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Releases: motss/app-datepicker

Release v2.11.0

13 Jun 15:47
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  • As of v2.11, all dates will no longer include users' local system's timezone offset and all will be default to GMT/ UTC timezone. For more info, please see #89.
  • Fixed #85 where format does not work as expected.


20 May 09:39
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🌮 🎉 app-datepicker is now a hybrid Polymer element that supports both Polymer 1.x and Polymer 2.0 stable!!

  • Pleased to announce that app-datepicker is now compatible with both Polymer 1.x and Polymer 2.0 stable.
  • Now Intl polyfill will not load (previously it does) if the browser does not natively support it and it is recommended for users to load the polyfill at the top-level document by some feature detections.
  • alwaysResetSelectedDateOnDialogClose - proposed by #74 to allow datepicker to reset the selected date to today's date once the datepicker closes and the demo has this included as well.


05 Nov 11:03
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  1. confirmLabel - proposed by #61 to allow customization for text in confirm button of app-datepicker-dialog.
  2. dismissLabel - proposed by #61 to allow customization for text in dismiss button of app-datepicker-dialog.
  3. Various bug fixes: #55, #62, #67, #53, #54.


app-datepicker@3.0 is working in progress to address some of the issues of 2.x such as support for web accessibility, support for Polymer 2.0, etc. Meaning mainly bug fixes will likely to occur as of now and new features will go into app-datepicker@3.0! 🎉

While waiting for Polymer 2.0 to go stable, feedbacks are welcome to help make app-datepicker more useful and awesome and feature rich.

disableDates and Intl polyfill removed

15 Sep 14:52
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  • disableDates - proposed by #45 to support disabling dates defined by the user and see Live demo for more details.
  • Intl polyfill was previously being importHref for browsers that do not support native Intl. Now, users are recommended to load polyfills at the top-level document (usually index.html) using feature detection.

New property autoUpdateDate added

23 Jun 10:27
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  • New feature added: autoUpdateDate proposed by #20 to enable auto date update when datepicker is a standalone element on the document (not inside an overlay/ dialog and has no button for date confirmation).
  • Merged multiple animations into one single file - to reduce network request when loading this element.
  • Updated all dependencies to the latest.
  • Fixed #23 for missing dependencies iron-iconset-svg.
  • Fixed #24 to increase readability for hovered year in the list view.
  • Updated demo to include the newly added property autoUpdateDate.


09 Jun 14:22
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  • Added styling when mouse hover at dates on the calendar on all available themes.
  • Fixed #12 to enable fast month switching.
  • Use new Date() to get total number of days in a month.
  // To get the total number of days in February.
  let _givenFullYear = 2016;
  let _givenMonth = 1;
  let _totalNumberOfDays = new Date(_givenFullYear, _givenMonth + 1, 0).getDate();
  console.log(_totalNumberOfDays); // 29

Release with locale support

15 May 14:15
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28 Mar 13:21
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  • Added two new properties to allow more controls of the element:
    • theme - To make changing themes simple by setting new value via property.
    • view - The datepicker can be structured and displayed at the user's will regardless of the orientation of the device used.


v2.3.0 release with a list of features and improvements

13 Mar 13:23
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  • A list of new features being added in the release:
    • inputDate - To allow date change from the external, #7.
    • invalidDate - Comes with inputDate to indicate valid input date.
    • noAnimation - To disable/ enable animations and transitions within the datepicker.
    • pageEntryAnimation - To customize entry animation when page switching between months.
    • pageExitAnimation - To customize exit animation when page switching between months.
  • enforceDateChange - By default, a datepicker will not trigger date change when a date is being tapped on. Buttons are required to confirm before propagate the changes. This method is now open to update selected date without respecting the confirmation.
  • Dynamically generate non-critical elements further reduces the element nodes generated behind the screen.
  • Added support for IE11 and Edge by fixing the layout issue (at long last!!!)
  • CSS tweaks.
  • Improved how codes run inside a datepicker.
  • Sneak peek: To provide minified version of all files inside a new directory dist for production in the upcoming release..

Quick Update: No longer depend on Lodash!

29 Feb 20:24
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  • 89777d3: Removed all Lodash methods as of v2.1.12 after weeks of deep consideration about the issue.
  • PART 3 OTW: Expect to bring a few more improvements and/ or features to this element!