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287 lines (244 loc) · 16.5 KB

Work in progress!!

Getting started

  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • Install dependencies
cd repair-link-api
npm install
  • Start your mongoDB server (you'll probably want another terminal)
  • Build and run the project
npm start-watch

Navigate to http://localhost:3000

Getting TypeScript

TypeScript itself is simple to add to any project with npm.

npm install -D typescript

If you're using VS Code then you're good to go! VS Code will detect and use the TypeScript version you have installed in your node_modules folder. For other editors, make sure you have the corresponding TypeScript plugin.

Project Structure

In a TypeScript project, it's best to have separate source and distributable files. TypeScript (.ts) files live in your src folder and after compilation are output as JavaScript (.js) in the dist folder.

The full folder structure of this app is explained below:

Note! Make sure you have already built the app using npm run build

Name Description
.vscode Contains VS Code specific settings
dist Contains the distributable (or output) from your TypeScript build. This is the code you ship
node_modules Contains all your npm dependencies
src Contains your source code that will be compiled to the dist dir
src/config Passport authentication strategies and login middleware. Add other complex config code here
src/controllers Controllers define functions that respond to various http requests
src/models Models define Mongoose schemas that will be used in storing and retrieving data from MongoDB
src/types Holds .d.ts files not found on DefinitelyTyped. Covered more in this section
src/server.ts Entry point to your express app
test Contains your tests. Seperate from source because there is a different build process.
.travis.yml Used to configure Travis CI build
package.json File that contains npm dependencies
tsconfig.json Config settings for compiling server code written in TypeScript
tsconfig.tests.json Config settings for compiling tests written in TypeScript
tslint.json Config settings for TSLint code style checking

Building the project

It is rare for JavaScript projects not to have some kind of build pipeline these days, however Node projects typically have the least amount build configuration. Because of this I've tried to keep the build as simple as possible. If you're concerned about compile time, the main watch task takes ~2s to refresh.

Configuring TypeScript compilation

TypeScript uses the file tsconfig.json to adjust project compile options. Let's dissect this project's tsconfig.json, starting with the compilerOptions which details how your project is compiled.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "commonjs",
        "target": "es6",
        "noImplicitAny": true,
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "sourceMap": true,
        "outDir": "dist",
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
            "*": [
compilerOptions Description
"module": "commonjs" The output module type (in your .js files). Node uses commonjs, so that is what we use
"target": "es6" The output language level. Node supports ES6, so we can target that here
"noImplicitAny": true Enables a stricter setting which throws errors when something has a default any value
"moduleResolution": "node" TypeScript attempts to mimic Node's module resolution strategy. Read more here
"sourceMap": true We want source maps to be output along side our JavaScript. See the debugging section
"outDir": "dist" Location to output .js files after compilation
"baseUrl": "." Part of configuring module resolution. See path mapping section
paths: {...} Part of configuring module resolution. See path mapping section

The rest of the file define the TypeScript project context. The project context is basically a set of options that determine which files are compiled when the compiler is invoked with a specific tsconfig.json. In this case, we use the following to define our project context:

    "include": [

include takes an array of glob patterns of files to include in the compilation. This project is fairly simple and all of our .ts files are under the src folder. For more complex setups, you can include an exclude array of glob patterns that removes specific files from the set defined with include. There is also a files option which takes an array of individual file names which overrides both include and exclude.

Running the build

All the different build steps are orchestrated via npm scripts. Npm scripts basically allow us to call (and chain) terminal commands via npm. This is nice because most JavaScript tools have easy to use command line utilities allowing us to not need grunt or gulp to manage our builds. If you open package.json, you will see a scripts section with all the different scripts you can call. To call a script, simply run npm run <script-name> (or yarn run <script-name if using yarn) from the command line. You'll notice that npm scripts can call each other which makes it easy to compose complex builds out of simple individual build scripts. Below is a list of all the scripts this template has available:

Npm Script Description
start Runs full build before starting the node server. Can be invoked with npm start
start-watch Runs full build before starting all watch tasks.
build Full build. Runs ALL build tasks (build-ts, tslint)
serve Runs node on dist/server.js which is the apps entry point
watch Runs all watch tasks (TypeScript, Node). Use this if you're not touching static assets.
test Runs tests using Jest test runner
build-ts Compiles all source .ts files to .js files in the dist folder
watch-ts Same as build-ts but continuously watches .ts files and re-compiles when needed
tslint Runs TSLint on project files


Debugging TypeScript is exactly like debugging JavaScript with one caveat, you need source maps.

Source maps

Source maps allow you to drop break points in your TypeScript source code and have that break point be hit by the JavaScript that is being executed at runtime.

Note! - Source maps aren't specific to TypeScript. Anytime JavaScript is transformed (transpiled, compiled, optimized, minified, etc) you need source maps so that the code that is executed at runtime can be mapped back to the source that generated it.

