flowchart LR
ir[("IR (*.xml)")]
style ir fill:#427cb0
ir_fe["OpenVINO IR Frontend"]
openvino(openvino library)
ir--Read ir---ir_fe
ir_fe--Create ov::Model--->openvino
click ir "https://docs.openvino.ai/2025/documentation/openvino-ir-format/operation-sets.html"
The primary function of the OpenVINO IR Frontend is to load an OpenVINO IR into memory.
OpenVINO IR frontend uses the common coding style rules.
People from the openvino-ir-frontend-maintainers have the rights to approve and merge PRs to the core component. They can assist with any questions about the component.
OpenVINO IR Frontend contains the next components:
- include is a public frontend API.
- src folder contains the sources of the component.
- tests folder contains tests for the component. To get more information, read How to run tests.
OpenVINO IR Frontend uses the pugixml library to parse xml files. For detailed information about OpenVINO IR Frontend architecture, read the architecture guide.