღებულია"],"See you!":[null,"გმადლობ!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"დროებითი ლიმიტი მიღწეულია"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"ერთი მომხმარებლისთვის დაწესებული ლიმიტი მიღწეულია. "],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"ბოდიში"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"ID ბარათის წაკითხვა ვერ განხორციელდა."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"გსურთ, სცადოთ ხელმეორედ?"],"Cancel":[null,"გაუქმება"],"ID verification":[null,"ID ვერიფიკაცია"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"თუ უფრო დიდ თანხაზე გსურთ ტრანზაქციის განხორციელება, თქვენი იდენტობა ID-ის დასკანერებით უნდა დაადასტუროთ. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"ხელმეორედ ცდა შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ, დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს ან სცადეთ მოგვიანებით. "],"More, please":[null,"მაღალი კუპიურა"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"განაღდება შეუძლებელია"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"ქოინები მიღებულია"],"Authorizing...":[null,"ავტორიზაცია..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"კიდევ ცდით?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"წარმოდგენილი დოკუმენტები არ ემთხვევა ერთმანეთს."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR კოდის დასკანერების პრობლემა"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"ქაღალდის საფულის დასკანერება ვერ განხორციელდა. დარწმუნდით, რომ QR კოდი სწორად გიკავიათ სკანერთან და რომ ის კარგად არის დაბეჭდილი."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"პრობლემის განმეორების შემთხვევაში სცადეთ ახალი მისამართის დაბეჭდვა."],"Scan again":[null,"დასკანერება"],"Print again":[null,"ახლის ბეჭდვა"],"Printing Failed":[null,"პრინტერის ხარვეზი"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"მისამართის ბეჭდვისას დაფიქსირდა ხარვეზი. დაუკავშირთით ოპერატორს ან სცადეთ მოგვიანებით. "],"Back to Home":[null,"მენიუში დაბრუნება"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"ქაღალდის საფულის წინა მხარე მოათავსეთ სკანერთან."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"გაითვალისწინეთ: ქაღალდის საფულეზე ინახება თანხა. უსაფრთხოებისთვის, არ გაუზიაროთ იგი სხვა პირებს. "],"Promo code not found":[null,"პრომო კოდი ვერ მოიძებნა"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"მითითებული პრომო კოდი ვერ მოიძებნა."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"სცადეთ სხვა კოდი/დაუბრუნდით დაწყებულ ტრანზაქციას გასაგრძელებლად."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"თუ სწორი პრომო კოდი შეგყავთ, დახმარებისთვის დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს."],"Enter a different code":[null,"სხვა პრომო კოდი"],"Phone Number":[null,"მობილურის ნომერი"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"შეიყვანეთ თქვენი მობილურის ნომერი, სადაც მიიღებთ შეტყობინებას თქვენი ტრანზაქციის დასრულების შესახებ."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"შეიყვანეთ მობილურის ნომერი, რომელიც გამოიყენეთ ტრანზაქციის დაწყებისას."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"ID ვერიფიკაციისთვის შეიყვანეთ თქვენი მობილურის ნომერი."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"QR კოდი დაიკავეთ სკანერთან ახლოს. "],"Please verify your identity":[null,"იდენტობის ვერიფიკაცია"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"ოპერაციის გასაგრძელებლად საჭიროა იდენტობის ვერიფიკაცია."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"მართვის მოწმობის უკანა გვერდი დააფიქსირეთ სკანერთან."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"პირადობის მოწმობის წინა გვერდი დააფიქსირეთ სკანერთან და დააჭირეთ \"დასკანერება\"-ს."],"Ready to scan":[null,"დასკანერება"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"დაიკავეთ თქვენი პირადობის მოწმობის წინა გვერდი სკანერთან."],"Security Code":[null,"უსაფრთხოების კოდი"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"უსაფრთხოების კოდი გამოგზავნილია. SMS-ის მიღებისთანავე შეიყვანეთ აქ. "],"We're out of coins!":[null,"კრიპტო ბალანსი ამოწურულია"],"Send coins":[null,"გაგზავნა"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"იგზავნება..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"უფრო მაღალ თანხაზე ტრანზაქციის შესასრულებლად საჭიროა თქვენი მობილურის ნომრის მითითება, სადაც გამოიგზავნება SMS კოდი."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"საეჭვო მისამართი"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"მოცემული მისამართი აკრძალული მისამართების სიას შეიძლება განეკუთვნებოდეს. დარწმუნდით, რომ იყენებთ თქვენი საფულის მისამართს. "],"Booting up...":[null,"იტვირთება..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"იტვირთება პროგრამა."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"იტვირთება"],"Initializing...":[null,"ინიციალიზაცია..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"კრიპტოგრაფიული იდენტობის გენერალიზაცია."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"გთხოვთ, მოიცადეთ."],"Connecting...":[null,"დაკავშირება..."],"Pairing...":[null,"დაფეარება..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"დისტანციურ სერვერთან დაფეარება"],"Scan":[null,"დასკანერება"],"Pairing failed":[null,"დაფეარება ვერ მოხერხდა"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"დაასკანერეთ თქვენი სერვერის QR კოდი."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"საჭიროა ტექნიკური ჯგუფის დახმარება "],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"გთხოვთ, დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს."],"I agree":[null,"ვეთანხმები"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"კრიპტომატი დროებით ხელმიუწვდომელია"],"We're taking a look":[null,"მიმდინარეობს შემოწმება"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"თქვენი ტრანზაქცია მიღებულია, თუმცა ჩარიცხვა ჯერ არ ფიქსირდება. შეამოწმეთ, თქვენი საფულე. "],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"თუ ქოინები გამოგზავნილია, დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს. "],"Oops!":[null,"შეცდომა"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"დაფიქსირდა ხარვეზი."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"გადაუღეთ ფოტო თქვენს ქვითარს."],"Show receipt":[null,"ქვითრის ჩვენება"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"თქვენი ტრანზაქცია ბლოკჩეინზე ჯერ არ დადასტურებულა. დადასტურების შესახებ შეტყობინებას მიიღებთ SMS-ის საშუალებით. "],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"ამის შემდეგ დაბრუნდით კრიპტომატთან და დააჭირეთ თანხის გატანის ღილაკს. "],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"თქვენი ტრანზაქციის განხორციელებას ვერ შევძლებთ. "],"It's us, not you.":[null,"სისტემის ხარვეზი"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"დაფიქსირდა სისტემის შეცდომა."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"სცადეთ ხელმეორედ ან დაუკავშირდით ოეპრატორს."],"Your Receipt":[null,"ქვითარი"],"pending confirmation":[null,"ტრანზაქცია არ დადასტურებულა"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"ქოინები გაიგზავნა მისამართზე:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"თქვენ მიერ მოთხოვნილი ვალუტა არაა მხარდაჭერილი."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"სცადეთ იმ კრიპტომატიდან განაღდება, სადაც ეს ვალუტა მხარდაჭერილია. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"sr-SP"}},"ta-IN":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,""],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ta-IN"}},"es-VE":{"Address already used":[null,"Dirección ya utilizada"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que ya has usado esta dirección."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para tu privacidad y seguridad contra estafas, genera una nueva dirección desde su monedero y escanea esa en su lugar."],"Start over":[null,"Comenzar de nuevo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Estás seguro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si ya ha enviado monedas y cancelado sin confirmar su número de teléfono, debe liquidar manualmente la transacción con el operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presione 'Continuar transacción' y espere hasta 60 segundos para que se vea su depósito."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"O presione 'Cancelar transacción' para volver a la pantalla de inicio."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transación"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transación"],"Try again":[null,"Intentelo de nuevo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. 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Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,"Disculpenos, la opción de compra está temporalmente deshabilitada"],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Por favor contacte al operador o vuela a intentar en un rato"],"One moment...":[null,"Espere un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Vender"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Tu compra"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Tus criptomonedas están siendo enviadas a la siguiente dirección:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,"Envíar recibo por SMS"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Toma una foto de la pantalla como tu recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Sin acceso a Internet"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,"¿Desea continuar?"],"Yes":[null,"Sí"],"No":[null,"No"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No hemos recibido las criptomonedas todavía."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, las envié"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, aún no"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar criptomonedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a ti."],"You will send us":[null,"Nos enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos tu dinero."],"All set":[null,"Todo listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retira tu dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoge tus billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mira el punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos da su permiso?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Don't worry!":[null,"No te preocupes"],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,"Sus fondos están a salvo, pero presentamos un inconveniente al enviarlos"],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,"Por favor tome una foto de esta pantalla y contacte al operador para completar la orden."],"Your receiving address:":[null,"Su dirección de depósito:"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. 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Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, coloca la parte frontal de tu monedero de papel al lector."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este papel contiene tu dinero. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie y no la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Ingresa tu número de teléfono para que podamos enviarte un mensaje de texto cuando se confirme tu operación."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduce el número de teléfono que utilizaste cuando realizaste tu operación."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Por favor ingresa tu número de teléfono para la verificación de identificación."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,"Para continuar, verifique su teléfono"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,"Sí, verificar teléfono"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Scan QR code":[null,"Escanear código QR"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Ups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos teniendo algunos problemas."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor, contacte al operador para más información. "],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, tome una foto de su recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar su transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no usted."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimentó un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmación pendiente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina no maneja la moneda que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira a una máquina que maneje tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código que ingresaste no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi ahi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ningún pedido abierto asociado con tu teléfono. Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indicó un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Conectado. Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya enviaste el %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s inválida"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Estarás enviando %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,"Descuento agregado (%s menos de comisión)"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-VE"}},"de-CH":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresse bereits benutzt"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Es sieht so aus, als wurde die Adresse bereits benutzt."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Um Ihre Privatsphäre und Ihre Sicherheit vor Betrug zu schützen, erstellen Sie bitte eine neue Geldbörse und scannen Sie diese stattdessen."],"Start over":[null,"Noch einmal beginnen"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Bist Du sicher?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Wenn du die Coins bereits gesendet hast, ohne deine Telefonnummer einzugeben, solltest du die Transaktion manuell über den Anbieter abwickeln."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Wähle \"Mit der Transaktion fortfahren\", danach kann es bis zu 60 Sekunden dauern, bis dein gewünschter Betrag zu sehen ist."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Wähle \"Transaktion abbrechen\" um auf den Startbildschirm zurückzukehren."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Mit der Transaktion fortfahren"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Transaktion abbrechen"],"Try again":[null,"Erneut versuchen"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Die von dir eingegebene Telefonnummer konnte nicht gefunden werden. Wenn du eine internationale Rufnummer hast, gib bitte \"+\" und deine Landesvorwahl ein."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Die Landesvorwahl der Schweiz ist +41, eine schweizer Telefonnummer sieht folgendermassen aus: +41 79 123 45 66"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code ist nicht korrekt."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Bitte sicherstellen, dass du den korrekten 6-stelligen Code eingibst, welchen Du von uns via SMS erhalten hast."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Bitte warten....."],"Languages":[null,"Sprachen"],"Redeem":[null,"Auszahlen (SMS Code)"],"How much?":[null,"Wie viel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Hast Du einen Gutschein-Code?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Auszahlen"],"Clear":[null,"Löschen"],"Thank you!":[null,"Danke!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Du hast eingezahlt"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Die Coins wurden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Quittung ausdrucken"],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Für eine elektronische Kaufquittung, mache ein Foto des Bildschirms"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Um die Aktion abzuschliessen, klicke auf den Bildschirm."],"Network down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Bestätigen"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Noch keine Coins erhalten."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Noch keine Coins erhalten."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, habe ich."],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nein, habe ich nicht."],"Send Coins":[null,"Coins verschicken"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Wird an Dich ausbezahlt."],"You will send us":[null,"Bitte sende uns an"],"to:":[null,"An die folgende Adresse:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Ausgabe..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Bitte warten, während wir Dein Geld ausgeben."],"All set":[null,"Alles erledigt."],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Bitte nimm Dein Bargeld aus dem Fach."],"Collect bills":[null,"Banknoten entnehmen."],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Um die Auszahlung fortzusetzen, nimm bitte Dein Bargeld aus dem Fach."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Blick auf den Punkt"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Das sollte nur einige Sekunden dauern."],"May we?":[null,"Dürfen wir?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Um diese Transaktion fortzusetzen, müssen wir ein Foto von Ihnen machen. Dies ist nötig, um den örtlichen Gesetzen zu entsprechen. Ist das in Ordnung?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, Foto aufnehmen."],"No, finish up":[null,"Nein, beenden."],"Try again?":[null,"Erneut versuchen?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Wir konnten kein gutes Foto schiessen."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Können wir einen neuen Versuch starten?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, erneut versuchen."],"No, send coins":[null,"Nein, Coins senden."],"No, cancel":[null,"Nein, abbrechen"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Schau in die Kamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Leider konnten wir kein gutes Bild von Dir machen."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Schaue bitte in die Kamera oberhalb des Bildschirms."],"We dispensed":[null,"Geld ausbezahlt."],"You sent us":[null,"Dein gesendeter Betrag"],"See you!":[null,"Sali und bis gli!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Vorübergehendes Limit erreicht"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Es tut uns leid! Der erlaubte Maximalbetrag pro Person wurde erreicht."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Entschuldigung"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine ID-Karte nicht erfassen."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Bitte erneut versuchen."],"Cancel":[null,"Abbrechen"],"ID verification":[null,"Identitätsprüfung"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Wenn Du einen größeren Einkauf tätigen möchtest, müssen wir aus regulatorischen Gründen deine Identität prüfen."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Möchtest du weitere Geldnoten einzahlen?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, meine Identität verifizieren"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet erfolgreich validiert!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Laden Sie Ihre Banknote"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Bitte führe den ersten Geldschein in den Automaten ein."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Weitere Banknote laden"],"deposited so far":[null,"Bis jetzt geladen"],"total purchased":[null,"total gekauft"],"OR":[null,"ODER"],"Finished?":[null,"Fertig?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Gutschein-Code eingeben."],"Invalid address":[null,"Ungültige Adresse"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Es sieht so aus, dass Du ein Wallet für einen anderen Coin benutzt oder dieses Adressformat nicht von uns unterstützt wird."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Bitte überprüfe deinen QR Code und versuche es erneut."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Wir haben keine Coins mehr!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Bitte versuche es später erneut."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ojee! etwas ist schief gelaufen"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Versuchen erreicht. Bitte kontaktiere den Anbieter oder versuche es später erneut."],"More, please":[null,"Minimum noch nicht erreicht."],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Wir haben kein Bargeld mehr!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Coins (Einzahlung) erhalten."],"Authorizing...":[null,"Verifzierung läuft...."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Noch einmal versuchen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Das von dir gezeigte Dokument ist nicht übereinstimmend."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Fehler bei QR-Code Scan"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine Paper-Wallet nicht richtig scannen. Vergewisser Dich, dass Du den QR-Code richtig auf dem Scanfeld positioniert hast. "],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, bitte erneuten Druck forcieren."],"Scan again":[null,"Erneut scannen"],"Print again":[null,"Eneut drucken"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Drucken fehlgeschlagen."],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Wir haben ein Problem mit dem Drucker. Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber oder versuche es erneut."],"Back to Home":[null,"Zurück auf den Home-Bildschirm."],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Zur Validierung halte bitte die Vorderseite deiner Paper-Wallet in das Scanfenster."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"WICHTIG: Dieses Paper-Wallet enthält derzeit Deine Coins.Teile den Private Key (QR Code & Hashvalue) NACH der Validierung mit niemandem und bewahre ihn sicher auf oder importe den Private Key so schnell wie möglich in eine Wallet (z.B. Exodus Wallet)."],"Promo code not found":[null,"Gutschein-Code nicht gültig"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Gutschein-Code konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Versuche es mit einem anderen Gutschein-Code oder führ die Transaktion weiter fort."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Wenn Du sicher bist, dass dieser Code gültig ist, kontaktiere bitte den Betreiber."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Anderer Gutschein-Code eingeben."],"Phone Number":[null,"Handynummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Bitte hier Deine Telefonnummer eingeben, damit wir dich via SMS benachrichtigen können, sobald Dein Kauf bestätigt wurde."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Bitte gib die Handynummer ein, die Du während Deiner Bestellung verwendet hast."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Um deine Identität zu verifizieren, benötigen wir deine Telefonnummer."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Halte deinen QR Code vor den Scanner..."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bitte verifiziere Deine Identität"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Um fortzufahren, sind wir aus regulatorischen Gründen dazu verpflichtet, Deine Identität zu verifizieren."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Bitte halte die Rückseite deiner Identitäts-Karte an den Scanner."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Bitte halte die Vorderseite Deiner Identitäts-Karte an das Scanfenster. Mit \"Bereit zum Scannen\" wir der Scan durchgeführt."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Bereit für das Scanning."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Bitte halte die Vorderseite deiner Identitätskarte an den Scanner."],"Security Code":[null,"Sicherheitscode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Wir haben Dir einen SMS-Code gesendet. Bitte gib ihn hier ein, sobald du ihn empfangen hast."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Wir haben keine Coins mehr!"],"Send coins":[null,"Coins senden"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Deine Coins werden gesendet..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Wenn du einen höheren Betrag kaufen möchtest, benötigen wir Deine Telefonnummer. Im Anschluss wirst Du einen Code per SMS erhalten."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Verdächtige Adresse"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Diese Adresse steht möglicherweise mit einem vorgetäuschten Angebot oder einer nicht erwünschten Gruppe in Verbindung. Bitte nutze eine Adresse aus deinem eigenen Wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Hochfahren..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisiert Hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Wir sind bald zurück"],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialisierung..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Public Key wird erstellt."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Bitte warte ein paar Minuten"],"Connecting...":[null,"Verbinden..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Koppeln..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Koppeln mit Remote-Server"],"Scan":[null,"Scannen"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Paarung fehlgeschlagen"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Beim Versuch zu koppeln, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Bitte scannen Sie den gekoppelten QR-Code von Ihrem Remote-Server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Wartung erforderlich"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Betreiber."],"I agree":[null,"Ich stimme zu"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Automat derzeit ausser Betrieb, Wartung läuft oder ist ausstehend."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Wir überprüfen es."],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Deine Order ist eingegangen, jedoch haben wir noch keine Transaktion von dir feststellen können. Bitte überprüfe ob die Transaktion von deinem Wallet ausgeführt wurde."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn du dir sicher bist, dass du die Coins gesendet hat, kontaktiere bitte den Betreiber."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber für mehr Informationen."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Zeige bitte ein Foto deiner Quittung."],"Show receipt":[null,"Quittung zeigen"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Wir warten derzeit auf die Bestätigung Deiner Transaktion. Sobald diese auf der Blockchain bestätigt wurde, erhälst Du eine SMS von uns."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wenn du dieses SMS erhalten hast, kannst du zum ATM zurückkehren und auf den \"Auszahlen\" Button tippen."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Wir können Deine Transaktion nicht verarbeiten, bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Es liegt an uns, nicht an Dir."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Unser System hat einen Fehler festgestellt."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte versuch es noch einmal oder kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Deine Quittung"],"pending confirmation":[null,"Bestätigung ausstehend"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Dieser ATM bietet den von dir gwünschten Coin nicht an."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Bitte besuche einen Automaten, welche deine gewünschte Währung anbietet."],"Network Down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Automat derzeit ausser Betrieb, Wartung läuft oder ist ausstehend."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Bitte komm später noch einmal."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code stimmt nicht überein, bitte versuche es nochmal."],"Almost there":[null,"Fast geschafft"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Wir sehen Ihre Transaktion, warten aber noch auf Bestätigung. Dies dauert im Durchschnitt 15 Minuten, kann aber bis zu ein oder zwei Stunden dauern. Je nach dem wie das aktuelle Transaktionsvolumen auf der Blockchain ist."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Bitte komm wieder für die Auszahlung des Geldbetrags sobald Du von uns via SMS informiert wirst."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Wir können keine Bestellungen mit deiner Telefonnummer finden. Hast du vielleicht eine andere Telefonnummer verwendet."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn Du sicher bist dass mit der angegebenen Telefonnummer eine Auszahlung bereitstehen sollte, melde Dich bitte beim Support."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Die Maschine ist gesperrt"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Bitte fragen Sie für Hilfe."],"What next?":[null,"Wie weiter?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine Telefonnummer nicht verifizieren, du wirst möglicherweise keine Bestätigungsnachricht von uns erhalten."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte mach ein Foto des nächsten Bildschirms der als elektronischen Beleg dient und wende Dich an den Betreiber."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WLAN-Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Bitte Passwort erneut eingeben"],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN notwendig"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Unser System hat ein Problem bei der Legitimierung festgestellt. 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"],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi Passwort"],"Connect":[null,"Verbinden"],"We got this":[null,"Wir haben das erhalten"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Das könnte eine Weile dauern."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbunden. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Du hast Dein Transaktionslimit erreicht."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne nun Deine %s Adresse"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Bitte scanne nun den QR Code mit der Zieladresse und sende uns Deine %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Hast Du die %s bereits gesendet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne nun Deine %s Adresse"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Fehlerhafte %s Adresse"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaktionslimit ist erreicht, bitte lass Dich nun auszahlen"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Du sendest %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte versuche es erneut."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"de-CH"}},"af-ZA":{"Address already used":[null,"Adres al reeds gebruik"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Dit lyk of jy al reeds hierdie adres gebruik het"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Vir beide die privaatheid en veiligheid van die transaksie, genereer asseblief `n nuwe adres in jou aanlyn beursie en skandeer hom."],"Start over":[null,"Begin oor "],"Are you sure?":[null,"Is jy seker?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Indien jy alreeds die Crypto gestuur het, en toe die transaksie gekanseleer het, sonder om jou selfoon nommer te bevestig, sal jy hierdie transaksie self met die operateur moet opvolg. "],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Druk \"Gaan voort met die transaksie\" en wag tot en met 60 sekondes vir jou deposito om te verskyn. "],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Of druk \"Kanseleer Transaksie\" om terug te keer na die tuisblad. "],"Continue transaction":[null,"Gaan voort met die transaksie"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Kanseleer Transaksie "],"Try again":[null,"Probeer weer"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Die selfoon nummer wat jy verskaf het werk nie. As jy `n internasionale nummer gebruik, sit assertief `n + gevolg deur jou land se bel kode in. "],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Voorbeeld, België se bel kode is +32, dit beteken `n Belgiese nommer sal so lyk: +32 455 12 34 56 "],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Die kode wat jy verskaf het was foutief"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Maak assertief seker dat jy die ses nommer kode in tik wat jy van ons af ontvang het"],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Net `n oomblik..."],"Languages":[null,"Tale"],"Redeem":[null,"Kompenseer"],"How much?":[null,"Hoeveel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Het jy `n promise kode?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Kontant uit"],"Clear":[null,"Vee uit"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dankie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Jou transaksie"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Jou crypto is oppad na: "],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Neem asseblief `n foto van die skerm vir jouself as elektroniese bewys "],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Raak enige plek aan die skerm as jy klaar is."],"Network down":[null,"Netwerk probleem"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Stuur vir goedkeuring"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nog niks"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Geen crypto het by ons uit gekom nie"],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, ek het"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nee, ek het nie"],"Send Coins":[null,"Stuur crypto"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Sal aan jou voorsien word"],"You will send us":[null,"Jy sal vir ons soveel moet stuur "],"to:":[null,"aan:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Besiege om te onttrek..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Wees assseblief geduldig tewyl ons jou kontant ontrek"],"All set":[null,"Alles gereed"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Neem asseblief jou kontant uit die gleufie "],"Collect bills":[null,"Neem kontant"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Om aan te hou ontrek, neem kontant uit die gleufie "],"Look at the dot":[null,"Kyk na die kolletje "],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Dit neem net `n oogwink "],"May we?":[null,"Mag ons?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Om voort te gaan met hierdie transaksie, moet ons volgens wetgewing `n foto van jou neem. Is dit okay? "],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, neem foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nee, maak klaar"],"Try again?":[null,"Probeer weer?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Ons foto was nie op standaard nie"],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Sal ons nog een probeer neem?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, probeer weer"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nee, stuur crypto"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nee, kanseleer"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Kyk na die kamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Ons het nie `n goeie foto van jou geneem nie."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Kyk asseblief na die kamera, bo die skerm."],"We dispensed":[null,"Ons ontrekking was"],"You sent us":[null,"Jy het vir ons gestuur"],"See you!":[null,"Totsiens!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Tydelike perk bereik"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Askies. Ons het die maximum per-klient limiet bereik"],"OK":[null,"Okay"],"Sorry":[null,"Jammer"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Ons kon nie jou ID kaart lees nie"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Gee dit nog `n probeerslag "],"Cancel":[null,"Kanseleer"],"ID verification":[null,"I.D bevestiging "],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Indien jy `n groter aankoop wil maak, sal ons jou I.D dokument moet scan"],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Wil jy nog note in sit?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, bevestig my ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Beursie geldig bevind."],"Insert a bill":[null,"Voer `n noot in"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Voer asbest jou eerste noot vir die masjien"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Jou crypto sal gestuur word na:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Voer nog `n noot in"],"deposited so far":[null,"Gedeponeer tot nou"],"total purchased":[null,"totale aankoop"],"OR":[null,"QR"],"Finished?":[null,"Klaar?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Tik jou promosie kode in"],"Invalid address":[null,"Adres nie geldig"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Dit lyk of jou crypto beursie vir `n ander crypto gemaak is, of in `n formaat is wat ons nog nie aanvaar nie"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Kyk asseblief weer na jou QR kode en probeer weer"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Al ons crypto is uitverkoop!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Probeer asseblief weer"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oeps, dit werk nie"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Jy het die maximum aantal probeerslae bereik. Kontak asseblief admin of probeer later weer."],"More, please":[null,"Nog `n bietjie, asseblief"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Ons kantant is uitgegee! "],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondse ontvang!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Bevestiging..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Wil jy weer probeer?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Die dokument stem nie oor een nie."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR skandering fout"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Ons kon nie jou papier beursie lees nie. Herposisioneer hom asseblief."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,"Skandeer weer"],"Print again":[null,"Print weer"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Ons het `n drukker fout"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Dit lyk of daar `n probleem was toe ons vir jou `n papier beursie wou uitreik. Kontak asseblief die operateur vir meer inligting of probeer weer."],"Back to Home":[null,"Terug na Tuisblad "],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Ter bevestiging, wys asseblief die voorkant van jou papier beursie na die glas venster. "],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"Belangrik! Hierdie papier beursie bevat jou fondse! Moet dit nie vir iemand wys nie en moet dit nie verloor of vernietig nie!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promosie kode nie gevind "],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Jammer! Die promosie kode kon nie gevind word nie"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Probeer `n ander kode of gaan voort met jou transaksie."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"As jy seker is van jou kode, kontak asseblief die operateur."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Tik `n ander kode in."],"Phone Number":[null,"Selfoon nommer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Voorsien asseblief jou selfoon nommer, sodat ons jou kan laat weet as die transaksie bevestig is."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Voorsien asseblief die selfoon nommer waarmee jy die bestelling geplaas het."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Voorsien asseblief jou selfoon nommer waarmee ons jou kan identifiseer. "],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hou jou QR code by die skandering venster om voor te gaan."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bevestig asseblief jou identiteit."],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Om voort te gaan met hierdie transaksie moet ons jou identiteit bevestig."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Hou asseblief die agterkant van jou bestuur lesensie teen die skanderings venster. "],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Hou asseblief die agterkant van jou bestuurs lesensie teen die skaderings venster vas en druk dan \"reg om te skandeer\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Reg om te skandeer"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Hou asseblief die voorkant van jou ID document teen die skanderings venster."],"Security Code":[null,"Sekuriteits kode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ons het vir jou `n sekuriteits kode gesis. Tik hom hier in."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Ons het nie huidiglik meer crypto om te verkoop nie!"],"Send coins":[null,"Stuur crypto"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Besig om jou crypto te stuur"],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Oeps!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Ons het `n uitdaging"],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Kontakt assemblier die operateur vir meer inligting"],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Ons wag vir jou deposito om op die blockchain bevestig te word. Jy sal binnenkort `n SMS ontvang wanneer die transkasie bevestig is."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wanneer jy die boodskap ontvang kom terug na hierdie masjien toe en kies die vereffen."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Ons kon nie jou transaksie verwerk nie."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Dis ons, nie jy nie"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Ons sisteem het `n fout ondergaan"],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Probeer gerus weer, of kontak die operateur."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Jou kwotansie "],"pending confirmation":[null,""],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Jou crypto is gestuur na:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Ons aanvaar nie die crypto wat jy wil stuur nie"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,""],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,""],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi Wagwoord"],"Connect":[null,"Konekteer"],"We got this":[null,"Ons het dit..."],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Dit kan `n oomblik of twee neem "],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skandeer jou ??? adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Adres nie geldig"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaksie perk bereik, neem asseblief kontant"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Jy stuur ???"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"af-ZA"}},"el-GR":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Για παράδειγμα ο κωδικός για την Ελλάδα είναι +30, οπότε ένας Ελληνικός αριθμός τηλεφώνου θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: +30 697 811 75 23"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Ο κωδικός που εισάγατε δεν είναι σωστός."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"Εξαργύρωση"],"How much?":[null,"Τιμή"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΗ"],"Thank you!":[null,"Ευχαριστούμε!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ναι"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Οχι"],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Γίνεται η πληρωμή..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Είμαστε έτοιμοι"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Mengizinkan..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Mahu cuba lagi?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. 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This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Kami tidak melihat sebarang pesanan terbuka yang dikaitkan dengan telefon anda. Sekiranya anda mempunyai telefon lain yang mungkin anda gunakan, anda boleh cuba menebus semula dengan nombor itu."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Jika anda pasti anda mempunyai pesanan terbuka yang dikaitkan dengan telefon ini, sila hubungi operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Sila minta bantuan."],"What next?":[null,"Apa selepas ini?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Kami tidak dapat mengesahkan nombor telefon anda, jadi kami mungkin tidak dapat menghubungi anda apabila wang anda sudah tersedia."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Sila tangkap gambar skrin seterusnya untuk resit elektronik anda, kemudian hubungi pengendali."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Sila cuba kata laluan sekali lagi."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Sistem kami menunjukkan masalah pengenalan identiti."],"Please contact support":[null,"Sila hubungi kami"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Ini boleh mengambil masa beberapa saat."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Hanya rangkaian yang selamat sahaja akan dipaparkan."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"Kata laluan WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Sambungkan"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Ini mungkin mengambil masa beberapa saat."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Disambungkan. Menunggu ticker."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,"Beli %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Jual %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Mesin kripto Lamassu "],"MORE":[null,"LEBIH"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,""],"for %s":[null,"untuk %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Anda menyambung ke rangkaian WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,""],"You deposited %s":[null,""],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Anda telah memasukkan wang tunai sebanyak %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transaksi anda telah mencapai had."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,""],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Sila masukkan %s atau kurang."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,""],"Processing %s ...":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Adakah anda telah menghantar %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Imbas alamat %s anda"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Anda akan menghantar %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ms-MY"}},"sl-SI":{"Address already used":[null,"Naslov je bil že uporabljen"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Izgleda, da ste naslov že uporabili."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Za svojo zasebnost in varnost pred prevarami ustvarite novo iz denarnice in jo optično preberite."],"Start over":[null,"Od začetka"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Ste prepričani?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Če ste kovance že poslali in preklicali, ne da bi potrdili svojo telefonsko številko, boste morali transakcijo ročno poravnati pri operaterju."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Pritisnite 'Nadaljuj transakcijo' in počakajte 60 sekund, da bo vaše nakazilo vidno."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ali pa pritisnite 'Preklic transakcije' za vrnitev na začetek."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Nadaljuj transakcijo"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Prekliči transakcijo"],"Try again":[null,"Ponovi"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Telefonska številka ni veljavna. Če imate mednarodno številko, dodajte + in številko države."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Primer: Belgija ima klicno številko +32. Belgijska telefonska številka izgleda takole: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Vnešena koda ni pravilna."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Prosim vnesite šestmestno kodo, ki smo vam jo poslali."],"Cash-in temporarily unavailable":[null,""],"Apologies. Buying operations are temporarily offline.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Samo trenutek..."],"Languages":[null,"Jeziki"],"Redeem":[null,"Unovči"],"How much?":[null,"Koliko?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Imate promocijsko kodo?"],"Cash Out":[null,"Prodaj"],"Clear":[null,"Briši"],"Thank you!":[null,"Hvala!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Kupili ste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vaši bitcoini so poslani na:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Send SMS receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Slikajte zaslon za elektronsko potrdilo"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Dotaknite se zaslona, ko končate."],"Network down":[null,"Omrežni problem"],"Would you like to proceed?":[null,""],"Yes":[null,""],"No":[null,""],"Submit":[null,"Sprejmi"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Čakamo."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Transakcije še nismo prejeli."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, sem"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ne, nisem"],"Send Coins":[null,"Pošlji kovance"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ste prejeli."],"You will send us":[null,"Poslali boste"],"to:":[null,"na:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Izstavljam..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Prosimo počakajte, da izstavimo denar."],"All set":[null,"Vse poračunano"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Prosimo odstranite denar iz reže."],"Collect bills":[null,"Vzamite denar"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Vzemite denar za nadaljevanje izstavljanja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Poglejte v piko"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"To lahko traja trenutek."],"May we?":[null,"Se strinjate?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Za nadaljevanje te transakcije moramo posneti vašo fotografijo, da bomo v skladu z lokalno zakonodajo. Je to v redu?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, fotografiraj"],"No, finish up":[null,"Ne, končaj"],"Try again?":[null,"Poskuste ponovno?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Izgleda, da nismo dobili dobrega posnetka."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Lahko poskusimo še z eno fotografijo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, poskusi ponovno"],"No, send coins":[null,"Ne, pošlji mi kovance"],"No, cancel":[null,"Ne, prekliči"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Poglejte v kamero"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nismo te dobili dobre slike."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Prosimo poglejte v kamero nad zaslonom."],"We dispensed":[null,"Izstavljamo"],"You sent us":[null,"Poslali ste nam"],"See you!":[null,"Se vidimo!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Dosegli ste omejitev"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Oprostite. Dosegli ste omejitev na uporabnika."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Oprostite"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Neuspešno branje osebnega dokumenta."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Ponovite postopek."],"Cancel":[null,"Prekini"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifikacija osebne izkaznice"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Če želite opraviti večji nakup, se moramo prepričati, da ste vi tako, da zaprosite za optično branje osebnega dokumenta."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Bi želeli vstaviti več bankovcev?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Da, potrdi ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Denarnica je bila uspešno potrjena!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Vstavite bankovec"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Prosimo vstavite prvi bankovec v bankomat."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vaši kovanci bodo poslani na:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Vstavite naslednji bankovec"],"deposited so far":[null,"trenutno naloženih"],"total purchased":[null,"skupno kupljeno"],"OR":[null,"ALI"],"Finished?":[null,"Končano?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Vnesite promocijsko kodo"],"Invalid address":[null,"Napačen naslov"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Zgleda, da denarnico uporabljate za drug kovanec ali format naslova, ki ga še ne podpiramo."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Preverite kodo QR in poskusite znova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Zmanjkalo nam je kovancev!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Prosimo poskusite ponovno."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Šment, tole ne bo v redu"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Dosegli ste največje število ponovnih poskusov. Če želite to urediti, se obrnite na operaterja ali poskusite znova pozneje."],"More, please":[null,"Več, prosim"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Zmankalo nam je denarja!"],"Don't worry!":[null,""],"Your funds are safe, but we had an issue when sending your coins.":[null,""],"Please take a photo of this screen and contact the operator to push through your order.":[null,""],"Your receiving address:":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,"Nakazilo prejeto!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Potrjujemo..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Želite poskusiti ponovno?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Dokument, ki ste ga prikazali, se ne ujema."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Napaka pri skeniranju QR kode"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Ne uspemo pravilno prebrati vaše denarnice. "],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Če težave ne odpravite, poskusite tiskati znova. "],"Scan again":[null,"Skeniraj ponovno"],"Print again":[null,"Printaj ponovno"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Tiskanje ni uspelo"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Zdi se, da je pri tiskanju denarnice prišlo do težave. Za več informacij se obrnite na operaterja ali poskusite znova tiskati."],"Back to Home":[null,"Na začetek"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Za potrditev prosimo, da sprednjo stran svoje papirnate denarnice prislonite k oknu za optično branje."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"POMEMBNO: Ta dokument vsebuje vaša sredstva. Ko je potrjen, tega ključa ne pokažite nikomur in ga ne zgubite!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promocijske kode ni mogoče najti"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Oproste! To ni promocijska koda ni pravilna."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Poskusite z drugo kodo ali nadaljujete s transakcijo."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Če ste prepričani, da ste vnesli pravilno kodo, se za pojasnila obrnite na operaterja."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Vnesite drugo kodo"],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefonska številka"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Vnesite mobilno številko, na katero vas bomo obvestili, ko bo vaše naročilo potrjeno. Klicna številka države je potrebna samo za tuje telefonske številke."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Vnesite mobilno številko, s katero ste oddali naročilo."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Prosim vnesite telefonsko številko za ID verifikacijo."],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Za nadaljevanje prislonite QR kodo k čitalcu."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Prosim potrdite svojo identiteto"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Za nadaljevanje moramo preveriti vašo identiteto."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Prosimo prislonite zadnjo stran vozniškega dovoljenja na okno za skeniranje."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Prosimo prislonite sprednjo stran vozniškega dovoljenja na okno za skeniranje."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pripravljen za skeniranje"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Prosimo prislonite sprednjo stran osebnega dokumenta na okno za skeniranje."],"Security Code":[null,"Varnostna koda"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Poslali smo vam varnostno kodo. Prejeto kodo vnesite tukaj."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Zmanjkalo nam je kovancev!"],"Send coins":[null,"Pošlji kovance"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Pošiljamo kovance..."],"Verify phone to continue":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Če opravljate večji nakup, se moramo prepričati da ste to res vi. V nadaljevanju vnesite vašo telefonsko številko na katero boste prejeli sms s kodo."],"Yes, verify phone":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,"Sumljiv naslov"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Ta naslov je lahko povezan z zavajajočo ponudbo ali prepovedano skupino. Poskrbite, da uporabljate naslov iz svoje denarnice."],"Booting up...":[null,"Zaganjam..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicializacija strojne opreme."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Nazaj bomo čez trenutek."],"Initializing...":[null," Nalaganje..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Ustvarjanje kriptografske identitete."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Prosimo počakajte trenutek."],"Connecting...":[null,"Povezujem..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Sparjujem..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Spari s strežnikom"],"Scan":[null,"Skeniraj"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Tiskanje ni uspelo"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Pri parjenju je prišlo do napake :)"],"Scan QR code":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Skeniraj sparitveno QR kodo s strežnika."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Tehnične težave"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Prosim kontaktiraj operaterja."],"I agree":[null,"Strinjam se"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Trenutno ne obratujemo."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Preglejujemo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Imamo vaše naročilo, vendar še prepoznali vaše depozitne transakcije. Preverite, ali je denarnica poslala kovance za vašo transakcijo."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Če ste prepričani, da so bili vaši kovanci poslani, se obrnite na operaterja."],"Oops!":[null,"Šment!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Trenutno imamo težave."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Prosim kontaktirajte operaterja za več informacij."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Prosim slikajte potrdilo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Prikaži potrdilo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Čakamo na potrditev vašega depozita na blockchainu. Kmalu boste prejeli SMS sporočilo z obvestilom, da je vaša transakcija potrjena."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Ko se to zgodi, se vrnite na ta bankomat in pritisnite gumb Unovči."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Vaše tranakcije ne moremo obdelati."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Naša napaka."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Sistem je zaznal napako."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Prosimo poskusite znova ali kontaktirajte operaterja."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Vaše potrdilo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"čaka na potrditev"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vaši kovanci so poslani na:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Ta valuta ni na voljo."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Uporabi napravo, ki podpira to valuto."],"Network Down":[null,"Omrežni problem"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Trenutno ne obratujemo."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Prosimo, vrnite se pozneje."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Vnešena koda ni pravilna."],"Almost there":[null,"Še malo"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vidimo vašo transakcijo, vendar še čakamo na potrditev. To v povprečju traja 10 minut, lahko pa traja tudi do uro ali dve."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null," Ko prejmete naše SMS sporočilo, se vrnite po denar in pritisnite Unovči ."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Za vnešeno telefonsko številko ne zaznamo nobenega odprtega naročila. Ste vnesli pravo telefonsko številko?"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Če ste prepričani, da imate odprto naročilo povezano s to številko, prosim kontaktirajte operaterja."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Naprava je zaklenjena"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Prosim kontaktirajte operaterja."],"What next?":[null,"Kaj zdaj?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Ni nam uspelo verificirati vaše telefonske številke. Ne bomo vas uspeli kontaktirati, ko bo vaš denar na voljo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Prosimo slikajte naslednji zaslon za elektronsko potrdilo. Nato kontaktirajte operaterja."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi povezava ni uspela…..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Prosim ponovno vnesite geslo."],"US SSN required":[null,"Potreben je ameriški SSN"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Če želite nadaljevati, vas prosimo, da vnesete svojo številko socialnega zavarovanja"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Vnesite SSN"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Da, vnesite"],"Social security number":[null,"Številka socialnega zavarovanje"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Če želite nadaljevati, vnesite svojo številko socialnega zavarovanja."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Naš sistem je zaznal težavo pri verifikaciji identitete."],"Please contact support":[null,"Kontaktirajte operaterja"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Za obdelavo vaše transakcije moramo preveriti nekatere podatke o vašem računu"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Preverjamo identiteto…"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"To lahko traja kak trenutek."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Preverjamo..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Preverjamo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Izberite WiFi povezavo"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Prikazana so samo varovana omrežja."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ali pa povežite Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Priporočamo žično povezavo."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi geslo"],"Connect":[null,"Poveži"],"We got this":[null,"Imamo to"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"To lahko traja nekaj trenutkov."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Povezan. Pridobivam informacijo o trenutni ceni."],"More":[null,"Več"],"Less":[null,"Manj"],"Buy %s":[null,"Kupi %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Prodaj %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Kriptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VEČ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Vrnite se čez %s tednov."],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Vrnite se čez %s dni in %s ur"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Vrnite se čez %s ur"],"for %s":[null,"za %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Vzpostavljate povezavo WiFi omrežja %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Provizija transakcije: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Vstavili ste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vstavljen bankovec za %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Dosežen limit transakcije."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Trenutno nam primankuje kovancev."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Prosim vstavite %s ali manj."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimalen prvi bankovec je %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Procesiramo %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Dosežen limit transakcije"],"Error in validation":[null,"Napaka pri potrditvi"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Zaradi lokalnih predpisov ste dosegli omejitev transakcije. "],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skenirajte svoj %s naslov"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Odčitaj QR kodo in nam pošlji %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Ste nam že poslali %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skenirajte svoj %s naslov"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Napačen %s naslov"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Dosežena meja transakcije"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Poslali nam boste %s %s"],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"sl-SI"}},"uk-UA":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"設置または管理元にご相談ください。"],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"安全なネットワークのみが表示されています。"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFiパスワード"],"Connect":[null,"接続"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"接続に時間がかかる場合があります。"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Discount added (%s off commissions)":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ja-JP"}}};
