builtin: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. -
builtin: Matrix determinant. -
builtin: Greatest common divisor. -
builtin: Find indices and values of nonzero elements. -
builtin: Checks if an matrix is hermitian or skew-hermitian. -
builtin: concatenate strings horizontally. -
builtin: combine strings horizontally. -
function: correlation coefficients. -
function: covariance. -
builtin: variance. -
function: magic square. -
builtin: matrix support added. -
is faster: plan was not correctly cached. -
operators are faster. -
is faster. -
compatibility with string type. -
to manage missing type. -
to manage boolean type.
are faster. -
is faster. -
are faster. -
N = i; N(1)
returned wrong value. -
#351: binary operators and empty matrix (behavior described in book of Carl de Boor in An Empty Exercise)
- Qt 5.15.2 on Windows (AppVeyor CI).
Nelson Engine API for C (compatible with MEX Engine 100%).
- engSetVisible,
- engGetVisible,
- engEvalString,
- engOutputBuffer.
builtin: get sha256 checksum of a file or a string. -
extended withminimize
argument. -
builtin: build full file name from parts.
#342: disable slicot on Macos CI.
#341: extend
ipc(pid, 'post', cmd, scope)
to manage scope destination. -
#314: Nelson crashs randomly at exit with Qt 5.15.0
- Qt 5.15.1 on Windows (AppVeyor CI).
[IN PROGRESS] Nelson Engine API for C (compatible with MEX Engine).
- engOpen,
- engOpenSingleUse,
- engClose,
- engEvalString,
- engPutVariable,
- engGetVariable.
function to generate also executable. -
function to generate also executable. -
command line argument added. minimize main GUI Window at startup.
did not restore correctly variables after call. -
had some compatibility troubles. -
#332: removes connect(2) call to /dev/shm/jack-0/default/jack_0 failed (err=No such file or directory).
#331: move ipc features to detected module
SEMAPHORE CI platform updated to Ubuntu 14.04 - GCC GNU 4.8.4 (supported until it is no more possible)
cmake binaries_directory supported (LGTM support).
fix some warnings detected with LGTM.
Eigen 3.3.8 stable on all platforms (mirror url also updated).
ipc builtin: Inter-process communication between Nelson's process
getpid('running') renamed getpid('available').
--noipc command line argument added. disable IPC features.
dark theme detected and used on Macos X.
test_run reworked (faster to start).
test_run extended with '-stoponfail' option.
jsonencode faster for string encoding.
rework timeout thread.
- #330: removes ALSA errors and warnings on linux.
#322: fix build with gcc 4.8 (ubuntu 14.04).
Nelson 0.4.9 will be last to support gcc 4.8
libsndfile 1.0.30 on Windows.
multiplatforms files association based on Inter-process communication. open, load, execute files in latest created Nelson's process.
event loop and command queue updated.
fix play, playblocking, resume builtin.
getpid() returns current process identificator.
getpid('running') returns all nelson processes identificators currently running for current user.
hostname() returns current host name of your computer.
username() returns current user name used on your computer.
isvector checks if input is an vector.
libffi 3.3 was not detected on Macos X.
libicu4c 67.1 was not detected on Macos X.
Qt 5.15 official package was not detected on Macos X.
libsndfile 1.0.29 on Windows.
libcurl 7.72.0 on Windows.
libbost 1.74.0 on Windows.
CMake 3.18.1 used on Windows.
GitHub CI MacOS x Catalina.
#311: betainc builtin: Incomplete beta function.
add icon to figure
some doxygen comments about mex functions.
#299: extends "complex" to manage sparse matrix.
- #300: nmm returns wrong error.