The best part of source maps is when configured correctly, you don't even know they exist! So let's take a look at how we do that in this project.

Configuring source maps

First you need to make sure your tsconfig.json has source map generation enabled:

"compilerOptions" {
    "sourceMaps": true

With this option enabled, next to every .js file that the TypeScript compiler outputs there will be a .map.js file as well. This .map.js file provides the information necessary to map back to the source .ts file while debugging.

Note! - It is also possible to generate "inline" source maps using "inlineSourceMap": true. This is more common when writing client side code because some bundlers need inline source maps to preserve the mapping through the bundle. Because we are writing Node.js code, we don't have to worry about this.

Using the debugger in VS Code

Debugging is one of the places where VS Code really shines over other editors. Node.js debugging in VS Code is easy to setup and even easier to use. This project comes pre-configured with everything you need to get started.

When you hit F5 in VS Code, it looks for a top level .vscode folder with a launch.json file. In this file, you can tell VS Code exactly what you want to do:

    "type": "node",
    "request": "launch",
    "name": "Debug",
    "program": "${workspaceRoot}/dist/server.js",
    "smartStep": true,
    "outFiles": [
    "protocol": "inspector"

This is mostly identical to the "Node.js: Launch Program" template with a couple minor changes:

launch.json Options Description
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/dist/server.js", Modified to point to our entry point in dist
"smartStep": true, Won't step into code that doesn't have a source map
"outFiles": [...] Specify where output files are dropped. Use with source maps
"protocol": inspector, Use the new Node debug protocal because we're on the latest node

With this file in place, you can hit F5 to serve the project with the debugger already attached. Now just set your breakpoints and go!

Warning! Make sure you don't have the project already running from another command line. VS Code will try to launch on the same port and error out. Likewise be sure to stop the debugger before returning to your normal npm start process.


For this project, I chose Jest as our test framework. While Mocha is probably more common, Mocha seems to be looking for a new maintainer and setting up TypeScript testing in Jest is wicked simple.

Install the components

To add TypeScript + Jest support, first install a few npm packages:

npm install -D jest ts-jest

jest is the testing framework itself, and ts-jest is just a simple function to make running TypeScript tests a little easier.

Configure Jest

Jest's configuration lives in package.json, so let's open it up and add the following code:

"jest": {
    "globals": {
      "__TS_CONFIG__": "tsconfig.json"
    "moduleFileExtensions": [
    "transform": {
      "^.+\\.(ts)$": "./node_modules/ts-jest/preprocessor.js"
    "testMatch": [
    "testEnvironment": "node"

Basically we are telling Jest that we want it to consume all files that match the pattern "**/test/**/*.test.(ts|js)" (all .test.ts/.test.js files in the test folder), but we want to preprocess the .ts files first. This preprocess step is very flexible, but in our case, we just want to compile our TypeScript to JavaScript using our tsconfig.json. This all happens in memory when you run the tests, so there are no output .js test files for you to manage.

Running tests

Writing tests

Writing tests for web apps has entire books dedicated to it and best practices are strongly influenced by personal style, so I'm deliberately avoiding discussing how or when to write tests in this guide. However, if prescriptive guidance on testing is something that you're interested in, let me know, I'll do some homework and get back to you.


TSLint is a code linter which mainly helps catch minor code quality and style issues. TSLint is very similar to ESLint or JSLint but is built with TypeScript in mind.

TSLint rules

Like most linters, TSLint has a wide set of configurable rules as well as support for custom rule sets. All rules are configured through tslint.json. In this project, we are using a fairly basic set of rules with no additional custom rules. The settings are largely based off the TSLint settings that we use to develop TypeScript itself.

Running TSLint

Like the rest of our build steps, we use npm scripts to invoke TSLint. To run TSLint you can call the main build script or just the TSLint task.

npm run build   // runs full build including TSLint
npm run tslint  // runs only TSLint

Notice that TSLint is not a part of the main watch task. It can be annoying for TSLint to clutter the output window while in the middle of writing a function, so I elected to only run it only during the full build. If you are interesting in seeing TSLint feedback as soon as possible, I strongly recommend the TSLint extension in VS Code.


Dependencies are managed through package.json. In that file you'll find two sections:


Package Description
async Utility library that provides asynchronous control flow.
body-parser Express 4 middleware.
compression Express 4 middleware.
connect-mongo MongoDB session store for Express.
errorhandler Express 4 middleware.
express Node.js web framework.
express-session Express 4 middleware.
mongoose MongoDB ODM.
morgan Express 4 middleware.
tslint Linter (similar to ESLint) for TypeScript files.
typescript JavaScript compiler/type checker that boosts JavaScript productivity.


Package Description
concurrently Utility that manages multiple concurrent tasks. Used with npm scripts.
jest Testing utility.
supertest HTTP assertion library.
ts-jest A preprocessor with sourcemap support to help use Typescript with Jest

To install or update these dependencies you can use npm.