\ No newline at end of file
+"use strict";var locales={"en-US":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promo code added (5 discount)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a bill"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another bill"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"We're out of coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Send coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Sending your coins..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Suspicious address"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"We're having some difficulties."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Please contact the operator for more information."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Please snap a photo of your receipt."],"Show receipt":[null,"Show receipt"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We are unable to process your transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"It's us, not you."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Our system experienced an error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Your Receipt"],"pending confirmation":[null,"pending confirmation"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Your coins were sent to:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"This machine does not handle the currency you requested."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency."],"Network Down":[null,"Network Down"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we're down for the moment."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Please come back later."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"The code you entered did not match."],"Almost there":[null,"Almost there"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"This Machine Is Locked"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Please ask for assistance."],"What next?":[null,"What next?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi failed to connect..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Please try the password again."],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN required"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Type in SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Yes, type in"],"Social security number":[null,"Social security number"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"To proceed, please enter your social security number."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Our system indicated an identification problem."],"Please contact support":[null,"Please contact support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifying identity..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"This could take a few seconds."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifying photo card..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifying photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Select a WiFi network"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Only secured networks are shown."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Or connect Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"A wired connection is preferred for stability."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi password"],"Connect":[null,"Connect"],"We got this":[null,"We got this"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"This could take a few moments."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Have you sent the %s yet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Invalid %s address"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaction limit reached, please cash out"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"You'll be sending %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Promo code added (%s discount)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Printing receipt..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"Receipt printed successfully!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"An error occurred, try again."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"en-US"}},"en-AU":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promo code added (5 discount)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a note"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another note"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Molimo kontaktirajte nas."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Մուտքագրված հեռախոսահամարը անվավեր է։ \n"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Օրինակ՝ Բելգիայի միջազգային հեռախոսային կոդը +32 է, հետևաբար բելգիական հեռախոսահամարը կունենա հետևյալ տեսքը․ +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Մուտքագրված ծածկագիրը սխալ է։"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"«Մուտքագրել ծածկագիրը»"],"How much?":[null,"Որքա՞ն"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"Մաքրել"],"Thank you!":[null,"Շնորհակալություն"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Ձեր «COIN»-ները փոխանցման փուլում են դեպի՝"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"«COIN»-ներ չեն գտնվել"],"Yes, I have":[null,"Այո, ես ունեմ"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ոչ, ես չունեմ"],"Send Coins":[null,"Ուղարկել «COIN»-ներ"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Կանխիկացվում է..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Կատարված է"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Մենք չկարողացանք կարդալ Ձեր անձի ինքնությունը հաստատող քարտը։"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Ցանկանու՜մ եք փորձել ևս մեկ անգամ։"],"Cancel":[null,"Չեղարկել "],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Ցանկանու՞մ եք ավել գումար տեղադրել:"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Այո, հաստատել անձի ինքնությունը"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Տեղադրել թղթադրամը"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Ձեր «COIN»--ները կուղարկվեն՝"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Տեղադրեք ավել թղթադրամ:"],"deposited so far":[null,"Ընդունված է"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"ԿԱՄ"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Մեզ մոտ սպառվել են բոլոր «COIN»-ները"],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null," Oops, չաշխատեց։"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Ստուգվում է..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Ցանկանու՜մ եք կրկին փորձել։"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Հեռախոսահամար"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել ձեր բջջային հեռախոսահամարը, որպեսզի մենք կարողանանք տեղեկացնել ձեզ պատվերի հաստատման մասին․"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել բջջային հեռախոսահամարը, որը գրանցվել է պատվերը ձևակերպելիս։"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել Ձեր բջջային հեռախոսահամարը՝ անձի ինքնության հաստատումն իրականացնելու համար։"],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Խնդրում ենք հաստատել ձեր ինքնությունը"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Անվտանգության ծածկագիր"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Բեռնվում է․․․"],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Սարքի նախապատրաստում:"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Միացում․․․"],"Pairing...":[null,"Զուգակցում…"],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Զուգակցել հեռակառավարվող սերվերի հետ:"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Զուգակցման փորձի ընթացքում համակարգում սխալ է գրանցվել:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք սկանավորել Ձեր հեռակառավարվող սերվերից ստացված զուգակցման QR ծածկագիրը:"],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Խնդրում ենք կապնվել օպերատորի հետ"],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Դուք արդեն ուղարկե՞լ եք %s ֊ը։"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Սկանավորեք Ձեր %s հասցեն"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Միջին տևողությունը 15 վայրկյան է ։ երբեմն՝ 1 րոպեից ավել։"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Դուք կուղարկեք %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"«Bitcoin»"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"hy-AM"}},"zh-HK":{"Address already used":[null,"地址已經使用過"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"看來你已經使用過這個地址"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"為了保護您的隱私和防止詐騙,請從您的錢包產生一個新二維碼,然後進行掃描。"],"Start over":[null,"重新開始"],"Are you sure?":[null,"你確定嗎?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"如果您已經發送了虛擬貨幣並在未確認電話號碼的情況下取消交易,請與服務人員進行手動結算交易。"],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"選擇「繼續交易」並等候60秒或更多時間,直到您發送的虛擬貨幣被確認"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"或選擇「取消交易」並回到主畫面"],"Continue transaction":[null,"繼續交易"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"取消交易"],"Try again":[null,"再試一次"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"您輸入的手機號碼不正確。 如果您使用非香港本地號碼,請記得在號碼前加+及國碼"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"例如:中國的國碼為+86, 那麼中國的電話號碼會像這樣:+86 18587755016"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"您輸入的代碼不正確。"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"請確認你所輸入的密碼是我們簡訊給你的六位數字。"],"One moment...":[null,"請稍等..."],"Languages":[null,"語言"],"Redeem":[null,"兌換"],"How much?":[null,"選擇兌現金額"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"有優惠代碼嗎?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"兌現"],"Clear":[null,"清除"],"Thank you!":[null,"謝謝您!"],"You Purchased":[null,"您已購買"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"您的加密貨幣正在發送到下列地址:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"請拍下此螢幕做為您的電子收據"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"完成後請輕觸螢幕繼續"],"Network down":[null,"網路未連線"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"還沒有收到.."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"還沒有收到加密貨幣"],"Yes, I have":[null,"已經發送了"],"No, I haven't":[null,"還未發送"],"Send Coins":[null,"發送加密貨幣"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"將會出現鈔給您"],"You will send us":[null,"請您發送"],"to:":[null,"到"],"Dispensing...":[null,"出鈔中..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"正在出現鈔請等候"],"All set":[null,"已完成設定"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"請將現金從出鈔口取出"],"Collect bills":[null,"請取現金"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"要繼續取錢,請從托盤中取出現金。"],"Look at the dot":[null,"請看圓點"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"應該只需要一秒鐘"],"May we?":[null,"您是否同意?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"很抱歉,已達到每用戶的限制"],"OK":[null,"好的"],"Sorry":[null,"很抱歉!"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"無法讀取身份證"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"您可能想再試一次!"],"Cancel":[null,"取消"],"ID verification":[null,"驗證身份"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"如果您想購買更多,我們需要通過掃描您的身份證來核實是您本人。"],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"還要繼續放入更多現鈔嗎?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"是,驗證身份"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"錢包成功認證!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"放入紙幣"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"請依序放入紙幣"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"你加密貨幣將發送到:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"繼續放入紙幣"],"deposited so far":[null,"目前已放入金額"],"total purchased":[null," 購買總額"],"OR":[null,"或"],"Finished?":[null,"完成?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"輸入優惠代碼"],"Invalid address":[null,"無效的錢包位址"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"您使用了錯誤的錢包地址,或您的錢包地址目前不支援"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"請檢查您的二維碼,然後重試。"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"加密貨幣已售完!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"請稍後再試"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"此號碼無效!"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"重試次數已達上限,請聯繫服務人員,或稍後再試"],"More, please":[null,"數額不夠"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"所有現鈔已用完"],"Funds Received!":[null,"資金已收到!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"授權中..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"想要再試一次嗎?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"與您出示的文件不匹配。"],"QR scanning error":[null,"二維碼掃描錯誤"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"我們無法掃描您的紙錢包。請確保將其打印及正確放置在掃描窗口上。"],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"如果問題仍然存在,請嘗試再次打印。"],"Scan again":[null,"重新掃瞄"],"Print again":[null,"再次打印"],"Printing Failed":[null,"打印失敗"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"打印錢包時似乎出現了問題。請與工作人員聯繫以獲取更多信息,或嘗試再次打印。"],"Back to Home":[null,"回到主頁"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"要進行驗證,請在掃描窗口中顯示紙錢包的正面。"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"重要說明:此紙張包含您的資金。一旦通過驗證,請勿向任何人顯示此密鑰,也不要將其隨意放置!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"找不到優惠代碼"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"很抱歉! 找不到我們的優惠代碼。"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"您可以嘗試使用其他代碼,或繼續進行交易。"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"如果您確定該代碼正確無誤,請與工作人員聯繫核對"],"Enter a different code":[null,"輸入其他代碼"],"Phone Number":[null,"手機電話號碼"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"請輸入您的手機號碼, 以便我們可以在您的訂單被確認時給您發送簡訊通知。"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"請輸入您在下單時所使用的手機電話號碼。"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"請輸入您用來進行身份驗證的手機電話號碼。"],"Submit":[null,"提交"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"將你的二維碼對準掃瞄視窗以便繼續"],"Please verify your identity":[null,"請掃描您的身份證件"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"我們需要進一步驗證您的身份"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,"準備掃瞄"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"安全驗證碼"],"We've texted you a security code. 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You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"我們在等待區塊鏈確認您的交易,一但您的交易被確認,我們會馬上發送簡訊通知"],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"如果收到,請返回本機並按“兌換”按鈕。"],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"我們無法處理您的交易"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"我們暫時當機了!"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"我們的系統遇到錯誤。"],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"請再試一次,或與運營商聯繫。"],"Your Receipt":[null,"您的收據"],"pending confirmation":[null,"待確認"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"您的加密貨幣正被送往 ︰"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"這機器不支援你所要求的貨幣。"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"請使用支援你貨幣的機器來兌換現金。"],"Network Down":[null,"網路未連線"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"很抱歉,目前暫停服務。"],"Please come back later.":[null,"請稍後再回來。"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"您輸入的認證碼不吻合。"],"Almost there":[null,"很快可以確認您的交易"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"我們看到您的交易,但我們仍在等待確認。平均需要10分鐘,但也可能需要1至2個小時。"],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"我們沒有看到任何與您的手機相關的未結訂單。如果您有其他的手機號碼, 您可以嘗試再次使用該號碼進行兌換。"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"如果您確定您有與此手機關聯的未結訂單, 請與運營商聯繫。"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"這台機器已鎖"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"請尋求協助。"],"What next?":[null,"下一步"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"我們無法驗證您的電話號碼, 因此當您的現金準備就緒時, 我們可能無法與您聯繫。"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"請在 下一個螢幕 拍下你的電子收據,然後與運營商聯繫。"],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"無線網路連接失敗"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"請再次嘗試密碼。"],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"我們的系統顯示有識別上的問題。"],"Please contact support":[null,"請聯繫支援協助"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"為了處理您的交易,我們需要核實一些有關您帳戶的信息"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"正在驗證身份..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"請稍候幾秒鐘。"],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"正在驗證身份證件..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"正在驗證相片..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"選擇網絡"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"僅顯示安全網路。"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"或者連接以太網絡"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"為了穩定性,最好採用有線連接。"],"WiFi password":[null,"無線網路密碼"],"Connect":[null,"連接"],"We got this":[null,"我們得到這個"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"請稍候幾分鐘。"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"根據當地法規,您已達到交易限額。 如果您想提高限額,請與我們聯繫。"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"掃瞄您的 %s 地址"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"請掃瞄此二維碼 並傳送您的 %s 給我們"],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"您發送 %s 了嗎?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"掃瞄您的 %s 地址"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"%s地址無效"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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"],"Continue transaction":[null,"İşleme devam et"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"İşlemi iptal et"],"Try again":[null,"Tekrar deneyiniz"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Girmiş olduğunuz numara calışmamaktadır. Uluslararası bir telefon numaranız varsa, lütfen + (artı) tuşuna basarak ülke koduyla, numaranızı giriniz."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Mesela ;\n"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Girdiğiniz kod yanlıştır."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Lütfen, size gönderdiğimiz 6 haneli kod numarasını girdiğinizden emin olunuz. "],"One moment...":[null,"Bir dakika lütfen..."],"Languages":[null,"Diller"],"Redeem":[null,"Nakite çevir"],"How much?":[null,"Ne kadar?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Nakit çek "],"Clear":[null,"Temizle"],"Thank you!":[null,"Teşekkür ederiz!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Alım işleminiz tamamlandı"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Coinleriniz ....... 'e gönderiliyor:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Lütfen elektronik fişinizin ,ekran görüntüsünü alın. "],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"İşleminiz bittiğinde , ekranın herhangibir yerine dokunun."],"Network down":[null,"Bağlantı yok"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Henüz hiçbirşey değişmedi"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Henüz görünen coin yok"],"Yes, I have":[null,"Evet, var"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Hayır, yok"],"Send Coins":[null,"Coin gönderin"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Ödemeniz yapılacaktır"],"You will send us":[null,"Lütfen bize gönderiniz"],"to:":[null,"Bu adrese:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Para veriliyor"],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Lütfen paranız hazırlanırken bekleyiniz."],"All set":[null,"İşlem bitti"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Lütfen paranızı alınız."],"Collect bills":[null,"Fişinizi alınız"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Paranızın geri kalanını almak için, önce makineden çıkan paranızı alınız."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Noktaya bakınız "],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Bu sadece bir saniye alacaktır"],"May we?":[null,"Yapabilir miyiz?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Kanuni olarak işleme devam etmek için , resminizi çekmemiz gerekiyor. Devam edebilir miyiz?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Evet, resim çek"],"No, finish up":[null,"Hayır, işlemi bitir"],"Try again?":[null,"Tekrar denemek ister misiniz?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"İyi bir resim olmadı"],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Bir resim daha çekebilir miyiz?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Evet, lütfen tekrar deneyelim "],"No, send coins":[null,"Hayır, coinleri gönder"],"No, cancel":[null,"Hayır, iptal"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Kameraya bakınız "],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Başarılı bir resim olmadı"],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Ekran üzerindeki kameraya bakınız "],"We dispensed":[null,"Ödeme yaptık"],"You sent us":[null,"Bize gönderdiniz"],"See you!":[null,"Görüşmek üzere!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Geçiçi olarak ,limite ulaşılmıştır"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Üzgünüz. Kişisel max.limite ulaştınız. "],"OK":[null,"Tamam"],"Sorry":[null,"Özür dileriz"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Kimliğiniz okunamıyor. "],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Bir daha denemek isteyebilirsiniz "],"Cancel":[null,"İptal "],"ID verification":[null,"Kimlik doğrulaması"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Daha fazla bir meblağ ile işlem yapmak isterseniz, kimliğinizi tekrar taratmanız gerekmektedir."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Daha fazla para girişi yapmak ister misiniz? "],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Evet, kimlik doğrula"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Cüzdanınız başarıyla tanımlandı"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Para girişi yapın"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Ilk para girişini yapın "],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Coinleriniz...... adresine gönderilecektir "],"Insert another bill":[null,"Diğer banknotları giriniz"],"deposited so far":[null,"Para girişi yapılmıştır"],"total purchased":[null,"Toplam alım"],"OR":[null,"Ya da"],"Finished?":[null,"Bitti mi?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Geçersiz adres"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Farklı bir coin cüzdanı kullanıyorsunuz ya da , adres formatınız desteklenmiyor. "],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Lütfen QR kodunuzu kontrol ediniz ve tekrar deneyiniz"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Coinler bitmiştir"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Sonra tekrar deneyiniz"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, bu çalışmıyor"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Maximum deneme yaptınız. Operatörle iletişime geçiniz ya da sonra tekrar deneyiniz."],"More, please":[null,"Daha fazla lütfen "],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Nakit kalmamıştır"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Coinleriniz ulaşmıştır"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Yetkilendiriliyor....."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Bir kez daha denemek ister misiniz?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Gösterdiğiniz dokümanlar eşleşmiyor"],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR tarama hatası "],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Kağıt cüzdanınızı düzgün tarayamıyoruz. Tarayıcıya düzgün yerleştirdiğinizden emin olunuz ki basılsın"],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Problem devam ederse, tekrar basmayı deneyin"],"Scan again":[null,"Tekrar tarayınız"],"Print again":[null,"Tekrar basınız"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Basım hatası"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Cüzdanınız basılırken bir problem oluştu.Lütfen operatörle irtibata geçiniz, ya da tekrar deneyiniz."],"Back to Home":[null,"Ana sayfaya dön"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Aktive etmek için , cüzdanınızın ön sayfasını tekrar tarayıcıya yerleştirin"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"ÖNEMLİ: Bu kağıt yatırımlarınızı içeriyor. Aktive edilir edilmez, bu anahtari kimseye göstermeyiniz ve kaybetmeyiniz. "],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefon numarası"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"İşleminizin onaylandığını size mesaj olarak iletmemiz için, lütfen telefon numaranızı giriniz."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Lütfen , istek yaptığınız telefon numaranızı giriniz."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Kimlik doğrulaması için, lutfen cep telefonu numaranızı giriniz."],"Submit":[null,"Onayla"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Devam etmek için, QR kodunuzu ,açılan pencereye okutunuz."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Lütfen, kimlik bilgilerinizi onaylayınız"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Devam etmek için, kimliğinizi onaylamamız gerekiyor."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Güvenlik kodu"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Size bir güvenlik kodu gönderdik. Aldığınızda, buraya kodu giriniz."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Coinimiz kalmamıştır "],"Send coins":[null,"Coin gönderin"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Coinleriniz gönderiliyor..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Daha büyük ölçekli bir işlem yapmak istiyorsanız, telefon numaranıza ihtiyacımız olacak. Böylelikle, size bir SMS kodu göndereceğiz."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Şüpheli adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Bu adres daha önce şüpheli bir kişi veya grup tarafından denenmiştir. Lütfen kendi cüzdanınızdaki adresi kullandığınızdan emin olunuz."],"Booting up...":[null,"Başlatılıyor"],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Sistem başlatılıyor"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Başlatılıyor..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Kripto kimliğiniz / public key oluşturuluyor"],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Bağlanıyor..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Eşleştiriliyor..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Sistemle eşleştiriliyor"],"Scan":[null,"Taranıyor"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Eşleşme yapılamadı"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Eşleştirme yapılırken, bir hata oluştu:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Sistemden gelen QR kodu taratınız."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Teknik servis gerekli "],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Lütfen operatörle bağlantı kurunuz."],"I agree":[null,"Kabul ediyorum"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Özür dileriz, şu anda kullanım dışı."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Kontrol ediliyor"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Talebinizi aldık ancak isteğinizi gerçekleştiremiyoruz. Lütfen coinlerin kendi cüzdanınızdan gönderildiğine emin olunuz."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Şayet coinlerinizin gönderildiğinden eminseniz, operatörle bağlantı sağlayınız. "],"Oops!":[null,"Opps , birşeyler yanlış gitti!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Bir problem yaşıyoruz."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Daha fazla bilgi için, lütfen operatörle irtibat kurun."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Lütfen fişinizin resmini çekiniz."],"Show receipt":[null,"Fişinizi gösteriniz."],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"İşleminizin onaylanması için bekleniyor. Kısa bir süre içinde , işleminizin onaylandığına dair mesaj alacaksınız."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Bu işlem gerçekleştiğinde, lütfen makinaya geri dönerek, nakit çek tuşuna basınız."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"İşleminizi gerçekleştiremiyoruz"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Bizden kaynaklı, sizden değil."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Sistem arızası."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Tekrar deneyebilirsiniz veya operatörle bağlantı kurunuz."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Fişiniz"],"pending confirmation":[null,"Onay bekleniyor"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Coinleriniz...... adresine gönderildi"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Bu makina talep ettiğiniz para birimini karşılayamıyor"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Lütfen talep ettiğiniz para birimini karşılayan makinadan nakit çekim yapınız"],"Network Down":[null,"Sistem arızası"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Üzgünüz, şu anda servis veremiyoruz"],"Please come back later.":[null,"Lütfen sonra tekrar deneyiniz "],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Girdiğiniz kod uyumsuz"],"Almost there":[null,"Neredeyse bitmek üzere"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Işleminizi görüntülüyoruz ancak hala onay için bekliyoruz. Yaklaşık 10 dakika sürecek , ancak bazen 1 veya 2 saate kadar uzayabiliyor."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Bu telefonunuzdan açık talep görüntüleyemiyoruz. Daha önce kullandığınız başka bir telefonunuz varsa, nakit çekimi için o numaranızı kullanabilirsiniz."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Bu telefonunuzla bağlantılı açık bir talep oluşturduysanız , lütfen operatörle bağlantı kurunuz."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Bu makina kilitlenmiştir."],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Lütfen yardım talep ediniz"],"What next?":[null,"Bir sonraki? "],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Telefon numaranızı teyit edemedik. Bu yüzden ,nakitiniz hazırlandığında sizinle irtibat kuramayabiliriz."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Lütfen bir sonraki ekran resmini çekin ve ardından operatörle irtibat sağlayın."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WIFI bağlantısı yapılamadı"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Lütfen şifrenizi tekrar deneyin."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Sistemimiz bir kimlik hatası algıladı"],"Please contact support":[null,"Lütfen destek ile bağlantı sağlayınız"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"İşleminizi tamamlamak için, hesabınızla ilgili bazı bilgileri doğrulamamız gerekiyor."],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Kimlik bilgileri onaylanıyor...."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Bu birkaç saniye sürebilir..."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Resim kartı onaylanıyor "],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Resim onaylanıyor..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Bir WIFI bağlantısı seçin"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Sadece güvenli bağlantılar gösterilmektedir"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Veya Ethernet bağlantısı sağlayınız "],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Kesintisiz bağlantı için, kablolu bağlantı sağlayabilirsiniz."],"WiFi password":[null,"WIFI Şifresi"],"Connect":[null,"Bağlan"],"We got this":[null,"Tamamdır"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Bir kaç dakika alabilir"],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Bağlandı. Onaylayıcıyı bekliyor"],"More":[null,"Daha fazla"],"Less":[null,"Daha az"],"Buy %s":[null,"Coin satın al "],"Sell %s":[null,"Coin sat"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"Daha fazla"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Lütfen coin için birkaç saat sonra tekrar gelin"],"for %s":[null,"Coin için"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Coin için WIFI bağlantısı sağlanıyor"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Coin işlem bedeli "],"You deposited %s":[null,"Yapilan coin alımı"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Coin girdisi yaptınız"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Işlem tutarı limitine ulaşıldı"],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Crypto az kalmıştır"],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Lütfen coinleri yerleştiriniz "],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimum miktar % ..."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"İşlem yapılıyor %..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"İşlem limitine ulaşıldı."],"Error in validation":[null,"Bir hata oluştu"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Kurallar gereği, işlem limitinize ulaştınız. Limit artırmak isterseniz, bizimle irtibata geçiniz."],"Scan your %s address":[null," % adresini taratınız"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Lütfen QR kodunu tarayıp bize Coinlerinizi gönderiniz."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Coinlerinizi gönderdiniz mi?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"%s adresinizi tarayınız"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Geçersiz %s adres"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Bu işlem yaklaşık 15 saniye sürecektir. Bazen 1 dakikayı aşabilir."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"İşlem limitinize ulaştınız. Lütfen paranızı alınız."],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"%s tarafınıza gönderilecektir."],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"tr-TR"}},"de-DE":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,"Noch einmal beginnen"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Bist Du sicher?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Wenn du die Coins bereits gesendet hast, ohne deine Telefonnummer einzugeben, solltest du die Transaktion manuell über den Anbieter abwickeln."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Wähle \"Mit der Transaktion fortfahren\", danach kann es bis zu 60 Sekunden dauern, bis dein gewünschter Betrag zu sehen ist."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Wähle \"Transaktion abbrechen\" um auf den Startbildschirm zurückzukehren."],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,"Erneut versuchen"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Die von dir eingegebene Telefonnummer konnte nicht gefunden werden. Wenn du eine internationale Rufnummer hast, gib bitte \"+\" und deine Landesvorwahl ein."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Belgiens Ländervorwahl zum Beispiel ist +32, eine belgische Telefonnummer würde also so aussehen: +32 455 12 24 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code ist nicht korrekt."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Überprüfe, dass du den korrekten 6-stelligen Code, den du von uns erhalten hast, eingibst."],"One moment...":[null,"Einen Moment bitte..."],"Languages":[null,"Sprachen"],"Redeem":[null,"Einlösen"],"How much?":[null,"Wie viel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Geldbetrag"],"Clear":[null,"Löschen"],"Thank you!":[null,"Danke!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Du hast gekauft"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Die Coins wurden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Für eine elektronische Kaufquittung, mache ein Foto des Bildschirms"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Berühre den Bildschirm, wenn du fertig bist."],"Network down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Noch nichts."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Noch keine Coins zu sehen."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, habe ich"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nein, habe ich nicht"],"Send Coins":[null,"Coins senden"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"wird an dich ausgezahlt."],"You will send us":[null,"Bitte sende an uns"],"to:":[null,"an folgende Adresse:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Geldausgabe..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Bitte warten, Geld wird herausgegeben."],"All set":[null,"Fertig"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Bitte nimm das Geld aus dem Ausgabefach."],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,"Dürfen wir?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Um fortzufahren, sind wir aus gesetzlichen Gründen dazu verpflichtet, ein Foto von dir zu machen. Ist das in Ordnung?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, macht ein Foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nein, aufhören"],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,"Nein, sende die Coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nein, abbrechen"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Schaue in die Kamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Leider konnten wir kein gutes Bild von dir machen."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Schaue bitte in die Kamera oberhalb des Bildschirms."],"We dispensed":[null,"Wir haben ausgezahlt"],"You sent us":[null,"Dein gesendeter Betrag"],"See you!":[null,"Bis bald!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Vorübergehendes Limit erreicht"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Es tut uns leid! Der erlaubte Maximalbetrag pro Person wurde erreicht."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Wir konnten deine ID-Karte nicht lesen."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Vielleicht solltest du es nochmals probieren."],"Cancel":[null,"Abbrechen"],"ID verification":[null,"Identitätsprüfung"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Möchtest du mehr Geldnoten einzahlen?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, verifiziere Identität"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Bitte führe eine Banknote ein"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Bitte führe den ersten Geldschein in den Automaten ein."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Führe eine weitere Banknote ein"],"deposited so far":[null,"Bisher eingeführt"],"total purchased":[null,"total gekauft"],"OR":[null,"oder"],"Finished?":[null,"Fertig?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Ungültige Adresse"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Es sieht so aus, dass du ein Wallet für einen anderen Coin benutzt oder dieses Adressformat nicht von uns unterstützt wird."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Bitte überprüfe deinen QR Code und versuche es erneut."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Wir haben keine Coins mehr!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Bitte versuche es später erneut."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Hoppla! etwas ist schief gelaufen"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Versuchen erreicht. Bitte kontaktiere den Anbieter oder versuche es später erneut."],"More, please":[null,"Bitte mehr"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Wir haben keine Geldscheine mehr!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Coins erhalten!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisierung..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Noch einmal versuchen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Das von dir gezeigte Dokument ist nicht übereinstimmend."],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Handynummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Bitte gib deine Telefonnummer ein damit wir dich benachrichtigen können, sobald dein Kauf bestätigt wurde."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Bitte gib die Handynummer ein, die du während deiner Bestellung verwendet hast."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Um deine Identität zu verifizieren, benötigen wir deine Telefonnummer."],"Submit":[null,"Bestätigen"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Halte deinen QR Code vor den Scanner..."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bitte legitimiere dich"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Um fortzufahren, sind wir dazu verpflichtet, deine Identität zu verifizieren."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Sicherheitscode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Wir haben dir einen Code gesendet. Bitte gib ihn hier ein, sobald du ihn empfangen hast."],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Deine Coins werden gesendet..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Wenn du einen höheren Betrag kaufen möchtest, benötigen wir deine Telefonnummer. Im Anschluss wirst du einen Code per SMS erhalten."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Verdächtige Adresse"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Diese Adresse steht möglicherweise mit einem vorgetäuschten Angebot oder einer nicht erwünschten Gruppe in Verbindung. Bitte nutze eine Adresse aus deinem eigenen Wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Hochfahren..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisiere Hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialisierung..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Public Key wird erstellt."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Verbinde..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Kopplung..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Verbinde mit Remote Server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Paarung fehlgeschlagen"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Während des Paarungsversuches wurde ein Fehler entdeckt:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Bitte scanne den QR Code, welchen du vom Remote-Server erhalten hast."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Wartung erforderlich"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"I agree":[null,"Ich stimme zu"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Der Automat wird im Moment gewartet."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Wir werden es überprüfen"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Deine Order ist eingegangen, jedoch haben wir noch keine Transaktion von dir feststellen können. Bitte überprüfe ob die Transaktion von deinem Wallet ausgeführt wurde."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn du dir sicher bist, dass du die Coins gesendet hat, kontaktiere bitte den Betreiber."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber für mehr Informationen."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Zeige bitte ein Foto deines Beleges."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Wir warten auf die Bestätigung deiner Transaktion in der Blockchain. Sobald dies der Fall ist, wirst du eine SMS von uns erhalten."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wenn du dieses SMS erhalten hast, kannst du zum ATM zurückkehren und auf den Redeem Button tippen."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Wir können deine Transaktion nicht verarbeiten."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Es liegt an uns, nicht an dir."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Unser System hat einen Fehler festgestellt."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte versuch es noch einmal oder kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Ihre Quittung"],"pending confirmation":[null,"Bestätigung ausstehend"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Dieser ATM bietet den von dir gwünschten Coin nicht an."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Bitte besuche einen Automaten, welche deine gewünschte Währung anbietet."],"Network Down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Der Automat wir zurzeit gewartet."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Bitte komm später nochmals."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code stimmt nicht überein, bitte versuche es nochmal."],"Almost there":[null,"Fast geschafft"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Wir sehen Ihre Transaktion, warten aber noch auf Bestätigung. Dies dauert im Durchschnitt 15 Minuten, kann aber bis zu ein oder zwei Stunden dauern. Je nach dem wie das aktuelle Transaktionsvolumen auf der Blockchain ist."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Wir können keine Bestellungen mit deiner Telefonnummer finden. Hast du vielleicht eine andere Telefonnummer verwendet."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn Du sicher bist dass mit der angegebenen Telefonnummer eine Auszahlung bereitstehen sollte, melde Dich bitte beim Support."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Die Maschine ist gesperrt"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Bitte sprich den Betreiber an."],"What next?":[null,"Was passiert als nächstest?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine Telefonnummer nicht verifizieren, sodass Du möglicherweise von uns nicht kontaktiert werden kannst um mitzuteilen wann das Geld zur Auszahlung bereit ist."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte mach ein Foto des nächsten Bildschirms der als elektronischen Beleg dient und wende Dich an Support."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi Fehler in der Verbindung..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Bitte bestätige Dein Passwort."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Unser System hat ein Problem bei der Legitimierung festgestellt. Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"Please contact support":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere unseren Support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Zur Abwicklung Deiner Transaktion müssen wir einige Informationen zu Deinem Konto klären"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Identität wird überprüft..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Das kann ein paar Sekunden dauern."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Foto wird überprüft..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Wähle das WiFi Netzwerk"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Es werden nur verschlüsselte Netzwerke angezeigt."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WLAN Passwort"],"Connect":[null,"Verbinden"],"We got this":[null,"Wir haben das erhalten"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Das könnte einen Moment dauern."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbunden. Warte auf Antwort."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,"%s Kaufen"],"Sell %s":[null,"%s Verkaufen"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Krypto Automat"],"MORE":[null,"MEHR"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Bitte komm wieder in %s Stunden"],"for %s":[null,"Für %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Du verbindest dich mit dem WLAN %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transaktion Gebühr: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Bisher eingezahlt %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Du hast eine %s Banknote eingeführt"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transaktionslimit erreicht."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Aktuell besteht ein kleiner Krypto- Engpass."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Bitte führe %s oder weniger ein."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Mindest Betrag ist %s, bitte."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Verarbeite %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne Deine %s Adresse"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Bitte scanne nun den QR Code mit der Zieladresse und sende uns Deine %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Hast Du die %s bereits gesendet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne nun Deine %s Adresse"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Fehlerhafte %s Adresse"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Dies sollte durchschnittlich 15 Sekunden dauern. Gelegentlich dauert es mehr etwas mehr als eine Minute."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaktionslimit ist erreicht, bitte lass Dich nun auszahlen"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Du sendest %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"de-DE"}},"fur-IT":{"Address already used":[null,"Indiriz bjelgià doprât"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Somê ca tu vèdis già doprât chist indiriz."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Par la tò sigurece e privacy cuintri lis trufis, par plasè gènere un gnûf indiriz dal tô wallet e scansiòne chèl investe."],"Start over":[null,"Torne tache"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Setu sigûr?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Tu âs bielgià mandâdis lis monedis e cancelât cence confermà il tô numar di telefono, bisugne ca tu sistêmis la transazion cun l'operadôr."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presse 'Continue la transazion' e spete fin a 60 seconds par viodi il tô depuêsit."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Opûr presse ' Cancele la transazion' par tornà a le schermade iniziâl."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue la transazion"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancêle la transazion"],"Try again":[null,"Prove di gnûf"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Il numar di telefono ca tu âs metût nol và. Sa tu âs un numar internazionâl, met il prefìs cun il + e il codiç di clamade dal to paîs."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Par esempli, il codiç di clamade dal Belgio somearà cussì: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Il codiç ca tu âs metût nol è corèt."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Par plasè contròle di vè metût il codiç di sîs cifris ca tu âs vût di nò."],"One moment...":[null,"Un moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Lengaçs"],"Redeem":[null,"Riscatte"],"How much?":[null,"Trop vegnal?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Ritire"],"Clear":[null,"Nete"],"Thank you!":[null,"Grassie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Tu âs comprât"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Li tôs monedis a son pa strade viârs:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Chjape une foto de schermade come ricevude eletroniche"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Presse el schermo là ca tu ûs quant ca tu âs fat."],"Network down":[null,"No è rêt"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Anchjemò nue."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No si viôdin monedis."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lu aj"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No lu aj"],"Send Coins":[null,"Mande lis monedis"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ti vignarà erogât."],"You will send us":[null,"Tu nûs mandarâs"],"to:":[null,"a:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Erogazion..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Par plasè spiete tan che ti eroghìn i bêz."],"All set":[null,"Dut fat"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Par plasè ghiave i bêz dal dispensari."],"Collect bills":[null,"Ritire i bêz"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Par continuà l'erogazion, tire sù i bêz dal dispensari."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Chjale fìs el puntin"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Varès di stà nome qualchi secont."],"May we?":[null,"Podîno?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Par podè continuà chiste transazion, vìn bisugne di fati une foto seguìnt lis regulis dal puest. Vadie ben?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, fâs la foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finìsile"],"Try again?":[null,"Prove di gnûf?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Somê ca no vìn fat just."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Vino di provà un altre foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, prove di gnûf"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, mande lis monedis"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancèle"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Chiale l'obietîf"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"No sìn rivâts a fâti une buine foto."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Par plasè chiale l'obietîf parsore el schermo."],"We dispensed":[null,"Vìn distribuît"],"You sent us":[null,"Tu nûs âs mandât"],"See you!":[null,"Mandì!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Par cumô vonde, tu sês rivât al lìmit"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Nûs displâs, sîn rivâts al lìmit obligatori par omp."],"OK":[null,"Va bèn"],"Sorry":[null,"Scuse"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No rivìn a leî la tô chiarte di identitât."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Tu podarêssis vê voe di tornà a provà."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancêle"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifiche identitât"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Sa tu âs voe di comprà di plui, varìn bisùgne di verificà cûi ca tu sês domandanti di fà la scànsiòn dal to ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Vuèlitu inserì plui bêz?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Si, verifiche l'ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet validât cun sucès!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserìs une banconote"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Par plasè inserìs la prime banconote in te màchine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Lis tôs monedis saràn inviàdis a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserìs un altre banconote"],"deposited so far":[null,"Metûts jù fin cumò"],"total purchased":[null,"totâl comprât"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"Atu finît?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Address no valîd"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Someê come se tû stèssis doprànt un wallet pâr une monêde differènte opûr un formât di address che nô no doprîn."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Par plasè controle il tô QR code e prove di gnûf."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Vîn finîdis lis monêdis!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Par Plasè prove plui târd."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ochio, chêl chi nô funsiône"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Tu âs provât masse voltis. Par plasè contâte l'operadôr par risôlvi, o prove plui tard."],"More, please":[null,"Di plui, par plasè"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Vìn finît dut i bêz!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fònds ricevûts!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Stîn autorizant..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Ustu provà anchiemò?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Il document ca tu âs mostrât no cûrispuînt."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erôr di scansion dal QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No rivìn a fa le scansion juste dal to paper wallet. Posizionilu miôr ta areê di scansiòn, opûr contrôle cal sêdi stampât bèn."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se il problema al reste, prove a stampalu di gnûf."],"Scan again":[null,"Scansione di gnûf"],"Print again":[null,"Stampe di gnûf"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Stampe falîde"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Someê sedi stât un problema ta spampe dal tô wallet. Par plasè contâte l'operadôr par vE plui informazions opûr torne prove a stampà."],"Back to Home":[null,"Torne al Inîzi"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Par validalu, par plasè mostre la mûse dal tô paper wallet sul barcôn di scansion."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTÂNT: chiste chiarte â dentri i toi bêz. Une volte validade, no sta mostrà chiste clâf atôr a nissun e no sta piârdile!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numar di telefono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Par plasè inserîss il tô numâr di cellulâr cussì podìn mandati un Sms quant che il tô ordîn al'è confermât."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Par plasè inserîss il numar di cellulâr ca tu âs doprât quant tu âs fat l'ordin."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Par plasè inserîss il to numar di cellulâr par verificà l'ID."],"Submit":[null,"Sotscrîf"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tèn il to Qr code su la barconète di scansion par là indenant."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Par plasè verifiche la tò identitât"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Par là indenant, vìn bisugne di verificà la to identitât."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codiç di Sigurèce"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ti vîn mandât un codiç di sigurèce. Quant ca ti rive, scrivilu chi."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Sìn cence monedis!"],"Send coins":[null,"Mande lis monedis"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Stìn spedint lis tôs monedis..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Sa tu âs che di comprà di plui, vîn bisugne di domandati il tô numar di telefono. Cussì ti mandìn un codiç vie SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Address suspiet"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Chìst address podarês sedi associât cun une freadûre o cun grups di delinquènts. Par plasè sigûriti ca tu stâs doprant un address dal tô wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Scomencîn..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inizializin l'hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Inizializin..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generazion di identitât crittografiche."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connesion..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Parege cun il server lontàn"],"Scan":[null,"Scansione"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing falît"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Si è verificât un erôr tant che provàvin a paregià:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Par plasè scansione il QR code di paregio ca tu âs vût dal to server lontàn."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Richieste di manutenzion"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Par plasè contàte l'operatôr."],"I agree":[null,"Soj d'acordo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Scusajnus, sin fêrs pal momènt."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Stìn dànt une chialade"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Vìn el to ôrdin ma no vìn viodût anchjemò la tô transazion di depuesit. Controle se il to wallet al'â spedît lis monedis pe tô transazion."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se tu sês sigûr di vè mandât lis monedis, alore contate l'operadôr."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"And'ê qualchi dificoltât."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Par plasè contate l'operadôr par vê qualchi informazion di plui."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Par plasè scate une foto de tô ricevude."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostre la ricevude"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Stìn spètant che il tô depuesit sedi confermât su la blockchain. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Engedélyezés..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Megszeretnéd próbálni újra?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefonszám"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Kérjük, add meg a mobilszámodat, hogy SMS-t küldhessünk Neked, ha teljesült a tranzakciód.\n"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Kérjük add meg a mobilszámod amit a tranzakciód indításánál használtál."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Kérjük, hogy igazold a személyazonosságodat"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Biztonsági Kód"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Elküldtünk Neked egy biztonsági kódot. \n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Bootolás..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Hardver inicializálása."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Csatlakozás..."],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Párosítás a szerverrel"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Keresd az operátort!"],"I agree":[null,"Egyetértek"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Hoppá!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Valami bibi van."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"További információért, kérjük fordulj az üzemeltetőhöz!"],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Kérjük, csinálj fotót a nyugtádról."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,""],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Ezt sajnos a mi hibánk!"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"A rendszer hibát észlelt."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Kérjük, próbáld újra vagy fordulj az üzemeltetőhöz!"],"Your Receipt":[null,"A bizonylatod"],"pending confirmation":[null,"megerősítésre várakozás"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,""],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Ez a gép nem kezeli a kért valutát."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Kérjük, egy olyan automatából vedd fel a pénzt amely tudja kezelni az igényelt valutát."],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"A megadott kód nem helyes."],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"A megdott mobilszámhoz nem tartozik semmilyen befejezetlen tranzakció. Ellenőrizd, hogy nem lehet-e, hogy másik telefonszámot használtál."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Ha biztos vagy benne, hogy a megadott mobilszámhoz tartozik befejezetlen tranzakció, kérjük hogy vedd fel a kapcsolatot ügyfélszolgálatunkkal."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"További információért keresd az operátort!"],"What next?":[null,"Mi a következő lépés?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nem tudtuk ellenőrizni a mobilszámodat, így nem fogunk tudni értesíteni arról, hogy felveheted a pénzed."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"A rendszer hibát észlelt."],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Ez eltarthat néhány másodpercig."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Csak a biztonságos hálózatok vannak megjelenítve."