New Features:
- A file logger has been added based on Nim's default logging library. For now, it logs all levels and is partially configurable within config.yml.
Changes to FedoraRecord:
- FedoraRecord now has 2 additional attributes: wait_time and retries. These are there so you can declare a value for the number of times a method on FedoraRequest should be retried before in results in a fatal failure. wait_time allows you to set the amount of milliseconds to wait before retrying.
Tiny release specifically to allow for books to be exported and semantically organized.
New Operations:
- Download book pages and name semantically as book_pageNumber.extension. See docs for more details.
New Fedora Public Methods and Other Procs:
- FedoraRequest.download_page_with_book_relatioship(): Downloads all matching datastreams related to a page with naming based on the book and page number.
Bug Fixes:
- Address dc population bug where there was a 500 error if you had a dc string that included a space.
New Operations:
- Get a list of objects created or modified by a user with audit_responsibility. See docs for more details.
- Find all objects matching your requested number of versions of a particular datastream. See docs for more details.
- Find all objects that have no management restrictions (deny-management-functions). See docs for more details.
- Find all exeptions to a specific XACML rule or action for all objects in a set. See docs for more details.
New Fedora Public Methods and Other Procs:
- FedoraRequest.audit_responsibility(username): Returns a list of objects where a specific username has created or modified the object at some point.
- FedoraRequest.count_versions_of_datastreams(dsid): Returns pids with the total number of versions a specified datastream has.
- process_versions(): Requires a sequence of tuples with pids and number of versions are returns matches based on the specified operation and version value.
Bug Fixes:
- Progress bars did not really work in production. This was due to how the newProgressBar constructor was being called. By default, the constructor sets the length of the bar to be 100, but for us this may be much bigger or much smaller. This has been addressed and should scale and tick appropriately.
- Update metadata did not respect whether or not a datastream was verisoned. Because of this, any update on an unversioned datastream would switch the datastream back to being versionable. This has been addressed.
- Update metadata was counting a successful update twice. This has been addressed.
- Address thrown exception from empty result set.
New Operations:
- Download all versions of a datastream with download all versions. See docs for more details.
New Fedora Public Methods:
- FedoraRequest.get_content_models(): This returns a sequence of tuples with the pid (as a string) and a human readable content model (as a string).
New Operations:
- Find Unique Datastreams: You can get a list of unique datastreams that belong to a result set. See docs for more details.
- Validate Checksums: You can validate checksums for a specific datastream or all datastreams in a result set. See docs for more details.
New Fedora Public Methods:
- FedoraRequest.get_datastream(): This returns a sequence of tuples with the pid (as a string) and a sequence of datastreams (as TaintedStrings) that belong to it. You can specify whether you want the entire datastream profile or just the datastreams (as HTML only) and specify a date that you want to base the request on. While this method is public, it is not currently called from the executable.
- FedoraRequest.validate_checksums(): See new operations for more details.
- FedoraRequest.find_distinct_datastreams(): See new operations for more details.
- Yaml config flag is now optional if you have a config/config.yml in the directory you call your executable from.
- FedoraRecord.get() now returns the response body of an HTTP request as a string or an empty string rather than true or false. This is mostly to help FedoraRequest.get_datastream().
- xmlhelper and parse_data()* has been added.
- Build and release download instructions have been added.
- Harvest Metadata and Harvest Metadata No Pages were renamed to Harvest Datastream to make things more agnostic. MODS is still default.
- Update Metadata and Delete Old Versions was added as a separate operation to optionally allow old versions of datastreams to be deleted on update.
- Change Object State allows you to batch change the state of all objects in a set to Active, Inactive, or Deleted.
- Find Objects Missing a Datastream was added to check for objects in a result set missing a particular datastream.
- Download Datastream Histories as XML was added to allow you to get a log of all events occuring on a datastream over time.
- Download Datastream at Date allows you to get a datastream at a specific date and time.
- For more information about any of this, read the docs.
Other Notable Changes:
- More extensions were added to cover expected mime types for datastreams.
- FedoraRecord.get() was renamed to Download has the side affect of serializing to disk. A new get was created for returning values to other operations.
- Initial release.