- support for high resolution SRTM data (1 arc second) in BEF format
- depend on BRouter 1.7.7
- depend on JDK 22
- depend on BRouter 1.7.4
- Cleanup in Dockerfile, remove no longer needed dependency on Osmosis
- Use timestamp of planet file as map snapshot time when planet update is disabled
- update to latest BRouter (03aab82e1)
- updates for latest BRouter version
- pin BRouter version to 11a9843f4 (before merge of changed PBF parsing)
- support for multi-platform images (amd64/arm64)
- build arm64 images on Github Actions and push to registries
- build from a recent BRouter upstream (1.7.x, 2023-05-17)
- update some base images in Dockerfile (needed for multi-platform support)
- adjustments for new Gradle-based build process
- current BRouter upstream (updated lookups.dat)
- Docker images are pushed to Docker Hub as well
- Github Actions workflow for building and pushing the Docker image to Github Container Registry
- osmupdate temporary files are now removed after updating the planet file
- initial release