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi jelszó"],"Connect":[null,"Csatlakozás"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Ez eltarthat egy darabig."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Csatlakozva. Árfolyamra várok."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,""],"Sell %s":[null,""],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,""],"MORE":[null,"EGYÉB"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,""],"for %s":[null,"a %s nevű hálózathoz"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Csatlakozás a %s nevű WiFi hálózathoz"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,""],"You deposited %s":[null,""],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Betett bankjegy: %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Elérted a tranzakciós limitet."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,""],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Ennél kevesebbet tegyél be: %s"],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,""],"Processing %s ...":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"hu-HU"}},"es-CL":{"Address already used":[null,"La dirección ya ha sido utilizada"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que ya has usado esta dirección."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para su privacidad y seguridad contra estafas, genere una dirección nueva desde su monedero y escanee esa."],"Start over":[null,"Comenzar de nuevo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"¿Está seguro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si ya ha enviado monedas y cancela sin confirmar su número de teléfono, deberá liquidar manualmente la transacción con el operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presione 'Continuar transacción' y espere hasta 60 segundos para que se vea su depósito."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"O presione 'Cancelar transacción' para volver a la pantalla de inicio."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transacción"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transacción"],"Try again":[null,"Inténtelo de nuevo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono que ingresó no funcionó. Si tiene un número internacional, coloque el prefijo + y el código de su país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo, el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, por lo que un número belga se vería así: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código entrado fue incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Asegúrese de ingresar el código de seis dígitos que le hemos enviado."],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (5% descuento)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Retirar"],"Clear":[null,"Vaciar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ha comprado"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sus monedas están en camino a la siguiente dirección: "],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aún no hemos recibido las monedas."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lo hice"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, no lo hice"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retire su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mire al punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos permite?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Para continuar con esta transacción, necesitamos tomarle una foto para cumplir con las leyes locales. ¿Está de acuerdo?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, de acuerdo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finalizar"],"Try again?":[null,"¿Inténtalo de nuevo?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que no obtuvimos una buena foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"¿Intentamos otra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Sí, intentar de nuevo"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, enviar monedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Mire a la cámara"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"La foto de usted no ha salido bién."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor, mire a la cámara situada en la pantalla."],"We dispensed":[null,"Entregado"],"You sent us":[null,"Usted lo envió"],"See you!":[null,"¡Hasta pronto!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Límite temporal alcanzado"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. Hemos alcanzado nuestro límite obligatorio por usuario."],"OK":[null,"VALE"],"Sorry":[null,"Lo siento"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No pudimos leer su DNI."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Podría intentarlo de nuevo."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificación de identidad"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra más grande, necesitaremos verificar su identidad escaneando su identificación."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Desea introducir más billetes?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sí, verificar ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"¡Billetera validada con éxito!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserte un billete"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor inserte su primer billete en la máquina"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Sus monedas serán enviadas a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserte otro billete"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado hasta este momento"],"total purchased":[null,"total comprado"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"¿Ha terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escriba su código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"La dirección es inválida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que estás usando una billetera para una moneda diferente o un formato de dirección que aún no admitimos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor, verifique su codigo QR e intentelo de nuevo."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nos hemos quedado sin monedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor, intentelo mas tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ups, esto no está funcionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente su billetera de papel. Asegúrase de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intente imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"La impresión ha fallido"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu billetera. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de su billetera de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie ni la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"\n"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Por favor verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"¡Uy!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos experimentando algunas dificultades."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor, contacte al operador para más información. "],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, tome una foto de su recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar su transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no usted."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimentó un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmación pendiente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina no maneja la moneda que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira a una máquina que maneje tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código ingresado no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi ahi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ningún pedido abierto asociado con tu teléfono. Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indica un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Conectado. Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya enviaste el %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s inválida"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Esto debería tardar 15 segundos en promedio. Ocasionalmente, tardará más de un minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Estarás enviando %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (%s descuento)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Imprimiendo recibo..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"¡Recibo imprimido con éxito!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-CL"}},"ar-SA":{"Address already used":[null,"العنوان المستخدم بالفعل"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"يبدو أنك استخدمت هذا العنوان بالفعل."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"لكل من خصوصيتك وأمانك ضد عمليات الاحتيال ، يرجى إنشاء واحدة جديدة من محفظتك ومسحها بدلاً من ذلك."],"Start over":[null,"ابدأ من جديد"],"Are you sure?":[null,"هل أنت واثق؟"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"إذا كنت قد أرسلت بالفعل عملات معدنية وقمت بالإلغاء دون تأكيد رقم هاتفك ، فستحتاج إلى تسوية المعاملة يدويًا مع المشغل."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"اضغط على \"متابعة المعاملة\" وانتظر لمدة تصل إلى 60 ثانية حتى ترى إيداعك."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"أو اضغط على \"إلغاء المعاملة\" للعودة إلى الشاشة الرئيسية."],"Continue transaction":[null,"مواصلة الصفقة"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"إلغاء الصفقة"],"Try again":[null,"حاول مجددا"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"رقم الهاتف الذي أدخلته لا يعمل. إذا كان لديك رقم دولي ، فالرجاء بادئة الرقم + ورمز الاتصال في بلدك."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"على سبيل المثال ، رمز الاتصال في بلجيكا هو +32 ، لذلك سيبدو الرقم البلجيكي: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"الرمز الذي أدخلته غير صحيح."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"يرجى التأكد من إدخال الرمز المكون من ستة أرقام الذي تتلقاه منا."],"One moment...":[null,"لحظة واحدة ..."],"Languages":[null,"اللغات"],"Redeem":[null,"خلص"],"How much?":[null,"كم الثمن؟"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"المصروفات"],"Clear":[null,"واضح"],"Thank you!":[null,"شكراً!"],"You Purchased":[null,"لقد اشتريت"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"عملاتك المعدنية في طريقها إلى:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"التقط صورة لهذه الشاشة لإيصالك الإلكتروني"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"اضغط في أي مكان على الشاشة عند الانتهاء."],"Network down":[null,"أسفل الشبكة"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"لا شيء حتى الان."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"لا توجد عملات معدنية تظهر."],"Yes, I have":[null,"نعم لدي"],"No, I haven't":[null,"لا ، ليس لدي"],"Send Coins":[null,"إرسال العملات"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"سيتم الاستغناء لك."],"You will send us":[null,"سوف ترسل لنا"],"to:":[null,"إلى:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"الاستغناء..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"يرجى الانتظار بينما نحن صرف أموالك."],"All set":[null,"كل مجموعة"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"يرجى إزالة أموالك من الدرج."],"Collect bills":[null,"جمع الفواتير"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"لمتابعة الاستغناء ، خذ أموالك من الدرج."],"Look at the dot":[null,"انظر إلى النقطة"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"هذا يجب أن تأخذ فقط ثانية."],"May we?":[null,"هل يمكننا؟"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"الاعتذار. لقد وصلنا إلى الحد المسموح به لكل مستخدم."],"OK":[null,"حسنا"],"Sorry":[null,"آسف"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"لم نتمكن من قراءة بطاقة الهوية الخاصة بك."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"قد ترغب في إعطائها طلقة أخرى."],"Cancel":[null,"إلغاء"],"ID verification":[null,"التحقق من الهوية"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"إذا كنت ترغب في إجراء عملية شراء أكبر ، فسنحتاج إلى التأكد من أنك عن طريق مطالبتك بمسح هويتك."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"هل ترغب في إدراج المزيد من الفواتير؟"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"نعم ، تحقق من الهوية"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"تم التحقق من المحفظة بنجاح!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"أدخل عملة ورقية"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"الرجاء إدخال فاتورتك الأولى في الجهاز."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"سيتم إرسال عملاتك المعدنية إلى:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"أدخل عملة ثانية"],"deposited so far":[null,"تم إدخال"],"total purchased":[null,"مجموع شراؤها"],"OR":[null,"أو"],"Finished?":[null,"تم الانتهاء من؟"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"عنوان خاطئ"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"يبدو أنك تستخدم محفظة لعملة مختلفة أو تنسيق عنوان لا ندعمه بعد."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"يرجى التحقق من رمز الاستجابة السريعة والمحاولة مرة أخرى."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"نحن جميعا من العملات المعدنية!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"الرجاء معاودة المحاولة في وقت لاحق."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"عفوًا ، هذا لا يعمل"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"لقد بلغت الحد الأقصى لعدد مرات إعادة المحاولة. يرجى الاتصال بالمشغل لفرز هذا ، أو أعد المحاولة لاحقًا."],"More, please":[null,"أكثر من فضلك"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"نحن جميعا نفاد النقدية!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"الأموال المستلمة!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"يجيز ..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"تريد المحاولة مرة أخرى؟"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"المستند الذي عرضته غير متطابق."],"QR scanning error":[null,"خطأ في مسح QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"لم نتمكن من مسح محفظتك الورقية بشكل صحيح. تأكد من وضعه بشكل صحيح على حاوية المسح الضوئي وأنه تمت طباعته بشكل صحيح."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"إذا استمرت المشكلة ، فحاول الطباعة مرة أخرى."],"Scan again":[null,"امسح مجددا"],"Print again":[null,"طباعة مرة أخرى"],"Printing Failed":[null,"فشل الطباعة"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"يبدو أن هناك مشكلة أثناء طباعة محفظتك. يرجى الاتصال بالمشغل لمزيد من المعلومات أو حاول الطباعة مرة أخرى."],"Back to Home":[null,"العودة إلى المنزل"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"للتحقق من الصحة ، يرجى تقديم مقدمة محفظتك الورقية إلى نافذة المسح."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"هام: تحتوي هذه الورقة على أموالك. بمجرد التحقق من الصحة ، لا تُظهر هذا المفتاح لأي شخص ولا تضعه في مكانه!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"رقم الهاتف"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"يرجى إدخال رقم هاتفك المحمول حتى نتمكن من إرسال الرسائل النصية إليك عند تأكيد طلبك."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"الرجاء إدخال رقم الهاتف المحمول الذي استخدمته عند تقديم طلبك."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"الرجاء إدخال رقم هاتفك المحمول للتحقق من الهوية."],"Submit":[null,"خضع"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"امسك رمز الاستجابة السريعة الخاص بك حتى نافذة المسح للمتابعة."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"يرجى التحقق من هويتك"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"للمتابعة ، نحن مطالبون بالتحقق من هويتك."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"رمز الحماية"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"قد يرتبط هذا العنوان بعرض مضلل أو مجموعة محظورة. يرجى التأكد من أنك تستخدم عنوانًا من محفظتك الخاصة."],"Booting up...":[null,"تمهيد ..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"تهيئة الأجهزة."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"جار تهيئة..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"توليد هوية التشفير."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"توصيل..."],"Pairing...":[null,"الاقتران ..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"إقران مع خادم بعيد"],"Scan":[null,"تفحص"],"Pairing failed":[null,"فشل الاقتران"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"عند محاولة الاقتران ، واجهنا خطأ:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"يرجى مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة الذي حصلت عليه من خادمك البعيد."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"صيانة مطلوبة"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"الرجاء الاتصال بمركز الخدمة."],"I agree":[null,"أنا موافق"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"آسف ، نحن في هذه اللحظة."],"We're taking a look":[null,"نحن نلقي نظرة"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"لدينا طلبك ، ولكن لم نر حتى الآن معاملة الإيداع الخاصة بك. تحقق مما إذا كانت محفظتك قد أرسلت النقود للمعاملات الخاصة بك."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"إذا كنت متأكدًا من إرسال عملاتك ، فيرجى الاتصال بالمشغل."],"Oops!":[null,"وجه الفتاة!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"نحن نواجه بعض الصعوبات."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"يرجى الاتصال المشغل لمزيد من المعلومات."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"يرجى التقاط صورة من إيصالك."],"Show receipt":[null,"إظهار الإيصال"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"نحن في انتظار إيداعك لتأكيد على blockchain. ستتلقى قريبًا رسالة نصية لإعلامك بتأكيد معاملتك."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"عندما يحدث ذلك ، يرجى العودة إلى هذا الجهاز والضغط على زر استرداد."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"لا يمكننا معالجة معاملتك."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"انها لنا ، وليس أنت."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"واجه نظامنا خطأ."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"لا تتردد في إعادة المحاولة أو الاتصال بالمشغل."],"Your Receipt":[null,"ايصالك"],"pending confirmation":[null,"في انتظار التأكيد"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"تم إرسال عملاتك المعدنية إلى:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"لا يتعامل هذا الجهاز مع العملة التي طلبتها."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"يرجى صرف النقود في جهاز يتعامل مع عملتك."],"Network Down":[null,"أسفل الشبكة"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"عذرا ، نحن في هذه اللحظة."],"Please come back later.":[null,"يرجى العودة لاحقا."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"الرمز الذي أدخلته غير متطابق."],"Almost there":[null,"اوشكت على الوصول"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"نرى معاملتك لكننا ما زلنا في انتظار التأكيد. يستغرق هذا 10 دقائق في المتوسط ، لكن قد يستغرق ما يصل إلى ساعة أو ساعتين."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"لا نرى أي طلبات مفتوحة مرتبطة بهاتفك. إذا كان لديك هاتف آخر ربما تكون قد استخدمته ، يمكنك محاولة استرداد هذا الرقم مرة أخرى."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"إذا كنت متأكدًا من وجود طلب مفتوح مرتبط بهذا الهاتف ، فيرجى الاتصال بالمشغل."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"هذا الجهاز مغلق"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"الرجاء طلب خدمة العملاء."],"What next?":[null,"ماذا بعد؟"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"لم نتمكن من التحقق من رقم هاتفك ، لذلك قد لا نتمكن من الاتصال بك عندما تكون أموالك جاهزة."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"يرجى التقاط صورة للشاشة التالية لإيصالك الإلكتروني ، ثم اتصل بالمشغل."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"فشل اتصال WiFi ..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"أشار نظامنا إلى مشكلة في تحديد الهوية."],"Please contact support":[null,"يرجى الاتصال بالدعم"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"من أجل معالجة معاملتك ، نحتاج إلى توضيح بعض المعلومات حول حسابك"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"التحقق من الهوية ..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"هذا قد يستغرق بضع ثوان."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"جارٍ التحقق من بطاقة الصور ..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"جارٍ التحقق من الصورة ..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"اختر شبكة WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"يتم إظهار شبكات مضمونة فقط."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"أو قم بتوصيل الإيثرنت"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"اتصال سلكي مفضل للاستقرار."],"WiFi password":[null,"كلمة المرور لالواي في"],"Connect":[null,"اشبك"],"We got this":[null,"لقد حصلنا على هذا"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"يرجى الإنتظار."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"وفقًا للوائح المحلية ، وصلت إلى حد معاملتك. يرجى الاتصال بنا إذا كنت ترغب في رفع الحد الأقصى."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"مسح عنوانك"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"يرجى مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة لإرسال لنا s%."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"هل أرسلت %s حتى الآن؟"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"مسح عنوان s% الخاص بك"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"عنوان s% غير صالح"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"تم بلوغ حد المعاملة ، يرجى صرف النقود"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"سوف ترسل s %s%"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"بيتكوين"],"Ethereum":[null,"إيثريوم"],"Zcash":[null,"زیکش"],"Litecoin":[null,"لايتكوين"],"Dash":[null,"داش"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"بيتكوين كاش"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ar-SA"}},"en-HK":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promo code added (5 discount)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a bill"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another bill"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"We're out of coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Send coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Sending your coins..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Suspicious address"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"We're having some difficulties."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Please contact the operator for more information."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Please snap a photo of your receipt."],"Show receipt":[null,"Show receipt"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We are unable to process your transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"It's us, not you."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Our system experienced an error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Your Receipt"],"pending confirmation":[null,"pending confirmation"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Your coins were sent to:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"This machine does not handle the currency you requested."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency."],"Network Down":[null,"Network Down"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we're down for the moment."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Please come back later."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"The code you entered did not match."],"Almost there":[null,"Almost there"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"This Machine Is Locked"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Please ask for assistance."],"What next?":[null,"What next?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi failed to connect..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Please try the password again."],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN required"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Type in SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Yes, type in"],"Social security number":[null,"Social security number"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"To proceed, please enter your social security number."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Our system indicated an identification problem."],"Please contact support":[null,"Please contact support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifying identity..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"This could take a few seconds."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifying photo card..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifying photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Select a WiFi network"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Only secured networks are shown."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Or connect Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"A wired connection is preferred for stability."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi password"],"Connect":[null,"Connect"],"We got this":[null,"We got this"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"This could take a few moments."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Have you sent the %s yet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Invalid %s address"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,"Dėkojame!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Įdėkite banknotą"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,"Įdėkite dar vieną banknotą"],"deposited so far":[null,"įdėtų pinigų suma"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"ARBA"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. 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Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Pabandykite susisiekti su operatoriumi."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Prašome kreiptis į operatorių."],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Rodomi tik saugūs belaidžiai tinklai."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi slaptažodis"],"Connect":[null,"Prisijungti"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Tai gali užtrukti kelias akimirkas."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Kod koji ste uneli je netačan."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,"Trenutak..."],"Languages":[null,"Jezici"],"Redeem":[null,"Isplati"],"How much?":[null,"Koliko?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Imate li promo kod?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Isplati"],"Clear":[null,"Obriši"],"Thank you!":[null,"Hvala!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Kupili ste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vaši novčići su poslati ka:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Slikajte ekran da biste dobili elektronski račun"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Dodirnite bilo gde ekran kada završite"],"Network down":[null,"Mreža nedostupna"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Još ništa"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Novac se ne pojavljuje."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Da, jesam"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ne, nisam"],"Send Coins":[null,"Pošalji novac"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,"Poslaćete nam"],"to:":[null,"na:"],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Molimo Vas sačekajte dok Vam isplatimo novčanice."],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Molimo Vas, preuzmite Vaše novčanice."],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,"Pogledajte ka tački"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Ovo će potrajati sekundu."],"May we?":[null,"Možemo li?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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Dostigli smo limit transakcija po korisniku."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Ne možemo da pročitamo vašu ličnu kartu."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,"Odustani"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifikacija identiteta"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Da li želite da ubacite još novčanica?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Da, verifikuj identitetet"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Novčanik je uspešno validiran!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Unesite novčanicu"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Molimo Vas unesite prvu novčanicu u mašinu"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vaš novac će bit poslat ka:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Unesite narednu novčanicu"],"deposited so far":[null,"uplaćeno do sada"],"total purchased":[null,"ukupno kupljeno"],"OR":[null,"ILI"],"Finished?":[null,"Završili?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Upišite vaš promo kod"],"Invalid address":[null,"Nevažeća adresa"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Izgleda da koristite adresu ili novčanik koji još ne podržavamo "],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Proverite vaš QR kod i pokušajte ponovo"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Trenutno smo bez novca!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Molimo Vas pokušajte kasnije."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ups, ovo ne radi"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,"Molimo vas, još"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Trenutno smo bez keša!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Sredstva su primljena"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Odobravam..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Želite li da pokušate ponovo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Dokument koji ste pokazali ne odgovara"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Greška prilikom skeniranja QR koda"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,"Skeniraj ponovo"],"Print again":[null,"Štampaj ponovo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Štampanje nije uspelo"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. 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"],"Submit":[null,"Unesi"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Postavite Vaš QR kod na prozor skenera."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Molimo vas verifikujte vaš identitet"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Spremno za skeniranje"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Sigurnosni kod"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Poslali smo vam SMS sa sigurnosnim kodom. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Mašina je zaključana"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,"Šta sada?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi povezivanje nije uspelo..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Molimo vas upišite šifru ponovo. "],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN je neophodan"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Da bismo nastavili, moramo da zatražimo od vas da upišete vaš SSN"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Upiši SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Da, upiši"],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,"Molimo vas kontaktirajte podršku."],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifikujem identitet..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Ovo bi moglo da potraje par sekundi..."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifikujem fotografiju..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Odaberite WiFi mrežu"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Prikazane su samo sigurne mreže."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi šifra"],"Connect":[null,"Konektuj"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Ovo bi moglo potrajati par sekundi..."],"Connected. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,""],"Connect":[null,""],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,""],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Het ingevoerde telefoonnummer werkt helaas niet. Als u een internationaal nummer heeft, gebruik dan de prefix + en uw landnummer."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Bijvoorbeeld, het landnummer van België is +32, dus een Belgisch nummer ziet er uit als volgt: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"U heeft een verkeerde code ingevoerd."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Zorg ervoor dat u de zes cijferige code invoert die u van ons ontvangen heeft."],"One moment...":[null,"Een ogenblikje..."],"Languages":[null,"Taal"],"Redeem":[null,"Inwisselen"],"How much?":[null,"Hoeveel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Uitbetalen"],"Clear":[null,"Wis"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dank u!"],"You Purchased":[null,"U Kocht"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn onderweg naar:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Neem een foto van het scherm voor uw digitale bon"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Druk ergens op het scherm als u klaar bent."],"Network down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nog niets."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Nog geen coins ontvangen."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nee"],"Send Coins":[null,"Verstuur Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"wordt uitgegeven aan u."],"You will send us":[null,"U stuurt ons"],"to:":[null,"naar:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Uitgeven..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Geduld a.u.b. uw geld wordt uitgegeven."],"All set":[null,"Klaar"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade a.u.b."],"Collect bills":[null,"Verzamel biljetten"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade om door te gaan met uitgifte van biljetten."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Kijk naar de stip"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Een ogenblikje a.u.b."],"May we?":[null,"Mogen we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Excuses. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"U heeft het maximale aantal pogingen bereikt. Neem contact op met de operator, of probeer later opnieuw."],"More, please":[null,"Meer, Alstublieft"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We hebben geen geld meer!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Cryptos ontvangen!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Machtigen..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Wilt u opnieuw proberen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Het document dat u heeft getoond komt niet overeen."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanfout"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We konden uw paper wallet niet goed scannen. Zorg ervoor dat u het goed positioneert op de scanner en dat het goed geprint is."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Print het opnieuw als dit probleem zich blijft voordoen."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan opnieuw"],"Print again":[null,"Print opnieuw"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printen is mislukt"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat er een probleem was tijdens het printen van uw wallet. Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie of probeer het opnieuw te printen."],"Back to Home":[null,"Terug naar het Begin"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Om te valideren, toon de voorkant van uw paper wallet voor het scanraam."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"BELANGRIJK: Deze paper wallet bevat uw crypto. Toon deze code aan niemand en raak het niet kwijt!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefoonnummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in zodat wij een SMS kunnen sturen zodra de transactie bevestigd is."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Voer het mobiele nummer in dat u heeft gebruikt tijdens de transactie."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in om uw ID te verifiëren."],"Submit":[null,"Verzend"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Toon uw QR code voor het scanraam om door te gaan."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bevestig uw identiteit"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"We zijn verplicht om uw identiteit te controleren voordat we verder gaan."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Beveiligingscode"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Verzeker u ervan dat u een adres gebruikt van uw eigen wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Aan het opstarten..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Hardware aan het initialiseren."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialiseren..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Cryptografische identiteit aan het genereren."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Bezig met verbinden..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Aan het koppelen..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Koppel met externe server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Koppelen mislukt"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"We kregen een fout tijdens het koppelen:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Scan de QR koppel code die u kreeg van uw externe server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Onderhoud Vereist"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Neemt contact op met de eigenaar."],"I agree":[null,"I ga akkoord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We gaan er naar kijken"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We hebben uw order, maar we hebben uw stortingstransactie nog niet gezien. Controleer of uw wallet de coins heeft verstuurd."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker bent dat uw coins verstuurd zijn neem dan contact op met de operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oeps!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Er zijn wat problemen."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw bon."],"Show receipt":[null,"Toon bon"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We zijn aan het wachten totdat uw storting op de blockchain is bevestigd. U zult spoedig een SMS ontvangen waarin uw transactie bevestigd zal worden."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wanneer dit gebeurd, komt dan terug naar dit apparaat en druk op de Verzilver knop."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We kunnen uw transactie niet verwerken."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Het is een probleem aan onze kant."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een fout ervaren."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Probeer het opnieuw of neem contact op met de operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Uw Bon"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in afwachting van bevestiging"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn verzonden naar:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Deze machine ondersteund niet de valuta die u heeft aangevraagd."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Neem het geld op bij een machine die uw valuta ondersteund."],"Network Down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Kom later terug."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"De code die u hebt ingevoerd komt niet overeen."],"Almost there":[null,"Bijna klaar"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We zien je transactie maar we wachten nog steeds op een bevestiging. Dit kan gemiddeld 10 minuten duren, maar kan ook één of twee uur of langer duren."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We zien geen enkele transactie die is gekoppeld aan uw telefoon. Als u een ander nummer heeft gebruikt dan kunt u het opnieuw proberen met dat nummer."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker weet dat u een transactie gekoppeld heeft aan dit dit telefoonnummer, neem dan contact op met de operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Dit apparaat is vergrendeld"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Vraag alstublieft om assistentie."],"What next?":[null,"Wat nu?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We konden uw telefoonnummer niet controleren, als gevolg kunnen wij waarschijnlijk geen contact met u opnemen zodra uw geld klaar is om op te halen."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw digitale bon op het volgende scherm en neem dan contact op met de operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Het WiFi kon niet verbinden..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Probeer het wachtwoord opnieuw."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een identificatie probleem ontdekt."],"Please contact support":[null,"Contacteer support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Om uw transactie te verwerken, moeten we wat informatie over uw account nader toelichten"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Identiteit verifiëren..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Dit kan enkele seconden duren."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Fotokaart verifiëren..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Foto verifiëren..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Kies een WiFi netwerk"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Alleen beveiligde netwerken worden getoond."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Of verbindt Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Een bedraad netwerk heeft de voorkeur i.v.m. de stabiliteit."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi wachtwoord"],"Connect":[null,"Verbind"],"We got this":[null,"Komt goed"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Dit kan even duren."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbonden. Wachten op de index."],"More":[null,"Meer"],"Less":[null,"Minder"],"Buy %s":[null,"Koop %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Verkoop %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"Meer"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Kom terug in %s uur"],"for %s":[null,"voor %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"U maakt verbinding met het WiFi netwerk %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transactie Vergoeding: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"U heeft gestort %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"U heeft een bankbiljet van %s ingevoerd"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"We hebben een beetje weinig crypto."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Geef alstublieft %s of minder in."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Eerste minimale biljet is %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Verwerken %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt"],"Error in validation":[null,"Fout in validatie"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"U heeft uw transactie limiet bereikt door lokale regulatie. Neem contact met ons op als u uw limiet wilt verhogen."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Scan the QR code om uw %s te sturen."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Heeft u de %s al gestuurd?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Ongeldig %s adres"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Dit duurt gemiddeld ongeveer 15 seconden. Af en toe, kan het meer dan een minuut duren."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt, betaal uit"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"U gaat %s %s overmaken"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"nl-NL"}},"it-IT":{"Address already used":[null,"Indirizzo già utilizzato"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Sembra che tu abbia già utilizzato questo indirizzo."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"A salvaguardia della tua sicurezza e privacy contro possibili truffe, generane uno nuovo dal tuo wallet e scansiona quello per cortesia."],"Start over":[null,"Ricominciare"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Sei sicuro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Se hai già inviato le monete e annullato senza confermare il tuo numero di telefono, dovrai gestire manualmente la transazione con l'operatore."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Premi \"Continua la transazione\" e attendi fino a 60 secondi affinché il tuo deposito venga visualizzato."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Oppure premere 'Annulla la transazione' per tornare alla schermata principale."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continua la transazione"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancella la transazione"],"Try again":[null,"Riprova"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Il numero di telefono immesso non ha funzionato. Se si dispone di un numero internazionale, si prega di usare il prefisso con + e il codice di chiamata del proprio paese."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Ad esempio, il prefisso telefonico dell'Italia è +39, quindi un numero italiano potrebbe essere: +39 321 12 34 567"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Il codice immesso non è corretto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Assicurati di inserire il codice a sei cifre che hai ricevuto da noi."],"One moment...":[null,"Un attimo..."],"Languages":[null,"Lingue"],"Redeem":[null,"Riscatta"],"How much?":[null,"Quanti soldi?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Incassa"],"Clear":[null,"Cancella"],"Thank you!":[null,"Grazie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Hai acquistato"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Le monete sono state inviate a:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Scatta una foto di questa schermata per la ricevuta elettronica"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tocca ovunque sullo schermo quando hai finito."],"Network down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Ancora niente."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Non viene rilevata nessuna moneta."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sì, l'ho fatto"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, non l'ho fatto"],"Send Coins":[null,"Invia Monete"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ti saranno erogati."],"You will send us":[null,"Tu ci invierai"],"to:":[null,"a:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Erogazione..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Per favore attendi mentre eroghiamo i tuoi contanti."],"All set":[null,"Tutto pronto"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Si prega di rimuovere i contanti dal vassoio."],"Collect bills":[null,"Ritira le banconote"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Per continuare l'erogazione, prelevare i contanti dal vassoio."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Guarda il puntino"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Ci vorranno solo pochi istanti."],"May we?":[null,"Possiamo?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Per continuare questa transazione, abbiamo bisogno di scattare una foto di te per rispettare le leggi locali. Va bene?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Sì, scatta la foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finisci"],"Try again?":[null,"Vuoi ritentare?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Sembra che non abbiamo preso un buon scatto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Ritentiamo con un altra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, ritenta"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, invia monete"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, Annulla"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Guarda nella fotocamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Non ti abbiamo scattato una foto buona."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Si prega di guardare nella fotocamera posizionata sopra lo schermo."],"We dispensed":[null,"Abbiamo erogato"],"You sent us":[null,"Ci hai inviato"],"See you!":[null,"Arrivederci!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaneo raggiunto"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Ci scusiamo. Abbiamo raggiunto il nostro limite massimo per utente."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Spiacenti"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Non siamo riusciti a leggere la tua carta d'identità."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Potresti volerlo mostrare un'altra volta."],"Cancel":[null,"Annulla"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifica dell'identità"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Se desideri un acquisto maggiore, abbiamo necessità di essere sicuri della tua identità chiedendoti la scansione di un documento valido."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Vuoi inserire altre banconote?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sì, verifica l'identità"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet validato con successo!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserire una banconota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Si prega di inserire la prima banconota nella macchina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete saranno inviate a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserire un altra banconota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositato finora"],"total purchased":[null,"totale acquistato"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"Finito?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Indirizzo invalido"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Sembra che tu stia utilizzando un portafoglio per una moneta diversa o un formato di indirizzo che non supportiamo ancora."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Controlla il tuo QR code e riprova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito le monete!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, non sta funzionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di tentativi. Si prega di contattare l'operatore per risolvere il problema o riprovare più tardi."],"More, please":[null,"Di più, per favore"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i contanti!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondi ricevuti!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizzazione..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Vuoi riprovare?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Il documento che hai mostrato non corrisponde."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Errore nella scansione del QR-Code"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"La scansione del tuo paper wallet non è corretta. Assicurati di averlo posizionato nella giusta zona scansione e che sia stato stampato correttamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se il problema persiste prova a stamparlo di nuovo."],"Scan again":[null,"Scansiona di nuovo"],"Print again":[null,"Stampa di nuovo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Stampa fallita"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Sembra ci sia stato un problema nella stampa del tuo wallet. Per cortesia contatta l'operatore per maggiori informazioni o prova a stampare nuovamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Torna alla Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Per la validazione, cortesemente presenta il fronte del tuo paper wallet sulla finestra di scansione."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Questo foglio contiene i tuoi fondi. Una volta validato, non mostrare questa chiave a nessuno e non smarrirlo!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numero di telefono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Si prega di inserire il numero di cellulare così vi invieremo un messaggio quando il vostro ordine sarà confermato."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Inserisci il numero di cellulare che hai utilizzato quando hai effettuato l'ordine."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Inserisci il tuo numero di cellulare per la verifica dell'identità."],"Submit":[null,"Invia"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tenere il QR code davanti alla finestra di scansione per procedere."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Per favore verifica la tua identità"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Per poter procedere, siamo tenuti a verificare la tua identità."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codice di sicurezza"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ti abbiamo inviato un sms con un codice di sicurezza. Quando lo ricevi, inseriscilo qui."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Invia i coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Invio le monete..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Se desideri effettuare un acquisto più grande, dobbiamo chiedere il tuo numero di cellulare. Ti invieremo quindi un codice SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Indirizzo sospetto"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Questo indirizzo può essere associato a un'offerta ingannevole o a un gruppo vietato. Assicurati di utilizzare un indirizzo dal tuo portafoglio."],"Booting up...":[null,"Avvio..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inizializzazione dell'hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Inizializzazione..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generazione dell'identità crittografica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connessione..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Accoppiamento..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Accoppia con il server remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Scansiona"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Accoppiamento fallito"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Durante il tentativo di accoppiamento, abbiamo riscontrato un errore:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Si prega di scansionare il QR code di accoppiamento ottenuto dal server remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Richiesta manutenzione"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Si prega di contattare l'operatore."],"I agree":[null,"Accetto"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Stiamo controllando"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Abbiamo il tuo ordine, ma non abbiamo ancora visto la tua transazione di deposito. Controlla se il tuo portafoglio ha inviato le monete per la tua transazione."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro che le tue monete sono state inviate, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Stiamo avendo delle difficoltà."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Si prega di contattare l'operatore per maggiori informazioni."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della ricevuta."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostra la ricevuta"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Stiamo aspettando che il tuo deposito sia confermato sulla blockchain. Presto riceverai un sms che ti informa che la transazione è stata confermata."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quando succederà, torna su questa macchina e premi il tasto Riscatta."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Non siamo in grado di elaborare la tua transazione."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"È colpa nostra, non tua."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha riscontrato un errore."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Puoi riprovare o contattare l'operatore."],"Your Receipt":[null,"La tua ricevuta"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in attesa di conferma"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete sono state inviate a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Questa macchina non gestisce la valuta che hai richiesto."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Si prega di incassare presso una macchina che gestisce questa valuta."],"Network Down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Si prega di tornare più tardi."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Il codice immesso non corrisponde."],"Almost there":[null,"Ci siamo quasi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vediamo la tua transazione ma stiamo ancora aspettando una conferma. Questo richiede in media 10 minuti, ma può richiedere fino a un'ora o due."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Non vediamo alcun ordine aperto associato al tuo telefono. Se hai un altro telefono che potresti aver usato, puoi provare a riscattare di nuovo con quel numero."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro di avere un ordine aperto associato a questo telefono, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Questa macchina è bloccata"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Si prega di chiedere assistenza."],"What next?":[null,"E adesso?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Non siamo stati in grado di verificare il tuo numero di telefono, quindi potremmo non essere in grado di contattarti quando i tuoi contanti sono pronti."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della schermata successiva per la ricevuta elettronica, quindi contattare l'operatore."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi Impossibile connettersi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Per favore prova di nuovo la password."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha indicato un problema di identificazione."],"Please contact support":[null,"Si prega di contattare il supporto"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Per elaborare la tua transazione, dobbiamo chiarire alcune informazioni sul tuo account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifica identità..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni secondi."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifica della fototessera..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifica foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selezionare una rete WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Visalizzazione solo delle reti protette."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O connetti il cavo Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Una connessione via cavo è preferibile per la stabilità."],"WiFi password":[null,"Password WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connessione"],"We got this":[null,"Questo è ciò che abbiamo ricevuto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni istanti."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connesso. In attesa di ticker."],"More":[null,"Più"],"Less":[null,"Meno"],"Buy %s":[null,"Compra %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendi %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"PIÙ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Si prega di tornare tra %s ore"],"for %s":[null,"per %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Ti stai connettendo alla rete WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Costo transazione: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Hai depositato %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Inserita una banconota da %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Raggiunto il limite per la transazione."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Siamo a corto di criptovaluta."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Si prega di inserire %s o meno."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Il minimo per la prima banconota è %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Lavorazione %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limite di transazione raggiunto"],"Error in validation":[null,"Errore nella validazione"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"A causa delle norme locali, hai raggiunto i tuoi limiti di transazione. Contattaci se vuoi aumentare i tuoi limiti."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scansiona il tuo indirizzo %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Per favore scansiona il QR code per inviarci i tuoi %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Hai già inviato i %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scansiona il tuo indirizzo %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Indirizzo %s invalido"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Questo dovrebbe richiedere in media 15 secondi. Occasionalmente impiegherà più di un minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite di transazione raggiunto, si prega di incassare"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Invierai %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"it-IT"}},"fr-QC":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresse déjà utilisée"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Il semble que vous ayez déjà utilisé cette adresse"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Pour votre confidentialité et votre sécurité contre les escroqueries, veuillez en générer un nouveau à partir de votre portefeuille et scanner celui-ci à la place."],"Start over":[null,"Recommancer"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Êtes-vous sûr?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si vous avez déjà envoyé des pièces et annulé sans confirmer votre numéro de téléphone, vous devrez régler manuellement la transaction avec l'opérateur."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Appuyez sur «Continuer la transaction» et attendez jusqu'à 60 secondes pour que votre dépôt soit vu."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ou appuyez sur «Annuler la transaction» pour revenir à l'écran d'accueil."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuer la transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Annuler la transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Réessayer"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Le numéro de téléphone que vous avez entré n'a pas fonctionné. Si vous avez un numéro international, veuillez le précéder avec + et le code indicatif de votre pays."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Par exemple, le code indicatif de la Belgique est +32, donc un numéro Belge sera: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré est incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Veuillez vous assurer que vous entrez le code à six chiffres que vous recevez de notre part."],"One moment...":[null,"Un moment"],"Languages":[null,"Langue"],"Redeem":[null,"Encaisser"],"How much?":[null,"Combien?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Vendre"],"Clear":[null,"Effacer"],"Thank you!":[null,"Merci!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Vous avez acheté"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vos pièces sont sur le point d'être envoyés à:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Prenez une photo de cet écran pour votre reçu électronique"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Appuyez n'importe où sur l'écran lorsque vous avez terminé."],"Network down":[null,"Problème de réseau -\n"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Rien pour le moment."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aucune pièce reçue."