Read or watch:
- Network basics
- Server
- Web server
- Load balancer
- Monitoring
- What is a database
- What’s the difference between a web server and an app server?
- DNS record types
- Single point of failure
- How to avoid downtime when deploying new code
- High availability cluster (active-active/active-passive)
- What is HTTPS
- What is a firewall
What you should learn from this project:
- You must be able to draw a diagram covering the web stack you built with the sysadmin/devops track projects
- You must be able to explain what each component is doing
- You must be able to explain system redundancy
- Know all the mentioned acronyms: LAMP, SPOF, QPS
- A lot of websites are powered by simple web infrastructure, a lot of time it is composed of a single server with a LAMP stack.
- On a whiteboard, design a three server web infrastructure that hosts the website
- On a whiteboard, design a three server web infrastructure that hosts the website, it must be secured, serve encrypted traffic, and be monitored.
- Readme
- Mohamed A. Abeid - muhabeid