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120 lines (98 loc) · 5.21 KB


File metadata and controls

120 lines (98 loc) · 5.21 KB

Weed3 JAVA for mongodb 接口字典


MgContext db = new MgContext(properties, "demo");
MgContext db = new MgContext("", 27017, "demo");

   .set("id", i)
   .set("type", 1)
   .set("name", "noear")
   .set("nickname", "xidao")

List<UserModel> list = db.table("user")

db.table("table") -> new:MgTableQuery

// 构建相关

-build(builder:(tq)->{}) -> self //通过表达式构建自己

-whereTrue()-> self //起一个头,其实什么都没做

-whereMap(map:Map<String,Object>) -> self  //通过map代码设置查询条件

-whereEq(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 where = 语句      
-whereNeq(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 where != 语句    
-whereLt(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 where < 语句
-whereLte(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 where <= 语句
-whereGt(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 where > 语句
-whereGte(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 where >= 语句
-whereLk(field:String,regex:String) -> self //添加 where like 语句(正由表达式)
-whereNlk(field:String,regex:String) -> self //添加 where not like 语句(正由表达式)
-whereBtw(field:String, start:Object, end:Object) -> self //添加 where >=start && <=end 语句
-whereNbtw(field:String, start:Object, end:Object) -> self //添加 where NOT >=start && <=end 语句
-whereIn(field:String, ary:Iterable)-> self //添加 where IN (...) 语句
-whereNin(field:String, ary:Iterable)-> self //添加 where not IN (...) 语句
-whereMod(field:String, base:long, val:long) -> self //添加 where mod(field) = val 语句
-whereNmod(field:String, base:long, val:long) -> self //添加 where not mod(field) = val 语句
-whereAll(field:String, ary:Iterable)-> self //添加 where ALL (...) 语句
-whereSize(field:String, size:long) -> self //添加 where $size(field) = size 语句
-whereExists(field:String, exists:bool) -> self //添加 where $exists() = exists 语句

-andEq(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 and = 语句      
-andNeq(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 and != 语句    
-andLt(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 and < 语句
-andLte(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 and <= 语句
-andGt(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 and > 语句
-andGte(field:String,val:Object) -> self //添加 and >= 语句
-andLk(field:String,regex:String) -> self //添加 and like 语句(正由表达式)
-andNlk(field:String,regex:String) -> self //添加 and not like 语句(正由表达式)
-andBtw(field:String, start:Object, end:Object) -> self //添加 and >=start && <=end 语句
-andNbtw(field:String, start:Object, end:Object) -> self //添加 and NOT >=start && <=end 语句
-andIn(field:String, ary:Iterable)-> self //添加 and IN (...) 语句
-andNin(field:String, ary:Iterable)-> self //添加 and not IN (...) 语句
-andMod(field:String, base:long, val:long) -> self //添加 and mod(field) = val 语句
-andNmod(field:String, base:long, val:long) -> self //添加 and not mod(field) = val 语句
-andAll(field:String, ary:Iterable)-> self //添加 and ALL (...) 语句
-andSize(field:String, size:long) -> self //添加 where $size(field) = size 语句
-andExists(field:String, exists:bool) -> self //添加 where $exists() = exists 语句

-set(name:String,value:Object) -> self  //设置变量
-setInc(name:String,value:long) -> self //设置自增变量
-setMap(data:Map<String,Object>) -> self    //设置变量(将map输入) 
-setMapIf(data:Map<String,Object>,(k,v)->bool) -> self
-setEntity(data:Object) -> self     //设置变量(将实体输入) 
-setEntityIf(data:Object,(k,v)->bool) -> self

-orderByAsc(field:String) -> self //添加 order by .. ASC语句
-orderByDesc(field:String) -> self //添加 order by .. DESC语句
-andByAsc(field:String) -> self //添加 order by .. ASC语句
-andByDesc(field:String) -> self //添加 order by .. DESC语句

-limit(size:int) -> self //添加 分页语句
-limit(start:int, size:int) -> self //添加 分页语句

// 执行相关
-insert() -> void //执行插入,使用set接口的数据
-insert(data:Map<String,Object>) -> long //执行插入,并使用data数据
-insertList(dataList:List<Map<String, Object>>) -> void //执行批量插入

-update() -> long //执行更新并返回影响行数,使用set接口的数据;并且需要条件语句

-replace() - > long //执行替换并返回影响行数,使用set接口的数据;并且需要条件语句

-delete() -> long //执行删除,并返回影响行数;并且需要条件语句

-selectExists() -> boolean //执行查询,并返回存在情况
-selectCount() -> long //执行查询,并返回数量
-selectItem(Class<T> clz)-> T
-selectList(Class<T> clz)-> List<T>
-selectMap()-> Document
-selectMapList()-> List<Document>
-selectArray(field:String)-> List<Object>
-selectCursor()-> FindIterable<Document>

// 缓存控制相关
-caching(service:ICacheService) //使用一个缓存服务
-usingCache(isCache:boolean) //是否使用缓存
-usingCache(seconds:int) //使用缓存时间(单位:秒)
-cacheTag(tag:String) //为缓存添加标签