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Oui, c'est fait"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Non, pas encore"],"Send Coins":[null,"Envoyer les pièces"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Vous sera dispensé."],"You will send us":[null,"Vous nous enverrez"],"to:":[null,"À:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Encaissement..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Veuillez patienter pendant que nous distribuons votre argent."],"All set":[null,"Tout est prêt"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Veuillez retirer votre argent du plateau."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collecter de l'argent"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Pour continuer la distribution, sortez votre argent du plateau."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Regarde le point"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Cela ne devrait prendre qu'une seconde."],"May we?":[null,"Pouvons-nous?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Afin de poursuivre cette transaction, nous devons prendre une photo de vous pour nous conformer aux lois locales. Est-ce correct?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Oui, prends une photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"Non, finis"],"Try again?":[null,"Réessayer"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"On dirait que nous n'avons pas eu une bonne photo."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Pouvons-nous essayer une autre photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Oui, essayer encore"],"No, send coins":[null,"Non, envoyer"],"No, cancel":[null,"Non, annuler"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Regarde la caméra"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"On dirait que nous n'avons pas eu une bonne photo."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Veuillez regarder dans la caméra située au-dessus de l'écran."],"We dispensed":[null,"Nous avons dispensé"],"You sent us":[null,"Tu nous as envoyé"],"See you!":[null,"Au revoir"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaire atteinte"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Toutes mes excuses. Nous avons atteint notre limite par utilisateur obligatoire."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Nous sommes désolés"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"On ne pourrait pas lire votre carte d’identité."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Veuillez essayer encore une fois."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuler"],"ID verification":[null,"Vérification d'identitée"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si vous souhaitez effectuer un achat plus important, nous devrons nous assurer que vous êtes bien en vous demandant de scanner votre identifiant."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Souhaitez vous insérer le plus de billets ?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Oui, vérifier ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Portefeuille validé avec succès!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Introduire un billet"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Veuillez insérer votre première billet de banque dans la machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vos pièces seront envoyés à cette adresse:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insérez un autre billet"],"deposited so far":[null,"Espèces déposées jusqu'à présent"],"total purchased":[null,"total de acheté"],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,"Fini?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Adresse invalide"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Il semble que vous utilisez un portefeuille pour une pièce différente ou un format d'adresse que nous ne prenons pas encore en charge."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Veuillez vérifier votre code QR et réessayer"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nous n'avons plus de coins disponible!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Veuillez réessayer plus tard."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oups, ça ne fonctionne pas"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de tentatives. Veuillez contacter l'opérateur pour régler ce problème ou réessayer plus tard."],"More, please":[null,"Plus, s’il vous plaît"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Nous sommes à court d'argent"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fonds reçus"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisation..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Voulez-vous essayer à nouveau ?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Le document que vous avez montré ne correspond pas."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erreur de numérisation QR Code"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nous n'avons pas pu scanner correctement votre portefeuille papier. Assurez-vous de le positionner correctement sur la baie de numérisation et qu'il a été correctement imprimé."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si le problème persiste, essayez à nouveau d'imprimer."],"Scan again":[null,"Numériser à nouveau"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimer à nouveau"],"Printing Failed":[null,"L'impression a échoué"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Il semble qu'il y ait eu un problème lors de l'impression de votre portefeuille. Veuillez contacter l'opérateur pour plus d'informations ou réessayer d'imprimer."],"Back to Home":[null,"Revenir au début"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Pour valider, veuillez présenter l'avant de votre portefeuille papier dans la fenêtre de numérisation."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: ce papier contient vos fonds. Une fois validée, ne montrez cette clé à personne et ne l'égarez pas! Votre reçu électronique"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numéro de téléphone"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de portable afin que nous puissions vous texter lorsque votre commande est confirmée."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Veuillez entrer le numéro du portable que vous avez utilisé lorsque vous avez placé votre commande."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de téléphone mobile pour la vérifier votre identitée."],"Submit":[null,"Soumettre"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Présenter votre code QR face à la fenêtre pour scanner et continuer."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"S'il vous plaît vérifiez votre identité"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Pour continuer, nous sommes tenus de vérifier votre identité."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Code de sécurité"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Nous vous avons envoyé un SMS avec votre code de sécurité. Quand vous l'obtenez, entrez-le ici."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Nous sommes à court de pièces!"],"Send coins":[null,"Envoyer des pièces"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Envoyer vos pièces"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si vous souhaitez effectuer un achat plus important, nous devons vous demander votre numéro de téléphone portable. Nous vous enverrons ensuite un code SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Adresse suspecte"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Cette adresse peut être associée à une offre trompeuse ou à un groupe interdit. Veuillez vous assurer que vous utilisez une adresse de votre propre portefeuille."],"Booting up...":[null,"Démarrage ..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisation du système."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialisation ..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Générer une identité cryptographique."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connexion..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Connexion en cours..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Synchronisation avec le serveur distant"],"Scan":[null,"Scanner"],"Pairing failed":[null,"L'appairage a échoué"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Une erreur est survenue lors de la tentative de connexion :"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"SVP scanner le code QR d'appairage que vous avez reçu de votre serveur distant."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance requise"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Veuillez contacter l'opérateur."],"I agree":[null,"Je suis d'accord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"La machine n'est pas disponible pour le moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Nous jetons un coup d'oeil"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Nous avons votre commande, mais nous n'avons pas encore vu votre transaction de dépôt. Vérifiez si votre portefeuille a envoyé les pièces pour votre transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si vous êtes sûr que vos pièces ont été envoyées, veuillez contacter l'opérateur."],"Oops!":[null,"Oups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Nous avons quelques difficultés."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Pour plus d'informations, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de votre reçu."],"Show receipt":[null,"Afficher le reçu"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Nous attendons que votre dépôt soit confirmé sur la blockchain. Vous recevrez bientôt un SMS vous informant que votre transaction a été confirmée."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Lorsque cela se produit, revenez sur cette machine et appuyez sur le bouton Utiliser."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Nous sommes incapables de traiter votre transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"C'est nous, pas vous."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Notre système a rencontré une erreur."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à essayer de nouveau, ou contactez l'opérateur."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Votre reçu"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmation en attente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vos pièces ont été envoyés à :"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Cette machine ne gère pas la devise que vous avez demandée."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"S'il vous plaît encaisser à une machine qui gère votre devise."],"Network Down":[null,"Problème de réseau"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"La machine n'est pas disponible pour le moment."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Revenez plus tard S'il vous plaît"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré ne correspond pas."],"Almost there":[null,"Presque là"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Nous voyons votre transaction mais nous attendons toujours la confirmation. Cela prend en moyenne 10 minutes mais peut prendre jusqu'à une heure ou deux."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nous ne voyons pas les commandes en cours associées avec votre numéro de téléphone. Si vous avez un autre numéro que vous avez peut-être utilisé, vous pouvez réessayer à nouveau avec ce numéro."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si vous savez que vous avez une commande en cours associée avec ce téléphone, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Cette machine est fermé"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"S'il vous plaît, demander de l'aide."],"What next?":[null,"Quoi faire ensuite?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nous n'avons pas pu vérifier votre numéro de téléphone, alors nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous contacter lorsque votre argent est prêt."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de l'écran suivant pour votre reçu électronique, puis contactez l'opérateur."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Le wifi n'a pas pu se connecter"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"S'il vous plaît essayer à nouveau votre mot de passe."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Une erreur d'identification est survenue."],"Please contact support":[null,"Veuillez contacter le support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Afin de traiter votre transaction, nous devons clarifier certaines informations sur votre compte"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Vérification d'identité"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Cela peut prendre quelques secondes."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Vérification de l'identifiant de la photo"],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Vérification de la photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Se connecter à un réseau WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Seul les réseaux sécurisés sont affichés."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ou connectez ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Une connexion filaire est préférable"],"WiFi password":[null,"Mot de passe WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connexion"],"We got this":[null,"Ou connectez Etherneet"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Cela pourrait prendre quelques minutes."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connecté. En attente du flux."],"More":[null,"Plus"],"Less":[null,"Moin"],"Buy %s":[null,"Acheter %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendre %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VOIR PLUS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"\n"],"for %s":[null,"pour %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Vous êtes en connexion avec le réseau WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"\n"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Tu as déposé %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vous avez introduit un billet de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"\n"],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Veuillez introduire %s ou moins."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Première note minimale est %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"En traitement %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte"],"Error in validation":[null,"Erreur de validation"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"En raison de la réglementation locale, vous avez atteint votre limite de transaction. Veuillez nous contacter si vous souhaitez augmenter votre limite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scannez votre %s adresse"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"S'il vous plaît, scannez le QR code pour nous envoyer vos %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Avez-vous envoyé les %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanner votre adresse %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Adresse %s invalide"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Cela devrait prendre 15 secondes en moyenne. Parfois, il faudra plus d’une minute."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte, veuillez encaisser"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Vous allez envoyer %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"fr-QC"}},"fi-FI":{"Address already used":[null,"Osoite on jo käytetty"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Näyttää siltä, että olet jo käyttänyt tämän osoitteen."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Sekä yksityisyytesi suojaksi että välttyäksesi huijauksilta, suosittelemme generoimaan uuden osoitteen lompakostasi ja skannaamaan sen."],"Start over":[null,"Aloita alusta"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Oletko varma?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Jos olet jo lähettänyt coinit ja peruutat vahvistamatta puhelinnumeroasi, joudut selvittämään siirron manuaalisesti ottamalla yhteyttä käyttäjätukeen."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Paina 'Jatka siirtoa' ja odota 60 sekuntia talletuksesi näkymiseen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Tai paina 'Peruuta siirto' ja palaa aloitussivulle."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Jatka siirtoa"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Peruuta siirto"],"Try again":[null,"Yritä uudestaan"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Syöttämäsi puhelinnumero ei toiminut. Jos sinulla on kansainvälinen numero, syötä '+' -merkki ja maakoodisi numeron eteen."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Esimerkiksi Suomen maatunnus on +385, joten suomalainen numero näyttää tältä: +358 40 123 4567"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Antamasi koodi on virheellinen."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Varmista että syötät kuusinumeroisen koodin jonka sait meiltä."],"One moment...":[null,"Hetkinen..."],"Languages":[null,"Kielet"],"Redeem":[null,"Lunasta"],"How much?":[null,"Kuinka paljon?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code? \n"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promo code added (5 discount)\n"],"Cash Out":[null,"Nosto"],"Clear":[null,"Tyhjennä"],"Thank you!":[null,"Kiitos!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ostit"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Coinisi ovat matkalla osoitteeseen:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Ota kuva tästä ruudusta mikäli haluat sähköisen kuitin"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Kosketa näyttöä mistä tahansa kun olet valmis."],"Network down":[null,"Verkkovirhe"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Ei vielä mitään."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Coinit eivät vielä näy meillä."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Kyllä, olen"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ei, en ole"],"Send Coins":[null,"Lähetä coinit"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"tulossa sinulle."],"You will send us":[null,"Lähetät meille"],"to:":[null,"osoitteeseen:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Rahat tulossa..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Odota hetki kun syötämme rahojasi."],"All set":[null,"Kaikki valmiina"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Ota rahasi syöttöaukolta."],"Collect bills":[null,"Kerää setelisi"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Jatkaaksesi rahojen syöttöä, ota rahasi syöttöaukolta."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Katso pistettä"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Tämän pitäisi kestää vain hetki."],"May we?":[null,"Saisimmeko?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Jatkaaksemme siirtoa, meidän täytyy ottaa kuva sinusta noudattaaksemme lakia. Onko tämä ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Kyllä, ota kuva"],"No, finish up":[null,"Ei, lopeta"],"Try again?":[null,"Yritä uudelleen?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Näyttää siltä, ettemme saaneet hyvää kuvaa."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Yritämmekö ottaa uuden kuvan?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Kyllä, yritä uudelleen"],"No, send coins":[null,"Ei, lähetä coinit"],"No, cancel":[null,"Ei, peruuta"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Katso kameraa"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Emme saaneet kuvaa sinusta."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja katso kameraa näytön yläpuolella."],"We dispensed":[null,"Syötimme"],"You sent us":[null,"Lähetit meille"],"See you!":[null,"Nähdään!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Väliaikainen raja täynnä"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Pahoittelut, käyttäjäkohtainen raja ylittynyt."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Pahoittelemme"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Emme saaneet luettua henkilökorttiasi."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Halutko yrittää uudelleen?"],"Cancel":[null,"Peruuta"],"ID verification":[null,"Henkilöllisyyden vahvistus"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Mikäli haluat tehdä suuremman toimeksiannon, meidän täytyy varmistaa henkilöllisyytesi skannaamalla henkilöllisyystodistuksesi."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Haluatko syöttää lisää seteleitä?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Kyllä, varmista henkilöllisyys"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Lompakko varmistettu onnistuneesti!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Syötä seteli"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Syötä ensimmäinen seteli laitteeseen."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Coinisi lähetettiin osoiteeseen:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Syötä lisää seteleitä"],"deposited so far":[null,"syötetty tähän mennessä"],"total purchased":[null,"ostettu yhteensä"],"OR":[null,"TAI"],"Finished?":[null,"Valmis?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code\n"],"Invalid address":[null,"Virheellinen osoite"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Vaikuttaa siltä, että käytät väärää lompakkoa tai osoiteformaattia jota emme tue vielä."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Tarkista QR koodisi ja yritä uudelleen."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Coinimme ovat tilapaisesti loppu!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Hups, tämä ei nyt toimi"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Olet ylittänyt enimmäismäärän yrityksiä. Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen tai yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."],"More, please":[null,"Enemmän kiitos"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Käteinen on tilapäisesti loppu!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Varat vastaanotettu!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Tarkistetaan oikeuksia..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Haluatko yrittää uudestaan?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Näyttämäsi dokumentti oli virheellinen."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR skannausvirhe"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Emme voineet skannata paperilompakkoasi. Varmista, että olet asettanut sen skannerin päälle oikein ja että se on kunnolla tulostettu."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Mikäli ongelma toistuu, yritä tulostaa uusi."],"Scan again":[null,"Skannaa uudelleen"],"Print again":[null,"Tulosta uudelleen"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Tulostus epäonnistui"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Vaikuttaa siltä, että paperilompakon tulostamisessa tuli ongelma. Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen tai yritä uudelleen."],"Back to Home":[null,"Takaisin aloitusruutuun"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Validoidaksesi, aseta paperilompakon etuosa skannausikkunaan."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"TÄRKEÄÄ: Tämä paperi sisältää varasi. Älä näytä tätä avainta kenellekkään validoinnin jälkeen ja säilytä se huolellisesti!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found\n"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.\n"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.\n"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.\n"],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code\n"],"Phone Number":[null,"Puhelinnumero"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Syötä puhelinnumerosi, jotta voimme ilmoittaa, kun tilauksesi on valmis."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Ilmoita puhelinnumero, jota käytit tehdessäsi tilauksesi."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Syötä puhelinnumerosi henkilöllisyyden varmistamiseksi."],"Submit":[null,"Lähetä"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Jatkaaksesi näytä QR-koodi skannausikkunalle."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Varmenna henkilöllisyytesi"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Jatkaaksesi, meidän täytyy varmentaa henkilöllisyytesi."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Turvakoodi"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Olemme lähettäneet sinulle turvakoodin. Kun saat sen, syötä se tähän."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Coinimme ovat tilapaisesti loppu!"],"Send coins":[null,"Lähetä coinit"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Lähetetään coinejasi..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Mikäli haluat tehdä suuremman toimeksiannon, meidän on pyydettävä puhelinnumerosi. Lähetämme sinulle siihen SMS vahvistuksen."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Epäilyttävä osoite"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Tämä osoite näyttää olevan yhteyksissä huijaukseen tai sanktioituun järjestöön. Varmista että käytät osoitetta omasta lompakostasi."],"Booting up...":[null,"Laite boottaa..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Laitteistoa käynnistetään."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Käynnistetään..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generoidaan kryptograafista identiteettiä."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Yhdistämme..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Liitytään..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Liity etäpalvelimeen"],"Scan":[null,"Skannaa"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Paritus epäonnistui"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Liittymistä yrittäessä tapahtui virhe:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja skannaa etäpalvelimelta saamasi QR-laiteparikoodi."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Kaipaan huoltoa"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Ole yhteydessä ylläpitäjään."],"I agree":[null,"Hyväksyn"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Pahoittelut, palvelu on tällä hetkellä poissa käytöstä."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Tarkistamme"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Meillä on tilauksesti, mutta emme näe talletussiirtoasi vielä. Tarkista, että lompakkosi on lähettänyt coinit siirrossasi oikein."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Mikäli olet varma että coinit ovat lähteneet, ole hyvä ja ota yhteyttä käyttäjätukeen."],"Oops!":[null,"Hups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Näyttäisimme kokevan jotain vaikeuksia."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja ota yhteys ylläpitäjään saadaksesi lisätietoja."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja ota kuitistasi valokuva."],"Show receipt":[null,"Näytä kuitti"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Odotamme siirtosi varmistumista lohkoketjussa. Ilmoitamme pian tekstiviestillä kun siirtosi on varmistunut."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Kun tämä tapahtuu, tule takaisin tälle automaatille ja paina Lunasta -nappulaa."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Emme voi käsitellä siirtoasi."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Syy on meissä, ei sinussa."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Järjestelmämme kohtasi virheen."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Voit yrittää uudestaan tai ottaa yhteyttä ylläpitäjään."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Kuittisi"],"pending confirmation":[null,"odottaa vahvistusta"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Coinisi lähetettiin osoiteeseen:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Tämä laite ei tue pyytämääsi valuuttaa."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Ole hyvä ja nosta rahasi laitteelta, joka tukee valitsemaasi valuuttaa."],"Network Down":[null,"Verkkovirhe"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Pahoittelut, palvelu on tällä hetkellä poissa käytöstä."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Pyydämme, että tulet takaisin myöhemmin."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Syöttämäsi koodi ei ollut oikein."],"Almost there":[null,"Melkein valmista"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Näemme siirtosi, mutta odotamme vielä varmistusta. Tämä kestää keskimäärin 10 minuuttia, mutta voi kestää jopa tunnista kahteen."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Emme havaitse numerollasi olevia avoimia tilauksia. Jos sinulla on toinen puhelin, jota olet saattanut käyttää, voit yrittää lunastamista uudestaan sen puhelimen numerolla."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Jos olet varma, että sinulla on käynnissä tilaus tällä puhelinnumerolla, ole hyvä ja ota yhteys ylläpitäjään."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Tämä automaatti on lukittu"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Tilanne on väliaikainen. Palaa myöhemmin uudestaan."],"What next?":[null,"Mitä seuraavaksi?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Emme voineet vahvistaa puhelinnumeroasi, joten emme voi ilmoittaa sinulle, kun rahasi ovat valmiina."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Ota kuva seuraavasta ruudusta sähköistä kuittiasi varten ja ota sen jälkeen yhteys käyttäjätukeen."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Yhdistäminen WiFiin epäonnistui..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Ole hyvä, ja syötä salasana uudestaan."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Järjestelmämme ilmoitti tunnistautumisongelmasta."],"Please contact support":[null,"Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Käsitelläksemme siirtosi, meidän täytyy tarkistaa joitain tietoja käyttäjätilistäsi"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Varmistamme henkilöllisyyttä..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Tässä voi kestää muutama sekunti."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Varmistamme kuvakorttia..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Varmistamme kuvaa..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Valitse WiFi verkko"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Näytetään vain salasanasuojattuja verkkoja."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Tai yhdistä Ethernetiin"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Langallinen yhteys on vakaampi."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi-salasana"],"Connect":[null,"Yhdistä"],"We got this":[null,"Tilanne hallinnassa"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Tämä voi kestää hetken."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Yhdistetty. Odotetaan IP-osoitetta."],"More":[null,"Lisää"],"Less":[null,"Vähemmän"],"Buy %s":[null,"Osta %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Myy %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Kryptomaatti"],"MORE":[null,"LISÄÄ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Tule takaisin %s"],"for %s":[null,"%s:lle"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Olet yhdistämässä Wifi-verkkoon %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Siirtokulu: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Syötit %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Syötit %s:n setelin"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Tapahtuman enimmäismäärä on saavutettu."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Kryptomme ovat tällä hetkellä hieman vähissä."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Ole hyvä, ja syötä korkeintaan %s."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Pienin sallittu ensimmäinen seteli on %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Käsitellään %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Siirtoraja ylittynyt"],"Error in validation":[null,"Virhe tarkistuksessa"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Paikallisen lainsäädännön asettama siirtoraja ylittynyt. Ota yhteys käyttäjätukeen nostaaksesi rajaa."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skannaa %s osoitteesi"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Skannaa QR koodi lähettääksesi meille %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Oletko jo lähettänyt %s:t?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skannaa %s osoitteesi"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Virheellinen %s osoite"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Tämä kestää normaalisti 15 sekuntia. Joskus tässä voi mennä yli minuutti."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Siirtoraja ylittynyt, tee nosto"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Olet lähettämässä %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"fi-FI"}},"ach-UG":{"Address already used":[null,"crwdns1120:0crwdne1120:0"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"crwdns1122:0crwdne1122:0"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"crwdns1148:0crwdne1148:0"],"Start over":[null,"crwdns1066:0crwdne1066:0"],"Are you sure?":[null,"crwdns800:0crwdne800:0"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"crwdns802:0crwdne802:0"],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"crwdns804:0crwdne804:0"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"crwdns806:0crwdne806:0"],"Continue transaction":[null,"crwdns1078:0crwdne1078:0"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"crwdns1080:0crwdne1080:0"],"Try again":[null,"crwdns812:0crwdne812:0"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"crwdns698:0crwdne698:0"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"crwdns624:0crwdne624:0"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"crwdns637:0crwdne637:0"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"crwdns818:0crwdne818:0"],"One moment...":[null,"crwdns822:0crwdne822:0"],"Languages":[null,"crwdns1022:0crwdne1022:0"],"Redeem":[null,"crwdns615:0crwdne615:0"],"How much?":[null,"crwdns667:0crwdne667:0"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"crwdns1158:0crwdne1158:0"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"crwdns1160:0crwdne1160:0"],"Cash Out":[null,"crwdns824:0crwdne824:0"],"Clear":[null,"crwdns621:0crwdne621:0"],"Thank you!":[null,"crwdns114:0crwdne114:0"],"You Purchased":[null,"crwdns826:0crwdne826:0"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"crwdns731:0crwdne731:0"],"Print receipt":[null,"crwdns1211:0crwdne1211:0"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"crwdns1024:0crwdne1024:0"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"crwdns828:0crwdne828:0"],"Network down":[null,"crwdns934:0crwdne934:0"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"crwdns830:0crwdne830:0"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"crwdns764:0crwdne764:0"],"Yes, I have":[null,"crwdns681:0crwdne681:0"],"No, I haven't":[null,"crwdns682:0crwdne682:0"],"Send Coins":[null,"crwdns759:0crwdne759:0"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"crwdns1026:0crwdne1026:0"],"You will send us":[null,"crwdns834:0crwdne834:0"],"to:":[null,"crwdns836:0crwdne836:0"],"Dispensing...":[null,"crwdns683:0crwdne683:0"],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"crwdns838:0crwdne838:0"],"All set":[null,"crwdns625:0crwdne625:0"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"crwdns1028:0crwdne1028:0"],"Collect bills":[null,"crwdns1126:0crwdne1126:0"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"crwdns1128:0crwdne1128:0"],"Look at the dot":[null,"crwdns1130:0crwdne1130:0"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"crwdns1132:0crwdne1132:0"],"May we?":[null,"crwdns840:0crwdne840:0"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"crwdns1050:0crwdne1050:0"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"crwdns844:0crwdne844:0"],"No, finish up":[null,"crwdns846:0crwdne846:0"],"Try again?":[null,"crwdns1134:0crwdne1134:0"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"crwdns1136:0crwdne1136:0"],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"crwdns1138:0crwdne1138:0"],"Yes, try again":[null,"crwdns1140:0crwdne1140:0"],"No, send coins":[null,"crwdns729:0crwdne729:0"],"No, cancel":[null,"crwdns730:0crwdne730:0"],"Look into the camera":[null,"crwdns848:0crwdne848:0"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"crwdns850:0crwdne850:0"],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"crwdns1048:0crwdne1048:0"],"We dispensed":[null,"crwdns856:0crwdne856:0"],"You sent us":[null,"crwdns946:0crwdne946:0"],"See you!":[null,"crwdns860:0crwdne860:0"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"crwdns742:0crwdne742:0"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"crwdns1052:0crwdne1052:0"],"OK":[null,"crwdns174:0crwdne174:0"],"Sorry":[null,"crwdns942:0crwdne942:0"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"crwdns717:0crwdne717:0"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"crwdns713:0crwdne713:0"],"Cancel":[null,"crwdns658:0crwdne658:0"],"ID verification":[null,"crwdns910:0crwdne910:0"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"crwdns1142:0crwdne1142:0"],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"crwdns727:0crwdne727:0"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"crwdns728:0crwdne728:0"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"crwdns1082:0crwdne1082:0"],"Insert a bill":[null,"crwdns103:0crwdne103:0"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"crwdns1034:0crwdne1034:0"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"crwdns733:0crwdne733:0"],"Insert another bill":[null,"crwdns111:0crwdne111:0"],"deposited so far":[null,"crwdns112:0crwdne112:0"],"total purchased":[null,"crwdns866:0crwdne866:0"],"OR":[null,"crwdns160:0crwdne160:0"],"Finished?":[null,"crwdns868:0crwdne868:0"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"crwdns1162:0crwdne1162:0"],"Invalid address":[null,"crwdns872:0crwdne872:0"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"crwdns874:0crwdne874:0"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"crwdns876:0crwdne876:0"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"crwdns739:0crwdne739:0"],"Please try again later.":[null,"crwdns880:0crwdne880:0"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"crwdns640:0crwdne640:0"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"crwdns882:0crwdne882:0"],"More, please":[null,"crwdns884:0crwdne884:0"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"crwdns886:0crwdne886:0"],"Funds Received!":[null,"crwdns890:0crwdne890:0"],"Authorizing...":[null,"crwdns677:0crwdne677:0"],"Want to try again?":[null,"crwdns655:0crwdne655:0"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"crwdns892:0crwdne892:0"],"QR scanning error":[null,"crwdns1084:0crwdne1084:0"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"crwdns1086:0crwdne1086:0"],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"crwdns1088:0crwdne1088:0"],"Scan again":[null,"crwdns1090:0crwdne1090:0"],"Print again":[null,"crwdns1092:0crwdne1092:0"],"Printing Failed":[null,"crwdns1094:0crwdne1094:0"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"crwdns1144:0crwdne1144:0"],"Back to Home":[null,"crwdns1098:0crwdne1098:0"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"crwdns1100:0crwdne1100:0"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"crwdns1102:0crwdne1102:0"],"Promo code not found":[null,"crwdns1164:0crwdne1164:0"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"crwdns1166:0crwdne1166:0"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"crwdns1168:0crwdne1168:0"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"crwdns1170:0crwdne1170:0"],"Enter a different code":[null,"crwdns1172:0crwdne1172:0"],"Phone Number":[null,"crwdns618:0crwdne618:0"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"crwdns619:0crwdne619:0"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"crwdns620:0crwdne620:0"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"crwdns697:0crwdne697:0"],"Submit":[null,"crwdns1036:0crwdne1036:0"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"crwdns1038:0crwdne1038:0"],"Please verify your identity":[null,"crwdns616:0crwdne616:0"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"crwdns898:0crwdne898:0"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"crwdns1200:0crwdne1200:0"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"crwdns1202:0crwdne1202:0"],"Ready to scan":[null,"crwdns1176:0crwdne1176:0"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"crwdns1204:0crwdne1204:0"],"Security Code":[null,"crwdns649:0crwdne649:0"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"crwdns650:0crwdne650:0"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"crwdns1104:0crwdne1104:0"],"Send coins":[null,"crwdns1106:0crwdne1106:0"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"crwdns1054:0crwdne1054:0"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"crwdns912:0crwdne912:0"],"Suspicious address":[null,"crwdns1062:0crwdne1062:0"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"crwdns1064:0crwdne1064:0"],"Booting up...":[null,"crwdns162:0crwdne162:0"],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"crwdns163:0crwdne163:0"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"crwdns1206:0crwdne1206:0"],"Initializing...":[null,"crwdns914:0crwdne914:0"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"crwdns916:0crwdne916:0"],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"crwdns1208:0crwdne1208:0"],"Connecting...":[null,"crwdns666:0crwdne666:0"],"Pairing...":[null,"crwdns172:0crwdne172:0"],"Pair with remote server":[null,"crwdns166:0crwdne166:0"],"Scan":[null,"crwdns920:0crwdne920:0"],"Pairing failed":[null,"crwdns922:0crwdne922:0"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"crwdns173:0crwdne173:0"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"crwdns170:0crwdne170:0"],"Maintenance Required":[null,"crwdns928:0crwdne928:0"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns122:0crwdne122:0"],"I agree":[null,"crwdns930:0crwdne930:0"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"crwdns936:0crwdne936:0"],"We're taking a look":[null,"crwdns1068:0crwdne1068:0"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"crwdns1070:0crwdne1070:0"],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns1072:0crwdne1072:0"],"Oops!":[null,"crwdns631:0crwdne631:0"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"crwdns634:0crwdne634:0"],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"crwdns661:0crwdne661:0"],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"crwdns635:0crwdne635:0"],"Show receipt":[null,"crwdns1108:0crwdne1108:0"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"crwdns938:0crwdne938:0"],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"crwdns940:0crwdne940:0"],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"crwdns789:0crwdne789:0"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"crwdns662:0crwdne662:0"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"crwdns663:0crwdne663:0"],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns664:0crwdne664:0"],"Your Receipt":[null,"crwdns685:0crwdne685:0"],"pending confirmation":[null,"crwdns687:0crwdne687:0"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"crwdns768:0crwdne768:0"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"crwdns632:0crwdne632:0"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"crwdns633:0crwdne633:0"],"Network Down":[null,"crwdns765:0crwdne765:0"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"crwdns950:0crwdne950:0"],"Please come back later.":[null,"crwdns952:0crwdne952:0"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"crwdns656:0crwdne656:0"],"Almost there":[null,"crwdns1074:0crwdne1074:0"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"crwdns1056:0crwdne1056:0"],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"crwdns1210:0crwdne1210:0"],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"crwdns626:0crwdne626:0"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns627:0crwdne627:0"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"crwdns966:0crwdne966:0"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"crwdns126:0crwdne126:0"],"What next?":[null,"crwdns643:0crwdne643:0"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"crwdns644:0crwdne644:0"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"crwdns708:0crwdne708:0"],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"crwdns968:0crwdne968:0"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"crwdns748:0crwdne748:0"],"US SSN required":[null,"crwdns1182:0crwdne1182:0"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"crwdns1184:0crwdne1184:0"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"crwdns1186:0crwdne1186:0"],"Yes, type in":[null,"crwdns1188:0crwdne1188:0"],"Social security number":[null,"crwdns1190:0crwdne1190:0"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"crwdns1192:0crwdne1192:0"],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"crwdns660:0crwdne660:0"],"Please contact support":[null,"crwdns723:0crwdne723:0"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"crwdns982:0crwdne982:0"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"crwdns1058:0crwdne1058:0"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"crwdns654:0crwdne654:0"],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"crwdns1060:0crwdne1060:0"],"Verifying photo...":[null,"crwdns1146:0crwdne1146:0"],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"crwdns1040:0crwdne1040:0"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"crwdns92:0crwdne92:0"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"crwdns1110:0crwdne1110:0"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"crwdns1112:0crwdne1112:0"],"WiFi password":[null,"crwdns94:0crwdne94:0"],"Connect":[null,"crwdns95:0crwdne95:0"],"We got this":[null,"crwdns994:0crwdne994:0"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"crwdns129:0crwdne129:0"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"crwdns1118:0crwdne1118:0"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"crwdns1010:0%scrwdne1010:0"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"crwdns1012:0%scrwdne1012:0"],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"crwdns783:0%scrwdne783:0"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"crwdns784:0%scrwdne784:0"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"crwdns1014:0%scrwdne1014:0"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"crwdns786:0crwdne786:0"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"crwdns1046:0crwdne1046:0"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"crwdns787:0%scrwdnd787:0%scrwdne787:0"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"crwdns1198:0%scrwdne1198:0"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"crwdns1213:0crwdne1213:0"],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"crwdns1215:0crwdne1215:0"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"crwdns1217:0crwdne1217:0"],"Bitcoin":[null,"crwdns758:0crwdne758:0"],"Ethereum":[null,"crwdns795:0crwdne795:0"],"Zcash":[null,"crwdns796:0crwdne796:0"],"Litecoin":[null,"crwdns797:0crwdne797:0"],"Dash":[null,"crwdns798:0crwdne798:0"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"crwdns799:0crwdne799:0"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ach-UG"}},"fr-FR":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Le numéro de téléphone que vous avez entré n'a pas fonctionné. Si vous avez un numéro international, veuillez le précéder avec + et le code indicatif de votre pays."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Par exemple, le code indicatif de la Belgique est +32, donc un numéro Belge sera: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré est incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"Encaisser"],"How much?":[null,"Combien?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"Effacer"],"Thank you!":[null,"Merci!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vos bitcoins sont sur le point d'être envoyés à:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aucune pièce reçue."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Oui, c'est fait"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Non, pas encore"],"Send Coins":[null,"Envoyer les pièces"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Encaissement..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Tout est prêt"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,"Non, envoyer"],"No, cancel":[null,"Non, annuler"],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaire atteinte"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"On ne peut pas lire votre carte d’identité."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Veuillez essayer encore une fois."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuler"],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Souhaitez vous insérer le plus de billets ?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Oui, vérifier l'identitée"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Introduire un billet"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vos bitcoins seront envoyés à cette adresse:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insérez un autre billet"],"deposited so far":[null,"Espèces déposées jusqu'à présent"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nous n'avons plus de coins disponible!"],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oups, ça ne fonctionne pas"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisation..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Voulez-vous essayer à nouveau ?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numéro de téléphone"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de portable afin que nous puissions vous texter lorsque votre commande est confirmée."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Veuillez entrer le numéro du portable que vous avez utilisé lorsque vous avez placé votre commande."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de téléphone mobile pour la vérifier votre identitée."],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"S'il vous plaît vérifiez votre identité"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Code de sécurité"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Nous vous avons envoyé un SMS avec votre code de sécurité. Quand vous l'obtenez, entrez-le ici."],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Démarrage..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisation du hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connexion..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Connexion en cours..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Synchronisation avec le serveur distant"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Une erreur est survenue lors de la tentative de connexion :"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"SVP scanner le code QR d'appairage que vous avez reçu de votre serveur distant."],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Veuillez contacter l'opérateur."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Oups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Nous éprouvons des difficultés."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Pour plus d'informations, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de votre reçu."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Nous sommes incapables de traiter votre transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"C'est nous, pas vous."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Notre système a rencontré une erreur."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à essayer de nouveau, ou contactez l'opérateur."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Votre reçu"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmation en attente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vos pièces ont été envoyés à :"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Cette machine ne gère pas la devise que vous avez demandée."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"S'il vous plaît encaisser à une machine qui gère votre devise."],"Network Down":[null,"Problème de réseau"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré ne correspond pas."],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nous ne voyons pas les commandes en cours associées avec votre numéro de téléphone. Si vous avez un autre numéro que vous avez peut-être utilisé, vous pouvez réessayer à nouveau avec ce numéro."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si vous savez que vous avez une commande en cours associée avec ce téléphone, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"S'il vous plaît, demander de l'aide."],"What next?":[null,"Quoi faire ensuite?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nous n'avons pas pu vérifier votre numéro de téléphone, alors nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous contacter lorsque votre argent est prêt."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de l'écran suivant pour votre reçu électronique, puis contactez l'opérateur."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,"S'il vous plaît essayer à nouveau votre mot de passe."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Une erreur d'identification est survenue."],"Please contact support":[null,"Veuillez contacter le support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Cela peut prendre quelques secondes."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Seul les réseaux sécurisés sont affichés."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"Mot de passe WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connexion"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Ceci devrait prendre quelques minutes."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connecté. En attente du cours."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,"Acheter %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendre %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VOIR PLUS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,""],"for %s":[null,"pour %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Vous êtes en connexion avec le réseau WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,""],"You deposited %s":[null,""],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vous avez introduit un billet de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,""],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Veuillez introduire %s ou moins."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,""],"Processing %s ...":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Avez-vous envoyé les %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanner votre adresse %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Cela devrait prendre 15 secondes en moyenne. Parfois, il faudra plus d’une minute."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Vous allez envoyer %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"fr-FR"}},"it-CH":{"Address already used":[null,"Indirizzo già utilizzato"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Sembra che tu abbia già utilizzato questo indirizzo."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"A salvaguardia della tua sicurezza e privacy contro possibili truffe, generane uno nuovo dal tuo wallet e scansiona quello per cortesia."],"Start over":[null,"Ricominciare"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Sei sicuro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Se hai già inviato le monete e annullato senza confermare il tuo numero di telefono, dovrai gestire manualmente la transazione con l'operatore."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Premi \"Continua la transazione\" e attendi fino a 60 secondi affinché il tuo deposito venga visualizzato."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Oppure premere 'Annulla la transazione' per tornare alla schermata principale."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continua la transazione"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancella la transazione"],"Try again":[null,"Riprova"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Il numero di telefono immesso non ha funzionato. Se si dispone di un numero internazionale, si prega di usare il prefisso con + e il codice di chiamata del proprio paese."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Ad esempio, il prefisso telefonico dell'Italia è +39, quindi un numero italiano potrebbe essere: +39 321 12 34 567"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Il codice immesso non è corretto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Assicurati di inserire il codice a sei cifre che hai ricevuto da noi."],"One moment...":[null,"Un attimo..."],"Languages":[null,"Lingue"],"Redeem":[null,"Riscatta"],"How much?":[null,"Quanti soldi?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Incassa"],"Clear":[null,"Cancella"],"Thank you!":[null,"Grazie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Hai acquistato"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Le monete sono state inviate a:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Scatta una foto di questa schermata per la ricevuta elettronica"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tocca ovunque sullo schermo quando hai finito."],"Network down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Ancora niente."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Non viene rilevata nessuna moneta."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sì, l'ho fatto"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, non l'ho fatto"],"Send Coins":[null,"Invia Monete"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ti saranno erogati."],"You will send us":[null,"Tu ci invierai"],"to:":[null,"a:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Erogazione..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Per favore attendi mentre eroghiamo i tuoi contanti."],"All set":[null,"Tutto pronto"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Si prega di rimuovere i contanti dal vassoio."],"Collect bills":[null,"Ritira le banconote"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Per continuare l'erogazione, prelevare i contanti dal vassoio."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Guarda il puntino"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Ci vorranno solo pochi istanti."],"May we?":[null,"Possiamo?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Per continuare questa transazione, abbiamo bisogno di scattare una foto di te per rispettare le leggi locali. Va bene?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Sì, scatta la foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finisci"],"Try again?":[null,"Vuoi ritentare?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Sembra che non abbiamo preso un buon scatto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Ritentiamo con un altra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, ritenta"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, invia monete"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, Annulla"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Guarda nella fotocamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Non ti abbiamo scattato una foto buona."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Si prega di guardare nella fotocamera posizionata sopra lo schermo."],"We dispensed":[null,"Abbiamo erogato"],"You sent us":[null,"Ci hai inviato"],"See you!":[null,"Arrivederci!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaneo raggiunto"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Ci scusiamo. Abbiamo raggiunto il nostro limite massimo per utente."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Spiacenti"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Non siamo riusciti a leggere la tua carta d'identità."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Potresti volerlo mostrare un'altra volta."],"Cancel":[null,"Annulla"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifica dell'identità"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Se desideri un acquisto maggiore, abbiamo necessità di essere sicuri della tua identità chiedendoti la scansione di un documento valido."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Vuoi inserire altre banconote?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sì, verifica l'identità"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet validato con successo!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserire una banconota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Si prega di inserire la prima banconota nella macchina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete saranno inviate a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserire un altra banconota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositato finora"],"total purchased":[null,"totale acquistato"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"Finito?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Indirizzo invalido"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Sembra che tu stia utilizzando un portafoglio per una moneta diversa o un formato di indirizzo che non supportiamo ancora."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Controlla il tuo QR code e riprova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito le monete!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, non sta funzionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di tentativi. Si prega di contattare l'operatore per risolvere il problema o riprovare più tardi."],"More, please":[null,"Di più, per favore"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i contanti!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondi ricevuti!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizzazione..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Vuoi riprovare?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Il documento che hai mostrato non corrisponde."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Errore nella scansione del QR-Code"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"La scansione del tuo paper wallet non è corretta. Assicurati di averlo posizionato nella giusta zona scansione e che sia stato stampato correttamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se il problema persiste prova a stamparlo di nuovo."],"Scan again":[null,"Scansiona di nuovo"],"Print again":[null,"Stampa di nuovo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Stampa fallita"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Sembra ci sia stato un problema nella stampa del tuo wallet. Per cortesia contatta l'operatore per maggiori informazioni o prova a stampare nuovamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Torna alla Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Per la validazione, cortesemente presenta il fronte del tuo paper wallet sulla finestra di scansione."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Questo foglio contiene i tuoi fondi. Una volta validato, non mostrare questa chiave a nessuno e non smarrirlo!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numero di telefono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Si prega di inserire il numero di cellulare così vi invieremo un messaggio quando il vostro ordine sarà confermato."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Inserisci il numero di cellulare che hai utilizzato quando hai effettuato l'ordine."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Inserisci il tuo numero di cellulare per la verifica dell'identità."],"Submit":[null,"Invia"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tenere il QR code davanti alla finestra di scansione per procedere."