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PR Runtime Adhoc Commands

Run the adhoc commands on the runtime using Githubaction on the PR
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GithubAction Runtime Adhoc PR Commands

githubaction workflow status generator

Automate custom commands on pull requests using GitHub Actions.


This GitHub Action allows you to execute ad-hoc commands on pull requests dynamically in response to comments. It provides a flexible way to trigger specific tasks based on user interactions.

    commit "1"
    commit "2"
    branch develop
    commit "3"
    commit "4"
    commit "5"
    checkout main
    commit "6"
    commit "7"
    checkout develop
    commit "(rebase and squash here)"
    merge main

Sequence Diagram: Adhoc Commands Workflow

    participant MainBranch as Main Branch
    participant NewBranch as New Branch
    participant User as User
    participant PullRequest as Pull Request

    MainBranch ->> NewBranch: Checkout new branch
    activate NewBranch
    User ->> NewBranch: Make changes
    User ->> NewBranch: Commit changes
    User ->> NewBranch: Push changes to remote
    deactivate NewBranch

    NewBranch ->> MainBranch: Create Pull Request (PR)
    activate PullRequest
    User ->> PullRequest: Add comment with /rebase, /autosquash, or /rebase-autosquash
    deactivate PullRequest

    note over MainBranch, PullRequest: Based on comment, perform corresponding action:
    note over NewBranch, PullRequest: Rebase:
      PullRequest ->> NewBranch: /rebase
      MainBranch ->> NewBranch: Rebased
    note over NewBranch, PullRequest: Autosquash:
      PullRequest ->> NewBranch: /autosquash
      NewBranch ->> NewBranch: Autosquash
    note over NewBranch, PullRequest: Rebase and Autosquash:
      PullRequest ->> NewBranch: /rebase-autosquash
      NewBranch ->> NewBranch: Autosquash
      MainBranch ->> NewBranch: Rebased


1. Main Branch to New Branch: Checkout and Changes

  • The main branch initiates the creation of a new branch.
  • The user makes changes in the new branch, commits them, and pushes the changes to the remote repository.

2. New Branch to Main Branch: Create Pull Request

  • A pull request is created from the new branch to the main branch.

3. User to Pull Request: Trigger Commands

  • The user adds a comment to the pull request with one of the following commands: /rebase, /autosquash, or /rebase-autosquash.

4. Based on Comment: Rebase, Autosquash, or Both

  • If the comment contains /rebase, the main branch rebases onto the new branch.
  • If the comment contains /autosquash, autosquashing is performed in the new branch.
  • If the comment contains /rebase-autosquash, both rebase and autosquash actions are executed.


Workflow Setup

Create a GitHub Actions workflow YAML file, for example, .github/workflows/adhoc_commands.yml:

name: PR Adhoc commands
    types: [created]
    name: PR-Adhoc-Commands
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: >-
      github.event.issue.pull_request != '' &&
        contains(github.event.comment.body, '/rebase') ||
        contains(github.event.comment.body, '/autosquash') ||
        contains(github.event.comment.body, '/rebase-autosquash')
      - name: Checkout the latest code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Running Adhoc commands
        uses: GirishCodeAlchemy/githubaction-runtime-adhoc-pr-commands@v1
          autosquash: ${{ contains(github.event.comment.body, '/autosquash') || contains(github.event.comment.body, '/rebase-autosquash') }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Github Action Adhoc Commands Workflow

      participant User
      participant GitHubEvent
      participant GitHubActions
      participant CheckoutAction
      participant AdhocCommandsAction

      User->>GitHubEvent: Create PR Comment with /rebase or /autosquash or /rebase-autosquash
      GitHubEvent-->>GitHubActions: Trigger 'created' event on issue_comment

      alt Check if PR Comment triggers action
          GitHubActions-->>GitHubActions: Check if PR comment contains specific commands
          GitHubActions-->>CheckoutAction: Checkout the latest code
          CheckoutAction-->>AdhocCommandsAction: Running Adhoc commands
          AdhocCommandsAction-->>GitHubActions: Adhoc commands executed successfully
          GitHubActions-->>GitHubEvent: Complete Workflow
          GitHubActions-->>GitHubEvent: Ignore event, no specific commands found


Sequence Diagram: GitHub Actions Workflow

1. User to GitHub Event: Trigger PR Comment

  • The user creates a pull request comment with one of the commands: /rebase, /autosquash, or /rebase-autosquash.

2. GitHub Event to GitHub Actions: Event Trigger

  • The GitHub event is triggered, specifically the 'created' event on issue_comment.

3. GitHub Actions to Checkout Action: Prepare Workflow

  • GitHub Actions checks if the pull request comment contains specific commands.
  • If commands are found, it proceeds to the next step; otherwise, the workflow is ignored.

4. Checkout Action to Adhoc Commands Action: Execute Commands

  • GitHub Actions checks out the latest code.
  • Adhoc Commands Action is triggered to run ad-hoc commands based on the user's comment.

5. Adhoc Commands Action to GitHub Actions: Successful Execution

  • Adhoc commands are executed successfully, performing actions such as rebase, autosquash, or both.
  • GitHub Actions acknowledges the successful execution.

6. GitHub Actions to GitHub Event: Complete Workflow

  • The workflow is completed, and GitHub Actions updates the GitHub event accordingly.

7. GitHub Actions to GitHub Event: Ignore Workflow

  • If no specific commands are found in the PR comment, GitHub Actions ignores the workflow.

PR Runtime Adhoc Commands is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Run the adhoc commands on the runtime using Githubaction on the PR

PR Runtime Adhoc Commands is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.