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Goodreads Profile Workflow

Show what you re currently reading and recently read on your GitHub profile readme
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Goodreads profile workflow

Automatically update your README with what you're currently reading—or any other Goodreads reading shelf of yours.


How to use

  • Go to your repository
  • Add the following section to your file, you can give whatever title you want. Just make sure that you use <!-- GOODREADS-LIST:START --><!-- GOODREADS-LIST:END --> in your readme. The workflow will replace this comment with the actual list of currently reading books:
### Books I'm currently reading
  • Create a folder named .github and create a workflows folder inside it if it doesn't exist.
  • Create a new file named goodreads-profile-workflow.yml with the following contents inside the workflows folder:
name: Latest book list from a goodreads
  schedule: # Run workflow automatically
    # This will make it run every hour
    - cron: "0 * * * *"
    # Run workflow manually (without waiting for the cron to be called), through the Github Actions Workflow page directly
    name: Update this repo's README with what you're currently reading
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: zwacky/goodreads-profile-workflow@main
          # Replace this with your goodreads user id
          goodreads_user_id: "92930971"
          shelf: "currently-reading"
  • Replace the above goodreads_user_id with yours. To find out your user ID go to "My Books" on Goodreads and you'll see it in the URL.
  • Commit and wait for it to run automatically or you can also trigger it manually to see the result instantly. To trigger the workflow manually check out this blog post by GitHub.


Here are all the inputs you can change in your goodreads-profile-workflow.yml file under steps[*].with:

Option Default Value Description Required
goodreads_user_id "" The Goodreads account ID to fetch the books from. Yes
shelf "currently-reading" The Goodreads shelf/list the books are in (default shelves: currently-reading, read, to-read) No
max_books_count "10" Max count of books that will be taken from the shelf/list No
readme_file_path "./" Path of the readme file you want to update No
output_only "false" Usually used together with local-run.js. Sets the generated array as books output variable so that it can be consumed in other actions No
comment_tag_name "GOODREADS-LIST" Overrides the default comment tag name (<!-- GOODREADS-LIST:START --><!-- GOODREADS-LIST:END -->). In case you want to run multiple instances over the same README No
template "- [$title]($url) by $author (⭐️$average_rating)" The list template written in Markdown.

Suported variables:
  • $title: Book title
  • $url: Goodreads URL of the book
  • $author: Book author
  • $published_year: Book's published year
  • $average_rating: Book's rating on Goodreads
  • $my_rating: User's rating of the book (from 1-5)
  • $my_rating_stars: User's rating of the book in emoji star (from ⭐️ to ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
sort_by_fields ">pubDate" sort the list by fields from the RSS response, preprended by ascending '<' or descending '>' order.

">user_rating,>average_rating" sorts first by user_rating and within the same user_rating, it'll then sort by average_rating, both in descending order.

Suported fields:

More resources

Goodreads Profile Workflow is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Show what you re currently reading and recently read on your GitHub profile readme

Goodreads Profile Workflow is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.