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Per favore verifica la tua identità"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Per poter procedere, siamo tenuti a verificare la tua identità."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codice di sicurezza"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ti abbiamo inviato un sms con un codice di sicurezza. Quando lo ricevi, inseriscilo qui."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Abbiamo finito i coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Invia i coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Invio le monete..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Se desideri effettuare un acquisto più grande, dobbiamo chiedere il tuo numero di cellulare. Ti invieremo quindi un codice SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Indirizzo sospetto"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Questo indirizzo può essere associato a un'offerta ingannevole o a un gruppo vietato. Assicurati di utilizzare un indirizzo dal tuo portafoglio."],"Booting up...":[null,"Avvio..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inizializzazione hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Inizializzazione..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generazione dell'identità crittografica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connessione..."],"Pairing...":[null,"\"Accoppiamento\"?"],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Collegato con il sever remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Scansiona"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Accoppiamento fallito"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Mentre cercavamo di connetterci, abbiamo identificato un errore:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Vogliate scansionare il codice QR accoppiato che avete ricevuto dal vostro server remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Richiesta manutenzione"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Vi preghimo di contattate l'operatore."],"I agree":[null,"Accetto"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Stiamo controllando"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Abbiamo il tuo ordine, ma non abbiamo ancora visto la tua transazione di deposito. Controlla se il tuo portafoglio ha inviato le monete per la tua transazione."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro che le tue monete sono state inviate, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Stiamo avendo delle difficoltà."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Si prega di contattare l'operatore per maggiori informazioni."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della ricevuta."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostra la ricevuta"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Stiamo aspettando che il tuo deposito sia confermato sulla blockchain. Presto riceverai un sms che ti informa che la transazione è stata confermata."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quando succederà, torna su questa macchina e premi il tasto Riscatta."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Non siamo in grado di elaborare la tua transazione."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"È colpa nostra, non tua."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha riscontrato un errore."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Puoi riprovare o contattare l'operatore."],"Your Receipt":[null,"La tua ricevuta"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in attesa di conferma"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Le tue monete sono state inviate a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Questa macchina non gestisce la valuta che hai richiesto."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Si prega di incassare presso una macchina che gestisce questa valuta."],"Network Down":[null,"Rete disconnessa"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Spiacenti, il servizio è momentaneamente sospeso."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Si prega di tornare più tardi."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Il codice immesso non corrisponde."],"Almost there":[null,"Ci siamo quasi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vediamo la tua transazione ma stiamo ancora aspettando una conferma. Questo richiede in media 10 minuti, ma può richiedere fino a un'ora o due."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Non vediamo alcun ordine aperto associato al tuo telefono. Se hai un altro telefono che potresti aver usato, puoi provare a riscattare di nuovo con quel numero."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se sei sicuro di avere un ordine aperto associato a questo telefono, ti preghiamo di contattare l'operatore."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Questa macchina è bloccata"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Vi preghiamo di chiedere assistenza."],"What next?":[null,"E adesso?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Non siamo stati in grado di verificare il tuo numero di telefono, quindi potremmo non essere in grado di contattarti quando i tuoi contanti sono pronti."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Si prega di scattare una foto della schermata successiva per la ricevuta elettronica, quindi contattare l'operatore."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi Impossibile connettersi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Per favore prova di nuovo la password."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Il nostro sistema ha indicato un problema di identificazione."],"Please contact support":[null,"Si prega di contattare il supporto"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Per elaborare la tua transazione, dobbiamo chiarire alcune informazioni sul tuo account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifica identità..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni secondi."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifica della fototessera..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifica foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selezionare una rete WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Visalizzazione solo delle reti protette."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O connetti il cavo Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Una connessione via cavo è preferibile per la stabilità."],"WiFi password":[null,"Password WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connessione"],"We got this":[null,"Questo è ciò che abbiamo ricevuto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Questo potrebbe richiedere alcuni istanti."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Connesso. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"您輸入的手機號碼不正確. 如果您使用非臺灣本地號碼,請記得在號碼前加+及國碼"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"例如:中國的國碼為+86, 那麼中國的電話號碼會像這樣:+86 18587755016"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"你所輸入的手機號碼不正確。"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"請確認你所輸入的密碼是我們傳簡訊給你的六位數字。"],"One moment...":[null,"請稍候..."],"Languages":[null,"語言"],"Redeem":[null,"兌換"],"How much?":[null,"選擇兌換金額"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"您有促銷折扣碼?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"兌現"],"Clear":[null,"清除"],"Thank you!":[null,"謝謝您!"],"You Purchased":[null,"您已購買"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"您的加密貨幣正在發送到下列地址:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"請拍下這個畫面做為您的電子收據"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"完成後請輕觸螢幕繼續"],"Network down":[null,"網路未連線"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"還沒有收到喔。。。"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"還沒有收到加密貨幣"],"Yes, I have":[null,"發送了"],"No, I haven't":[null,"還未發送"],"Send Coins":[null,"發送加密貨幣"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"將會出鈔給您"],"You will send us":[null,"請發送"],"to:":[null,"到"],"Dispensing...":[null,"出鈔中..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"請等候出鈔"],"All set":[null,"已完成設定"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"請將現金從出鈔口取出"],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"要繼續取錢,請從托盤中取出現金。"],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,"這應該只需要一秒鐘"],"May we?":[null,"您是否同意?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"重試次數已達上限,請聯繫服務人員,或稍後再試"],"More, please":[null,"請放入更多紙鈔"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"所有現鈔已用完"],"Funds Received!":[null,"加密貨幣已收到"],"Authorizing...":[null,"授權中..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"想要再試一次嗎?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,"二維碼掃描錯誤"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,"重新掃描"],"Print again":[null,"再次打印"],"Printing Failed":[null,"打印失敗"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,"回到主頁"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"手機號碼"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"請輸入您的手機號碼, 以便我們可以在您的訂單被確認時給您發送簡訊通知。"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"請輸入您在下單時所使用的行動電話號碼。"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"請輸入您用來進行身份驗證的行動電話號碼。"],"Submit":[null,"提交"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"將你的QR條碼對準掃描視窗以便作業"],"Please verify your identity":[null,"請掃描您的身份證件"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"我們需要進一步驗證您的身份"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"簡訊認證碼"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"這應以 15 秒 為平均值。 偶爾會花費一分鐘。"],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"您將傳送 %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"比特幣"],"Ethereum":[null,"以太幣"],"Zcash":[null,"零幣"],"Litecoin":[null,"萊特幣"],"Dash":[null,"達世幣"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"比特幣現金"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"zh-TW"}},"ro-RO":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresa existenta"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Adresa a mai fost folosita"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Pentru protejarea impotriva inselaciunii, genereaza alta adresa din walletul tau si scaneaz-o."],"Start over":[null,"De la inceput"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Esti sigur?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Dacă ati trimis deja monede si anulati fara a va confirma numarul de telefon, va trebui sa decontati manual tranzactia cu operatorul."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Apasa \"Continuare tranzactie\" si asteapta pana in 60 de secunde ca sa vedem depozitul."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Sau apasa \"Anuleaza tranzactia\" pentru a revenii la meniul anterior."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continua tranzactia"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Anuleaza tranzactia"],"Try again":[null,"Incearca din nou"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Numarul de telefon introdus nu a functionat. Daca aveti un numar international, va rugam sa il prefixati cu + și codul de apel al tarii dvs."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Incearca sa pui prefixul +4, de exemplu +40722 123 123"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Codul introdus nu este corect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Va rugam sa va asigurati ca introduceti codul din sase cifre pe care il primiti de la noi."],"One moment...":[null,"Un moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Limba"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"Ce suma ?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Aveti un cod promotional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Cod Promotional"],"Cash Out":[null,"Eliberare Numerar"],"Clear":[null,"Sterge"],"Thank you!":[null,"Va Multumim!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ai cumparat"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Monedele tale sunt pe drum catre:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Fa o poza ecranului pentru chitanta electronica"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Apasa oriunde pe ecran cand esti gata."],"Network down":[null,"Retea deconectata"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nimic inca."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Nu apare nicio moneda"],"Yes, I have":[null,"Da, am trimis"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nu"],"Send Coins":[null,"Trimite Monede"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"va fi eliberata."],"You will send us":[null,"Ne vei trimite"],"to:":[null,"catre"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Eliberare Numerar..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Va rugam sa asteptati."],"All set":[null,"Totul Pregatit"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Ridicati banii "],"Collect bills":[null,"Ridicati banii"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Pentru continuare, ridicati banii"],"Look at the dot":[null,"Priviti punctul"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Va dura doar o secunda."],"May we?":[null,"Putem?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Pentru a continua tranzactia trebuie sa va facem o poza.Sunteti de acord?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Da, fa-mi poza"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nu, termina"],"Try again?":[null,"Incearca din nou"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Se pare ca nu ne-a iesit poza."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Incercam o sa facem o alta poza?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Da, incercam"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nu, trimite-mi monedele"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nu, anulare"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Priveste in camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nu a iesit bine poza."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Uita-te in camera de deasupra ecranului."],"We dispensed":[null,"Am eliberat"],"You sent us":[null,"Ne-ai trimis"],"See you!":[null,"La revedere!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limita temporara atinsa"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Ne pare rau!Ai atins limita admisa/utilizator"],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Scuze"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"\n"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Mai incearca sa-l scanezi o data."],"Cancel":[null,"Anulare"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificare Identitate"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Daca vreti sa faceti o tranzactie mare, trebuie sa ne asiguram ca sunteti dumneavoastra printr-o scanare a actului de identitate."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Doriti sa mai introduceti bani?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Da, verific"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Portofel validat cu succes"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Introdu o bancnota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Introdu o bancnota in aparat"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Monedele dvs. vor fi trimise catre:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Introdu alta bancnota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depozitat pana acum"],"total purchased":[null,"total cumparat"],"OR":[null,"SAU"],"Finished?":[null,"Gata?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Introduceti codul promotional"],"Invalid address":[null,"Adresa invalida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Se pare ca folosesti un portofel diferit pe care noi inca nu-l cunoastem"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Verifica codul QR si incearca din nou."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nu mai avem monede!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Incercati mai tarziu."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, nu functioneaza"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"\n"],"More, please":[null,"Mai mult"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Nu mai avem bani!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Founduri Primite!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizare..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Mai incercam o data?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Documentul nu corespunde."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Scanare QR eronata"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nu am putut scana corect . Asigurati-va ca ati pozitionat corect pe pozitia de scanare."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Daca problema persista incercati din nou."],"Scan again":[null,"Scaneaza din nou"],"Print again":[null,"Printeaza din nou"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printare esuata"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Se pare ca a aparut o problema la imprimarea portofelului. Va rugam sa contactati operatorul pentru mai multe informatii sau incercati din nou sa generati."],"Back to Home":[null,"Inapoi Acasa"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Pentru validare va rugam scanati adresa"],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"\n"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Codul promotional neidentificat"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Ne pare rau!Nu am identificat acest cod promotional"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puteti incerca un alt cod sau puteti continua tranzactia"],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Daca sunteti sigur ca l-ati introdus corect,va rugam conctactati operatorul."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Reintroduceti cod promotional"],"Phone Number":[null,"Numar telefon"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Va rugam sa introduceti numarul de telefon mobil, astfel incat sa va putem trimite mesaje atunci cand comanda dvs. este confirmata."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Va rugam sa introduceti numarul de telefon mobil pe care l-ati utilizat atunci cand ați plasat comanda"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Submit":[null,"Trimite"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Tineti codul QR in dreptul ferestrei de scanare pentru a continua."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Va rugam sa va verificati identitatea"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"\n"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Gata de scanare"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Codul de siguranta"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"V-am trimis un cod de securitate. Cand il primiti,va rugam sa il introduceti aici."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Am ramas fara monede!"],"Send coins":[null,"Trimite monedele"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Tranzactie in curs..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"\n"],"Suspicious address":[null,"Adresa suspecta"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"\n"],"Booting up...":[null,"se porneste..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializarea hardware-ului"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Se initializeaza"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generarea identitatii criptografice."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Se conecteaza..."],"Pairing...":[null,"asociere..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Asociati cu serverul de la distanta"],"Scan":[null,"Scaneaza"],"Pairing failed":[null,"asociere esuata"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Cand incercam sa asociem, am intampinat o eroare:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Va rugam sa scanati codul QR de asociere pe care l-ati primit de pe serverul dvs. la distanta."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Necesita mentenanta"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Va rugam contactati operatorul."],"I agree":[null,"De acord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Ne pare rau, pentru moment suntem indisponibili."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Un moment"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Avem comanda dvs., dar nu am vazut inca tranzactia de depunere. Verificati daca portofelul dvs. a trimis monedele pentru tranzactia dvs."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Daca sunteti sigur ca monedele dvs. au fost trimise, va rugam sa contactati operatorul."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Intampinam dificultati."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Va rugam contactati operatorul pentru mai multe informatii."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Va rugam faceti o poza chitantei."],"Show receipt":[null,"Aratati chitanta."],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Asteptam ca depozitul sa fie confirmat pe reteaua blockchain. Veti primi o notificare sms cand tranzactia a fost confirmata."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"\n"],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"\n"],"It's us, not you.":[null,"E de la noi"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Sistemul nostru a intampinat o eroare."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Chitanta dvs"],"pending confirmation":[null,"asteptand confirmarea"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Monedele dvs. vor fi trimise catre:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Acest aparat nu foloseste aceasta moneda"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Va rugam sa abandonati tranzactia"],"Network Down":[null,"Retea deconectata"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Ne pare rau,suntem indisponibili pentru moment"],"Please come back later.":[null,"Va rugam reveniti mai tarziu"],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Codul pe care l-ati introdus nu se potriveste."],"Almost there":[null,"Inca putin"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vedem tranzactia dvs., dar asteptam confirmarea. Dureaza in medie 10 minute, dar in functie de caz poate dura pană la o ora sau doua."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nu vedem comenzi deschise asociate telefonului dvs. Daca aveti un alt telefon pe care probabil l-ati folosit, puteti încerca sa valorificati din nou cu acel numar."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"\n"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Va rugam să cereti asistenta."],"What next?":[null,"Ce urmeaza"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"\n"],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Va rugam sa faceti o fotografie cu urmatorul ecran pentru chitanța dvs. electronica, apoi contactati operatorul."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Conectarea WiFi nu a reusit."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Va rugam sa incercati din nou parola."],"US SSN required":[null,"Este necesar SSN SUA"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Pentru a continua,avem nevoie de CNP-ul tau(Cod Numeric Personal)"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Introduceti SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"\n"],"Social security number":[null,"Cod numeric personal"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Pentru a continua, va rugam sa introduceti CNP -ul dvs."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"\n"],"Please contact support":[null,"Va rugam sa contactati asistenta"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"\n"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Se verifica identitatea"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Acest lucru ar putea dura cateva secunde."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"\n"],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Se verifica fotografia ..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"\n"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"\n"],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Sau conectați Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"\n"],"WiFi password":[null,"parola Wifi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectati"],"We got this":[null,"\n"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Acest lucru ar putea dura cateva clipe."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Conectat. Se asteapta validarea."],"More":[null,"Mai mult"],"Less":[null,"Mai putin"],"Buy %s":[null,"Cumpara %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vinde %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"Mai Mult"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Va rugam reveniti in saptamani"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Va rugam reveniti in % zile si % ore"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Va rugam reveniti in %s ore"],"for %s":[null,"pentru %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Va conectati la reteaua WiFi% s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Taxa tranzactiei: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Ati depus %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"\n"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"\n"],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Disponibilul nostru este limitat"],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Va rugam sa introduceti %s sau mai putin."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Prima bancnota de minimum %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Se proceseaza %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limita de tranzactionare a fost atinsa"],"Error in validation":[null,"Eroare in validare"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Din cauza politicii locale, ai atins limita de tranzactionare. Contacteaza-ne pentru a marii limita."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"\n"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"\n"],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"\n"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"\n"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"\n"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Aceasta ar trebui sa dureze in medie cu 15 secunde. Ocazional, va dura mai mult de un minut."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limita de tranzactie a fost atinsa, va rugam sa incasati"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"\n"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Cod Promotional adaugat"],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ro-RO"}},"en-CA":{"Address already used":[null,"Address already used"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"It looks like you've used this address already."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead."],"Start over":[null,"Start over"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Are you sure?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continue transaction"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancel transaction"],"Try again":[null,"Try again"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"The code you entered was incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us."],"One moment...":[null,"One moment..."],"Languages":[null,"Languages"],"Redeem":[null,"Redeem"],"How much?":[null,"How much?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Have a promo code?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promo code added (5 discount)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Cash Out"],"Clear":[null,"Clear"],"Thank you!":[null,"Thank you!"],"You Purchased":[null,"You Purchased"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Your coins are on their way to:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Print receipt"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done."],"Network down":[null,"Network down"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nothing yet."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No coins are showing up."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Yes, I have"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, I haven't"],"Send Coins":[null,"Send Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"will be dispensed to you."],"You will send us":[null,"You will send us"],"to:":[null,"to:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensing..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Please wait while we dispense your cash."],"All set":[null,"All set"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Please remove your cash from the tray."],"Collect bills":[null,"Collect bills"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Look at the dot"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"This should just take a second."],"May we?":[null,"May we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Yes, take photo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finish up"],"Try again?":[null,"Try again?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Looks like we didn't get a good shot."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Shall we try another photo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Yes, try again"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, send coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancel"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Look into the camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We didn't get a good picture of you."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Please look into the camera located above the screen."],"We dispensed":[null,"We dispensed"],"You sent us":[null,"You sent us"],"See you!":[null,"See you!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Temporary limit reached"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Sorry"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We could not read your ID card."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"You might want to give it another shot."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancel"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verification"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Would you like to insert more bills?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Yes, verify ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet successfully validated!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insert a bill"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Please insert your first bill into the machine."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Your coins will be sent to:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insert another bill"],"deposited so far":[null,"deposited so far"],"total purchased":[null,"total purchased"],"OR":[null,"OR"],"Finished?":[null,"Finished?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Type in your promo code"],"Invalid address":[null,"Invalid address"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Please check your QR code and try again."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"We're all out of coins!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Please try again later."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, this isn't working"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later."],"More, please":[null,"More, please"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We're all out of cash!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Funds Received!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Authorizing..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Want to try again?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"The document you've shown did not match."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanning error"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"If the problem persists try printing again."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan again"],"Print again":[null,"Print again"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printing Failed"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again."],"Back to Home":[null,"Back to Home"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo code not found"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Enter a different code"],"Phone Number":[null,"Phone Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification."],"Submit":[null,"Submit"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Please verify your identity"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Ready to scan"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window."],"Security Code":[null,"Security Code"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"We're out of coins!"],"Send coins":[null,"Send coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Sending your coins..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Suspicious address"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Booting up..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initializing hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"We'll be up in a moment."],"Initializing...":[null,"Initializing..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generating cryptographic identity."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Please wait a few minutes."],"Connecting...":[null,"Connecting..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pairing..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pair with remote server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Pairing failed"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Maintenance Required"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Please contact the operator."],"I agree":[null,"I agree"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Sorry, we are down for the moment."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We're taking a look"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"We're having some difficulties."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Please contact the operator for more information."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Please snap a photo of your receipt."],"Show receipt":[null,"Show receipt"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"This Machine Is Locked"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Please ask for assistance."],"What next?":[null,"What next?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi failed to connect..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Please try the password again."],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN required"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Type in SSN?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Yes, type in"],"Social security number":[null,"Social security number"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"To proceed, please enter your social security number."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Our system indicated an identification problem."],"Please contact support":[null,"Please contact support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verifying identity..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"This could take a few seconds."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verifying photo card..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verifying photo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Select a WiFi network"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Only secured networks are shown."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Or connect Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"A wired connection is preferred for stability."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi password"],"Connect":[null,"Connect"],"We got this":[null,"We got this"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"This could take a few moments."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Have you sent the %s yet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan your %s address"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Invalid %s address"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaction limit reached, please cash out"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"You'll be sending %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Promo code added (%s discount)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Printing receipt..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"Receipt printed successfully!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"An error occurred, try again."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"en-CA"}},"et-EE":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Mobiilinumber, mille te sisestasite ei tööta. Kui teil on rahvusvaheline number, palun sisestage + ja riigi suunakood."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Näiteks, Eesti riigi suunakood on +372, ning Eesti mobiiltelefoni number näeb välja kujul +372 53 019 999"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Sisestatud kood ei ole õige."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"Saada sularaha (Redeem)"],"How much?":[null,"Valige summa."],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"Kustuta"],"Thank you!":[null,"Aitäh!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sinu Bitcoinid on teel:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Bitcoinid ei ole saabunud."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Jah, saatsin küll"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ei ole veel saatnud"],"Send Coins":[null,"Saada Bitcoinid"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Raha loetakse..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Tundmatu number"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,"Ei, saada mündid"],"No, cancel":[null,"Ei, loobu"],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Ajutine piirang on saavutatud"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"ID kaardi lugemine ebaõnnestus."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Palun proovige uuesti."],"Cancel":[null,"Tühista"],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Kas soovite sisestada rohkem arveid?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Jah, Kontrollige ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Sisesta paberraha"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Sinu Bitcoinid saadetakse:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Sisesta rohkem raha"],"deposited so far":[null,"Sissemakseid kokku"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"VÕI"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Bitcoinid on hetkel otsas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oih, kuskil on viga"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autoriseerimine..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Kas soovite uuesti proovida?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Mobiiltelefoni Number"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Sisestage mobiiltelefoni number, kuhu saadetakse SMS kinnitus tehingu kohta."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Sisestage sama mobiiltelefoni number, mille kasutasite sularaha tellimisel."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Palun sisestage oma mobiilinumber isiku tõestamiseks."],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Palun tõestage enda identiteeti"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Turvakood"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Sisestage siia SMS-ga saadud turvakood."],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"ATM käivitub..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Tarkvara kontrollimine."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Ühendamine..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Ühendan..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Ühendan serveriga"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Ühenduse loomisel esines tõrge:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Palun skaneerige QR kood, mille leidsite oma serverist."],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Palun võta ühendust operaatoriga."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Oih!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"ATM töös võib esineda tõrkeid."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Abi saamiseks palun pöörduge Atmi hooldaja poole."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Palun tehke tšeki foto."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Tehingu töötlemine ebaõnnestus."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"See on meie viga."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Meie süsteemis ilmnes tõrge."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Palun proovige uuesti, või võtke ühendust Atmi hooldajaga."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Teie tšekk"],"pending confirmation":[null,"ootab kinnitamist"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Teie Bitcoinid on saadetud:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"ATM ei väljasta soovitud valuutat."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Palun sooritage sularaha lunastustehing ATMis, mis väljastab nimetatud valuutat."],"Network Down":[null,"Ühendus on häiritud"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Kood mille sisestasite ei sobinud."],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. 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Kui te kasutasite varem muud telefoni numbrit, palun alustage uuesti õige telefoni numbriga."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Juhul kui olete kindel, et teie tellimus on seotud sisestatud telefoninumbriga, palun pöörduge ATM hooldaja poole."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Palun küsi abi."],"What next?":[null,"Mis nüüd saab?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Kahjuks, meil ei õnnestunud verifitseerida teie telefoni numbrit ja seetõttu me ei saa teavitada teid, kui sularaha on valmis lunastamiseks."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Palun tehke foto järgevast ekraani kuvast ja seejärel võtke ühendust Atm hooldajaga."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Palun sisesta parool uuesti."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Meie süsteem tuvastas identiteedi probleemi."],"Please contact support":[null,"Palun võtke ühendust klienditoega"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Palun oodake, see võtab mõne hetke."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Kuvatakse ainult turvalised võrgud."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi parool"],"Connect":[null,"Ühenda"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Palun oota, see võtab mõne hetke."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Kas te olete Bitcoinid juba saatnud?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skaneerige oma Bitcoini aadress"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Sellega võib minna keskmiselt 15 sekundit. Mõnikord kulub üle minuti."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Te saadate %S %S"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Kriips"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"et-EE"}},"es-MX":{"Address already used":[null,"Dirección ya utilizada"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que ya has usado esta dirección."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para tu privacidad y seguridad contra estafas, genera una nueva dirección desde su monedero y escanea esa en su lugar."],"Start over":[null,"Comenzar de nuevo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"¿Estás seguro?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Si ya enviaste monedas y cancelas sin confirmar tu número de teléfono, deberás liquidar manualmente la transacción con el operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Presione 'Continuar transacción' y espere hasta 60 segundos para que se vea su depósito."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"O presione 'Cancelar transacción' para volver a la pantalla de inicio."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transación"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transación"],"Try again":[null,"Vuelva a intentarlo"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono ingresado no funcionó. Si tienes un número internacional, por favor coloca el prefijo con + y el código de llamada de tu país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, así que un numero de Bélgica se vería como: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código que escribiste era incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Favor de validar que estas ingresando el código de seis digitos que recibiste de nosotros."],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (5% descuento)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Venta"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Compraste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Tus monedas se estan enviando a:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No aparecen los Bitcoins."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sí, ya los envié"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, aún no"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted nos enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Todo listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retiré su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mira el punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos da su permiso?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Para continuar con esta transacción, necesitamos tomar una foto de usted para cumplir con las leyes locales. ¿Esta de acuerdo?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Si, de acuerdo"],"No, finish up":[null,"No, finalizar"],"Try again?":[null,"¿Inténtalo de nuevo?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que no obtuvimos una buena foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"¿Intentamos otra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Si, intentar nuevamente"],"No, send coins":[null,"No, enviar monedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"No, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Mira a la cámara"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"La foto de usted no ha salido bién."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor, mire a la cámara situada en la pantalla."],"We dispensed":[null,"Entregado"],"You sent us":[null,"Usted lo envió"],"See you!":[null,"¡Hasta la próxima!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Se alcanzó el límite de tiempo"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. Hemos alcanzado nuestro límite obligatorio por usuario."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Lo sentimos"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"No hemos podido leer su documento de identificación."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Tal vez quieras intentarlo nuevamente."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Si deseas hacer una compra más grande, necesitaremos asegurarnos de que seas tú y te pediremos que escanees tu identificación."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"¿Quieres insertar más billetes?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sí, verificar ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"¡Monedero validada con éxito!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Inserte un billete"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor inserta tu primer billete en la máquina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas serán enviadas a:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserte otro billete"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado hasta este momento"],"total purchased":[null,"total comprado"],"OR":[null,"O"],"Finished?":[null,"¿Terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escriba su código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"Dirección no válida"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que estás usando una billetera para una moneda diferente o un formato de dirección que aún no admitimos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor, verifique su codigo QR e intentelo de nuevo."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"¡No tenemos monedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor, intentelo mas tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Lo sentimos, esto no funciona"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, por favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Se nos acabaron el efectivo!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"¡Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo otra vez?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"El documento que has mostrado no coincide."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente tu monedero de papel. Asegúrate de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intenta imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Impresión fallida"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu monedero. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de tu monedero de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie y no la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Ingresa tu número de móvil para que podamos enviarte un mensaje de texto cuando se confirme tu pedido."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Por favor ingresa tu número móvil para verificar tu identidad."],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Te enviamos un código de seguridad, cuando lo recibas, ingrésalo aquí."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando tus monedas..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Alistando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con el servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanea el código QR de emparejamiento que recibiste de tu servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Mantenimiento requerido"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"De acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Lo sentimos!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos teniendo algunas dificultades."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador para obtener asistencia."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, toma una foto de tu recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar tu transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no tú."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimento un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Puedes intentarlo de nuevo, o contacta al operador."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"pendientes de confirmación"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta maquina no maneja la divisa que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira tu dinero en una maquina que soporte tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"No hay red"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo siento, estamos momentáneamente fuera de servicio."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código ingresado no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi listo"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ninguna orden abierta asociada a tu teléfono. Si utilizaste otro teléfono, intenta canjear otra vez con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Sí estas seguro de haber abierto una orden asociada con este teléfono, por favor contacto con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Continuar?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número teléfonico, asi que quizas no podamos contactarte cuando tu dinero este listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor coloque una foto de la siguiente pantalla de tu recibo electrónico, después contacte al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red inalámbrica..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intenta de nuevo la contraseña por favor."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indica un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Favor de contactar a soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar unos segundos."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selecciona una red inalámbrica"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Conectado. Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cajero de Criptomonedas"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya has enviado los %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanea tu dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s no válida"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Esto puede demorar 15 segundos en promedio. En ocasiones, toma más de un minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Enviarás %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (%s descuento)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Imprimiendo recibo..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"¡Recibo imprimido con éxito!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-MX"}},"pt-PT":{"Address already used":[null,"Endereço já usado"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que já utilizou este endereço."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para sua privacidade e proteção contra fraudes, por favor gere um novo endereço da sua carteira e digitalize em alternativa."],"Start over":[null,"Começar de novo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Tem a certeza?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Se já enviou as moedas e cancelar sem confirmar o seu número de telemóvel, terá de completar a transação com o operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Pressione 'Continuar transação' e aguarde até 60 segundos para que o seu depósito seja visto."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ou pressione 'Cancelar transação' e retorne ao ecrã inicial."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transação"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transação"],"Try again":[null,"Tente Novamente"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"O número de telemóvel que introduziu não funciona. Se tem um número internacional, por favor adicione antes o prefixo com + e o código telefónico do seu país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por exemplo, o código telefónico da Bélgica é +32, logo um número Belga deverá parecer-se com: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"O código que introduziu está incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Por favor, assegure-se que está a introduzir o código de seis dígitos que recebeu da nossa parte."],"One moment...":[null,"Um momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Redimir"],"How much?":[null,"Quanto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Tem um código promocional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Código promocional adicionado (5 discount)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Levantar Dinheiro"],"Clear":[null,"Apagar"],"Thank you!":[null,"Obrigado!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Você Comprou"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"As suas moedas estão no seu caminho para:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tire uma foto ao ecrã para obter o seu recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque em qualquer lugar no ecrã quando tiver concluído."],"Network down":[null,"Rede desligada"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada por enquanto."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Ainda não apareceu qualquer moeda."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sim, enviei"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Não, não enviei"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar Moedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"será dispensado para si."],"You will send us":[null,"Você enviar-nos-há"],"to:":[null,"para:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Dispensando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor aguarde enquanto dispensamos o seu dinheiro."],"All set":[null,"Tudo pronto"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor remova o seu dinheiro da bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recolha notas"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar dispensando, retire o dinheiro da bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Olhe para o ponto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Isto deverá apenas demorar um segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Podemos?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"De forma a continuar esta transação, precisamos lhe fotografar para cumprir com regulamentos locais. Isto é ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Sim, tirar a foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Não, terminar"],"Try again?":[null,"Tentar novamente?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Parece que não conseguimos uma boa foto."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Vamos tentar outra foto?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Sim, tentar novamente"],"No, send coins":[null,"Não, enviar moedas"],"No, cancel":[null,"Não, cancelar"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Olhe para a câmera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Não conseguímos uma boa imagem de si."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Por favor olhe para a câmera localizada acima do ecrã."],"We dispensed":[null,"Dispensámos"],"You sent us":[null,"Você enviou"],"See you!":[null,"Até à próxima!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporário atingido"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Perdão. Atingimos o limite pré-definido por usuário."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Desculpe"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Não conseguímos ler o seu cartão de identificação."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Você poderá querer tentar novamente."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificação de Identificação"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Se quiser fazer uma compra maior, temos de verificar que é você digitlizando a sua identificação."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Pretende introduzir mais notas?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sim, verificar Identificação"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Carteira validada com sucesso!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insira uma nota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor, introduza a sua primeira nota na máquina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"As suas moedas serão enviadas para:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Inserir outra nota"],"deposited so far":[null,"depositado até agora"],"total purchased":[null,"total adquirido"],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,"Terminado?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Escreva o seu código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"Endereço inválido"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que está utilizando uma carteira para uma moeda diferente ou num formato diferente que ainda não suportamos."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Por favor verifique o seu código QR e tente novamente."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Estamos sem moedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor tente novamente mais tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, isto não está a funcionar"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Atingiu o número máximo de tentativas. Por favor contacte o operador para resolver isto, ou tente novamente mais tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Mais, por favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Estamos sem dinheiro!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fundos Recebidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Quere tentar novamente?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"O documento que mostrou não correspondeu."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erro na leitura do código QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Não conseguimos ler a sua carteira em papel. Certifique-se que a posicionou corretamente no compartimento de digitalização e de que foi impressa corretamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se o problema persistir, experimente imprimir de novo."],"Scan again":[null,"Digitalize novamente"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir novamente"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Impressão falhou"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que houve um problema ao imprimir a sua carteira. Por favor contacte o operador para mais informação ou tente imprimir novamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Voltar ao Menu Principal"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, por favor apresente a frente da sua carteira em papel no digitalizador."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este papel contém os seus fundos. Assim que validado, não mostre esta chave a ninguém e não a perca!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional não encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Desculpe! Não encontrámos o código promocional."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Pode experimentar um código diferente, ou continuar com a sua transação."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Se tiver certeza do código, por favor entre em contato com o operador para esclarecimentos."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Introduza outro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de Telemóvel"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Por favor introduza o seu número de telemóvel para que lhe possamos enviar um SMS quando o seu pedido for confirmado."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Por favor introduza o número de telemóvel que utilizou quando efectuou o pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Por favor introduza o seu número para verificação de ID."],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Segure o seu código QR na janela de digitalização para prosseguir."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Por favor verifique a sua identidade"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para prosseguir, somos obrigados a verificar a sua identidade."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor pressione o lado de trás do seu documento de identificação contra a janela de digitalização."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Por favor, encoste a frente do seu cartão de identificação contra o compartimento de digitalização, segure-o lá e carregue em \"Pronto para digitalizar\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pronto para digitalizar"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor encoste o lado da frente do seu documento de identificação contra a janela de digitalização."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Segurança"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Enviamos-lhe um código de segurança. Quando o receber, introduza-o aqui."