Thank you for your interest in contributing to ZTodo! This document outlines the process for contributing to the project.
- Fork the repository on GitHub
- Clone your fork locally
- Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix
- Make your changes
- Test your changes thoroughly
- Commit your changes with clear, descriptive commit messages
- Push your branch to your fork on GitHub
- Open a Pull Request against the main repository
- Follow consistent indentation (2 spaces)
- Use meaningful variable and function names
- Add comments for complex logic
- Test your changes manually before submitting a PR
- Ensure your changes don't break existing functionality
- Use clear, descriptive commit messages
- Start with a verb in the present tense (e.g., "Add feature" not "Added feature")
- Reference issue numbers if applicable
- Update the with details of changes if applicable
- Update the documentation if you're changing functionality
- Your PR should be reviewed by at least one maintainer
- Once approved, a maintainer will merge your PR
Please use GitHub Issues to report bugs or request features.
- For bugs, describe the issue clearly and provide steps to reproduce
- For feature requests, describe the feature and why it would be valuable
By contributing to ZTodo, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's Apache License 2.0.