- Qt 5.14.2 on Windows
extends mex function to manage interleaved complex option and c flags.
all C MEX API implemented, full API documentation and examples in progress.
mxMakeArrayReal, mxMakeArrayComplex functions.
mxGetImagData, mxSetImagData functions.
mxGetLogicals, mxIsLogicalScalar, mxIsLogicalScalarTrue functions.
mxGetInt8s, mxSetInt8s, mxGetComplexInt8s, mxSetComplexInt8s, mxGetUint8s, mxSetUint8s, mxGetComplexUint8s mxSetComplexUint8s, mxGetInt16s, mxSetInt16s, mxGetComplexInt16s, mxSetComplexInt16s, mxGetUint16s, mxGetComplexUint16s mxSetComplexUint16s, mxGetInt32s, mxSetInt32s, mxGetComplexInt32s, mxSetComplexInt32s, mxGetUint32s, mxSetUint32s mxGetComplexUint32s, mxSetComplexUint32s, mxSetUint16s, mxGetInt64s, mxSetInt64s, mxGetComplexInt64s, mxSetComplexInt64s mxGetUint64s, mxSetUint64s, mxGetComplexUint64s, mxSetComplexUint64s functions.
mxIsObject, mxIsFunctionHandle, mxIsOpaque functions.
mxIsInt8, mxIsInt16, mxIsInt32, mxIsInt64, mxIsUint8, mxIsUint16, mxIsUint32, mxIsUint64 functions.
mxCreateStringFromNChars, mxGetNChars
mxRemoveField, mxAddField, mxSetField, mxSetFieldByNumber, mxGetFieldNumber, mxGetFieldNameByNumber functions.
mexGetVariable, mexGetVariablePtr, mexPutVariable functions.
mexMakeArrayPersistent, mexMakeMemoryPersistent functions.
boost 1.73.0 on Windows.
ninja-build used with github actions CI.
graphics object type added.
figure builtin: creates figure.
gcf builtin: get current figure.
groot builtin: returns graphic root object.
get, set, isvalid, class, fieldnames, delete, disp builtin overloaded to manage graphics objects.
test_run: tests are sorted on all platforms.
C MEX supports build with MinGW compiler.
mxArray and ArrayOf conversion optimized.
C MEX interleaved complex support.
C MEX Sparse type fully supported.
mxGetClassName, mxSetClassName fully supported.
mxGetProperty, mxSetProperty fully supported (handle, graphics object, ...).
- #295: sort did not return an wrong error message for struct.
libcurl 7.70.0 on Windows.
cmake 3.17.2 on Windows.
CA certificate (Wed Jan 1 04:12:10 2020 GMT)
lookandfeel builtin: default current application look and feel.
clear builtin extended to clear mex functions.
mex function used to build MEX files.
[IN PROGRESS] MEX C API allows to access Nelson, GNU Octave and commercial software functions.
documentation and tests will be extended in next version.
Feedback and external tests are welcome.
MacOs X Catalina fully working.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS supported.
mean builtin: Mean elements of an array with nanflag and 'all' support.
sum and prod optimized.
save and load with .mat, .nh5 files support unicode filename on all platforms.
simplify builtin default prototype (breaking change). Evaluator is no more required for builtin.
NelsonPrint internal function added.
#287: Parser error message are not localized.
#286: [end] = sin(1) did not return an syntax error.
#284: Nth dimensions assignation of an empty array with 2d matrix did not work.
MATIO 1.5.17 with unicode support
HDF5 1.12.0 support
BISON 3.5.0
min, max builtin: Minimum/Maximum elements of an array with nanflag and 'all' support.
flipud: Flip array up to down.
fliplr: Flip array left to right.
flip: Flip order of elements.
flipdim: Flip array along specified dimension.
log2 builtin: Base 2 logarithm and floating-point number dissection.
colon operator optimized.
faster algorithm to convert variable to different data type.
replaces hashmap used for functions and variables.
some few speed optimization about evaluator.
rework and speed optimization for times, divide, addition, subtraction operators.
sum builtin: sum of array elements.
linspace builtin: linearly spaced vector constructor.
logspace builtin: logarithmically spaced vectors constructor.
log10 builtin: Common logarithm (base 10).
log1p builtin: log(1+x) accurately for small values of x.
replaces dot animation by percent display about help indexing.
html style about table simplified.
uses ASIO C++ library in place of BOOST ASIO.
Add Qt 5.14.0 support.
OPEN MP support added.