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Estamos sem moedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar moedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"A enviar moedas..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Se pretender fazer uma compra maior, necessitaremos o seu número de telemóvel. Enviar-lhe-emos então um código por SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Endereço suspeito"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Este endereço pode estar associado a uma oferta enganosa ou grupo proibido. Por favor, certifique-se de que você está a usar um endereço da sua própria carteira."],"Booting up...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicializando o hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Subiremos dentro de momentos."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Gerando identidade criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor, aguarde alguns minutos."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparelhando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparelhar com servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Digitalizar"],"Pairing failed":[null,"O Emparelhamento falhou"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Aquando tentando emparelhar, experienciámos um erro:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor digitalize o código QR de emparelhamento que obteve do seu servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Manutenção Requerida"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor entre em contacto com o operador."],"I agree":[null,"Aceito"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Desculpe, de momento estamos em baixo."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos a olhar à procura"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Temos o seu pedido, mas ainda não vimos a sua transação de depósito. Verifique se a sua carteira enviou as moedas para a sua transação."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Caso não tenha a certeza se as suas moedas foram enviadas, por favor contacte o operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos a ter algumas dificuldades."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor contacte o operador para obter mais informação."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor tire uma foto do seu recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos a aguardar que o seu depósito seja confirmado na Blockchain. Receberá em breve uma mensagem de texto avisando que a sua transação foi confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Quando isso acontecer, por favor volte a esta máquina e pressione o botão Redimir."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Somos incapazes de processar a sua transação."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nós, não você."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"O nosso sistema experienciou um erro."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor sinta-se livre para tentar novamente, ou contacte o operador."],"Your Receipt":[null,"O Seu Recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmação pendente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"As suas moedas foram enviadas para:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina não opera a moeda que solicitou."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor, levante o seu dinheiro numa máquina que opere a sua moeda."],"Network Down":[null,"Rede Desligada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Desculpe, de momento estamos em baixo."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor, volte mais tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"O código que introduziu não corresponde."],"Almost there":[null,"Quase lá"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Nós vemos sua transação, mas estamos esperando por confirmação. Isto leva em média 10 minutos, mas poderá demorar até uma hora ou duas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Para levantar o seu dinheiro, volte por favor e pressione Redimir quando receber a nossa mensagem de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Não vemos qualquer pedido associado ao seu telemóvel. Se tem outro telemóvel que talvez tenha usado, pode tentar redimir novamente com esse número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se tiver a certeza que tem um pedido associado com este telemóvel, por favor contacte o operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta Máquina está Bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor requisite ajuda."],"What next?":[null,"Que fazer agora?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Não conseguimos verificar o seu número de telemóvel, logo poderemos não ser capazes de entrar em contacto consigo quando o seu dinheiro estiver disponível."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor tire uma foto do próximo ecrã para obter o seu recibo eletrónico, e então contacte o operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falha ao ligar WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Por favor introduza a palavra-passe novamente."],"US SSN required":[null,"Necessário US SSN"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para continuar, necessitamos do seu número de Segurança Social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Digitar o NIS?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Sim, escreva"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de segurança social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para proceder, por favor introduza o seu número de segurança social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"O nosso sistema indicou um problema de identificação."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor contacte o suporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"De forma a processar a sua transação, precisaremos esclarecer algumas informações sobre a sua conta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando identidade..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Isto pode demorar alguns segundos."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando cartão com foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto.."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selecione uma rede Wi-Fi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Apenas redes seguras são apresentadas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ou ligue um cabo Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Uma ligação por cabo é preferível para estabilidade."],"WiFi password":[null,"Senha Wi-Fi"],"Connect":[null,"Ligar"],"We got this":[null,"Nós tomamos conta disto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"A ligação poderá demorar alguns momentos."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Ligação criada. A aguardar actualização da conversão."],"More":[null,"Mais"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MAIS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor, volte em %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor, volte em %s dias e %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor, volte em %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"A criar ligação com rede WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Taxa de transação: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Você depositou %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Inseriu uma nota de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite de transação alcançado."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Estamos com pouco saldo de criptomoeda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor insira %s ou menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"O Mínimo de primeira nota é %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Limite de transação alcançado"],"Error in validation":[null,"Erro na validação"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Devido a regulações locais, atingiu o seu limite de transação. Por favor contacte-nos se desejar aumentar o seu limite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Digitalize o seu endereço %s "],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Por favor digitalize o código QR para nos enviar os seus %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Já enviou os %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Digitalize o seu endereço %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Endereço %s inválido"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Isto deve demorar 15 segundos em média. Ocasionalmente, demorará mais de um minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite de transação atingido, por favor, levante o dinheiro"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Voce enviará %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Código promocional acrescentado (%s discount)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Imprimindo recibo..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"Recibo imprimido com sucesso!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ocorreu um erro, tente novamente."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"pt-PT"}},"pl-PL":{"Address already used":[null,"Adres został już użyty"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Wygląda na to, że adres został już użyty."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Dla twojego bezpieczeństwa i ochrony przed oszustwem, proszę wygeneruj nowy z twojego portfela i go zeskanuj."],"Start over":[null,"Zacznij od nowa"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Jesteś pewny?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Jak już wysłałeś swoje monety i anulowałeś bez podania swojego numeru telefonu, będziesz musiał skontaktować się z operatorem w celu dokończenia transakcji. "],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Naciśnij 'Dokończ transakcje' i poczekaj do 60 sekund aby wpłata została wysłana. "],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Albo naciśnij 'Anuluj transakcje' aby przejść do ekranu głównego"],"Continue transaction":[null,"Dokończ transakcje"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Anuluj transakcje"],"Try again":[null,"Spróbuj ponownie"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Wprowadzony numer telefonu nie działa. Jeśli masz numer międzynarodowy, proszę wpisać prefiks z + i numerem kierunkowym kraju."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Na przykład, kod kierunkowy Belgii to + 32, więc belgijski numer będzie wyglądać tak: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Wprowadzony kod jest nieprawidłowy."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Upewnij się, że wprowadzasz sześciocyfrowy kod, który od nas otrzymałeś."],"One moment...":[null,"Chwileczkę..."],"Languages":[null,"Języki"],"Redeem":[null,"Odbierz"],"How much?":[null,"Ile?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Masz kod promocyjny?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Kod promocyjny został dodany"],"Cash Out":[null,"Wypłać"],"Clear":[null,"Usuń"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dziękujemy!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Kupiłeś"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Twoje bitcoiny są w drodze do:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Zrób zdjęcie ekranu, to twój elektroniczny paragon"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Jak skończysz dotknij ekran."],"Network down":[null,"Awaria sieci"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Jeszcze nic."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Bitcoiny nie są wyświetlane."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Tak"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nie"],"Send Coins":[null,"Wyślij monety"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"będzie wydane dla ciebie."],"You will send us":[null,"Wyślesz nam"],"to:":[null,"do:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Wypłacanie..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Proszę poczekaj wypłacamy pieniądze."],"All set":[null,"Wszystko gotowe"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Proszę odebrać swoje pieniądze."],"Collect bills":[null,"Odbierz gotówkę"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Aby kontynuować wypłatę, odbierz gotówkę z tacki."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Patrz na kropkę"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Potrwa to tylko sekundę."],"May we?":[null,"Możemy?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"W celu kontynuowania transakcji, musimy zrobić ci zdjęcie, wymagają to dodatkowe przepisy. Czy będzie to ok?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Tak, zrób zdjęcie"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nie, zakończ"],"Try again?":[null,"Spróbuj ponownie?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Wygląda na to ze nie zrobiliśmy dobrego zdjęcia."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Możemy zrobić kolejne zdjęcie?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Tak, spróbuj ponownie"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nie, wyślij bitcoiny"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nie, anuluj"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Patrz na kamerę"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nie zrobiliśmy dobrego zdjęcia."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Patrz na kamerę umieszczoną na górze ekranu."],"We dispensed":[null,"Wypłaciliśmy "],"You sent us":[null,"Wysłałeś nam"],"See you!":[null,"Do zobaczenia!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Osiągnięto limit czasowy"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Przepraszam. Osiągnęliśmy narzucony limit na użytkownika."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Przepraszamy"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Nie mogliśmy odczytać twojego dowodu osobistego."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Może chcesz dać to jeszcze raz."],"Cancel":[null,"Anuluj"],"ID verification":[null,"Weryfikacja tożsamości"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Jeśli chcesz dokonać większego zakupu, musimy upewnić się, że to Ty, prosząc Cię o zeskanowanie dowodu tożsamości."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Czy chcesz dokonać większych zakupów?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Tak, zweryfikuj tożsamość"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Portfel pomyślnie zweryfikowany!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Włóż banknot"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Proszę włóż swój pierwszy banknot do urządzenia."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Twoje bitcoiny zostaną wysłane do:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Włóż inny banknot"],"deposited so far":[null,"dotychczas zdeponowano"],"total purchased":[null,"łączny zakup "],"OR":[null,"LUB"],"Finished?":[null,"Skończyłeś?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Wpisz swój kod promocyjny"],"Invalid address":[null,"Niepoprawny adres"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Wygląda na to, że używasz portfela na inną monetę lub inny format adresu, którego jeszcze nie obsługujemy."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Sprawdź kod QR i spróbuj ponownie."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Skończyły się nam wszystkie bitcoiny!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Spróbuj ponownie później."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oops, to nie działa."],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę ponownych prób. Skontaktuj się z operatorem, aby rozwiązać ten problem, lub spróbuj ponownie później."],"More, please":[null,"Więcej, proszę"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Skończyły się nam wszystkie bitcoiny!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fundusze otrzymane!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autoryzowanie..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Chcesz spróbować ponownie?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Pokazany dokument nie pasuje."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Błąd skanowania QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nie mogliśmy prawidłowo zeskanować Twojego papierowego portfela. Upewnij się, że umieściłeś go prawidłowo we wnęce skanowania i że został prawidłowo wydrukowany."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Jeśli problem nie ustąpi, spróbuj wydrukować ponownie."],"Scan again":[null,"Skanuj ponownie"],"Print again":[null,"Wydrukuj ponownie"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Wydruk się nie powiódł"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Wygląda na to, że wystąpił problem podczas drukowania portfela. Skontaktuj się z operatorem, aby uzyskać więcej informacji, lub spróbuj wydrukować ponownie."],"Back to Home":[null,"Wróć do ekranu głównego"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Aby potwierdzić, przyłóż przód swojego papierowego portfela do okienka skanowania."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"WAŻNE: Ten dokument zawiera twoje fundusze. Po zweryfikowaniu nie pokazuj nikomu tego klucza i nie zgub go!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Kod promocyjny nie znaleziony"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Przepraszam! To nie jest kod promocyjny, który mogliśmy znaleźć."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Możesz wypróbować inny kod lub kontynuować transakcję."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Jeśli jesteś pewien kodu, skontaktuj się z operatorem w celu uzyskania wyjaśnień."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Wprowadź inny kod"],"Phone Number":[null,"Numer Telefonu"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Proszę wpisać swój numer telefonu, abyśmy mogli przesłać wiadomość z kodem SMS."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Proszę podać numer telefonu, którego użyłeś składając zamówienie."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Proszę podać numer telefonu do weryfikacji tożsamości."],"Submit":[null,"Potwierdz"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Przytrzymaj swój kod QR przy oknie skanowania, aby kontynuować."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Weryfikacja tożsamości"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Aby kontynuować, musimy zweryfikować Twoją tożsamość."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Proszę przytrzymać drugą stronę prawa jazdy do okienka skanowania."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Proszę przytrzymać przód dowodu osobistego do okienka skanowania, a następnie nacisnąć „Gotowy do skanowania”."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Skanowanie"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Proszę przytrzymać przód dowodu osobistego do okienka skanowania."],"Security Code":[null,"Kod bezpieczeństwa"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Wysłaliśmy Ci SMS-a z kodem bezpieczeństwa. Kiedy go otrzymasz, wpisz go tutaj."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Skończyły się nam bitcoiny!"],"Send coins":[null,"Wyślij monety"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Wysyłanie monet..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Jeśli chcesz dokonać większych zakupów, potrzebna będzie weryfikacja Twojego numeru telefonu. Wyślemy Ci SMS kod w celu autoryzacji."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Podejrzany adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Ten adres może być powiązany z oszustwem lub zakazaną grupą. Upewnij się, że używasz adresu z własnego portfela."],"Booting up...":[null,"Uruchamianie..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicjowanie sprzętu."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Za chwilę będziemy gotowi ponownie."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicjowanie"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generowanie tożsamości kryptograficznej."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Poczekaj kilka minut."],"Connecting...":[null,"Łączenie..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Parowanie..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Sparuj ze zdalnym serwerem"],"Scan":[null,"Skan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Parowanie nie powiodło się"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Podczas próby parowania wystąpił błąd:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Zeskanuj kod QR parowania, który otrzymałeś ze swojego zdalnego serwera."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Wymagana konserwacja"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Proszę skontaktować się z operatorem."],"I agree":[null,"Zgadzam się"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Jesteśmy w tej chwili niedostępni."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Przyglądamy się"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Wczytywanie ceny."],"More":[null,"Więcej"],"Less":[null,"Mniej"],"Buy %s":[null,"Kup %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Sprzedaj %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"WIĘCEJ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Proszę wróć za %s tygodnie"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Proszę wróć za %s dni i %s godzin"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Proszę wróć za %s godzin"],"for %s":[null,"dla %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Łączysz się z siecią Wifi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Opłata transakcyjna: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Wpłaciłeś %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Włożyłeś banknot %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Osiągnięto limit transakcji."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Mamy trochę mało kryptowalut."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Proszę wpłacić %s lub mniej."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimalny pierwszy banknot to %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Przetwarzanie %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Osiągnięto limit transakcji"],"Error in validation":[null,"Błąd podczas sprawdzania poprawności"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Ze względu na lokalne przepisy osiągnąłeś limit transakcji. Skontaktuj się z nami, jeśli chcesz zwiększyć swój limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Zeskanuj swój %s adres"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Proszę przeskanować kod QR, aby wysłać do nas swoje %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Czy wysłałeś już %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Zeskanuj swój %s adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Niepoprawny %s adres"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Powinno to potrwać średnio 15 sekund. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,""],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,""],"No, cancel":[null,""],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,""],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,""],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,""],"It's us, not you.":[null,""],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,""],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,""],"Your Receipt":[null,""],"pending confirmation":[null,""],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,""],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,""],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,""],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,""],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,""],"Connect":[null,""],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,""],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"vi-VN"}},"fr-CH":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Le numéro de téléphone que vous avez entré n'a pas fonctionné. Si vous avez un numéro international, veuillez le précéder avec + et le code indicatif de votre pays."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Par exemple, le code indicatif de la Belgique est +32, donc un numéro Belge sera: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré est incorrect."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"Encaisser"],"How much?":[null,"Combien?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"Effacer"],"Thank you!":[null,"Merci !"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vos bitcoins sont sur le point d'être envoyés à:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aucune pièce reçue."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Oui, c'est fait"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Non, pas encore"],"Send Coins":[null,"Envoyer les pièces"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Encaissement..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Tout est prêt"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,"Non, envoyer"],"No, cancel":[null,"Non, annuler"],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Limite temporaire atteinte"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"On ne peut pas lire votre carte d’identité."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Veuillez essayer encore une fois."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuler"],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Souhaitez vous insérer le plus de billets ?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Oui, vérifier l'identitée"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Introduire un billet"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vos bitcoins seront envoyés à cette adresse:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insérez un autre billet"],"deposited so far":[null,"Espèces déposées jusqu'à présent"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Nous n'avons plus de coins disponible!"],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oups, ça ne fonctionne pas"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorisation..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Voulez-vous essayer à nouveau ?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Numéro de téléphone"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de portable afin que nous puissions vous texter lorsque votre commande est confirmée."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Veuillez entrer le numéro du portable que vous avez utilisé lorsque vous avez placé votre commande."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Veuillez entrer votre numéro de téléphone mobile pour la vérifier votre identitée."],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"S'il vous plaît vérifiez votre identité"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Code de sécurité"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Nous vous avons envoyé un SMS avec votre code de sécurité. Quand vous l'obtenez, entrez-le ici."],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Démarrage..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisation du hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Connexion..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Connexion en cours..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Synchronisation avec le serveur à distance"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Une erreur est survenue lors de la tentative de connexion :"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Merci de scanner le code QR obtenu de votre serveur à distance."],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Veuillez contacter l'opérateur."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Oups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Nous éprouvons des difficultés."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Pour plus d'informations, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de votre reçu."],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Nous sommes incapables de traiter votre transaction."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"C'est nous, pas vous."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Notre système a rencontré une erreur."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à essayer de nouveau, ou contactez l'opérateur."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Votre reçu"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmation en attente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vos pièces ont été envoyés à :"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Cette machine ne gère pas la devise que vous avez demandée."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"S'il vous plaît encaisser à une machine qui gère votre devise."],"Network Down":[null,"Problème de réseau"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Le code que vous avez entré ne correspond pas."],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nous ne voyons pas les commandes en cours associées avec votre numéro de téléphone. Si vous avez un autre numéro que vous avez peut-être utilisé, vous pouvez réessayer à nouveau avec ce numéro."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si vous savez que vous avez une commande en cours associée avec ce téléphone, veuillez communiquer avec l'opérateur."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"S'il vous plaît, demander de l'aide."],"What next?":[null,"Quoi faire ensuite?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Nous n'avons pas pu vérifier votre numéro de téléphone, alors nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous contacter lorsque votre argent est prêt."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"S'il vous plaît prenez une photo de l'écran suivant pour votre reçu électronique, puis contactez l'opérateur."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,"S'il vous plaît essayer à nouveau votre mot de passe."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Une erreur d'identification est survenue."],"Please contact support":[null,"Veuillez contacter le support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Cela peut prendre quelques secondes."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Seul les réseaux sécurisés sont affichés."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"Mot de passe WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Connexion"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Ceci devrait prendre quelques minutes."],"Connected. 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En attente du cours."],"More":[null,""],"Less":[null,""],"Buy %s":[null,"Acheter %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vendre %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VOIR PLUS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,""],"for %s":[null,"pour %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Vous êtes en cours de connexion avec le réseau WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,""],"You deposited %s":[null,""],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vous avez introduit un billet de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Limite de transaction atteinte."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,""],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Veuillez introduire %s ou moins."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,""],"Processing %s ...":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached":[null,""],"Error in validation":[null,""],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Avez-vous envoyé les %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanner votre adresse %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Cela devrait prendre 15 secondes en moyenne. Parfois, il faudra plus d’une minute."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Vous allez envoyer %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"fr-CH"}},"nl-BE":{"Address already used":[null,"Adres is reeds gebruikt"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat u dit adres al een keer heeft gebruikt."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"In verband met uw privacy en bescherming tegen scams kunt u het beste een nieuw adres generen vanuit uw wallet en deze scannen."],"Start over":[null,"Begin opnieuw"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Weet u het zeker?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Als u uw coins al gestuurd heeft en annuleert zonder dat u uw telefoonnummer bevestigd heeft, neem dan contact op met uw operator."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Druk op 'Doorgaan met transactie' en wacht ongeveer 60 seconden om uw storting te zien."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Of druk op 'Transactie annuleren' om terug te gaan naar het beginscherm."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Doorgaan met transactie"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Transactie annuleren"],"Try again":[null,"Probeer opnieuw"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Het ingevoerde telefoonnummer werkt helaas niet. Als u een internationaal nummer heeft, gebruik dan de prefix + en uw landnummer."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Bijvoorbeeld, het landnummer van België is +32, dus een Belgisch nummer ziet er uit als volgt: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"U heeft een verkeerde code ingevoerd."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Zorg ervoor dat u de zes cijferige code invoert die u van ons ontvangen heeft."],"One moment...":[null,"Een ogenblikje..."],"Languages":[null,"Taal"],"Redeem":[null,"Inwisselen"],"How much?":[null,"Hoeveel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"Uitbetalen"],"Clear":[null,"Wis"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dank u!"],"You Purchased":[null,"U Kocht"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn onderweg naar:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Neem een foto van het scherm voor uw digitale bon"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Druk ergens op het scherm als u klaar bent."],"Network down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nog niets."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Nog geen coins ontvangen."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nee"],"Send Coins":[null,"Verstuur Coins"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"wordt uitgegeven aan u."],"You will send us":[null,"U stuurt ons"],"to:":[null,"naar:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Uitgeven..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Geduld a.u.b. uw geld wordt uitgegeven."],"All set":[null,"Klaar"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade a.u.b."],"Collect bills":[null,"Verzamel biljetten"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Verwijder uw geld uit de lade om door te gaan met uitgifte van biljetten."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Kijk naar de stip"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Een ogenblikje a.u.b."],"May we?":[null,"Mogen we?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Om door te gaan met de transactie, hebben we een foto van u nodig om te voldoen aan de lokale wetgeving. Is dit goed?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, neem foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nee, rond af"],"Try again?":[null,"Opnieuw proberen?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat we geen goede foto hebben."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Zullen we een nieuwe foto maken?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, probeer opnieuw"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nee, stuur coins"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nee, annuleer"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Kijk in de camera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"We hebben geen goede foto van u."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Kijk in de camera boven het scherm."],"We dispensed":[null,"We hebben uitgegeven"],"You sent us":[null,"U heeft ons gestuurd"],"See you!":[null,"Tot ziens!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Tijdelijk limiet bereikt"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Excuses. We hebben het verplichte per gebruiker limiet bereikt."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Excuses"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"We konden uw identiteitskaart niet lezen."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Wellicht wilt u het nog een keer proberen."],"Cancel":[null,"Annuleren"],"ID verification":[null,"ID verificatie"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Als u een groter aankoop wilt doen, moeten we zeker wie u bent door het scannen van uw ID kaart of paspoort."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Wilt u nog meer biljetten invoeren?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, controleer ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet succesvol gevalideerd!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Breng een bankbriefje in"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Voer uw eerste biljet in het apparaat in."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Uw coins worden verzonden naar:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Breng nog een bankbriefje in"],"deposited so far":[null,"tot nu toe gestort"],"total purchased":[null,"totaal gekocht"],"OR":[null,"OF"],"Finished?":[null,"Klaar?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"Ongeldig adres"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat u een wallet gebruikt voor een andere coin of een adres dat we nog niet ondersteunen."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Controleer uw QR code en probeer opnieuw."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Onze coin voorraad is helemaal op!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Probeer later opnieuw."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oeps, dit werkt niet"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"U heeft het maximale aantal pogingen bereikt. Neem contact op met de operator, of probeer later opnieuw."],"More, please":[null,"Meer, Alstublieft"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"We hebben geen geld meer!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Cryptos ontvangen!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Machtigen..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Wilt u opnieuw proberen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Het document dat u heeft getoond komt niet overeen."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR scanfout"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"We konden uw paper wallet niet goed scannen. Zorg ervoor dat u het goed positioneert op de scanner en dat het goed geprint is."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Print het opnieuw als dit probleem zich blijft voordoen."],"Scan again":[null,"Scan opnieuw"],"Print again":[null,"Print opnieuw"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Printen is mislukt"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Het ziet er naar uit dat er een probleem was tijdens het printen van uw wallet. Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie of probeer het opnieuw te printen."],"Back to Home":[null,"Terug naar het Begin"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Om te valideren, toon de voorkant van uw paper wallet voor het scanraam."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"BELANGRIJK: Deze paper wallet bevat uw crypto. Toon deze code aan niemand en raak het niet kwijt!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefoonnummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in zodat wij een SMS kunnen sturen zodra de transactie bevestigd is."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Voer het mobiele nummer in dat u heeft gebruikt tijdens de transactie."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Voer uw mobiele nummer in om uw ID te verifiëren."],"Submit":[null,"Verzend"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Toon uw QR code voor het scanraam om door te gaan."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bevestig uw identiteit"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"We zijn verplicht om uw identiteit te controleren voordat we verder gaan."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Beveiligingscode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"We hebben u een beveiligingscode gestuurd. U kunt het hier invoeren zodra u het ontvangen heeft."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Onze coin voorraad is helemaal op!"],"Send coins":[null,"Verstuur coins"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Uw coins aan het versturen..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Als u een grotere aankoop wilt doen dan willen wij graag uw mobiele nummer, vervolgens zullen we een SMS sturen."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Verdacht adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Dit adres kan geassocieerd zijn met een misleidend aanbod of van een verboden groep. Verzeker u ervan dat u een adres gebruikt van uw eigen wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Aan het opstarten..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Hardware aan het initialiseren."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialiseren..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Cryptografische identiteit aan het genereren."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Bezig met verbinden..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Aan het koppelen..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Koppel met externe server"],"Scan":[null,"Scan"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Koppelen mislukt"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"We kregen een fout tijdens het koppelen:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Scan de QR koppel code die u kreeg van uw externe server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Onderhoud Vereist"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Gelieve de eigenaar te contacteren."],"I agree":[null,"I ga akkoord"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"We're taking a look":[null,"We gaan er naar kijken"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"We hebben uw order, maar we hebben uw stortingstransactie nog niet gezien. Controleer of uw wallet de coins heeft verstuurd."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker bent dat uw coins verstuurd zijn neem dan contact op met de operator."],"Oops!":[null,"Oeps!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Er zijn wat problemen."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Neem contact op met de operator voor meer informatie."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw bon."],"Show receipt":[null,"Toon bon"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"We zijn aan het wachten totdat uw storting op de blockchain is bevestigd. U zult spoedig een SMS ontvangen waarin uw transactie bevestigd zal worden."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wanneer dit gebeurd, komt dan terug naar dit apparaat en druk op de Verzilver knop."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"We kunnen uw transactie niet verwerken."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Het is een probleem aan onze kant."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een fout ervaren."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Probeer het opnieuw of neem contact op met de operator."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Uw Bon"],"pending confirmation":[null,"in afwachting van bevestiging"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Uw coins zijn verzonden naar:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Deze machine ondersteund niet de valuta die u heeft aangevraagd."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Neem het geld op bij een machine die uw valuta ondersteund."],"Network Down":[null,"Geen Netwerk"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Excuses, we zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Kom later terug."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"De code die u hebt ingevoerd komt niet overeen."],"Almost there":[null,"Bijna klaar"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"We zien je transactie maar we wachten nog steeds op een bevestiging. Dit kan gemiddeld 10 minuten duren, maar kan ook één of twee uur of langer duren."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"We zien geen enkele transactie die is gekoppeld aan uw telefoon. Als u een ander nummer heeft gebruikt dan kunt u het opnieuw proberen met dat nummer."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Als u zeker weet dat u een transactie gekoppeld heeft aan dit dit telefoonnummer, neem dan contact op met de operator."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Dit apparaat is vergrendeld"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Gelieve hulp te zoeken."],"What next?":[null,"Wat nu?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"We konden uw telefoonnummer niet controleren, als gevolg kunnen wij waarschijnlijk geen contact met u opnemen zodra uw geld klaar is om op te halen."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Maak een foto van uw digitale bon op het volgende scherm en neem dan contact op met de operator."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Het WiFi kon niet verbinden..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Probeer het wachtwoord opnieuw."],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Ons systeem heeft een identificatie probleem ontdekt."],"Please contact support":[null,"Contacteer support"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Om uw transactie te verwerken, moeten we wat informatie over uw account nader toelichten"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Identiteit verifiëren..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Dit kan enkele seconden duren."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Fotokaart verifiëren..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Foto verifiëren..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Kies een WiFi netwerk"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Enkel beveiligde netwerken worden getoond."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Of verbindt Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Een bedraad netwerk heeft de voorkeur i.v.m. de stabiliteit."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi wachtwoord"],"Connect":[null,"Verbinding maken met"],"We got this":[null,"Komt goed"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Dit kan even duren."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbonden. Wachten op de index."],"More":[null,"Meer"],"Less":[null,"Minder"],"Buy %s":[null,"Koop %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Verkoop %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"verder"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,""],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,""],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Kom terug in %s uur"],"for %s":[null,"voor %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"U maakt een verbinding met het WiFi netwerk %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Transactie Vergoeding: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"U heeft gestort %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"U heeft een %s bankbriefje ingebracht"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"We hebben een beetje weinig crypto."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Gelieve %s of minder in te brengen."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Eerste minimale biljet is %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Verwerken %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt"],"Error in validation":[null,"Fout in validatie"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"U heeft uw transactie limiet bereikt door lokale regulatie. Neem contact met ons op als u uw limiet wilt verhogen."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Scan the QR code om uw %s te sturen."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Heeft u de %s al gestuurd?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scan uw %s adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Ongeldig %s adres"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Dit duurt gemiddeld ongeveer 15 seconden. Af en toe, kan het meer dan een minuut duren."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transactie limiet bereikt, betaal uit"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"U gaat %s %s overmaken"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"nl-BE"}},"sk-SK":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresa už bola použitá"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Zdá sa, že túto adresu ste už použili."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"V záujme ochrany súkromia a bezpečnosti pred podvodmi prosím vygenerujte vo Vašej peňaženke novú adresu, a použite tú."],"Start over":[null,"Začať znova"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Ste si istý?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Ak ste už poslali coiny a nepotvrdili Vaše telefónne číslo, budete musieť doriešiť túto transakciu manuálne s prevádzkovateľom."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Stlačte 'Pokračovat v transakcii' a počkajte 60 sekúnd, aby bol Váš vklad zaregistrovaný."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Alebo stlačte 'Zrušiť transakciu' pre návrat na úvodnú obrazovku."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Pokračovať v transakcii"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Zrušiť transakciu"],"Try again":[null,"Skúsiť znova"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Zadané telefónne číslo nefungovalo. Ak máte medzinárodné číslo, uveďte prosím predvoľbu s + a kódom krajiny."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Napríklad Česko kód + 420, takže české číslo bude vyzerať napr. takto: +420 608 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Zadaný kód je nesprávny."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Prosím, uistite sa, že zadávate šesť ciferný kód, ktorý ste dostali od nás."],"One moment...":[null,"Chvíľku strpenia..."],"Languages":[null,"Jazyky"],"Redeem":[null,"Výber"],"How much?":[null,"Koľko?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Máte promo kód?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promo kód pridaný (5 zľava)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Vyplatiť"],"Clear":[null,"Vymazať"],"Thank you!":[null,"Ďakujeme!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Nakúpili ste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vaše coiny sú na ceste do:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Odfoťte obrazovku s elektronickým potvrdením"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Ťuknite na obrazovku, keď budete hotový."],"Network down":[null,"Sieť nedostupná"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Zatiaľ nič."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Žiadne coiny neprichádzajú."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Áno"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nie"],"Send Coins":[null,"Zaslať coiny"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Vám bude vydaných."],"You will send us":[null,"Pošlete nám"],"to:":[null,"na:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Výdaj..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Počkajte, kým vydáme Vašu hotovosť."],"All set":[null,"Hotovo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Prosím, odoberte hotovosť."],"Collect bills":[null,"Odoberte bankovky"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Odoberte hotovosť, aby sme mohli pokračovať vo výdaji."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Pozrite sa na bodku"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Toto by malo trvať len sekundu."],"May we?":[null,"Smieme?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Aby sme mohli pokračovať v transakcii, potrebujeme v súlade s miestnou legislatívou urobiť Vašu fotku. Je to v poriadku?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Áno, urobte fotku"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nie, ukončiť"],"Try again?":[null,"Skúsiť znova?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Zdá sa, že sa nám nepodarilo spraviť dobrý záber."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Skúsime ďalšiu fotku?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Áno, skúsiť znova"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nie, pošlite coiny"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nie, zrušiť"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Pozrite sa do kamery"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nepodarilo sa nám urobiť dobrú fotku Vašej tváre."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Prosím, pozrite sa do kamery umiestnenej nad obrazovkou."],"We dispensed":[null,"Vydali sme"],"You sent us":[null,"Poslali ste nám"],"See you!":[null,"Dovidenia!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Dočasný limit dosiahnutý"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Prepáčte. Dosiahli sme povolený limit na používateľa."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Prepáčte"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Nepodarilo sa načítať Váš identifikačný doklad."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Možno to budete chcieť skúsiť znova."],"Cancel":[null,"Zrušiť"],"ID verification":[null,"Overenie identity"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Ak by ste chceli spraviť väčší nákup, musíme sa uistiť, že Vy ste Vy, a preto Vás požiadame, aby ste oskenovali svoj občiansky preukaz."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Chcete vložiť viac bankoviek?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Áno, overte identifikáciu"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Peňaženka úspešne overená!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Vložte bankovku"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Prosím, vložte prvú bankovku do automatu."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vaše coiny budú zaslané na:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Vložte ďalšiu bankovku"],"deposited so far":[null,"doteraz vložených"],"total purchased":[null,"spolu nakúpených"],"OR":[null,"ALEBO"],"Finished?":[null,"Hotovo?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Zadajte Váš promo kód"],"Invalid address":[null,"Neplatná adresa"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Zdá sa, že používate peňaženku pre inú kryptomenu alebo formát adresy, ktorý ešte nepodporujeme."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Prosím, skontrolujte Váš QR kód a skúste znova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Coiny sa nám minuli!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Prosím, skúste neskôr."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Jejda, toto nefunguje"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Dosiahli ste maximum opravných pokusov. Prosím, kontaktujte prevádzkovateľa, aby to vyriešil, alebo skúste znova neskôr."],"More, please":[null,"Viac, prosím"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Hotovosť sa nám minula!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Prostriedky prijaté!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Prebieha autorizácia..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Skúsiť znova?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Dokument, ktorý ste ukázali, nevyhovuje."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Chyba skenovania QR kódu"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Nepodarilo sa nám dobre oskenovať Vašu papierovú peňaženku. Uistite sa, že je správne umiestnená skenovacom paneli, a že bola správne vytlačená."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Ak problém pretrvá, skúste ju vytlačiť znova."],"Scan again":[null,"Oskenovať znova"],"Print again":[null,"Vytlačiť znova"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Tlač zlyhala"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Zdá sa, že sa objavil problém pri tlači Vašej peňaženky. Prosím, kontaktujte prevádzkovateľa, alebo skúste tlačiť znova."],"Back to Home":[null,"Späť na úvod"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Pre overenie ukážte prosím Vašu peňaženku na skenovacie okienko."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"DÔLEŽITÉ: Tento papier obsahuje Vaše prostriedky. Po overení neukazujte tento kľúč nikomu a nestraťte ho!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promo kód nebol nájdený"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Prepáčte! Taký promo kód sa nám nepodarilo nájsť."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Môžte skúsiť iný kód alebo pokračovať vo Vašej transakcii."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Ak ste si istý správnosťou kódu, kontaktujte prosím prevádzkovateľa."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Zadať iný kód"],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefónne číslo"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Zadajte svoje mobilné číslo. Keď bude Vaša objednávka potvrdená, pošleme Vám SMS."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Zadajte mobilné číslo, ktoré ste použili pri Vašej objednávke."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Zadajte Vaše telefónne číslo pre overenie identifikácie."],"Submit":[null,"Odoslať"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Pre pokračovanie priložte Váš QR kód ku skenovaciemu okienku."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Overte Vašu identitu"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Pre pokračovanie sme nútení overiť Vašu identitu."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Prosím, pritlačte zadnú stranu Vášho vodičského oprávnenia na skenovacie okienko."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Prosím, pritlačte prednú stranu Vášho občianskeho preukazu na skenovacie okienko, držte ho tam, a potom stlačte \"Pripravené na skenovanie\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pripravené na skenovanie"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Prosím, pritlačte prednú stranu Vášho občianskeho preukazu na skenovacie okienko."],"Security Code":[null,"Bezpečnostný kód"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Poslali sme Vám bezpečnostný kód. Keď ho dostanete, zadajte ho sem."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Coiny sa nám minuli!"],"Send coins":[null,"Poslať coiny"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Posielame Vaše coiny..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Ak chcete urobiť väčší nákup, budeme Vás musieť požiadať o Vaše číslo mobilného telefónu. Potom Vám pošleme SMS kód."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Podozrivá adresa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Táto adresa môže byť spájaná so zavádzajúcou ponukou alebo zakázanou skupinou. Prosím, uistite sa, že používate adresu z Vašej vlastnej peňaženky."],"Booting up...":[null,"Štartujeme..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicializácia hardvéru."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Začíname za chvíľu."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicializácia..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generujeme kryptografickú identitu."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Prosím, počkajte niekoľko minút."],"Connecting...":[null,"Pripájanie..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Párovanie..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Spárovať so vzdialeným serverom"],"Scan":[null,"Skenovať"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Párovanie zlyhalo"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Pri pokuse o párovanie, sa vyskytla chyba:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Prosím oskenujte QR kód pre párovanie so vzdialeným serverom."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Automat vyžaduje údržbu"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Prosím, kontaktujte prevádzkovateľa."],"I agree":[null,"Súhlasím"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Prepáčte, práve sme mimo prevádzky."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Pozeráme sa"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Máme Vašu objednávku, ale nezaznamenali sme Vašu vkladovú transakciu. Skontrolujte, či Vaša peňaženka poslala coiny pre Vašu transakciu."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Ak ste si istý, že Vaše coiny boli poslané, kontaktujte prosím prevádzkovateľa."],"Oops!":[null,"Hoplá!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Vyskytli sa určité ťažkosti."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Ďalšie informácie vám poskytne prevádzkovateľ."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Prosím urobte fotografiu potvrdenia transakcie."],"Show receipt":[null,"Zobraziť potvrdenie"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Čakáme na potvrdenie Vášho vkladu na blockchaine. Za chvíľu dostanete SMS s oznámením, že Vaša transakcia bola potvrdená."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Keď sa tak stane, príďte prosím späť k tomuto automatu a stlačte tlačidlo Výber."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Nie sme schopní sracovať vašu transakciu."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"To my, nie Vy."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Náš systém zaznamenal chybu."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Neváhajte to skústiť znova, alebo kontaktujte operátora."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Vaše potvrdenie"],"pending confirmation":[null,"čakajúce na potvrdenie"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vaše coiny boli zaslané na:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Tento automat nepracuje s požadovanou menou."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Hotovosť preberte v automate, ktorý pracuje s Vašou menou."],"Network Down":[null,"Sieť nedostupná"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Prepáčte, práve sme mimo prevádzky."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Prosím, príďte neskôr."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Zadaný kód je neplatný."],"Almost there":[null,"Skoro hotovo"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vidíme Vašu transakciu, ale stále čakáme na jej potvrdenie. Toto trvá v priemere 10 minút, ale môže to trvať aj hodinu alebo dve."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Keď dostanete našu SMS správu, príďte prosím späť pre Vašu hotovosť a stlačte Výber."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Nevidíme žiadne otvorené objednávky priradené Vášmu telefónu. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Podľa miestnej legislatívy ste dosiahli limit na transakciu. Prosím, kontaktujte nás, ak si želáte, aby sme zvýšili Váš limit."