3 | 3 |
4 | 4 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("Major Code Smell", "S125:Sections of code should not be commented out")]
5 | 5 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("Minor Code Smell", "S3604:Member initializer values should not be redundant")]
| 6 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Critical Bug", "S6674:Log message template should be syntactically correct")] |
6 | 7 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("Roslynator", "RCS1001:Add braces (when expression spans over multiple lines).")]
7 | 8 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("Roslynator", "RCS1139:Add summary element to documentation comment.")]
8 | 9 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("Roslynator", "RCS1156:Use string.Length instead of comparison with empty string.")]
9 | 10 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("Style", "VSTHRD200:Use \"Async\" suffix for async methods")]
10 |
| -[assembly: SuppressMessage("Critical Bug", "S6674:Log message template should be syntactically correct")] |
| 11 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Style", "CC0061:Asynchronous method can be terminated with the 'Async' keyword.")] |
| 12 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Naming", "AV1755:Name of async method should end with Async or TaskAsync")] |
| 13 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Naming", "AV1706:Identifier contains an abbreviation or is too short")] |
| 14 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1580:Method argument calls a nested method")] |
| 15 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1500:Member or local function contains too many statements")] |
| 16 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Miscellaneous Design", "AV1210:Catch a specific exception instead of Exception, SystemException or ApplicationException")] |
| 17 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Design", "CC0031:Check for null before calling a delegate")] |
| 18 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1561:Signature contains too many parameters")] |
| 19 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Design", "MA0051:Method is too long")] |
| 20 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Usage", "MA0004:Use Task.ConfigureAwait")] |
| 21 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Design", "CC0120:Your Switch maybe include default clause")] |
| 22 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Correctness", "SS019:Switch should have default label.")] |
| 23 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1555:Avoid using non-(nullable-)boolean named arguments")] |
| 24 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1535:Missing block in case or default clause of switch statement")] |
| 25 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "CC0097:You have missing/unexistent parameters in Xml Docs")] |
| 26 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Design", "MA0048:File name must match type name")] |
| 27 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1507:File contains multiple types")] |
| 28 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Style", "MA0007:Add a comma after the last value")] |
| 29 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Style", "MA0003:Add parameter name to improve readability")] |
| 30 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Design", "CC0021:Use nameof")] |
| 31 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Naming", "AV1704:Identifier contains one or more digits in its name")] |
| 32 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Usage", "MA0006:Use String.Equals instead of equality operator")] |
| 33 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1537:If-else-if construct should end with an unconditional else clause")] |
| 34 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1554:Method contains optional parameter in type hierarchy")] |
| 35 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("Maintainability", "AV1564:Parameter in public or internal member is of type bool or bool?")] |
11 | 36 |
| 37 | +[assembly: SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.ReadabilityRules", "SA1101:Prefix local calls with this")] |
12 | 38 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.DocumentationRules", "SA1600:Elements should be documented")]
13 | 39 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.DocumentationRules", "SA1601:Partial elements should be documented")]
14 | 40 | [assembly: SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.DocumentationRules", "SA1602:Enumeration items should be documented")]
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