Click this link for Video Mobile_robotics_CW-2_video
The robot has a URDF file with all of the essential parameters defined to load into Gazebo in the simulation and be able to move and interact with objects in the simulation to complete the goal or prove that it is possible to achieve it. The package includes instructions for initiating the simulation for the first time.
- Move into your workspace/src folder
cd path/to/workspace/src/
Example: cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
- Clone the repository in your workspace
git clone
- Perform make and build through catkin
cd /path/to/workspace_root/
##e.g ~/catkin_ws/
- Source your Workspace in any terminal you open to Run files from this workspace ( which is a basic thing of ROS )
source /path/to/catkin-ws/devel/setup.bash
- To Get the Turtlebot World (Assessment World)
Note: Make sure you have the Turtlebot3 setup done correctly.
git clone
- Launch Dolly bot (URDF file) in Gazebo world
roslaunch explorer_bot map.launch
- Above Command launches Rviz and Gazebo with all the necessary Objects.
- Type
rostopic list
to check therobot_base_velocity_controller/cmd_vel
topic is published or not,
- To Drive the Robot, make sure the teleop_twist_keyboard is Publishing to the above
topic is-order to Drive the Bot
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
If Teleop_twist_keyboard is not installed, type below command to install it
sudo apt-get install ros-<noetic/melodic/..>-teleop_twist_keyboard
- designed a personalized robot called Dolly. The movie will cover a four wheel differential drive type that was built entirely from scratch using URDF and has joints and links. Following the robot's development, I added Gazebo Plugins (Differential Drive and Laser Scanner) to the URDF of the robot. As a result, we were able to operate the robot and read laser scan readings from within the simulation.
- Designed a 3D Model (Base and Wheels) in SolidWorks and Exported. For reference Go thorugh the dolly.urdf.xacro
- Front-Arm is Designed with Inertial properties, as show in the below image
- Adding Differential Drive Plugin to Drive.
- Wheel Transmission
- Final Design of the Bot is Designed, which can hold the Object/Ball from TOP and able to move the small/medium Balls with front-Arms
- As soon as I had mastered the fundamentals of working with a custom mobile robot, I switched to the well-known ROS package SLAM, which has several nodes for mapping an environment. I used the Gmapping Node with a lidar sensor as a source. Then a 3D model of an assessment world (Turlte world) was brought in, from which a map was made.
As you can see here Assessment_map
- Autonomous Navigation using Gazebo Model. The robot needs to perform Autonomous driving using Navigation and Path Planning algorithms is still in Testing.