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Oskenujte Vašu %s adresu"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Prosím oskenujte QR kód a pošlite nám Vaše %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Poslali ste už %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Oskenujte svoju %s adresu"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Neplatná %s adresa"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Toto by malo trvať v priemere 15 sekúnd. Niekedy, to ale trvá viac ako minútu."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Bol dosiahnutý limit transakcie. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,"감사합니다!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"금액을 집어넣습니다"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,"추가로 지폐를 더 넣습니다"],"deposited so far":[null,"입금된 금액"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"또는"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"관계자에게 문의 하시길 바랍니다."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"도움을 요청 하시기 바랍니다."],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"보안된 네트워크만 보여집니다."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi 비밀번호 "],"Connect":[null,"연결"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"시간이 약간 걸립니다"],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono que ingresó no funcionó. Si tiene un número internacional, coloque el prefijo + y el código de su país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo, el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, por lo que un número belga se vería así: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código que ha introducido es incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Asegúrese de ingresar el código de seis dígitos que le hemos enviado."],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (5% descuento)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Retirar"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ha comprado"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sus monedas están en camino a la siguiente dirección: "],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aún no hemos recibido las monedas."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lo hice"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, no lo hice"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retire su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mire al punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos permite?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente su billetera de papel. Asegúrase de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intente imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"La impresión ha fallido"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu billetera. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de su billetera de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie ni la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"\n"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indicó un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya enviaste el %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s inválida"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Esto debería tardar 15 segundos en promedio. Ocasionalmente, tardará más de un minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Estarás enviando %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (%s descuento)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Imprimiendo recibo..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"¡Recibo imprimido con éxito!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-ES"}},"ky-KG":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,"Рахмат!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,""],"Yes, take photo":[null,""],"No, finish up":[null,""],"Try again?":[null,""],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,""],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,""],"Yes, try again":[null,""],"No, send coins":[null,""],"No, cancel":[null,""],"Look into the camera":[null,""],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,""],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,""],"We dispensed":[null,""],"You sent us":[null,""],"See you!":[null,""],"Temporary limit reached":[null,""],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Счет киргизиңиз"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,"Башка счет киргизиңиз"],"deposited so far":[null,"азырынча бар"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"ЖЕ"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Оператор менен сүйлөшүңүз."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. 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This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Жардам сураңыз."],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Кайтарылган тармактар гана көрсөтүлгөн."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi пароль"],"Connect":[null,"Туташуу"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Бул бир канча замат алат."],"Connected. 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That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,""],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Kontakt venligst operatøren."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,""],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,""],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,""],"It's us, not you.":[null,""],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,""],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,""],"Your Receipt":[null,""],"pending confirmation":[null,""],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,""],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,""],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,""],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,""],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Spørg venligst om hjælp."],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Kun sikre netværk vises."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi adgangskode"],"Connect":[null,"Tilslut"],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Dette kan tage nogle sekunder."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"da-DK"}},"nb-NO":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono que ingresó no funcionó. Si tiene un número internacional, coloque el prefijo + y el código de su país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo, el código de llamada de Bélgica es +32, por lo que un número belga se vería así: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código que ha introducido es incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Asegúrese de ingresar el código de seis dígitos que le hemos enviado."],"One moment...":[null,"Un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (5% descuento)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Retirar"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Ha comprado"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Sus monedas están en camino a la siguiente dirección: "],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tome una foto de la pantalla para obtener su recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Aún no hemos recibido las monedas."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, lo hice"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, no lo hice"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a usted."],"You will send us":[null,"Usted enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos su dinero."],"All set":[null,"Listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retire su dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoger billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar despachando, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mire al punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos permite?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Disculpas. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente su billetera de papel. Asegúrase de colocarlo correctamente en el compartimento de escaneo y de que se haya impreso correctamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Si el problema persiste, intente imprimir de nuevo."],"Scan again":[null,"Escanear de nuevo"],"Print again":[null,"Imprimir de nuevo"],"Printing Failed":[null,"La impresión ha fallido"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que hubo un problema al imprimir tu billetera. Ponte en contacto con el operador para obtener más información o intenta imprimir nuevamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Regresar al hogar"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, presente el frente de su billetera de papel a la ventana de escaneo."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este documento contiene tus fondos. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie ni la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! Ese código promocional no es válido."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Puedes intentar insertando otro código, o continuar con tu transacción."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Si está seguro de que su código es válido, por favor contacte al operador."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Ingresar otro código"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de teléfono"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"\n"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Introduzca el número de teléfono móvil que utilizó cuando realizó su pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"\n"],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Mantenga su código QR en la ventana de escaneo para continuar."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Verifique su identidad"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para continuar, debemos verificar su identidad."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte trasera de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad, en la ventana de escaneo y oprima \"Escanear\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Presione la parte frontal de su documento de identidad contra la ventana de escaneo."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Seguridad"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Ups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos teniendo algunos problemas."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor, contacte al operador para más información. "],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, tome una foto de su recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar su transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no usted."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimentó un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmación pendiente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina no maneja la moneda que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira a una máquina que maneje tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código que ingresaste no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi ahi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ningún pedido abierto asociado con tu teléfono. Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indicó un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Conectado. Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya enviaste el %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s inválida"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Esto debería tardar 15 segundos en promedio. Ocasionalmente, tardará más de un minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Estarás enviando %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (%s descuento)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Imprimiendo recibo..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"¡Recibo imprimido con éxito!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-CO"}},"zh-SG":{"Address already used":[null,"地址已經使用過"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"看起來你已經使用過這個地址"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"為了您的安全以及隱私,請從您的錢包產生一個新的,並且掃描之"],"Start over":[null,"重新開始"],"Are you sure?":[null,"你確定嗎?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"如果您已經發送了虛擬貨幣並在未確認電話號碼的情況下取消,請與服務人員手動結算交易。"],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"選擇「繼續交易」並等候60秒或更多時間,直到您發送的虛擬貨幣被確認"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"或選擇「取消交易」並回到主畫面"],"Continue transaction":[null,"繼續交易"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"取消交易"],"Try again":[null,"再試一次"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"您輸入的手機號碼不正確. 如果您使用非臺灣本地號碼,請記得在號碼前加+及國碼"],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"例如:中國的國碼為+86, 那麼中國的電話號碼會像這樣:+86 18587755016"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"你所輸入的手機號碼不正確。"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"請確認你所輸入的密碼是我們傳簡訊給你的六位數字。"],"One moment...":[null,"請稍候..."],"Languages":[null,"語言"],"Redeem":[null,"兌換"],"How much?":[null,"選擇兌換金額"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"您有促銷折扣碼?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,"兌現"],"Clear":[null,"清除"],"Thank you!":[null,"謝謝您!"],"You Purchased":[null,"您已購買"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"您的加密貨幣正在發送到下列地址:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"請拍下這個畫面做為您的電子收據"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"完成後請輕觸螢幕繼續"],"Network down":[null,"網路未連線"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"還沒有收到喔。。。"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"還沒有收到加密貨幣"],"Yes, I have":[null,"發送了"],"No, I haven't":[null,"還未發送"],"Send Coins":[null,"發送加密貨幣"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"將會出鈔給您"],"You will send us":[null,"請發送"],"to:":[null,"到"],"Dispensing...":[null,"出鈔中..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"請等候出鈔"],"All set":[null,"已完成設定"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"請將現金從出鈔口取出"],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"要繼續取錢,請從托盤中取出現金。"],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,"這應該只需要一秒鐘"],"May we?":[null,"您是否同意?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"很抱歉,已達到每用戶的限制"],"OK":[null,"好的"],"Sorry":[null,"很抱歉!"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"無法讀取身份證"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"您也許想再試一次!"],"Cancel":[null,"取消"],"ID verification":[null,"驗證身份"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"還要連續放入更多紙鈔嗎?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"是,驗證身份"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"插入紙鈔"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"請依序放入紙鈔"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"你加密貨幣將發送到:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"繼續放入紙鈔"],"deposited so far":[null,"目前已投金額"],"total purchased":[null,"購買總額"],"OR":[null,"或"],"Finished?":[null,"完成?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,"無效的錢包位址"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"您使用了錯誤的錢包位址,或您的錢包位址目前不支援"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"請確認您的QR碼再重試一次"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"我們的加密貨幣已售完!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"請稍後再試"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"噢歐,此號碼無效"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"重試次數已達上限,請聯繫服務人員,或稍後再試"],"More, please":[null,"請放入更多紙鈔"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"所有現鈔已用完"],"Funds Received!":[null,"加密貨幣已收到"],"Authorizing...":[null,"授權中..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"想要再試一次嗎?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,"二維碼掃描錯誤"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,"重新掃描"],"Print again":[null,"再次打印"],"Printing Failed":[null,"打印失敗"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,"回到主頁"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"手機號碼"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"請輸入您的手機號碼, 以便我們可以在您的訂單被確認時給您發送簡訊通知。"],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"請輸入您在下單時所使用的行動電話號碼。"],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"請輸入您用來進行身份驗證的行動電話號碼。"],"Submit":[null,"提交"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"將你的QR條碼對準掃描視窗以便作業"],"Please verify your identity":[null,"請掃描您的身份證件"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"我們需要進一步驗證您的身份"],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"簡訊認證碼"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"我們透過簡訊傳了認證碼給您 請在這裡輸入:"],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,"發送中"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"如果你想做更大額度的購買,我們將需要透過您的手機號碼驗證您的身份。我們將向您發送簡訊認證碼。"],"Suspicious address":[null,"可疑的錢包地址"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"這個地址可能與欺騙性要約或被禁止的群組相關聯。請確保您使用自己錢包中的地址。"],"Booting up...":[null,"正在啟動中..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"正在檢測硬體。"],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,"初始化..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"正在連接..."],"Pairing...":[null,"配對中..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"與遠端伺服器配對"],"Scan":[null,"掃描"],"Pairing failed":[null,"配對失敗"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"在嘗試配對時,我們遇到了一個錯誤 ︰"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"請掃描您從遠端伺服器獲得的配對 QR 碼。"],"Maintenance Required":[null,"需要維修"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"請與經營者聯繫。"],"I agree":[null,"我同意"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"很抱歉,目前服務無法使用"],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,""],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,""],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,""],"Ethereum":[null,""],"Zcash":[null,""],"Litecoin":[null,""],"Dash":[null,""],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,""],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ca-ES"}},"pt-BR":{"Address already used":[null,"Endereço já usado"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Parece que você já usou este endereço."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Para sua privacidade e segurança contra golpes, por favor gere um novo endereço em sua carteira e escaneie esse."],"Start over":[null,"Começar de novo"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Você tem certeza?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Se já enviou as moedas e cancelar sem confirmar seu número de celular, terá de completar a transação com o operador."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Pressione 'Continuar transação' e aguarde até 60 segundos para que seu depósito seja visto."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ou pressione 'Cancelar transação' para retornar à tela inicial."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Continuar transação"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Cancelar transação"],"Try again":[null,"Tente novamente"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"O número de celular que você inseriu não funcionou. Se você tiver um número internacional, adicione o prefixo + e o código telefónico do seu país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por exemplo, o código telefónico da Bélgica é +32, logo um número Belga deverá se parecer com: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"O código que você digitou estava incorreto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Por favor se assegure que está digitando o código de seis dígitos que você recebu de nós."],"One moment...":[null,"Um momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Resgatar"],"How much?":[null,"Quanto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Tem um código promocional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Código promocional adicionado (5 desconto)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Sacar dinheiro"],"Clear":[null,"Apagar"],"Thank you!":[null,"Obrigado!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Você Comprou"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Suas moedas estão no caminho para:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Tire uma foto à tela para obter seu recibo eletrônico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque em qualquer lugar na tela quando você concluir."],"Network down":[null,"Rede desligada"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada ainda."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Ainda não apareceu qualquer moeda."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Sim, enviei"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Não, não enviei"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar Moedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"será dispensado para si."],"You will send us":[null,"Você vai nos enviar"],"to:":[null,"para:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor aguarde enquanto nós dispensamos seu dinheiro."],"All set":[null,"Tudo pronto"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor remova o seu dinheiro da bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Retire as notas"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar dispensando, retire o dinheiro da bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Olhe para o ponto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Isso deve levar apenas um segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Podemos?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Perdão. Atingimos o limite pré-definido por usuário."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Desculpe"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Não conseguímos ler seu cartão de identificação."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Você poderá querer tentar novamente."],"Cancel":[null,"Cancelar"],"ID verification":[null,"Verificação de Identificação"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Se desejar fazer uma compra maior, teremos que nos certificar de que você é você, solicitando que escaneie seu documento de identidade."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Pretende introduzir mais notas?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Sim, verificar Identificação"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Carteira validada com sucesso!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Insira uma nota"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Por favor, introduza a sua primeira nota na máquina."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Suas moedas serão enviadas para:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Insira outra nota"],"deposited so far":[null,"já depositados"],"total purchased":[null,"total comprado"],"OR":[null,"OU"],"Finished?":[null,"Terminou?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Digite o seu código promocional"],"Invalid address":[null,"Endereço inválido"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Parece que você está usando uma carteira para uma moeda diferente ou um formato de endereço para o qual ainda não há suporte."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Verifique seu código QR e tente novamente."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Estamos sem moedas!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Opa, isso não está funcionando"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Você atingiu o número máximo de tentativas. Por favor contacte o operador para resolver isso, ou tente novamente mais tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Mais, por favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Estamos sem dinheiro!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fundos Recebidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Quer tentar novamente?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"O documento que você mostrou não correspondeu."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Erro de leitura do código QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Não foi possível escanear sua carteira de papel. Certifique-se de posicioná-la corretamente no compartimento de digitalização e de que foi impressa corretamente."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Se o problema persistir, tente imprimir novamente."],"Scan again":[null,"Escaneie novamente"],"Print again":[null,"Imprima novamente"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Impressão falhou"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Parece que ocorreu um problema ao imprimir sua carteira. Entre em contato com o operador para obter mais informações ou tente imprimir novamente."],"Back to Home":[null,"Voltar à tela inicial"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Para validar, por favor apresente a frente de sua carteira de papel no compartimento de digitalização."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este papel contém seus fundos. Depois de validada, não mostre esta chave a ninguém e não a perca!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional não encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Desculpe! Este não foi um código promocional que pudemos encontrar."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Você pode tentar um código diferente ou continuar com a sua transação."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Se você tiver certeza do código, por favor entre em contato com o operador para esclarecimentos."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Insira um código diferente"],"Phone Number":[null,"Número de Celular"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Por favor introduza seu número de celular para que lhe possamos enviar um SMS quando seu pedido for confirmado."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Por favor, insira o número de celular que você usou quando você fez seu pedido."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Por favor, digite seu número de celular para verificação de ID."],"Submit":[null,"Enviar"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Segure o seu código QR na janela de digitalização para prosseguir."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Por favor verifique sua identidade"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Para prosseguir, somos obrigados a verificar sua identidade."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor pressione o lado de trás do seu documento de identificação contra a janela de escaneamento."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Por favor, pressione a frente do seu cartão de identificação contra o compartimento de digitalização, segure-o lá e pressione \"Pronto para digitalizar\"."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pronto para escanear"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Por favor, pressione a frente do seu cartão de identificação contra o compartimento de digitalização."],"Security Code":[null,"Código de Segurança"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Por favor, se certifique de que você está usando um endereço da sua própria carteira."],"Booting up...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicializando o hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Subiremos dentro de momentos."],"Initializing...":[null,"Inicializando..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Gerando identidade criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor, aguarde alguns minutos."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparelhando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparelhar com servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparelhamento falhou"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Tentando emparelhar, experienciámos um erro:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escaneie o código QR de emparelhamento que obteve do seu servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Manutenção Necessário"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor entre em contato com o operador."],"I agree":[null,"Eu aceito"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Desculpe, de momento estamos em baixo."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos olhando à procura"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Se tem outro celular que talvez tenha usado, pode tentar redimir novamente com esse número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Se tiver a certeza que tem um pedido associado com este celular, por favor contacte o operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta Máquina está Bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor, peça ajuda."],"What next?":[null,"Que fazer agora?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Não conseguimos verificar seu número de celular, então poderemos não ser capazes de entrar em contacto consigo quando seu dinheiro estiver pronto."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Por favor tire uma foto do próximo ecrã para obter seu recibo eletrónico, e então contacte o operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falha ao ligar WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Por favor, tente a senha novamente."],"US SSN required":[null,"Necessário US SSN"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para continuar, somos obrigados a pedir que você digite seu número de CPF"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Digitar número de CPF?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Sim, digitar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de CPF"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor digite o seu número de CPF."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"O nosso sistema indicou um problema de identificação."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor contacte o suporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para processar sua transação, precisamos esclarecer algumas informações sobre sua conta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando identidade..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Isto pode demorar alguns segundos."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando cartão com foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Selecione uma rede Wi-Fi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Apenas redes seguras são mostradas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ou conecte um cabo de rede Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Uma conexão com cabo de rede é preferível para estabilidade."],"WiFi password":[null,"Senha da rede WIFI"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Nós damos conta"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Isto poderá demorar alguns minutos."],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Devido aos regulamentos locais, você atingiu seu limite de transação. Entre em contato conosco se desejar aumentar seu limite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escaneie seu %s endereço"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Por favor escaneie o código QR para envair seus %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Já enviou os %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escaneie seu endereço %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Endereço %s inválido"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Isto deve demorar 15 segundos em média. Ocasionalmente, demorará mais de um minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Limite de transação atingido, por favor, retire o dinheiro"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Voce enviará %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Código promocional adicionado (%s discount)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Imprimindo recibo..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"Recibo imprimido com sucesso!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ocorreu um erro, tente novamente."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"pt-BR"}},"kk-KZ":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,""],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,""],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,""],"Connect":[null,""],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,""],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Извиняваме се. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Направихте максимално разрешения брой опити. Моля, свържете се с оператора за указания или опитайте отново по-късно."],"More, please":[null,"Повече, моля"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Няма наличност на банкноти!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Сумата е получена!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Одобряване..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Желаете ли да опитате отново?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Има несъответствие на показания документ."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Грешка при сканиране на QR кода"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Не успяхме да сканираме хартиения ви портфейл. 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След удостоверяването, не я показвайте на никого и не я губете!"],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Телефонен номер"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Моля, въведете номера на мобилния си телефон за да изпратим съобщение, когато поръчката ви е потвърдена."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Моля, въведете номера на мобилния си телефон, който сте използвали при задаване на поръчката."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Моля, въведете номер на мобилен телефон за проверка на самоличност."],"Submit":[null,"Изпращане"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Поставете вашия QR код срещу прозореца за сканиране."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"удостоверете самоличност"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"За да продължим, сме длъжни да проверим Вашата самоличност."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Код за сигурност"],"We've texted you a security code. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Номер телефона, который был введен, недействителен. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"ОК"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Мы не смогли прочитать документ удостоверяющий Вашу личность."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Хотите сделать еще одну попытку?"],"Cancel":[null,"Отмена"],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Пожелаете ввести большую сумму?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Да, верификации личности"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Вставьте банкноту"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Ваши «COIN»-ы будут отправлены на:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Вставьте другую банкноту"],"deposited so far":[null,"внесено до сего момента"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"ИЛИ"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"У нас закончились все «COIN»-ы!"],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ой, к сожалению это не работает"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Авторизация..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Хотите повторить попытку?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,"Номер мобильного телефона"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Пожалуйста, введите номер своего мобильного телефона, чтобы мы могли отправить Вам подтверждение о завершении заказа на продажу Bitcoin'а."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Пожалуйста, введите номер своего мобильного телефона, который был указан при размещении заказа на продажу Bitcoin'а."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Пожалуйста, введите Ваш мобильный номер телефона, для верификации личности."],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Пожалуйста, подтвердите Вашу личность"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,"Код безопасности"],"We've texted you a security code. 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Загрузка..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Инициализация оборудования."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Подключение..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Соединение..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Соеденить с удаленным сервером"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"При попытке соединения, произошла ошибка:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Пожалуйста отсканируете QR код который вы получили от вашего удаленного сервера."],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с оператором."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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"],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"ან დააჭირეთ \"ტრანზაქციის გაუქმება\"-ს, თუ გსურთ მთავარ მენიუში დაბრუნება."],"Continue transaction":[null,"გაგრძელება"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"გაუქმება"],"Try again":[null,"ახლიდან"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null," ტელეფონის ნომერი არასწორია. საერთაშორისო ნომრის შემთხვევაში აკრიფეთ + და ქვეყნის კოდი."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"მაგ: ბელგიის სატელეფონო კოდია +32. ბელგიური ნომერი ჩაიწერება ასე: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"შეყვანილი კოდი არასწორია."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"დარწმუნდით, რომ შეგყავთ ჩვენ მიერ გამოგზავნილი ექვსნიშნა კოდი."],"One moment...":[null,"დაელოდეთ ..."],"Languages":[null,"ენა"],"Redeem":[null,"თანხის გატანა"],"How much?":[null,"მიუთითეთ თანხა"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"პრომო კოდი"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"პრომო კოდი დამატებულია"],"Cash Out":[null,"განაღდება"],"Clear":[null,"წაშლა"],"Thank you!":[null,"გმადლობ!"],"You Purchased":[null,"თქვენ შეიძინეთ"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"შეძენილი ქოინები იგზავნება მისამართზე: "],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"გადაუღეთ ფოტო ეკრანს, თუ გსურთ ელ. ქვითარი"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"მთავარ მენიუში დასაბრუნებლად შეეხეთ ეკრანს."],"Network down":[null,"კავშირის პრობლემა"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"ქოინები ჯერ არ მიგვიღია."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"ქოინები არ მიგვიღია."],"Yes, I have":[null,"დიახ"],"No, I haven't":[null,"არა"],"Send Coins":[null,"გაგზავნა"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"გაიცემა."],"You will send us":[null,"გაიგზავნება"],"to:":[null,"მისამართზე:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"თანხის გაცემა..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"გთხოვთ, დაიცადეთ."],"All set":[null,"მზადაა"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"აიღეთ თანხა გამცემიდან."],"Collect bills":[null,"აიღეთ თანხა"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"დარჩენილი თანხის გასაცემად, გთხოვთ, გამცემიდან აიღეთ ფული."],"Look at the dot":[null,"შეხედეთ კამერას"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"მხოლოდ რამდენიმე წამია საჭირო."],"May we?":[null,"შეიძლება?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"ტრანზაქციის გასაგრძელებლად თქვენთვის ფოტოს გადაღებაა საჭირო. შეიძლება გადავიღოთ ფოტო?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"დიახ"],"No, finish up":[null,"არა"],"Try again?":[null,"კიდევ ვცადოთ?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"კარგი კადრი არ გამოვიდა."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"კიდევ ვცადოთ?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"დიახ"],"No, send coins":[null,"არა, გააგზავნეთ ქოინები"],"No, cancel":[null,"არა, გააუქმეთ"],"Look into the camera":[null,"შეხედეთ კამერას"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"კარგი კადრი არ გამოვიდა."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"შეხედეთ კამერას ეკრანის ზედა ნაწილში."],"We dispensed":[null,"გაცემულია"],"You sent us":[null,"მიღებულია"],"See you!":[null,"გმადლობ!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"დროებითი ლიმიტი მიღწეულია"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"ერთი მომხმარებლისთვის დაწესებული ლიმიტი მიღწეულია. "],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"ბოდიში"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"ID ბარათის წაკითხვა ვერ განხორციელდა."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"გსურთ, სცადოთ ხელმეორედ?"],"Cancel":[null,"გაუქმება"],"ID verification":[null,"ID ვერიფიკაცია"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"თუ უფრო დიდ თანხაზე გსურთ ტრანზაქციის განხორციელება, თქვენი იდენტობა ID-ის დასკანერებით უნდა დაადასტუროთ. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"ხელმეორედ ცდა შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ, დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს ან სცადეთ მოგვიანებით. "],"More, please":[null,"მაღალი კუპიურა"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"განაღდება შეუძლებელია"],"Funds Received!":[null,"ქოინები მიღებულია"],"Authorizing...":[null,"ავტორიზაცია..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"კიდევ ცდით?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"წარმოდგენილი დოკუმენტები არ ემთხვევა ერთმანეთს."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR კოდის დასკანერების პრობლემა"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"ქაღალდის საფულის დასკანერება ვერ განხორციელდა. დარწმუნდით, რომ QR კოდი სწორად გიკავიათ სკანერთან და რომ ის კარგად არის დაბეჭდილი."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"პრობლემის განმეორების შემთხვევაში სცადეთ ახალი მისამართის დაბეჭდვა."],"Scan again":[null,"დასკანერება"],"Print again":[null,"ახლის ბეჭდვა"],"Printing Failed":[null,"პრინტერის ხარვეზი"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"მისამართის ბეჭდვისას დაფიქსირდა ხარვეზი. დაუკავშირთით ოპერატორს ან სცადეთ მოგვიანებით. "],"Back to Home":[null,"მენიუში დაბრუნება"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"ქაღალდის საფულის წინა მხარე მოათავსეთ სკანერთან."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"გაითვალისწინეთ: ქაღალდის საფულეზე ინახება თანხა. უსაფრთხოებისთვის, არ გაუზიაროთ იგი სხვა პირებს. "],"Promo code not found":[null,"პრომო კოდი ვერ მოიძებნა"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"მითითებული პრომო კოდი ვერ მოიძებნა."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"სცადეთ სხვა კოდი/დაუბრუნდით დაწყებულ ტრანზაქციას გასაგრძელებლად."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"თუ სწორი პრომო კოდი შეგყავთ, დახმარებისთვის დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს."],"Enter a different code":[null,"სხვა პრომო კოდი"],"Phone Number":[null,"მობილურის ნომერი"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"შეიყვანეთ თქვენი მობილურის ნომერი, სადაც მიიღებთ შეტყობინებას თქვენი ტრანზაქციის დასრულების შესახებ."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"შეიყვანეთ მობილურის ნომერი, რომელიც გამოიყენეთ ტრანზაქციის დაწყებისას."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"ID ვერიფიკაციისთვის შეიყვანეთ თქვენი მობილურის ნომერი."],"Submit":[null,"ატვირთვა"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"QR კოდი დაიკავეთ სკანერთან ახლოს. "],"Please verify your identity":[null,"იდენტობის ვერიფიკაცია"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"ოპერაციის გასაგრძელებლად საჭიროა იდენტობის ვერიფიკაცია."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"მართვის მოწმობის უკანა გვერდი დააფიქსირეთ სკანერთან."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"პირადობის მოწმობის წინა გვერდი დააფიქსირეთ სკანერთან და დააჭირეთ \"დასკანერება\"-ს."],"Ready to scan":[null,"დასკანერება"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"დაიკავეთ თქვენი პირადობის მოწმობის წინა გვერდი სკანერთან."],"Security Code":[null,"უსაფრთხოების კოდი"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"უსაფრთხოების კოდი გამოგზავნილია. SMS-ის მიღებისთანავე შეიყვანეთ აქ. "],"We're out of coins!":[null,"კრიპტო ბალანსი ამოწურულია"],"Send coins":[null,"გაგზავნა"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"იგზავნება..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"უფრო მაღალ თანხაზე ტრანზაქციის შესასრულებლად საჭიროა თქვენი მობილურის ნომრის მითითება, სადაც გამოიგზავნება SMS კოდი."],"Suspicious address":[null,"საეჭვო მისამართი"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"მოცემული მისამართი აკრძალული მისამართების სიას შეიძლება განეკუთვნებოდეს. დარწმუნდით, რომ იყენებთ თქვენი საფულის მისამართს. "],"Booting up...":[null,"იტვირთება..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"იტვირთება პროგრამა."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"იტვირთება"],"Initializing...":[null,"ინიციალიზაცია..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"კრიპტოგრაფიული იდენტობის გენერალიზაცია."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"გთხოვთ, მოიცადეთ."],"Connecting...":[null,"დაკავშირება..."],"Pairing...":[null,"დაფეარება..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"დისტანციურ სერვერთან დაფეარება"],"Scan":[null,"დასკანერება"],"Pairing failed":[null,"დაფეარება ვერ მოხერხდა"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"დაასკანერეთ თქვენი სერვერის QR კოდი."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"საჭიროა ტექნიკური ჯგუფის დახმარება "],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"გთხოვთ, დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს."],"I agree":[null,"ვეთანხმები"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"კრიპტომატი დროებით ხელმიუწვდომელია"],"We're taking a look":[null,"მიმდინარეობს შემოწმება"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"თქვენი ტრანზაქცია მიღებულია, თუმცა ჩარიცხვა ჯერ არ ფიქსირდება. შეამოწმეთ, თქვენი საფულე. "],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"თუ ქოინები გამოგზავნილია, დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს. "],"Oops!":[null,"შეცდომა"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"დაფიქსირდა ხარვეზი."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"გადაუღეთ ფოტო თქვენს ქვითარს."],"Show receipt":[null,"ქვითრის ჩვენება"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"თქვენი ტრანზაქცია ბლოკჩეინზე ჯერ არ დადასტურებულა. დადასტურების შესახებ შეტყობინებას მიიღებთ SMS-ის საშუალებით. "],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"ამის შემდეგ დაბრუნდით კრიპტომატთან და დააჭირეთ თანხის გატანის ღილაკს. "],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"თქვენი ტრანზაქციის განხორციელებას ვერ შევძლებთ. "],"It's us, not you.":[null,"სისტემის ხარვეზი"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"დაფიქსირდა სისტემის შეცდომა."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"სცადეთ ხელმეორედ ან დაუკავშირდით ოეპრატორს."],"Your Receipt":[null,"ქვითარი"],"pending confirmation":[null,"ტრანზაქცია არ დადასტურებულა"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"ქოინები გაიგზავნა მისამართზე:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"თქვენ მიერ მოთხოვნილი ვალუტა არაა მხარდაჭერილი."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"სცადეთ იმ კრიპტომატიდან განაღდება, სადაც ეს ვალუტა მხარდაჭერილია. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"მითითებულ ნომერზე მიმდინარე ტრანზაქცია არ ფიქსირდება. მიუთითეთ ის ნომერი, რომელიც ტრანზაქციის დაწყების დროს გამოიყენეთ. "],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"პრობლემის არსებობის შემთხვევაში დაუკავშირდით ოპერატორს. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"რეგულაციებით გათვალისწინებული ლიმიტი მიღწეულია. დაგვიკავშირდით, თუ გსურთ ლიმიტის გაზრდა. "],"Scan your %s address":[null,"დაასკანერეთ %s -ს მისამართი"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null," %s გადმოსარიცხად დაასკანერეთ QR კოდი."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"უკვე გადმორიცხეთ %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"დაასკანერეთ %s -ს მისამართი"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"%s -ს მისამართი არასწორია"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"ტრანზაქციის დამუშავებას საშუალოდ 15 წამიდან 1 წუთამდე დრო შეიძლება დასჭირდეს. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,""],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,""],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,""],"How much?":[null,""],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,""],"Thank you!":[null,""],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,""],"No, I haven't":[null,""],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,""],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,""],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,""],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,""],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,""],"Enter a different code":[null,""],"Phone Number":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,""],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,""],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,""],"Submit":[null,""],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,""],"Please verify your identity":[null,""],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,""],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,""],"Ready to scan":[null,""],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,""],"Security Code":[null,""],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,""],"We're out of coins!":[null,""],"Send coins":[null,""],"Sending your coins...":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,""],"Suspicious address":[null,""],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,""],"Connect":[null,""],"We got this":[null,""],"This could take a few moments.":[null,""],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,""],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,""],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,""],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,""],"deposited so far":[null,""],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,""],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,""],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"El número de teléfono que ingresaste no funcionó. Si tiene un número internacional, coloque el código y el prefijo de su país."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Por ejemplo, el código de llamada de Venezuela es +58, por lo que un número belga se vería así: +58 412 123 45 67"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"El código que has introducido es incorrecto."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Asegúrese de ingresar el código de seis dígitos que te hemos enviado."],"One moment...":[null,"Espere un momento..."],"Languages":[null,"Idiomas"],"Redeem":[null,"Canjear"],"How much?":[null,"¿Cuánto?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"¿Tiene un código promocional?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (5% descuento)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Vender"],"Clear":[null,"Borrar"],"Thank you!":[null,"¡Gracias!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Tu compra"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Tus criptomonedas están siendo enviadas a la siguiente dirección:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Imprimir recibo"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Toma una foto de la pantalla como tu recibo electrónico"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Toque la pantalla cuando haya finalizado."],"Network down":[null,"Sin acceso a Internet"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nada de momento."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"No hemos recibido las criptomonedas todavía."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Si, las envié"],"No, I haven't":[null,"No, aún no"],"Send Coins":[null,"Enviar criptomonedas"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"serán entregados a ti."],"You will send us":[null,"Nos enviará"],"to:":[null,"a la dirección:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Entregando..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Por favor, espere mientras le entregamos tu dinero."],"All set":[null,"Todo listo"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Por favor, retira tu dinero de la bandeja."],"Collect bills":[null,"Recoge tus billetes"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Para continuar, saca tu efectivo de la bandeja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Mira el punto"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Esto debería tomar solo un segundo."],"May we?":[null,"Nos da su permiso?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Has alcanzado el número máximo de reintentos. Póngase en contacto con el operador para solucionarlo o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde."],"More, please":[null,"Más, Por Favor"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"¡Nos hemos quedado sin efectivo!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondos recibidos!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Autorizando..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"\n"],"QR scanning error":[null,"Error de escaneo QR"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"No pudimos escanear correctamente su billetera de papel. 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Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"IMPORTANTE: Este papel contiene tu dinero. Una vez validado, ¡no muestres esta clave a nadie y no la extravíes!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Código promocional no encontrado"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Lo siento! 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When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"\n"],"We're out of coins!":[null,"¡Nos quedamos sin monedas!"],"Send coins":[null,"Enviar monedas"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Enviando monedas..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Si desea realizar una compra mayor, debemos solicitar su número de teléfono móvil. Después le enviaremos un código SMS."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Dirección sospechosa"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Esta dirección puede estar asociada con una oferta engañosa o prohibida. Por favor, asegúrese de estar usando una dirección de su propia billetera."],"Booting up...":[null,"Arrancando..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Iniciando el hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Iniciando"],"Initializing...":[null,"\n"],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Generando identidad criptográfica."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Por favor espere."],"Connecting...":[null,"Conectando..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Emparejando..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Emparejar con servidor remoto"],"Scan":[null,"Escanear"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Emparejamiento fallido"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Al intentar emparejar, experimentamos un error:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Por favor escanee el código QR de emparejamiento que recibió de su servidor remoto."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Se requiere mantenimiento"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Póngase en contacto con el operador."],"I agree":[null,"Estoy de acuerdo"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"\n"],"We're taking a look":[null,"Estamos echando un vistazo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Tenemos su pedido, pero aún no hemos visto su transacción de depósito. Compruebe si su billetera envió las monedas para su transacción."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si está seguro de que se enviaron sus monedas, póngase en contacto con el operador."],"Oops!":[null,"Ups!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Estamos teniendo algunos problemas."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Por favor, contacte al operador para más información. "],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Por favor, tome una foto de su recibo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Mostrar recibo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Estamos esperando su depósito para confirmar en el blockchain. Pronto recibirá un mensaje de texto que le notificará que su transacción ha sido confirmada."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Cuando eso suceda, vuelva a esta máquina y presione el botón Canjear."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"No podemos procesar su transacción."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Somos nosotros, no usted."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Nuestro sistema experimentó un error."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"\n"],"Your Receipt":[null,"Su recibo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"confirmación pendiente"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Tus monedas fueron enviadas a:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Esta máquina no maneja la moneda que solicitaste."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Por favor retira a una máquina que maneje tu moneda."],"Network Down":[null,"Red desconectada"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Lo sentimos, estamos desconectados en este momento."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Por favor regresa más tarde."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"El código que ingresaste no coincide."],"Almost there":[null,"Casi ahi"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Vemos tu transacción pero aún estamos esperando la confirmación. Esto toma 10 minutos en promedio, pero puede demorar hasta una o dos horas."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Por favor regrese por su dinero y presione Canjear una vez reciba nuestro mensaje de texto."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"No vemos ningún pedido abierto asociado con tu teléfono. Si tienes otro teléfono que puedes haber usado, puedes intentar canjearlo nuevamente con ese número."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Si estás seguro de que tienes un pedido abierto asociado con este teléfono, comunícate con el operador."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Esta máquina está bloqueada"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Por favor pida ayuda."],"What next?":[null,"¿Qué sigue?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"No pudimos verificar tu número de teléfono, por lo que es posible que no podamos comunicarnos contigo cuando tu efectivo esté listo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Toma una foto de la siguiente pantalla para tu recibo electrónico, luego contacta al operador."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"Falló la conexión a la red WiFi..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Intente nuevamente la contraseña."],"US SSN required":[null,"Número de seguridad social de los Estados Unidos requerido."],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Para proceder, le solicitamos que escriba su número de seguridad social"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Ingresar número de seguridad social?"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Si, ingresar"],"Social security number":[null,"Número de seguridad social"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Para continuar, por favor ingrese su número de seguridad social."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Nuestro sistema indicó un problema de identificación."],"Please contact support":[null,"Por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Para procesar tu transacción, necesitamos aclarar cierta información sobre tu cuenta"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Verificando su identidad..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Verificando tarjeta de identificación con foto..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Verificando foto..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Seleccione una red WiFi"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Se muestran sólo redes protegidas."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"O conecte un cable Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Se prefiere una conexión por cable para la estabilidad."],"WiFi password":[null,"Contraseña de red WiFi"],"Connect":[null,"Conectar"],"We got this":[null,"Tenemos esto"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Esto puede tardar un momento."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Conectado. Esperando cotización."],"More":[null,"Más"],"Less":[null,"Menos"],"Buy %s":[null,"Comprar %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Vender %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Cryptomat"],"MORE":[null,"MÁS"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s semanas"],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Por favor regrese en %s días y %s horas"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Por favor regresa en %s horas"],"for %s":[null,"para %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Se está conectando a la red WiFi %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Tarifa de transacción: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Depositaste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Insertó un billete de %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Nos falta un poco de criptomoneda."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Por favor inserte %s o menos."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"El primer billete mínimo es %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Processando %s..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Ha alcanzado el límite de la transacción"],"Error in validation":[null,"Error en validación"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Debido a las regulaciones locales, has alcanzado el límite de tu transacción. Ponte en contacto con nosotros si deseas aumentar tu límite."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Escanea el código QR para enviarnos su %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"¿Ya enviaste el %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Escanee su dirección de %s"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Dirección de %s inválida"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Esto debería tardar 15 segundos en promedio. Ocasionalmente, tardará más de un minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Límite de transacción alcanzado, por favor retira"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Estarás enviando %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Código promocional añadido (%s descuento)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Imprimiendo recibo..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"¡Recibo imprimido con éxito!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error, intente de nuevo."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es-VE"}},"de-CH":{"Address already used":[null,"Adresse bereits benutzt"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Es sieht so aus, als wurde die Adresse bereits benutzt."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Um Ihre Privatsphäre und Ihre Sicherheit vor Betrug zu schützen, erstellen Sie bitte eine neue Geldbörse und scannen Sie diese stattdessen."],"Start over":[null,"Noch einmal beginnen"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Bist Du sicher?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Wenn du die Coins bereits gesendet hast, ohne deine Telefonnummer einzugeben, solltest du die Transaktion manuell über den Anbieter abwickeln."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Wähle \"Mit der Transaktion fortfahren\", danach kann es bis zu 60 Sekunden dauern, bis dein gewünschter Betrag zu sehen ist."