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Apoyo - Config

npm version

Warning: This package is still unstable! The API may still change!


Install peer dependencies: npm install @apoyo/std

Install package: npm install @apoyo/config


The config package series contains utils to facilitate loading your application parameters from different providers (env, aws ssm, gcp secret manager, etc...).

A more complete documentation will be made available once the API has stabilized itself.


import { getParametersFromEnvironment, Parameters } from '@apoyo/config'
import { getParametersFromSSM } from '@apoyo/config-aws'

async function getParameters(): Parameters {
  const envParams = await getParametersFromEnvironment({
    nodeEnv: process.env.NODE_ENV,
    path: process.cwd()

  const ssmEnabled = envParams['AWS_SSM_ENABLED'] === 'true' ? true : false

  const ssmParams = ssmEnabled
    ? await getParametersFromSSM({
        prefix: envParams['AWS_SSM_PREFIX'],
        key: envParams['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
        secret: envParams['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'],
        region: envParams['AWS_REGION']
    : {}

  // Merge parameters from env and ssm
  const appParams: Parameters = {

  return appParams

Once these parameters are loaded, you can use them instead of a hard-coded process.env to configure your services:

import { Parameters } from '@apoyo/config'
import assert from 'assert'

async function configureHttp(parameters: Parameters) {
  // Note: You still need to validate the parameters using the validation library of your choice.

  assert(parameters.PORT, 'The parameter PORT should be defined')

  const port = parseInt(parameters.PORT)

  assert(!isNaN(port) && port > 0, 'The parameter PORT should be a positive integer')

  return {


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.