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npm install -g reveal-md
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- Mario Antonioletti
- Work for EPCC (University of Edinburgh)
- Software Sustainability Institute (SSI)
- I am here with an SSI hat on
Notes: 1936km, walking would take 341 hours including a ferry ride.
- Have been going since 1998
- Teach basic skills for research computing
- Focus on the basic principles
- Cannot teach you to program in 2 days but:
- Provide you with enough to get started
- Hopefully, motivate you to learn more
- Typically instructor types and you follow
- You should have a:
- Green postit note: all ok
- Red postit note: trouble here
- Helper should come along to help
- Consume these for feedback at the end
- Green: things you liked
- Red: things you did not like
- We shall distribute new postit notes
- Allows us to communicate with you:
- Post long URLs
- Code snippets
- Tips/Comments
- You can share your notes with others
- Get people (by consent) to:
- Add Name,
- Country,
- Position,
- what you hope to learn.
Big data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it
Tweet on 6th Jan 2013*
Diagram from Wikipedia, see
- Survey of 719 responses.
- S: language for data analysis developed at Bell Labs circa 1976
- Licensed by AT&T/Lucent to Insightful Corp. Product name: S-plus.
- R: initially written & released as OSS at U Auckland during 90s
- Since 1997: international R-core team ~15 people & 1000s of code writers and statisticians
- 14:00 - 14:55 1. Introduction to R and RStudio
- 14:55 - 15:25 2. Project Management w RStudio
- 15:25 - 15:45 3. Seeking Help
- 15:45 - 16:30 4. Data Structures
- 16:30 - 17:00 5. Exploring data frames
- 17:00 - 17:50 6. Subsetting data
- 08:30 - 09:35 7. Control flow
- 09:35 - 10:55 8. Creating Quality Graphics
- 10:55 - 11:30 9. Vectorisation
- 11:30 - 12:30 10. Functions Explained
- 12:30 - 12:50 11. Writing Data
- 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
- 14:00 - 15:00 12. Split-Apply-Combine
- 15:00 - 15:55 13. DF Manipulation with dplyr
- 15:55 - 16:40 14. DF Manipulation with tidyr
- 16:40 - 17:55 15. Producing Reports With knitr
- 17:55 - 18:00 16. R and databases
- Start Rstudio
- File > New Project > Version Control > Git
- Repository URL:
- Project Directory Name:
- ** Create project as subdirectory of:**
- Now we can start ...