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Wähle \"Transaktion abbrechen\" um auf den Startbildschirm zurückzukehren."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Mit der Transaktion fortfahren"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Transaktion abbrechen"],"Try again":[null,"Erneut versuchen"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Die von dir eingegebene Telefonnummer konnte nicht gefunden werden. Wenn du eine internationale Rufnummer hast, gib bitte \"+\" und deine Landesvorwahl ein."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Die Landesvorwahl der Schweiz ist +41, eine schweizer Telefonnummer sieht folgendermassen aus: +41 79 123 45 66"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code ist nicht korrekt."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Bitte sicherstellen, dass du den korrekten 6-stelligen Code eingibst, welchen Du von uns via SMS erhalten hast."],"One moment...":[null,"Bitte warten....."],"Languages":[null,"Sprachen"],"Redeem":[null,"Auszahlen (SMS Code)"],"How much?":[null,"Wie viel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Hast Du einen Gutschein-Code?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Gutschein-Code hinzugefügt."],"Cash Out":[null,"Auszahlen"],"Clear":[null,"Löschen"],"Thank you!":[null,"Danke!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Du hast eingezahlt"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Die Coins wurden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Print receipt":[null,"Quittung ausdrucken"],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Für eine elektronische Kaufquittung, mache ein Foto des Bildschirms"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Um die Aktion abzuschliessen, klicke auf den Bildschirm."],"Network down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Noch keine Coins erhalten."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Noch keine Coins erhalten."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, habe ich."],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nein, habe ich nicht."],"Send Coins":[null,"Coins verschicken"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Wird an Dich ausbezahlt."],"You will send us":[null,"Bitte sende uns an"],"to:":[null,"An die folgende Adresse:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Ausgabe..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Bitte warten, während wir Dein Geld ausgeben."],"All set":[null,"Alles erledigt."],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Bitte nimm Dein Bargeld aus dem Fach."],"Collect bills":[null,"Banknoten entnehmen."],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Um die Auszahlung fortzusetzen, nimm bitte Dein Bargeld aus dem Fach."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Blick auf den Punkt"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Das sollte nur einige Sekunden dauern."],"May we?":[null,"Dürfen wir?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Um diese Transaktion fortzusetzen, müssen wir ein Foto von Ihnen machen. Dies ist nötig, um den örtlichen Gesetzen zu entsprechen. Ist das in Ordnung?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, Foto aufnehmen."],"No, finish up":[null,"Nein, beenden."],"Try again?":[null,"Erneut versuchen?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Wir konnten kein gutes Foto schiessen."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Können wir einen neuen Versuch starten?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, erneut versuchen."],"No, send coins":[null,"Nein, Coins senden."],"No, cancel":[null,"Nein, abbrechen"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Schau in die Kamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Leider konnten wir kein gutes Bild von Dir machen."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Schaue bitte in die Kamera oberhalb des Bildschirms."],"We dispensed":[null,"Geld ausbezahlt."],"You sent us":[null,"Dein gesendeter Betrag"],"See you!":[null,"Sali und bis gli!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Vorübergehendes Limit erreicht"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Es tut uns leid! Der erlaubte Maximalbetrag pro Person wurde erreicht."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Entschuldigung"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine ID-Karte nicht erfassen."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Bitte erneut versuchen."],"Cancel":[null,"Abbrechen"],"ID verification":[null,"Identitätsprüfung"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Wenn Du einen größeren Einkauf tätigen möchtest, müssen wir aus regulatorischen Gründen deine Identität prüfen."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Möchtest du weitere Geldnoten einzahlen?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, meine Identität verifizieren"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Wallet erfolgreich validiert!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Laden Sie Ihre Banknote"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Bitte führe den ersten Geldschein in den Automaten ein."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Weitere Banknote laden"],"deposited so far":[null,"Bis jetzt geladen"],"total purchased":[null,"total gekauft"],"OR":[null,"ODER"],"Finished?":[null,"Fertig?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Gutschein-Code eingeben."],"Invalid address":[null,"Ungültige Adresse"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Es sieht so aus, dass Du ein Wallet für einen anderen Coin benutzt oder dieses Adressformat nicht von uns unterstützt wird."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Bitte überprüfe deinen QR Code und versuche es erneut."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Wir haben keine Coins mehr!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Bitte versuche es später erneut."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ojee! etwas ist schief gelaufen"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Versuchen erreicht. Bitte kontaktiere den Anbieter oder versuche es später erneut."],"More, please":[null,"Minimum noch nicht erreicht."],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Wir haben kein Bargeld mehr!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Coins (Einzahlung) erhalten."],"Authorizing...":[null,"Verifzierung läuft...."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Noch einmal versuchen?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Das von dir gezeigte Dokument ist nicht übereinstimmend."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Fehler bei QR-Code Scan"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine Paper-Wallet nicht richtig scannen. Vergewisser Dich, dass Du den QR-Code richtig auf dem Scanfeld positioniert hast. "],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, bitte erneuten Druck forcieren."],"Scan again":[null,"Erneut scannen"],"Print again":[null,"Eneut drucken"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Drucken fehlgeschlagen."],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Wir haben ein Problem mit dem Drucker. Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber oder versuche es erneut."],"Back to Home":[null,"Zurück auf den Home-Bildschirm."],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Zur Validierung halte bitte die Vorderseite deiner Paper-Wallet in das Scanfenster."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"WICHTIG: Dieses Paper-Wallet enthält derzeit Deine Coins.Teile den Private Key (QR Code & Hashvalue) NACH der Validierung mit niemandem und bewahre ihn sicher auf oder importe den Private Key so schnell wie möglich in eine Wallet (z.B. Exodus Wallet)."],"Promo code not found":[null,"Gutschein-Code nicht gültig"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Gutschein-Code konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Versuche es mit einem anderen Gutschein-Code oder führ die Transaktion weiter fort."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Wenn Du sicher bist, dass dieser Code gültig ist, kontaktiere bitte den Betreiber."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Anderer Gutschein-Code eingeben."],"Phone Number":[null,"Handynummer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Bitte hier Deine Telefonnummer eingeben, damit wir dich via SMS benachrichtigen können, sobald Dein Kauf bestätigt wurde."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Bitte gib die Handynummer ein, die Du während Deiner Bestellung verwendet hast."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Um deine Identität zu verifizieren, benötigen wir deine Telefonnummer."],"Submit":[null,"Bestätigen"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Halte deinen QR Code vor den Scanner..."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bitte verifiziere Deine Identität"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Um fortzufahren, sind wir aus regulatorischen Gründen dazu verpflichtet, Deine Identität zu verifizieren."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Bitte halte die Rückseite deiner Identitäts-Karte an den Scanner."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Bitte halte die Vorderseite Deiner Identitäts-Karte an das Scanfenster. Mit \"Bereit zum Scannen\" wir der Scan durchgeführt."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Bereit für das Scanning."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Bitte halte die Vorderseite deiner Identitätskarte an den Scanner."],"Security Code":[null,"Sicherheitscode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Wir haben Dir einen SMS-Code gesendet. Bitte gib ihn hier ein, sobald du ihn empfangen hast."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Wir haben keine Coins mehr!"],"Send coins":[null,"Coins senden"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Deine Coins werden gesendet..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Wenn du einen höheren Betrag kaufen möchtest, benötigen wir Deine Telefonnummer. Im Anschluss wirst Du einen Code per SMS erhalten."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Verdächtige Adresse"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Diese Adresse steht möglicherweise mit einem vorgetäuschten Angebot oder einer nicht erwünschten Gruppe in Verbindung. Bitte nutze eine Adresse aus deinem eigenen Wallet."],"Booting up...":[null,"Hochfahren..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Initialisiert Hardware."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Wir sind bald zurück"],"Initializing...":[null,"Initialisierung..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Public Key wird erstellt."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Bitte warte ein paar Minuten"],"Connecting...":[null,"Verbinden..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Koppeln..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Koppeln mit Remote-Server"],"Scan":[null,"Scannen"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Paarung fehlgeschlagen"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Beim Versuch zu koppeln, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Bitte scannen Sie den gekoppelten QR-Code von Ihrem Remote-Server."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Wartung erforderlich"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Betreiber."],"I agree":[null,"Ich stimme zu"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Automat derzeit ausser Betrieb, Wartung läuft oder ist ausstehend."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Wir überprüfen es."],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Deine Order ist eingegangen, jedoch haben wir noch keine Transaktion von dir feststellen können. Bitte überprüfe ob die Transaktion von deinem Wallet ausgeführt wurde."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn du dir sicher bist, dass du die Coins gesendet hat, kontaktiere bitte den Betreiber."],"Oops!":[null,"Oops!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber für mehr Informationen."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Zeige bitte ein Foto deiner Quittung."],"Show receipt":[null,"Quittung zeigen"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Wir warten derzeit auf die Bestätigung Deiner Transaktion. Sobald diese auf der Blockchain bestätigt wurde, erhälst Du eine SMS von uns."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wenn du dieses SMS erhalten hast, kannst du zum ATM zurückkehren und auf den \"Auszahlen\" Button tippen."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Wir können Deine Transaktion nicht verarbeiten, bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Es liegt an uns, nicht an Dir."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Unser System hat einen Fehler festgestellt."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte versuch es noch einmal oder kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Deine Quittung"],"pending confirmation":[null,"Bestätigung ausstehend"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Die Coins werden an folgende Adresse gesendet:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Dieser ATM bietet den von dir gwünschten Coin nicht an."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Bitte besuche einen Automaten, welche deine gewünschte Währung anbietet."],"Network Down":[null,"Netzwerkstörung"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Automat derzeit ausser Betrieb, Wartung läuft oder ist ausstehend."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Bitte komm später noch einmal."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Der eingegebene Code stimmt nicht überein, bitte versuche es nochmal."],"Almost there":[null,"Fast geschafft"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,"Wir sehen Ihre Transaktion, warten aber noch auf Bestätigung. Dies dauert im Durchschnitt 15 Minuten, kann aber bis zu ein oder zwei Stunden dauern. Je nach dem wie das aktuelle Transaktionsvolumen auf der Blockchain ist."],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,"Bitte komm wieder für die Auszahlung des Geldbetrags sobald Du von uns via SMS informiert wirst."],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,"Wir können keine Bestellungen mit deiner Telefonnummer finden. Hast du vielleicht eine andere Telefonnummer verwendet."],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Wenn Du sicher bist dass mit der angegebenen Telefonnummer eine Auszahlung bereitstehen sollte, melde Dich bitte beim Support."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Die Maschine ist gesperrt"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Bitte fragen Sie für Hilfe."],"What next?":[null,"Wie weiter?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Wir konnten Deine Telefonnummer nicht verifizieren, du wirst möglicherweise keine Bestätigungsnachricht von uns erhalten."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Bitte mach ein Foto des nächsten Bildschirms der als elektronischen Beleg dient und wende Dich an den Betreiber."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WLAN-Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden"],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Bitte Passwort erneut eingeben"],"US SSN required":[null,"US SSN notwendig"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Unser System hat ein Problem bei der Legitimierung festgestellt. Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"Please contact support":[null,"Bitte kontaktiere den Betreiber."],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Zur Abwicklung Deiner Transaktion müssen wir einige Informationen zu Deinem Konto klären"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Identität wird überprüft..."],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"Das könnte einige Sekunden dauern..."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Foto wird überprüft..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Foto wird überprüft..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"WiFi auswählen"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Nur sichere Netzwerke werden angezeigt."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ethernet-Kabel einstecken"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Eine Kabel-Verbindung ist für einen stabilen Betrieb zu präferieren. "],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi Passwort"],"Connect":[null,"Verbinden"],"We got this":[null,"Wir haben das erhalten"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Das könnte eine Weile dauern."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Verbunden. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,"Du hast Dein Transaktionslimit erreicht."],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne nun Deine %s Adresse"],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,"Bitte scanne nun den QR Code mit der Zieladresse und sende uns Deine %s."],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Hast Du die %s bereits gesendet?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Scanne nun Deine %s Adresse"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Fehlerhafte %s Adresse"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Dies sollte durchschnittlich 15 Sekunden dauern. Gelegentlich dauert es etwas mehr als eine Minute."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaktionslimit ist erreicht, bitte lass Dich nun auszahlen"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Du sendest %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Gutschein-Code hinzugefügt."],"Printing receipt...":[null,"Quittung ausdrucken..."],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,"Quittung erfolgreich ausgedruckt!"],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte versuche es erneut."],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"de-CH"}},"af-ZA":{"Address already used":[null,"Adres al reeds gebruik"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Dit lyk of jy al reeds hierdie adres gebruik het"],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Vir beide die privaatheid en veiligheid van die transaksie, genereer asseblief `n nuwe adres in jou aanlyn beursie en skandeer hom."],"Start over":[null,"Begin oor "],"Are you sure?":[null,"Is jy seker?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Indien jy alreeds die Crypto gestuur het, en toe die transaksie gekanseleer het, sonder om jou selfoon nommer te bevestig, sal jy hierdie transaksie self met die operateur moet opvolg. "],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Druk \"Gaan voort met die transaksie\" en wag tot en met 60 sekondes vir jou deposito om te verskyn. "],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Of druk \"Kanseleer Transaksie\" om terug te keer na die tuisblad. "],"Continue transaction":[null,"Gaan voort met die transaksie"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Kanseleer Transaksie "],"Try again":[null,"Probeer weer"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Die selfoon nummer wat jy verskaf het werk nie. As jy `n internasionale nummer gebruik, sit assertief `n + gevolg deur jou land se bel kode in. "],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Voorbeeld, België se bel kode is +32, dit beteken `n Belgiese nommer sal so lyk: +32 455 12 34 56 "],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Die kode wat jy verskaf het was foutief"],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Maak assertief seker dat jy die ses nommer kode in tik wat jy van ons af ontvang het"],"One moment...":[null,"Net `n oomblik..."],"Languages":[null,"Tale"],"Redeem":[null,"Kompenseer"],"How much?":[null,"Hoeveel?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Het jy `n promise kode?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promosie kode aktief (5% Afslag) "],"Cash Out":[null,"Kontant uit"],"Clear":[null,"Vee uit"],"Thank you!":[null,"Dankie!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Jou transaksie"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Jou crypto is oppad na: "],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Neem asseblief `n foto van die skerm vir jouself as elektroniese bewys "],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Raak enige plek aan die skerm as jy klaar is."],"Network down":[null,"Netwerk probleem"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Nog niks"],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Geen crypto het by ons uit gekom nie"],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, ek het"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Nee, ek het nie"],"Send Coins":[null,"Stuur crypto"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"Sal aan jou voorsien word"],"You will send us":[null,"Jy sal vir ons soveel moet stuur "],"to:":[null,"aan:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Besiege om te onttrek..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Wees assseblief geduldig tewyl ons jou kontant ontrek"],"All set":[null,"Alles gereed"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Neem asseblief jou kontant uit die gleufie "],"Collect bills":[null,"Neem kontant"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Om aan te hou ontrek, neem kontant uit die gleufie "],"Look at the dot":[null,"Kyk na die kolletje "],"This should just take a second.":[null,"Dit neem net `n oogwink "],"May we?":[null,"Mag ons?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Om voort te gaan met hierdie transaksie, moet ons volgens wetgewing `n foto van jou neem. Is dit okay? "],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, neem foto"],"No, finish up":[null,"Nee, maak klaar"],"Try again?":[null,"Probeer weer?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Ons foto was nie op standaard nie"],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Sal ons nog een probeer neem?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, probeer weer"],"No, send coins":[null,"Nee, stuur crypto"],"No, cancel":[null,"Nee, kanseleer"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Kyk na die kamera"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Ons het nie `n goeie foto van jou geneem nie."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Kyk asseblief na die kamera, bo die skerm."],"We dispensed":[null,"Ons ontrekking was"],"You sent us":[null,"Jy het vir ons gestuur"],"See you!":[null,"Totsiens!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Tydelike perk bereik"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Askies. Ons het die maximum per-klient limiet bereik"],"OK":[null,"Okay"],"Sorry":[null,"Jammer"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Ons kon nie jou ID kaart lees nie"],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Gee dit nog `n probeerslag "],"Cancel":[null,"Kanseleer"],"ID verification":[null,"I.D bevestiging "],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Indien jy `n groter aankoop wil maak, sal ons jou I.D dokument moet scan"],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Wil jy nog note in sit?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Ja, bevestig my ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Beursie geldig bevind."],"Insert a bill":[null,"Voer `n noot in"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Voer asbest jou eerste noot vir die masjien"],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Jou crypto sal gestuur word na:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Voer nog `n noot in"],"deposited so far":[null,"Gedeponeer tot nou"],"total purchased":[null,"totale aankoop"],"OR":[null,"QR"],"Finished?":[null,"Klaar?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Tik jou promosie kode in"],"Invalid address":[null,"Adres nie geldig"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Dit lyk of jou crypto beursie vir `n ander crypto gemaak is, of in `n formaat is wat ons nog nie aanvaar nie"],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Kyk asseblief weer na jou QR kode en probeer weer"],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Al ons crypto is uitverkoop!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Probeer asseblief weer"],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Oeps, dit werk nie"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Jy het die maximum aantal probeerslae bereik. Kontak asseblief admin of probeer later weer."],"More, please":[null,"Nog `n bietjie, asseblief"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Ons kantant is uitgegee! "],"Funds Received!":[null,"Fondse ontvang!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Bevestiging..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Wil jy weer probeer?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Die dokument stem nie oor een nie."],"QR scanning error":[null,"QR skandering fout"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Ons kon nie jou papier beursie lees nie. Herposisioneer hom asseblief."],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,"Skandeer weer"],"Print again":[null,"Print weer"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Ons het `n drukker fout"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Dit lyk of daar `n probleem was toe ons vir jou `n papier beursie wou uitreik. Kontak asseblief die operateur vir meer inligting of probeer weer."],"Back to Home":[null,"Terug na Tuisblad "],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Ter bevestiging, wys asseblief die voorkant van jou papier beursie na die glas venster. "],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"Belangrik! Hierdie papier beursie bevat jou fondse! Moet dit nie vir iemand wys nie en moet dit nie verloor of vernietig nie!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promosie kode nie gevind "],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Jammer! Die promosie kode kon nie gevind word nie"],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Probeer `n ander kode of gaan voort met jou transaksie."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"As jy seker is van jou kode, kontak asseblief die operateur."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Tik `n ander kode in."],"Phone Number":[null,"Selfoon nommer"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Voorsien asseblief jou selfoon nommer, sodat ons jou kan laat weet as die transaksie bevestig is."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Voorsien asseblief die selfoon nommer waarmee jy die bestelling geplaas het."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Voorsien asseblief jou selfoon nommer waarmee ons jou kan identifiseer. "],"Submit":[null,"Stuur vir goedkeuring"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Hou jou QR code by die skandering venster om voor te gaan."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Bevestig asseblief jou identiteit."],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Om voort te gaan met hierdie transaksie moet ons jou identiteit bevestig."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Hou asseblief die agterkant van jou bestuur lesensie teen die skanderings venster. "],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Hou asseblief die agterkant van jou bestuurs lesensie teen die skaderings venster vas en druk dan \"reg om te skandeer\""],"Ready to scan":[null,"Reg om te skandeer"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Hou asseblief die voorkant van jou ID document teen die skanderings venster."],"Security Code":[null,"Sekuriteits kode"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Ons het vir jou `n sekuriteits kode gesis. Tik hom hier in."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Ons het nie huidiglik meer crypto om te verkoop nie!"],"Send coins":[null,"Stuur crypto"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Besig om jou crypto te stuur"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Indien jy meer crypto wil koop moet ons vir jou selfoon nommer vra. Ons sal dan vir jou `n kode per SMS stuur wat jy moet in tik."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Agterdogtige adres"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,""],"Initializing hardware.":[null,""],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,""],"Pairing...":[null,""],"Pair with remote server":[null,""],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,""],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,""],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,""],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,""],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"Oops!":[null,"Oeps!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Ons het `n uitdaging"],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Kontakt assemblier die operateur vir meer inligting"],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,""],"Show receipt":[null,""],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Ons wag vir jou deposito om op die blockchain bevestig te word. Jy sal binnenkort `n SMS ontvang wanneer die transkasie bevestig is."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Wanneer jy die boodskap ontvang kom terug na hierdie masjien toe en kies die vereffen."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Ons kon nie jou transaksie verwerk nie."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Dis ons, nie jy nie"],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Ons sisteem het `n fout ondergaan"],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Probeer gerus weer, of kontak die operateur."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Jou kwotansie "],"pending confirmation":[null,""],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Jou crypto is gestuur na:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Ons aanvaar nie die crypto wat jy wil stuur nie"],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,""],"Network Down":[null,""],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,""],"Please come back later.":[null,""],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,""],"Almost there":[null,""],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. This takes 10 minutes on average but can take up to an hour or two.":[null,""],"Please come back for your cash and press Redeem when you get our text message.":[null,""],"We don't see any open orders associated with your phone. If you have another phone you may have used, you can try redeeming again with that number.":[null,""],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,""],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,""],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,""],"What next?":[null,""],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,""],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,""],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,""],"Please try the password again.":[null,""],"US SSN required":[null,""],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,""],"Type in SSN?":[null,""],"Yes, type in":[null,""],"Social security number":[null,""],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,""],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,""],"Please contact support":[null,""],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,""],"Verifying identity...":[null,""],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,""],"Verifying photo card...":[null,""],"Verifying photo...":[null,""],"Select a WiFi network":[null,""],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,""],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,""],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,""],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi Wagwoord"],"Connect":[null,"Konekteer"],"We got this":[null,"Ons het dit..."],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"Dit kan `n oomblik of twee neem "],"Connected. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Skandeer jou ??? adres"],"Invalid %s address":[null,"Adres nie geldig"],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Dit behoort 15 secondes te neem, miskien self meer as `n minuut."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Transaksie perk bereik, neem asseblief kontant"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Jy stuur ???"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Promosie kode bygevoeg (5% afslag) "],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"af-ZA"}},"el-GR":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,""],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Για παράδειγμα ο κωδικός για την Ελλάδα είναι +30, οπότε ένας Ελληνικός αριθμός τηλεφώνου θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: +30 697 811 75 23"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Ο κωδικός που εισάγατε δεν είναι σωστός."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,""],"One moment...":[null,""],"Languages":[null,""],"Redeem":[null,"Εξαργύρωση"],"How much?":[null,"Τιμή"],"Have a promo code?":[null,""],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,""],"Cash Out":[null,""],"Clear":[null,"ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΗ"],"Thank you!":[null,"Ευχαριστούμε!"],"You Purchased":[null,""],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,""],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,""],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,""],"Network down":[null,""],"Nothing yet.":[null,""],"No coins are showing up.":[null,""],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ναι"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Οχι"],"Send Coins":[null,""],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,""],"You will send us":[null,""],"to:":[null,""],"Dispensing...":[null,"Γίνεται η πληρωμή..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,""],"All set":[null,"Είμαστε έτοιμοι"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Collect bills":[null,""],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,""],"Look at the dot":[null,""],"This should just take a second.":[null,""],"May we?":[null,""],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. 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We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,""],"OK":[null,"ΟΚ"],"Sorry":[null,""],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,""],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,""],"Cancel":[null,"Ακύρωση"],"ID verification":[null,""],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,""],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,""],"Yes, verify ID":[null,""],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,""],"Insert a bill":[null,"Εισάγετε ένα χαρτονόμισμα"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,""],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,""],"Insert another bill":[null,"Εισάγετε άλλο ένα χαρτονόμισμα"],"deposited so far":[null,"κατατέθηκαν μέχρι τώρα"],"total purchased":[null,""],"OR":[null,"Ή"],"Finished?":[null,""],"Type in your promo code":[null,""],"Invalid address":[null,""],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,""],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,""],"We're all out of coins!":[null,""],"Please try again later.":[null,""],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Ωχ, υπήρξε κάποιο σφάλμα"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Έγκριση..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Θέλετε να δοκιμάσετε ξανά;"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,""],"Want to try again?":[null,""],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. 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If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Nombor telefon yang anda masukkan tidak berfungsi. 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Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,""],"More, please":[null,""],"We're all out of cash!":[null,""],"Funds Received!":[null,""],"Authorizing...":[null,"Mengizinkan..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Mahu cuba lagi?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,""],"QR scanning error":[null,""],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,""],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,""],"Scan again":[null,""],"Print again":[null,""],"Printing Failed":[null,""],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,""],"Back to Home":[null,""],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,""],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,""],"Promo code not found":[null,""],"Sorry! 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Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,""],"Booting up...":[null,"Mula semula..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Memulakan perisian."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,""],"Initializing...":[null,""],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,""],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,""],"Connecting...":[null,"Menyambung..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Pasangkan..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Pasangkan dengan pelayan jauh"],"Scan":[null,""],"Pairing failed":[null,""],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Apabila cuba dipasangkan, kami mengalami kesulitan:"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Sila mengimbas kod QR berpasangan yang anda dapat dari pelayan jauh anda."],"Maintenance Required":[null,""],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Sila hubungi pengendali."],"I agree":[null,""],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,""],"We're taking a look":[null,""],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. 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Please contact us if you'd like to raise your limit.":[null,""],"Scan your %s address":[null,""],"Please scan the QR code to send us your %s.":[null,""],"Have you sent the %s yet?":[null,"Adakah anda telah menghantar %s?"],"Scan your %s address":[null,"Imbas alamat %s anda"],"Invalid %s address":[null,""],"This should take 15 seconds on average. Occasionally, it will take over a minute.":[null,"Ini sepatutnya mengambil masa selama 15 saat strong> secara purata. Kadangkala, ia akan mengambil masa lebih dari satu minit."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,""],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Anda akan menghantar %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,""],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ms-MY"}},"sl-SI":{"Address already used":[null,"Naslov je bil že uporabljen"],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,"Izgleda, da ste naslov že uporabili."],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,"Za svojo zasebnost in varnost pred prevarami ustvarite novo iz denarnice in jo optično preberite."],"Start over":[null,"Od začetka"],"Are you sure?":[null,"Ste prepričani?"],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,"Če ste kovance že poslali in preklicali, ne da bi potrdili svojo telefonsko številko, boste morali transakcijo ročno poravnati pri operaterju."],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,"Pritisnite 'Nadaljuj transakcijo' in počakajte 60 sekund, da bo vaše nakazilo vidno."],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,"Ali pa pritisnite 'Preklic transakcije' za vrnitev na začetek."],"Continue transaction":[null,"Nadaljuj transakcijo"],"Cancel transaction":[null,"Prekliči transakcijo"],"Try again":[null,"Ponovi"],"The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.":[null,"Telefonska številka ni veljavna. Če imate mednarodno številko, dodajte + in številko države."],"For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like: +32 455 12 34 56":[null,"Primer: Belgija ima klicno številko +32. Belgijska telefonska številka izgleda takole: +32 455 12 34 56"],"The code you entered was incorrect.":[null,"Vnešena koda ni pravilna."],"Please make sure you're entering the six digit code you receive from us.":[null,"Prosim vnesite šestmestno kodo, ki smo vam jo poslali."],"One moment...":[null,"Samo trenutek..."],"Languages":[null,"Jeziki"],"Redeem":[null,"Unovči"],"How much?":[null,"Koliko?"],"Have a promo code?":[null,"Imate promocijsko kodo?"],"Promo code added (5 discount)":[null,"Promocijska koda dodana (5 popusta)"],"Cash Out":[null,"Prodaj"],"Clear":[null,"Briši"],"Thank you!":[null,"Hvala!"],"You Purchased":[null,"Kupili ste"],"Your coins are on their way to:":[null,"Vaši bitcoini so poslani na:"],"Print receipt":[null,""],"Take a picture of this screen for your electronic receipt":[null,"Slikajte zaslon za elektronsko potrdilo"],"Tap anywhere on the screen when you're done.":[null,"Dotaknite se zaslona, ko končate."],"Network down":[null,"Omrežni problem"],"Nothing yet.":[null,"Čakamo."],"No coins are showing up.":[null,"Transakcije še nismo prejeli."],"Yes, I have":[null,"Ja, sem"],"No, I haven't":[null,"Ne, nisem"],"Send Coins":[null,"Pošlji kovance"],"will be dispensed to you.":[null,"ste prejeli."],"You will send us":[null,"Poslali boste"],"to:":[null,"na:"],"Dispensing...":[null,"Izstavljam..."],"Please wait while we dispense your cash.":[null,"Prosimo počakajte, da izstavimo denar."],"All set":[null,"Vse poračunano"],"Please remove your cash from the tray.":[null,"Prosimo odstranite denar iz reže."],"Collect bills":[null,"Vzamite denar"],"To continue dispensing, take your cash from the tray.":[null,"Vzemite denar za nadaljevanje izstavljanja."],"Look at the dot":[null,"Poglejte v piko"],"This should just take a second.":[null,"To lahko traja trenutek."],"May we?":[null,"Se strinjate?"],"In order to continue this transaction, we need to snap a photo of you to comply with local laws. Is this ok?":[null,"Za nadaljevanje te transakcije moramo posneti vašo fotografijo, da bomo v skladu z lokalno zakonodajo. Je to v redu?"],"Yes, take photo":[null,"Ja, fotografiraj"],"No, finish up":[null,"Ne, končaj"],"Try again?":[null,"Poskuste ponovno?"],"Looks like we didn't get a good shot.":[null,"Izgleda, da nismo dobili dobrega posnetka."],"Shall we try another photo?":[null,"Lahko poskusimo še z eno fotografijo?"],"Yes, try again":[null,"Ja, poskusi ponovno"],"No, send coins":[null,"Ne, pošlji mi kovance"],"No, cancel":[null,"Ne, prekliči"],"Look into the camera":[null,"Poglejte v kamero"],"We didn't get a good picture of you.":[null,"Nismo te dobili dobre slike."],"Please look into the camera located above the screen.":[null,"Prosimo poglejte v kamero nad zaslonom."],"We dispensed":[null,"Izstavljamo"],"You sent us":[null,"Poslali ste nam"],"See you!":[null,"Se vidimo!"],"Temporary limit reached":[null,"Dosegli ste omejitev"],"Apologies. We've reached our mandated per-user limit.":[null,"Oprostite. Dosegli ste omejitev na uporabnika."],"OK":[null,"OK"],"Sorry":[null,"Oprostite"],"We could not read your ID card.":[null,"Neuspešno branje osebnega dokumenta."],"You might want to give it another shot.":[null,"Ponovite postopek."],"Cancel":[null,"Prekini"],"ID verification":[null,"Verifikacija osebne izkaznice"],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase, we'll need to make sure you're you by asking for you to scan your ID.":[null,"Če želite opraviti večji nakup, se moramo prepričati, da ste vi tako, da zaprosite za optično branje osebnega dokumenta."],"Would you like to insert more bills?":[null,"Bi želeli vstaviti več bankovcev?"],"Yes, verify ID":[null,"Da, potrdi ID"],"Wallet successfully validated!":[null,"Denarnica je bila uspešno potrjena!"],"Insert a bill":[null,"Vstavite bankovec"],"Please insert your first bill into the machine.":[null,"Prosimo vstavite prvi bankovec v bankomat."],"Your coins will be sent to:":[null,"Vaši kovanci bodo poslani na:"],"Insert another bill":[null,"Vstavite naslednji bankovec"],"deposited so far":[null,"trenutno naloženih"],"total purchased":[null,"skupno kupljeno"],"OR":[null,"ALI"],"Finished?":[null,"Končano?"],"Type in your promo code":[null,"Vnesite promocijsko kodo"],"Invalid address":[null,"Napačen naslov"],"It looks like you're using a wallet for a different coin or an address format we don't yet support.":[null,"Zgleda, da denarnico uporabljate za drug kovanec ali format naslova, ki ga še ne podpiramo."],"Please check your QR code and try again.":[null,"Preverite kodo QR in poskusite znova."],"We're all out of coins!":[null,"Zmanjkalo nam je kovancev!"],"Please try again later.":[null,"Prosimo poskusite ponovno."],"Oops, this isn't working":[null,"Šment, tole ne bo v redu"],"You've hit the maximum number of retries. Please contact the operator to sort this out, or try again later.":[null,"Dosegli ste največje število ponovnih poskusov. Če želite to urediti, se obrnite na operaterja ali poskusite znova pozneje."],"More, please":[null,"Več, prosim"],"We're all out of cash!":[null,"Zmankalo nam je denarja!"],"Funds Received!":[null,"Nakazilo prejeto!"],"Authorizing...":[null,"Potrjujemo..."],"Want to try again?":[null,"Želite poskusiti ponovno?"],"The document you've shown did not match.":[null,"Dokument, ki ste ga prikazali, se ne ujema."],"QR scanning error":[null,"Napaka pri skeniranju QR kode"],"We couldn't properly scan your paper wallet. Make sure you position it correctly on the scanning bay and that it was properly printed.":[null,"Ne uspemo pravilno prebrati vaše denarnice. "],"If the problem persists try printing again.":[null,"Če težave ne odpravite, poskusite tiskati znova. "],"Scan again":[null,"Skeniraj ponovno"],"Print again":[null,"Printaj ponovno"],"Printing Failed":[null,"Tiskanje ni uspelo"],"It seems there was a problem while printing your wallet. Please contact the operator for more information or try printing again.":[null,"Zdi se, da je pri tiskanju denarnice prišlo do težave. Za več informacij se obrnite na operaterja ali poskusite znova tiskati."],"Back to Home":[null,"Na začetek"],"To validate, please present the front of your paper wallet to the scan window.":[null,"Za potrditev prosimo, da sprednjo stran svoje papirnate denarnice prislonite k oknu za optično branje."],"IMPORTANT: This paper contains your funds. Once validated, do not show this key to anyone and do not misplace it!":[null,"POMEMBNO: Ta dokument vsebuje vaša sredstva. Ko je potrjen, tega ključa ne pokažite nikomur in ga ne zgubite!"],"Promo code not found":[null,"Promocijske kode ni mogoče najti"],"Sorry! That's not a promo code we could find.":[null,"Oproste! To ni promocijska koda ni pravilna."],"You may try a different code, or continue with your transaction.":[null,"Poskusite z drugo kodo ali nadaljujete s transakcijo."],"If you are sure of the code, please contact the operator for clarification.":[null,"Če ste prepričani, da ste vnesli pravilno kodo, se za pojasnila obrnite na operaterja."],"Enter a different code":[null,"Vnesite drugo kodo"],"Phone Number":[null,"Telefonska številka"],"Please enter your mobile number so we can text you when your order is confirmed.":[null,"Vnesite mobilno številko, na katero vas bomo obvestili, ko bo vaše naročilo potrjeno. Klicna številka države je potrebna samo za tuje telefonske številke."],"Please enter the mobile number you used when you placed your order.":[null,"Vnesite mobilno številko, s katero ste oddali naročilo."],"Please enter your mobile number for ID verification.":[null,"Prosim vnesite telefonsko številko za ID verifikacijo."],"Submit":[null,"Sprejmi"],"Hold your QR code up to the scan window to proceed.":[null,"Za nadaljevanje prislonite QR kodo k čitalcu."],"Please verify your identity":[null,"Prosim potrdite svojo identiteto"],"In order to proceed, we are required to verify your identity.":[null,"Za nadaljevanje moramo preveriti vašo identiteto."],"Please press the back of your driver's license against the scan window.":[null,"Prosimo prislonite zadnjo stran vozniškega dovoljenja na okno za skeniranje."],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window, hold it there, and then press \"Ready to scan\".":[null,"Prosimo prislonite sprednjo stran vozniškega dovoljenja na okno za skeniranje."],"Ready to scan":[null,"Pripravljen za skeniranje"],"Please press the front of your state ID card against the scan window.":[null,"Prosimo prislonite sprednjo stran osebnega dokumenta na okno za skeniranje."],"Security Code":[null,"Varnostna koda"],"We've texted you a security code. When you get it, enter it here.":[null,"Poslali smo vam varnostno kodo. Prejeto kodo vnesite tukaj."],"We're out of coins!":[null,"Zmanjkalo nam je kovancev!"],"Send coins":[null,"Pošlji kovance"],"Sending your coins...":[null,"Pošiljamo kovance..."],"If you'd like to make a larger purchase we need to ask for your mobile phone number. We'll then send you an SMS code.":[null,"Če opravljate večji nakup, se moramo prepričati da ste to res vi. V nadaljevanju vnesite vašo telefonsko številko na katero boste prejeli sms s kodo."],"Suspicious address":[null,"Sumljiv naslov"],"This address may be associated with a deceptive offer or a prohibited group. Please make sure you're using an address from your own wallet.":[null,"Ta naslov je lahko povezan z zavajajočo ponudbo ali prepovedano skupino. Poskrbite, da uporabljate naslov iz svoje denarnice."],"Booting up...":[null,"Zaganjam..."],"Initializing hardware.":[null,"Inicializacija strojne opreme."],"We'll be up in a moment.":[null,"Nazaj bomo čez trenutek."],"Initializing...":[null," Nalaganje..."],"Generating cryptographic identity.":[null,"Ustvarjanje kriptografske identitete."],"Please wait a few minutes.":[null,"Prosimo počakajte trenutek."],"Connecting...":[null,"Povezujem..."],"Pairing...":[null,"Sparjujem..."],"Pair with remote server":[null,"Spari s strežnikom"],"Scan":[null,"Skeniraj"],"Pairing failed":[null,"Tiskanje ni uspelo"],"When attempting to pair, we experienced an error:":[null,"Pri parjenju je prišlo do napake :)"],"Please scan the pairing QR code you got from your remote server.":[null,"Skeniraj sparitveno QR kodo s strežnika."],"Maintenance Required":[null,"Tehnične težave"],"Please contact the operator.":[null,"Prosim kontaktiraj operaterja."],"I agree":[null,"Strinjam se"],"Sorry, we are down for the moment.":[null,"Trenutno ne obratujemo."],"We're taking a look":[null,"Preglejujemo"],"We have your order, but haven't seen your deposit transaction yet. Check whether your wallet sent the coins for your transaction.":[null,"Imamo vaše naročilo, vendar še prepoznali vaše depozitne transakcije. Preverite, ali je denarnica poslala kovance za vašo transakcijo."],"If you're sure your coins were sent, please contact the operator.":[null,"Če ste prepričani, da so bili vaši kovanci poslani, se obrnite na operaterja."],"Oops!":[null,"Šment!"],"We're having some difficulties.":[null,"Trenutno imamo težave."],"Please contact the operator for more information.":[null,"Prosim kontaktirajte operaterja za več informacij."],"Please snap a photo of your receipt.":[null,"Prosim slikajte potrdilo."],"Show receipt":[null,"Prikaži potrdilo"],"We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain. You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed.":[null,"Čakamo na potrditev vašega depozita na blockchainu. Kmalu boste prejeli SMS sporočilo z obvestilom, da je vaša transakcija potrjena."],"When that happens, please come back to this machine and press the Redeem button.":[null,"Ko se to zgodi, se vrnite na ta bankomat in pritisnite gumb Unovči."],"We are unable to process your transaction.":[null,"Vaše tranakcije ne moremo obdelati."],"It's us, not you.":[null,"Naša napaka."],"Our system experienced an error.":[null,"Sistem je zaznal napako."],"Please feel free to try again, or contact the operator.":[null,"Prosimo poskusite znova ali kontaktirajte operaterja."],"Your Receipt":[null,"Vaše potrdilo"],"pending confirmation":[null,"čaka na potrditev"],"Your coins were sent to:":[null,"Vaši kovanci so poslani na:"],"This machine does not handle the currency you requested.":[null,"Ta valuta ni na voljo."],"Please cash out at a machine that handles your currency.":[null,"Uporabi napravo, ki podpira to valuto."],"Network Down":[null,"Omrežni problem"],"Sorry, we're down for the moment.":[null,"Trenutno ne obratujemo."],"Please come back later.":[null,"Prosimo, vrnite se pozneje."],"The code you entered did not match.":[null,"Vnešena koda ni pravilna."],"Almost there":[null,"Še malo"],"We see your transaction but we're still waiting for confirmation. 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Ste vnesli pravo telefonsko številko?"],"If you're sure you have an open order associated with this phone, please contact the operator.":[null,"Če ste prepričani, da imate odprto naročilo povezano s to številko, prosim kontaktirajte operaterja."],"This Machine Is Locked":[null,"Naprava je zaklenjena"],"Please ask for assistance.":[null,"Prosim kontaktirajte operaterja."],"What next?":[null,"Kaj zdaj?"],"We weren't able to verify your phone number, so we may not be able to contact you when your cash is ready.":[null,"Ni nam uspelo verificirati vaše telefonske številke. Ne bomo vas uspeli kontaktirati, ko bo vaš denar na voljo."],"Please snap a photo of the next screen for your electronic receipt, then contact the operator.":[null,"Prosimo slikajte naslednji zaslon za elektronsko potrdilo. Nato kontaktirajte operaterja."],"WiFi failed to connect...":[null,"WiFi povezava ni uspela…..."],"Please try the password again.":[null,"Prosim ponovno vnesite geslo."],"US SSN required":[null,"Potreben je ameriški SSN"],"To proceed, we are required to ask you to type in your Social Security Number":[null,"Če želite nadaljevati, vas prosimo, da vnesete svojo številko socialnega zavarovanja"],"Type in SSN?":[null,"Vnesite SSN"],"Yes, type in":[null,"Da, vnesite"],"Social security number":[null,"Številka socialnega zavarovanje"],"To proceed, please enter your social security number.":[null,"Če želite nadaljevati, vnesite svojo številko socialnega zavarovanja."],"Our system indicated an identification problem.":[null,"Naš sistem je zaznal težavo pri verifikaciji identitete."],"Please contact support":[null,"Kontaktirajte operaterja"],"In order to process your transaction, we need to clarify some information about your account":[null,"Za obdelavo vaše transakcije moramo preveriti nekatere podatke o vašem računu"],"Verifying identity...":[null,"Preverjamo identiteto…"],"This could take a few seconds.":[null,"To lahko traja kak trenutek."],"Verifying photo card...":[null,"Preverjamo..."],"Verifying photo...":[null,"Preverjamo..."],"Select a WiFi network":[null,"Izberite WiFi povezavo"],"Only secured networks are shown.":[null,"Prikazana so samo varovana omrežja."],"Or connect Ethernet":[null,"Ali pa povežite Ethernet"],"A wired connection is preferred for stability.":[null,"Priporočamo žično povezavo."],"WiFi password":[null,"WiFi geslo"],"Connect":[null,"Poveži"],"We got this":[null,"Imamo to"],"This could take a few moments.":[null,"To lahko traja nekaj trenutkov."],"Connected. Waiting for ticker.":[null,"Povezan. Pridobivam informacijo o trenutni ceni."],"More":[null,"Več"],"Less":[null,"Manj"],"Buy %s":[null,"Kupi %s"],"Sell %s":[null,"Prodaj %s"],"Lamassu Cryptomat":[null,"Lamassu Kriptomat"],"MORE":[null,"VEČ"],"Please come back in %s weeks":[null,"Vrnite se čez %s tednov."],"Please come back in %s days and %s hours":[null,"Vrnite se čez %s dni in %s ur"],"Please come back in %s hours":[null,"Vrnite se čez %s ur"],"for %s":[null,"za %s"],"You're connecting to the WiFi network %s":[null,"Vzpostavljate povezavo WiFi omrežja %s"],"Transaction Fee: %s":[null,"Provizija transakcije: %s"],"You deposited %s":[null,"Vstavili ste %s"],"You inserted a %s bill":[null,"Vstavljen bankovec za %s"],"Transaction limit reached.":[null,"Dosežen limit transakcije."],"We're a little low on crypto.":[null,"Trenutno nam primankuje kovancev."],"Please insert %s or less.":[null,"Prosim vstavite %s ali manj."],"Minimum first bill is %s.":[null,"Minimalen prvi bankovec je %s."],"Processing %s ...":[null,"Procesiramo %s ..."],"Transaction limit reached":[null,"Dosežen limit transakcije"],"Error in validation":[null,"Napaka pri potrditvi"],"Due to local regulations, you've reached your transaction limit. 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Občasno pa več kot minuto."],"Transaction limit reached, please cash out":[null,"Dosežena meja transakcije"],"You'll be sending %s %s":[null,"Poslali nam boste %s %s"],"Promo code added (%s discount)":[null,"Promocijska koda dodana (%s popusta)"],"Printing receipt...":[null,""],"Receipt printed successfully!":[null,""],"An error occurred, try again.":[null,""],"Bitcoin":[null,"Bitcoin"],"Ethereum":[null,"Ethereum"],"Zcash":[null,"Zcash"],"Litecoin":[null,"Litecoin"],"Dash":[null,"Dash"],"Bitcoin Cash":[null,"Bitcoin Cash"],"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"sl-SI"}},"uk-UA":{"Address already used":[null,""],"It looks like you've used this address already.":[null,""],"For both your privacy and safety against scams, please generate a new one from your wallet and scan that one instead.":[null,""],"Start over":[null,""],"Are you sure?":[null,""],"If you've already sent coins and cancel without confirming your phone number, you'll need to manually settle the transaction with the operator.":[null,""],"Press 'Continue transaction' and wait up to 60 seconds for your deposit to be seen.":[null,""],"Or press 'Cancel transaction' to return to the home screen.":[null,""],"Continue transaction":[null,""],"Cancel transaction":[null,""],"Try again":[null,""],"The phone number you entered didn't work. 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touchEvent(languageOverlay, function (e) {
@@ -945,20 +944,7 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
- var fiatButtons = document.getElementById('js-fiat-buttons')
- touchImmediateEvent(fiatButtons, function (e) {
- var now = Date.now()
- if (lastTouch && now - lastTouch < 100) return
- lastTouch = now
- var cashButtonJ = $(e.target).closest('.cash-button')
- if (cashButtonJ.length === 0) return
- if (cashButtonJ.hasClass('disabled')) return
- if (cashButtonJ.hasClass('clear')) return buttonPressed('clearFiat')
- var denominationIndex = cashButtonJ.attr('data-denomination-index')
- var denominationRec = getUsedCassettes(cassettes)[denominationIndex]
- buttonPressed('fiatButton', { denomination: denominationRec.denomination })
- })
+ buildCassetteButtonEvents()
@@ -1502,45 +1488,45 @@ function formatDenomination (denom) {
-function getUsedCassettes (cassettes) {
- // Current UI uses 3 buttons, on setupCassettes() and manageFiatButtons()
- // But possibly there are 4 cassettes, which leads to a possible scenario where only the 4th cassette has bills
- // This solution is not too scalable, but should allow for always having a solution if there are bills to do so
+function buildCassetteButtons (_cassettes, numberOfButtons) {
+ cassettes = _cassettes
+ var activeCassettes = _cassettes.filter(it => it.count === null || it.count > 0)
+ var inactiveCassettes = _cassettes.filter(it => it.count === 0)
+ var allCassettes = activeCassettes.concat(inactiveCassettes)
+ var selectedCassettes = allCassettes.slice(0, numberOfButtons)
+ var sortedCassettes = selectedCassettes.sort((a, b) => a.denomination - b.denomination)
- // This function only serves to create an array mapping what buttons are shown
- // More UI buttons should allow for simpler solutions to this issue
- const doesCassette3HaveBills = cassettes.length >= 4 && cassettes[2].count > 0
- const doesCassette4HaveBills = cassettes.length >= 5 && cassettes[3].count > 0
- const thirdCassette =
- doesCassette3HaveBills
- ? cassettes[2]
- : doesCassette4HaveBills
- ? cassettes[3]
- : cassettes[4]
- return [cassettes[0], cassettes[1], thirdCassette]
+ for (var i = 0; i < sortedCassettes.length; i++) {
+ var denomination = formatDenomination(sortedCassettes[i].denomination || 0)
+ $('.cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + '] .js-denomination').text(denomination)
+ }
-function setupCassettes (_cassettes) {
- cassettes = _cassettes
- const doesCassette3HaveBills = cassettes.length >= 4 && cassettes[2].count > 0
- const doesCassette4HaveBills = cassettes.length >= 5 && cassettes[3].count > 0
- if (cassettes.length === 3) {
- for (var i = 0; i < cassettes.length; i++) {
- var cassette = cassettes[i]
- var denomination = formatDenomination(cassette.denomination)
- $('.cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + '] .js-denomination').text(denomination)
- }
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- var cassette = cassettes[i]
- var denomination = formatDenomination(cassette.denomination)
- $('.cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + '] .js-denomination').text(denomination)
- }
- if (doesCassette3HaveBills) $('.cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + 2 + '] .js-denomination').text(formatDenomination(cassettes[2].denomination))
- if (!doesCassette3HaveBills && doesCassette4HaveBills) $('.cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + 2 + '] .js-denomination').text(formatDenomination(cassettes[3].denomination))
+function updateCassetteButtons (activeDenoms, numberOfButtons) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < numberOfButtons; i++) {
+ var button = $('.choose_fiat_state .cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + ']')
+ var denomination = button.children('.js-denomination').text()
+ button.prop('disabled', !Boolean(activeDenoms[denomination]))
+function buildCassetteButtonEvents () {
+ var fiatButtons = document.getElementById('js-fiat-buttons')
+ var lastTouch = null
+ touchImmediateEvent(fiatButtons, function (e) {
+ var now = Date.now()
+ if (lastTouch && now - lastTouch < 100) return
+ lastTouch = now
+ var cashButtonJ = $(e.target).closest('.cash-button')
+ if (cashButtonJ.length === 0) return
+ if (cashButtonJ.hasClass('disabled')) return
+ if (cashButtonJ.hasClass('clear')) return buttonPressed('clearFiat')
+ buttonPressed('fiatButton', { denomination: cashButtonJ.children('.js-denomination').text() })
+ })
function updateCrypto (selector, cryptoAmount, cryptoDisplayCode) {
@@ -1824,32 +1810,6 @@ function chooseFiat (data) {
-function manageFiatButtons (activeDenominations) {
- if (cassettes.length === 3) {
- for (var i = 0; i < cassettes.length; i++) {
- var cassette = cassettes[i]
- var denomination = cassette.denomination
- var enabled = activeDenominations[denomination]
- var button = $('.choose_fiat_state .cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + ']')
- if (enabled) button.prop('disabled', false)
- else button.prop('disabled', true)
- }
- return [...cassettes]
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- var cassette = cassettes[i]
- var denomination = cassette.denomination
- var enabled = activeDenominations[denomination]
- var button = $('.choose_fiat_state .cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + i + ']')
- if (enabled) button.prop('disabled', false)
- else button.prop('disabled', true)
- }
- // Third button is always enabled
- var thirdButton = $('.choose_fiat_state .cash-button[data-denomination-index=' + 2 + ']')
- thirdButton.prop('disabled', false)
- }
function displayCrypto (cryptoAtoms, cryptoCode) {
var coin = getCryptoCurrency(cryptoCode)
var scale = new BigNumber(10).pow(coin.displayScale)
@@ -1889,7 +1849,7 @@ function fiatCredit (data) {
if (fiat.eq(0)) $('#cash-out-button').prop('disabled', true)
else $('#cash-out-button').prop('disabled', false)
- manageFiatButtons(activeDenominations.activeMap)
+ updateCassetteButtons(activeDenominations.activeMap, NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS)
$('.choose_fiat_state .fiat-amount').text(fiatDisplay)
translate("You'll be sending %s %s", [cryptoDisplay, cryptoDisplayCode]))